Hong Kong Protesters sent us BODY ARMOR - The ironic surprise

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welcome back to health later crew here we are again with some Hong Kong body armor these were sent to Jeff by an engineer in Hong Kong from Hong Kong well let's see basically three different types here this one appears to be just a arisen I don't know we don't know anything about this we don't have any specifics on them except that this is a six mil eight mil and ten mil and this and then we have some that's obviously fiberglass this is six mil sounds a little denser and we've got an 8 mil and then we've got some a couple of them here and they didn't give us any specs but no resin just the fiberglass and it was layered lots of layers of fiberglass several layers probably good quarter 5/16 of an inch and this one appears to be made of this course mat and then we've got one here it's a finer mat and this one appears to be made with the finer mat they're really well made though it looked like some that came out of a factory they're very well made very flat very precision looking yeah we're gonna try them with a couple of different rounds I'm gonna start off with a 38 special a 130 grain Full Metal Jacket muzzle velocity 800 feet per second with whatever they test that with we're gonna run that through a little snubby 2 inch barrel and see how that does and then we've got a 10 inch chamber adaptor so 10 inch you remember that a little bit better than a 4 inch and we're gonna run some 9 millimeter Full Metal Jacket fifteen green and what kind of velocity we got here 1125 it says at the muzzle so with a teammate's barrel it may be a little bit more than they may be up to about 1300 or so I'm guessing it's hard to see we're gonna we're gonna use the chrono yeah we'll quit will try to chrono will cronograph that see you computers with what they say here okay 38 special I'm ready all right 807 well guys I stand corrected there is a fiberglass mat in here it's just so fine and they did such a good job it looks like nothing but resin but it's obviously against the fiberglass mat come on beam 38 special we were getting just over 800 feet per second they're rated at 800 and it stopped it that bullet bounced back somewhere we can't find it yeah I just kind of fell out it didn't come flying back at us or none it worked it worked I can't believe it just did enough to crack the paper yep so the rear deflection I really see no bulge at all you see the delamination there yep they're here here and then it's a little more right there but that not bad that didn't go more than one and a half millimeters deep awesome and it bounced back yep the bullet was traveling over 800 feet per second but it was no match for this plate there is so little damage to the plate that the velocity could have been even a little greater and it still would have stopped it okay 9-millimeter ten inch barrel Full Metal Jacket this is going to get look this is where we're gonna see if it'll penetrate or not okay 1409 completely different looking and damage to the to plate number a the six millimeter this is a 38 this is our nine mil layer Full Metal Jacket got our paper witness paper there let's see what that got the clean no one's here oh there we go yeah okay now pull the plate out and see what happened okay well we're uh a lot of difference we have a failure on that one big difference between six or nine millimeter and 38 special this bullet was travelling over 1,400 feet per second and the plate did not stop it but that gives us a pretty good idea of the range of protection of this plate I'm fairly certain that this eight millimeter plate will stop the 38 special right oh yeah the six millimeter did okay so we're gonna continue with the nine millimeter there we go 9-mil full-metal-jacket 1,400 and what something and loose change yeah yeah we just wanted to demonstrate that with a longer barrel you're getting higher velocity and that round went right through that plate unfortunately one thing we just don't know is what type of nine millimeter ammunition they're using in Hong Kong is it hollow points or is at Full Metal Jacket high velocity or low okay plate numbers see ten millimeters thick fiberglass ready to rock and roll I'm ready thirteen sixty four okay we're going back to the 38 because I have a feeling that people still want to see it shot way up by a 38 see if it'll does it prove anything or disprove anything just to satisfy anyone's I have a little bit of curiosity you know get your laser beam going got the B's big difference between 38 special and nine-millimeter folks 38 special that's what the police have been using in Hong Kong folks not here United States but in Hong Kong and it looked like it just it just bounced off that thing we've got some lead splatter here okay a little bit yeah that thing just bounced didn't even hardly make a dent yep and that's different swing 9 millimeter and 38 if the Hong Kong police are using 9 millimeter hollow points at a much lower velocity than what we're using this plate me very well stopped it but we do know it will stop the 38 special like nobody's business it worked very well different style plate it looks a little different than the other one so we're get will use 38 special again on this one otherwise people will be screaming at us I think okay I am ready when you are all right we keep this off to the right a little bit oops and that was off to the right a little bit oh come on Buffalo this is kind of an invalid test just because it hit the bungee cord it can be a little bit awkward trying to position the gun so that the bullets traveling over the chronograph and aim at the same time Plus Danny's human okay let's give that another try I'm ready this plate and also plate II were actually made by the engineers in Hong Kong using the Barton process is that right there was very little damage to the plate from the 38 special okay he did great with the 38 special how will it do with the nine now I'm ready did a great job with the 38 special but stopped it wrapped here 9 millimeter not so lucky oh man and I went 6 millimeters thick oh gosh okay okay let's move on to little the next one as you can see we had a full pastor using a 9 millimeter Full Metal Jacket higher velocity bullet okay 9 millimeter plate e8 2 millimeters thick let's do it a little different looking damage a lot of delamination there Doug rocked around a little bit more what problem is Jill made it through okay it's tough stopping bullets folks those nine full metal jackets are about to be taken lately yep now one of the important things to mention about plate D and E is they were actually manufactured using locally sourced materials the fiberglass in the epoxy in a minute I'll reveal where they got plates a B and C okay we got the fiberglass soft body armor now what do you what do you what do you think the odds of that stopping a 38 special I don't know you know this being soft it might flex and catch better than the brittleness that this shattering it's hard to say it's it's very hard to say I'm usually wrong with my predictions though but my prediction is it's going to go through 38 special ok let's do it looks like it went right through again if if if it stops 38 then we'll go to 9 millimeter panel G which is a finer mesh fibreglass here we go it's pretty clear the engineers in Hong Kong we're trying to replicate Kevlar panels using fiberglass but as you can see the properties are completely different neither panel would stop even the 38 special around oK we've taken plate a and plate B and stacked it up we'll see if that will stop the 9 millimeter full metal jacket at about 1,400 feet per second velocity did that stop the dreaded 9 millimeter let's find out you guys gonna see it as we do I see less Lam delamination here yeah which could be a good thing or a bad thing that one maybe not I see bits of lead here in between them okay it's a good good good sign so far here look at lead so it came out and it was see this falling second panel I believe we stopped it there it cracked it but there's no pass-through yeah I'd left a weird little crack you know similar shape mark on our back panel or our witness cardboard is you could call so yeah they just went through the first panel just kind of tore it up so we got a total of what 14 millimeters Wow they were I put them as flat together as possible so they were very close together not much of a gap or anything between them almost went through though it was close to going through it was very close yeah but it broke up through the first one or against the face of the second one yep see the greyness around here yeah hit it hard delaminated it and no pass through okay very it was close to passing through though it was close yeah probably hurt yeah 14 mils and save you okay that's good now if you absolutely positively want to stop a 9-millimeter high-velocity bullet use two plates especially a Full Metal Jacket [Music] they wanted us to shoot with an AR and and I said what about a que si okay that'll work too we would have done it with both but we don't have an AR available with us today but we do have the a que to be very similar you saw what it did to the in the previous tests of the ebay armor it just goes right through it but if we stack them all up that's what everybody wants to know okay are you ready Danny we are ready okay I'm ready here we go as many people know rifle ammunition is in a completely different class than pistol ammunition not here it hit the metal plate so it may have stopped it let's let's pull it out bring it down and find your point of impact oh it's starting to break apart get some spalling here after 6 24 millimeters into the 8 mil [Music] oh hey look in there Oh looky there that's what you gotta have for armors that yard board yeah yeah that's some Buffalo outdoors luck right there look at that that's going through all of this yep I'm very surprised when you when you shot I did not hear it go boom wait we like it hit the plate look at that okay it it's more or less stopped it well that's the jacket okay there's no steel core here yeah the core kept on going the core is actually almost an inch long on these things yeah not here not here hit the plate all right right you could have deflected or something but as I mentioned earlier plates D and E were actually manufactured by the Hong Kong engineers now after we did our test I contact the engineer to kind of give an idea of the results and he revealed something very interesting to me plates a B and C were actually bought in mainland China and bought for very cheap about $5 a plate and they were simply printed circuit boards the performance of the Chinese circuit boards was near the same as the stuff that they spent all the time manufacturing themselves so why go through all that hassle just buy circuit boards from China now the plates provide less than level to NIJ protection but the Hong Kong engineers seemed very excited with our results and they seem to think that's good enough at this time I'm gonna leave this video unlisted for about a week so that the Hong Kongers will have time to buy this stuff in bulk while they still can now we had no idea these were just printed circuit boards when we did the test I hope you were as surprised as I was thanks for watching and we'll catch you next time
Views: 253,615
Rating: 4.9152989 out of 5
Keywords: hong kong protests, engineering, body armor, safety test, amazing, printed circuit boards, reveal, demolitionranch, ironic meme, secret revealed, Chinesium, ave
Id: 2oGyNf9lqcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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