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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are doing a planes versus boats challenge each of us has to build an attack plane and a boat capable of trying to defend itself and whoever can get the farthest as a boat circling the main island in the danger zone is going to be the winner the round will end once the boat is disabled and incapable of progressing any further so there are a couple of limitations for the builds for the plain portion of the build we're allowed to use as much thrust as we want but for weapons we're only allowed six power cores which could be distributed between a Bombay and a minigun or a Bombay and two smart cannons or any other distribution of that for the boat however you're allowed 30 power cores total which you have to choose how to distribute that between your propulsion versus your defenses so speed or defensive capabilities which one are we gonna prioritize let's hop over and see what these creations are going to look like okay so scrap man have you finished your builds I have I've built a boat that has guns nice and I also built a bomber plane which I think you'll be really impressed with so I'm gonna go ahead and show it you oh here's mine oh my goodness this is stealth bomber yes pretty much it's a stealth bummer propeller base and yeah interesting this is really interesting that's a lot of wings the problem I actually had though was pitch um and this thing is very difficult I have a lot of control wow just for this thing to pitch yeah so you can see this little door here where I've used the little uh new pots from the Airborne a little animated bomb uh door opener so that opens up and it's really nice that's pretty cool that's really cool looking well I'm super excited to see your boat it's visually nothing to really talk about uh if you spawn over on the water or spawn with me it is function over form I've got nine smart cannons on this thing or 360 degree articulation and I can aim up and down as well quite a bit and uh the biggest thing with the boat is I forgot like how much balancing boats takes like there's just a lot you can see I have like a pretty heavy Keel underneath there and that's because like look at the recoil on these things I'm like if I'm gonna be firing all of these at you when I turned sideways like I'm gonna flip over but uh it actually I think it's maneuverable enough that and Speedy enough that I should be yeah yeah it should be a challenging Target to hit I hope so let's start this round then all right scrap man I am ready on the runway in position I am ready as well okay give me a countdown all right three two one go all right engine start let's go all right you get a little bit of a head start here because I do need to run away but I'm swinging around oh boy you're coming in quick I am if I if I die in one shot I'm gonna all this work into this vehicle I'm kind of scared about the amount of Munitions you have whoa oh oh there goes the bombs too all right where are you now getting a visual oh boy you're like way up there I'm gonna be spending most of my camera is going to be like underwater all right there you go come on pull up pull up oh no uh you're supposed to be the plane in the air I don't know not in the water I told you I told you pitch issues yep all right I'm feeling okay now man I'm worried about my guns locking on like the Horizon and shooting themselves I have yet to test my smart cannons out oh that's right right oh man you're flying low uh oh how's the damage you're smoking you are smoking my engines are glowing all right I gotta pay attention to where I'm going to I'm looking at you most of the time unlocked on lock on there we go come on get some shots I lost both oh yes oh that was pretty cool that was pretty Epic spawn point right uh yeah wherever it works I think it's gonna be hard to take off certain spawn points oh but that yeah that one's pretty good this one's pretty good oh I could get a cheeky bum straight away I think oh did I do that or did you bomb yourself somehow I think I hit myself oh okay I'm like I don't know what I would shoot that would explode and like okay is it possible to shoot the bomb so I want to test that out probably not I never tried that that's a pretty good experiment you should yeah oh oh I didn't realize you were here already I was like looking ahead oh yeah you're definitely uh self-sabotaging a little bit there I need to be at the right like dive bombing position Oh no you're heading up to a bridge now I am but it's hard to watch you and the bridge it's like I don't know when I need to start paying attention so I don't crash if I crash that'd be really bad speaking of uh what are you doing over there you want to go under the bridge too with me uh maybe all right here we go well the bridge isn't really that useful if you're not even chasing me when I'm under it but all right I keep hitting myself I didn't expect this yeah I did a lot of testing as well so it might be just your trajectory like I I've experienced that too you do not want to pitch down after you release the bombs all right yeah you want to make oh this look pretty promising oh that was close that was cool I think I need the High Altitude that's what I need but I do want to get myself better you are there you are have I broken any filler anything on you um I have some glowing oh boy I got some stuff glowing actually I have a surprising amount glowing under the water which concerns me because that's all of my functionality like my Rudders and some of the pipe pieces attaching my Keel all of that is glowing and I don't like that well you've just made it past the halfway point I have oh come on don't hit the mountain okay um very hard to tell still not used to it gotta just pre-aim oh there you are there you are all right smart cannons seems to be the option here oh boy oh I took off those engines oh that looks so epic that was great well I have backup propellers you do you do you're still flying huh yeah yeah oh no at least on The Recoil ERS oh no oh no man your bombs are your worst enemy right now it seems I think uh might be the door system yeah you might want to try pulling up like diving down and then pulling up as you bomb see if that hits you at all I might have to like maybe instead of having an end goal I think like how many laps all right let's just keep going because if we both end up getting to the dogs uh then it might be hard to find a winner shoot him all these down my glass panels on my turrets or I can see cracks in them that's pretty cool well oh he's coming from the front surprise surprise dude my engine is so vulnerable yeah it seems like that's like your center of mass is right where your main engines are so my guns just keep locking right there wow all right I'm starting to Glow I'm I'm getting bright here you nearly finished the first lap around the island come on come on one of these times those engines are gonna hit me and that's gonna be like your bomb oh no way I bet it looks so epic from your perspective it does seeing those mid-air explosions are pretty cool even though I know it's technically you doing it to yourself getting a bit harder to hit you in this area because I need to swing around oh man these sideways shots how many bullets are in the sky right now hard to stay stable with my job being so bad oh again man I think you're a pro you're gonna work on your approach angle yeah I don't know I can't tell what I am gonna do though is focus on my Smart cannons I think that's the best way to disable your weapons oh boy now oh you took something off you took off one of my uh oh no this is bad you took off a rudder my back right Rudder and you took off one of my what are they called the buoyancy things uh the whole pieces yeah one of the hull blocks so oh no I'm really having trouble turning to the right now you took off two of my Hull blocks oh nice yeah no damage yeah my control ability has significantly reduced turning to the right is really hard turning to the left is easy which is unfortunate because I'm going clockwise around the island and I have to keep turning right oh oh I'm not even oh all the bombs all those bombs knock some pieces off yeah I saw uh-oh you have the I think I've nailed the strategy now oh no I am alone I have a single rudder uh I don't know if I can turn okay I have to slow down a lot just a turn come on where are you come on where are you oh there you are oh oh my engines again dude oh oh no okay okay how do I do this are you okay uh I still have a Rudder this is not looking good though going the wrong way there I'm trying to I don't know I don't know how to fly right now I mean how to drive right now uh turning is so hard okay that's interesting the faster I go the more it ends up kicking in okay I'm learning I'm starting to learn how my vehicle works and it's adjusted state he's learning guys you gotta stop him did you shoot a bomb I don't know I dropped them all really I swear yeah I dropped them I am going the wrong way and I can't stop myself here all right turn this way this is hard yes finally a good approach the brake check yeah uh the thing is I can I I'm I don't know I'm constantly turning to the left now I just need to finish you off all right I need to do this weird circle thing oh so scary all right I have to go backwards now apparently he's going in reverse guys foreign myself off the edge on the way too late it's pitch pitch pitch oh The Recoil oh well that was interesting I'm always exploding myself guys oh you're going in like a circle motion yeah I gotta kind of do half circles a little bit it's weird maybe I need to slow down on my speed oh never mind there's a lot of bullets okay yeah I do have control ability going backwards so that is a thing come on come on come on come on oh that was actually kind of close with the bombs a little late there oh come on get off oh you're gonna cry you're gonna beat yourself uh I'm trying not to I might have to grind against the ground a little bit here hopefully I don't get stuck okay there we go he's a Sitting Duck I'm using it as a using as a guide come on oh so close all right get through all right cool I'm going through the bridge I thought I was gonna get trapped under there how are you two still going you know I don't know I if if you take off this last Rudder I don't know what I'm gonna do you need to line up drop the bomb oh I think I broke something off you I don't know what it was it's hard to tell anymore I'm glowing so bad right now oh whoa whoa that was pretty cool I'm big oh my rudder's gone oh I got your Rudder nice okay all right oh no and my Keel is gone I am now upside down hold on I can use my recoil though oh one of my guns just fell off what I think I pressed a button that I shouldn't have pressed wait a minute did I get you oh I think I'm disabled my seat just disconnected from my craft I have no control no controls yeah my seat is technically not attached anymore all right so it looks like one and a half laps pretty much like exactly one and a half so right on the back of this mountain area so yeah um I think I I pushed my vehicle too hard when I went upside down and one of my uh guns just fell off and detached my seat it took a while but we got that definitely yep definitely took a while now we gotta do another one building whole new builds yeah I'm gonna build an aircraft and you're gonna build the uh the boat all right I had a much better time building the plane than the boat how did yours go uh you know what I actually enjoyed building the boats uh this time around uh it was pretty cool all right well I guess we did Planes first last time right here's mine oh wow um so there's nothing really too special about it it's kind of like what you see is what you get I got a couple of smart cannons on the wings and then um underneath is the bombs uh there we go but yeah there's powered mainly by the two big the two big boys and it has a decent amount of speed and maneuverability as you can see that looks amazing it's like a it's like a private jet it's crazy and uh let me just do a little bit of a bombing run over here oh here he comes guys there we go and yes that's pretty much everything I don't even really need landing gear on this thing but uh I think it flies pretty nicely oh wow there we go so time to see my boats uh let's go over to the spawn over here on the ocean whoa oh that looks like a that looks like a battleship here it is the mini Battleship that was crazy to just spray and use the aim assist when you get into my view oh so you're not even gonna be like personally aiming those side guns no these are just for for when you get into the range I'm just gonna if I see red I'd spray oh wow but I do control this minigun at the back I see I see and I do have a gyro inside so you won't like I won't tip over like you had that issue so as you can see all right yeah pretty stable you're definitely really stable all right well I'll just uh hope for the best here and maybe I'll take out the gyro oh you gotta rock it too it's pretty cool alrighty let's get into position and all right for the next round all right easy Count Me In okay three two one go all right I'm off taking off the carrier there we go you should be able to see my rocket oh yeah it's going it is just going through the air right there all right he's on his way I'm coming I'm scared oh I heard you see the gunfire come on come on oh narrowly avoids the bombs wow uh Dodge dude almost turned down into the water there all right all right come on show me red show me red that's what I want to see I want to see the red here we go here we go oh well I definitely I see some damage on one of my engines nice got some hits in I feel like I'm wide open in the open right now mod fire ah man I did not have a good trajectory there oh oh I didn't have a good run there on the on the guns I tried with the Hail Mary on the bombs though man it is it is much harder to hit a boat than a car with the bombing runs I don't know what it is about that well at least you're not blowing up mid-air like me yeah oh that was close on the bombs so close how you doing you lose any pieces yet um I'm glowing it says I'm broken so I'm assuming I am losing pieces oh oh it's hard to like I'm trying to concentrate on like getting a good bombing run but then like I sacrifice a good lock with my cannons it's like it seems like I have to focus on just one and choose what the run is going to be based on yeah that's what uh I did I kind of just wanted these fixes oh wow wow a whole Wing fell off that was so cool dude I was just trying to focus on driving so uh just these fixed cannons in position it's kind of easier I guess for me hmm oh no I'm having a bit of wonkiness with the gyro come on stable out mini guns miniguns oh that looks like a good bomb oh yes oh no did I take out your runners you nearly did you did take off some pieces off my rear though that's oh oh this is so fun this is It's Epic it was like a movie yeah I took off the tip of my ship really yeah oh no I can see the I can see the internals of my Gyros now oh boy I should have really added weapons on the front of the boat I was kind of silly that I didn't do that wow you just looked oh oh wait I got a hit yeah I got some pieces off oh you look so elegant though like a little ballerina in the air yeah here we go minigun oh I did a lot of damage that time with just the guns I think oh you actually knocked off one of my side guns wait have I lost my rocket no my rocket oh I was doing so much for you I am um oh nearly completed this first slap now yeah that's true better perform better performance on the ground AAA at least yeah no you just knocked off my minigun s oh that was like your bread and butter for my uh approaches okay now I just have to hope for for the best now right away engine is not looking good oh dude wow I am so damaged oh there was some decent amount of pieces falling off the back you do more damage with the uh with the weapons than you do the bombs yeah I mean well it's so hard to get a bomb hit I have four smart cannons left one on the left side and three on the right side well it makes sense I'm not really approaching much from the right side since I saw where the land is gonna turn around and hopefully aim my guns that was close I'm surprised your Rudder is still there I really thought when I saw your boat I was like those Rudders are coming off right away and he's not gonna be able to go they're only attached by a hinge so I'm surprised they're on myself okay guys oh no here he comes come on turn boat turn oh oh no seeing those pieces whenever the bombs hit so satisfying you took out two of my engines my propulsion man I did not think doing a full lap around the island was going to be that like doable oh you took off an engine nice I can still fly I need to get I just need to get past that halfway point I was I was a little sneaky and I hit some mini thrusters inside my fuselage just for such an occasion oh wow really yep you left out those details and mechanics oh all right I gotta do a repair it's so much harder to control with just the one engine you managed to take out two of my cannons in that single Street really how many do you have left just one one either side oh man man you're getting there I'm actually I'm surprised I really thought I was gonna take you out so much quicker all right I cannot let this happen oh good Dodge must maintain my title in the bomber series well um I'm nearly there making my way oh no oh sign of your boat came apart a little bit there oh no I can see my gyro and my seat I'm digging through this is the most awkward position because I'm stuck on oh what what was that what happened the entire room oh your whole top of your ship came off my bridge just came off all right I am stuck to one tiny smart Cannon and it's not facing the right way oh boy oh you're getting close yeah I'm zooming you're fast how fast are you uh we're going 53 miles per hour right now with two engines oh no my Cannon no oh all your Beats are you gonna be able to recover we're good we're good you still have your rudder I still have Runner yeah wow steering I'll go there we go Oh I thought those bombs are gonna do more so close I am yeah I still have both rotors that's amazing all right oh man oh and I'm on one end no two engines never mind oh this bridge is Gonna Save You you completely uh disabled all my weapons though right oh that was a good hit oh no oh no you're getting there I'm getting there I'm like I'm trying to get so many passes right now I'm so exposed oh you actually hit my gyro oh come on oh yes go go please please please stop come on gyro come on oh no oh I just crashed you did it I did did I really you just knifed my gyro that's left bullet you were right there wow and I crashed there too I would have been so much slower to get another approach yeah the last bullet on my screen just sniped the wow angle sensor and oh man that was really intense I thought you were gonna have it there well that was a much closer match than the uh than the AAA one that's for sure yeah for the video yeah the ground-based one given how much distance we did like that is like a less than a percent difference in distance well I guess we both built pretty good vehicles um yeah well I hope you guys enjoyed this 1v1 challenge video if you did and you want to see more definitely let us know what kind of challenges you'd like to see down in the comments below and if you haven't already you should go check out uzi's channel And subscribe to him there will be a link to his channel down in the description if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapman and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 401,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers plane, trailmakers bomber, trailmakers anti air, trailmakers aa, aa vs bomber, bomber plane, anti air turret, battlehip, plane vs boats, boat vs plane, bomber vs boat
Id: rnrMN4nhL3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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