Davinci Resolve 17.4 is OUT NOW! Edit Page update overview and more!

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davinci resolve 17.4 is upon us it was released today and it's available to download and install right now i've linked to the davinci resolve website down in the description or if you've got davinci resolve installed already open it up click on davinci resolve top left hand corner check for updates and it will prompt you that there is an update to be installed and you can download it and install it from there now blackmagic actually released a video showing you what's new i've linked that down in the description as well but in this video i'm going to delve into some of the features just in a little bit more detail some of the things that i think are really cool and really nice to haves which have been included finally in davinci resolve 17.4 now let's get the headline stuff out the way first of all all the promotional material you've probably seen is talking about this five times faster blackmagic have clearly put lots of effort into making sure that davinci resolve is gonna run really really well on the m1 pro and m1 max chips within the new apple macbook pros which is really cool and they are looking very very impressive indeed they're talking about being able to edit multiple layers of 8k as well as having 120 hertz playback loads of really cool stuff so really looking forward to seeing what they do with those i haven't pre-ordered one but if you'd like to see me put one to the test let me know down in the comment section below now it's not just love for apple either there is some love for windows users if you're using the free version of davinci resolve this latest version now has hardware encoding built in which means you can render your videos using the h.265 format this means you'll be able to render your videos faster and they will have smaller file sizes which is really really awesome i've actually done a separate video on that which you can see by clicking the link up here somewhere right the big headlines out the way let's jump into davinci resolve and take a look at some of these cool features now i'm going to be spending most of my time on the edit page because that's generally where i live anyway so let's open it up and take a look and the first one we're going to have a look at are the effects library folders so this is davinci resolve 17.4 i'm going to open up effects which is now being renamed by the way it used to be effects library now it just says effects and down here you can see i've got my video transitions but there's an extra little drop down on the left i give that a click and within my video transitions i can actually have folders so i've got mr alex tech and then i've got motion vfx under there if i click on the mr alex tech and expand that i've got folders within there so i've got my slice transitions and my ultimate transitions if i just click on mr alex tech all of the transitions will be there but they'll be categorized by the folders and if i want to see all of my transitions i can jump back up to video transitions and i've got the full list within there and then the same under here i've got motion vfx and then within there there's another folder called channel clean and the transitions are in there now quick caveat these folders aren't necessarily designed for everyone to use themselves it's not designed for you to really quickly be able to organize things on the fly on the edit page it's more for the people that create the macros themselves they can put them into folders or if you buy a transition pack for example it should come in a nice folder so they're all categorized accordingly you can sort of do it yourself but it depends how the packs were delivered i'll do a separate video talking about the process at a later date but still talking about transitions there's a few other additions so let's hop back in and take a look now the first one might not seem that interesting but if we go to video transitions scroll down in the iris area we now have a square iris transition which we can just drag and pop onto our timeline like so and now we've got a square iris transition like that now if we give that transition a click in the inspector you can see we now have this aspect ratio so this is completely new so it's a square transition at the moment but we can change the aspect ratio of that transition so we've got this sort of really tall portrait style transition instead or we can change that again to make it really wide and then we've got this wide screen transition instead so with a little bit of tweaking i actually think that square transition with the aspect ratio controls within the inspector may be really quite cool and you can probably do some fun stuff with it next up we've got the asymmetrical trimming of these transitions so any transition you put on your timeline we're going to stick with this square one for now hold the ctrl key then click on one of the edges you can lengthen it and shorten it just on one side you can drag this transition so it's really small over here really long over here and then job done so it just gives us that little bit of extra flexibility when working with these video transitions which is really really cool now next up we've got fine tuning audio someone actually asked me about this in the comments recently so perfect timing you can now make really fine adjustments to the volume of clips directly on the timeline which is really really cool so on the timeline when you've got an audio clip like this you can see you've got this really faint little line and if i click and drag i can adjust the volume up and down like so now if i hold the shift key and then click and drag i can make really fine adjustments so i can just do a bit by bit rather than before when you're just making really big jumps like that it's a really nice little addition which just makes it a little bit easier to change the volume of the clip directly on the timeline now staying on the timeline smoothing out keyframes has just got a whole lot easier and they look a whole lot better straight away this is something again we've wanted for ages and they've implemented it really nicely in davinci resolve 17.4 so for this example i've got this basic title on my timeline like so and all we're going to do is have it animate in from the side so i'm going to come to the beginning move my position over to the left we'll keyframe that and then we'll move forward on the timeline bring this right the way in like so and then if we hit play we've got this real basic animation coming in like so we're going to click on this little icon here to open up our curves it's already opened up my position which is perfect and we can see our two keyframes here now the main difference here is the scaling usually when you do small adjustments like this it'd be really hard to see the difference because as you can see the scale is 1920 it wouldn't work particularly well now it looks much better so we can give this one a click and then we can use the icons to give it a curve or my preferred method just right click change to ease in and then i can just make this curve we're going to come to this other keyframe left click so it's red right click ease out give it a nice little curve like so give that a play and now we've got some nice acceleration with that title it's much more intuitive and it's much easier to do directly within the curves on the edit page that's an absolute winner makes life so much easier now hopping into text plus they've actually made these quite a bit better as well they've done loads of improvements you've now got things like vertical text and you can underline vertical text which you couldn't do before so that's cool one of the big additions which i think a lot of people have been asking for is you can now have your text read from right to left rather than left to right within the text plus in the inspector scroll to the bottom under advanced controls you've got reading direction and then you can change it left to right or right to left which means when you're animating the text you can get it to come in from the correct direction which is really good for those that read right to left rather than left to right now sticking on the text plus if i come in here and make some changes we'll change the font we'll change the color we'll do all this sort of fun stuff i can now undo those things with a control z so i can undo the color the size with a control z now that seems obvious but you actually couldn't do that before if you're using a text plus or you're within the inspector of a fusion effect or whatever you couldn't do a control z it would actually undo the last thing you did on the timeline rather than the last thing you did within the inspector so again that's a really small thing but really really nice quality of life change they've made there now composite modes have changed the previews for composite modes so much like the fonts they introduced a few versions back if i give this clip a click we're going to scroll on down until we get to the composite mode give the drop down a click we can now view the effect that these composite modes are going to have on our footage by simply hovering our mouse over the effect scrolling down and we can actually see what it's going to do so rather than having to pick and hope we've gone with the right one we can just scroll through and have a look if i change the opacity so let's go with a bit lower it still works we can view the effect with that opacity change applied and it just makes life a whole lot easier once again now staying on the timeline the speed editor now works on the edit page with multi-cams so you can use the multi-cam buttons on the edit page of the vintage resolve to flick between your different angles i don't actually have my speed editor hand at the moment so i can't show you that but the black magic video does have a demonstration of that so go check that out people have wanted that for ages so again another really nice to have next up green screens i don't do much green screening myself but they've improved some of the things within the 3d keyer so once again you can do more on the edit page without having to hop into fusion which is really really cool so let me show you how that works so we've got this footage here with the green screen all i'm going to do is open up my effects library we're going to go to open effects scroll down until we get to the key area we've got 3d here and we're going to drop that on our footage like so we're going to open up the inspector go to effects 3d here and we've got all our options in here now before we do any of that underneath our preview window we need to click on our little drop down and we go to the open effects overlay and now i'm going to add a stroke now if i click and drag i can actually draw and the preview window turns black and white now black is the thing that's being taken out that's being keyed out and white is the area that's still visible so i'm going to let go of my mouse and we can see this black area has remained transparent but we've got the green left in the corners so within my 3d keyer i'm just going to go to the plus so we can add an additional stroke and now we're going to do another one to get rid of the rest this little corner down here and release and it's just a really nice way of being able to see clearly what you've keyed out and what you haven't in this stroke area we can now see the individual strokes that we've added and straight away that's done a pretty good key but there's a bit of green fringing going along in a hair in the behavior options we've now got this d spill so what i'm going to do drag this to the right and you can see straight away now we've got a much much nicer key if i go to the generators let's just grab a full color gradient put this underneath in not much time at all we've got a pretty nice key going on now if you're anything like me you're a youtuber these next two are really really awesome and they involve being able to export your videos directly from davinci resolve straight to youtube and now they've added the fact that you can add markers in davinci resolve export those and they become youtube chapters when they're uploaded to youtube now the first thing i need to show you is how to actually log into youtube you may not have done it before so let me show you that and then i'll show you the new features so click on davinci resolve top left hand corner then go to preferences make sure you're on the system page by clicking system at the top here then from the left hand menu come down to internet accounts and you'll see youtube sign in to publish directly to youtube simply click sign in then fill in all the details and davinci resolve will be connected to your youtube channel so if that's done let's add some markers so what you need to do first things first to put your playhead at the very beginning because you always need the chapter to be at zero on youtube and then just hit m on your keyboard to add a marker and you'll get this little blue marker here make sure that you're adding it on the timeline so if i select this clip and hit m the marker will be on the clip itself we don't want that we want the marker to be on the timeline so make sure nothing's selected then put your playhead where you need it to be now if i double click on this little marker i've got a name i'm going to call this intro and then click on done we can change the color if we want i'm just going to leave it to the default as the blue and then all the different points where you want chapters within your youtube video just add another marker don't forget that youtube chapters need to have a 10 second gap between each of them so make sure that you leave 10 seconds between each of your markers on your timeline within the edit page so i'm going to come forward to this 16 seconds here we'll add another one and another and another over here and then for each of them we'll double click add a name and off we go then if we hop into the deliver tab we click on the youtube preset at the top there is a drop down so we've got the option between 720 1080p or 2160. i'm just going to go with 1080p we can fill in all of our details now this is something else they've added new we now have more control over our video codecs the type of renderer they've added some additional options within here which is very very welcome indeed under here we've got title and description so this is the title and description for the youtube videos we've got this upload directly to youtube which we can now do because we're logged in and then under here we've got chapters from markers so i'm going to give that a tick and then i get to choose the color of the markers to use as chapters i left mine as blue so we're going to leave it as blue and then if i was to add this to the render queue and click render all this video will be rendered as normal so you can see it's rendering in the render queue and then once it's finished rendering we then get another countdown so i've got a timer here with a percentage and what this is now doing is simply uploading this video to youtube so if we just wait till that's done and then we have a look at what's going on so check it out here's the video it's been uploaded to my youtube channel you can see we've got the title and the description that i added but more importantly we've got our chapters we've got our intro at zero our slide at 16 and our mark of four at 58. now i try and make sure to put youtube chapters on all of my tutorials so the fact that i can now do it directly on the timeline within the edit page of davinci resolve is an absolute winner and a real real time saver so there you go the other things which i think are really worth talking about in the new version of davinci resolve 17.4 if i've missed anything if there's anything else you think is really awesome and worth talking about let me know down in the comment section below thanks for watching take it easy i'll see you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 40,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17.4, mr alex tech, mralextech, davinci resolve studio 17, davinci resolve green screen, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17.4 update, davinci resolve 17.4 download, davinci resolve update, davinci resolve whats new, davinci resolve 3d, davinci resolve 3d keyer, davinci resolve mac m1
Id: H0_RVD4N2f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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