Full Body Particle Dissolve Tutorial in Davinci Resolve

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hey guys how's it going and welcome back  to another video today in this tutorial   we're going to be rounding out our i guess  series on particle effects in davinci resolve   now when we started this series we started with  a simple sort of thanos snap particle dissolved   using text then we migrated over to images  and now in this tutorial we're going to show   you how to do it with video footage of yourself  that you can film anywhere basically so we're   going to cover that let's just quickly roll  the clip of the effect we're going to create   so you can sort of see how it works now  with this particular shot we're going to   keep it pretty simple nice static camera no  camera moves we can add those moves in post   all right and before we get started on the actual  tutorial on how to do it all in davinci resolve   we need to sort of cover up the filming process  because to get this to work you are going to want   to film it a particular way what you're going to  want to do is have your camera on a tripod nice   and locked off so the camera is not going to move  otherwise we're going to have to do tracking and   look we don't really want to do that you're also  going to want to have the camera in manual focus   and have it focused on yourself now if you need  someone to help you or if you just need to sort of   you know figure it out have it focus on yourself  so that the background is blurry we don't want   that background to snap in and out of focus all  right now it's really simple basically you're   going to film you're going to hit record right in  front of the camera going to do whatever acting   you want to do i did this sort of like head roll  thing whatever do whatever you want to do make   it fun and then you're going to run off camera  and you're going to let it film for a little bit   now it's important you want to have a what we  call a clean plate so just an empty frame without   you in it because we're going to utilize that in  this effect pretty easy to do in terms of filming   you do not need a green screen a green screen  would make this simpler but i assume that the   majority of you out there don't actually have a  green screen so we're going to do it without it so   that's how you do it now we're going to jump into  davinci resolve and show you how to create the   effect now luckily if you followed this sort of  series i guess a lot of the effects are the same   creating the particle systems the same and having  it dissolve in and out all that is the exact same   for this tutorial the only difference is you're  going to use it with the footage of yourself   and so you know manipulating that at the start  there is going to be a little bit different now   i'll also have chapter markers in the description  below so you can sort of jump ahead to different   sections so if you only want to learn how to cut  footage of yourself out there'll be a chapter   for that and yeah links in the description if  you want to skip ahead to different parts of   the video let's jump into different results and  show you how to create this awesome effect alright   guys so here we are in davinci resolve we've just  opened a standard project and what we're going to   do is we're going to grab our footage that we were  looking at earlier we're going to drag that down   onto the timeline now for the sake of this video  i don't actually need the audio so i'm going to   get rid of that and we've got the shot here and so  what we're going to do is i'm just going to take a   little bit from here so we don't need that at the  start and i'm going to basically move this clip   up until here so that's the dissolve part so  we don't need anything else after that what we   do want with this clip though is we're going to  command r and we're going to add a freeze frame   on the part of the footage where there's no one  there so i walk off now we want to freeze frame so   command r drop down and freeze frame it's going to  give you this little red area and what we're going   to do is we're just going to extend it quite a  bit b at the back end here and then command b here   we're just going to delete that little bit there  we don't need it all right and then what we're   going to do is drag our video footage onto the  second layer of us doing whatever we're doing and   then the what we call the clean plate underneath  and then you can retime it there so now we've got   two bits of footage all we want to do now with  the play head over and with them both selected   we're going to right click and go new fusion clip  we're going to bring them together and then we're   going to go to fusion perfect and now we have our  sort of node tree here let's get rid of that so   what we want to do is let's rename the footage  so ideally if you did it the exact way i said   the for the background will be our clean plate  and the foreground will be the acting video that   we did so we can rename these and we can just say  acting or whatever you want to call it and then   rename the clean plate clean plate because that's  what we want to call it clean plate awesome now   what we want to do is we can get rid of this merge  all right so with our acting plate in here what   we're going to do is we're going to mask out our  ourselves basically so that we are independent to   the background now i was playing around with this  in a real vfx workflow you would want to rotoscope   this so frame by frame animate a mask right around  the outline and make it as perfect as you can   however with the effect we're going to create we  don't really need to do that so what we're going   to do is we're going to move to the very first  frame of this we're going to click the polygon   tool with our node selected and now we can't  see anything what i want you to do is just so   let's just click a random shape roughly  around where the character would be   alright until we get what we want and then  we're going to start adding points to this   all right now like i said it doesn't have to be  exact so what we're going to do is we're going to   leave a little border not a big border but just a  little border around ourselves now it's important   that the border is as minimal as we can make  it simply because we're going to be using this   to generate the particles now because we're  going to have the clean plate in the background   it's not going to make too much difference if  there are some particles that are a different   color because we'll have that clean plate so  anyway let's just quickly create this shape   now the reason we do this at the start of the  animation so by moving down to frame 0 is when you   create a polygon it automatically keyframes the  position of all the points and so it's just easier   to do this right at the start all right so there's  no confusion now you do want to bring it in   pretty close and that should be fine now what  we're going to do now is quickly animate this   mask so that it takes the shape and we get get  this nice little border the entire animation so   we're going to move right to the very end and  we don't really need to do anything which is   good we're going to move to the middle of the  animation and basically we're just going to   click through and make sure that we don't need  to animate that mask at all we might need to nope looks pretty good the whole way through  however if you did need to you could just move   forward and move it and the mask will you  can see here move into place as you animate   cool so now that we have that we're going  to use this to control our particle system   so let's create our particle system like  before so we're going to drag in our emitter   and our renderer and we're just going to link  them together now with the p renderer selected   we'll go to our inspector we want to change the  output mode to 2d so it's a 2d particle scene   and if we have this open we can place our  acting one here and let's put the particle   render over here and you can see we've got  this nice selection of particles now with   the p emitter selected we want to go to region we  want to change the region from sphere to bitmap   which gives us this a little input and  allows us to connect our acting thing into   the pminute input now you can't really see  anything at the moment because there's only   i think 10 particles by default but if we were to  increase this to like a thousand particles now you   can kind of see the shape of our person ourselves  and we can also go you change the color from style   color to color from region and then you get like  a a much better interpretation in fact if we were   to go to say 4000 give it a second you can see  now we have our thing and the particles kind of   generate and all that sort of stuff so yeah like  it it works for what it needs to be for now is   now we can also if we want to let's um let's just  go to the emitter and we're going to just change   that to 500 while we're working because we don't  want to be too intense we're going to add our   forces so with the perimeter selected we're going  to shift space and type in p directional force and   all we're going to do is change the direction from  minus 90 to 45 degrees it's going to make all the   particles shoot up in this direction can't quite  see it at the moment and again with that selected   shift space we're going to type in pt i'm going  to type in p turbulence and the effects i find   best is we're going to change all of them to  0.2 and then we're going to change the density   to 35. those are the best settings that i've  found to get that nice sort of wispy particle   goodness so now we've got all that done we're just  going to open this we now need to create a mask   that is going to control where the particles  are coming from because we don't want all the   particles coming out at once so to do that we're  just going to open another viewer and we're going   to just create a normal polygon okay and this  polygon we're just going to create um let's   just do it from top down and we're just going  to do around here like so and it doesn't have   to be perfect just a shape like that okay and we  can see it over here so nothing spectacular what   we're going to do then is we're going to control  c or command c that polygon and command shift   v we're going to what's called pasting an instance  of that so basically duplicating it and what this   basically means is the instance shares the exact  same parameters so if i adjust the parameters on   one you can see it adjusts it there so what we  want to do is we want to d instance so with this   instance polygon selected right click on border  width i'm going to go d instance so that allows us   to adjust the border width of one of them without  it affecting the other it's complicated let's move   a merge node down okay i'm gonna merge these  two together so we're gonna drag one of them to   the background and one of them to the foreground  play the merge there now we do need to change some   settings in the merge node we're going to change  the operator from over to xor if we uncheck solid   now we can grow our border and we're just going to  make it a bit softer as well something like that   not too soft just a little soft looking good okay  what we want to do now is we're going to convert   this into a bit map image so we're going to with  nothing selected shift space and type bitmap hit   enter and we're going to drag that merge into  the input so the yellow triangle perfect and   now all we need to do is we're going to  create a map controller shift space m80   mac controller perfect so we're going to drag and  drop that in between our acting media node and the   p emitter by just with the node selected holding  shift until the lines go colored and drop it   perfect and we're going to drag the bitmap  into the garbage map which is this bottom   right triangle here can't really see  anything what we're going to do is   with the mat control selected we're going to  go to garbage map i'm going to invert that   and give it a sec to load now you can see we're  getting some particles perfect we can probably   increase this now to like maybe a 1500 perfect  perfect perfect all right what we can do now   is with the polygons is we can actually at the  start so what we're going to do is we're going to   have this and we're going to move it up so it's  out of the way and then we're going to go to the   very end of the frame and we're going to have this  fully engulf the actor okay so like so let our p   render do its thing for a little bit it's always  got to load every time you adjust a parameter   and now you can sort of see some leftover  particles if we go halfway through this   animation there we go we've got some particles  now there are some white ones there that's okay   we won't notice it too much it'll look pretty good  so we're going to go to the pear emitter again   and what we're going to do is go to style and  instead of the apply mode to add we're just going   to go merge okay so the add basically every time  a particle of color goes over one another it kind   of adds the color together and makes this weird  glowing effect merge just allows the particles to   you know react together which is good all right  so let's start to finish this off so we're going   to drag p render to our media out we're going to  drag our clean plate into the background there   by putting it in the background now we have the  particles sort of coming off and now you can   see how because the particles around the edge of  myself were the same color as the background you   don't really notice them as much so that works out  well and then what we're going to do is just grab   the original footage that we created our little  bit over here we're going to command c copy that   and paste it over here okay we're going to  merge it on top so let's just chuck the merge   looking good so far and then all we want to  do is copy the polygon over here paste it   we're going to drag it to the mask of the  merge and we're just going to change it to   a solid mask and we're going to invert it and so  now if we play this back see the particles come   through and dissolve us from there so obviously  we kind of got the timing wrong a bit there but   yeah looks pretty pretty good all right guys there  you have it that is how you make yourself dissolve   fly away as if thanos himself had snapped  you out of existence in davinci resolve   17 pretty easy there will be a playlist on my  channel where i have all the particle effects   tutorials i guess bundled together if  you want to watch them all at once um   if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit  that thumbs up button and subscribe to the   channel for more content like this and yeah  i guess i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 9,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: particle dissolve effect in davinci resolve, fusion particle effects, full body particle dissolve in davinci resolve, how to turn yourself into particles in davinci resolve, thanos dissolve effect in davinci resolve, how to make yourself disappear in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 particle dissolve, logo particle dissolve effect, fusion particle system, particles in fusion, particle system, dissolve effect, particle dissolve effect, davinci resolve tutorial
Id: KfOz-5b3Nuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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