Jillian Michael's Calls Lizzo FAT AND UNHEALTHY! Is She Right or Fat Shaming?

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[Laughter] hello I'm the little demon that pops onto any personal trainers shoulder when a fat person is enjoying their lives just to add some excitements of the human world we should always be inclusive but you cannot glorify obesity obesity oh good there's one now [Applause] say something about her weighs 250 pounds I would say 999 times out of a thousand is going to mean heart disease cancer diabetes autoimmune issues in early death like my plan worked out perfectly success you see the champion fitted up in my car and if kitty I need you to back it up hello YouTube welcome back to the channel underworld Edition my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer proud mother of a little demon pug yep always fartin even in the underworld and past theater nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you were you my audience asked me my thoughts on any topic celebrity or influencer and I give you them in video form sometimes dressed as a character and then people decide to go into internet raids in the comment section because they think that my opinion personally harms them in some way if anything is offending you today make sure to leave it in that comment section it gets very very just boring sometimes in the underworld are not causing havoc among the human world and I just need you to amuse me amuse this five-foot-two little devil so I'm cosplaying as an original character this is the sister of my other original character Elle my inner demon yes people I have a second inner demon she's kind of yeah the one that's kind of the beer and there's also one more sister a hunger demon she's the worst out of them all so watch out for her okay so Julian Michael's the personal trainer from the reality show The Biggest Loser has screwed up you guys she is cancelled people are mad people are raging on the internet they are upset why do you ask hahaha I'll tell you why he talked about the Queen Liz oh and I'm not sure you guys know but down here in the underworld as demons we love some Lissa we love to spark our little demon but stir her so when I heard that Jillian Michaels is a body shaming Liz OH I got very very interested to see what it's all about we're gonna read an article and we are going to decide if Julian Michael's related body shame Liz oh and is this really a reason that you humans should be all upset let's find out Julian Michael's on blast for making fat phobic comments about liz' an interview by am to DM a lie boarding show by BuzzFeed news BuzzFeed news must be news fitness guru Jillian Michaels who rose the fame as a trainer on The Biggest Loser drew intense criticism for her fat phobic and ignorant comments about Liz OHS body the outspoken personal trainer has said before that she believes obesity in itself not something that should be glamorized okay so far I agree completely obesity should not be glamorized anorexia should not be glamorized a body that has not too much body fat and a body that has not too little body tap body fat should be something that we all strive to be she reiterated her short-sighted views on a.m. to DM when discussing Liz oh I love celebrities like Liz o or Ashley Graham host Alex Burke says in a clip who are really preaching self-acceptance yeah and I love that they're putting images out there that we normally don't get to see of bodies that we don't get to see being celebrated and that's when Jillian Michaels interrupted with her nonsense why are we celebrating her body why does it matter that's what I'm saying like why aren't we celebrating her music because it isn't gonna be awesome if she gets diabetes [Music] I mean she's right if this is the Comey that people are getting truly upset about then you humans are being little mortal Bibbit it isn't gonna be awesome if she gets diabetes and this is why as demons make a whole lot of fun of you guys I mean I get what Julian Michaels is saying why does it matter about her body which I thought that's what the body-positive people white like why does her body matter we should be celebrating what she's all about her music right I'm pretty sure I've heard a lot of body positive people say like why are we paying so much attention to people's bodies and that's up from this quote that I'm seeing she's saying well why does it matter should be celebrating the awesome it's working booty poppin in a thong at the Lakers game music and then the second part it's not gonna be awesome when she gets diabetes and that is completely true I agree with that it's all fun and games to a lot of the body acceptance and fat acceptance people right now when they're like I said in my past videos in your teens early 20s even late 20s that you don't have a lot of the health issues that a lot of via 40 50 60 people if you get to see you know that age because of your weight you don't have a lot of the health issues that they have just like just like a lot of younger people don't in general I've had friends when they were younger smoked and they're like I don't feel any different and now for almost thirty and they and their health is not looking too good so it's very true people are celebrating you know fatness right now and are you really going to be celebrating when you get diabetes and I know people like to joke about diabetes but when I have a family members that have you know in the late stage of diabetes and you see people getting their limbs cut off pretty sure if lizzo gets to the point where she has to get something amputated people are gonna be like cut off that's just something to be proud of so I completely agree if not gonna be very fun and celebrated poor reap when a lot of these fat acceptance people start getting all of these health issues that come with being obese and took the entirety of Twitter all of points oh one seconds to jump all over that I thought we were beyond making jokes about equating fatness and diabetes I thought we all understood on obesity does equate to diabetes but there are other people that can get diet a lot of pregnant women can get some type of diabetes there are very thin people that can have diabetes but obesity can cause diabetes just like smoking can cause cancer not every single person that smokes is going to get cancer but you have a way better chance of getting it if you smoke regularly all Jillian Michaels comments will do is reinforce harmful outdated ideas about bodily health one Twitter user ro more people died from complications of anorexia than any other mental illness but sure let's ask for Liz's blood work and they contradicted themselves here because they read a studies saying people died from anorexia people being too thin and then they say people can be healthy at every size so let's move on people need to realize that person can be healthy or unhealthy no matter their size what's being done to Liz Oh is simply bullying that she doesn't deserve just the quick opinion on that I get that like I kind of understand what the fat acceptance people are saying sometimes when they're like you know I'm trying to mind my own business and people just want to bring up my way all the time I get that that's really annoying I think that's very rude if someone is just trying to live their life let's just say like someone on Instagram isn't promoting you know fatness or fat acceptance or whatever theirs they just want to show pretty picture than pretty outfits or whatever the heck they want to show online they just want to show it and they're obese and then there's people out there that are like you're fat you're unhealthy get yourself right and they're just like I was just minding my own business like why are you my comment section going crazy I get that part but at the same time they all have to understand that if you are a public figure people are going to judge every single thing about you people just like to say things about public figures looks for example Adele's weight loss what's the fat acceptance extremists are very upset about and say that she's unhealthy yeah how's that every size am i right so if you put yourself in the public eye just get ready for them so you talk about everything about you from your eyelashes to your big old toe not to mention Liz's sweats and moves around every night on stage for hours on end her body size has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on inside of it it does we've talked about this before visceral fat is the fat that is the fat that suffocates your organs and that's usually around the midsection and if you are very obese usually you've got a lot of body fat around this area and if you ask me body fat that suffocates your internal organs is not something that you want and lizzo does have quite a bit of that that's not saying she's ugly she's a horrible performer is just saying that she has a lot of visceral fat anyone who doesn't know what visceral fat is can see that she has a lot of body fat around the stomach area also another thing I wanted to point out is that I always see saying well Lissa like she moves a lot she dances lost she she dances more than you know sin women and she can probably do a lot more than Jillian Michaels and that completely might be true I think the notion that fat people can't be fit is starting to go away I've said this in many videos before that I've had very thin women mostly women I train come to me and I think okay they're gonna be able to do something and they can't do anything they are some of the unfit Asst you know people I have ever met and then I get a very big woman who can just do the whole workout just fine not out of breath who's healthier I'm not too sure but I know that the very large person yes they can get through a workout but they also have a lot of body fat which isn't healthy on their weight this person yeah she doesn't have a lot of body fat but she also can't walk up the stairs without getting winded I really believe in that middle section so it was Jillian Michaels in the wrong and my little demon opinion no she wasn't in the wrong but she's just not the right person to talk about this because of her past because of some of the products that she endorses she really has no room to talk because she was honest show that was not the healthiest thing I'm not sure if she ever did she ever talk out about that I feel like if I was someone who really cared I would probably say hey people losing 20 pounds in a week is not healthy do I think all of this outrage is necessary not at all y'all and walkers are a bunch of sensitivity susan's and it makes it so easy for me to stir you guys asked what I thought about Julian Michael's talking about Liz oh and I gave it to you in cosplay if you guys want my thoughts and/or opinion on any other topic make sure to leave it for me in the comment section if you haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button the thumb button come on I painted my body and this little demon will see you mortals next time behave yourself or I might just come up there and cause a ruckus Oh congratulations you made it to the end of the video again I know last video a lot of you guys were like is this a click big video that you were warning about no you're almost to the last level keep going my young immortal Skywalker you're almost there - the biggest cookie title on this channel I can't wait to see if you fall for it it'll be amazing oh I forgot to reward you for getting to the end of the video what can I give you today I know a million fire speckles in your eyes you see the jumping city dogs in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag you know you see the trippy unfitted and my karma kitty I secure the car [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 195,183
Rating: 4.9539194 out of 5
Keywords: jillian michaels talks about lizzos weight, Jillian Michaels On The Keto Diet, Lizzo, And More, am to dm, buzzfeed news, buzzfeed, am2dm, lizzo, jillian, jillian michael lizzo, jillian michaels on lizzo, jillian michaels, inside edition, fat shaming, body posi, body positivity, body positivity vs fitness, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you fat
Id: a_HsYwLYwko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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