FUN Text/Path ANIMATION Tutorial / Davinci Resovle / Fusion

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my name is William Justus I started this YouTube channel to learn about filmmaking video editing and how to create interesting effects Michael's to creat videos as I learned to get better with each one and have a bit of fun and hopefully you'll learn a few things as well today I'm going to show you how to set text to a path and animate it using DaVinci Resolve infusion I also wanted to experiment with texts and paths to see what kind of interesting animations we can create no one wants to read paragraphs of text but a few simple text animations can greatly enhance your videos you can use the text path option to set text on an outline and then spice it up with a bit of animation and motion to static shots animated text can be used to introduce topics and highlight specific areas of your videos if you like my videos and are interested in learning more about filmmaking in DaVinci Resolve subscribe to follow my progress also if you have any questions or comments leave them below I would really love to hear from you I appreciate everyone's feedback and support on my channel with a few settings in DaVinci Resolve fusion we can easily create some really interesting text animations let's get into resolve and see how it works okay let's get started I'm actually setting this up is a really really simple only takes a few steps so the first thing we need to do is to get into fusion to its will right click in the media pool area it's a new fusion composition and we'll set it to see chico 15 seconds it doesn't really matter just depends on what you're trying to do hit create and we'll bring that into the timeline then we'll click fusion at the bottom of the screen to get into fusion the first thing we're gonna do is add a background so we'll take a background node and drag that on and connect it up to the media out and let's just go ahead and set that as a gradient so we'll do a vertical gradient the top color we'll pick let's do it blue and the bottom we'll just do a little darker blue let's place that out let's add a text notice we can take the text node and drag that into the node area and to merge it on top of the background all we've to do is take the output of the text node and drag it on to the output of the background and the text is merged on top so let's go ahead and set there set our text call it animated text yeah you can type in and make it whatever you want okay setting this on a path is super super easy all you need to do is click this layout icon in the inspector area when the text node is selected and the type of layout you want to choose path now all you need to do is draw the points for your path so we will click one down here in the display and then another one up there and we have text that's on the path like that now something you want to be aware of is that usually want to start from the left going to the right if you do it the other way you'll actually get text that is upside down let me show you that if I started on the right and went to the left you'll notice that the text is upside down so we'll just go back animating it is super super easy all we need to do is change this position on path property and that's gonna set where it is so we can keyframe that so let's go to the very first frame and put it at the beginning go to the first frame put it right there hit the keyframe option well go out about 100 frames and drag it over there and we have the text that's animating along that path just like that now all the other text properties apply you can change the font styling size character spacing striking here you can really do anything that you want now to make it to make it curve and move change the path we can just use the path tools up in the tool area here so for example if we will click this icon right here to insert and modify and we can grab these handles and move them around just like that and the text is gonna follow the path that we created we can add more points just like that and flip these handles around and really do just whatever we want and that's the basics of it so what you're basically doing is you're setting the path right here and then using the position on path to animate it next we're going to do the text that goes following the path on the road so let's delete the text we created for right there and we have a photo of this road here and we're gonna drag that into the merge and put it right on top of everything and we're gonna first thing we're going to do is we're going to size that up a bit so we'll go into this merge and boost the size and we'll shift it up a bit so we can see the football the road how to do it pretty much there now let's add in our text we're gonna take the text note here and drag that in we'll set the text to text on path and we're going to connect the output of the text that we just added to the output of the merge and that's going to merge it right on top and we have our text on a path so we're gonna do the same thing we did before with the text node highlighted we're gonna go to the layout area and we're gonna draw a path right along that road so let's say type is path and then we just start making our path here trying to follow the little yellow line that goes right down the middle of the road there now you notice that all those are straight lines so what we can do is click this option up here to select all the points and then hit this curve to smooth all the points out and we have the text going right along my path right there now you can play with some of these points if they're not exactly where we want them you're going to use the handles to adjust it and kind of fine tune it as you need okay so you'll notice as we move this text around that you can kind of see it as it's going off the road over this way it kind of goes off the road like that so what we can do is we can use a mask to clip it off and have the text kind of fade out when it's going off the road so with the text mode selected we're gonna hit the polygon option and we're just gonna draw click the points around here right there where it's going to cut off the road and then we'll close it up so you can see that the text is only going to be visible when it's on the road part and to make a little bit better we can go to the with a polygon selected to soften up the edge a little bit so it'll kind of kind of bleed out and blend out a little bit now let's select our text node and we're gonna animate our position on the path so it's gonna start right there go to our first frame hit the keyframe for position on path and we'll go over like say 120 frames and go all the way off the path there so this is kind of what the animation looks like right now so I think C I think I want to speed that up a little bit so let's go to this the spline editor and do that a little bit so we're gonna choose our position on path and hit the zoom option or select these points and hit the with this box off shape box and now I'm just gonna drag this in so it's gonna go a little bit faster for this animation let's speed it up just a touch yeah that's pretty good now what we're gonna do is we're gonna select these two points right here and hit the curve option to smooth that out and I want this to go really really fast in the beginning and end and kind of slow down as it's going around the curve so we're gonna do these so that it comes straight up this is gonna go fast it's gonna slow down in the middle and then speed up toward the end it's a little bit too fast let's slow down a bit just kind of have to play with this until it looks right that'll probably be good enough just to kind of give you an idea slows down and then it's gonna speed up and one more thing that I did to kind of help it blend in a little bit better you'll notice that it's kind of going over those trees right there now we see you could mask that out but a simple thing that I did was let's get this spline off of here go to the merge I just changed the apply mode to overlay and now you can see that when it's going through the trees it kind of blends in a little bit more kinda looks like it might be going under the trees the last thing I want to show you is how I did the text to bounce between my hands in that one we basically need to animate the path a little bit so let me drag this clip down there and we'll say a new fusion composition right click on it new computing composition and let's get in fusion this one just takes a little bit of kind of key framing to have the path follow the hands so let's go to the very beginning we'll drag in a text node and merge it in with the media one and we can call it animation and this one I actually went in and added a little border around it because if the text was kind of hard to see there you can do really any kind of text option you want so we'll click select element to click the border and we'll have the border color be black select outside only and we'll kind of boost up the border there a little bit the thickness okay back on text you get this one you want to make sure you have the first frame selected because that's where you're going to start with your path we'll click the layout option and choose the type of path and now we just need to make our path so we're gonna I'm gonna connect it up between my hands here and all I did is we just went over a few frames and kept moving these points to kind of be kinda in the center where my hand was you can kind of fine-tune this as much as you want you know just kind of do it roughly here I'm not doing any of the curves on this one so that takes a little bit more I'll show you that in just a second okay that'll kind of give you the idea so you'll see that kind of as I play this the kind of animation the text is kind of tracking between my hands like that I didn't do that last one right there you notices every time I'm making changes to the path it's creating it's creating keyframes okay that's a rough idea now to get the text to bounce back and forth we did we just animate the position on the path go to the very first frame and have the Texico kind of into my hand and set a keyframe and this is just basically how fast you want it to bounce we'll go over about say ten frames and we'll drag it all the way position a path over to my other hand and we got a keyframe there so you notice it kind of it'll go like that and sticks so what we need to do is get that to repeat these way to do that an easy way to do that is to open up the spline editor choose position on path and we'll select all the points and you just highlight these two points we can click that to smooth them out an option down here is it's called set ping-pong and this is going to basically have it bounce back and forth you see when we zoom out the edge is kind of is gonna animation is going to keep repeating so now when we see it's gonna be bouncing back and forth and then that's where I stopped keyframe right there now if you wanted this to follow a path you would select these and grab this point and you could bend it around it's gonna follow that path there now so you can we can take it and bend it however we want if you like my videos and are interested in learning more about filmmaking and DaVinci Resolve subscribe to follow my progress also if you have any questions or comments leave them below I would really love to hear from you I appreciate everyone's feedback and support on my channel
Channel: William Justice
Views: 30,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, Text Animation, Path Animation, Davinci Resolve Fusion, Fusion Tutorial, Davinci Resolve Tutorial
Id: B6np5nA29r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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