What Was A Students Odd "Fun Fact About Myself"?

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teachers of reddit what's the weirdest thing a student answered to tell me a fun fact about yourself i had a student tell me that sometimes his dad got drunk and asked his mom for things as i was starting to tell him he didn't need to elaborate any further he continued with like soup and he yells it likes up it took every bit of restraints to not laugh it's been years and years since that happened but i still laugh when i think about it we need this not a teacher but this happened when i was 17 at school camp during a bonding exercise teacher tell us two truths and one lie about yourself and we have to guess the lie weird kid i play playstation i like doritos and i am an alcoholic the teacher the lie is you are an alcoholic weird kid got you i play xbox my god the look on the teacher's face not surprised at all sadly i hear stories about kids cutting c in the library teach middle school this one still takes a cake that is mom and dad have the same parents i asked him to clarify because i didn't understand what he was saying and he said i only have one set of grandparents they had the same parents i quickly moved to the next student so no one else would realize that this kid just told the class that his parents were siblings i talked to him about it the next day in private and he said that he got too mixed up his parents don't have the exact same parents they shared a dad i felt so much better when the mom called me to let me know her elderly stepfather married her husband's elderly mother still weird but much better my mom married her brother-in-law that was always confusing when i started telling people as a kid in my public speaking class at a community college we had to get up and do a speech about our experience that really changed our lives or an important memory and how it made us who we are on the first day a guy who was a veteran volunteered to go first he proceeded to talk about the day he was captured and was physically shamed by enemy solider and how he now goes around and helps other soldiers with the wounded warrior project it was difficult for anybody to follow that one of the nicest guys i've ever met next guy comes up like the day my mom stopped doing my laundry my arm is fricked y'all in the deepest southern drawl and proceeded to wildly swing his fricked up arm around he was 12 had herbs palsy and also got detention that day he might be one of my fav students i can play this in my head and it is hilarious opposite side of the classroom bit on day one of class our professor spent most of the time talking about himself his mental health and how he was friendly with students while he didn't say anything specifically creepy the more he talked the more put off i was it just seemed deeper than i get to know you as the first time i'm meeting you speech should have gone it was an intro to research class and i already had research experience so i got permission to wave it and i dropped the class later learned he killed his previous ta girlfriend before killing himself i have several questions not a teacher but i just did a first aid course during introductions say your name and one fact about yourself dude says proudly he once had over 300k of you and paid parking tickets a student not a teacher but once we were going around a circle during percussion camp in the front ensemble and my teacher goes hello everyone my name is and i have crap my pants as an adult definitely one of the weirder ones i've heard knowing drummers i'm not a bit surprised student told me that there is a chapter dedicated to him in a dental surgery textbook because of a very rare disorder that he had as a child i may still have that essay during french class a guy in my class said that he liked stabbing children he meant that he fences but didn't know the exact translation for that i love the french class fun facts in a beginner french class i had to accidentally come out to the class when i was asked whether i had a spouse jesus on lesbian it was awkward i said my dad steal cars it was something my parents always told us growing up as a joke the teacher just laughed and said that's nice my dad used to joke that he was off to the coal mines every morning he also never told me what his job actually was so i just believed that he worked in the coal mines despite the fact that we lived in southern california and he wore a suit and tie to work every day he was the cfo of a subsidiary of a company you've probably heard of i was just a little bit off [Music] during an introductory activity for my new class a boy aged nine got up and said my dog has to wear a cone on its head because dad had his bollocks cut off dang english language at first i thought the dog bit off the father's balls i was an esl teacher in indonesia and a student once told me every morning she cleaned the crap on her bed i asked her to clarify worried she had a serious digestive issue she answered i brush my teeth wash face and clean bed crap bed sheet not a teacher but i was a helper in a middle school classroom a young girl who seemed uninterested said with no hesitation that she can chug an entire bottle of beer she got expelled later that year for keeping drugs in her locker brutal i'm a middle school teacher and i find that most adults who don't spend much time around kids don't realize just how young middle schoolers are i mean lol immature middle schoolers is kind of a meme but seriously we are talking about 11 year olds here my dad clogged the toilet this morning and that's why i'm feeling frustrated minus five-year-old child i will say the question was how are you doing this morning but i could barely keep from laughing out loud i have ibes my toddler once told visiting friends that daddy takes long poops i mean i was having a flare up and had some extended bathroom sessions but dang little dude not cool i'm terrified amused about what he might share at school in the near future not a teacher but a few years ago on the first day of school this kid in one of my classes casually answered i have a restraining order on my dad that's actually a smart move now everyone in class knows that this father can't come pick him up i am not a teacher but this guy in my class named shane has this medical condition that causes him to grow tons of hair at an early age full beard in middle school he would say i'm shane and i'm very hairy he could say my name is shane but friends call me harry we did one of those two truths one lie bits girl stands up and says i've never been out of the country i'm a twin i love playing sports i knew this girl beforehand and knew she didn't have a twin so picked that one nope she had a conjoined twin that died in utero and had to be surgically removed and she's now missing the last vertebrae on her spine showed us the scar and everything apparently the lie was the first one as she'd been to mexico not me but my brother he told the teacher last night my family ate beaver for dinner i was much older and had left home by then the class laughed the teacher accused him of lying the principal was brought into this and my mother had to go in for a meeting she chewed them up one side and down the other because we had a cousin who was a trapper and he had sent a batch of beaver thighs for the family to enjoy although my brother was telling the truth he told me later that he did say that for the effect disrupting the class not a teacher but in third grade we would do this weekly how was your weekend sort of thing where we'd sit in a circle and share this one girl casually goes i found out that my biological father didn't want me in a super nonchalant tone and everything i still remember the awkward tension that he has been to juvie multiple times and is currently on probation then he pulled up his pants enough that everyone could see his ankle monitor that was something then he pulled up his pants not actually the worst direction he could have pulled his pants though i teach esl and every lesson we start the class by sharing something good that happened to us over the last week or so needless to say kids share the most random things ever i have many weird stories because of that we enforce a rule that they need to share good things so they don't start one-upping each other over whose grandma had the worst death lol one day a student said i was riding my bike over the weekend when i fell i could see where it was going but didn't have enough time to enforce the rule when he just spat out i fell over a wired fence and cut my neck it just kept gushing blood a lot of blood i reminded him that we were only sharing good news when he said it's good because i'm still alive i had a good laugh and agreed but the damage was done every kid after him wanted to share about the most horrific injury they had or witnessed once the boulder had started rolling you can't stop it i hate when this happens my friend is really quiet he doesn't really talk unless talk to he's really cool though and has some things he enjoys doing literally second year i knew him the teacher asked this and he said he's a professional bowler with a 300 best and i was like why haven't you told emmy this that's amazing i guess it just never came up haha knew him for a whole year and never knew that guess he had a spare fact had students age 11 sharing strategies for dealing with difficult emotions one at a time in a big circle one girl talked about digging her nails into her face whenever she was feeling stressed or anxious and i had to explain to the class why self-harm was not a good coping strategy when i was in my first year at university my law and society professor made each student get up say his her name and tell why they picked law school well a guy got up said his name and the professor interrupted him by asking annan are you related to x the guy yes professor he is my grandfather then the professor got excited and started talking about what great other guy x is and that he haven't heard of him in years then the professor asked how he was annan replied he is dead sir the whole class was trying to hold the laughter it pretty much broke the class that first day at least he said good things about the grandpa instead of calling him in a chat and finding out after he was deceased someone in a class once told everyone about how his grandparents were arrested for keep a bunch of adopted children in cages he said that he used to play with the kids when he was young but he was too young to understand that the conditions they were in weren't normal they kept kids in cages and locked in rooms for years before they were discovered and arrested yup fun fact i'm not a teacher this person who told the story was in a class with me as a young adult in my psychology class we were talking about the early signs of serial killers and the quietest girl who never spoke told the story of when she lived in chicago she had a friend around fifth grade who would always stomp on baby birds and once put his hamster in the microwave well his parents were having difficulty keeping up with his antics so they sent him to his grandmother's who he promptly stabbed to death when she woke him up for school so that was interesting i'm shifting in my chair just thinking of this exchange a guy in my class introduced himself by telling us how he decided he wanted to study philosophy because one day he was really high peeing in the street and he saw a couple of people working and he wondered what they were doing so he realized his passion was wondering he dropped out like two months later modern day diogenes in the context of having students introduce themselves one by one to a new boy in a small high school class a girl said her parents got her a nose job and a boob job i was in one of the first small required classes for my teaching degree and everyone in the class was studying to teach it was day two or three and we were doing a get to know you activity where we share something about yourself i don't remember the exact question but it had something to do with what you regret take back a guy came in late when almost everyone has answers the question and the professor asked him the questions and he thought for a moment and said i regret letting my friend talking me into dropping acid the class was silent for a good 20 seconds until the professor said maybe next time we only share things that are legal i hadn't seen him in any other teacher classes since still laugh about it to this day that question is such a set up i mean dude shouldn't have admitted to dropping acid but that's a hard one to come up with an answer for on the spot that doesn't make you look bad unless it's something i roll worthy like i regret not finding my passion for teaching sooner i have two thumbs on this hand i am raising cockroaches in my closets to sell to the reptile shop i want to clarify that these quotes come from different kids but it's definitely more entertaining to imagine them being the same also i learned so much about cockroach raising from the comments i wish i had asked more follow-up questions at the time hey jubia roach colonies are a decent side hustle it wasn't weird but actually cute and funny i was teaching fifth grade and this kid white ass paper goes my name is but you can call me lebron he had an obsession with lebron james and i did in fact call him lebron whenever i wanted to get his attention great kid dang are you my english teacher cause this sounds like something she would do i'm a teacher from the uk formed tutor to a year 7 class 11 year olds to get to know each other on the first day i had them take it in turns to say their name which primary school they've come from and an interesting fact like favorite food or color we get to the last kid in the class his fact is that he has six fingers on one hand coolest kid ever lol that's like my brother he was born with six fingers on each hand but he had them removed as a baby when he found out around age 10 he got so mad because he said he could have been really cool and really fast at typing [Music] my first year as an earnest and ideological teacher in a very rough and disturbed area i got all the students in a circle on the first day to talk about what we'd done that summer i pointed to a student who'd been engaged w me before class and said what did you do this summer that could inspire us his answer i did the last two months of a sentence for stealing a car um i hadn't expected that so i pointed to another student and said okay that's great let's talk about what you did this summer that student said yes i had such a good summer i went to camp and laughing lem stop lying i did the last two months of a sentence with that guy cause i stole that car w him that's freaking great taught elementary school the past few years one kid told me he was a dragon when he was born but changed into a human as he got older he was absolutely convinced and couldn't be persuaded okay so i had psychology back in the spring semester before covered hit and i sat next to a girl who i was good friends with from high school professor asks her for a fun fact and she said i like to watch people get cut open she obviously said it for effect but she cleared it up by saying she liked watching videos of people getting plastic surgery because it's satisfying to watch the explanation is just as bad even though i'm a professor nothing that's ever been revealed by this question has ever been as awkward or uncomfortable as an occasion that happened when i was still a student this was when i was in my mfa program for creative writing if you've never been in an arts program before it probably won't surprise you to learn that they can attract some weird personalities it was the first day of a fiction workshop and the professor decided that he wanted us to all share something interesting about ourselves and for some reason one girl ashley decided that this would be a good opportunity for her to tell us about her long history of drug abuse and the equally long period of mental psychosis she went through as a result of it she didn't do this as a quick answer either but as a long drawn-out list of every single drug she had ever experimented with followed by a catalogue of every single delusion she suffered as a result the only one i can remember now is that at one point she became convinced she was a millionaire and her family was hiding her money from her all of this was delivered in a monotone monologue with her eyes glazed over that lasted at least five minutes which was met at the end with a long awkward silence before the professor said well that was definitely something interesting and moved on to the next person i was teaching a 10th grade honours english class once and this pleasant young woman busted out the c word see you next tuesday i hadn't had any trouble with her whatsoever so i was a bit shocked the whole class went dead silent i told her she couldn't use that word in class and she was confused as to which word i was referring to but finally i said the c word she repeated it and then admitted she didn't know there was anything wrong with it because her parents use it at home all the time the rest of the class let her know it was bizarre that she was using it she was not australian i don't ask for a fun fact but on the first day i always ask what's your most recent obsession low stakes building affinity networks etc etc in my first semester a student said air as in oxygen i tried to make conversation with a 6th grade boy who didn't have any friends in my class i asked him what music he listens to and he said mukbang soundscapes if you don't know mukbang is when people eat a ridiculous amount of food in one setting i'm a student but a kid in my class said that he loves chicken nuggets and sat down and didn't say anything to anyone else for a month i have so much admiration yet confusion for him nugget is real omg not a teacher but the student introducing ourselves around our grade 10 social studies class and my intro goes hi i'm kat von 4 i'm blah blah blah and i really really like trees like ice where i have a tree fetish the teacher gives me a wtf look and goes okay and quickly moves on i confused fetish with the word obsession still weird but holy smokes i did not mean to say i'm physically attracted to trees one guy i love our rat pay sometimes i are at pay sometimes me and my friends like to get together and listen to our app pay some of my favorite are at purse include tupac dr dre eminem biggie my favorite are at pay song is english was not his first language he had us in the first half not gonna lie the continuation was to make it clear and everyone figured out what he meant once he started listed the famous rat purse not a teacher but a guy in a handful of my high school classes used to always say he met tron jeremy if the class was doing two truths and a lie he wasn't lying and would always show the class the picture they took together i'm a trainer at a bank and i've learned some really interesting things about my colleagues doing ice breakers one guy used to be in a pretty successful metal band another console the rubik's cube in under two minutes yes i made him prove it one woman was a professional pianist for a while and another can read tarot cards i'm seriously thinking of putting on an employee talent show along the same avenue after an winter half term the teacher asked how was your break my class was silent for some glorious seconds when it was my turn and i said well my granddad died and my dad got married yes in that order my teacher asked my mum if it was true at parents evening a few days later sorry mister more hamlet version 2. if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: fun fact about yourself, school, teachers, school stories, high school, students, weirdest, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: wasnSwOGINc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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