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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are doing helicopters versus boats uh we did bombers versus boats a while back and uh now we're gonna try it with helicopters so each vehicle is going to have a two rocket weapon Loadout so the boat's left Rockets the helicopters will have Rockets and the only limitation other than that is the boats have a maximum speed of 60 miles per hour so that way the helicopters uh know how fast to go to keep up now the goal is when you are on the boat you have to try to get as far as you can around the island whose ever boat makes it the farthest before becoming disabled by the attack helicopter will be the loser and we're gonna see who can go the farthest in their boat so uh use the you building the boat first and I'm doing the helicopter yeah that's right all right are you ready yeah let's do it all right let's get building all right scrap man have you finished your build I have finished my build and I'm actually pretty pretty proud of myself on this one so last I'm pretty sure I showed off my plane first so do you want to show off your helipose all right you ready for it yeah let's see it there it is oh wait what is this those are some shields in the front wow hopefully hopefully I can take a few hits before my cockpit gets annihilated actually genius What's um also if you notice my blades they are not helicopter blades these blades have collective pitch so I can start up my motor and not take off and then as I add a little bit of collective pitch in here you can see I will start to take off and I can kind of uh control my altitude with that and I can go holy scrap man that's genius wow and uh then I also have thrusters to help me actually get up to speed because just leaning does not give me quite enough speed oh wow you're quick uh but yeah I go about 70 75 and here let's see if I can actually come in for a nice controlled and soft Landing here slow down a little bit and there we go just like that nice wow yeah I'm actually I'm really I'm really happy with this thing I like it a lot yeah man it looks amazing this field idea here is just so smart wow look at that all right let's see your boat if you want to follow me to the oceans one point oh boy yeah I built a yacht uh I'm hold on I'm drowning all right let me get on this thing what this thing looks crazy it's pretty decent with speed uh controls pretty well um and yes it's a yacht with private missile defenses so if you come close wow I'm definitely gonna try and shoot at you oh actually you do have uh control over your turret you have turrets there mm-hmm so I kind of an awesome move them around with hinges and uh Servo yeah it's pretty good looking I'm actually quite proud of this thing yeah this is a really nice looking boat uh oh and we forgot to mention uh while we were building we realized that we sh we needed to cap the block count on the boat otherwise somebody could just build an absolute monster that just can't get taken down so we did set a 200 block cap while we were building I won't lie to you guys my original build was about double the size of this so yeah how many blocks did you end up using this is exactly 200 blocks wow you really went all out for that all right I have a lot of work to do with my helicopter notice I really wanted to tank this thing up like really beef this finger so most of the uh virtual Integrity of this thing is actually whole pieces oh wow you can even tell you Blended them really well I see that yeah I can see them yeah there you are okay scrap man I am in position do you want to go ahead and give me a countdown uh yeah and let me bring up a timer because I'm gonna give you a 10 second Head Start all right and uh three two one go off we go all right five four three two one here I come oh you're gonna catch up to me almost immediately I think that's good that's gonna be how it goes oh boy I see your Rockets coming I gotta avoid them oh you see already oh I have to dodge yeah you might actually have to do some evasive maneuvers man this is scary as the helicopter too oh that's a good hit but man you have so many blocks to get through I've already lost a rocket ah okay all right oh oh man oh this is this is oh that was so close I think I just hit myself dang it I knocked one of my own Shield pieces off I wasn't even looking where I was going and now I'm missing the phone oh no okay my shield pieces were a mistake they get in the way of my aiming apparently all right okay you're not the only one having a skill issue right now yeah I really gotta catch up here oh boy oh no oh that almost went into my rotor I'm having some control issues now after after those explosions I'm having some steering issues come on oh there we go now my center of mass has completely changed yeah man I'm like really struggling to turn right well you're gonna have to turn right at some point that's where the island goes all right let me try and oh no what did I get oh you knocked off my weapons oh okay I'm safe now I just gotta disable you all right I'm just gonna head oh that was a good one really hurt I did not appreciate that come on yes oh this is so satisfying yes oh is that it no is that a disable all right I'm out all right here let me uh I should have put a passenger seat in this thing I could come to a rescue mission and coming down to check out the damage completely annihilated some minor skill issues I did crash but uh you know the majority of the damage was you yeah that was that was really fun man I'm so surprised at how stable this thing is yeah dude it looks amazing wow all right so as far as the area it looks like you got like just past the what is that called the uh the ball of Doom yeah the bowl of Doom oh boy I I was I had my map open couldn't control myself all right so I just gotta get farther than this with my boat and I'm a little bit concerned because uh you took a lot of hits like a lot of direct hits so I gotta make sure whatever whatever I build was not I did not plan on building something that looked this big so I'm a little bit concerned about that well maybe you could use Speed and Agility that's true if I can Floyd more hits I may not I may not have to take as many hits all right yusy have you finished your helicopter build yes I have indeed would you ever see it yes let's see this thing I'm excited you know me I always build for form so I built an Apache oh nice this is a good looking yeah just a just a nice little simple Apache um elects instability however it makes up it for an agility so I'm able to uh Dodge I think hopefully I can dodge our rockets in this thing you do look a little chaotic in the air so it's gonna be hard to hit you that's the plan Speed and Agility take you down here all right how fast do you go uh top speed um I got about a hundred miles per hour oh you're gonna gonna catch up to me quick then yeah that's what I'm thinking you ready to see my boat yeah let's see it all right this is my boat oh what is this I don't know I would just putting blocks down and this is what I came up with wow okay um obviously got the guns on the back um and it drives it's got really no special features other than just looking kind of cool and uh driving along the water in a Capstone at literally 60 miles per hour so I have Shield block the whole back like in in Cut area in the back is all Shield blocks um and then there's some shields on the top as well where my cockpit is but uh the rest of it is just hell pieces and then I'm a little bit concerned that my Rockets are gonna get taken out pretty quick but we'll we'll see what happens it's gonna be hard to hit you anyway I don't even know if they're gonna be that useful all right you ready to do this yes let me uh get into position okay are you ready I'm ready starting the timer in three two one go all right I am off one two three four five six seven eight nine ten here I go go go go go go oh wow oh wow yeah me too oh I got her to actually like Dodge wow the range is crazy oh that was right on my cockpit too oh here oh Mario's a little bit too oh he's going down he's down oh this is a big thing big bonus for me oh you're out of the water what what pulled out of that physics no here we go oh yes it's hard to watch where I'm going and just try to shoot at you at the same time oh nice hit oh there goes one of my cannons oh there goes my other one okay I'm just gonna focus on dodging now I can no longer shoot I had a feeling that was gonna happen [Music] keep going down in the water I need that oh no hold me what I thought I had a couple more seconds oh is everything okay I capsized my uh no I got kicked out of my seat I am very happy about those results man we made it about halfway towards me yep I uh did not make it quite as far I mean I thought I was gonna I thought I was gonna pull it off after a little bit there but man once you got rid of these this whole section of Hull blocks my uh balance was just completely off I kept tipping over a lot when I turned oh wow really yeah well that was the mission yep you succeeded definitely succeeded on that one all right well uh like we always do I think we need to have a helicopter battle with our attack uh builds we need to settle this are you ready I'm ready all right three two one go all right here we go this is to see who's is the best heli hopefully my shield pieces don't mess me up too hard this time oh I forgot about those I'm actually save you here yeah sometimes depending on how my Rockets aim sometimes they shoot my shield pieces oh you're a lot more agile than I am I forgot about that I'm gonna try and Dodge you oh Rocket lock oh the Dodge this is way more scary that we're using Rockets yeah oh I don't have the collective ability like you do so oh man but you're so fast like you're just zooming through like the Rockets they have I have to get really close to you if I'm gonna get a hit here we go come on come on oh no way no way no we're gonna get him oh we just needed each other oh half my rotors I'm I'm in the sea uh oh I'm also I am I cannot get out of this is that a time that is a Time One Shot both of each other wow that's crazy that's actually really fun you want to go for one more all right I'm down for one more that was pretty quick all right I'm going up in the air here we go man the Dodgers and helicopters feel so epic when you like just turn out of the way I got a lot oh come on spin around oh no oh wow yes no way all right you got I got a hit but um I'm okay it's not enough yeah I got you right on the bottom oh oh I hit myself I did hit myself I seem okay though you do seem to be having a little bit of an issue here man this is is intense oh oh there we go oh no there goes my whole tail oh oh no the whole tail is down are you going down are you still controllable uh yeah pretty much wow I don't know how but I still have a tail here all right I think I'm I think I'm officially officially lost this one oh so that was really fun I wish I could control this thing to to land and show you oh I see you just tumbling towards the ground oh wow you just had like I took out most of your tail or most of like the right the connection to your tail almost wow I really thought it was uh all going to fall off because it's only attached by one piston wow that's crazy yeah you got my tail completely off with that one shot but oh man that was a that was a really fun battle uh both the boats and the helicopter battle I think uh I think this is all around a really good PVP video here this is a great challenge I enjoyed myself yep and I got probably one of my favorite helicopter builds out of it so I'm really happy with this thing this is a fun build to fly around I might actually upload it to the workshop I'm actually proud of it I usually don't upload things to the workshop because they're just not very user friendly but this one actually feels like it's it's Workshop ready so uh if you guys have Trail makers keep a look out on the workshop for this thing this is a fun one but yeah people should uh definitely leave some suggestions for future multiplayer challenges whether they're Co-op or uh competitive like this one was let us know down in the comments below don't forget to check out uzi's channel as well if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye thank you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 221,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers anti air, trailmakers aa, anti air turret, trailmakers helicopter, trailmakers chopper, trailmakers attack helicopter, trailmakers boat, boat vs heli, attack chopper
Id: X_6_Zq_y-b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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