Karen Jr Gets Absolutely Wrecked! | r/ProRevenge | #393

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hey everybody rob here it's time for a new story of academic pro revenge entitled teacher's kid gets absolutely wrecked let's jump right in please hit that subscribe button for more what hey we don't do that low effort stuff here sorry please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories allow me to introduce her i'll call her karen jr karen jr was a pretty decent student who made equally decent grades certainly nothing to scoff at however she didn't take any particularly hard classes and it seemed as if she was merely skating by in high school waiting for the greater things in life she was also a mythic she had money and often flaunted it she looked down on kids who didn't have as much as she did and was a classic case of spoiled a-hole syndrome she also had a habit of sending her mom on anyone who dared to rub her the wrong way let's talk about her her mom worked at the school as a math teacher and was very chummy with most of the other teachers as well as the administration of both the school and the local county board she was also an a-hole she would intentionally fail high-achieving students who might make her precious daughter look worse in the long run we'll call this teacher karen as for myself i was a senior in high school at the time of all of this class of 2019 i am currently a college sophomore in high school i was one of the top students in the class my undergraduate studies have been entirely paid for by academic scholarships and i was one of a handful who were poised to be valedictorian for our class of course this title didn't mean much to me i worked my butt off for scholarship money not for some silly title i'm saying this now not to brag but because it's important to the story later it's also important to note that this story takes place in the thick of college admission season seniors were scrambling to write essays get important documents together and raise standardized test scores before it was all said and done i mostly only ever had class with karen jr when i was taking courses required to graduate these weren't hard classes at all and certainly were not weighted typically my other classes would be ap or dual credit courses to academically challenge myself and to raise my gpa for scholarships i rarely had class with karen jr in any of these courses and the class size was so small for aps at my school that if she had been we would have been in the same class for sure this was very odd as she struck me as capable to handle the course load that's when the tom began you see karen jr like many other folks at this time had also been trying to raise her test scores for college admissions she claimed that she had anxiety and as a result she got some special accommodations whenever it was time to take tests both for classes and standardized however she was notoriously extroverted in class discussions and never struck me as the nervous type i have dealt with generalized anxiety disorder for years and i wasn't buying it i also didn't want to use this as a cop-out to get special privileges but if that's what the psychologist note said i didn't have an issue with it for regular class tests this meant that she got to leave the room and take her test somewhere else she typically went to the library where she could take it in a more isolated setting there was a rare situation where we did share a class ap u.s government the teacher was also great friends with karen at my high school it was known as one of the easier ap classes due to the heavy focus on vocabulary and the lack of challenging concepts we had tests in there on a two-week basis after covering the material in the textbook i would study my butt off for each and every test and i always ended up with low a's this was fine in my book since the other assignments would keep my grade above the 95 mark as per usual karen jr would leave class every two weeks to take the test that was all well and good until she got a hundred percent on every single test she's a capable student but she's certainly no genius she would also flaunt to her friends how she never studies for any of her tests because she just gets it this continued for the first little bit of the course until one day the library was closed down after some water damage had been uncovered after a pretty bad storm she couldn't take the test in the library as usual and had to take it with the rest of us she seemed hesitant but the teacher insisted that there was nowhere else suitable in the school for test taking and so she took the test and gloriously bombed it i don't know exactly what she got but she had gotten all blubbery and teary-eyed as soon as she saw her grade she claimed that it had been misgraded by the scantron and insisted that it was rescored she got the same score i assumed that it was due to her anxiety and i felt bad for her that sympathy went away in an instant when during class she whispered to one of her friends that she'd always go to her mom's classroom instead of the library to take her test i always had a skill for eavesdropping since i was a relatively unassuming person who didn't say much in class i didn't know what this meant for sure but i assume her mom karen had looked up the answers for it that explained immediately why she had gotten perfect scores on the previous test and why she had bombed this one however her blatant cheating didn't affect me one bit so i turned a blind eye and kept doing my own thing then the situation escalated a slight bit see her anxiety also allowed her some special privileges for taking standardized college placement exams like the act and sat one of my friends had a sister who genuinely had a learning disability and absolutely needed the extra time she was incredibly sweet we'll call the sister destiny destiny explained to me that when you present to the act testing facility with accommodations you had two options you could either take each of the 4 act sections 5 sections if you took it with writing on separate days under normal time constraints or take all of the sections on the same day with double the time on each section destiny also explained that all test takers with accommodations took the exam on the same day different than normal test takers so that they could ensure that each student's needs could be met destiny mentioned how karen jr got a special room to take her test in not unlike her regular tests that's all well and good she thought except when destiny finished her exams she noticed that karen jr hadn't finished with the rest of the students she assumed this meant that karen jr had opted for the extended time option until on karen junior's social medias she posted about how she was ready for day two of act testing sure enough she had taken it over the course of several days all of this meant that somehow karen jr had taken the act with both accommodation options i wasn't sure how something like this would have been possible karen jr got a spectacular score on her exam something like a 32 or 33 again this didn't particularly bother me her test scores didn't affect me one bit i decided to take the information with a laugh and move on with my life this is when went from annoying too personal you see several students including myself were in the running to be our classes valedictorian i didn't care too much since the distinction wouldn't have gotten me any extra money from the college i was planning on attending it was quite a shock to learn that karen jr beyond a shadow of a doubt was going to be our valedictorian for that year to me and many others this seemed impossible she hadn't taken nearly as many weighted classes as the lot of us and was a good student at best also karen junior's best friend was lined up to be salutatorian second in class rank she was also a pretty mediocre student so how did they both manage to get a higher gpa than us we had been taking aps since freshman year the answer came to me as i was eating lunch one day one of my friends we'll call him aaron had been making up a calculus test in karen karen jr's mom's room while he was there he had overheard some seriously juicy information karen was looking at the student transcripts of high-ranking students including myself and had arranged for karen junior's schedule to inflate her gpa so much that it passed my own and the gpa of other hard-working students this included taking some online classes from a local college which i was never permitted to take this is because the classes were so specific that the credits didn't transfer we're talking about a college class about proper walking and exercise technique here easy what's more concerning is that these students transcripts contain very sensitive information that included but was not limited to last four digits of social security home address phone numbers medical history approved medication and academic records of all kinds why they'd openly whisper about this stuff with other students in the room was beyond me i didn't want to take this information at face value so i looked up the list of faculty that had permission to access student transcript information in the first place only a handful of teachers could do this wouldn't you believe that karen's name was most certainly on the list i also ran the numbers myself it was totally possible to arrange a schedule of bs classes that would exceed everyone else's gpa the same had been done to karen jr's best friend's schedule just not to the same extent i was livid that was my personal information which if leaked could cause some serious privacy issues part of my social security number was on there for christ's sake so i decided that i wasn't going to take this lying down anymore i looked up the regulations and codes regarding the share of a student transcript without consent and whoa boy all of that is under ferpa law and if you don't know anything about ferpa just know that they don't knock around in the slightest the state penalties alone for sharing student documents with a third party without consent either from the parent if the student is under 18 or the student itself was a hefty fine possible termination and further federal penalties we're talking possible jail time if the information shared led to consequences for the student whose information was shared all i needed was proof along with aaron's testimony i wanted irrevocable proof that karen and karen jr were doing shady so i hatched a plan i was in the show choir and so i had access to some decent recording equipment including some single use audio recorders these were used by judges during competitions to give quick feedback on the show and also for student auditions they were small discreet and silent they also had a neat feature where you could set a timer on the thing to tell it to start recording after so much time had passed i set the timer so that the recorder would start during lunch before school one day i went up to karen's room to glance briefly and see if she was in there she was not and her room was not locked her classroom was on the second floor so the stairwell door downstairs alone was locked at night however they unlocked these doors before school so that janitors could do spot cleaning before normal class hours i taped one of these recorders under her chair set the timer for around lunchtime and her planning period they were back to back and waited i went back at the end of the day i had choir practice and retrieved the recorder before the downstairs doors were locked they left them unlocked for extracurricular activities because freshmen and sophomore lockers were upstairs i got home and began playing the tape bingo i had my irrefutable evidence it was all there conversations about karen viewing students transcripts and disclosing that information with a third party karen jr now i had another problem you see karen was extremely friendly with the administration so i had to find someone who i knew would take me seriously and would cooperate while keeping my identity a secret fortunately my counselor we were each assigned one based on our last name was a real stand-up guy and i knew he'd come in clutch he also wasn't close with karen unlike many of the other counselors and higher up staff i went with aaron to his office and i took my laptop with the audio file backed up onto it we presented our case you see to file a ferpa violation report you needed a member of the administration of the offending organization this included my counselor to go on record saying that the complaint was legitimate and that further investigation was warranted the complaint was also anonymous he gave me his sweet sweet approval on the form i filed the complaint and waited the fallout was glorious the school's administration was forced to do an objective audit on all of karen's activity at the school where they confirmed that all of this bs had been taking place karen jr's valedictorian status and her friends salutatorian were sacked and some other more deserving kid was presented with the honor i myself was awarded salutatorian although this didn't matter to me too much the school was fined by ferpa for breach of policy and karen might get fired i never found out i was graduated before all of that took place in retrospect she probably wasn't fired over this because she knew folks on the county school board but it's fun to dream but it doesn't end there during the audit they also found evidence that karen jr had been coming to her mom's room during regular tests and copying down answers from the internet and she faced severe disciplinary action for that that certainly wouldn't look good on her record we're talking in school suspension due to multiple documented violations the icing on the cake was when they discovered the regarding her act accommodations turns out her mom had been pulling the string behind the scenes to get her accommodations for that anxiety we talked about earlier the a.c.t company takes cheating very seriously and so they voided her pristine standardized testing score which had landed her a full scholarship to her university of choice the same ended up happening with some of her s.a.t and ap scores as well for reasons that i never personally discovered karen jr lost all of her scholarship money from the university and ended up attending an in-stage college which took the few scores that were not voided and also weren't fraudulent those scores probably weren't near as good as her voided ones all of this news was absolutely buzzing around the school and karen jr was disgraced i did my part in my graduation ceremony a few months later and all was well i never intended it to go so far but i don't feel bad one bit revenge is sweet and best served by ferpa thanks for reading i definitely hate it when somebody takes a shortcut when other people have worked their butts off to achieve success this was definitely grounds for pro revenge as a teacher's kid myself i can tell you for sure that my mother never would have helped me through the system if i had asked she would have looked me in the eyes and told me you're on your own i'd like to thank op for posting their story to the prorevenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upload once again this is rob from karma comment chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 68,431
Rating: 4.9171486 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge, reddit prorevenge, reddit pro revenge
Id: E43K7cnX3Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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