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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are doing helicopters versus tanks now thankfully we already have built some awesome helicopters when we previously did helicopters versus boats and I thought how fun would it be to do the helicopters again but with no auto aim on the rocket so your Rockets are only going to fire where you're facing and you got to be in charge of uh Landing those shots all on your own uh so all we have to do is build the tanks now we've rebranded our helicopters repainted them up so they look a little bit different the tanks are gonna beef uh what do we say 30 power cores and a speed limit of roughly around 50 miles per hour so the helicopter is a guaranteed to be able to uh catch up are you ready to build some new tanks yeah let's do it all right let's do it all right so another tank build um I'm gonna try to do an experiment here which is probably going to be a bad idea I want to try to go do not da Vinci style but DaVinci inspired where I want to put kind of a dome of shields around the tank however it's not going to be actually shaped like a dome because I want my tank to drive well and a circular shape is not really good you kind of want a longer wheel base than it is wide if you want to have some decent functionality and controllability so it's going to be like maybe oval-ish but uh 30 power cores to distribute between engines and weaponry and we all right we have to shoot at a helicopter I'm gonna go with many guns I don't wanna I I don't know if Rockets are gonna be unfair usually did mention that he probably wasn't going to use Rockets so I don't want to be the op one here so I'll go with miniguns too I think it'll actually be more satisfying to see the damage gradually apply instead of getting lucky with a single rocket but you know what let me oh where am I gonna put the mini guns if I have shields everywhere this is going to be really interesting so we need some big pieces to start off with and I'm just gonna hide my seat right in the middle actually no front middle it makes sense that the helicopter going to be chasing us so most of our shots are probably going to be around the back area so if the seat is at the front there's a lower chance it's just going to get outright disconnected so this time I think I'm actually going to use big wheels I think I'm going to use the eight big wheels we want a little bit of redundancy we cannot repair as the tank we cannot repair we go as far as we can until we can go no more so if I lose a wheel I don't want it to be over with a single wheel just gone and I'm already starting to realize just how difficult this might actually be this might be too wide but this looks a little bit too skinny you know what actually this already doesn't feel too bad see the biggest thing I'm worried about is flipping over is potentially an issue but this actually doesn't feel too bad as long as I keep my Center Mass low let's put some forces in here all right there we go it's a nice weight underneath all right now I need to reinforce this thing and make room for weapons that's the big thing I'm like I'm confused about right now is if I put Shields all over it where am I shooting out of I do feel like I'm a little bit of a big Target though after I add these shields alright I got a little bit of a base here for the tank now I need to add Shields and Rockets to this thing I'm basically I I just need a box to start off with because I'm shaping it with shields this might be a complexity issue I don't have many blocks right now but I think steering hinges are more than one I think they're like five complexity so as I add these it's definitely gonna get kind of uh it's gonna get a lot oh I have 30 power cores to use and I've only used six so far I can have so many miniguns on this thing rather than doing math I'm just gonna add mini guns until I reach 30. six mini guns there you go there's gonna be a lot of recoil how am I gonna add them all right now to make things kind of complicated I'm gonna start adding Shield pieces on steering hinges all right this isn't looking as cool as I thought it was going to look and I don't know why I'm thinking I have to add a little bit of distance between the steering hinge and the um the shields I feel like I'm gonna take way too long and you're just gonna have to wait so long just for me to put all this stuff here all right I think I've made some progress so this is what the top looks like at least that one strip of the top I'm hoping I could just copy and paste all right how's this look now oh it doesn't look right why doesn't that look great only some of the settings got saved oh no oh oh no now I'm pretty top heavy and now flipping over is a concern a big concern I need to put some more weight on the bot where's my center of mass right now it actually doesn't look that high you know what I can lower the steering a lot I think it's because I'm just I'm so slow I do not need to have that much steering all right so speed I'm gonna do half speed on the steering and the angle I'm gonna do half the angle and actually it still feels like I can go too much oh boy I'm just gonna have to be really careful I don't want to have to be really careful though I want to be able to go and shoot all right oh that looks pretty cool they're all reversed but it actually it looks like solar panels that are solar mirrors that are reflecting sunlight that's kind of cool looking but I need all of these to be reversed all right so for the front of this vehicle I really don't think I'm gonna need much for protection on the very very front so I'm gonna go with a little bit of aerodynamics just so I can get some semblance of uh of speed all right now how fast do I go not very fast it definitely helps not having that big block of air resistance structure too complex no I don't even have guns on this thing yet oh I've made a terrible mistake all right I've got a these details do not matter underneath I was just trying to insulate a little bit down here 687 out of 700 no okay these can be simplified as well so I don't need that many pieces because I can have them be doubled up like this so now I have the same exact shape but it is 681 out of 700. oh no I wanted to create an entire turret system for the mini guns I don't think I could do that now 681 out of 700 how much complexity is this going to add 686 uh oh uh oh indeed there's sacrifices are gonna have to be made somewhere that can be replaced with this now it's like not symmetrical here but it's still less pieces there's a bunch of areas where I can do that how complex are guns are they more complex than one piece oh they're four complexity oh no oh no I don't have enough room all right there's a bunch of complexity up here that is just not necessary I mean it is the hinges it's the hinges are really what's doing it all right so yeah brought down to 651 now we're doing good okay now let's see if I can add any turrets on here they're gonna they're gonna cost too much though I might not even be able to use all my power cores oh no this doesn't fit oh hold on dang it I keep adding complexity okay so I I have room for six uh miniguns but I think I can only fit two yeah I wanted to put steering hinges on these so I could aim out to the side as well I really don't think this is gonna work as intended I don't know I'll try okay so here here's my design for the guns which I think doesn't look too bad I can aim in and out and then I can also aim pretty much 360 um wherever I need to if he's in front or uh behind and then out to the side so there we go this is my uh my da Vinci tank here all right I've made one more addition um I I got up to 700 a complexity exactly because I added another set of mini guns to the things but um those miniguns aren't on steering hinges so they're just gonna be facing backwards which I think is going to be the most likely situation that uh he's gonna be in so just like that and then if I need to split out to the side it's gonna reduce my Firepower but at least I'll be able to do something even though it's a little sketchy with how the guns are hitting me there what just happened oh yeah I moved all the uh the guns forward a little bit so now when we do this I can actually aim out without worrying about them grinding anymore so that looks good well it doesn't look good but it functions good all right here is my tank I'm pretty pretty happy with the paint job for the most Parts but I can't use symmetry mode because this thing is not symmetrical but oh no I am so slow at some parts it's really going to depend on whether I'm going uphill or downhill isn't it but hopefully hopefully I'm not too underpowered let's hop over and see what Uzi built all right scrap man my friend have you finished your tank I have you want to see it yeah let's see it alright so mine is 700 out of 700 complexity we're a little overboard on this thing and I was having trouble fitting the guns inside oh he smokes so here it is I my original Vision was like a da Vinci inspired like Da Vinci tank thing um but the steering hinges are like five complexity each so I have the I couldn't really do a full-on thing but um then I got the mini guns as well and I can also aim out to the sides if I need to as well as up and down so it's pretty much a little more Fortress that is so cool I've never seen anything like it wow it's uh yeah but it's not it's definitely not I think I'm under the speed limit I'm like 40 on flat ground and if I have to go uphill I go down to like 20. so hopefully I don't hopefully I don't flip over either well I'll tell you something now me and you have gone in completely different directions so all right I'm looking forward to seeing what you got let's see it so this one's mine oh my you're so small yeah you're gonna be a small Target to hit it's uh yeah that's the whole plan I try to base mine off being a little bit more maneuverable and it's based off a Fleck fences so uh interesting wait don't those not have auto aim on them they don't um okay interesting choice I'm going to yeah interesting choice indeed I'm going to rely on my aiming skill okay I like your the roundness of the turret what you did there is pretty interesting that's really cool that is uh that is a nice looking tank thank you I'm so excited to get this like started yeah all right so what do you want to do first tank or helicopter uh do you know what I'll uh I'll volunteer myself to be helicopter I think first uh where are we start we're starting at the bridge aren't we yeah we're gonna have to head over there man I can definitely feel the game does not like how complex my uh my tank is all right so we are here at the West Bridge um next in the Maze Valley so scrapman is gonna start on the far side closest to the desert so he gets a little bit of a head start and I'll be starting on the right side of the bridge uh over here and yeah I'm ready when you are scream man all right three two one go or big guy first rocket is inbound oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh there's a lot of mini guns where are you yeah you're quite slow so I'm able to just yeah shoot aiming at you is interesting from down here oh look at all those hits I'm hearing pieces fall off I'm seeing the blade swallow one of my blades no way all right dude this is this is a nice hey hang on let me oh oh there goes on my Shields you definitely gotta hit there hey you shot away Rockets really oh hopefully someone's gonna have to repair all right where are you there you are oh dude the spawn camping is real right now oh I gotta and my guns back there we go oh no I'm focused all six of my miniguns on you no that helped it helps when they're all focused in one spot oh this has given me uh some a lot of free distance here did you like die die and had to respawn is that what happened yeah oh wait are you already shooting at me oh yeah who's that that way this is so difficult dude I really missed the aim assist I tell you that oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no no careful careful careful wow you you really are like a turtle yeah and everything all right let me get out of this position oh this is exactly where I didn't want it what happened what happened oh my we've flattened one of my wheels oh nice oh hi hello there I'm having so much difficulty using these Rockets I I didn't know how uh hard yeah aiming without assistance in a helicopter isn't the easiest thing is this your Blind Side the front of you nope oh [Laughter] no no no no no no no no no no no no don't fall down the cliff oh that was close oh that would have been so helpful if you did oh he was keeping me in the air you okay did you hit something uh maybe okay I'm close enough now I can hit some good shots never mind I just got completely the entire cockpit fell apart there I'm sure my barrage of six uh mini guns isn't helping sorry just seeing your helicopter and then all of a sudden there's no more windshields all right man I feel like I may have built a little bit of an overpowered tank here this is a walk in the park for you I mean go big or go home did that do any damage uh I don't oh that oh there we go you knocked a minigun off now now I only have that many Mayday we're going oh you took out two more miniguns man this feels so oh that was directed oh this feels so epic like just watching all the bullets fly off my Shields all right I kind of feel like I shouldn't go into the maze I mean it's up to you I'm just gonna have a lot of different ah I needed those Rockets do you mind oh that was epic all right I've reached the bridge I kind of think it might be easier just to turn around and double back and this is like one lap all right I touched the bridge now I have to return I've dropped off the package or something I don't know I'll try to make up some type of some type of reasoning why I'm turning around yeah you're you're flattening my wheels and it's making it harder I have three flat Wheels now my whole back end is exposed you could potentially get my engines see the closer I am the more damage you do to me yeah the more damage I can do back oh I have one minigun left yeah I'm feeling confident I can I can take you down now oh and if I take off your Rockets I need to get rid of that minigun and then we're in it's smooth sailing from here that's a lot of damage man your helicopter like it falls apart in such a satisfying way a helicopter is held together by duct tape oh direct shot oh yeah my back is opening up now oh wow all right I'm getting some dead on hits now me too oh my god oh I lost a wheel finally yeah one wheel down we cannot let him get back home guys uh I'm just hearing all of the uh the part indicators that tell me I shot something off I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to stop here that thing's a giant I think it's a beast oh man with the Snipes today oh oh oh oh yeah my other issue was uh not paying enough attention to where I'm going and potentially falling or flipping over that one minigun is coming in so close right now for you yeah watching her character Ragdoll out of the seat is hilarious I don't even want to know the kill count you've got on me right now oh boy oh oh oh oh he's going he's trying to hook onto me trying to flip me over manually that would be a kind of an epic move though spitting out yeah my vehicle's having I'm having trouble just staying straight oh the speeder the speed are gonna run me oh you tried to boost into me man that one minigun I need to get rid of it I mean just aim at it the Rockets go where you aim it's not that easy dude sounds like someone's having a skill issue oh I'm Spinning Out oh oh there goes a wheel in the front yes finally progress looks like Da Vinci was onto something almost got hit by the speeder again oh there goes the dirt again yeah yep I am I'm way too far from you well I guess I couldn't stop you I I made a full return back to home base you did I just guessed my two puny little Rockets of no aim assist could have cut it today I I guess uh yeah Da Vinci was onto something with his his tank design come on over here and check out the damage you've done probably it's probably just a flesh wound you know supposedly nothing oh yeah I see it you got a little bit of paint missing oh yeah yeah yeah my engines are right there in the back like completely exposed I wonder I couldn't do so much damage to you everything is basically four by eights yeah I actually had to do that because I didn't have enough complexity left to add my guns on there so I had to keep uh simplifying all of my blocks to four by eights we're gonna swap rolls now yeah well it's about time all right you sure you don't want mini guns on your thing no I I I want to try see what I could do with this so okay all right three two one go all right here we go off we go no time to waste you gotta get all the way to the other bridge and back oh looks like you got some good timing with the speeder here all right let's uh let's test out my my flak capabilities oh did you already run into a mine there's mines in front of you man we're watching oh come on dude feel the wrath of my AAA oh oh I just take out all your guns no wait wait are you disabled I took out my weapons oh no usually this is rigged Oh no I got one good shot off so far oh boy this is not my day today all right here I come leave me alone all right you just gotta get to the other side and back I I'm trying I'm trying to learn how to control this thing my AAA was absolutely useless it was gone in one oh that was a good hit I'm serpentining and you're still hitting me oh wait you still have a gun oh is that your is that a front gun yeah that's uh that was supposed to be the Minesweeper oh I see man you are you are agile this is all I can do is evade I might have to Big Brain a solution here that's it we're going in reverse okay does your gun aim up at all you shut it off did I really dude it's okay that's okay we can we can we can do this I am confident we can make it all the way there all right come on man I'm just like trying to get under control enough to shoot I found the strategy let's keep doing these zigzags oh never mind oh dude you're shooting into my zigzag stop it oh oh no that was close that wasn't good the whole turd fell off are you still controllable I'm I'm trying oh no you popped my tires all on the right side I have no trouble oh boy I have to really fight it oh all right I'm coming in for the kill no no it is looking like the end times people it's still making progress though it's surprising how resilient a resilient these uh things are against rockets and if it hit me so much to be honest oh you know anything the game hitches like every single time I press the fire button on the rocket so like I keep missing them come out of the uh come out of my helicopter all right here we go my traction is so incredibly bad because you pumped all my tires oh I just want to see those two tires come off that was a good hit did that do it no no are you disabled I'm disabled oh okay let me come in for coming for landing and take a look here damage assessment time yep oh there goes my I forgot to turn my rotors off wow you got one wheel one wheel that is crazy well wasn't my uh best attempt yeah I think uh I think once again he may have gone a little bit too much for form over function on that one ah you know what I cannot help it I'm just like I have an idea I I build really pretty and then once again the function as you can see here a little bit of a difference between these two things well all right well I'll give it to you scrap man you definitely deserve this win oh my goodness I'm uh I'm pretty happy with this thing this thing is this thing is a beast here hold on here you hop in that one let's do a little bit of a tank battle here with uh with the winning tank all right three two one go oh my goodness it's like why not my game yeah I got like a frame rate warning uh oh no you disconnected my seat already I'm done I have no control look at that my the entire top of the look oh look I'm still functional what you took off my shell I'm a turtle without a shell what a crazy video guys because miniguns are insane all right well uh people should definitely leave some more challenges down in the comments below I think that was really satisfying using the helicopters without aim assist um but uh looking forward to seeing what we do next and people should definitely subscribe and make sure they stick around for some more if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway there's been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 164,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers anti air, trailmakers aa, anti air turret, trailmakers helicopter, trailmakers chopper, trailmakers attack helicopter, attack chopper, tank vs heli, trailmakers tank, davinci tank
Id: UPkbFW5_eu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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