Finally, a slug suitable for hunting dinosaur

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standby for action [Music] hey everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus before we dive too deeply into this video we got to make sure we talk about the most important thing and that is how to pronounce the name of this company in the past we've called it brenneke I've heard others people call it brenneke brenneke and many others but if you ask that german the pronunciation is brennick i'd like to thank a viewer named ross that's just the name he wants to go by for generously sending these to us because he really wanted to see him tested and he put his money where his mouth is now looking at this box he probably wouldn't think it's the most powerful slug that brennick a-- produces after all it doesn't have a big ferocious grizzly bear on there and after watching this video you'll probably wonder why they don't have a t-rex printed on the box because these are designed for rifled barrels only you'll notice that the ribs angle in the opposite direction that's to better engage the rifling when the slug is fired the gas piston is supposed to compress against the slug like that to help stabilize it in flight but as we'll see in the test that doesn't always happen let's compare the Magnum crush to the Blackmagic Magnum now the Blackmagic Magnum is no slouch it's a powerful round but the Magnum crush beats it in weight in grains the crush is about 657 grains and the black magic is about 600 grains the black magic leaves the barrel at just over 1500 feet per second and will deliver over 3,000 foot-pounds of energy now the Magnum crush despite being a heavier slug you would expect the velocity to be a little bit lower but nope it's nearly a hundred feet per second faster and delivers thirty eight hundred and four foot-pounds of energy and because of these high weights and high velocities we have very high pressures that's why they say rifle shotguns only rifle chuck guns just have higher pressure tolerances and I would not recommend shooting these through just a normal smoothbore Wow how help on a scale from one to ten okay okay on the Box they claim to have exceptional accuracy up to 100 guards that's probably German yards in our testing at our private rifle range will be seen if that claim is true and we'll also see what kind of power these things actually have let's get out there to ensure we had a fair test we kept the temperature of the ammunition and the breach at around 65 degrees Fahrenheit okay this first shot that we're gonna show you is pretty much textbook it was just a little bit to the left but the slug functioned perfectly it flew nice and straight and it just blasted through all those blocks of gel creating a massive temporary cavity as it passed through those things you tell how much energy that thing had yeah I can feel it you can feel it and you can see how it threw that all those gel blocks around and we did recover the slug which was one of our goals you know the best caught it yeah I went through all the gel blocks and was trapped in one of the first best it's obviously they're using a very heavy or a very hard led alloy maybe antimony or something tin maybe who knows no I look at the center core you scratch that sinner and the CEO heard that is because that didn't hardly deform it alright yeah yeah let's see what we're doing here no it slid that's interesting if that was a foster slug it would have been the expansion all over the place yeah I would have maybe even split it apart there we go oh look at that you can see how the that's the stem retracted in there quite interesting it's fairly hard lid that's for sure yeah okay people really do like comparisons and we I finally got that through my head sometimes we don't have a different slug to test out and or we have with us but Danny fortunately brought some one ounce foster slugs with a rating of 15 60 feet per second I believe one ounce you're traveling about this all just a little bit slower than our the brenneke crush but I think it'll be a good comparison the recoil should be less well I would aim a empty little to the left or right or a little bit but then they'll give you some room to shoot the other one right okay I'm ready the three inch foster slug traveling just under 1,600 feet per second did a substantial amount of damage not too bad now we'll try with the brenneke crush 50% heavier and about 50 feet per second faster in this test we see that we have a failure of the tail assembly this causes the slug to really lose a lot of stability it was really wobbling around a lot there and this is a problem we also had with the brenneke special-forces slugs yeah definitely it's harder this is what was lifting that crush pretty much turned it inside out all the petals are laying back this way yeah yeah and this is the brenneke crush one and a half ounce and this is the foster slug one ounce yeah a little bit different I was really thinking that we were going to have complete penetration yeah we do have a pretty good bulge yeah no brag just fact hahaha this one did [ __ ] a little bit but don't got about twice as much here okay and that's that's the thickest let plate we've got very very impressive it hit where you're aiming right pretty much yes okay okay let's see what it does to a mild steel plate see what kind of dent it leaves in that again we have the plate at an angle so there's no chance of it bouncing back at us or anything like that or we're keeping the gun and the ammunition as cool as possible to simulate their laboratory conditions high temperatures will could sometimes cause failures so we've actually we actually have the ammo on ice we don't rather have it too cold and too hot we've seen a lot of failures in the past from over temperature so we want to give it a fair test we see another failure of the tail assembly in this shot despite that the accuracy wasn't greatly affected all these shots so far at 15 yards or 45 feet 3/8 inch ah yeah believe it is this mild steel 5/16 yeah somewhere in there very very deep dent in it almost went through that's almost that one almost my Gogi happy I cried over it actually fractured the steel here almost went through wow this is well we recovered laying on the ground about 10 feet past our target okay I'm surprised we found anything still it's uh almost you can almost recognize it as a slug it you can tell they're using a hard hard lead in their composition it'll splash the pebbles yeah yeah and you can tell by the other dense various other impacts you know give you some kind of comparison of past tests you know if you're not you know if you haven't watched all our videos and you'll know what I'm talking about but that does give you idea it almost talked load that thing had been today actually a little bit but can you angle it towards me oh yeah look at that Wow that was pretty good whoo that's pretty impressive how about a bowling pin got them all very hardwood very difficult to penetrate that with any shotgun slug okay got a feeling these are gonna do a good job of it yeah yeah hard lead basslet and heavy lid three things that you have if you want penetration that's what you need okay I'm ready when you are leave that thing go in this test we have another textbook example of how the Magnum crush is supposed to perform as it's flying through the air we didn't have the separation of that tail assembly and because the slug impacted nice straight and true and didn't hit sideways we had maximum penetration on this shot very fairly close to the center at the thickest part of the of the bowling pin I might add a little bit to the right a little right it looks like it went all the way through I believe so because that's the wad right there yeah the wad was this kind of snagged on there but that's the slug is exited the building folks I did not expect that that's you know if there's one slug that can do that this is it we're using these a maple or something yeah sure definitely hardwood I'm sure you know I've watched a video on how they made them it's kind of fascinating and I can't remember but it's a very very hard wood how about some Russian ballistic gel will shoot straight down the grain of this big block of wood see if I can split it see how deep the penetration is whatever very difficult target Russian ballistic gel I'm ready well it fractured the wood nice clean center shot well we have another tail separation of failure of the design on this shot when we tested the beretta cos short Magnum special-forces slugs which has almost 2 million views you would think that brennick a-- would have addressed this issue and corrected it but we're seeing very similar problems with this product now we still had very impressive penetration as Danny tears into the block like The Incredible Hulk here the slug did break into a couple pieces the largest piece is approximately 7 inches in the wood to taste the rainbow right Oh scatter you're the skittles there you go 6 gallons of water let's see if the slug will pass all the way through that ok you ready to taste the flavor let's taste the rainbow let's do this ok I'm ready there goes the table well it looks like I picked just about the perfect number of 1 gallon jugs to shoot at we shot at 6 and we had excellent penetration through this now it is possible it could have gone through one or two more jugs I just need to get my kids to drink much more milk so I can gather up northeast jugs okay so what happened Danny we definitely scattered the skittles it's hard to say which holders in front probably the one that in the biggest pieces I thought I had them all color-coded by the you know the spectrum like that one yeah there's very small pieces sometimes they'll just split them open just one blue them into many pieces very powerful hydrostatic shock from that high velocity this was our last one had enough energy go all the way through it so we had full penetration of six jugs now you now remember that Buffalo outdoors but there's a 458 SOCOM and that the what is it that the Bushmaster you know the only went in like three judge you know three jugs I think we recovered okay and that was on the ground that was on the ground right the best was almost covering it up okay it traveled with the best out there okay yeah there's a big dent in the in the vest okay still had substantial energy then even after going through five gallons of water and the water seed with it okay or the cushion part yeah the little all the little stem is not there it was going yeah okay let me get a close-up of that after going through so much water not much not much deformation seems he's a really hard center core look at that of course everyone wants to know how accurate they are we'll take three shots at 50 yards at a piece of drywall should you know [ __ ] you up really well and also have a little white puffs when it hits where's your point of aim at you're gonna put it right on the Dodge okay got you okay I'm ready when you are right into the berm back there yeah okay let's take another one or two more actually okay those are some main slugs ladies and gentlemen no I'm surprised you hold up this well that one hit in the berm again Wow oh my got one high-speed camera shot of the long-range test this one performed perfectly dragging up massive shockwave across the ground the three shot group test was okay if they fix their defect issues they could definitely tighten that up okay it gives you an idea of the size of it it's only about 12 inch square there yeah 50 yards and I don't have any magnification on my red dot that's true my red dots covering that but I can still get a pretty centered so I don't know which was which but one two three yeah a knock a hog down at fifty yards I think so not bad not bad yeah people think we think we don't have a backstop but we actually have a ditch bank back there that acts as a berm you can see them impacting that all right not bad not bad there you go brenneke crush I'd like to see your shoulder after a few days you [Applause] may not want to feel it purple anyway I hope you enjoyed this video always want to thank our patreon and channel members supporters but also our regular viewers who leave nice comments share our videos and all that stuff will always enjoy reading them thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Views: 1,579,968
Rating: 4.9079766 out of 5
Keywords: camping, outdoors, nature, physics, 12 ga slug, most powerful, testing, slow motion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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