Spinning Text Box - DaVinci Resolve 16/17

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okay in this tutorial we're going to look at making this revolving text box thing which changes text as it spins around [Music] so we can use this as a main title type thing here or if you come into the inspector here you can shrink it down and make it into a smaller more discrete sort of effect and position it maybe in the bottom of your screen like so and it would still be working like so either way works depending what you want to do with it so this timeline set up 30 frames a second and that will become relevant later on when i start doing animation so as usual i'm working in fusion so you need to find your fusion comp so make sure your effects library is open come to effects and there's your fusion comp or if you've taken my advice you've hit this start button and you've got fusion comp down in your favorites bar bring your component i'm going to right click and change clip duration to 15 seconds just gives us a bit of room to work and we're going to go into fusion so here we are in fusion for now we're not going to need the media puller the effects library so i can close that yourself a bit of room so the first thing we'll need to set up is our text and to do that i'm going to bring in a background node i'm going to make this background the color that i want my end caps and text to be in which case we're going to make it red we're also going to change the size of this background so if you click on image uncheck auto resolution and i'm going to make the height a quarter height of the screen so just divide 1080 by 4 and you get 270. so our background is now 1920x270 next we're going to apply a mask to the background so bring in a rectangle pipe into the blue mask input with the rectangle selected come over to the inspector and check invert and now we can increase the size of our mask so that it goes over the edges and this is a sort of choice thing really you need to make sure you've got enough room for whatever text you're likely to want to put in once we've done that we can come back up to our hotbar and grab a text node and take the output of the text node onto the output of the background to merge them together select the text node and put in whatever text you want and adjust the size and now we can select color and change the text color to whatever you want so that's the first of our text setup now we're going to need four lots of this so i'm going to do is just copy so ctrl c paste four copies or three more copies to make four altogether tidy that up a bit and now we can come to each text node in turn and put in the text that we want so if we put the relevant merge node in the viewer so we can see what we're doing so we've now got the four faces of our rotating oblong thing so how do we get those into our 3d space to look like they're rotating on a cube what we do is we use a cube now ordinarily if you're going to put a cube in 3d space you come here pick a shape 3d and change it to a cube we don't want to do that in this instance because we need to put different text elements on different faces of the cube and we can't do that with the shape 3d so press shift and spacebar and type cube and you see at the top you've got cube 3d this is what we want so click add so we now have our cube 3d looks like this each face is a different color and each face will accept its own input quick explanation of some of the 3d navigations you notice that i was spinning the cube here to do that i press and hold the option key or the alt key press and hold the middle mouse button and then you can rotate you can also press and hold the command key and scroll your middle mouse button and that zooms in and out or you can hold the middle mouse button on its own and pan your scene so what we need to do first is to take all the color off the cube so make sure youtube selected come to materials and at the top you've got this list cup face select each face and just drop it to white in fact we're not going to do all faces white the right and left faces so two sides are currently green and purple i'm actually going to make red to match the red on our like so so now the two ends are both red all the other faces are going to be white and the back's already white cool so now we need to put our text onto our cube and all we do if you right click and drag from the output of your text drop onto your node you get a list of the various faces so our first text is going on the front the next text is going to go on the bottom the third text is going to go on the back and the last text is going to go on the top so now we end up with this cube with our text on it now what you notice is that the text is all elongated unlike an image plane if you pipe your text image into an image plane it will adapt to the resolution of that particular setup the cube doesn't so we need to do that manually so if you remember we picked quarter height for our background so we're going to pick quarter height for our height and our depth on our cube 3d select cube 3d come to controls uncheck where it says lock height width and depth now the width is going to stay at 1 height and depth are going to go to a quarter so 0.25 and now you can see we're back in proportion and now you basically have your text on your box okay so we've got our cube set up the next thing to do is to put it into a 3d scene so to do that we're going to need to bring from this right hand a group of icons in the middle you've got merge node then we're going to add a camera a light and a render the render 3d basically puts our 3d scene into a 2d format that can then get piped back to the timeline now if we put media or sorry if we put merge 3d into the viewer our text has disappeared because it's not connected yet so we're going to connect that up now as you can see at the minute i've got lighting turned on in the viewer and we can't see anything because the light is in the middle of our object so we need to bring our light out and position it to light the object properly so select the spotlight come to transform click use target this keeps our light pointed at the center of the scene what we can then do is use the translation wheels to position our light so drag it back along zed you can lift it up to make it higher and you can bring it off to one side or the other like so now what i'm gonna do for the camera i like this view and what i can do is if i select the merge node and then come to where it says perspective right click and then copy pov to camera that will move the camera and put it so that it's looking at that view last thing we need to do come to our render node and turn the lighting and shadows on and then you get your shaded effect okay so we've got our cube thing set up with all our text next thing we're going to do is animate it to do that come into your cube 3d go to the transform settings and what we're going to do is we're going to rotate it around the x-axis and we're going to change the phase every second and a half so in my case that's going to be every 90 frames no it's not it's going to be over 45 frames because i'm on 30 frames a second timeline so start at frame 0 put a keyframe on the x rotation go to frame 45 and we're going to rotate it to -90 then we're going to come to frame 90 and we're going to rotate it to -180 and finally we're going to come to frame 135 and we're going to set it to minus 270. so now we've got the first three frames or the first three faces now what you notice is when you come to this face our text is upside down so this is the third text so this text here so to correct that come to your hotbar look for transform click and drag it over the line from your third lot of text you'll see it turns blue let go and that connects it automatically if for some reason it didn't connect automatically it may look as though it's connected but it's not what you can do press and hold the shift key and then bring it over the line to the line changes color and then let go and then you're connected with the transform connected come to the inspector and just set angle to 180 and that'll turn your text all the way around like so so coming back to the animating the cube we've got our first three faces so we're up to 135 we go to 180 and then set this to minus 360 and we have a complete rotation so you've gone from the name photo and video davinci resolve using tutorials and back so that's fine but what we want to do is to keep rotating for the whole length now you can go on and just set keyframes every 45 frames or go to the top of the screen to where it says spline click and open the spline viewer make sure that your cube 3d is selected and then your cube 3d will appear here check it to make it active come to this little button here that says zoom to fit and then select all the nodes and what you're going to do is press f ready on the keyboard this is going to add easing to our rotation if you now press t you get these easy ease out values and what i do is set them up to 50. like so now with all our keyframes still selected come down to the bottom of your spline window and you'll find this button that says set relative hit that and that just now keeps that wave going in the same direction at the same pace so it will now spin as long as the comp lasts like so it will keep going even after this last keyframe okay close your spline window we've got our animation going the last thing we need to do is set it up so the text changes to do that we're going to keyframe the actual text nodes now for some reason my show modes and options keeps turning itself off so i never know what's got keyframes on it this has got keyframes on it and that's all at the minute the text you need to animate so that it changes when this face is on the bottom so three rotation or three quarter rotations round so the name is currently at the top either the back by there and the bottom here this is the frame that we need to change our text so we don't want all the way back because you'll see the change so we do it the section before so at the minute i uncheck called faces you can see that simon stansfield is at the bottom here so we're going to select text one we're going to come to the inspector and we're going to keyframe where it says text so just add a keyframe then we're going to go back to frame 0 and add another keyframe come back to where you've just added the keyframe and now we can change this text and next time it comes round it will have the new text on it so let me just put my cold face back on so you don't see the change so it spins around and this time when the name comes back round which will be after this point here it's no longer the name is whatever your new text is and what you need to do now is just work through the other texts so your first text changed at frame 135 your next check text will change it frame 180 so go to frame 180 select your second text add your keyframe back to zero add a keyframe back to 180 and change this to whatever you want and so you repeat for the other two faces so 180 plus 45 will take you up to 225 come to your third text set a keyframe back to frame zero back to 225 change your text and then 270 will be our last and that's for our fourth text set keyframe back to the star add a keyframe you can use this little arrow to jump back to your keyframe and then change your text and you could keep on going uh i'm gonna leave it at sort of two rounds so now if we look at this what we get so the first one two and then the text will change on each face and you'll have new text come round and that as they say is all there is to it um so yeah let's say you can keep it going indefinitely you would just keyframe the text whenever the face is at the bottom so you can't see it keyframing to change text and you keep going um as it is we'll keep it going to here if you come around again you've still got i believe the great guy i know sorry that was the change for the notification bell if you then come around 270 two three fifteen isn't it is the next so at that point i'm gonna jump back into the edit tab just put end of the fusion comp so we've now got 10 seconds and 10 and a half seconds effectively to run through we let this cache so now it's caged you can play it through and you get this kind of effect now obviously it's on black at the minute because it's transparent and on the edit page there's nothing underneath it but if you find a clip of some description it will play over the top of that clip and be transparent and that's it one funky spinny cube text thing as i said at the start you can use as a lower third by dropping the zoom in the position or you can have it in the middle of your screen however you want okay i hope that makes sense uh i hope it was helpful feel free to like subscribe and hit the notification bell and i will catch you on the next one cheers
Channel: Simon Stansfield
Views: 581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nO5B-7TKerA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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