Body Positivity Model PHOTOSHOPS Herself | Tess Holliday Hypocrisy?

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the show today we're gonna be talking about the strange relationship between body positivity and Photoshop and this whole story revolves around a woman named Tess Holliday I'm sure most of you guys already know who she is but for anyone who doesn't Tess Holliday is a plus-size model and unlike other plus-size models like Ashley Graham for instance who really isn't even that plus-sized I mean she's not that far off from your average person's weight Tess Holliday on the other hand is a bit more more it's been reported that she weighs 300 pounds which is around a UK size 26 and I'm not even sure how to conceptualize how big that would be in person but there you go she big girl aside from her modeling work she's probably best known for promoting the F your beauty standards movement which aims to increase the amount of diverse representation in industries like modeling beauty fashion and just media in general it's all about hashtag self-love and body positivity and appreciate your body for what it is that kind of thing as one fawning write-up about the movement in The Huffington Post red Holliday made headlines when she was signed by milk Model Management as the largest woman on their books proving wrong critics who said she was too large to model she wants to continue to help other women to feel confident in their bodies regardless of their size or what society tells them is beautiful I created the hashtag F your beauty standards because I was tired of being told what I could and couldn't wear by the media and how I should cover my body because of my size I decided F that I'll wear what I want that article was written in 2015 and since then Tess Holidays popularity has really blown up so to speak she's been featured on magazine covers like people and Cosmo as well and she also has almost 2 million followers on her personal Instagram account as popular as she is though Tess Holliday has always been somewhat of a controversial figure and actually following the release of her Cosmo cover a whole new wave of criticisms started pouring in Tess holiday is no stranger to being body shamed since the beginning of her career as a plus-size model she's had to fend off degrading comments about her weight her health and her validity as a woman but Tess's appearance on the cover of the UK Cosmopolitan magazine brought out responses that took the hate to a whole other level you shouldn't promote an advocate he's accessible they're hailing her as brave I mean what's brave about eating ice cream look at the picture I mean her blood type is pudding if you're overweight the odds are at some point in your life you will be bullied for it which is awful we shouldn't be bullying anyone for any reason bullying is mean don't bully people kids but still weighing as much as she does I think it is safe to say that yes Tess Holliday does get a lot of hate for it however I do think it's a bit dishonest of her to try and brush off all the criticism she guesses just people hating fat people because there's more to it than that yes some of the negativity she gets is just trolls calling her names but a lot of the people who don't support her don't because they're genuinely concerned that she's promoting an unhealthy lifestyle to which I know some of her fans usually say oh so merely by existing now a fat person is apparently promoting an unhealthy lifestyle no I mean barring certain medical conditions it is true that fat people probably do have unhealthy lifestyles themselves as do a lot of us it's not just fat people who could take steps to improve their well-being but still just because someone has an unhealthy lifestyle that doesn't mean they're promoting it a smoker can smoke by himself and not promote smoking and likewise an overweight person can just live their life as an overweight person and not promote being overweight but the thing is Tess Holliday isn't just some random overweight person living an unhealthy lifestyle she literally does promote her unhealthy lifestyle miss Tess Holliday she's at the forefront of the body-positive movement has been credited with transforming the modeling world she's got a new book out it's a page-turner it's out on September 26 it's called the not so subtle art of being a fat girl all about loving the skin you're in tests good morning my name I love in your book you give pieces of advice yeah what do you call them little test holidays advice for life all right yeah be one that you love just give me one one of my favorite is you can eat your feelings but guac is extra you're an inspiration you're it makes you realize that anything is possible Congrats on being one of our stylist she's not just some morbidly obese person she's a morbidly obese person that appears on TV interviews and in magazines talking specifically about how society is too stigmatizing of her morbid obesity would we allow a meth-head to try to do the same thing to normalize their lifestyle to convince us that oh you can still be beautiful with pock marks and hollow cheeks of course not would we allow an anorexic person to do the same thing to appear on the cover of Cosmo magazine looking essentially like a skeleton to tell us that there need to be more people with their collarbones and rib cages sticking out in commercials because inclusivity know you know the answer is no and I think the only reason why it's ok with obesity is because being overweight has become so widespread in the West especially the u.s. incidentally we're holiday is from and what makes matters worse in my opinion is that Tess Holliday is also one of those people that tries to push the idea that being overweight is not unhealthy there's a concern that the bigger you are and the less healthy you are likely to be I will agree to disagree with you only because there are a lot of people that are overweight and live perfectly healthy normal lives I do believe that health is not an indicator of size and I do believe that our bodies are a business you know look if I'm unhealthy in 20 years and that's my business you know and I I guess I should be flattered that there's people all around the world that are like so worried about me and my body but you know I feel like at the end of the day I'm happy and that's all that matters and you know I'm healthy my family's healthy and I just chalk it up to that it would be one thing if Tess Holliday was using her platform to say hey if you're overweight you don't need to hate your body but part of loving yourself is trying to lead a healthy life style instead she's saying it's great being overweight I'm so beautiful health concerns not no health concerns what you're talking about it's one thing if someone is overweight and they're aware of the possible health complications that could come with it and that's just an informed decision that they've made to be okay with that it's another thing if someone is overweight and they want to be healthy but they're under the impression that they are healthy because you've told them that they are healthy kind of went on a bit of a tangent there but that is the four one one on test holiday what this video is about though isn't something that's necessarily new it's just I'm only now finding out about it is that test holiday body positivity self-love media critical test holiday apparently photoshop's her images and I know that may sound like a strange thing to pick on her for because whether we like it or not the truth is that between Instagram models and brands commercials Photoshop is everywhere personally I have pretty mixed feelings about the whole Photoshop thing is at the end of the world if an ad campaign or an Instagram model airbrush is someone's skin to look a little smoother I don't think so no but if we ever get to a place and frankly I think we already may have where every single image we see if someone on a screen has been digitally altered to look perfect to the point where we're not even used to seeing what regular people look like then I would say that's a problem yeah in 2019 what a lot of the body positivity movement talks about isn't just hey love yourself and love your body it's hey let's examine why so many people are insecure to begin with and even though I've been pretty dang critical of a lot of the body positivity movement especially with what they do with weight I honestly don't think that talking about how widespread Photoshop is in our society is a bad thing and this is where Tess Holliday comes into conflict with some people in the body positivity movement who would otherwise have her back the professional shots that Tess Holliday releases are photoshopped and airbrushed it looks as if her cellulite and stretch marks have been removed fat rolls and double chin seem a lot less prominent and in general she does just look smaller than she does in her candid shots to be fair to Holliday though she has openly addressed her use of Photoshop on Instagram she wrote that this is my body with very minimal photoshop but make no mistake that I think Photoshop is an essential part of my industry when I first started modeling I wasn't as comfortable with my arms or tummy but now I love all of it most of the images you see daily in the media magazines etc have been photoshopped and you would have no idea I don't believe in using it to distort someone's body or make them slimmer but to smooth lines and close or amping up the colors yes have any of you ever used a filter on Instagram gasp that's the same thing as a model I have zero control over how a photo is edited or the final result but work with the best in the industry and stand by my work so yes you can F your beauty standards by using Photoshop makeup and a win machine it is true that usually models don't have control over the final product of a photo shoot and I really doubt that anyone out there would have a problem with photoshopping use to brighten colors or smooth out clothes but holiday did say that she doesn't approve a Photoshop being used to really alter people's bodies but it does seem like that is exactly what's happening to her photos whether she's the one doing it or not like I said Photoshop really is everywhere nowadays but I do understand why people are criticizing test holidays specifically for using it if you make your whole shtick about self-love and eff your beauty standards and media portrayals need to be more realistic but then you use Photoshop to achieve the same airbrushed fantasy results that we see in magazines now it's not really F your beauty standards it's more like if some of your beauty standards I'm gonna try to uphold other ones even though they are literally unrealistic in that they're not real I'm sorry but if your whole thing is that fat is beautiful you can't escape the fact that stretch marks and cellulite are a thing when you're 300 pounds even skinny people have stretch marks and cellulite I know Tess Holliday isn't the one photoshopping these images herself but still she's a big enough name now where I'm sure if she wanted to she could exert at least some influence over what her photos look like between photoshopping fat rolls and cellulite and downplaying if not outright dismissing health concerns it's almost like Tess Holliday is airbrushing the negative aspects of being fat it's like she presents a buthe smiling according to herself healthy image on Instagram but that's not what the reality of morbid obesity looks like the reality is fat rolls fat dimples cellulite diabetes heart disease and holiday stance on photoshopping appeared even more questionable after an app used to slim down pictures used a photo of her in an ad without her permission about the incident she wrote on Instagram quote an app that has nearly 50,000 downloads was dumb enough to steal photos of myself and two other plus-sized women and use them for this nonsense I'm sharing this because I want to address a few things first of all the fact that anyone thinks it's okay to market this to anyone is appalling but like c'mon y'all she then condemned the app for using her image without her permission or without compensating her and finished by saying lastly never let anyone make you feel like you need to alter your appearance or who you are you are enough you are worthy of love in your current body whatever that body looks like obviously using someone's photo in your ad without their permission is a crappy thing to do but at the same time what does that statement mean for tes holidays opinions on Photoshop first she said she used it but only a little bit but then it looked like her photos were using it a lot and now it seems as if she hates what this app does if Tess Holliday can photoshop her stretch marks cellulite and fat rolls who is she to tell another woman that she shouldn't be photoshopping herself to look slimmer which Tess Holliday arguably does as well by the way again we're giving the middle finger to some beauty standards but we're embracing others it's almost like she wants other women to look fat but wants to be able to look as good as possible in her own photos I honestly think that Tess Holliday does actually have a very pretty face but when it comes to Photoshop I feel like she's trying to have her cake and eat it too I think it's pretty hard to promote body positivity when you're airbrushing the crap out of your body but as always I would love to know what you guys think how do you feel about the body positivity movement and how do you feel about the prominence of Photoshop Plus do you think there's any connection between these two things let me know but that's it for now thank you guys so much for tuning in and I'll see you next time you
Channel: Lauren Chen
Views: 341,065
Rating: 4.8799391 out of 5
Keywords: Roaming millennial, conservative, conservative vs liberal, conservative news, republican, republican party, commentary channels, egalitarianism, body positivity, fat acceptance, tess holliday, tess holliday hypocrisy, tess holliday hypocrite, eff your beauty standards, #effyourbeautystandards, body positivity response, body positivity critique, body acceptance, tess holliday cosmopolitan, fat acceptance reaction, healthy at any size, why i hate fat acceptance, lauren chen
Id: o7kSQnXTB2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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