EASY Particle Dissolve Effect | Davinci Resolve 16 Tutorial

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I'm gonna show you how to do a really easy particle dissolve the fact that you can use on logos titles and even yourself let's take a look the particle dissolve effect has always been a pretty popular effect but ever since Avengers and game came out and whole fan oohs you know snappy thing and that everybody dissipating about ever since that happened everybody has been trying to figure out how to make that effect and there's a lot of tutorials out there but most of them are in After Effects or they're using some kind of free graphic that you can get off the internet or they're using trap code which I'm not even gonna begin to try and explain because I barely understand it myself so I figured in the spirit of trying to get more acquainted more comfortable with fusion in DaVinci Resolve 16 I'd show you guys the kind of the backbone the bare essentials to get this effect in your videos from scratch now like I said this is the bare-bones bare minimum this is just everything that you need to get started doing the particle dissolve effect and once you get comfortable with that you can start building on it you can tweak the particles and you can work in 3d space and basically sky's the limit just use your imagination get creative and make something and with that being said we've got a lot of ground to cover so let's jump into DaVinci Resolve and start building out this particle dissolve effect all right let's do this we are here in the Edit Page in DaVinci Resolve 16 we're gonna be jumping into fusion in just a bit but first I want to go over a couple things that you need in order to make this effect work the first thing that we're gonna be looking at is something called a blank plate which is just some footage of your scene of the background of your scene it's more specifically without you in it so if i deactivate video 2 you'll see that i've got this clip of just my office area without me in it there's no talking or anything it's just a perfectly still piece of footage and a couple things that are really important about this you want everything to be in the exact same position as it is in the main scene so my chairs in the exact same place the laptop is in the exact same place the camera is locked off on a tripod because any little camera movements will totally throw this entire thing off the other thing that you need for this effect is your actual scene and this is the talking bit this is the intro that you actually saw at the beginning of this video and you want to make sure again that everything is in the same position as it is in your blank plate so you can't really see it here but this chair is actually in the same exact position as it was in the blank plate and that's going to become really important when we start masking things out and adding in our particles and all of that one last tip if you're going to be doing any color grading any color matching you want to make sure you do that before you start working on this effect and that way you can make sure that everything is matched up everything looks good before you start merging things together and playing around in fusion alright and with all of that out of the way let's go ahead and start building out this effect the first thing that we want to do is actually copy our main scene so I'm gonna go ahead and hold down alt and I'm gonna drag that main scene up one track and now I've got two versions of that scene and the next thing that I'm going to do is create fusion clips out of both of these so let's go ahead and right-click on that clip we're gonna go up to new fusion clip and we go to the clip below it right click new fusion clip let's go ahead and click on the top fusion clip and go to the fusion page all right once the fusion page is loaded up the first thing that we're gonna do is actually mask ourselves out so what we're going to do is make sure that none of our nodes are selected we're gonna come up and click on b-spline i'm gonna drag this down so we can actually see our whole image and what we're gonna do is just trace around the object that we're dissolving just like you would in any other mask although in special effects this is called roto scoping and normally if I was doing this for a client or for a big professional video what I would do is try and make this as tight as possible as accurate as possible so that everything is nice and clean but in this case I'm not too too worried about that for the sake of this tutorial and for the sake of timing we're just gonna go ahead and do the best we can and once we traced around whatever we're dissolving let's come back down into our nodes check that up a little bit and we're gonna connect our B spline node to our media in now you can see we have removed everything but the thing that we're dissolving and that is good that's exactly what we want now it's time to start adding some particles before we do that it's good and organized this lineup all tools to grid arrange tools to grid this down here alright next thing we're gonna do is add a particle emitter so go ahead and hit shift space just type in P E and P emitters what we're looking for go ahead and click on that and hit add and then the other thing we're gonna need is a particle render so let's go ahead and hit shift space again and this time click key R and we got P render and that's what we're looking for click on that it add we're working in a 2d space for this tutorial like I said once you get comfortable with this and you want to start playing around with some additional stuff you can go ahead and start working in 3d but right now we're gonna change this particle render output mode to 2d next we're gonna click on the particle emitter we're gonna come over to our inspector we're gonna make sure that we're in our controls tab we're gonna drag the number all the way up to 100 and that's actually I don't think that's gonna be enough so let's go ahead and change that to 200 come down to velocity we're gonna change velocity to 0.1 and that's just to get those particles moving we're gonna bring up the velocity variance a little bit maybe to 0.134 that'll be good and what that's gonna do is that's gonna make it that these particles instead of all moving at the same time they're gonna start from over here and they're basically just gonna be moving at different times which will give that nice effect of the particles floating off of the screen next thing we're gonna do is change our angle to 180 and that's because by default these particles are gonna flow from left to right and I actually want them to flow from right to left so we're gonna change that to 180 that'll take care of that last thing we're gonna do which makes absolutely no sense right now but it'll make perfect sense in just a second we're gonna come up to color and hit that drop-down box so we're gonna change it to use color from region next let's move over to this style tab and we're gonna change this style from points to blob I'm gonna go down to size controls and a drag size all the way up to 0.5 for good measure we'll bring up that size variance a little bit and next we're gonna move over to the region tab and the region drop-down box we're gonna change from sphere to bitmap and you'll see that once we did that we can now connect this particle emitter to something so let's go ahead and delete the line between media and a media out I'm gonna go ahead and hook up media into that particle emitter and we're gonna hook up that particle render to media out go ahead and click Save and head back over to the Edit Page and now if we scroll through you'll see we've got some particles going on and that looks okay the problem is I'm not going anywhere and we need to we need to fix that so let's go ahead down to our other fusion clip click on that head back over to the fusion page and once again we're gonna be doing some masking so let's go ahead and make sure that none of our nodes are selected we're gonna click on b-spline drag this down so we can see the whole image and let's go ahead and start drawing a kind of a staggered pattern here so it does look like it's a perfectly straight line zoom out a little bit we're gonna make this box as big as possible we can straighten out the back end of this mask by highlighting these points right here and hitting shift L now you see we've got a more of a boxy thing and that's exactly what we're going for good and zoom back in next thing we're gonna do is bring up our soft edge that down to bring our nodes back let's go ahead and draw a line from b-spline to media in then we're gonna come over to our inspector and we're going to hit invert next thing we're gonna do is make sure our playhead is all the way back at frame 0 and we're gonna choose a starting point that looks good right about there and we're gonna set a keyframe for the center let's go ahead and move back to the end of that fusion clip we're gonna change our center move it over until our mask has deleted us or whatever you happen to be dissolving that looks good right about there go ahead and it's safe head back to the Edit Page and now if we scrub through you can see now we have particles emitting and I am starting to disappear from the screen and that is looking pretty good to me last thing I want to do is just fade this particle clip out a little bit at the end that should be good let's take a look at that it looks like yeah that's perfect alright let's get some sound design on here and take another look at our final product I'm gonna show you how to do a really easy particle dissolve effect that you can use on logos titles and even yourself let's take a look now like I said in the beginning of this video this effect can be used not only on yourself but also logos images and even titles and speaking of titles if you want to learn another really cool effect that you can use to animate your titles and DaVinci Resolve check out this video right here and if you found this useful and you want to learn more about video editing camera gear and how to make better videos make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit that Bell so you don't miss anything thanks for watching thanks for hanging out and I'll see you in the next video go watch it now [Music]
Channel: Jay Lippman
Views: 40,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: particle dissolve effect, dissolve effect, particle effects, davinci resolve particle effects, fusion particle effects, fusion particle system, blackmagic fusion particles, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, davinci resolve 16 effects, davinci resolve 16 fusion tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, fusion particles tutorial, resolve fusion particles
Id: A6736P9MYCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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