"You Have Become the Very Thing You Swore to Destroy" Moments

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what is your you have become the very thing you swore to destroy moment i've always been about the punk life and espousing anti-corporate ideologies a few years out of college i was working as a job coach for teenagers with disabilities so i would dress in business casual to model appropriate work attire my car that was over a decade old driven hard was about to die so i traded it in i wanted something with four wheel drive and good storage capacity as i did a lot of camping during the summer so i bought a used rav4 my girlfriend at the time was working at a canteen in a va hospital that sold starbucks coffee and she'd bring some packages of grounds home if it was old anyways this all converged one day as i'm listening anti-flag and realize i'm in car keys and a button-up shirt drinking starbucks while driving my suv to work i feel this so hard with my fiance and i we used to be so into the punk scene in our area going to shows doing crazy stuff believing in anarchy and never wanting to grow up and be domesticated now we're planning a wedding we both drive brand new cars we adore hanging out with our friends kids and we'd rather stay in and watch a movie then go party growing up is weird my nephew begged me to play fortnite with him for a week straight my sister was on vacation and i let him use my xbox as much as he wanted to i absolutely hate this game but it made him happy and i really didn't mind watching him play after watching him play several matches i understood the building mechanics a little better so i looked up the controls his eyes lit up when i finally went to him and said okay let's give fortnite a shot we loaded in grabbed some weapons and hugged the wall of the storm his go-to strategy i wasn't going to argue with a seven-year-old made it into the remaining eight players finally got some contact and i scored my first kill before i knew it there was justice and one other player he was clearly skilled he took me down to the ground as i'm bleeding out near death my nephew blasts this guy with an rpg leave my uncle alone boom victory in my very first match i looked over at my nephew and he was just crying his eyes out he had never won a match before ever playing two years and never won a game i thought he was upset but it was this just sheer happiness i've never seen in him before i still really don't care for the game that much but we made a great team and now we have something to bond over together leave my uncle alone legend my dad was a huge neil young fan he would always blast his neil young tapes and cds when we were cleaning the house i despised it i hated his voice so much i hated everything about that music except now i love it old man take a look at my life i'm a lot like you not destroy but became the thing i thought i would never be i grew up with the mentality that if i work my butt off i will get ahead was taught that government workers are lazy and that i shouldn't go down that road i worked in a corporate environment for 10 years and worked my way up the corporate ladder to a senior management position i became burned out and depressed from working what felt like 24 stroke 7 was treated like a robot and couldn't turn my brain off work i would go to bed and wake up reading and writing emails on the phone to and from work i quit that job and got a management position in government work life balance is amazing i still work hard but only during work hours now i feel like a person again i've become the old man who wants peace and quiet in his home also parking in my driveway when you're not coming to see me is the best way to start a problem with me i mean i'm in my 20s and i feel the same someone had the audacity to stick a political sign in my yard and i was very unhappy lots of touching i work in retail once i had to ask to see the manager because a worker was refusing a refund even though i had my receipt the item was in perfect condition and it was within the warranty i was at a different store so no one knew i was an actual employee for the company and the manager realized the worker legit just never got taught how to do a return and was just refusing any returns because he didn't want to ask a manager so technically i helped the guy but hurt my soul to get someone to call the manager over for me i had this at my last job military i spent most of my time at the job hating the ease with which people in authority could frick up the lives and careers of their subordinates i felt that a lot of leaders quickly lost empathy once they gained power all of which came flooding back to me my last year once i was in a position of authority and was writing up the paperwork to have my new soldier punished as a long-term server bartender manager i hate having to send my food back it has to be like totally freaked up i like my steak rare but if it's over cooked up to like midwell i can still enjoy it might need some kind of sauce if it's mw but i was at a high-end restaurant and my rare steak that cost like 50 bucks was burnt to crap i had to speak up i was as nice as i possibly could be but still felt like a monster it took years before i was finally able to build up my confidence after being bullied in high school after a couple of years working however i realized i'd been picking on people at work just for the fun of it i had always dreamt of rubbing my bully's faces with my success but i subconsciously turned into a bully while chasing that imagined success yeah that's usually how bullying spreads and i was also in a similar place but you just hv to move on as a teenager i was a pop punk hated the government loved anarchy did tons of drugs swore i'd never be one of those mainstream sheep now i work in an office for the government i don't do drugs i own a house own stocks think about my retirement portfolio yeah i sold out bit of my friends who never did two died of ods and one is 40 years old working the night shift in a gas station for minimum wage if that's what i had to look forward to i'm okay with being a sellout yeah man growing up is okay i still get called boring by my deadbeat but old friends from back home i ate an entire box of double stuff aureus in one sitting while playing some games i like to think of myself as a generally healthy person i exercise and have been trying to reduce my meat consumption to have more balanced meals but man when i could feel the crumbs of those black oreo cookies and see their smudges was a time when i thought to myself i have become a monument to all my greed i am extremely impressed that you ate that minorius i can barely eat two when i promised myself i wouldn't end up like those lazy good for nothing kids that don't have a job still live in their parents house and do nothing but sit around all day guess who does all that me same to be fair i graduated college right before covered hit and that put a dent on my plans to move out somewhere where the lockdown is more serious i work part-time and want to move out so badly but i'm just waiting for the right time growing up my family didn't have the money for luxuries and my perspective was formed by that experience i used to scoff at expense and excess as a pointless waste but having nice things is pretty sweet ngl wouldn't go back read it look at these facebook pages stealing videos off of creators anyway here's a youtube video that i'm hosting on v reddit the hypocrisy of it all people andre did get upset when someone takes something from reddit and posts it on youtube or instagram the thing is ready takes a lot from other websites especially from 4chan and news sites when i realized i'm the boss now i don't really have a boss it's weird the owner is ostensibly my boss but he won't manage the company therefore each area manager is the boss i'm way too immature for this hey more or less where i'm at i basically just have to ask my boss if something i want to do is illegal if not then develop the idea further and once i'm ready to implement i go ask if any changes made are illegal just has the benefit of experience when i hated my dad's abuse for years and years and years to a point where i developed cptsd and as an adult i swore i'd never let myself get to that point but just last month my best friend of six years blocked me on everything one day and i found she had made a post on discredit expressing how disrespectful toxic and stressful i was she had told me at one point you know you seem to really hate the abuse you've been through but you don't realize how familiar you are to him i've been spending the last two months being unable to sleep knowing that i'll let myself get to this point and i've just been isolating myself from people now i've been beating myself up every day over those words because even though they hurt a lot there was a reason she ran off from speaking to me at least you're trying to change but nothing's gonna change if you go from abusing others to abusing yourself try getting a therapist if you can afford one or if you aren't seeing one currently are you asking if i'm a corporate chill because yes i am ever get a letter from a corporation politely telling you to frick off i write those hang in there buddy i'm sure one day you'll get a promotion to write letters really telling people to frick off i believe in you when i realized i was arguing online with some idiot over something i really didn't give a crap about always tried to be more kind and positive because of petty argumentative buttholes online but then i became that [ __ ] 2020 has been a pretty wild ride went to grad school for geophysics and my thesis was geothermal energy resource scouting immediately was offered a very high paying job for the oil and gas industry i ended up turning it down to stay green but oh man that was a tough decision frick that is a really hard decision when i was a kid i railed against smoking weed i would tell people about how it makes people unfocused unmotivated and lazy i even participated in school projects where we made videos about how bad marijuana is now i smoke pretty much every day many of my friends tried weed for the first time because of me and i've become very unfocused unproductive and lazy at 15 i was a devout christian i even went to camps and won theology competitions if you showed me a picture of a naked lady i'd cover my eyes and feel extra sinful that day now i'm agnostic and i haven't been inside a church for years i'm thinking about starting my tattoo sleeves soon and i fap regularly total 180. it was when i had earned degrees in a useful field took a job working first shift monday through friday starting at 7 30 a.m and bought a house in the suburbs a 20 year old me would be spinning in his grave i have ruined my relationship by behaving frantically and out of control when i always incorrectly perceive abandonment or rejection i have now succeeded in actually pushing my boyfriend away for the final time as of yesterday yay joined the club got left by the girl i'd been with for nearly five years that loved me like no one ever did and with who we had concrete marriage plans and family plans just cause i've got massive abandonment anxiety and self-love is a foreign concept to me happy days told my parents all the time that their bloodline ends with me they'd better hope my brother has all the grandkids because i won't i have a 17 year old daughter and a 14 year old son i sure showed them i said if never have kids ever but here i am next to my baby mine is music related i used to mock many different kinds of music for being what i deemed lesser forms of music mainly because i play many instruments and i'm partial to music made solely with instruments i have always enjoyed other forms of music but i never would advocate for it or admit that i liked it simply because i didn't want to be associated with the world surrounding them the fans and so on now i make and actively participate in nearly all the kinds of music i mocked before funny enough it was the lego movie that helped me see the different side of things with my ignorant perspective as they describe a scene in the movie where the child is explaining why the creativity that looks chaotic is not necessarily bad it hit me hard because much like the overlord will ferrell i too sought order and structure amidst what i deemed was musical chaos now i see the joy of inspiration that one form of music can leave on others as well as how many different influences a musician can have that is my little story i'm cool with it now but had i met my 18 year old self i would have probably called me a sellout i have become that which i sought to destroy used to utterly hate taco bell always threw a fit whenever we did there as kids then as a young adult i discovered the state quesarito sorry brothers this year the school bus drop-off is right in front of my house the other day some kids got off the bus and cut across my lawn i got irrationally upset then i realized i have turned into my father high school kids beat down the fence connecting my yard to the baseball field so they could climb it easier high school said they were sorry paid to replace the fence with a much higher and nicer one and installed a gate on their side of the adjacent wall for your information i attended that high school and like come on guys hop it i don't care but don't destroy a fellow classmate's property as a child i used to see my mum cry a lot and as the oldest i was always the one to comfort her i promised her i'd make her happy when i grew up jokes on me now we're both depressed working in big pharma i never wanted to work for a company who make money from the less fortunate 16 year old me would detest me but i was out of a job for two years and needed money to support myself i'm trying to get out of that company now unless you absolutely detest the field don't be too hard on it yes the leadership of these companies is focused on the money but without them a lot of majorly needed medications wouldn't even exist their greed funds the research needed to help people my brother said he'll install tick-tock just to hate on it now he's addicted to it and stays up until 4am watching it send help when i remonstrated with someone for writing code that was completely out of agreed specification when i was in college i resented conventions and as a junior coder i always tried to express myself i always told myself i would be more tolerant when i had more experience i was engaging in code review and carefully explaining why it made sense to follow the specification including published coding conventions and when i heard their tone of resigned irritation i realized i have become an experienced coder that is a stickler for coding conventions in ninth grade i got bullied a lot because everyone thought i was a dangerous kid or something someone told me the year after that they thought that because i'm a metal head meant that i would do some bad stuff i never hurt anyone but i didn't help my case and eventually got the police's attention for all the wrong reasons thankfully never went back there not like i had much of a choice in the matter anyway i couldn't understand how anyone would ever choose to study business or economics sounded boring off and if i knew one thing i didn't want to study it was that well guess what i will be enrolling and for my masters growing up all five members of my family besides me smoked cigarettes and my older siblings smoked weed i decided to never smoke anything in my life i've been smoking weed for about three years now smoke weed at reasonable intervals so i play overwatch and i mean mercy i used to say things like i hate those mercies who pocket gingers and show off their legendary skins they're annoying cut to me three years later with a mercy golden gun pocketing my genji friend to help him level up my mom left at some point and when she did of course i always swore up and down that i'd never be like her years later after really looking at my behavior in my relationships friendship ctc i tend to just bail with no explanation whenever things get too hard or confusing sometimes it is absolutely the right move but i just go through life never confronting anyone and just sticking around until i can't take it anymore and then i bounce i think sometimes you don't want to be a certain way but the pattern of behavior gets ingrained in you anyway and so when conflict comes up or you feel uncomfortable you just do what you know i've definitely seen this with folks who had abusive parents who swore up and down there would never be abusive or date someone who abuses them but the instinct overrides logical thought and suddenly they are back in a bad situation wondering how they got there i saw what looked like scraps left over after rolling a joint on the living room table at the apartment of one of my patients i worked with kids at the time i could lose my professional license for not reporting the parent i chose to take that risk and let the parent know that i saw something that if is was what it looked like i would be obligated to report her to cps the parent being an idiot proceeded to send me a self-incriminating text begging me to ignore it i told her that i'm not sure what i saw and not to be dumb in the future paraphrasing i make my kids close their online game fortnight usually before the round is over i know they can't save i don't care because i told them not to start the new round since we have to leave at a certain time or when dinner is ready and they need to set the table it hurts my soul to admit that maybe my mom and dad were right i wrote a song when i was 23 i wrote a song facetiously mocking the ideas of living in the countryside talking about mortgages going to visit friends to play board games and eat cake and then going home early i recorded it when i was 29. i am now 32. here's where i am have a mortgage and regularly talk about it with other mortgage having friends play lots of board games when i am with friends frequently go home miley from visits because friends live further away and you know i wanna sleep and recently the prospect of living in the countryside has seemed very very appealing i'm my ap us history class i had to debate about whether or not jackson should be taken off the 20 bill and my teacher assigned me against taking him off so i had to defend andrew jackson and as i was debating i was realizing that all of my arguments were basically the arguments that trump supporters have about trump i hated myself for a long time after that hey don't beat yourself up low stakes debates like that are a great way to help you iron out your thoughts and nobody suffered from your opinion i always used to make fun of the way my mill talks about to her two sons then i realized i talked to my two dogs the same way mine's kind of backwards from the typical did i used to rail against reno's thought systemic racism was a faux concept was opposed to gay marriage hated democrats now i'm a centrist-leaning conservative planning to vote for a centrist democrat to save us from the people i used to be i grew up working on a cattle ranch and watching fox news asked for and got the bill o'reilly for kids book for my 13th birthday now i hang out with socialists and bake vegan cookies for blm protesters those cheap self promoters in comments that be like i hate cheap self promoting too bill would you please check me out i have good memes but when my father passed away i begged my mom to quit smoking which he did couldn't stand when my parents smoked hated the smell i started smoking four years later frick if you try to quit and fail that's okay just keep trying and don't beat yourself up about your addiction nicotine is sinister in its methods of self-justification and breaking away takes time just recently managed to go a whole day without a cigarette for the first time in years a small victory but a victory nonetheless this one's actually a good thing i used to be insanely homophobic like they are criminals and evil and all that crap after quarantine began i realized that my parents were conspiracy theorists when they told me that 5g cell towers caused cancer i lost a lot of trust in them so since they brainwashed me into hating the lgbt community i reconsidered my opinions on that and a lot of other stuff too long story short i'm working to remove all the hatred and evilness from myself and to accept the lgbt community as i accept anyone else if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 57,159
Rating: 4.9104643 out of 5
Keywords: you have become the very thing you swore to destroy, rotate, change perspective, life changing, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: So3txOG7fgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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