We Made SUBMARINES FLY Just For a Mid-Air Sub Battle!

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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are going to be doing submarine dog fighting and now what we mean by submarine dog fighting this time is uh we're actually going to be fighting with submarines in the air the catch is that our submarines are going to be water propulsion only so that's the only uh way we're going to be able to propel and get uh speed in our subs what we're doing is we're actually going to use logic on the submarines to prevent them from firing underwater so right now I am holding down the fire button and then you see as soon as I wait why is nothing working anymore all right so I'm holding down the fire button right now and it's not firing but you can see as soon as I break through the surface all of a sudden everything works we're basically going to be building gliding submarines we're going to be using a different design so that we can spend more time in the air and that's going to be our only opportunity to cause damage is when we're in the air and you got to be able to aim and we'll do the same kind of concept where we start with a smart Cannon then we do miniguns and then we have our rocket rounds at the end and see who can come out on top sounds good and I do believe we only have a limit of 150 blocks oh that's right 150 block limit um and we will be using only one of each gun right yes that is true well uh you ready to get building yeah let's do it all right all right so this build is obviously going to be a lot different because it's basically going to be a plane that uh it gets us speed from underwater so we want to be completely controllable as if we were like in the air but we also want to be at a lot of speed we have 150 blocks to deal with and I think a lot of that needs to go into speed the more speed we get the more time we're gonna be able to spend in air gliding all right so I'm using this design for the fuselage this has some really beefy uh 4x8 panels in here um and it fits the spaceship cockpit pretty well and I'm using the spaceship cockpit because it is underwater compatible and also um indestructible but just because it's indestructible doesn't mean it's not detachable this can be completely detached I'll just survive the Detachment and now I'm actually realizing I might want to hollow out here um because I'm Gonna Fill This with propulsion so these underwater propellers I believe should fit in here and then then I can fill this in just like that all right cool so now we got a really nice fuselage that has a built-in propulsion in it and I'm probably going to add a lot more propulsion to get some speed as well all right so now I'm gonna build the wings the wings are going to be interesting because uh they're gonna be the important part here they're going to be what determines how long I can stay in the air but they're also I don't want to get shot off because if it gets shot off they're gonna just I'm not gonna be able to fly anymore but you know what maybe that's just that's just how planes are aren't they all right so that's my wing design and I'm hoping that this is gonna help me do what I need to do I might want to put actually more uh aileron control in here I might switch some of these out for flap wings and then also have those be roll control just because if my if the tip of my wing gets shot off I don't want to not be able to roll anymore all right now I can copy the fuselage section A few more times to extend it out yeah this is just a plane this is just an underwater plane basically is it a is it a uh a gliding submarine battle or a submersible plane battle but also still in the air I think gliding submarine battle makes more sense you know what'd be kind of funny is uh having underwater propellers as if they were jet engines underneath the wings like this I kind of like this idea I need to add the tail onto this thing now so I'm gonna do a standard tail like this okay uh do I have all the functional Parts here I probably have way too much lift on the front don't I oh oh hmm and my seat has fallen off uh so this is this is actually not as good as I was hoping it was going to be yet all right I mean underwater control seems there I don't actually have my uh my gun on here yet all right so now we go up this doesn't feel good for gliding right now I need to look at the center of forces I feel like my lift is way I have no lift in the back at all lift in the front my center of lift is way too far forward so I'm going to move These Wings back all right there we go now they are much more aligned oh yeah I gotta put the logic in here for the guns too all right I still need way more speed how many blocks do I have 96 oh I have so much more space I feel like just lining it with uh props is like the way to go all right but let me create this uh this weapon system so the weapon system that we're using to do this if you guys ever want to try it yourself is actually super simple so all you need is an and gate and an altitude sensor and this altitude sensor is going to set to uh I'm gonna do we're gonna do it relative to waves because we're gonna be using wavy areas in order to do this set the altitude to zero and uh have this go into the and gate and then set your and gate control to whatever your button firing is going to be which I'm gonna be using left click then you slap your weapon on your vehicle which in this case for the first round is going to be a smart Cannon make sure you delete the smart Canon controls and hook the and gate into the smart Canon so now I will not be able to fire this thing until I am out of the water and you know what I'm realizing having my altitude sensor in the tail is actually hurting me because my tail comes out of the water later than my nose so I should essentially I should really have the altitude sensor where the gun is for this to work uh best so I'm just gonna slap this altitude sensor right behind the gun so now as soon as the gun gets above that altitude uh or golden but gliding doesn't work why doesn't gliding work very well you know if I hydroplane like this I can keep firing all right go underwater man I need way more speed this is uh this is getting a little bit harder than I was expecting to be uh to be maneuverable in the air I think I'm gonna have to consider a redesign for the sake of speed because these underwater propellers are just bad they're too bad so I'm gonna rethink my wing design here and I have an interesting idea I'm going to uh redistribute the wing area to be more lengthwise on the craft rather than just sticking out farther and I think this could make for an interesting design all right this is my new Wing design I think it's gonna probably get me a lot better on the gliding aspect things so now I also need the tail I'm gonna do a plus sign shaped tail alright so does this work in theory all right it all works under water all right hold on I got roll I've got Pitch and I've got yaw all right and now what about in the air oh boy oh boy hold on ah the air is so much slower everything just works so much stronger underwater which makes perfect sense and you know I'm gonna copy that I need more uh pitch all right I also need more speed my 64 miles per hour if I can get like 150 miles per hour what's my block Parts okay 100 blocks the rest can be spent on propulsion all right so these outboard engines are actually the strongest but the attachment point is terrible so I might just have to go for these I just got to make sure that the aerodynamics aren't hurting me okay now how fast do I go [Music] 107. okay that's good and now gliding oh look at that there's a lot more time in the air but I was surprisingly wobbly why am I so wobbly oh the wind there's wind on this map I forgot that's why I'm wobbly oh that is going to affect things depending on where we're battling all right now I go 130. I think I've kind of reached terminal like around terminal velocity where I'm getting strongly diminishing returns but I mean check this out I'm kind of gliding because I'm adding more a lot more weight when I add more uh propeller propellers but I feel like I have a decent amount of controllability here man the amount of speed I have is almost dangerous especially in Shallow Waters I might just kill myself on this bottom of the ocean all right another thing I want to do is um I feel like it might actually be pretty useful for me to be able to turn my uh my gun because I might not be facing directly at Uzi when I get out of the water so I might want to be able to turn it left or right so I'm just going to add a Servo for that all right so now I can aim left or right depending on where Uzi is compared to my trajectory so I think that's going to be super useful and that brings me to 133 Parts uh so let me take one more second here to add some Shields to the altitude sensor yeah I think that's it I can add a little bit more aerodynamics here all right I'm happy with this all right scrap have you finished your submarine build uh yes I have you want to see yeah let's see it all right here it is um I actually I I focused a lot on speed so I could get the most air time as possible um but it does go pretty fast and jumps out of the water pretty well too as you can see let me let me turn around here and come out towards you I'll show you one of the features of it so I don't have a lot of control of where I'm facing after I come out of the water so I wanted to make sure I could try to shoot you wherever you are so I have the ability to turn my gun and shoot whatever Direction I want uh once I'm out of the water so hopefully hopefully I'll just be able to hit you or get some shots in your direction oh and I'm dead uh half my seat at the front so if I hit anything my seat falls off and I die that is an incredible build you've built right there yep all right so let's see what you got okay so here's mine whoa interesting yep what's up Star Wars Vibes yeah pretty much right it looks like a speeder yeah I wanted to focus on controllability in the air here let me just oh I I died also so I'm able to just like maneuver myself a little bit in the air which is my whole point of this I want to be so cool you definitely got the Aesthetics uh the Aesthetics award on this one yeah I originally I was actually building like an airliner shape at first and uh it was just aerodynamically not doing well so I switched it up completely in the middle of my build what's your speed at if you're just underwater uh my top speed is around 88 miles per hour okay I'm around 1 30. wow that's that's quick yeah oh boy but uh my controllability has a lot to be desired so we'll see how that how that hurts or helps me all right you ready to go you ready to do the first battle here yeah let's spread out and I'll give us a countdown okay this is pretty good three two one go let's go let's get into this all right I am really nervous about slamming into something oh you're you're way down there uh oh no well I just realized we were gonna hit each other and I like I turned away at the last second and I couldn't shoot I got some good hits there yeah you uh did a lot of damage to the top of my vehicle you knocked off something I think you knocked off one of my uh uh propellers oh all right there we go oh man we're gonna swim into each other one of these times get a shot you nearly got my seat come on oh this is fun okay that was so satisfying you definitely got some hits on me though took off a prop that's not good this is this is really fun oh I can only get like one shot I See Fire coming off of you man you're getting the top of my vehicle a lot which is not what I'm getting expected and hello me it's pretty vulnerable underneath my build now that I realized ah yeah huh do the bullets go under oh yeah these can just fire underwater so these bullets can go through the surface okay so oh that's actually interesting with these uh rounds is if I'm in the water that doesn't mean I'm safe yep yeah as long as you're up in the air you can start firing at me oh good shot okay that changes the dynamic a little bit oh he went right underneath me so yeah I can I cannot aim up or down I have to be facing uh my vehicle in those directions but side to side I do have control over there we go I felt good about that one that's rough dude that felt so epic some of these some of these uh jumps feel so cool oh there's an aircraft carrier wait did I know about this that's the danger zone aircraft carrier is underwater here I don't remember if I saw that one I seen like other ship wreckages but not the actual aircraft carrier oh oh oh I am so glad I put the reverse controls in here I almost just nose dived into the bottom of the ocean oh where are you oh there you are oh ah you can jump so much higher than that I'm losing control a little bit yeah I'm having a lot a lot harder of a Time controlling right now than I was expecting it doesn't look like I have any functional parts missing too much but oh dang my role is like so bad sometimes my turn can I hit you oh you got some hits yeah that you can aim your smart cannon that's crazy to me it is hard to think about while you're doing everything else but ow ow there we go yeah we're getting into some uh crazy weather right now oh that's probably why I'm having trouble controlling in the air there's like higher winds out here oh no oh no no no no there's pillars on the ground or on the surface I know there's a rib cage down here all right let's see oh my goodness there's a wave oh no you took off another uh propeller a couple of propellers oh my goodness these waves are crazy yeah every time I hop out of the ocean I'm on fire dude yeah all right here we go here we go dang it you passed me oh oh you definitely hit got some hits there man I am glowing all over the place yeah me too pretty balanced it is yeah I don't know what it's gonna take to uh just to disable though I think it's either you knock out the opponent's weapon or just completely disable them oh yeah if the weapon's gone for sure where are you oh okay I chased you out of the water that I couldn't see you anymore I feel like a dolphin dude this is so elegant oh there we go that felt good that was finally a good lock on come on ah dang the wave saved you one of these times something important is gonna break like my seat oh I saw that I never saw your seat get completely demolished there oh that was great yeah I'm glowing all over the place I got Wings glowing I got engines glowing well that was a pretty fun first round with the smart cannons yeah definitely probably the slowest round I'm curious how these um these miniguns are gonna go you ready yeah let's get these uh miniguns installed there we go oh yeah the entire time I'm in the air it works okay you ready yeah let's do it you want to do a countdown crap man uh yeah here we go three two one go oh I feel so much more controllable now oh this is great oh I took something off oh you got me did I from that far away oh I did a lot I knocked a lot of pieces off that time I heard that yeah you knocked off my wing so oh I see you struggling there I'm actually strong oh oh why did I just do that I hit the ground and knocked off four Wing pieces are you still functional uh looks like it man that I am so exposed this is the worst yeah I'm having a lot of trouble too oh and I crashed oh really yeah I've still I lost my minigun oh no oh that was uh that was a harder round than I was expecting it to be I feel like we should give that a retry you want to give it a return I'm down for that yeah yeah we both had uh some not too great experiences on that round all right three two one go it is so dark out here I am really feeling the current yeah is that what it is here I think so oh there's a wave in the way I jumped out of the water and there's just a wall of water in front of me come on oh these massive waves are insane I'm trying to maneuver in the air to actually Glide to point to you but it's the wind yeah the wind keeps like messing things up you're just pushing me it's not working we're gonna drop me that time oh my gun is blowing oh that's not good yeah I keep doing like a Barrel Roll I keep flipping over every time I'm above the ocean it's just this area it's so windy whoa that was close wow wow you're getting some seriously yeah okay here we go here we go all right I need to reposition oh no no no no no no no not the island not the island yeah okay I've made some decent ground oh you're hitting me from there that's what what I had such a strong lock on oh oh I just had a backflip and uh got some decent hits on you there I'm gonna go back a little bit away from the edge of the map man it's still windy out here though the high sea scrap man it's always windy here oh that was a good hit what did I take off I don't know an engine oh okay oh oh there goes a few engines good shots right there ow oh there were some oh good hits on both of us there all right can I get some shots on you right now nope dive quick Dive Dive Dive oh I had some decent locks there oh don't land on the whales hmm oh this is so tense yeah any one of these jumps could take off the gun or a seat oh no where'd you take off come on oh man that was uh uh that was a lot you took off so many engines dude it took off two control surfaces for me so now my roll is uh uneven oh no there goes another engine oh you just had such a good lock on there all right all right that's it that is it okay no I can't I got scared for a minute oh I know you took off another one on the same side can I fly okay I kind of no oh I mean okay I can get up in the air oh no come on no I cannot get in a good orientation to fire at you right now oh that was almost epic oh no what'd you take off now another engine there we go yes oh that was a good one oh no oh that was like broke something all engines you got all of the engines on the bottom of me there like just one after another that was crazy oh oh no after all that no all right well it looks like we're pretty balanced on the minigun rounds yeah I'll say that's a draw all right I'm really curious how the rocket version is gonna go now all right this is gonna be interesting because uh you can't just hold down the button and hope that a bullet hits you gotta actually fire when you're locked all right do we want to spawn somewhere else about the top right the abyss yeah all right you ready yes okay all right three two one go so oh see now this is another element is uh Rockets oh no way uh what I was gonna say is Rockets can't go underwater so if I'm underwater I can't be like you shouldn't be able to hit me so I gotta wait until you get above the surface oh that was close I cannot believe you hit me right away on your first shot like that it's kind of risky jumping in the air because once you do you have like this stalling point where it's like you're just sitting there yeah pretty much oh no that was epic good job wow that was so cool I've lost all maneuverability oh you lose like a whole wing on your side yeah wow I'm fighting it to really try and control this I'm pretty much finished I just I can't fight back really yeah there you go how about now wow you ripped off my tail can you get out of the water anymore um no oh you are sinking that's game all right well let's uh rocker rounds tend to be pretty short so let's do the best two out of three again and they're both fun as well count us then whenever you're ready three two one go round two ah dang it couldn't get a lock oh no we're going back and forth [Music] oh that's it my Rocket's out oh wow one shot just like that man these are crazy rounds I don't know what to say dude I'm just not on my A-game yeah these uh this was a weird weird way to fight but it was super unique and fun so many different variables like the wins the current of the Waves yeah how high the surface was gonna be when you get out of it it's a very unique idea this one scrap man I really enjoyed it great suggestion yeah I was inspired by the comments people were saying uh to do like submarine battles or something and um we were doing we were we've been on this dog fight kick so I'm like can we dog fight with submarines but uh people should leave some more suggestions for sure for other types of uh dog fights or weird battles that we can do that aren't your typical just plain versus plane and if you guys enjoyed this video you'll uh probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye foreign [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 187,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers dogfight, trailmakers submarine, trailmakers sub, trailmakers sub battle, flying submarine, submarine battle, gliding submarine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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