Awesome Trapcode Style Dissolve Effect - Davinci Resolve 15 Fusion Tutorial (macro download)

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hello friends my name is Theo and today in this exciting nice new media tutorial let me take a look at how to create a simple trap code style particle dissolve effect inside a fusion inside DaVinci Resolve this is an effect that you are gonna use some time in your career so you might as well learn how to do it and we're gonna wrap it up into a macro that I'll put on the internet for you to download so inside resolve we're gonna first just drop down a little solid color just our standard fusion thing and then make this a new compound clip and we'll call this particle Tut and we'll hop into fusion and the first thing that we will do is just go ahead and delete our media in notice we don't need that and now we'll start with dropping down a text layer so control space text text plus and this will just be the object we're gonna dissolve so I'll call this tutorial and we'll drop on good old Gotham and we'll view this and look at this it's looking pretty good maybe we'll increase the tracking some nice and then next we need to do is transition this off via dissolve or some sort of alpha wipe so we'll create that next and we'll drop down a background and in that background we will link up a little rectangle mask and we can view this and we'll make this background white and we'll make this rectangle mask something like 1.5 by 1.5 and we'll animate this to the left we'll make this minus 1 set a keyframe move forward 30 ish frames at this point 5 and now you can see I've got this nice little wipe transition happening now to increase the interest here we'll soften the edge some and we'll drop down another background and hit ctrl T to switch these inputs and now you can see we get this nice black to white thing happening here and now in order to get our wipe to wipe our text off we will drop down a quick little Matt control and we'll pipe our text into the background and then we can't just go straight from our merge to our garbage Smith so we'll pop down a bitmap and we'll drop our merge into our bitmap and if we view this you see we just get all white right now which is all right so we will change this channel from alpha to luminance and now we're getting what we want cool so we'll drop this into our garbage matte input and if we view this you can see you get our text wiping on nice now that looks kind of yeah that's fine for now but what if we made this a little bit cooler we can do that by dropping down some fast nose so you're the fast nose and we'll just merge this together with this nice so view this node and we will up the detail on our fast noise a bit because that looks nice increase the contrast and make the scale more about there and will increase the see the rate and the sieve just a little bit so that we get some movement and then in this merge node will change this apply mode from normal to overlay and now you can see we're starting to get some noise happening in there so we'll go ahead and up this contrast even more and we'll maybe even feather this out some more so a soft edge and increase the detail and now you can see we get this nice noisy edge on our mask but to make things a little bit more interesting I think there we go that's looking pretty good so now as we zoom in we get a little more interest and what's going on here and especially as you dissolve bigger things then that will show itself even more so now I start to get on to the more exciting bits of stuff which is the particle system so we'll drop down a P emitter and a P turbulence and a P render and it will pipe the P render into our media out on this P Mitter we want to emit these particles from our text but only from the part that has already been taken away right so how are we going to do that well first we need to be able to get an image into our pea emitter so go over to our region's tab and change this region from sphere to bitmap and then we get a little input here but if we pipe this together right now and we view our pea render you'll see we get something but you can see as the whole text is revealed and all bump this count up to something more like 500 see we shouldn't have particles yet and then at the end is whenever it stops emitting particles and we kind of want that so we're going to need to do is make our reveal mask a little line instead of this full black to white so it should go black to white to black and we can do that in an interesting way by using the time speed node so we will keep this matte control for our text that we'll use in the end and then we'll create another matte control node and I'll move things around a bit so so we'll add a time speed node and we'll take the output of this merge in there and then we will create a channel boolean and it will offset this by you know maybe five or so and now in the channel boolean's we will merge our not our original output and our offset output and if we view this you see not much changes yet but if we change the operation from copy to subtract now you see we get this white part in the middle and nothing else so now that's looking like more of what we want we'll add another bitmap and pipe this in here view this change this from alpha to luminance type this into our garbage matte input and then take our text and put that in the background and now you see we are just taking away the middle part so we'll need to invert this bitmap and I see we're just revealing this middle part so this is where the particles are going to emit so we aren't still emitting after the text is disappeared so the text is all the way revealed and then there's just some particles creeping on and then no particles are emitted anymore after that and then the whole effect is done so now we can take this Matt control node and pipe that into our P mitr hopefully we'll see just what we were wanting to happen so that's looking pretty good we'll go ahead and pipe this Matt control merge it together hit ctrl T so that our text is in the background just cuz I think that'll be a little nicer and if we view it and we go back a little bit you can see now we get this nice effect of our text transitioning into particles so now we'll just up our turbulent sum so I'm hoping this D strength up to one strength over life will start it off really strong then have it go down a little bit and then have it get really strong at the end again let's change this Bezier handle around I think that'll be nice I don't maybe up our density a little bit and increase our particle count some so maybe from 500 to like a thousand and if we play through again nice that's starting to look pretty good and maybe we'll add a little bit of P directional force at the 180 direction to blow us left you can see the direction of the force right here in this little icon pop that in there I'll make the strength something more like point zero to five now I'll just sort of have a little bit of a wind effect going on which is pretty nice so there you have it that is a nice and simple effect that looks really good you'll use it all the time which is why I created a macro for it so if you go to mr. mediacom slash you can download this macro as a couple other little things in there so particle dissolve a1 so you just have our input and our output I've got number of particles number of variants lifespan lifespan variants you can have this use the color from the region that it's emitting from and the translation completion which goes from 0 to 1 so I'm putting up therefore I pay what you want so you can play around with it for free if you use it in a project you can buy me a burrito but it should be pretty good so I'll show you how this works real quick so you can you know use text or we can use a logo I'll resize this so it's the right size for the comp so I know it's a little bit oversized and then I'll pipe this in and if we view this I don't get much happening yet besides just a very beautiful logo comes up and also scale this down some before the resize so transform drop that in there bring the size down and that I can keyframe our transition completion 0 go to maybe 22 like this one the keyframe didn't take before so now 0 and if we play it through well number of particles got turned down so make this a thousand or so and now you can see just like that you get this really simple easy to put in particle effect if you want a more complicated one you can go through and make your own one also but for people just want to play around or just need this in a pinch in a project I put the macro up and you can pay for it or not which is part of the beauty so now I mean you know quick commercial economy some you do complex products check stuff out alright deal from the future here we just changed a couple little things after I got done recording so just up the strength of the turbulence a little bit and the directional force a little bit sort of rearrange things and then I saved this one into a macro also so we have the first one and they're they're pretty similar effects so we've got a particle dissolve a1 it's a little bit simpler and then particle dissolve o2 which is oh I made in this tutorial the exact thing so if we take a look at thatmy go over the clips I've already prepared a little clip here you can see we've got this and it's got a few more options so we can control the wind strength and direction and the transition angle and then control the turbulence to the number of particles the number variants the particle lifespan the lifespan variants and we've got the same transition completion control so now we can have it you know transition up to down down to up whichever one it's gonna be so I play this through and should probably like actually view one of these guys right and that would help snow you can see it is transitioning from the bottom to the top so that's a pretty nice nice little added in thing well if you want faster previews you can turn off motion blur which is a handy thing to have I think resolve might've just crashed on me but I think that's all we we have to show so a standard ending spiel if you liked the video give it a like if it included dislike no know what leave in astana comments below leaves you tour suggestions which are always appreciated especially if they're really good we've been getting some really good ones recently so that's been exciting also check out me steam eucom slash products where you can download this macro along with a bunch of other fun stuff we also added you know some smoke effects to the final render and I just did that in premiere in the tutorial so just laid it behind it because you know why not and you can get this clip I'm you see me calm slash products also it's in that mr. fuse pack there's a free seven Tony version if we use it in actual production for higher quality stuff we have 1080 and 4.6 K versions it's it very useful and it's very reasonably priced for do say so myself so anyway once again I've been the-- with mr. media we have a great day and I will see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: MiesnerMedia
Views: 43,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miesner media, tutorial, post production, blackmagic fusion, fusion tutorial, fusion 15 tutorial, blackmagic fusion tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, davinci resolve motion graphics tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, fusion motion graphics tutorial, fusion particle tutorial, fusion 15 particle, how to use particles in fusion 15, how to use particles in fusion
Id: SdLFh-6Kgzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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