Urban Explorers Share Creepiest "We're Not Alone" Experiences

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urban explorers what is the creepiest were not alone experience s you've had i've only been brave enough to do the urban exploration once well twice i guess but the same location both times near an apartment i used to live in there was an old hotel that was abandoned and boarded up one night a friend was over and hanging out with me we had a few drinks and in a moment of inebriated bravado a little tipsy but not fall down drunk at all we decided that exploring the old hotel would be a brilliant idea we made our way over and explored a couple of the rooms the doors were on the outside so it may have been a motel rather than a hotel i'm not sure the difference the rooms were moldy dirty broken down but didn't have anything unexpected there was some graffiti on the walls and some used condoms on the ground eww in the rooms then we went into the office lobby area as soon as we walked in we froze there in the distance in the dark and lobby was a man staring at us he didn't move just stood there and stared us down we bolted quickly and ran at a full sprint back to my apartment thankfully the man homeless drug addict we didn't know didn't follow us a few days later my friend was back over during the day we were talking about the experience with the hotel and this time spurred on by daylight decided to look in the hotel lobby again when we entered the man was still there standing in the same spot staring us down and made our cardboard we had gotten freaked out by a cardboard cut out hawking the hotel's website and online bookings oh i love this one my friends and i were exploring an abandoned restaurant in this beach town one winter night we snuck in through a broken window on the shore side to avoid being spotted by any cars driving by overall inside it was your typical abandoned restaurant but was still really cool to check out there was a long bar tables tossed about etc we walked downstairs into a wine cellar and started walking through the labyrinth of hallways the basement was deceptively larger than we would have expected for a beachside restaurant anyway we wander into this room off one of the hallways and shine our flashlight in the corner and we see an unmade bed cot with all of the trappings of someone currently living there a safety razor next to the mirror random other belongings full stop our stomachs immediately dropped as we realized we were currently in someone's living quarters and promptly note the frick out over there to this day we still don't know if the person was hiding in the basement with us waiting for us to leave or if we stumbled on it while they were out and about either way we couldn't shake the feeling of being watched by someone from the shadows of that basement i thought this was gonna be a goonies reference so there's a moderately well-known abandoned mental hospital close to my town a few months back a few friends and i went to explore a bit not a rare thing for people here we found this setup of a few folding chairs and a couple of old mattresses with blankets and whatever else you'd imagine on them we chilled there for about 10 minutes and then went on with our adventure upwards pretty uneventful from then on a few really cool graffiti murals awesome view from the roof when we were coming back down we passed through the room and all the chairs were folded up and deeply stacked against the wall and the beds were made or at least as close to that as it could have been whoever did it would have most likely known that we were there and waited for us to leave to do all of that as it was only a time frame of about 45 minutes no threats or anything just an eerie feeling of being watching in an abandoned mental hospital kings park psychiatric center i replied to like four of you all and got about 20 others asking a mayo i live in a big u.s west coast city in a neighborhood where most homes go right up to the sidewalk property line and have a yard in back my place is the opposite house is at the back of the lot front yard keeps me buffered from street noise it's a nice dark little oasis in the city my house has a double door split door so the top can open independently of the bottom but i often leave the top open when the weather's nice i'm sitting on the couch in the living room all of 15 feet from the door it's nighttime i'm reading and the doors more or less directly in front of me the pork lights off yards dark the only lights from the dim reading lamp i'm using the wind keeps blowing the top part of the door open closed open closed i'm used to it happens all the time doesn't sound out of place until the door kind of misses a beat i don't hear it thud closed i look up and it's perfectly still only open two or three inches it's one of those wtf are my eyes seeing moments there's like a 15 mile per hour wind outside how is the top part of the door partially open and perfectly still then my eyes or brain recognizes it the outline of a hoodie drawstrings but up in that instant i am frozen and my heart is pounding someone is literally standing right there but up holding my door open i can't see his face but he sees me noticing because he says you should keep your doors locked what now my adrenaline kicks in i jump up shouting he bolts i get the porch light on in time to see him running out the gate i still wonder how long he'd been standing there or wtf he was doing thinking the door has been very freaking locked since then as i read your story i got to someone standing right there and my other phone dings a notification and i jumped rural experience a graveyard behind my high school in the middle of cornfields was a go to driving around spot because we had nothing else to do as teenagers early on in the school year a lady parked her car in the back of the cemetery and walked into the cornfield and shot herself in the head the graveyard is super old and on a gravel side road so no one noticed for like a week kids who were running cross country smelled something rancid and reported it once it was investigated the truth came out it was weird she wasn't even from my area she drove around two hours here and had no relation to anything around the area no note was left it was really bizarre anyways we were driving around months later telling the story to some younger students really trying to freak them out but when we turned the corner to pull in the graveyard a random car was parked in the back of the yard we slowly rolled up on it while all of us were losing our minds only to see a topless woman sit up from the back seat followed by a topless man awkward but that was the tightest my butt had been clinched up to that point of life who the frick fricks in a car in a freaking graveyard so there's this building in my city that has been abandoned for over a decade the building itself covers over 40 acres so it's pretty well known by explorers that if the cops come they won't search for you inside but wait for you to come out the second time i went to explore this building we were looking for a way inside keep in mind this is taking place early in the morning maybe 3 a.m we come across this section of the building that was a large outdoor amphitheater we walked down to the center and went up to the boarded up windows and ever so faintly on the other side of the wood you could hear someone talking to themselves we got the frick out of there they stole it from us sneaky little hobbitses i explored part of an old nike or atlas missile site one night with a few friends as we were leaving someone started shining a laser pointer at us from the woods somehow we couldn't actually see where they were even though that's usually pretty easy to do with laser pointers i still wonder if it was just a laser pointer and not a laser sight instead if it was a missile site i'd go with possible guard and laser sight i spent 2004 to 2009 living in a dilapidated warehouse that had a space over a converted into an apartment in exploring the warehouse beneath it before moving in a buddy of mine and i were discussing how the place smelled and was haunted in making jokes about it we started laughing when something shattered on the wall near us we were seriously startled and contemplating what it could have been when when someone shouts shut the frick up and there's a homeless man throwing what i assume is a second bottle at us from across the space in a non-threatening way i calmly state are you sure you should be in here he waves something at me and yells at me to call the police if i don't like it i decided to climb a tree with a friend in the middle of a large college campus at 2am sat up there chatting a while then a car pulled up and parked nearly right below us we go silent one guy gets out driver stays put with the engine running five minutes pass a whistle comes from behind a nearby building and one is returned from the guy below us a few minutes later someone walks up there's a short exchange we can hear and see everything the guy walks away and the car leaves we are silent ten minutes pass we hand gestured and decide it's go time we dropped out of the tree and ran technically those guys should have felt not alone but instead we did for weeks we were so sure we had been spotted great next time i am doing anything suspicious i am going to be scanning the trees for random people there was a decommissioned naval base in the town i grew up in we used to sneak into the old barracks and one time i turned the corner into the hallway and found a lit cigarette on the ground there was nobody around from what i could see or hear we note the frick out pretty shortly after that this was back in summer 2012. every morning my mom used to take me and my brother to our grandparents while she went to work my grandparents lived in a really isolated rural zone near my grandparents house there was a huge abandoned factory and i've always wanted to go to see what was in there so i begged my uncle he lived at my grandparents house to explore that building he said yes so we went to the building and searched for an opening to get inside once inside we started to look around the place and obviously found nothing except old machines and stuff like that when we was about to leave we heard noises coming from upstairs and then steps we saw a shadow coming towards us so we got the out of there running a few days later i was at my grandparents house with all my cousins suddenly the neighbors rang our adorable and told us that there was someone breaking into our back garden my uncle went out to check while one of my cousins called 112 local police number soon after the call my uncle came back inside and he told us that he saw that guy that had broken running towards the old abandoned building i never discovered if the guy in the building and the other in the garden were the same person pretty freaked up story my friends and i explored an abandoned psych hospital in suffolk county long island after checking out the building with the cafeteria and bowling alley we decided to leave by exiting through the patient room window that we entered in i realized i had left my flashlight back in an adjacent patient room so i told my friends that i would quickly grab it when i went to the other patient room to retrieve it i noticed that the door was closed and a light flicker was occurring on the other side of it i note out of there so fast i was exploring an abandoned rehab near my house with two of my friends and it had just freshly snowed literally while we were exploring i was approaching one building there when i looked down and saw a very large set of obviously men's footprints in the snow heading into the building we continued anyway we always went prepared to defend ourselves bc you really never know and we opened the door to a completely silent empty building there was a staircase to a tiny loft and we went up only to find that someone had cut a makeshift door in the wall and was presumably hanging out in the attic we opened that door too and there was still no one we never saw anyone but i haven't been back since it creeped me out far too much we had finally worked up the courage to explore this super scary looking dilapidated house it was boarded up really solid nobody was getting in and out without a ton of work prying off boards we searched exhaustively the easier way in was to just make the damaged drywall on the back wall a little more damage to widen the hole as soon as we stepped in there was something vaguely human shaped at the top of the stairs we both saw we bolted in terror of course me and my friend were only nine at the time was probably just some homeless deal better at finding entrances than us as an adult now i really want to go urban exploring in the nyc subways abandoned stations but i need to meet someone familiar with all the new post 911 security crap because i'm paranoid about it an even more exciting target is the abandoned 19th saint path station the only even semi-modern footage is just blurs captured from passing trains not any better than i can catch myself but i think their security is tough there's keypads at the tunnel entrances presumably to disengage some security thing my friends and i grew up in a town that had a large abandoned psychiatric hospital people went in there all the time and we decided senior year of high school to sneak in a 2-ish am we get in with flashlights and start just exploring we get up to the third floor and start hearing footsteps we turn the flashlights off and hide in a room we watch this big black figure shuffle by the door and down the hall we ran the opposite way to another stairwell and got the frick out i'm sure it was just some homeless dude or something but jesus christ we were spooked for a while thanks for the creepy image back in my teenage hoodlum days some friends and i did some urban exploration in an abandoned medical facility it was perched atop a steep hill with only one road in and out surrounded by a small forest from what we had heard this place did some serious procedures heart surgery and the like but now it was totally left to rot or so we thought we imagined our expedition would be a creepy midnight jaunt through a haunted hospital that we could brag about to our lama friends so i drive up this hill and park behind the facility the first thing we notice is that there are some ambient lights on the place is not totally off the grid like we were led to believe no problem they are probably there just to scare off troublemakers like us the rest of the facade is dark there are no cars in the lot then as we're scoping out the exterior we notice that there's a board over one of the windows but sure enough we peel it back and the window is broken away in we waste no time involving up and over avoiding the edges of the broken glass suddenly we're inside and it's clear this place is certainly not abandoned there are interior lights that come on as we wander around there's some equipment scattered about i start to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach my friends are enjoying themselves and i don't want to be the pee who got scared yet i can't ignore the sense of pure dread that is getting stronger every second i'm in this place finally i tell them that we need to gtfo and don't bother explaining why i drove so they have no choice but to follow me we scramble back out the window we came in climb in the car and peel off turning off the only road that leads up the hill and stopping at a nearby gas station a few of my friends went inside to get drinks but a few of us stayed in the car from the spot where we parked you can see up the hill to the outside of the facility and we watched as a security car with flashing orange lights pulled up to the front followed shortly by a cop car we must have missed them by two minutes once my friends come back we point out the welcome wagon sitting outside the facility and after a bout of nervous laughter we head back home and marvel at how lucky we are if i hadn't listened to my gut my hoodlum friends and i probably would have spent some time in juvie for breaking and entering when my house was being built i did what you're not supposed to do and went into the construction zone to take some pictures in the frame that was being built i did it a few times one of the last times i kept hearing weird noises that seemed to be sort of following me and i totally felt like there was someone else there with me anyways turned out it was a freaking raccoon that was in there i don't know what he was doing but when i saw him i got just as scared as if it had really been a ghost and freaking ran for it i had an interesting phone call to the builders trying to explain that i think i saw raccoon in the house when i was on the road looking at the house from my car and it looked at me out where the window is supposed to be he was the welcome wagon you made a poor first impression not urban but definitely rural was good friends with a guy whose property abrupted a forest he loved to go walking through the woods at all times of the day and night since he was a kid and this part of the forest was the opening to a broader state park preserve anyway one day he comes into work and is so excited to tell us he found a large two-story cabin in the woods he had never seen before so it's been about 20-ish years of walking through that area since he was an early teen he described it in great detail and was sure it was abandoned even though there was still furniture in there so we of course were up for an adventure and it would be neat to have a hangout that's off the grid a week or so later we head out with him all of this time he's been ridiculously excited about the place and says he has been to it a few more times so he knows the best way to get there after about an hour he gets really depressive and confused and he tells us that the house should be right in a clearing that we just walked into and it was a massive clearing too large enough for a house at least but there was no house at all we walked outwards in circles for another few hours thinking he got lost along the way but nothing he was completely upset by this and he showed us marks he had made on trees that pointed to the clearing house by the time we got back to his house he was almost in tears anyway a few months later he comes into work and says he saw the house again and we ask him if we can go there he says no you don't want to do that and is white as a sheet that's the last thing he ever said about the house no matter how many times we brought it up i like this one it reminds me of the search and rescue stories that were oh so popular on reddit a few years back not really urban recently was on a central american beach at 2am looking for turtles just to observe as it is nesting season doing it right walking along with red light on and all anyways didn't see any that we had known turtle poaching and drug smuggling on these beaches was common but until someone pulled up with their lights off blocking the road out i didn't even think about how i'd handle myself in the end if you don't bother them or try and photograph they don't have to be aggressive to you but still feels awful to walk by them knowing they're so drastically opposed and so far away from law enforcement or hospitals that is absolutely terrifying the sheer awkwardness alone i was exploring the office complex portion of an abandoned factory and the floor was carpeted masking any footprints i knew there were exterior security guards but i thought they just hung out in their truck outside the front door it was a nasty surprise when i crossed paths with a guard conducting an interior patrol on foot i've never ran so fast in my life i lived quite literally in the middle of nowhere i worked a night job as well i was leaving the house one night and heard gunshots as if dozens of firearms discharged at the same time i hit the deck and laid flat on my stomach and was freaking out several seconds later i heard it again i had my keys in my hand and got my door unlocked and crawled back inside the house i was terrified and had no idea what was happening i went from window to window literally expecting to see people coming from the woods there was no one i didn't go to work or sleep that night because i couldn't figure out wth i called my dad the next morning and he was beside himself he said you know there was a thought there during the civil war right shorts fired from the past that's incredibly terrifying and also interesting thanks for sharing with us i guess i'm a little late but i ll post my little relatively unspectaculary story anyways either been the creepy stranger it was a few weeks ago i needed time for myself so i went to my favorite place a nice bench at the edge of the woods where you could lay down and watch the whole city it was already dark and after a while you could hear from a distance that there were some children about 12 doing a school trip and did a night hike i guess so i sat there chilling minding my own business when the children passed by in groups of three time after time some didn't he even notice me some were stunned for a second stop talking but the last group was funny one of the girls didn't seem to notice that i am a human and started touching my head when i turned around she ran away screeching thought it was pretty funny scaring them a little even if it wasn't on purpose it made me think of the night hikes i did in school and that the girls back then were indeed afraid of strangers just sitting around in the woods i was exploring an abandoned theater since demolished at a state school i rarely have experiences and mostly urbex by myself but this particular time there were loud screeches metal sounds and bangs that i can't attest that that building ever made before or after the many times i've explored it i knew without a doubt that someone was there and wanted to make themselves known very strange it was the only experience i've ever had in that particular building although others have said they experienced other things same complex except the actual hospital asylum with the padded walls and such only building i ever hated going into and i only did so twice and mostly with other people the moment you walked in you felt you weren't alone the air felt very strange and i always walked back out with a terrible headache that always went away as soon as you left the building and went into a different one ironically it was the newest building on the campus it's since been torn down and i don't miss it a bit a psychic friend refused to walk near it since he got a strange vibe from it also completely separate and without knowing my own experience with the building when development finally started happening the poor demo crew lost a lot of members that freaked out after hearing screaming being touched while cleaning the buildings out prepping for demo i never experience anything that major as i tend to go in with an open mind but it doesn't surprise me on the flip side i gave a bunch of amateur urbex as a scare too my boyfriend and i were in a mostly empty newer building on the same complex and we heard a bunch of teenagers being stupid yelling etc you know how young ones are anyway we were in the coat locker room of the building and i was talking to him you couldn't see him though and i was back lit because the window was behind me they came loudly through the door and i just sort of silently looked at them didn't blink and didn't move and didn't say anything they kinda had this freaked out look on their face then backed up and left the building i still giggle at that one you're gonna be someone else's story on here if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 22,144
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: urban exploration, urban exploration gone wrong, urban exploration scary, urban exploration abandoned, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, comedy
Id: Ro8c7WyEwNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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