Testing the SKETCHIEST body armor on ebay - will it save you?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Gusfoo 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey this is jeff of taofledermaus quick question if you needed to buy some body armor to protect you from potentially hitting shot would you shop on ebay to buy that body armor and would you buy generic body armor on there something with no certification no brand name and no information of even where it's made well that's exactly what we're testing today the most generic questionable body armor on ebay I mean it could be a bunch of t-shirts sewn together as far as we know on this auction there's no mention of who manufactured this where it was actually made and there's no II you know effort to even provide proof that it was independently tested by say underwriters laboratories to provide some kind of proof that these can actually stop any bullet at all now despite that some folks from Hong Kong contacted me about this specific auction and wanted to know my opinion if this stuff would save their life if they were shot well I took a look at the auction and honestly I wouldn't trust my life to this stuff no more than I would by a generic parachute on ebay and jump out of an airplane with it even though I tried to talk him out of buying this stuff they still sent us a couple of these panels to test out hey welcome back to LA the crew here we are again out at the well this is the TEL freighter mouth private rifle range today we've got some requests from some of the Hong Kongers and they appreciated the testing we've done for them so far on some of this body armor well they found a generic Kevlar panel that they want us to test out its generic there's no label no rating it's about a quarter inch thick and size wise comparison well here's a this police issue or ago I believe so it's a very small vest a child-size comparison and then there's an official body armor and you see the size difference there might protect your vitals hopefully the whoever shooting at you is a good aim we're gonna run them everybody said that most of the police seem to be used in 38 so we're gonna run some 38 Full Metal Jacket up against this and we're gonna see what it does 38 special Full Metal Jacket seven yards seven yards with a laser let's see how that laser works out okay I'm ready [Music] it definitely stopped that 38 where's the bullet at through the first layer so will it bounce back here about four feet okay and let's see we do an Edwin no it's cool yeah it's fully mushroomed out that vest would have saved your life it would have hurt like crazy within like a punch from up a donkey in the chest yeah so far so good I'm impressed break the first layer okay yeah that's awesome that's good to know didn't I thought it would pucker up the vest like make it almost unusable again but we can shoot it again okay that's let's move on to nine-millimeter okay nine millimeter through a 10-inch barrel giving it about about ten percent more velocity the analogy is if you have if you're testing a two hundred latter raid for two hundred fifty pound person and you and you test it with a three hundred pound person and it works and it that's a good test right yeah that's why we're using a ten inch barrel overdrive it a little bit nine millimeter Full Metal Jacket I'm ready when you are all right here we go see there's dramatically more damage [Music] we couldn't find it on the ground and after some compression testing it is in there okay if it feels like it mushroomed out pretty good yeah but we're not gonna dig it out right now yeah we got more testing to do that we'll try up 45 ACP kind of see right there okay so far the veces is doing very well okay 10-inch barrel 45 ACP ball ammo yep Full Metal Jacket so far we've shot this vest two times and it's still holding up very well did not expect that okay I'm ready when you are okay there we go belly button I had a pucker factor you guys saw how the panel picked itself off of here pucker factor it's a lot of energy impacting but look at this that's exactly how we found it [Applause] did a good job of stopping it right next to where you shot it before so those who say it's been compromised well you know that was 38 9-millimeter and 45 yep even right next to the other hole it still stopped it in should we so those who are the in the compromise crowd don't them mushrooming that did a heck of a job there come on bees you know we're being visited by the local honey producer eggs Gregg's friends we do have some hives about 100 yards from here lots of hives but that didn't even break the surface excellent caught it mushroomed it okay probably hurt yeah that was George it he keeps taking it in the noggin there I'm so come comes kind of surprised how well the shirts holding up there you know I thought it would be starting to get torn up and stuff I want to show how much energy is actually going through the vest let's put like a magazine behind it and then maybe I'll Lumet the aluminum plate just to kind of you know and then we'll shoot it nine millimeter and see you know even though you have a body armor on it's still very hard it's very painful and you still get injured just from the blunt force you know it's concentrated Ferdie hard right right yeah it's it's like getting hit with a with a sledge hammer in the chest so those people who want to test body armor on their friend don't do that don't ever do that just put a magazine behind it see if that will spread the load out a little bit really if you are I'm ready here we go [Music] alright guys this is how we found it laying just like that did not penetrate pretty good pucker factor there is I think the bullets inside there again I'm sure it is but look at this yeah that is a really good indicator I mean how much force is hitting your body without penetrating right yeah look at that all the way through that's the energy that would be hitting you breaking ribs or or your sternum or is that am I using the right terminology that's a lot you know that's that's why you don't want to play around with you know these tests shooting your friend or anything like that that would be you don't want to do that we can't emphasize that enough yeah it was really 128 page number 128 so that's what 64 pieces of paper something like that yeah it's just just a magazine yeah but think of how much force what it would take to blast a hole through that like that like a big old hammer you know that's old yeah it's a really good example of how much energy is hitting your body well that won't even damage the shirt yeah yep yep okay now let's try something metal you know a metal plate or something Lumina Hongkonger please there you go the previous Hong Kong body armor test which it took two or three layers to stop it we got a little area there that I circled that is not damaged and we'll see what kind of dent it leaves there you go again we wanted this show how much force is hit in your body through the Kevlar even though the bullet doesn't go through it's still might even send you to the hospital I'm sure that one would have busted your sternum yeah a couple cracks a few ribs just yeah you would not you'd be on the ground probably I tell you'd be walking away anybody live but you might wish you weren't Yeah right right 9-millimeter ball jacket ten inch barrel aluminum backing I'm ready when you are all right here we go [Music] and that's a pretty serious little dent there yeah pulled out and turn it around so you can see the dent from the other side too damaged ear the bullet I think is in the best what's in there yep all right I think that would still hurt even if you're wearing that aluminum plate it's better than a magazine no right but that would it would hurt less than not having a plate at all didn't damage the shirt okay impact was right in about here okay still a lot of force coming through that vest that's one thing we want to really emphasize here getting shot even with a bulletproof quote best is still a bill a painful ordeal now place a a gallon jug of water behind the Kevlar just again to show you the energy that's coming through again nine millimeter Full Metal Jacket [Music] [Music] [Music] the conclusion here Danny I'm very surprised it's been hit with that 9-millimeter enough times how many times out six times well headed six times four with a 9-millimeter one with a 38 and one with a 45 yeah show all the places where it's been hit they're in there that was the 45 and I believe that was the 38 and then the nines still no penetration absolutely impressive I thought they did they sent us two of these vests and I and in in retrospect we only wrote needed one because it performs so well I thought after one or two shots we'd have to switch it out with the other one but we just kept going with this one shooting it in close proximity to the other places it's been shot yeah it still functional stay strong Hong Kong Epstein deduct
Views: 437,168
Rating: 4.9200759 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, cheapest, kevlar, save your life, friends, testing, slow motion camera, taofledermaus
Id: gtcmfVR02XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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