Teachers, Do You Know About Student Drama?

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high school teachers how aware of your students drama were you any good stories from my fiancee who's a hs math teacher some guy starts bitching at a girl that she gave him or std in front of the class she goes to the bathroom comes back and throws a cup of liquid on him it was her pee well if she's throwing pee around no wonder she's spreading stds i hear it and yes it's also obvious when two kids in my class either start or stop dating the thing that creeps me out is the teachers who get obsessed with being up on everything i know one who keeps a notebook and ice where she writes the gossip crap in there constantly you need to steal that notebook teacher here yes and no i had no idea my student was pregnant until she stood up one day in class and was clearly six months pregnant but if you whisper anything in class i hear you and i don't forget but if you whisper anything in class i hear you and i don't forget that is quite possibly the most terrifying thing i've read today well i remember a sophomore discussing with her friend during break how she was going to get a threesome for her boyfriend for his birthday i thought my how times have changed threesomes are the new bj apparently if that's the case i cannot freaking wait for my birthday i have a couple observation in a seventh grade class while i was in college three girls in the class were thick as thieves at the start of the school year halfway through the semester i come into class one monday and noticed two of them sitting as far away from each other as possible with the third running back and forth in between them obviously the messenger negotiator out of naive curiosity which i regret to this day i asked the messenger hey why aren't x and y talking i expected the negotiator to give me some juvenile reason as she looks up at me with a smile on her face and she flippantly replies oh ex-court while giving her boyfriend a bj at a party over the weekend these are seventh graders in my mind way too young to be giving bj's all of my what oh high school there's two that come to mind immediately one was more of a game i played to keep myself entertained the school was on a block schedule one hour 40 minute classes alternating days so the kids had a decent amount of free time during off periods i'd try to guess which ones had been hooking up in the parking lot when they came into class the red faces messy hair rumpled clothes were all good indicators plus the kids fricked like rabbits anyways they were high schoolers kinda twisted but i was bored and needed something to do two involved one of my students who at first glance at the beginning of the semester seemed like a high maintenance rodeo diva pretty popular attitude and the big belt buckle she actually wound up being a total sweetheart and a very determined student even though she wasn't the most academically gifted i overheard her one day mentioning to one of her entourage that her birthday was in a couple weeks and since i try to pay attention to that sort of stuff with my students i made a note to myself the day arrived and at the end of class as the students were getting up to leave i walked up to her and said hey xxxxx i heard it was your birthday today happy birthday she looks at me stock still and stunned and for a moment i think i fricked up as her eyes tear up she looks at me and says mister grayside jedi you're the only person today to tell me happy birthday not even my parents did that one hit me in the feels all those people she had hanging around her and none of them not even her parents had wished her a happy birthday she asked for a hug and even though this was in the midst of the majority of the girls in that high school trying to frick me to win a bet and i was paranoid as huck about even being near female students she got a dang hug poor kid i'm sure i'll think of more later those come to mind at the moment you are a boss person for being a good person for remembering a birthday the smallest nice action can have a huge impact on someone's life b not freaking high school chicks cheers i volunteered at a boarding school in rural india we had some pretty strict rules i.e absolutely no dating to be culturally appropriate and make sure none of our students parents freaked out that we were indoctrinating them with western ideals or whatever nonetheless we knew all the couples who liked who which students were gay but didn't know it yet my favorite was this one boy who all the girls had a crush on he was known for meeting girls behind a particular tree shrubbery bush to hold hands or maybe even sneak a kiss and was there often known as bush romeo that's so cute compared to the other crazy grade seven freaking stories that the other comments are about i was a substitute teacher's assistant for a while one teacher i worked for told me about overhearing a conversation between two fifth graders one kid was always trying to act tough and say we was in a gang he was telling another boy about his weekend and how he was smoking and beating people up and being a general bad butt thug the other boy responded yeah but you can't read literacy is far more important than gangbanging my mum teaches at a fairly dodgy high school in the town next to ours and yes teachers always know about drama and they talk about it really she's going out with him she could do better my favorite story was when she broke up a fight between two 15-year-old boys and was told that one of the boys had gone to the other's birthday party got drunk and got with his mum not his own mum the birthday boys i came into history class baked a few times on one occasion my teacher slowly walks up to my desk looking at me he stops dramatically sniffs the air looks at me and smiles in french he says how you feeling today me uh pretty good i guess him yay i wish i could feel like that today highly aware at one of the schools i long term subbed at three months a bunch of the senior boys and girls went to florida for spring break at some point during their partying and hooking up someone contracted a nasty case of crabs since their relationships were weirdly ancestral partner swapping not sibling business all 12 of them wound up with the pubic dwellers the real drama began when they got back to school and tried to deny the rumors shift blame from one person to the other many laughs were had in the teacher's lounge i intentionally make seating charts that put specific guys and girls next to each other on the off chance that they'll talk and find a common interest i'm sure this has made a bunch of sap moments but a few kids have made new friends or even started dating because of it you you are a good man woman my mom is a teacher at a small rural high school since it's so tiny news travels really fast and since she's one of the cool teachers students routinely straight up tell her really inappropriate stories the top story i can't think of is that she heard one of her students was working at the local strip club she came from a very hard home life so this was actually a really sad and not very funny occurrence it got weirder though when she heard a few weeks later that the girl got fired for being too depressing one time my teacher gave me detention in class no reason for it just explain atomic place you've got detention as soon as the last bell rings i want you in this room waiting for me what the freak i had done nothing said nothing i was a quiet kid when i was in school i had no clue protesting made it worse i moved through the day and it seemed like all of my teachers were on edge around me for the rest of the day get to their classroom at the last bell there's a cop there turns out the first period teacher had heard some girls talking about how they had brought knives to school in my town this did not happen and they were going to stab me after school they found knives i had done nothing to the girls i was just the loser of all the losers there was no reason for them to mess with me i was as low on self-esteem as you could get they said they were just going to scare me i did not believe them one day suspension when they got back they threw empty glass bottles at me cleaned myself up in the showers didn't tell anyone crap i had almost completely suppressed that memory if this was in middle school you might have an old teacher in this thread you tetraly mentioned using detention as a saving technique and the example was about a girl waiting to stab another student my husband says the awareness of the drama comes and goes the big stuff definitely he's aware of but usually he doesn't give a freak about who is dating whom so he doesn't pay attention he may say that but who cares who billy the star quarterback is asking to prom he cares i was a high school substitute at 21 years old it was the funniest thing ever coming in and having the full-time teachers fill me in on the latest drama at breakfast there was this old retired colonel and he was telling me how a girl was upset because she got asked to prom by two boys but she really wanted this other boy and she was really upset i just started laughing and he looked at me like he had been giving some actual lecture we know everything first because you can't whisper for crap i hear everything you think you are whispering to your neighbor second students like to gossip and they gossip not just to other students but to teachers as well it doesn't matter that i don't want to know this there is still someone there telling me about it the next morning third teachers are bigger gossips it may be you got into harvard you broke up with your boyfriend of three years you were caught smoking on campus or caught cheating a teacher will probably tell me about it for god's sake shut up i don't want to know anything comma first because you can't whisper for crap my favorite is when i'm giving directions and a handful of students are clearly chatting and giggling as if i don't notice then look all surprised when they realize that i'm glaring at them in high school most kids will be very secretive and aware of who might be eavesdropping they'll actually go out on their way to whisper secrets or stuff like that if they see you're listening they might even get embarrassed in middle school their voices will not be discreet at all it's all blah blah blah freaking and drugs and pokemon without much concern for who is listening not many kids feel shame and if they do they simply laugh it off because they don't give a crap in elementary school the kids will come up to you and tell you what someone else said i had a little girl kindergartner come up to me a few weeks ago and say mister painty films lana said she was going to go over to zack's house and frick him thanks for telling on her adorable little girl i really needed to hear that here's a nifty story that happened this past week i taught an elementary school 4th grade class and there was this kid who was having trouble with math turns out he really liked pokemon too like had pokemon cards in his desk made up his own pokemon and drawings both things that i used to do he was supposed to be making equivalent fractions but was having trouble understanding how to get them we were trying to convert one stroke three into other things two stroke six three stroke nine but he wasn't even getting it so he actually made a comment to me i wish math was more like pokemon which was great to hear is a teacher who understands pokemon i started riffing on ways to incorporate pokemon into the fractions i think i started with okay so we have three male pikachu one is shiny and two aren't that's like one stroke three of the male pikachu are shiny right but let's pretend that each pikachu now gets a mate that matches its color so we have two regular male pikachu that get two regular females and one shiny male that gets one shiny female how many pikachu total six right now remember one stroke three were shiny how many pikachu out of the six are shiny now two yep so instead of one stroke three of the pikachu being shiny we have two out of six yes it wasn't perfect but i got him to the end point a lot easier than what he was trying to do eventually i had to relate it more to percentages so he could understand the concept but the important thing was that i got him more interested in math than he was comma freaking and drugs and pokemon thug life i'm a guy i worked with hearing impaired students specifically and often one-on-one somehow this resulted in me becoming the older male confident of many a teenage high school girl my god the drama every single day he said she said blah blah blah oh my god sheila tried to friend me on facebook can you believe it now don't get me wrong i never thought any of my students were retards or stupid or anything like that just teens being teens and i'm happy they get to grow up relatively sheltered because it's a big dark world out there still i don't know how i ever found high school girls appealing when i was a student five minutes of chatting with them now makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall my mom is a high school teacher i'm a college student now i had lunch with my mom and some other teachers in the teacher's lounge one day they talk about everything and they know everything you've done everything on one hand i definitely know things they don't know that i know friends reference i'll overhear conversations about having a stupid fight w their boyfriend that they skip their morning classes etc i'm aware which seniors party on the weekends and which ones don't however it always amazes me when i find out student experience is that i was completely in the blue about when a great girl who did well in school told me her mother tried to commit suicide a year ago and she's been keeping her from doing it since finding out a flaky student of mine is the father of two when parents are the ones who won't wake up in time to take their kids to school and that's why they're frequently late so it just depends i'd say i'm pretty highly aware students especially middle schoolers are incredibly indiscreet when talking to peers i think my favorite stories have to be from a girl who i had in class last year who's a compulsive liar among the many lies she told some of the more memorable ones were as follows she's pregnant she wasn't and she was confused later in the year as to why everyone was calling her yes she broke up with deante because she has an identical twin sister who she sometimes switches places with and he cheated on her with her twin i later asked her if the reason she never has her homework is because her twin was the one in class when it was assigned over the weekend her dad was shot in the street and she ran 10 miles so she could be with him while he died in her arms called mom wasn't true she was grounded that weekend and in her room watching tv the entire time also dad's alive and well living three hours away at least i can't say that my job isn't interesting till getting pregnant is the requisite for being os not actually freaking condoms people pretty aware my first year teaching another teacher intercepted a note and told me i needed to read it it was between two students a boy and a girl both were dating other kids and in the note they were talking about losing their virginity and what they had done in their private life the boy described everything in detail at the local malls shipping area truck stop bjs at the movies etc the girl's response was the thing that appalled me and i still remember exactly what she wrote to this day we have done everything possible except crap on each other's chests oh did i mention that they were 8th graders smh my math teacher always threatened to intercept our notes and read them out to the class when he finally did he intercepted a note i wrote that just said hey brittany i'm sure mister taylor is going to read this note aloud i just wish he'd do it in a british accent he did my best friend's dad is a chemistry teacher and she told me that all of the science teachers refer to one student as butthole because he is in butthole i just love the hilarious idea of my role model science teacher nicknaming students with profanities in the teachers lounge my mom is a kindergarten teacher yesterday chase stole audrey's crayons and audrey called him a sucker a kindergartener sounds like chase is a sucker my dad's a teacher kids your teachers always know what you talk about in class always and they think you are complete retards thinking back to all the dumb crap i said in class makes me wonder if i was actually [ __ ] pre-k drama is wonderful too from last week crystal samantha and bianca enter stage left crystal teacher monique says she's going to tell on us last dress what happened crystal she's gonna tell because we don't like purple monique looks over deer in the headlights unaware of the grievous accusations being levied against her needless to say i mediated a jerry springer style cat fight within two minutes of the above tl dr pret cray my gf works at a daycare she says all the little kids talk about everything their parents do everything those little eyes are watching you and that little mouth is telling the daycare teacher every weird little thing you do i'm not a teacher but i had a teacher in my final year who rented a house to three of his students said teacher was called during the housewarming party because someone burst the radiator he then came by to help clean it up still wearing a suit because he was in a meeting as all of his students scrambled to hide their alcohol i heard that you had an abortion i try to show you support without letting you know i know i heard that your dad hit you we talked about it you turned down the offer to stay with me stuck it out for your sisters gave up and moved in with mom i heard that you have a baby at home i understand when you don't make it to school and try to be flexible so you can get your work done i heard your parents are getting divorced and you are moving gave you my contact info so you can let me know if you need me i heard your mom dad died of cancer so much loss and pain i lost my mom to cancer too i heard you were out partying remind you to use a designated driver thanks for the gold i didn't even understand what it was at first kind of new to read it i appreciate it don't worry students wherever you may be jean jane is watching over you did anyone just have a normal school life you know keep your head down poolers and bees on most tests have a few close friends watch tv play in a band or two i can't believe i missed out on some of this crap i must have been really unobservant we my group of friends pretty much just tell our favorite teacher most of the dumb stuff we do she either doesn't believe us think we're [ __ ] or that we're just trying to be funny then she makes good natured jokes at our expenses she's great every school has a teacher or two like that who everyone shares gossip with i teach at an alternative high school and my class is known for being one of the few places where everything is fair game everything i've talked about everything from drug use both soft and hard family problems relationship problems private problems and everything in between i've debated cancelled and discussed but more than anything i've listened what teenagers want more than anything is to be listened to they are developing the part of their brain that processes decisions and they want to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes i think that is one thing most parents don't understand teenagers don't want to be told what to do because they want to figure that out i could tell a few stories but to be honest i expect my comment will be buried but if i get enough interest i'll write one down i'll stay away from the deeply personal stories i'll just write down the stupid high school stuff and there is lots of it i used to teach at a mid-sized suburban high school out in california to be honest i never paid much attention to what was going on with the kids since they seemed so transient there were always a couple of them disappearing without any notice but no one ever really cared and there were always new students taking their place the only thing i ever really saw that stood out was what seems like an unusually close relationship between a transfer student and a member of the faculty i couldn't say for sure that it was inappropriate but she sure did spend a lot of time in his office even after school hours all in all it was actually a pretty good job right up until the mayor turned into a giant snake and ate principal snidder yeah i know i didn't think they were important either until they ate principal flutie kids these days i hear you students swearing i hear about your parties i know you got drunk this weekend i've heard who you last slept with i've heard how you move to a different town and should be going to that school but are still here i've heard how your parents are abusing you and i've reported it i heard how you want to be up so and so because they have no swag and stole your girlfriend i also hear it from the other teachers and students word to the wise stop talking about it in school i helped out with a high school marching band this last fall i just graduated high school last year but i got hired to help out with another school only two kids really knew how old i was because i knew them before but the others figured out i had to be around 20ish since they knew i was young apparently they felt okay telling me all their little high school stories after rehearsals i knew who was hooking up with who who did drugs who would probably freak me and even knew which girls were saying i was cute the kids would call me over when i was roaming the field giving comments and just be like hey groover squirrel so and so is hooking up with that kid and i just walk away the drumline even made me a cd entitled a tribute to your night with scott's mom scott was another instructor the cd was full of songs having to do with freaking and drugs and whatever from show me your genitals to tipping on my dong and even regional secretions by necro it was wild why on earth would you ever tell your teacher things like that the kids are lucky that i was a cool instructor or i could have got them in some serious trouble but i still listen to that cd when i was 17 i was in law class drawing on my crush's back with my fingertips my most awesome teacher yelled to signit fondle him after class i was mortified and i kinda want to go back to high school to tell that teacher that 13 years later i'm happily married to that crush and i fondle him whenever i want congrats on the fondling not a high school teacher but this happened in one of my classes in high school our religion teacher was a pretty cool guy didn't really do crap all in his classes so people often talked now the more popular people had a tendency to talk in a voice such that the entire class could hear i was in the unfortunate situation where i sat in front of them one class one of the girls let's say jaime was talking to her friends about how she lost her virginity jamie was saying that she didn't regret it and that she was in love with her boyfriend the conversation continued to them talking about whether it was good or not jamie said that the first couple of times aren't really good for anyone it is at this point that they realize they are speaking loud enough for the teacher to hear so one of jaime's friends yamala said to the teacher we are talking about doing laundry it was at this point that our awesome teacher replied maybe you need a new washing machine tl dr my religion teacher found out one of the students was freaking crappy and told her she needed a better dude bet that girl felt really embarrassed to say the least if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: school, school stories, high school drama, teachers, juiciest, teachers share, drama, students, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: xmM7VgiNmT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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