Logo Particle Wipe Reveal In DaVinci Resolve 15

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in today's episode we take a logo and we add a wipe revealed that includes a particle system everything in this tutorial can be achieved with the free version of the Vinci result let's get started [Music] all right so we're gonna start this off by just taking our logo dropping it on the timeline just turn this into a fusion and once we're in fusion I'm going to make a background transparent and I just want to do that too so I can take this logo and bring it into a merge and then in the merge I play the merge over here down here it shows you which viewer you're in if you hit one it'll show up here if you hit tube it'll show up over here okay so with the first merge I'm just going to scale this down to make it look like a good size for the viewer make sure this is that fit so there we go you first I'm gonna make a little sliver that will slide across the logo and then that is going to be the object that we're going to be using do you have the particle emitter produced particles from so what I'll do is I'll just grab a rectangle and I will grab another merge and I will connect this merge to the foreground and take this transparent background and then just have that as the background Green is foreground yellow is background then we'll connect this rectangle up and when we have it connected if we play it over here what you'll notice is that it'll only display what's inside that rectangle so if I reduce the rectangle width that will reduce what's actually visible for this particular merge so I'm going to just play this one over here and so I can see where I'm at so I'll come to this side there's nothing here and you can see if there's nothing here I'm in this monitor I'm playing the merge before the merge that has the rectangle just so I can see where I'm moving it about so if you're adding different masks and stuff mainly with like the paint mask tool let me just show you that quick when you're working with the paint mask tool so like let's say I wasn't using this rectangle I was using the paint mask tool and let's say I wanted to draw a mask I can't see what I'm going to be drawing so if I take my pen and then I just add a path I can come along because I'm looking here at this merge I can just come along and make a mask for this guy over here so then it you can see it so that's why you would use the two different windows okay so we don't actually want that we want this rectangle connect that rectangle back up to the mask and then we'll just come to frame 0 and the center point will keyframe that and then we'll come to let's say just frame 60 and we will bring this to the other side so throughout this it's just revealing the different parts so that looks good now I want to have a similar effect but after this particular merge passes over I want something to then reveal it and maintain it's the ability to view it so I'm just going to grab another rectangle and another merge I'll just connect it up the same exact way and then have this one here but for this particular rectangle let me play this one over here for this particular rectangle I want it to follow but still be able to see the whole thing so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to increase the width to make sure I can see the whole thing and we'll come back to frame 0 in this particular merge and I will keyframe this at the beginning so let's just move it over just a little bit and then frame 60 let's go at 62 we'll have the whole thing viewable now if we connect these two up let's see how this looks okay it seems like here at the beginning let me play this one over in this one over this is kind of difficult to view but it almost looks like here you can see the little bit actually know what for this particular merge let's just add a on here we'll just add a soft edge so that they kind of blend into one another hopefully okay so I want to go let's go to frame two and for this key frame I want this to wait a little bit so it starts after the fact there we go now we have that you can see that little bit of difference in there okay I might need to adjust this but we'll just go on for now and if I need to adjust it later I will okay so the this top merge that has just a little sliver we want to add a particle system to this so I'm just going to pull down an emitter and then I'm going to pull down a renderer and I'm going to connect the two and then in the emitter I'm going to come over to this fourth little guy and it says region we want to go to bitmap and then it will create another little note here or another connection point then we can connect these two now what's happening is the location of the emitter is tied to this merge alright the other thing I want to do is for collection or color I'm just gonna go with region so whatever is visible it's going to use that color all right and then we have point let's see how this is currently looking okay that's how it's looking but we only want to have this 2d so now we'll switch it over to 2d and currently you don't really see much so let's go into our emitter and then come over to the amount here and the more you increase this obviously the more resources you're going to need but the better it's going to look so I think let's try mm see how that looks okay so now it's just it's just kind of like there let's add some motion into it so they're just being produced but they're just sitting there they have nothing acting against them so there's a couple of different things if you come into tools and then go into particles there's a couple of different tools that you can use the first one that we're going to use is directional force which is just kind of like let's say it gravity if you hold shift and then bring it up to the connection it'll automatically connect it so that is our let's say gravity let's maybe reduce the strength half here of what it was okay so currently it's just they're being produced and then they're being affected by like a gravity so then they're dropping down that looks good the other thing I want to add in is it looks very uniform right now so I want to add in so I'm going to be adding in turbulence and we'll just connect this here as well and then in turbulence Z I'm just going to drop down and I'm a guy thing we're going to increase these a bit maybe just by four which is before by four as well take a look at that okay so now it's really being affected by this gravity and the turbulence so let's play this in see how this looks all right that looks kind of cool we can always increase the particles but let's just see how everything's looking because this is set up for output of 2d I can connect this now to 2d things if it's connected if it's 3d and I try to connect this to a 2d object it won't work because I need a 3d renderer to be added as well as a camera it's a little more complexity added in there but because of how this effect is all just 2d I really don't need that unless I want it like some type of depth of field where some of the particles that are close or a little blurry some that are you know out in the distance or a little blurry but for now we don't we don't need that so connect these two now play it over here and let's see how this reveal looks and the timing between these two rectangle masks that we were working with before so they look like they're pretty close I would say that that that's pretty on point there I'm kind of like in that I think I want to increase this maybe double the amount of particles here all right let's take a look at this and currently as you can see this isn't playing back at real time just because it's not cached so we're only at six frames and then over here you can just see it'll just start to chew through your memory and that's kind of typical with this sort of thing so there we go now it's playing back at 24 all right don't think that looks bad I think that's looking pretty good the other thing that I can add after this render I can add in a glow that add like a little bit of a glow effect and that strength is way too much well maybe something like that when they get close together they start to like really glow in there and if you were to have this like at a higher framerate it would look a bit smoother too but I think it looks pretty good just the way it is the additional thing that you can do is you can see that this is kind of looking a little bit like chunky like you could come into this rectangle and we could increase the width a little bit and then add a tad bit of softness on to that I don't kind of make that go away okay as you can see here it just keeps producing it it's because we meet this rectangle bigger and we added softness so it's just kind of sitting there at the edge so what you'll want to do is that frame 60 you just want to make sure that you have that scooted off so it stops creating particles there I think this is coming out pretty well there you go so the last thing that we would add here before we do a media output is add in another background node let's see what color this is and we'll just drop this down and maybe like a tint of a color here so maybe something like that and then connect that up now it's on a background there we go looking good all right and then at the end here you could just connect this up to a media out so it gets pushed back onto the timeline other things that you can do if you haven't seen my video for animating a static logo you could animate the static logo and then add an effect on top of it like this and with something bouncing around like I did for that Puma logo we see here it would really add a lot more into it so that's kind of it for this logo particle reveal let me know in the comments we think about this one if you have any ideas of suggestions for me to do in the future let me know down there as well again my name is jay argh thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 175,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, Particle, Wipe Reveal, logo, DaVinci Resolve 15, particle system, fusion, free video editing software
Id: 0omK0wtjOPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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