CRAZY Shape Shifter / EASY Shapes / Masking & MORE / Davinci Resolve Tutorial / Fusion

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[Music] my name is william justice and welcome to my kitchen you may be asking yourself why am i here and what does being in the kitchen have to do with davinci resolve and creating shapes we're going to be baking some cookies why would we do that because i like cookies but more importantly we can learn something about creating shapes and resolve by baking cookies [Music] so shapes and resolve are a bit different than what you may be used to if you're new to masks think of them as cookie cutters when you hear the term mask think cookie cutter the dough is our background or media clip and these cookie cutters well these are our masks we can create some simple shapes with cutouts we can use multiple cutouts to create a shape or we can combine cutouts to create new shapes this is exactly what you do when you create shapes and resolve today we're going to create a few basic shapes and then learn how to combine the shapes or cookie cutter masks to create more complex shapes then i'm going to show you my shape shifter tool to create some really crazy looking awesome shapes the shape shifter is really easy to use and it's going to make you look like you have some awesome and serious animation skills subscribe to my channel for videos about davinci resolve fusion and a whole lot more if you like this video click the like button below i'd really appreciate it i always love hearing what you think about my videos so if you have any comments questions or just general feedback leave them below i'd love to hear from you all right let's make some shapes we're going to start with a background we're going to take the background and put it into the note area and connect it up to the media out so we have a nice black background and take another background and put it in the note area take the output of that background and merge it in with the first background and let's change that background color [Music] okay so we have a gradient background sitting on top of a black background so if we go to the merge and move the gradient out of the way maybe make it a little bit smaller you'll see that we have this gradient sitting on top of the black so now to create shapes we just need to use these mask options to select which part of the gradient background we want to be seen so remember these masks act just like cookie cutters and we can punch out whatever shape we want to out of the gradient background so in fusion any node that has a blue input that will accept a mask two quick ways to add a mask would be to let's select the background and choose the mask type that you want to add so in this case let's hit the rectangle and you can see it cut out a rectangle piece the other way to add a mask is to take the rectangle drag it into the node area take the output of the rectangle and put it into the blue input on the background and that's going to set the mask as well so now that we have our rectangle cut out the background there's a few options we have you can select the rectangle in the viewer area you can adjust the size move the position of the rectangle let's make it a little bit bigger so inspector we have some options for our mask we can adjust the level that says how much of the mask is going to take effect so it's kind of a transparency option we can add a soft edge that kind of blends the edges of the mask so it's not so sharp we can add a border to the mask that's going to put a border outside the mask area and we can uncheck solid to create a border only mask let's put that back on and reset the border and then down here we have some options for adjusting the size and position so you see as we move it around and adjust the size these options are going to change also a corner radius we can round off this and adjust the angle right here let's delete the rectangle select background and click the circle now we have a circle mass you can adjust the width and height of the circle um a couple different ways if you grab the edge up here in the top corner you can adjust the width and height at the same time or if you grab just the top you can stretch the height grab the side you can stretch the width so you can make an oval or a circle and you can also use the controls in the inspector to do it okay let's delete the ellipse or circle and check the next one with background selected we're going to hit the polygon and since there's no shape it masks out everything so if we want to see our background we can temporarily disable the mask by disconnecting the polygon from the background mask input and there's our background so let's select the polygon and we can create any kind of shape we want so this is where we can custom design our own cookie cutter be whatever you want and to get it to mask out we take the output of the polygon back into the background and we've cut out a shape we can use the shape tools up here to move the points around you can use the handles to drag and make curves change the point types we can draw any kind of shape we want and the same options apply over here we can do a soft edge or a border only the next tool is the uh the b-spline tool it works similar to the polygon except it creates only curved lines so we select the background we add this one and we can draw our shape and once we close the shape the mask is complete and we can do the similar kind of adjustments that we did before so we'll delete that there's another built-in mask that is a triangle so you can hit alt space and triangle and you can add it right there but really you can create your own triangle by using the polygon tool so we'll select background hit polygon and we just make our three points and they're connected and we have a triangle so that's really easy to do those are the basic shapes the cookie cutters that we can use to create more complex shapes now that we know the basics we can combine masks to create more complex shapes let me show you how this works we'll delete this polygon and add a circle so we have a circle mask and move it over just a bit and let's add another one so the great thing about these masks is along this blue line here you can add as many shape masks as you want so we're going to add another circle and you can see we have our first ellipse right here and our second ellipse so by default these two are combined to create one shape any mask that's added after another mask has some extra options so let's select ellipse two and you'll see there's a paint mode we can change how this mask works by default the paint mode merges the two masks but we can also do a subtract to have this mask actually cut a piece out of another mask all sorts of different options the average is kind of interesting where it combines them or we can even do a invert we'll go back to merge let's delete these off of here um i'm going to make a few quick shapes and let's see if you can figure out what i'm doing here i'm gonna add a rectangle and connect that up okay we got a cloud with a rectangle rounded off with a few circles let's make another one we have a check mark two rectangles and one of the rectangles is set to subtract from another one you can do a little bit more with this let's say if we want to put this inside of a circle let's select the second rectangle choose the circle and we have a big circle there on the ellipse for the circle we're going to change the paint mode to invert and we have a check mark and a circle okay let's do a couple more add a circle add another circle shrink it down a little bit on the inner circle we're going to turn off solid increase the border width and set it to subtract and we have a target so for this one we're going to we need to make a square now one of the things you'll notice is that it's kind of hard to make a square right here by default the width and height of the rectangle is 0.5 that means the width is half the width and the height is half the height of the composition so the rectangle is i mean it's nice because the rectangle will automatically adjust to the composition size based off of a percentage but it's difficult to get that exact square one way we can make sure we have an exact square is to put an expression in the height so for height we're going to say equal width times 1920 divided by 1080. that's going to make sure that the width is always proportional to the height based on the composition ratio let's make something out of this real quick change the angle to 45 add a circle copy the circle paste the circle move it over and we have a heart real quick okay back to our square so when i was making shapes i was just playing around with some different ideas and this is kind of what led me into creating the shape shifter i kind of built some a node structure it looked really interesting so i thought it might be an interesting component but what got me there was i started out trying to make a star shape let's uh let me show you what i did the shape shifters obviously has a lot more options in it but this will give you the basics of how it's working let's say we wanted to make a five-pointed start well we don't have five points on this square we got we have four so what if we took one of the points and duplicated that five times let's see what happens the control space to add a node and we're gonna choose duplicate so duplicate right there by default the mask is going into the mask input but we don't want it to be a mask on the duplicate we want it to actually be an input to it so now that it's here we can choose how many times we want to copy this well nothing is really happening right now but we know we want five copies so let's choose five because we're going to start out making a five-pointed star and then we just need to adjust the angle the duplicate will rotate each copy by an angle amount and there we go we have some some star shapes starting to happen as we add more copies we want the duplicated shapes to be evenly rotated around we can use an expression to do this so all we need to do is for the angle say that it equals and this is going to create an expression for us 360 so 360 degrees divided by copies as we increase the number of copies our angle will change so we'll do eight let's set the number of copies back to five so that's looking interesting but it's not getting us our five pointed star so all we need to do is after the rectangle let's add a transform node so we're gonna have a rectangle with a transform node same thing happened we need to take the rectangle and put it into the input of the transform node and not the mask input now we just need to take the center and move it up and look at that we have a star in the inspector let's uncheck use size and aspect and that's going to allow us to adjust the x and y size independently we have these little corners sticking through let me put this in two viewers so this is our rectangle so what you're seeing here is these little corners here are from are the pieces of our rectangle coming through so all we need to do is mask that out a little bit i'm going to take the rectangle we're going to add another rectangle mask and bring it down like that and we're going to set this mask to subtract and we have our star shape now we can actually come over to the star and bring that x in and have a really long spiky star or bring it way up and kind of have a flatter start if you want to round the star off we can go to our rectangle here and increase the quarter radius and we have kind of a rounded star look i was playing around with this and then i started moving this x and y a little bit more and i started noticing an interesting effect we can we can take these shapes and move them around and a lot of interesting things start to happen so now that we know the basics of this uh the shape shifter let me show you what it is and all the different things you can do with it all right let's delete out our nodes here the shapeshifter builds on what we set up with the star and makes it really easy to create incredible crazy looking shapes and animate them some great stuff for motion graphics the shapeshifter macro has multiple ways to adjust position and rotation it lets you scale the shape size add a rounding border and there's also a mode to show the border only you can download and install the macro from my website i also have some preset shapes that you can download you just download the file and drag it right into the note area and you're ready to go let's create a basic shape and see how it works let's start with the rectangle we'll drag the rectangle mask into the note area and we'll hit one on the viewer so that we can see the rectangle let's make it a little bit smaller [Music] adjust the size so let's add the shape shifter we have the macro installed so all we need to do is hit ctrl space and type in shape and find shape shifter select it and add it let's connect the rectangle to the input on the shape shifter and we'll hit 2 on the shape shifter so we can see right there we'll take the shape shifter and put it into our merge and hit two on the media out so we have our black background let's make some adjustments so on the left this is our mask and on the right this is the output of the shape shifter okay let's select the shape shifter first i'm going to go through each of the options to show you what we do and then we're gonna play around with some different shapes and options to see all the kind of different shapes we can create the first option is the number of copies bring it down to four and that's going to copy this shape four times when you're looking at it you only see two shapes there's actually four there they're just overlapping we can use the center position to move the shape so let's take the y and move it up and you'll see there we go we have our four shapes so make this one a little bit smaller over here select our rectangle so those are our four shapes one two three four and we're gonna put the center back to zero so they're all on top of each other um let's go ahead and set that to three so there's here's our three shapes one two and three so they're three copies the center shifts the position of the shape so if we move it over to the left this is the basic shape and you can see the copies reset it the y does the same kind of a thing let's go ahead and round off our shape so let's select the rectangle bring the corner radius all the way up there's our three shapes duplicated this is basically playing around with the position adjust the overall size of the shape we can use the x size let's actually bring it back to center right there we can scale the shape in the x direction or the y direction we can also adjust the size of the source shape to do kind of a similar thing back to the shape shifter we can rotate the angle and you'll notice that if we move the shape up it's going to rotate around the center of the shape right there there's another position offset it does a similar thing but you can create some different effects by just moving the pivot point and having it rotate around different areas so just another way to create some interesting movement i'm going to come back to solid in a second there's a border alpha that lets you set an alpha on the border because we can actually put a border around this and adjust the border size one thing i notice with the border it kind of smooths out some sharp edges as you can see right here we have actually let me go put it back on the rectangle let's get rid of corner radius and we have those sharp edges when you adjust the border size it's going to start smoothing that out you see it rounds it out there a bit once we have the border set up we can uncheck solid and and that allows us to create a border only the interesting thing about the board is it actually merges all the shapes so if we move these together you'll see that they separate and they come back together and they kind of merge together which creates an interesting effect the last setting is the color i just tried to make it super easy to adjust the color you can choose a solid color or even set up like a gradient go the rectangle take the corner radius off and reset all our properties here put it back on solid now um we'll turn the border off take the border alpha all the way down now one thing you notice here is that we can we can actually make some interesting geometric shapes if we bring this x size up let's look at that right there bring those points together and we have a hexagon let's do a say five sides adjust the x bring this up a bit adjust the x size all the way up we have an upside down pentagon we can flip it with this flip option right here we can use the rectangle to round off the borders and we have a pentagon with some rounded corners all right let's reset everything this is where it gets interesting we're going to put it on um uncheck solid bring out the border alpha and we can move some of these around a little bit create some entering shapes [Music] like that and let's increase the y size make it a little smaller [Music] we're starting to get kind of a snowflakey look and we can adjust the angle to rotate things around [Music] we just the just the exercise a lot of interesting things that we can do of course all of this can be animated okay we're going to reset everything all right let's try something super simple we're going to adjust our rectangle shape and change it up a bit let's add a lips mask and bring it right into the middle of that rectangle actually they kind of made a little gear looking thing for us let's set it to subtract and now when we adjust the shape shifter we get a kind of an effect like this and we can still adjust the position and move things around adjust the x and y let's add in a circle connect up the circle make it a little bit smaller now what we're going to do is we're going to make a crescent so we're going to add another ellipse after this ellipse shrink it down so let's uh get the second ellipse we're going to offset it just a bit and set it to let's say subtract and really what we have here is we have a crescent or a kind of a little moon shape let's go into the shape shifter and see what we can do with that we just play around with the position here and rotate the angle it's kind of i like that shape there kind of it's kind of nice so you want to see what this is doing let's just set the number of copies to two and this is what you have so each one is being duplicated kind of like that go to four copies we can make it let's say let's try 10. put it back to solid let's go to two that we can kind of see where they're at reset the x size y size and rotation i'm just going to move it up just a little bit take off the border size kind of sharpen it up a bit exercise like that and you can still adjust the shape over here on the left if you want to change the way it looks just a little bit let's make a bunch of copies of this thing 12. so there we go we got that kind of a look and we can rotate these just a touch move it up and scale it down we got kind of that kind of a look so really there's a lot of different things you can do and honestly i don't you don't may not even know the look you're going for but if you just create some kind of a random shape and throw it into this thing it gets kind of interesting so just added a subtract rectangle here so i have a little piece there piece there i cut it out with this guy and we have an interesting shape right there so i just tried to run through some different examples if you're interested download it and throw some shapes into it and play around with it and see what you can get you really almost don't have to know what you're doing just mess with some settings and some shapes start happening and play with it have some fun subscribe to my channel for videos about davinci resolve fusion and a whole lot more if you like this video click the like button below i'd really appreciate it i always love hearing what you think about my videos so if you have any comments questions or just general feedback leave them below i'd love to hear from you you
Channel: William Justice
Views: 14,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice, Draw shapes, shape shifter, masking, square, triangle, snowflake, Create shapes, Shape Masking
Id: DmQ19wBJFiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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