Cops, What's The WORST Crimescene You've Come Across?

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police over it what is the absolute worst crime scene you've come across not a cop but i am in college to become one one of my professors at the time worked homicide as a lieutenant at the precinct and brought in crime scene photos all the time to show us on the projector one was of this 17 year old kid who'd had his head caved in on the early 2000s it was a pretty big case at the time in philadelphia he worked construction part-time and walked home every friday with a couple hundred dollars in cash for his pay his best friends one girl and two guys all in the 16 18 range wanted to make a quick buck the girl lured him to this regular meet-up spot for freaking near some woods when he started taking his clothes off the three friends jumped him the 18 year old guy if i remember right had a hammer and his brother had a cinder block kid didn't stand a chance his parents had to identify him based on the clothes he was wearing because there was practically nothing left of his face or hands defensive wounds the brother god tried as an adult and got 25 to life the 18 year old got life the girl got 15 for ratting out the other two yes this is the case of jason sweeney probably the four suicides i've worked my very first a man who had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer decided to prematurely end his life he jumped in the early morning from a five-story parking structure he landed in such a way that his brain pretty much popped out of his head when we found him his brain was fully intact but sitting in a puddle of blood exactly 23 feet from his body he left a note apologizing to whomever finds my body and asking that his wife and daughter were cared for the second we got a suspicious circumstances call regarding a possible explosion next to a baseball stadium it was a little after midnight upon arrival and not seeing any smoke or flames i got out and walked around there were big tents set up for a game the next day i saw what looked like a person sitting in a chair in the middle of a tent i called out to him and he didn't answer as i approached i put my flashlight on him and nearly soiled myself the top half of his head was just gone i walked under the tent and noticed a shotgun sitting next to him as i was calling it in i felt something like rain hit the top of my head i shined my flashlight up and the inside of the top of the tent was absolutely coated with blood and brain matter he did not leave a note i still have nightmares about that one the third we got a report of a single gunshot in a field next to a church i had a trainee at the time it's about two o'clock we drive next to the field and pretty quickly spotlight a body laying next to a lone tree pretty much the same thing as the last one top half of the head missing single shot 12 gauge sitting next to the body he had sat down leaned against the tree and put the shotgun in his mouth brains and various red goo all in the branches of the tree no note and the most recent one and rarita dormitory had reported a bad smell to a maintenance worker the maintenance worker keyed into a room on the first floor after knocking and getting no answer he said when he opened the door he recognized the smell and immediately called us a paraplegic student had committed suicide by overdosing on prescription medication we found him in his wheelchair with his head in the sink apparently he was vomiting into the sink and the sink had clogged up his head was partially submerged in vomit and as the ac was off he was very very ripe i couldn't seem to get that smell out of my uniform no matter how many times i washed it he didn't leave a note but we found out later he sent a text message to a girl he was fond of she ignored it thinking he was just being dramatic the mental health care system in my state is severely broken overburdened and rife with bureaucracy not my story but of friends he's receives a call and responds about a single vehicle crash with only one survivor and two victims here's what happened three high school students and childhood friends were driving to a gun range firing area the one in the back had a shotgun in his hands they go over a pothole the shotgun fires and instantly kills the driver the driver's dead weight hits the gas and they slam into a tree the passenger wearing no seat belt is ejected through the windshield and impacts a tree breaking his neck and crushing his skull they were two weeks from graduating high school the surviving friend now attends therapy medicated and has attempted suicide at least once my mom works in the mental health field and treats people with severe conditions she began treating a police officer who is severely traumatized from a crime scene he was called to here's what happened he receives a call from a woman crying hysterically he responds to the home and walks in the woman's husband is standing over her dead son the man's stepson and this guy is rooting cutting the kid's body apart with a knife he is also muttering to himself there's a shotgun and two expended shells on the floor apparently this guy who was a severe alcoholic and drug user he did pretty well however he also had paranoid delusions and after going off his meds became convinced that his stepson was being controlled by miniature aliens living inside his body and it was his duty to find these aliens and kill them so he called his stepson into the kitchen and killed him with two shotgun blasts to the chest and then proceeded to try to find the aliens the mother returned home from work sees what happened and immediately dials 9-1-1 apparently this guy had killed the kid hours beforehand and had been picking at his body and crap for the entire afternoon trying to find the aliens the saddest scene was a fire where a number of children had died there is nothing as sad and disturbing as seeing a lifeless child the most grotesque scene was an obese man who died on the toilet and fell forward onto the lino floor he lay there for three days we had to peel him off the floor and what used to be his face and chest was now a large amount of maggots and goop the scene that made me most angry was the home where the big fat husband had thrown his tiny wife around the place and put her head through the ploster board of a wall the sight of her cowering and him standing there laughing made my blood boil fortunately he violently resisted arrest he didn't think he could be arrested in his own home the most frustrating scene was the debauchery victim who was too afraid to name her attackers because they were connected to the ira that feeling when you can do nothing to bring such a heinous man to justice my father was a cop for 25 years he's seen some crap in his time here's what he thinks was his worst crime scene a domestic murder where a husband attacked and killed his wife with hammer blows to the head she was discovered by her children ages 4 and 7 who told their neighbors who called the police he was found on an industrial estate nearby in his car having expired thorough breathing exhaust fumes worst accident scene a seven and a half ton goods vehicle lost control on a motorway crossed all three lanes went through the central reservation hitting several vehicles on the opposite carriageway one of these vehicles was a mercedes sprinter van the impact flattened the mercedes from the driver's side across the vehicle's back the passenger walked away with a minor head injury the driver's body had been stretched to approximately nine feet long due to the impact force the occupants of the seven and a half tonner were both dead the impact being on front driver's side corner diagonally across the cab the driver was decapitated from his chin up the passenger was decapitated from the middle of her nose up extracting the remains was an interesting experience my dad was in a wreck like that big transport truck crate at his car but my dad walks away from the wreck with minor injuries because he saw it coming and had the presence of mind to literally unfasten his safety belt and jump into the passenger side seat it he had and he'd have been a red smear four uncles physically shaming two minor females none of the uncles knew the other three were doing it of course now that the young girls are in their thirties and have denounced the actions of their uncles they've been banished from the family for telling the family secret oh my god we had a kid late teens hang himself on halloween on a hill visible to the whole neighborhood of course everyone thought it was a prop until someone complained that it was in poor taste and decided to check it out also a suicide with a high-powered rifle i was dispatched to go check on the guy because he was sending vaguely upsetting texts to his wife as i was on my way i kept getting updates that the texts were escalating and finally a goodbye tell our son this isn't his fault crap guy shot himself under the chin as i was pulling up at the house the shot split the front of his head and two there was no surface in the garage that wasn't covered in brain matter i can remember the smell of gunsmoke in the air and the tiny plops of brain falling from the ceiling the absolute worst part was when the coroner was examining the body on scene we had to put him on his stomach as we did the split sides of his face were in such a way that they were splayed out on either side and both eyes were looking back at us i still have nightmares about that one when i got back to the office to gear down for end of shift i found that i had some of his brains on the back of my vest carrier that went straight into the garbage also not a scene per se but we recovered an avalanche victim and found a gopro on his helmet gopros were still a novelty at the time so we weren't quite sure what we'd find i watched it and sure enough it caught the whole thing the worst part was moments after we was buried he realized what was going on and began screaming i had to listen to the whole thing in case he screamed out any messages for the family or anything the screams were muffled inside the waterproof case but still horrifying danish cop here some years ago a coked up driver hit a woman in central copenhagen she was hit with about 120 kmh while crossing the street with her boyfriend in hand her body flew about 100 meters down the street on second thought i have removed parts of the description out of courtesy when the first patrol car arrived at the place of impact the boyfriend was sitting beside the body and caressing her head they had to be three officers to pull him away from the woman the driver was a well-known man that had done something close to this before two underage danish girls was in the back seat of the car he hit her with i ended up in a fight with one of them cause she wouldn't stop phoning different people while we still were chasing the driver in the area around the car oh and he could have killed about 10 people about 20 seconds before he hit her he drove through a red light at the busiest pedestrian crossing in denmark it was about 0-1-0-0 on a saturday night and it was the night the christmas beer was released but he got a sentence of four years and six months the longest sentence in danish history for a hit and run prisoners in denmark only serve three stroke four of the sentence and at the weekend he got to go home from prison in the last year of the sentence it's only a couple of months since the newspapers wrote that he hadn't returned to prison after a weekend at home that's a lenient danish prison system for you i have two but both not crime scenes first decapitated body in a one vehicle in concert kodaram england crashed into a stone wall and overturned somehow decapitating the driver second was a sudden death in a flat the occupant in the downstairs flat complained of a leaking drain from upstairs it turned out the person upstairs had died rolled out of bed and was decomposing on the floor the leak was the various body fluids from the deceased it wasn't all i ever saw but certainly the worst my career was effectively ended by a lady that got hit by a car it basically ripped her whole face off except her eyes basically from the nose down you could see her vocal cords she was convulsing on the ground and a crowd of people were standing around her i was first there and she was still alive there was absolutely nothing i could do for her at that point it was obvious she was bleeding out i got down on the pavement cradled her in my arms and told her she would be okay while i tried to stop some of the bleeding i knew i was lying but i wanted her to not feel alone and scared when she died she passed in my arms as the medics showed up they worked on her for a bit but they called it before the chopper landed two weeks later i quit i've had severe ptsd since then i drink a lot to self-medicate i go to therapy i've lost almost all of my friends and several jobs i take pills every day for depression sorry for the vivid description but you asked i can still smell it see it the works what a brave gentle loving gesture thank you for sharing this story my friend passed away in a car accident alone and in a foreign country it eases my pain to think someone might have been there for them like you did to that woman more love and strength to you private security here was patrolling the exterior of my building when i smelled it once you smell death you never forget it what's worse it was coming from the trash compactor we have a couple nice restaurants who toss their garbage into the compactor and a lot of homeless nearby one of them saw the cooks tossing the garbage the night before and climbed in to grab it however the compactor is one of those that will activate when the door closes either he didn't know that or the wind got the door holy crap the thought of being in that situation seeing the compactor come down knowing you're about to be crushed not a cop emt had a call for pedestrian hit by car on rural road we hauled butt over there and find a 12 year old female in the road with her dad standing over her she was riding her bicycle in her driveway with her whole family out in the lawn rode into the road and was immediately hit by an older man driving a large old cadillac the car was driving at 55-60 miles per hour and because of the bicycle this girl hits the windshield but her head hits the passenger side column the girl doesn't die on impact and is instead bleeding out through the large piece of her skull that has been half caved in the girl can't talk but she's blinking and making sounds her dad who had been drinking for the better part of the day sees the whole thing he immediately runs out into the road and starts doing the only thing he's ever seen from tv cpr thanks to his woefully drunk version of cpr he not only crushes her ribs and lungs but effectively helps her bleed out faster to make things worse i have a brand new paramedic with me who has never seen anything like this almost as soon as we arrive this girl has no pulse and blood is everywhere a volunteer firefighter showed up on scene and is trying to pull the dad off the girl dad and the firefighter get in a full-on fight we get there assess her and try to control the bleeding but she's gone no pulse massive trauma no lung sounds head caved in laying in a pool of blood bigger than she is her whole body is just broken another m's unit shows up and it takes me and the other crew to pull my partner away from the girl who is grey as soon as we pull him away the father begins screaming about losing his little girl and runs into his house the older man in the caddy realizing she's dead begins yelling oh my god i've killed a little girl then things get worse the old man in the caddy who hit her falls down on the pavement and has a massive heart attack he dies an hour later meanwhile dad is inside the house drinking some kind of whiskey as fast as he can before coming back out bottle in hand completely out of his mind and attacking things in his yard the girl isn't an only child she's the second youngest of six and all of them were outside watching this go down other units arrive on scene we end up transporting dad the driver of the caddy and the volunteer firefighter injuries sustained from holding back dad i go out of my way to avoid that stretch of road my partner quit a week later been to a few calls of dead bodies turning up at the water treatment facility you think normal dead body smell is bad try a guy who has spent a week soaking in waste water dumped out onto a conveyor belt also went to a call of a guy a vet with ptsd who shot himself in the head in front of his wife when she demanded he go to a wedding the rest of the family was in the other room and by rest i mean about 15 other people apparently the last thing the wife said was were going to the wedding pack your bags and threw a suitcase at him well his glock was in it and he simply pulled it out and shot himself right in the temple dude really didn't like weddings i guess just remembered a guy who got run over by a fedex truck was basically the glove from the waist down his right foot was by his right ear and his leg was straight also his disc was by his face another guy on pcp got into a wreck had an almost completely amputated right foot shattered right femur and a broken left ankle took five of us to drag him to the ground and hold him till paramedics could hit him with a sedative he actually was able to take about five or six steps before we got him on the ground i rode in the ambulance with him the medic kept picking you oh his foot that was attached only by skin and letting it drop one time he said oh w just kept thinking now mother sucker your foot is off you have no clue how much you just fricked up your life my dad is currently sitting right by me he has 20 years active patrol duty and then seven of sheriff well one time we got a call from guy saying his girlfriend broke his dong obviously we were skeptical so we go along with ambulance and fire to their house and walk into his girlfriend sobbing and shaking in the corner we walk into the bedroom and let me tell you dongs might not be able to break but this was a very broken dong turns out they had gotten drunk and she wanted to hop on his dong by jumping from the top of their headboard onto him yeah didn't work she bent his dong in half by the time we got there it had turned black and people and the bottom part was swelled but the top part was just flopping i felt bad for that guy the other one was a call we got from this woman saying mrs is 90 years old and we haven't seen her in seven weeks can you preform a wellness check this was in the middle of august after a couple streaks of 100 degree weather seven weeks is a long time so me and rich his partner go over in low and behold no visible ac unit in this 100 year old house so we load up our noses with vicks and open the door yeah the vix didn't help that house was well over 90 degrees fahrenheit this lady had basically melted into a sludgy mess with some human feature still visible on her couch the vapor her body was giving off was on the windows like condensation rich and i both threw up and called the coroner who basically had to remove this lady with her couch cushions it was bad my dad was a cop and the worst case he ever had was while he was a detective they caught a local teacher with something hateful cds of cp the most awful thing about it that you have to go through it all to see if you can identify any adults in the pictures to try and get them busted freaking sick and if a child is identified the parent and child have to go through every photo and confirm it it's horrible shameless plugs since this place is a freaking graveyard on the front page here's an older one submitted last month courtesy of you candela crusher comma an officer who volunteers at my work from time to time told me that his worst experience was during his first year on the job apparently there was a car accident where the driver was wedged halfway out of the overturned car unfortunately since the car was on fire they couldn't help the man out and had to stand there and watch him burn to death while he screamed for them to help him and another thanks you corpse husband pastor and you slash 17 herp derp comma recall goes out for reported screaming it's mid-january important later my father and another office respond to find a known deranged individual very long rap sheet and has been in and out of psychiatric care for years sitting on the front porch holding a double-sided wood splitting axe steam is coming up off the the grass and there are chunks lying all over the lawn upon interviewing the suspect he admits that he and a friend were playing poker the suspect was losing nearly every hand and came to the conclusion that his friend was rage ain't southern for ghost and was cheating him the suspect grabbed the axe and chased his friend outside and hacked him into dozens of pieces thus causing the warm blood to create steam on the grass my dad tells the suspect that he needs to get in the police car because its agent proof he said the suspect dropped the axe and sprinted to get in the backseat while thanking them for helping him tl dr my father convinced an axe murder to get in his cop car because it's ghost proof he thought his friend was a ghost but they chained my friend and his dad are volunteer firefighters i was staying the night and they got a call at 1am they knew it would be a long call based off of info from their radios so i went with them according to a witness a motorcyclist going about 120 miles per hour was going around a wet corner at midnight past a semi-truck he leaned too much into the corner slid across the road still on his bike hit a tree he disengaged from his bike when he hit the tree and skidded in front of the semi where the semis made him like spreading peanut butter on toast i stayed in the truck with the windows down but could see everything due to all the flashing lights semi-driver was a wreck crying and sobbing saying that it happened so fast that he couldn't do anything i got to watch my friend and his dad scrape a guy off the road drive safe guys especially motorcyclists a friend of mine's dad is a cop he told the story of one time he was called to investigate a fire that was lit in an alleyway this was midday he'd yet to eat lunch and had skipped breakfast and upon arriving to the scene noticed a particularly appetizing aroma coming from the fire his mouth was involuntarily watering turns out the fire was an ignited carpet rolled up with a dead person inside of it journalist not police but i was often at the same sorts of scenes one partial decapitation in a car accident a drunk kid hit a small car at high speed tore the top completely off driver's body was still heaving and convulsing in the front seat brains and tongues splattered over groceries in the back seat too hugely obese drug dealer goes into his attic to retrieve his stash this is in georgia in the summer collapses from the heat and dies takes neighbors a few days to notice the smell takes a few more before they figure out where exactly it's coming from the police had to cut a hole in the roof of the house to pull his bloated corpse out he fell apart into goo as they were doing it the smell was insane even a quarter mile down the road once the roof was opened up three woman who had been killed by a serial killer unofficially the cops on the scene said they had seen this sort of thing a number of times so they thought it was a serial killing was never proven she was a prostitute and he had beaten her to death and then tightly packed all of her orifices with dirt before dumping her 4. train versus car a mom tried to beat a train with her kids in the car train was too fast when i got to the scene there was a child's head just sitting on the ground completely normal except for the fact that his was detached and the body was nowhere in sight people who try to beat trains are idiots if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 72,377
Rating: 4.8932037 out of 5
Keywords: police, police story, police stories, worst crime scenes, worst crimes of the decade, worst crimes in us history
Id: esXuQLCUwjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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