12 ga Shotgun Slug made from .50 BMG case -Tested!

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you're watching taofledermaus a 12 gauge projectile made out of a 50 bmg case how come no one else has thought of that this is the latest creation by master genius evan perry these are made out of course solid brass a lot thicker than i thought i didn't know 50 bmgs were that thick at the base so these are actually quite hefty these weigh in at 18.4 grams or about two-thirds of an ounce what does that mean it means we can propel them at much higher velocities in fact well over 1800 feet per second evan turned these down to 0.729 inches normally that's the perfect diameter for a lead projectile going through a rifle barrel but these are brass brass is very hard now if evan would have turned these down to 0.650 which would allow us to use a sabo the slug would be very short and have no skirt at all at that point so that leads to this big question how will these fly without any spin stabilization at all now on my youtube community channel page i think that's what it's called i posted a photo of these and asked people hey come up with a name for these i i needs a good creative name and we had a lot of good names uh for some reason karen came up a lot because i think a lot of people thought these are gonna scream through the air but i was absolutely inundated with uh comments on that thank you now let's get out there and see what these things actually do okay test one hydrostatic towel about 10 yards away [Applause] i'm ready when you are all right here we go when i first saw that um i thought you'd missed but it went through the towel spectacularly it looked like it was flying straight too impact uh i wasn't even here but those are so light dude yeah you know we haven't tested these yet so we it's like where are they going to fly to they you know the trajectory is always different depending on the weight and the velocity and all that all the way through and then it it it was captured in the vest got it the best it kind of rolled over up into the corner here we dug it out and this thing's ready to go again look at that brass is a lot tougher than you thought let me let me have a close look a lot of scratches on there that was through a smooth bore mossberg accelerator barrel factory yeah so it uh probably got a little bit of a modified choke on the end oh okay the first shot was a little bit high but look how stable that thing is flying through the air without spin really neat effect of the uh disintegrating discarding toilet paper support plug and that is to kind of protect the gas seal more than anything just supports everything allows it to push evenly against the slug works well let's see if uh five pounds of silly putty can stop this unique projectile okay i'm ready all right here we go ah it didn't slow it down at all okay i'm ready all right here we go okay danny that was a i think i figured out where these things are traveling pretty much a little bit to the left there but we reconstructed the crime scene the point a was right about here so we're you know it's pretty good it looked like it was flying stable too which is what we're hoping that's the goal is just a stable flying projectile and inaccurate you know you know so that's a non-newtonian fluid people always want to shoot non-newtonian fluids that's what silly putty and uh keep it clean a little bit and you did recover that one right we got that one in the vest again we're doing pretty well i really wanted to re re cover these things this one extruded a little bit of the silly putty right through the this would be the back side that was the front look at that and it's and it's in good shape too right yeah it's ready to go for another round okay and it might be a part two that's what i'm hoping you know he went through a lot of trouble making these things and we can get two videos two uses out of them that's pretty good quite that's that's impressive you know he's a he's a drawer drawer can i i can't talk he makes jewelry a jeweler there you go thank you and he's not a aeronautic engineer or anything like that but my goodness does he have a a good ratio of win versus loss as far as the projectile he's made that work very well is that forgive the clumsy gloves it's uh supposed to be 107 today right and that mass accelerator being uh black in color gets hot yeah everything gets hot another beautiful shot with that kind of comet effect from the toilet paper as it slowly disintegrates that's so cool i didn't expect that but as you can see even five pounds of silly putty can't stop a brass 50 bmg projectile traveling over 1200 miles per hour okay barrier test we got a 2x6 in front of doug and hopefully we catch another one in the vest i'm going to catch them all in the vest and then for the next video shoot them at uh subsonic speeds and see if they whistle or not i don't hear any whistling yet okay i am ready when you are all right today is not a good day to be outside it's it's a day to be sitting on on the couch with some iced tea or something well it's hard to see those beet sites sweat in your eyes okay all right i believe you nice clean hole a little bit left yeah where are how far are we at now about 20 yards yeah 20 yards okay full pass through toothpicks this is the way we walked up on it there it is that was like packed full of wood laying here just like that yeah what kind of is it oh look it's full of wood the primer pocket that's what you want and the pocket full of wood i can't between you and greg you know i just what a mess look at all that a little bit of the tp there yep that's an um still doing really well it looked stable in flight looked like the the paper towel which is our fiber wad started disintegrating as it was flying through the air which is kind of neat i think these are going too fast um before they whistle i was expecting the whistle but we're saying these things at probably 17 1800 feet per second um not enough uh too much you know you got a shock wave and subsonic that's if we save enough of these we can do them again that's what i'm really hoping three out of three yeah and again in really good condition you know you can see we're a little sparrow scuffing it's how close his tolerances are just perfect perfect for a smooth bore a little too big for rifling we pulled the barrel and examined it and it's not damaging the barrel right at all yeah it's it's almost scraping it clean it's so close yeah now we had pretty acceptable accuracy at 10 yards at 20 yards we're starting to see a little bit of deviation here and i think the reason for that and i've given this a lot of thought the diameter of the projectile 0.729 inches is just a little bit maybe a thousandth or two thousands smaller than the inside diameter of the barrel and remember these are prototypes and all it takes a little bit of tweaking to get it right 6160 aluminum 3 8 inch thick the target i really love makes a nice ringing sound let's see if these will go through it or not or just leave it dead 60 61 60 60 what did i say 6160 oh okay whatever same thing 357 358 whatever gets the job done aluminium yes okay i'm ready all right here where to go there it is nice that's good for a double finger man where's greg when you need him i don't know but i noticed you know this uh one here i punched out the other day he was sticking his finger in my hole oh you can't have that man social distancing yeah [Applause] [Laughter] the wii the reason it went right is because the last one went a little bit left and i told danny i this is where i went wrong i told danny where to aim and he should not listen to me it's like yeah aim way to the right even still they seem to have a about a three three inch variance of from point a aim okay okay that's only four that we've tested it's holding true here to here same with our board uh let's see we hit the silly putty pretty good but yeah and what did you find in the vest is it hot it's still pretty warm there it is it takes to punch out a slug of aluminum like that and it has this flat edge because our support is oh it didn't mess up our support did it no okay and then here's our brass it's hot enough that it where's your gloves at your edwin oh it did it mangled that one up pretty good not terribly but considerably considerably more than the uh going through the softer targets that's awesome that's a lot of energy folks that punch out a hole like that think about what a press would take to do that now i could have closed down the aperture on this one i'm kicking myself for that but look at the energy when this thing impacts actual plasma burst there i was really surprised how little damage the the brass slug sustained from this after going through that thick of an aluminum plate all right danny how many uh jugs do you think those that that'll go through uh i think it'll go through all three we'll catch it in the best again okay i i kind of agree with you i think they will pass through all three three gallons of water okay if that's it that's if you hit it but i have faith in you let's find out oh boy i think we were both right on that way we needed more jugs three gallons of water these jerks sprung a leak a little bit yeah those are kind of too far gone to reconstruct but look at that that looked dead center maybe a half inch high or low i mean but still impressive it looked like it was stable flying through the air and then this one the last one look at that a little bit hey check this out and and that's how you found it right sitting right there we are having good luck capturing slugs today which was our goal and that one's water cooled [Laughter] nice nice nice nice there you go another one we can retest come on focus camera i was i was bragging about you a couple videos ago too see if you say focus you happy i'm a lot happier with the camera settings on this one the more i can close down that aperture i can get much better depth of focus as you can see again we have that toilet paper particle comet trail going on there and surprisingly in this shot it was a lot more accurate you have to bear in mind these things are handmade they're not made on a cnc so there are slight variables in the actual performance okay f111 panel where i think we're going to give this away on patreon to someone on patreon this month i think this is the very last one i thought the last one was the last one it's never the last one until you actually get to the last one okay enough of my philosophy so i know this will go through i think we're you know but this is off of real f-111 or was this designated to go on f111 it was a spare part a piece of history in town clear mouse whatever okay you're aiming at that x or the plus sign or whatever on the right side yes sir okay i'm ready yikes yikes five five four five or i don't know we've recovered the slug five out of five i think and the the slug of aluminum that it punched out pay no attention to that target there is a little bit high not like it was aiming at it there again it's in that three inch yeah not super accurate but accurate enough i guess you know take down a f-111 yeah okay and here's our projectile and our primer pocket seems to be plugged with some green material there yeah and then we found that in the vest and also in the vest is the rest of this that's awesome man and again we could reuse that slug if we needed to that one yeah yeah it's not really deformed or anything okay nice nice clean hole it's a little a little drag through but not bad gosh darn it i should have kept the camera settings the way i had them but anyway gives you an idea the slug was very stable in flight but shot a little bit high okay we got the funky gla we are some of the hardest people on clear ballistic gel in the world with the weird crap we blast into that and this one's showing its uh age even though it's been shot only like three or four times uh when you get rocks and pieces of ceramic and whatever else uh commutators flechettes flechettes gets a little funky but any gel is better than no gel right let's see what it does to the 16 inch fbi certified clear ballistic gel okay i'm ready when you are all right there we go we see what happened in there a little bit let's see [Applause] all i know is we lost the slug because it went the slug went it was going straight then it started going down and it squirted underneath our kevlar kind of went and then down exited squirted out right there okay and now you saw it on the height i mean it was going slow but you know it's out in those weeds somewhere it flipped the best and yeah it didn't even flip the vest really it it just went underneath it before the vest even moved yeah it left a skid mark okay at least we have that if we had a metal detector and it wasn't 170 degrees out here we'd probably go out there and look for it you know but hey that's for another day we want to finish this video up and go home and drink some iced tea and sit on the couch and cool some jelly there you go it's time to recast that bad boy we were doing so well at capturing these slugs and this one just snuck away from us now to be honest i did not expect a full pass-through uh these things only weigh two-thirds of an ounce and have that big old flat nose on there didn't think they had a chance of going all the way through the gel so wrong again jeff 50 yards with a bead sight aiming at the white label on the vest and then if it's it's really off it'll hit it maybe it'll still hit the the hood of a car i think it went high yeah aim a little low at least hit the bet yeah at least hit the uh the hood i guess i'm gonna go about three inches from the bottom okay oh people always uh go you know why don't you shoot it at 100 yards or 50 yards this is kind of why we knew these weren't the most accurate things in the world because at 20 yards we were having about three inch variation go 50 yards you'll have a you know 10 inches 12 inch variation there's my poor name the first one first one was aiming for the label and they went over the top yeah just a couple inches over on the other side yeah right over there so i dropped my aim down to here hit it over here yeah so there you go you know what you know people who have never watched you shoot before will think oh edgar i can't aim you know it's like that's to shoot it with a foster slug or whatever go back and watch the videos go back and watch the video he does some remarkable stuff it's like oh he can't hit that uh pool ball right in the center and at 20 yards and he sure did there's the suzuki pinky wiggle yeah who where'd that hood come from buddy of mine give me this tent into his lifted behind it's off of a suzuki okay it's awful nice of him he knows we always need target it's a bulky target to be hauling around though you'll notice that a lot of the targets that we use are really small that fit into my little tiny pickup that's usually the basis of what we use unless you just look at this thing yeah this is a difference just one shot and i'm curious what kind of damage the vest will do or the impact will do to that uh door or that i'm sorry that that bonnet hood [Laughter] you gotta redeem yourself here this is the danny redemption shot [Laughter] one ounce slug aiming at the white label right we're gonna go for center of white label okay i'm ready let's do it i think he got it i think i pulled left just a little bit okay you have officially redeemed yourself people know now that you know how to aim a mass accelerator i don't know 48 was here and i felt like i pulled left when i let go yeah but oh he hit the white label that's that's impressive three quarters of an inch at 50 yards yeah and we caught the slug oh okay let me move up a little closer here get a little bit of wind come on windshield look at that flattened just flatten that thing out and what it do to the hood i like to show this stuff that you when you if you have to wear a soft body armor and you get hit by a bullet or something there's a lot of energy that's coming through look at that you know mind you that door that that hood had a couple dents in it but nothing like that not like this looked like a a body that jumped off a building landed on there look at that 1400 feet per second is that it i thought those were like 16 or 15. i'm not sure okay we'll have to look at the box but it's uh faster than i'd want to get hit by yeah but that's it gives you a really good idea why we often keep things at about 20 yards if we did every test at 50 yards we would run out of projectiles really fast because we usually don't get very many no nothing to practice with but generally we get maybe five yeah but i think he said nine or ten of them this time but which is great you know that gives us a lot more options now one of the things i try to do in these videos is analyze what's going on one important thing here is the 50 gic slug has a very flat trajectory it just doesn't want to drop it just keeps flying level more or less it's amazing with the one ounce foster slug we can clearly see the ballistic arc as the slug drops so in reality the 50 gic may not be as inaccurate as we first thought it's just a matter of getting that cited in and figuring out where that point of impact is going to be oh my gosh this video is getting long it's almost 24 minutes long that's a long one for me i hope you enjoyed it though we had a lot of fun creating it for you we'll see you next time thanks for watching
Views: 486,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machining, arts and crafts, camping, life hacks, world's first, imagination, supersonic, smartereveryday, demolitionranch
Id: oXl5hk-gDsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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