I Built a Kingdom Even a Billion Soldiers Can't Conquer in Thronefall Castle Siege!

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we need to be quick because at night time the enemy is coming I can use gold to upgrade my castle build mines and they call them mines defensive towers and even truce at this point we're out of gold and this is where the enemy is going to be attacking us from we've got a pretty good natural choke point but night time is already here and the enemy waves are going to be endless I'm able to shoot my bow and take down some of the enemies my sturdy Knights will help hold the line backed up by this defensive Tower and the goal is hopefully we can keep the enemy from attacking our castle if they destroy it we lose we've survived our first night we've gotten a little bit of money the mind just produced an incredible amount of gold we have to make a decision of what to do next there's more territory way over here and another ramp do you can see what sort of enemies are gonna be attacking and where from they're gonna be attacking from a different direction now now it looks like I'll have just enough gold to build the wall and two defensive Towers on the southern front night time is already here and the enemy seems relatively weak now I've taken an upgrade where my Towers have longer range and can do more damage oh my gosh what are these things they're mechanized little rolling balls with spikes but they're running straight in to the walls that we have the walls are holding but as the enemy gets tougher and tougher as each day goes by it's gonna be difficult to defend just imagine when they're attacking from all three directions and they already almost got through the wall now the walls seem like they're automatically healed overnight the mine produces a ton of gold and it looks like 14 archers are coming from way over here and not only that but I can't build walls over here I'm gonna buy one tower on the Northern front and I'm gonna get a little bit greedy here I'm gonna risk it for the biscuit every house I make will produce one extra gold the next day and we really need to work on our economy now the knights are going to be coming through here and once they make it up this narrow pass they'll have to fight our Knights and this Tower I think I need to be here so as Nightfall Falls as the night falls it is called Throne fall I have to watch out from their arrows but they're pretty weak also I seem to be pretty weak too I've got longer range than them though and my health does regenerate but man once they hit you they do a lot of damage I think this risk paid off now they may be Horsemen but they don't seem to be very heavily armed and as Daybreak comes we get a lot more gold well three more gold than we got the last time now am I gonna be able to kill these guys before they're able to get up this ramp once they start hitting critical mass it's going to be very difficult to do that and those little wheelie guys can do a lot of damage so I'm gonna have to be careful uh oh they're already up here but I can distract them at least some of them no at some points you can jump off with your little horsey the tower was this Droid I'm not sure if the mind's gonna make it no the enemy is bypassing it for the most part that is extremely convenient but this is a fence right now it seems that maybe in one of those first or second nights we should have just bought all of the mines uh you can teleport between your minds no freaking way I just realized that this is a rant and I can build a tower here we've got 21 gold and it's time to upgrade our Castle I think we're gonna have to be able to do more damage and since we've done it we've got access to a lot more defenses now since I have a bonus that boosts Towers we've got two extra gold and we might as well spend it the enemies only coming from the south and it's 20 footmen and five oh giant spiky balls okay this one we went pretty heavily on the defense oh that thing is big and it explodes when it dies but luckily I can go through the gate and it cannot a whole case you do not want those to get to the walls or they destroy it the enemy has incredible Siege Weaponry I can't let it hit my mind though so we been introduced to a new enemy unit type and it is devastating but our economy sure does seem strong right now we're gonna need 20 to upgrade our Castle to tier three and we just don't have that right now but the good news is we can build our first wall on the Northern front I'm starting to feel pretty good about our chances but I think one of my favorite Parts about this game is it's rather minimalist but you really just get to live out the feeling of being a king Against full of massive Invasion Army I thought that was archers and it is men at Arms no never mind they are firing their bows and arrowsers my guys are all up inside fighting hand to hand now let's see what's happening over here the enemy barreled through oh this is bad this almost was a resounding defeat these things got through the walls and this side was rather easily defended we put our troops in the wrong spot 29 gold and I think those three things right there next to the 12 archers are trolls longbows have very large range but are quite fragile then crossbows it is high damage output is exactly what we need that should defend the South pretty easily let's get more troops I want longbowmen and here I want Knights the Giants are already out wait a minute why are the crossbow men coming out to fight what are you apparently I need to give the givers I need you guys to Target The Siege balls that just is a weird word oh my gosh one Siege ball and a troll immediately took out that Tower okay that is devastating we need to upgrade our walls and I think the only way we're gonna be able to do that is by upgrading our Castle now do we get more troops do our troops regenerate they do they come out from the castle everything regenerates Hmm this is tricky more Health points for a character more damage or sort of more of a general I'm gonna play being a pretty good hero those guys are very slow but basically I'm gonna have them fight right here at the wall I feel pretty good about all areas this one's probably gonna be the weakest wall section they're attacking with two trolls and one of the siege ball machines from all three directions everyone's in position and Knight is about to fall now I'm gonna do as much damage to these trolls in Siege machines this is possible I really wish my AI Defenders would just like hold their position instead of charging out you are longbowmen please stay behind the walls they were in a perfect position that's the one thing I would change about this game so far oh they've broken through the north but it looks like we will survive although we lost a wall section and a defensive tower now at this point how's the other side doing uh it didn't do quite too well either I think it was The Siege devices easily broke through our defenses even with a stone wall and that guy won shots building see since the house died it didn't give us any gold so this is a very risky area up here and then upgrade these key towers and I wanted to be a Ballista now we've only got six more gold and it needs to be used in the north and it's seven to upgrade a wall we did we mess up it's like we can put one additional Tower here and build a backup wall here so as Nightfall comes I think I need to be be up here we do have four Towers now and I do a lot of damage so I think I'll be able to defend this now the enemy stacking Stone seem to be very smart they continue to just run up against our walls although I would love to hire whoever it is that is building them their Siege equipment and have him or her devise my walls hey that guy cheated how did they get up there this wall looks like it's about to die and these guys are getting around my wall I don't think is that a bug or a feature the walls are about to fall they've broken through the North and they don't seem at all interested attacking Towers unless it's convenient but we've survived the other sections have held how much gold are we getting right here 31. whoa there is a massive attack coming from the south and there's no way to block this area other than the towers you could upgrade a tower and give it iron plates and you can put barricades here to slow it down but that's about it we're gonna first upgrade the inner Towers well one thing I can do is build this Tower into a Ballista once we have the money now with the Enemy only attacking from one place that does make it a little bit easier to defend I'm gathering all my Knights and I'm just gonna thermopylie this right here guys where are you running to you are not supposed to be what what is wrong with you oh my gosh this is it's not working out the AI is being dumb look at them just destroy the skate see we would have probably held it if those guys had stayed still oh my gosh that is so many of them it looks like like a zerg rush Hold the Line long bowman you really you really messed up do not let them kill the mine we'll kite them we'll lead them away now I wasn't even able to see the massive Siege because I had to micromanage my idiot troops uh this was apparent Devastation down here nice survived realm set only 72 protection 12 trolls from the north and 35 of these things from the far south and you know what since we've got the money I guess we'll start working on a farm oh you can use it exploding Farms that's amazing nighttime is here and the trolls are coming they're gonna be so many trolls I feel like At first what I need to do is lend my assistance with my good damage dealing which doesn't seem strong enough my Knights are getting overwhelmed and there are a lot of trolls but luckily they're kind of at least most of them are stupid look at them trying to cheat around the wall now I've armored these towers and I it just feels like I didn't armor them enough where's my Army get up here and defend as long as they don't destroy that farm I just bought we'll get a little bit more money uh they're gonna destroy that farm unless I lead them away please don't destroy the farm all right we should have built exploding Farms we survived but the north is incredibly weak and look at everything that's gonna be attacking from all different sides let's see 50 footman 10 oh my this is the big one isn't it I need to use all money I can on just like buying myself as much time oh my gosh they've got catapults this is going to hurt every time you upgrade this Mill it increases okay this thing's gonna go boom wait a minute then that means we can do the same thing up here it's so funny like what King's like you know what I can build exploding Farms so one cold left there's nothing really to expend it on other than maybe a farm but I don't think that's wise but then again and then the enemy might spend a little bit of extra time there so this is gonna fall fast there's not much we can do about it those 10 Siege exploding balls three Giants all right we're as ready as we're ever gonna be let's bring on the Knight kill them all wait a minute why aren't they fighting they're just like oh well you're supposed to tell us what to do you guys I actually need to get these guys and pull them out and bring them down here wait are we winning we're holding out into the north they're just coming in not all at the same time giving us a chance they're breaking through down here oh I see those things aren't don't act as well they just slow them down that does make sense you can hear my ballista firing but the enemy and catapults over here there's one now we'll destroy the Catapult then start working on these trolls that catapult just destroyed this tower now if my crossbow man you know if you could just hang out in the spot I told you to do that'd be fantastic this isn't that desperate defense but I feel like our chances are good I'm gonna try to Target that giant up here because he gets close to anything well it's dead this game just gets better and better I feel like with a little bit of tweaking of your defender's Ai and maybe the AI not being able to sort of like cheese around walls oh we're definitely gonna Target this catapult it would only get even better we've got a lot of knights just hanging around but I think that bodes pretty well um I'm gonna pull them to the South though because it looks like they're kind of breaking in the music is intense you know what we upgraded this farm and it hasn't exploded yet come on is this the is this the last couple units the last unit was defeated and we have achieved Victory and every time you level up you unlock something new which just increases the replayability and just overall playability of the game oh we've unlocked so many including burning oil but we didn't reach level 10 yet now you can see the realm of our kingdom we just conquered this area and we are now going into the Arctic so if you guys do want to see more throw and fall we'll pull the trigger on that like button and let me know and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 201,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, thronefall, throne fall, castle, castle siege, siege, fortress, upgrading, defending, my castle, upgrading and defending, upgrading and defending castle, castle game, castle games, fort, castle fight, tower defense, king, kingdom, new kingdom, kingdom game
Id: lC7Ld8LyUlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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