Testing the latest exotic 12 g. slug from Russia - Wicked Design

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prototype testing is kind of a service that we do for small businesses and individuals who come up with various projectile designs and they want us to film it with a high-speed camera these designs come from all over the world Russia Australia and some from the United States even now tests like these are normally never seen by the public but we thought it'd be fun to bring you along [Music] today's prototype comes from Russia from the beautiful city of st. Petersburg this was designed by Alexey Lavrov who has sent us other designs in the past the slug is constructed of solid brass weighing in at 32 grams or around 500 grains the slug does have a whole board down the center of it the purpose of that is just to control the weight now those familiar with Russian slugs may say hey it looks a lot like the Leningrad slug and you you're kind of right but the shape is a slightly different Alexie's is a little more back heavy and it also has a beveled nose probably to improve the aerodynamics the Leningrad is smaller in diameter it also weighs quite a bit less at only 26 grams but it also requires a proprietary sabo system to write in Alexie's design still is a sabo type projectile but he decided to simplify things by using off-the-shelf sporting wads and Alexey specified that I trimmed the little webbing between the pedals so that they'll have a better chance of opening up smoothly alexei did paint these things that bright color hoping they'll show up better on camera now there is some disagreement between Alexei and his colleagues about whether that sporting wad would be suitable for this type of projectile so he specified that we split the shot cup completely in two we eliminate the cushion and added a core quad between there to give it much more support and we'll be testing both of these designs side by side we're at the private rifle range here where we normally shoot this is a like I said a rifle range with a bench and everything and that's where were you we shoot because of the lighting and in camera access and everything but yes yeah yeah yeah but this is where we shoot it so it is a private range we don't want we don't have we have permission to shoot here but we're not going to tell anyone where it's at because pretty soon that's gonna get trashed and abused and everything but yeah the owners do come out here and check on us to make sure we're doing everything up properly and cleaning up and everything but yeah it's it's so goes so far down there that you can shoot rifles without without a berm it's really surprising but we just we just shoot shotguns out here which is very close you know short range stuff [Music] yeah welcome back all right welcome black back a baby it's I'm tired I just ate an orange welcome back to a later crew we got to try something new here these are kind of a prototype brass slug from Alexi Russia yeah st. Petersburg these are similar to the Diablo shape that what we call those the the Leningrad cut - yeah those yeah it's I kind of call it the Russian Diablo it's it's very it's quite a bit different in from a normal Diablo shape yeah real tail-heavy you know there's a weird real heavy bass but basically a dabbler shape we got two different configurations one with a standard cushioned wad and then one that's got a cork what you want to call it spacer in there but the wad cup has been split so we're gonna see if we can get a good separation in between the wad and the slug try not to drive that wad up in through the hole in there and in there yeah the hole is there just to keep the slug from weighing too much really shouldn't affect aerodynamic dynamics because of the shock wave in front of it yeah but we've got a gallon jug about 15 yards down range let's see what these will do a normal wad first these are loaded with the same powder load everything's the same except for that the the wad weigh the wads are loaded okay ready whenever you are good sharp recoil the first couple high-speed camera shots are not very good but I was wanting to really show the separation of the slug in the wad more than anything so I was trying to keep everything in focus by cranking down on the iris and that just screwed up the quality completely bill the slug was accurate so that's a good sign and another good sign is the wad survived perfectly so this system seems to be working well so far okay split wadding okay it's a good sign you're proposing to recoil a little stronger recoil because of no cushion no cushion in there you could definitely feel the difference okay okay again my camera settings aren't doing me any justice but again the slug was accurate very similar impact accuracy and everything has the first shot okay another normal wad at the lead plate we forgot through a lead plate shot with the tracers and people are upset if we didn't do everything if we were perfect they'd have nothing to comment about you know okay let plate he's gonna be aiming at he's using a smoothbore with bead sights by the way folks we're still at 12 yards 15 15 yards okay I I need to be reminded of these things so okay first with the normal wad which seemed to hell up really well I I thought they were gonna have some issues with that but it's oh I'm wrong I'm always wrong though okay he's aim at the blue little dot square let's even get a chrono reading this time okay I'm ready another error yeah we're getting some weird errors this should be going about 1,400 feet per second by my powder load I got my camera settings dialed in a little better and we can see just how stable that slug is without any spin stabilization you normally start our tests at around 10 yards but we went 15 yards this time and we were not disappointed this thing was very accurate okay now with the split wad again the same distance same path same everything through a smoothbore like they haven't mother out of Russia okay he bout ready yeah I'm ready okay our blue dot there was about what 11 o'clock yes all right let's see what we can do with the split wad we have again very good stability we're not seeing much of a difference between the two systems other than the point of impact which is kind of normal when you change things up like that but so far both systems seem to be quite adequate for this application like this yes this is about eleven o'clock so I heard about what 10:45 that one looks like it's in there a little straighter than their first one late extruding yeah through the hole I'll have to figure out how to pull those out I'm sure there I'm sure they're pretty mushroomed actually what are you doing okay bit of breast in the bottom right there yeah that's that one broke it it's if I ever get those out I'll maybe melted or some but it'll be interesting but kind of [ __ ] I imagine they're quite mushroom though mm-hmm how did that feel there it's pretty good your finger fits better folks don't freak out this pork shoulder is expired meat so we're gonna blow it up and feed the Coyotes out here okay regular wad at just a meat target actually folks he's an aim at the what the dot on the left or the right we got to use the same meat target on this shot because we're comparing two slugs and they have to have the the same density if you use two different types of meat you'd have two different types of density it wouldn't be a fair test and plus we're really cheap and poor okay which one you going for okay left dot ready whoo Danny again is doing an impressive job keeping these things on target using just feed sites which is not a very accurate sighting method but it's a real-world test a lot of people just use bees sites when they're hunting with shotguns and it's completely suitable for engagements up to around 50 yards away 14:53 on that shot so I was pretty close as far as my powder load data it goes okay now we'll use the split wad have to say at the meet target at 15 yards again well that would set 2,073 kick we moved the coronagraph back so we might be getting some readings of the wadding and stuff even though the powder loads were identical we did see a much more energetic impact on this shot a much more massive cavitation wound to our meat target so we may have a more efficient gas seal using this system last time I cut my finger in one of these damn things you did yeah yeah a bone or something there's that bone shirt oh yeah then here's the interesting thing big giant lean cavity on the front backs are rather rather small oh yeah I got the skin you should turn this skin side what's wrong with this here's your here's your skin exit on the first one I'm sorry that's the second one you should get an exit on the first one so hope you have some Purell with you that just no I just I just like these fingers okay we were clean I don't want to I don't have anything dirty to ever that's expired Mead folks yeah it's expired me it's old meat yeah oh hey would this be viable food for humans or a dog or anything or anything maybe a coyote or children in Africa coyotes are going to love that that's right so this just shows you how elastic skin is and of course pork skin is very similar to human skin except it's from pork but it shows me how elastic it is all that meat damage that came from the other side of Danny shells doesn't translate when it blasts through this little skin layer okay all right we get I feel comfortable about moving the target back a little bit aren't you are you Danny yeah we go back to I'm uncomfortable with that idea you guys got a piece of bread and some mayonnaise folks old meat is the name of Danny's retro fusion country band they'll be playing tonight at the downtown stadium okay now we're around 50 yards is that correct it may appear closer on your screen often my my screen the objects looked about three inches away but it's you know if you have a device that's smaller it might look like it's one inch away but in reality we're 50 yards away and he's gonna go for the left target with the standard wad got it that's a good sign 50 yards the experimental prototype slug is very good 50 yards is about the maximum effective rage you can use bead sights with Danny did a very good job just hitting that plate and it's also about the maximum range we can zoom in with the Chronos high-speed camera and still see the projectiles orientation okay now split wad again he's not using a wrist this is his elbows and a bead sight so you said the B site pretty much covers up the whole target you gotta appreciate this folks is a Kentucky estimation okay I'm ready when you are you filming okay hit it Andy hit it oh this shot was even more accurate than the first shot these may be traveling at a slightly higher velocity than the standard sporting wad but we could clearly see that the slug was stable all the way to 50 yards and beyond [Music] downrange you might be able to see Danny's going to be shooting in a barrel of explosives straight out of straight out a fortnight full of gasoline and there's a nuclear-tipped missile duct taped to the back let's see if he can do it okay I just wanna make a clarification the standpipe back there I made an error when I was calculating that it's I think I said it was a thousand yards three thousand feet yeah or a thousand yards it is 1,650 feet or five hundred and some yards so I apologize for that I felt bad like oh man I got some wrong data there but how far do you think that tracer slug actually went it didn't go past that right yeah it might 400 450 yards or something like that which is what we were expecting but the trucks off in the background are only 200 yards away remember this is a rifle range and that that's the direction they shoot at you know and it's safer rifles it's definitely safer shotguns now we've got the barrel back out I love the barrel I think a lot of people like the barrel large target how far do you got out this time by the laser rangefinder it's at a hundred and fifty yards okay with beat sites without slugs that we haven't really dialed in yet so we may miss this hurry may surprise us I don't know you uh you often surprised it up because I'm always wrong first one with the normal wad is that correct yes okay 150 yard shot you Ron okay they hit it don't ha clunk you could definitely tell when you hit those things it barrels are awesome don't [Music] okay now the split slug so far they're even kind of even they have their own different ballistics I've noticed definitely different recoil different read the split wads a lot sharper without that cushion that's surprising that that little cushion would be noticeable like that okay well our last one out of ten these take a while folks let's see if he can hit again 150 yards that's impressive the Russians know their stuff I'm ready hit it now that one bounced off the ground yeah so those have been shooting a little bit lower than the other ones right yeah yeah so he hit the barrel it was a bounce bouncy baby shot but it was probably hold in a 2-foot over the top [Music] [Music] the first one was a little more accurate just low yeah Danny was holding over the top of the barrel and it hit the bottom of the barrel with a nice solid punch the guy on the right skipped off the dirt yeah I don't think we have a camera zooming in on it we kind of failed to do that on the target please tell us about the failures in the comment section yeah what it coulda shoulda loved it but anyway they both hit the barrel remarkably at a hundred and fifty yards it's crazy which is really good for any slug much less one you really haven't really sight in yet you know unlike video games the barrel did not blow up hahaha yeah you have to shoot it three times yeah yeah and then you get like tokens or something so and you have to parachute in from a jet yeah yeah with a magic parachute that appeared on your back but yes those went all the way through put very big holes in it still got some power this range man yeah no punch it took a wild horse it's like is it he's shot it's like all you men esteem it wait wait up bike they got that much power to make it through two walls of steel at 150 yards that's pretty decent yeah I love the barrel target that is a great I'm sure it did I don't see any marks oh yeah I didn't have any cameras zoomed in on the target but you guys couldn't tell at the time but I was actually hiding inside this barrel when he shot it so and you wanted to put a camera inside there well that would have hit the camera donar I know that people have these these ideas on in the comments section I would have sat inside the barrel with a camera you're protected by steel you know it would've been clean no way that's gonna make it so 150 yards with a very and you know prototype slug I think I think Alexei in both configurations it seems to work very well we actually would have been safe laying on top of the barrel filming well woulda coulda shoulda yes aimed at my head yeah we're all out that was it welcome back to off later folks we're out at the private private rifle range today so please bear with the gunfire you may hear in the background today we're shooting the shooting whatever these slugs are are simulated meat we've got a plastic bag here to simulate skin we've got a cold meat pork shoulder to simulate pork two lemons to simulate the lungs got an RC can to simulate the bladder you've got a brick to simulate stones and then of course we've got our patented Cheetos puffs to simulate the pancreas let's get to it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Views: 439,645
Rating: 4.9441047 out of 5
Keywords: proto type, high speed camera, 12 ga. slugs, russian design, hunting, diabolo, taofledermaus
Id: GvDStuuCoUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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