Time to Sail these High Seas! - Forts RTS - Livestream

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] welcome in welcome one welcome all I hope you guys have had a great day so far so let's go ahead and make it just a little bit better shall we thank you guys for stopping by so early today as we are just getting started here today we're going to be playing some forts forts is your favorite you know it you love it and we're gonna be playing it tonight all right all right welcome welcome notifications crew notification Squad with the favorite term is for these days I say hello there Elia and tropical living dead moose xenophantum Gabriel Apple fire Carriage ant tank destructos spy team mad cat copper flame Ted arid so many of you guys dropping by Mr Fahrenheit how you doing today has been a good day all right let's go ahead and open up the it's going to open up the lobby for anyone who wishes to join now would be the time to do so [Music] I should have said everything real quick one second I still have the tournament stuff up from the uh earlier from this last weekend all right then let's come one come on come and join just disable all this just entirely there we go all right Rave pylon yes favorite kind of pylon the party pylon [Music] all right what are we looking for here something for V4 tempted to do 3v3s if I made to uh what's the word if only to add a bit of variety into the mix [Music] hey there Travis welcome and Persona welcome back hello there drinko welcome in da da released a new video earlier today specifically well video is a strong word for it but uh the new narrations series working on the wearing power armor to a magic school series you guys will check that out I highly recommend it it's so good I'm still working on the format and such the I like the way the subtitle subtitles I like the way the uh little text came through this time around there was a lot of editing work to make it function the way I expected it to the way I wanted it to I'm not sure I'm not sure if that's the way to go with it well someone disconnected has everyone loaded up you found a knife on there actually I'm curious when you guys watch the video how do you guys think of the captions like what what are your take on the current what's your take on the current way of hand captions [Music] thank you yeah we'll just do this real quick don't use captioning videos I mean the uh the ones I have in the video rather than the automatic generated captions which I know the auto-generated captions happen anyways those tend to be one second I'm gonna pause this the um the auto captions the automatic captions tend to be quite nice actually am I waiting for here nothing delaying myself for no reason I am not yet in the Ford's mindset oh boy captures better than they have been I wasn't referring to the automatic ones I was referring to the uh the on-screen text you found the text on the screen to be a very clean transitioning and easy to read good that's what I was hoping for but uh obviously it takes a little bit of doing to get it to uh work you know it's an iterative process and I would like to iterate welcome back Kristen Auto generated are usually okay but sometimes you want to tell hilarity with unfamiliar words oh yeah yeah yeah yeah especially given the um going to describe it as fantastic nature of this particular series makes for a lot of new words you know Words which don't exist in the uh everyday lexicon human verbiage disability Tech best tech it is uh I don't know I prefer accelerator Tech stability Tech is pretty good not that I have anything particularly amazing with this brand of stability Tech foreign I am willfully unprepared for Canon o'clock or anything else oh there Willie ducky welcome back why so many ground nodes because I'm floating metal and I don't know what to do about it that's why like I probably should have just gone upgrade Center but here we are also welcome in fact notice I rarely use the 20 mil you get that it doesn't compete with heavy weapons one to one do you think they need a buff uh no I don't think they need a buff it's not that the 20 mils don't compete with heavy weapons is that they don't serve the same purpose there's no reason to get 20 mils when you can get well there is a reason it gets 40 mils and it has nothing to do with anything related to heavy weapons the problem with 20 mils isn't that they don't serve a purpose or is that they're too weak the problem with 20 mils is that by the time you can get 20 mils there is very little reason to get 20 mils it's like snipers are great and amazing but at the 15 minute Mark when my per when my objective is to destroy the enemy's Fort just wholesale I'm not gonna be building three snipers like that's just not fit for purpose you know the same thing with 20 mils hey they're calling events welcome back even then you still see 20. like in the Ford's pro league matches we had this uh this weekend there were plenty of 20 mils used just not a they weren't exactly the end or be all the weapons [Music] all right incoming cannon fire was that a tier three is that what we got going here I don't think so I'll sync these shots Focus that fire move on I have cannon shots Landing right here and it's concerning to me cause I don't know where they're coming from because I'm not hearing them at least I'm not hearing them actually uh get launched [Music] um foreign this one's about good overpinning okay so now we do this I want to build up here to get a third Cannon which I'll slide back slightly for weight reason this weight distribution reasons and now we do Black Tower on top here Priority One is get Flack online you will need more energy production [Music] if it was a two or three was it I still haven't seen tier three position anywhere a tier three okay so that overpinned it's still over Panic okay sounds bad there we go that's a great shot all right we'll add battery and battery turbine okay well done well done so we'll end this little lower aim this little lower too just send it straight to their core who's having a real bad day at this point um teammate went down to something um we clearly do not have an advance here available is concerning to me if I were to add a bit more Goods here [Laughter] I'm waiting for an earth challenge [Music] everything is on fire everything is always on fire a lot more dangerous than late game double cannon or one deck gun a double cannon how can we send love and Shout for a lone wolf he's waiting for the where's the kebab Y where is the earth shattering kaboom I don't know how to do the Marvin Martian voice it's best you're getting for now I could practice that voice because we have dementia coming in with the everything is always on fire definitely the uh the double cannon um the double cannon just does a lot of Unstoppable damage looks like it's an existential threat that just doesn't hit on the same level as the uh the deck gun why do you have a good another persona catch you later see on the other side to the sniper that was a sniper that's coming from here here all right so you are aimed well you need to aim here you need to aim slightly lower there it is all right so now we aim exact same position here see if we can't slam this guy in the bottom great that guy did some work with this sniper I feel like I want this Tech just for the energy Shield because he's black I'm not cutting it not cutting it at all okay we're going to need so much more energy production here you can fit a turbine here okay oh the joyful laugh is on point I know right joyful laughter makes me happy so it should aim low does this should also aim low but almost perfect and this one can this slightly higher there we go okay okay I removed that section we are living on a stability Tech right now is what's going on the green projectiles that's the active Commander ability for the Buster Commander uh they are empowered projectiles they hit harder no good deal we're fine we're fine all right so we definitely want these back here as soon as possible replace this with metal up because we're living off of uh wooden efficiency which is fine far from my deal you know [Music] just gonna send these shots straight over again there we go that's the damage we're looking for so that player has been defect this player is doing something sneaky Adam I don't like it I don't know what he's doing but I don't like it if someone's doing something weird you're just kidding them that's that's that's what Canon is too good for if they're doing something weird you're just Canada to solve the weirdness Problem by removing that cannons yeah okay kick on mobile is just bad so I've heard I've heard kick does not great does not make for a great mobile experience all right that's catastrophic damage there we go okay cannons cannons are a good time I like cannons cannons make me happy I want to see what happened what was going on here yeah well no it was just regular cannons just got three regular cannons in an otherwise well-made base like these just nothing weird is just the teammates are they exploded this is this is what was going on this is why it looked and felt weird exposed cannons energy Shield above these guys that's why it felt weird it was the receiving end that was strange not the giving it okay [Music] Circa everything is on fire sir what does the black thing you don't die to orbital oof understandable [Music] let's see let's do this one the wingman version and surprise wasn't giving me more pressure three cannons I mean he had plenty of targets you did eliminate one of us I just uh he was shooting at other people first more vulnerable targets as it were let's go [Music] okay for me it's time for tea step one energy production uh let's Elevate this slightly here before we do an energy production right here there we go okay so we have room for things I didn't need two of those that was that was a mistake get a basic economy run real quick there we go much better all right so this so this is it to get a little extra technology what kind of tea uh chai tea today something to go with a lemon ginger and tea is a good time ah nice and warm ttst the best kind of TV no idea why he chose that name understandable relatable have you seen my name I know why I chose mine but oh boy was that a decision um let's do not from here we'll do this let's have a little bit of fun with this shall we something we haven't done in a while for no reason in particular just haven't done it in a while different kind of strategy and lemon ginger the best kind of teas those that they're very good I like them I like them both they're very good for the throat for the vocal cords huh [Music] what if I played beyond all reason yet I have played Beyond organism yet foreign yeah we'll throw this guy here [Music] beyond all region is one of those games I've kept on my uh short list of games to watch extensively I was very surprised when winter plated that so many other people came to join I was not surprised that there was quite the Fanfare around it but I was surprised when the Fanfare was as extensive as it actually as it ended up being stopped by it's been like four days four days four days also welcome back you guys you've had a very busy busy past couple days have you there they all blend together these days okay let us go a little bit dmrs are fun they are fun very fun they're not I'm going to describe them as not strong but they are fun that's a big difference that makes a big difference I'm going to want to go hard you go on this I'm building the Yamato yes yes we are ballast a little bit I don't really need ballast for this kind of for this kind of boat um so I don't I like everything don't there's nobody shot yet a teammate over here did um but that is a question we may never know I'm going to make an effort to get this guy up and running knowing full well the chances of this guy living are not great just because of the time on the clock and um you know the amount of potential incoming fire because we have the space laser already instigating is to getting commit to death and destruction and it take us a hot second before we come online okay like Overkill exactly many Gunners did nothing uh did you shoot them was that Tim kill with the orbital place no uh Allied laser orbital laser launcher committed orbital laser upon on the enemy Force [Music] um let's fire these real quick send it this way because they have a lot of flack and then send this this way so it shoots like a beacon yes yes it does that's exactly what it does it shoots an orbital laser designator and then it commits explosion wherever that uh that Beacon lands so let's do this as you'll see here is a good uh good example and it conveniently makes it across while my teammate used the uh used my deck guns as a distraction to do a little bit of laser so that just lands nice nice and clean across upgrade you let's undo this so so behind each door is one and a half behind each door is uh one and a half fully upgraded deck gun which is a lot of deck gun yeah that's fine just a little close here for Comfort when it comes to uh dance here it's a pretty high deck on the door ratio you know all right come on and just go just fire this angle blood I don't know where those are going but uh they need to be even further out whereas this one this way and the Flack is likely to aim here at this instead of orbital laser and we'll just cleanse the rear quite well love to see it alrighty then foreign further out and so let's do that oh well that's unfortunate this needs to go further out as well that sounds amazing so deck guns Yamato is dialed in and ready to go ah let's see where these land these are pretty well oh clean Wipeout we've got the uh I would say broadside but I don't know if Rod side applies here all right so let's just uh fire everything look at how dense they are and someone say penetrator rounds oh that's a that's a lot of damage it's very rare and permitted to get five deck guns out of three doors but holy smokes the yaw side yes it's beautiful it is so beautiful there's disgusting should be made it should be amused and ashamed I am except I have no shame I lost that Omega Leaf I lost that with the whole only fan stint I mean only fangs stint ah that was mean that was explosive it's beautiful yes yes it was all right um let's see how about all boat all day let's go uh with who okay we're going the one shot kill awakens something in you oh no any duck Mafia news uh nope uh the duck Mafia has been largely banished from my half of for my vicinity mostly due to the construction workers taking over everything you know but I mean taking over everything I mean like they're fully repainting the building so there's quite literally not a single Corner left unmodified by human uh terraforming so uh the ducks have been less than thrilled with being nearby so they just don't although Don did come by to visit the other day [Music] thank you that was exciting how about the Cockroach cartel you know my area at least this particular building hasn't really had any manner of roach issues which I always find I I understand the palmetto bugs are aggressive and terrible but given the amount of hostility toward insectoid life in general down here I am always amazed whenever something like a roach manages to survive for any amount of time if you have any idea how many spiders and how many lizards we have down here that just Feast on them it's a lot it's it's a lot any news about luxury murder persists oh we don't have any Crocs in my in my uh part of the river um at least not that anyone's aware of um the iguanas have been doing their solar powered lawnmower thing in the park and the other side of the river and not actually did near me owing to this citing the construction issues as a motivation for them to go away hello there Andromeda welcome back um do I want to handle this [Applause] racketeering all right come back coming back that's a good question um I'm thinking about this Saturday we'll see about that um we'll see [Music] this boot the spiders are quite good at the whole antsy roach experiencing the heat wave over there too or is it just forward or weather as usual it's you know that's a darn good question um we're probably experiencing a bit of a heat wave because it's Florida but also it's kind of hard to tell because it's Florida hmm ah all right let's get set up with some of this over here I would have to check the weather to tell you if there's like some actually a notable Heat Wave coming through and check the records otherwise it's just uh just for whatever you're in Florida it's been raining every day which is normal Florida Behavior because it's raining season can I set how is there a world in which I can set this up without causing massive problems I need to do [Music] and take spiders or instead of beans any day hey it's a fuel I understand centipede scary to close this is going to fall down in the worst of ways um maybe that'll hold it dead okay no [Music] we went down teammate went down death the uh I don't know what I didn't hear anything I exploded on it all right um let's try this again I don't want to have to do a large swing because that's just painful painful there we go okay there we go you're good you're done grapes much better dude she said up here and then I want to do this one more time if at all possible um welcome back powerfu I'm hearing a whole lot of cannon fire and I'm not happy about that especially give it up next in line I'm not exactly prepared for such cannon fire things I have plenty of antier in case it was necessary or you know useful but I don't have as much to deal with cannons okay yeah oh look airplanes oh no really ah okay that gives you amazing that was indeed a great shot okay all right um let's see how do I want to handle this uh let's do they're even doing teamwork stuff like getting [Music] like weapon combo and one player goes fire beams one player goes uh aircraft to clear this guys because this teamwork how did you hit this with a cannon it had to have come from way above like that except it couldn't have been that because there was a whole wall if you're going to prevent that hahaha well hello there if it isn't kalijah coming in with the support thank you thank you Lucas and loving Chef or kalija coming in with all that sweet delicious support taking that well tying for first place for top support drops so far you can chat look at that beautiful teamwork hey I sure think guys I don't know why I have so much energy production it's clearly not super useful for me right now all right foreign can I get one weapon of some mankind please yes we put you here cute okay now I definitely need to keep these going I'm not sure we got that up in time okay this is fine yeah that Canon shell Arc came from way above is a problem oh boy well we tried holy smokes are still active please stabilize [Music] got a long distance on this so This Might connect [Music] okay they dare use teamwork against us it's uh fair enough like I can't defend against all of these things at once if there is a time limit here for a teammates getting fumbled pretty hard which is not at all a surprise given this context thank you and holy smokes did you see that snake slippery slimy snake oh you know could have been better could have been worse oh I forgot that's how that works okay I didn't check where this went however as we have this coming through which is not going to solidify in time and what does this land we gotta hit technically counts I have officially fired back okay I do not have much life given this uh scenario here so how we handle this is like so get a little bit taller with this this is what we call bad [Music] um okay well that got exciting well there goes half of my boat uh we are still stabilized and kind of okay um kind of oh that was so close to coming online they're definitely shooting at teammate rather than me probably the worst case scenario for me I just yeah yeah okay goodbye teammate you were fun you will be missed am I gonna get one shot one more opportunity that's way too far thumbs up here comes disaster foreign s do nothing for us here I didn't happen to hit any of them that last hit did I I don't think so yep there's that one that went from them literally not knowing how to build weapons to them chain combo wait like Cooperative comboing players hmm which was impressive well as always that's the third match in that Lobby so we will be remaking so if you guys want to come and join uh now would be your opportunity because it'll be starting it up momentarily if you guys want to see more content like this or just to make sure you don't miss that next Beautiful video we put out make sure to hit that subscribe button hit that follow button make sure you get all those great notifications be the first into the friend but for now we're starting up the new Lobby so come one come all come join pick up plenty more and it's a good time go around [Music] all right um let's see there's no it's gonna get bad if we do that one thank you all right what about tectonica I haven't looked extensively into it I'm aware of its existence and I will be checking it out thoroughly at some point I have a my brain has been mostly stuck on Dyson's fear program as well as thumb craft [Music] because good games are good um let's do this put these here so I won't need to do them again [Music] it's not for some substantial time foreign yes thumbcraft it's a thumbcraft h I think it is the newest one the one that's currently a work in progress [Music] like way back here is Jacksonville program plan to come back to the channel oh once the uh PVE update drops I a fully intend on playing it again thank you I should have sold off a piece of metal to get this faster uh I still shouldn't sell off abusive metal to uh this faster let's read carry on the economic expansion okay however this can fit here it's only 50 compared to 77 here but it is more space efficient so [Music] I see foreign I can live with the being disconnected it's the whole more than just disconnected bit that's the problem okay so we have lots of eco I'm very okay with this thank you it's time to expand is it worth defending these like this I mean I've already got I probably should have just invested in this in the first Ah that's so much investment for I guess it would have been that bad had I known I was there we have to be planning riffbreaker now that it has DLC uh yes that is on the list of Let me refresh I am aware it has DLC and I like I would like to play it I do not have a time slot for it currently available and I will struggling to fit that in but yes it is riffbreaker is one of those good games that I want to play more of it is way past Canada clock and indeed indeed proper defenses ah welcome back Fair wolf I've watching live streams that works hey well that's where they're here for you you're enjoy let's get some of this out here because I stopped by the sauce I heard of Oz filibust us both exist therefore we Meddle fortunately you're playing against gray whoa so Canada o'clock is around six minutes um should be good too oh wow they have no ants here at all well that makes your lives easy doesn't it I will focus fire here I don't know what they were doing there with that was that and the runway I think it was okay hey there virus long time no see how you doing am I winning uh well we just lost a teammate um but yes yes we are winning slice through that we've got double cannon all the way across the sky you love to see it and well it has been how's how things been going out there man this too protect I could use some additional energy income as well slap one of these guys here the game finally has released it oh my well that's got to be exciting it's gonna be real exciting oh that's we just this man's it's got nothing let's say I'm lower with this he's just got dense heat density here he's got aircraft that launch out of that hole okay is it worth me because I need to be real careful about how we handle this extraneous weight here goes muffin that's I still I still love the name it's a beautiful name all right cutting deep with that love to see it October 23rd okay seems like a good release time to me getting close to the holidays but not quite interfering this lower and this lower cut through the wood spam as it were all right where else can I weaponize I think here which means selling off these producing these okay men's trying to expand we can't let that happen oh boy ah you grab her out of it as you should be that's gonna be so nerve-wracking thinking about uh well you know how steam can be and this steam player base the added stresses of well human judgments it's got to be at least a little stressful thinking about it but totally worth it oh virus did you uh see that thumb craft is getting more regularly teased by the current thumb craft Developers rather sus they keep putting out these little teasers we're getting these all these upgrades here all of them oh yeah that's uh they're putting it out on their Discord the cofh Discord because it's the uh co-fh team that got permission Like official permission to uh to debit so they've been thoroughly teasing everyone which is a great and terrible thing to do it's been so long since we thought about this seriously and they've gone like it's the updates look amazing and I'm very very happy about it all right we over penned oh boy we did it tell them to also do Greg tech oh boy Greg Tech that's a uh that's an experience right there should I finish him off no mercy oh well you know what you can live there for now you look like you've had a really bad day too high also too high is a good problem to have in this instance here because battery is going through the core metalize you found craft for Minecraft yes [Music] why are you drifting because you got hit really hard there we go [Music] oh the laser beams they're so good they burn so hot he drifted into the wall is beautiful nothing to stabilize them and now the final bird that's a good time yeah they've been from the teasers they've been saying they want to do a lot more uh warpy stuff a lot more illiterate stuff a lot more taint which I think is amazing just because Nostalgia and the idea of letting an entire biome get overrun [Music] it's uh I'm looking forward to it I'm really looking forward to it [Music] Miracles blessings for the we're the world uh Yes actually [Music] maybe something like that very tentacle very Eldritch very consumed [Music] it's the last time I played filmcraft the group it was the never quite finished but current or most recent version and I accidentally broke my house by unleashing a extra dimensional Terror in reality and uh I wasn't on this server at the time I'm still fairly convinced one of my uh friends when snooping around on the base touched something they didn't understand and Unleashed extra dimensional Thrift that consumed half my house by the time they realized something had gone wrong [Music] which is uh quite nice [Music] and tears is so hard to get out of control they are I don't like I don't like messing with them much they're just mechanically challenging which is good I appreciate it but they are mechanically challenging to say the least do I play mobile games I do not um I find a quite difficult for me to watch to play a mobile game when I could play a non-mobile game thank you I can usually either in gaming mode or not gaming mode so I'm gonna go with this Tech which [Music] you know let's swap up Tech here a little bit go Mass expansion going to need this guy as well but you're nice and front and centered that'll do Forge is a mobile game if your desk and share of Wheels my desk doesn't have wheels there I really need to invest into one of these standing desks my desk is standing friendly but it's definitely not a standing desk I want to be able to go up and down as a fun mini game that you like hey you know to each their own it's just not something that I'm personally into you know this this oh boy hope your team got good use out of the active so I didn't yeah I guess that's fine foreign happy out there this and this and this but that's a mistake we don't do that there I do probably want to elevate this by up one level okay prosperous most of this give this a little bit more buoyancy along with it noticing this is going to get in the way if I bring it up any higher they started interacting with teammate base here oh boy it's like to consider okay then in that case we're just gonna have to uh deal with it with chunkiness as long as we keep it constantly under construction we should be fine okay have you played Terraria I have Terraria great grain highly recommend it especially going in blind say the most fun I had with Terraria was uh when I didn't have it on stream because we have a whole bunch of nasty people hanging around that uh thoroughly love to ruin the sense of adventure and exploration for the game I think it we're not quite at the yeah well oh did they disconnect okay oh I think they went to AFK did you hear Calamity mod oh no nasty's a bit High she don't think people intended it all right it's hard to tell the difference you know especially after you've warned someone multiple times either way it's uh a fun ruining experience and made the game far less enjoyable all right so I think threat number one goes to here they have extensive anti-air holy smokes all right and that was all four players of being very angry it's weird we're going to have to get extra defensive here oh well that is a nasty angle that comes around I'm proud of you okay okay so it looks like one of the uh teammates did in fact go AFK I never will be just returned foreign noises yes we need so much um I'm not going to be able to snipe given the teammates current composition which is probably for the best I would rather lots of ants here than most other things now we just hold off and wait okay I've got antier to help with things uh upgrades anyone pure here here uh I really suppose I could go with a standard Cannon faces Powder Keg yes and say that again um let's just begin armoring because I can alright so that was definitely a Beat anti-air shot all right in that case we are just going to go hot and hostile right here where my base is on fire holy smokes they full defended that I am impressed once again that's that's death if I put that there a lot of ants here yes yes it was I have defended the retort barely okay okay now it is just a matter of uh hello there was a lot of Canon all at once oh scary all right uh encourage you guys [Music] uh no I'll do this I could actually use some more energy production which I realized is partially because I have multiple upgrading I think the robot of man just get through Justified all right uh let's do this guy this guy this guy this guy juvenile key three cause General suffering done yet there we go that looks pretty good to me come on shut it down nothing does not live long enough to do anything okay fire last position and uh sell this guy off well done Cannon friend tier three as well aimed however they seem to be missing substantial amount of teammate now which means uh time for this we had some substantial amount of ants here coming from the team which uh removed multiple multiple aircraft be fine black pit best pit oh scary they're throwing the fire shot down three planes you're correct uh unfortunately he was in the worst of instances as well because there was uh they were Cannon rounds that took down the plans meaning that those were counted rounds that are also not hitting the enemy which is kind of important as another enemy Falls which one was it that one I guess we could dial it back right about here quad Cannon strong Cannon as uh your drums probably is yeah all right we got p2ap P2 128p best AA in the game it's funny because it's true and surely they do not survive yeah yeah it looks like they're letting the uh letting the Flames take them all right I feel like I should take some substantial credit for that match because the enemy invested two players solely into anti-air which shut me down completely and me answer that the rest of my team didn't have to take much in the way of damage which I think is fun I mean it's great great for us but it put it put it that way do we want to do this this is the worst and I'm gonna do it anyways welcome back Gabriel when for two player trade is a good trade and you see that's my opinion knowing full well that I did like pitiful damage you guys look what they're doing here we are five they're Reviving curses in the lobby yes yes there are wow you guys like this y'all crazy yo wilding out there why foreign curses well there's four and curses in one lowercase and curses which is almost five in curses oh no kick the red [Music] in curses they collect is the correct plural I'm in you're not wrong foreign set up here is it an incursion of a curse I yes it's my favorite kind of integer sign ah if goose is geese why shouldn't moose why should moose never be mace that's a good question because English is eight different languages in a trench coat pretending to be a language I think that's the best answer I've seen a group of them cursed this is just an incursion yes of course that's what incursion works in curses fighting their inner demons with the help of their inner demons architects no wonder how big Fords would get if boats had no build them and as big as the map allows you're all wilding out here you know it was technically possible to eliminate that boat in a single shot was that's the kind of stuff we used to do back uh back in my day uh we would memorize the firing arcs required for mortars line up all the mortars and then Alpha strike directly the enemy's core with enough to punch through and finish it out right like competitively oh they would just they would completely expand it's the same thing with Starcraft like if you you have an entire Starcraft map if the opponent lets you you will literally be expected to take every single mineral on the map it's it's no different in ports that's just how strategy game do how RTS goes huh explore explained export exterminate yes pair of these online I am this position okay so from this position I don't really want to build super tall part of the reason why I'm doing this that way my teammate behind me can build tall and I can build this divot of a boat which uh does more anti-air what did I choose the name in curses uh because I was that guy who changed my name every time I logged onto his server that way people wouldn't recognize me because I tend to generate a lot of hate because people would recognize me uh for having stabbed them with their own weapons multiple times in a row and um in an interest to not have to deal with the social phenomenon of people disliking me I would change my name every time I went to play a video game and by pattern to do so was pick a name out of the Latin dictionary and that was just pick a word into the Latin dictionary and that was my name for the day and then eventually I stopped caring and just use whatever name I always left with and it was in curses that that is the story of the gamertag foreign wow he got it in the first shot okay I think this is glitching through and uh let's get this going here to Dallas back slightly due to General lack of uh builds capabilities here we're going to be using more metal than anything we got a solid hit actually cutting pretty deep that's def that's still looking too far okay teammates pummeling That Base I think with the shifted weight oh wow okay the snipe the the tier three hit and sub which uh oh oh that's death oh there's no way we got a capsize oh how are you still intact okay oh that's looking like it's gonna merge oh boy oh oh how are you still intact okay well he's hanging on they're hanging on by the prayer okay I don't know what's going on over here and I'm afraid to find out okay what have we got happening over here besides solid hits I think he over corrected he's gonna fall the other way now oh almost okay Here Comes arrowcraft I'm a little Limited in an Sierra options because building space is a thing um let me see if I can fit another one of these somewhere I mean I guess I would rather this okay foreign [Music] I think we're gonna start please let me single firing this for more about as more precision as we can get because we're a little bit hurt for it okay one good two ah probably good oh I think that the teammates kind of got that uh if you put sandbags along that it defends that reasonably well it's like a mild hit but nothing consequential we're gonna be upgrading these because we are going to need the additional energy expense here here um I am bristling with answer and it's not going to be enough shift this guy forward a little bit orange to Orange okay one two three and see where these go those direct fire cannons are going to be MVP if I actually hit that Howitzer although I don't think they broke the howitzer two and three is far but we got a great hit here because that hit their ammunition Reserves okay yeah they didn't take the Howitzer down although the Howitzer is uh having a great time Splish Splash and taking a bath you're better off all right let me do this because I can start gonna miss we're gonna miss although in a great spot okay just get one two three uh we fired at approximately the same time as our other teammates two or three so we're gonna have to look out for that I don't know which one is mine but that did catastrophic damage they'd love to see it okay let's go okay so mine is the first of the two tier threes and the third section of the volley Miss hit that was mine so we're aiming at approximately the same spot and I like to see it I'm tempted to change targets to this guy although this guy's getting pummeled quite nicely let's see if we can't do that uh no no I shouldn't because we're already zeroed in on one of these guys and we're specifically because they're so close to another teammate or we just have a bigger Target to hit more likely to hit something even if it's um even if they're largely defended against it largely here's the thing because of the nature of because of the nature of um boats you can't have a top that is full defended because if you do so then you don't have energy production at all and if you don't have energy production at all then well you're not doing much so I'm quite content with this outcome this situation even if I'm not doing the most damage possible should we miss it oh oh there it is we got into the ammo that's a yeah that's a good hit okay oh and the nuke dodged the shotgun and it's gone all right so the direct fire Cannon teammate finish it off so we have to adjust the two or threes now this player is quite defended from above not defended from anything frontal so uh he's about to have a very bad day however I'm going to be adjusting you know what I'm going to be adjusting slightly to engage the rear player as much as I credit their forward players being the biggest threat right now these players were just already dialed in mostly if we can get those Cannon rounds from the forward-facing player Mr odd one out then you should be able to uh wrap up the rear player pretty quickly too far too far solid hit there is an aircraft up aircraft launcher up there which is oh no oh he defends it okay here come the aircrafts we have substantive ants here okay that could have been worse uh one of our teammates just disconnected so we do have an AFK on the team now here let's see orange to orange blue blue to Blue let's try this again that will have adjusted our aim I've tried to reconstruct it such that it will not be a massive change to our aim but it's gonna change something let's see uh how much it would affect it that was a beautiful shot on the teammate okay well that really wasn't a big change to the game at all I'm okay with this at least they're not Nighthawks if there are Nighthawks there would have been fewer of them potentially easier to shoot down because of it triple tier three should I go quadruple two or three at this point blah blah yeah we hit something that caused his entire boat to rock but nothing to fully break them okay so slightly further out it would seem oh they got a chopped in half they lost their bottom we got into the ammo as they were firing oh that's beautiful love to see it okay so uh we have left them with issues and there's the explosion the second day explosion is ruraling from the base there goes another battery I'd love to see it foreign against boats they either don't have energy production or they're vulnerable to tier three is there's not a whole lot of in between attack oh the howitzer you know one of the things about the howitzers that makes them great for the proper artillery format is they are perfectly accurate unlike these cannons which spread to and fro um howitzer's fire exactly where you send them 100 of the time so um you can fully snipe things on like a 15 20 second delay with howitzers there's no guessing without it sir you just pick where you want to send it and you send it there snipe the core after sending the shot all the way across the world you can totally do that there it is player eliminated how it turned out ah I don't want to because games are already pretty much over I suppose I could clearly it's taken a bit longer than I expected it's gonna take me a hot second sir figure out where I need to aim at these to actually hit this guy okay so one and two are far three is too close you say look the teammates should be able to land the shots to end it before before I get anything down here there it is overpinned the core which is always satisfying to see well that got exciting mid sea bait here in the rear with the regular standard ganon's out dpsing pretty much everyone else so that's even combined oh boy that was that was good well that was three matches in this lob if you guys want to come and join now is your opportunity because we will be remaking a new Lobby right now if you guys like this kind of content make sure to hit that subscribe button hit that follow button hit that like button hit all those in drag buttons and if you're coming in late make sure to leave a comment below saying hey I wish I could join the next time we do forts because it well if you hit that subscribe button that follow button you will because that's how you get notifications and we can just uh and we can just get on in here speaking of which Lobby is going up right now so get on in here I already have a good one wolf pack good luck out there alrighty then let us go let's see yeah we'll do it we do two or three because we like rolling the dice of Fate yes bro the d2013 to hit that sort of feels like though and when it does hit oh my does the damage hard it hits real hard is there a requirement to be good to join nope nope there's no such requirement not this time we're not doing anything try hard or whatnot we do have someone from the forts amateur League here but like we're not we're not doing competitive things ready up let's go time's up let's do this throw you here because you're a temporary you want to play where to buy Ford's force is available on Steam I'm not sure if it's on sale at the moment it was on sale earlier I'm not sure if it's on sale at the moment the skill the join skill requirements is at it there is a skill requirement it's just it's to see who can click faster yes click join faster bam okay I believe there's a quote that accurately describes the average uh new player experience reports well hello there but isn't this guy does stuff oh look at freebie out of all the areas metas that have happened in Forts of the year so what was I what was the most fun most Broken Voice cancer best memes I don't know um I'm gonna describe the least enjoyable was probably the pinch fist meta um that one was there was one strategy and the strategy was go pinch fist Rush as cannons as fast as possible end of the game and it was pervasive it was everywhere it was everything that was probably the least enjoyable um in terms of favorite I I don't know most fun I can say my favorite was actually probably in the early days of forts where everything was mortars everything was mortars because that one turned into snipers it was just the the weapons were sniper mortar and machine gun that was it any other weapons just failed to get off the ground um let's see most broken currently right now uh in high seas because air superiority is best superiority hey there Raider welcome man how you doing today do you finish your stream for the night saw you on a wastelanders earlier can I do this I can't do this okay well changing strategy getting ready for bed currently as it's going it's going very well I've had quite the nice day and I am well enjoying myself Forza is always a good time got another installments of the audiobook going I've released earlier today different uh screen text style and I'm liking how that turned out speaking of which if you guys uh if you guys are just joining in make sure to check out today's latest video is we have a brand new installment part two of the narrated audiobook series and uh well I would like I would love to get any kind of feedback on it we did a different style of a different style of on-screen Tech scrolling and it's a that one took a long time to get actually working but I'm hoping it's worth it because I'm hoping you guys enjoy it so I understand that reading the text is not exactly why people come to you know listen but less some people like to read the text and it's nice to be able to do so as Lord knows I like to read the text saw you on the book it is hard sci-fi crossed with high fantasy I think almost Warhammer 40K crossed with crossed with Hogwarts and if that doesn't excite you then well I don't know I don't know if I would want to be here all right what have we got here we do have tier threes to look out for I am not in a safe position for things but given I forgot to worry about tier threes we're in Peter 40K uh Hogwarts very high fantasy Pro the proper High fantasy not just uh fantasy themed like a proper High fantasy which is exciting in my opinion exciting in all the right ways we upgrade you yet no did you not why can't I upgrade your oh energy requirements you should do an audiobook of Jackal among snakes I've never heard of it hard Cipher atholic words is a thing you cannot include together in your head good if you uh check out the narrated series you might understand it see exactly what it means the uh I've actually taken to like in the author's work there should be a BattleBots get Imports but no don't you mean a Roblox skin Imports there's death grid so we should yeah yeah that that'll that'll work [Music] um I need to build tall rarely tall blast Shields I need these upgraded okay I did see a question from Chad first year engineering uh let's see and there's another engineer's in here you're going to first year General engineering this fall be a bit nervous any tips um engineering is a discipline it is not something that is locked behind smart people which is something that is a pretty big misnomer so that is a pretty big stereotype out in the world um as long as you do though it is it is hard work it is doing the work until it is done and it's a lot of tedium and there's not much else forward other than just doing it and something you'll get used to and as you get experience with it as it comes as you become more and more practiced it comes more and more naturally to you so it won't be this massive tedious grind that's just mind-numbing all the time uh it just takes practice and discipline to get it to get it working there's a reason why engineering is considered a discipline and something that has to be practiced so that is that is uh something you have to get used to but assuming you stick with engineering you will have the opportunity to get used to it that's probably the uh the biggest thing that threw us people up for engineering I'm a software engineer otherwise Jitter of engineering um engineering is a discipline and a tool I will say a used engineering ends up it's there is a certain mindset that goes into it that is a mindset that can be learned and in order to use it it ends up being it's a discipline there's a not much else forward other than spend the necessary lots of hours practicing and learning and getting well getting into the mindset of it as a reason why engineering schools tend to be they run your ragged they turn your hair gray because well that's how engineering is like it just it is that difficult that's strenuous that's hideous but as you get better with it it just starts to come naturally and then it stops being as strenuous and difficult and then uh then you turn around like wait a minute I just built a 500 pound crossbow and I didn't even think about any of the issues that would normally plague me that's how that works just a matter of getting there and that's something that only time something that only time can do all right let's remove players oh boy uh we need to get this out of our system right now before the uh oh just about one plane off that's here three saved them is what it did all right let's fix this because that one two or three took out a couple planes here and literally one plane shy of wiping out that base there's so much ants here going yes yes there is well that sounded like a seriously shearing off the front that's because it wasn't seriously sure enough the front set this up here and then just stand back the top of this I don't want to go any higher going to well teammate being here all right got the sandbag on top it looks like we're taking the tier three hits without getting pinned like this more comfortable I need one more here to even this out I can afford this so there's no reason for me not to a bad idea okay did I study engineering did I know Engineers I studied engineering I have a bachelor's degree computer science I've been through engineering school specifically for that thank you oh that sounded bad it's because it was can I make it there yes is the answer I was just about to Return to sender on top I mean I could but at some point I need to be very careful about my energy energy expenditure and uh we hit that point a while ago my energy is comes and goes and bursts how many are we up to not enough is the answer oh scary okay foreign stabilize this while we can we're getting touched I have so many tier threes all right so there are plenty of tier threes coming out here which is a concern uh so let's just slam these right about here because if we break this he's got enough defenses here oh the Cannons right we almost got the cannon it was so close okay it seems we don't have to worry as much about teams you don't have to worry as much about anti-air I'm going to let that slack for a bit let this construct um let's do this no yeah okay this is why I wanted to do that chop it all off that will cut our ammunition production by half let's see I need this button this button here okay work with this three that is so many tier threes um you know if they're gonna be doing this I can invest some into tier threes to uh return to senders as we have direct cannon fire for the win love to see it there's metal block internal explosions nope does not all right so I don't want to completely cover myself in Portals because that's a mistake but um I wouldn't mind getting set up with a few just to deter things you know all right well all of this is gone spend all of that money on constructing it all and it's done is managing to hit my energy production which is various levels of illegal we get this upgraded we need to rebuild the Air Force Howitzer goes shut that down a couple machine guns here we have reclaimed the outside good foreign [Music] hits that is so many tier threes and I'ma slap all of them and I uh in a minute it's gonna be more than a minute okay there's looking solid uh this is a good time for me to be investing into canons of my own batteries or the batteries belong if this explodes I lose this connection about really that's just something to consider let's do this up one level big guitar like so can I get two more in here yes it came takes years you know as well only if you're not truck now it does tend to take longer all right time for you player eliminated which means like you to open fire wait what are we looking at here that's a lot of return to send uh that's a lot of Return to Sender um no anti-air what happens here all right that was just regular return to senders because I can snipe off the back there yeah those look like regular return to senders to May we hit so many tier threes on the way in holy smokes are on the way out all right um let's get some let's see one two three and three this would be a mistake let's get a second try looking for looking for what it is here please okay this is almost done but you're here and what is left what is next more ammunitions and now oh they're all shut down okay well we can shut down even more probably something to do with the whole uh removing their we're moving there oh sore missiles just took him out oh no this is something to do with removing the whole energy production might have might have done something about that you know okay with this he placed a cannon I could see that night how can the cherry bombs be disastrous well yes yes direct collected Warhammer at all I do not know ah let us go I think the teams are about as fun as they're going to get there uh cloud remember this being a weird map and I'm okay with this but it's the best kind of bagel and everything bagel because I like my everything everywhere all right let us go do I want to try I kind of want to try it yeah Pence swing I haven't had a pen spring in a while I already have a good one there Jacob good luck out there why isn't this filled in here we go yes yes you're a turbo and my turbine is there you cannot touch my core I have proclaimed it's immune two snipers among other things all right so we do this this and then we uh do this and redo this and Boop goodbye all right great great love to see it and this is off and uh you're all connected directly to the floor so we don't need to worry about things anymore up here uh we will fix this up like so um okay oh it's like a standard style Cannon Rush potentially there's no way right nah all right and now we wait Who ah all right uh let's remove this let's swap all this around which is a pain is me to move that thing I'm going to do the same thing here one run two runs I should be fine I don't need this right now It's ability in there nailed it okay foreign painfully just slightly too high it's always overlapping struts here we need to sell this off okay all right painful I'm uh I'm gonna be here for a second it would see him all right can't take advantage of this Grand and glorious time to be alive that's uh a lot of outgoing Firepower and I can't do Squad about it all right oh this is what happens when we lose our energy production cut way deeper than I would than I wanted to all right let's hit here I don't have a follow-up is the problem teammate capture that immediately yeah double shield on that one let's put this guy right here God we're cutting it real close to that hit all right let's get to cut and shall we how I have no idea how that would work this is the left which we live and I ain't gonna be huh and Snapper came through with the vengeance I hit that which hit him I'm good all over and honored yeah so let's see over under and run around is what it is I'm all right with this one just didn't expect to see it happen all right looks like that top base is expanding Mata quick and I'm not happy about this I got one shot on the door I should fix this little bit up real quick looks like that's one of the enemy team it's all gone not have the energy to fire that one again she's gonna have to live with it as it is oh let's just uh casually cover that up real quick the reasons that sounds like we're getting lots of holes stuck in us here boys which is generally not the way I like to go about my business yeah he's hunting our turbines like no one's business I don't blame him but I don't like it oh no no we're not getting rid of that getting rid of this place oh Jesus that was almost a door snap I need to handle this situation here real quick get ourselves something more cost effective for the for the hold good old-fashioned double tier Bond defense or double sandbag defense that this has never failed us ever let's see we're getting ourselves the last little nasty oh boy I'm sorry did you just see that Shield flash off for exactly one frame for reference taking out an entire line of turbine while it's going through I think we're just gonna have to give him some hate to work with here a little high for that one we'll hold off here hot second slam it that's a great spot right to that door bring this down a notch slam it into the same spot which is exactly what I wanted to see well this is gonna be a nasty repair bill all right then so we're gonna set up with some sandbags here stop this from happening more because we just had our technology oh I'll show it up and removed got ourselves some energy production up there you'll love to see it all right I will need to adjust things a little bit here all right oh that's bad it's about to get even worse oh Lord he tried Scouts save the sandbag keeping us together we lost the floor how'd he lose an entire floor like this apparently aim low try to catch him or he's just already hurting all right in that case we need to redo a lot of this section here get ourselves set up or something a little bit more affordable nice thick dance bracing let's see him manage to take him a nice little dual 1v1 oh there we go you know the whole them slamming me all game was quite all right all right guys I'm gonna be tough because as enormous it was it really was it had the opportunity to uh actually I do want to check this out yeah yeah it looks like you gonna say he was playing as if he had access to two bases worth of income which for all for most intensive purposes you kind of did P.M having fully upgraded Minds just kind of does that more text cursive streams why am I spontaneous detection didn't you know I've been texting this whole time that was a beautiful laser shot haven't you heard there are only two types of Americans New Yorker in Texas well done well done Zoom down to your base well yeah I wanted to see what your strategy was because you went for the base you went I mean the same kind of Canon spam that I went for but you outscaled me quite hard and I was wondering what the difference was the difference was you spent the earlier game upgrading your minds so you just had a lot more Eco and I just I didn't have the Eco to keep up with it they're Canadians if you ever hear uh Canadian get I don't think I've heard a Canadian that has happened to be called an American despite it being technically true because they're from America North America I can if they're carnivorous giant feathered geese forgot Alabama what about Florida man yo y'all gonna try me in Texas they call Californians illegal immigrants oh no some people can't tell the difference between the country and the continents of America I mean to be fair there's not much of a difference what am I what's tonight's choice of Beverage chai tea the tea of tea speaking of which uh no I still have a little bit in here don't forget the new yorker's cousin who box is gone my yard uh where'd my where oh oh okay I don't know how to do the joysi accent it's not a list of accents I've ever attempted I'm t squared yes squared ah Boston I don't I don't know how to do that one either bust an accent hey um do I want to go splash damage so I can ruin some dudes with this I think I like it I'll pass let's get ourselves set up with little licks something a little extra put it there uh you know what let's put this here so when we get recoiled we don't self-destruct much better and speaking of Texas apparently Houston is bigger than uh Connecticut now huh that doesn't seem right to me that that doesn't sound true to me but I wouldn't be surprised if it was bigger than Rhode Island ever had sake I have had sock I actually went out uh last weekend and got sake with a friend we did a sake what is what is the I don't I want to describe it as a flight of sake because it was a whole bunch of different sake intended to be like a test you can come out here and test out all the sake that they had all the different sake options and um it was good it was very good by that I mean I loved the coconut sake come on how long I just got a few more seconds okay foreign so if I do that then I can build these instead which are just way more cost efficient which I completely forgot about until just now which is 100 a mistake and will revolutionize combat or war never changes except for when it does because somebody invented a new longer range weapon thank you for the moment we'll just put spam up here a little bit all right Houston sprawlers insane uh so it would seem I'm not actually a big fan of sake alcohol in general but um all right bro there is no world in which this cannon was ever going to be useful like you have to shoot through my core you can't I'm not even building tall like if I had built tall I I could understand but it's not the world in which we're living all right so in that case let me set one of these guys here uh let's work on next technology good answer here Tech going and let's just deal some damage because it's beyond Canada clock and I desire damage output I see not the background bracing there and I am concerned so I'm just gonna fire here see if I can hit both question mark what's going on here confused I can put a one of these here what I don't want to do you know what battery goes here because nothing else goes there hey look an extra mine love to see it okay so this player is clearly not well versed in the uh ways of the video game which is you know what we're gonna give them a great opportunity to spectate okay now that we have this going get plenty of ants here all signed up here finished cutting through my teammate started maybe almost the Air Force strikes once again and uh burn I fit this guy here no there's Collision okay however I can fit this guy here it's almost the same thing Flack comes online doing Flack things I don't need to do that I can hard wall this because we're using alternate energy production seven dollars you charge your best at you know you did you did what you could oh that hurts as it's being reconstructed it gets bullied okay friendly sniper yeah okay this will harm the shields a bit but I can live with that a little bit lower a little bit lower all right both times we're touching something now I need to expand the set of weapons and I think what I'm going to do with that is start investing into one of these here and adjust this to um support my investments we're probably not rotating you're right it is not rotating it's too it's not deep enough into the water let's just uh punish the rear player for existing let me chop off a little off the front let's get ourselves set up here with uh a little bit more goodness no we need to angle this okay if we get to angle this we need a bit more width is that too much too much there we go that's what I'm looking for our Flack is still very active thank you rich is a great experience if you ask me there's um there we go there we go what happens I think we got hit with uh yeah laser reflection okay this all right who's going away this time rear player yeah rear players we have lots of ants here I'd love to see it okay so owing to that energy Shield I'm scared to do anything while the teammate issue okay I see metal there and I want to make it go away because it indicates to me that there's something behind it worth defending and it's it's metal it's more metal I understand man's got zero threes for days dude oh I'm not gonna be able to hit him with the grand finale oh but that energy Shield just covered the core in time oh that was close that was very close this takes forever to construct that one energy Shield is saving him right now at least from me that is a whole lot of flack that is uh ANSI air for days is what that is all right does it hit nope you tried uh those will do it mostly because they uh bypass the whole Shield thing Go full exposures you have enough to finish it uh probably not actually I think the player survives this which gives me oh no okay well almost almost got the apocalypse cannons online so that is three rounds in this Lobby which means it is now your guy's time to come and join if you guys want to have an opportunity to join up now is your chance remember guys if you uh if you like this content make sure to hit that subscribe button hit that follow button because we've got more content coming out soon every week to wait multiple times a week it's what we do here speaking of new content did you guys check out the latest audiobook Parts released earlier today because I'm super into it it's great little audiobook and we're happy to narrate it if you guys want to check it out for yourselves make sure to make sure to do so it's a nice little way to wind down the night with 20 minutes of reading or perhaps bedtime story better way to put it I'm super into the the sci fantasy style of it which is just nice let's go and immediately it's full Noah hot second long time no see welcome back well battleships you know what that's a horrible idea I love it what do you think about Lionel Johnson returning the 40K I don't often Noah no we have a slot open in lobby well if it isn't the one the only the E10 there is no balancing these teams let us go and even first place in the leaderboards being eaten welcome in let's see if we can't battle boat you might have fun no point play Cloud no [Music] repeat and Eden disconnected as well all right balance teams make it 1v7 versus that would be less balanced you can reserve for the last three sure yes yes he was all right um which Commander hard to go wrong ready up pickle oh geez there we go let's do this but it was a game at first you don't have time to watch games really interesting I mean fair enough given that it's on my channel and my channel is uh gaming related but uh yes that that particular series of videos is turning into a playlist now is all about the narration both Technologies foreign ergy let's go someone's doing the course wing and a rather extremely risky way that I'm amazed at and self-destruct but uh I'm happy you didn't technology this man's oh it seems that two things went wrong here one a rather unfortunately designed core swing and two somebody interrupted the core swing which is one of the biggest no-nos okay you never interrupt a course win here you go never ever do you interrupt a course right oh no have they done the same thing they did the same thing oh it's it's on for oh it's bad for everyone this is why we don't do co-op unironically though all right we're doing that that's fine by me I'm just going to uh let that go do need to have weapon emplacements here rather quickly I do you do not want that tall like it's one thing to have long braces but that's too long my dude you can't have it that tall it's gonna it's gonna deform and collapse you can't repair that high there you go Max size doors do not this is not how you do tiny doors okay you uh the worst part about this is I need to have holy that's it's fine it's fine you can do it all right I am going to develop some of these here uh three is a good start this is fine foreign okay good good all of this is looking snazzy and solid what have we got over here uh standard tier threes at least in the attempts oh my God it all worked well that's catastrophic for us okay lots of cannons let's get set up with a what are these here there you go all right good work with that let's just send some shots at them just so that they remember that there is a time limit on life okay well that's on me uh oh uh they did another chorus ring they did another or the chord didn't explode before and now it's just getting to the detonation phase of having taken enough damage yeah okay that's what happens the core that they failed to swing beforehand has just detonated if we cutting it too close here so we can expect them to have five tier threes and their two or threes are superior in form two hours all right blue to blue orange to Orange Orange to Orange uh let's begin firing all right so they did not build two three protections so if we get a lucky hit here which we do we take out I think two other two threes which is great all right someone is already expanding the energy production you'll love to see it because we do not have enough of it in fact I might just foreign expand here a little bit you don't have the energy to follow those cannons buddy okay so for the moment they don't have oh they're opening that up and they're opening it up okay well that would be the time to hit them where's the orange orange blue to blue blue blue to Blue all right let's go so one two three four see how those land then there's a fifth one oh my God they have so many two threes one two three I don't know where four is well done well done all right let's start producing goodies be careful about building those oh no we can't build further out yeah yeah that's a whole lot of Fire okay this is where things become problematic happened here good nope all right so we'll do two three is good for I'm gonna bet it's here one here oh beautiful hit another good hit uh uh okay I think that was not I think that was we just need to be aimed to further out still Magna beam incredibly effective so far beautiful very very well done we need so much more ready energy capacity energy production or we have a thousand and it's not enough all right so what I think I'm gonna do here is shut this down again and instead of firing cannons we send we reinvest into more energy production well I sniped the battery out not that it's particularly important okay what happened was it tier three was it another tier three no it didn't pen I think he built two tall and crunched our core that's what happened there battery's got fire from piercing shot that might have happened that means we need to defend the fronts more than anything else because the front is our only remaining core Orange okay okay all right so with that case I'm going to start working here thank you let's get every guy John where this is aimed now that they are not currently active where things have changed let's see looks like we chopped off another segment to clear weapons to three is missing and four is also missing three and four are missing okay anti-air all right suffering in the whole energy production again oh those are they this is scary there's a four long blinking that's that's what anxiety looks like does this just keep getting tier threwed off what's going on here now we can build an mg nest in there okay we don't have the energy to do things it's like another tier three hit it would seem I certainly still have active tier threes and a lot of snipers which Rio winning the sniper I would say sniper Duo but this is a war at this point took my sniper all right what's happening to our energy production we lost all of it is what happened where is our energy production going partially into the mines a lot of it was due to a temporary shutdown due to the uh upgrades it's a lot of doors it is and that's it is not enough what's happening here this is fun teammate is expanding out here great great love to see it all right you know what let's do this let's activate these because we can foreign looking good I love to see it all right so tier threes uh teammates working on them and they are take the enemies taking damage and I'm not doing a whole lot of firing which I mean someone else is doing firing and I'm okay with this manage most of the things but why is this gone construct slam a beautiful tier three hit hitting there rear core that also means that they just lost a majority of their eco which is fine by me it's the energy our energy production is really coming online which is amazing great way for the cannons okay we'll get the two threes they are going to regret having fired that Flack came off cool down just in time okay let's get set up with some more of this you know right when I said we had great energy production we went and ran out of it again oh no um what else can we do here for energy production not a whole lot honestly like this is minor percent I guess it's not exactly minor percent but uh it's not a major percent Gap here all right finished him off raw Firepower to the front well done I want to I want to see right toward the beginning at like the seven minute mark when they got oh they already did it a five minute Mark okay and I got all this together because this very well done so that goes up to five tier threes and they upgraded so early holy smokes this is such a effective tier three design but man did it uh did it get real rough from there so while these were just completing we got ours online and fired an opening volley that's not true they fired first and then oh they did this because they went up to nine two threes yeah yeah this would have been Game ending if we didn't if we didn't take this out this is uh this is the proper way to do it on battleships by the way if anyone's wondering that's this is a whole lot of tier three it's a beautiful tier 3 design it is a yes yes it is a beautiful tier three design this is disgusting group fire of them there's nine so you get perfectly aligned this is this is death nine might be too much no no no no this is this is how you remove someone um the only thing you guys needed to do is actually defend it because death is already on its way 6 45 and you're about to lose like two of these cannons like nine tier threes ends the game eventually it's not fast but yeah Here Comes Here Comes death yo you guys had plenty of like if you guys look at this you guys had plenty of resources and time to defend these um the problem is you only just now noticed and death is already on the way taking out two of them looks like yeah that could have been way worse but if that could have been way worse and if you guys had managed to keep them it would have been catastrophic for us even as is y'all nearly killed us with the tier threes it's better to do more defense they needed so many things I want to watch that tier three again because the construction of this is not terribly difficult you get these Slants in This One Direction specifically in that direction so that you can fit a cross brace going the opposite direction on the half note which is what he's building now these little half steps and then this sideways brace doesn't interfere with the other one so when he gets it set up there and then with a single rope attached at this point directly above it or over here you can choose whether you want to have them dangled directly underneath this node or directly underneath this note and you'll see once they get all them up they attach the ropes to this node allowing it to connect and then dangle them all important note you notice they all rolls backwards that's because the cannon is dangling halfway off the side so they roll to the side and then then you do the same thing again after you connect all these guys up you literally just put them in the same spot actually is that the same spot and or is it do it one over now you did it one slot over so I'm pretty sure you could put it in the same spot and then you connect them up and uh you let them loose it's beautiful especially because they're Buster like Buster with its incendiary penetration goes deep with the two threes it takes the crits and turns them into just disgusting the uh if you can get like there's no place anywhere in our base where nine tier threes doesn't kill us and then what happened to you with these did we get it did we get a door snipe on them is that what happens here three on tier three violence like I was yeah okay that's exactly what I was aiming for I just didn't expect it to actually happen that's that's chain fire that's Chain Reaction death they lost six tier threes in that in that explosion and then um [Music] chopped off this top with raw kinetic punch to the face yep and then I believe the tier three comes back to uh finish off the cannon and that ends badly for them but at least they still have a lot of they still have stuff notice how they get fewer and fewer turbines fewer and fewer uh of the of energy production Smoke Stacks time goes on that's just because the tier threes keep hitting hitting those spots and really removing them one by one until eventually everything goes away just another one goes down see tier threes are devastating it just you have to wait oh uh they didn't repair this so you know what that means Here Comes disaster from space even their last tier three get sniped out here yeah yeah Shannon strong kind of strong of every kind okay all right we'll run this one back let's go [Music] I'm using those tier threes that easy for my doorstep I'm in it's it's orange it's random on random violence someone's got to Win It someone's got to lose it ah let's go pickle you can do it if you drove it nice enough you'll eventually get an ad 20 exactly that is that is the entire premise all right well done you roll the dice enough you're getting that 20. that energy production up someone just put storage is down perfect technology please [Music] all right it's not quite technology time but it is additional mine time keep those Minds going excellent especially to give you a better General I'm in you don't need Advantage if you just roll nine times you only need to hit once [Music] that's the Joy about uh tier threes because of the method because of their damage type they just deal crits it's they either don't hit or they create there's really no one between we've got all those up and running so I'm building up back here yes yes they are good how's our technology coming along work in progress I can't relocation hotkeys better all right um do I want to do the tier three thing kind of do uh you know maybe we don't put it's maybe we don't put batteries that close to the surface all right do we not have can't okay it is time for this ah someone goofed the core swing let's remove these get them out the way all right let's try so it needs to be like so this is not gonna play nicely is it oh it's close do you I think does fit this one fit does we should be able to fit them right here except for this one because this will be in the way but we can replace that I don't need to sell that off now I am super unhappy uh unhappy uncomfortable with those batteries being placed there let's do this and sell this off okay I'm not going to go I'm gonna just grab it as an overboard with the uh cannons all right we've got the three here is there a world which I'm permitted to connect to these any meaningful speed come on the answer is no all right oh that sounded bad it's fine all right now that we're connected up here I can do this all right foreign thing again but here and here and well that's bad okay so we just lost everything to a uh this didn't connect so we gotta redo this so I'm going to make an attempt at uh doing this next stack here while team handles that I have no expectation of this working not under this level of Fire but we will make the attempt nonetheless just right what is going on here oh it pins and it hurt okay let's just get these going anywhere and now I need one two we roll This Way yes all right that's looking good is it looking good doesn't need to be the other way no that's good it's a concentrate Nader that's what's going on I didn't realize that Holy Smokes they have a super weapon on the field I may not be able to get this they have a double concentrate Nader all right we just lost our energy production we are shutting this down they have so much they have so much oh boy we do not have the energy production to be running force fields right now we also do not have the ability to sustain not running energy Shields um let's angle this slightly so it doesn't return to our bit it doesn't just go deeper into the base why no shields uh because Shield we literally can't afford them is why I'm trying to get energy production up and running it's not looking good for us I mean before why would we build energy Shields before they've hit us with weapons other than us being able to literally see that they're running concentrating it they don't have a double concentrate NATO why is it firing so okay they may have a fire speed buff or something lets them double fire if they miss or some other similar situation let's Rectify this um okay I think we remove these for the moment oh we already gotta build it foreign hopefully that's well aimed we don't have the antsy oh no okay so I think what we do here is we sell this off anyways and um we I'm not gonna say give up on but we don't focus on it right okay literally three quarters of those are unusable okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to shift this upwards we should have energy production to do things now looks like we lost a couple cannons in that in that pen uh it's fix some of this because it's not usable anyways I would like to have standard tier threes but we have been denied a lot we have not been permitted access to that so we will instead be using portal tier 3s which are sufficient for our needs that is bad and give you the cannon place some Flack up here uh we could use they're not hitting us with a lot of things that are that we really need to answer here for but hitting us with more than nothing that's a beautiful Cannon round all right so we start this process far better two is good three is good uh it should be fine so one two three will get you active blue another one here oh that's devastating for them but good for us that felt bad all right let's get this going it's probably still too far and see where these land looks like we got a good hit on two [Music] minus four all right so one is still too far foreign ergy what happened to our energy I I looked away for the energy for any amount of time and it's decayed all the way to death all right we're shutting this down what happened here still at the edge of the world all right uh uh I hit us to the concentrate Nader big scare change that if necessary it's getting bad out there let's do wanna these every so often okay yeah these are running a little low on the hole that's should be able to get another one out here there we go uh where'd it hit there that's fine you can live with that all right we have lost the fronts foreign the floor is angled such that putting flag there doesn't work very well if at all so I'm just not putting a flag there she was in a good spot I can tell because it worked all right how are we on energy production we are once more kicking off pretty well oh boy uh we lost several cannons with that all right just fire and Hate they have they've expanded so high with their Firepower all right I tried good news is uh we have energy now the orange to Orange Orange to Orange Orange to Orange Orange to Orange Orange to Orange all right okay how is our Central Spire looking not reconstructed is how it's looking according to fire last positions knowing full well but all these will be off from their last positions all right let's check it solid hit two is short it's they have so much everywhere it hurts my soul thinking about trying to dig through it all someone's upgrading all the mines right now come on where is it there it is we're not getting much wave damage under those hits that's for sure foreign so much oh boy here it comes again I'm betting we didn't re-up the uh oh that energy Shield partially saved us before giving us life there's just too much infrastructure to do for me Bob we need a a like proper anti-air let's have platforms to construct things stuff for bleeding energy at these portals but we're not really using them I'm just refiring I it's the worst way to do tier three is because refiring is never gonna work because it's it sends the shots so far wide oh do you have any idea how lucky that was they have so much holy smokes they have so much all right let me get one I just asked for one there we go we have a chalk and a hole in the base do we have anything of value getting hit yes we took out launcher as well okay uh what's going on here hole has not been repaired let's fix that that's going to mess up all of it's here through the AIM not that I was aiming anyways okay okay I should have just named me someone but this will have to do okay uh you want one of these set right here is fine all right what's going on here why are you on fire stop it we have shields mixed in we do not Shields to go there Shields okay despite all the deformation despite it all we have obtained one weapon energy production down again it's upgrading which is fine oh yeah this is here for a reason you can put doors on those you know that was a thick chunk of wood spam past tense was it no it wasn't actually but we can fix that problem concentrating this all right okay and it's gonna have such a small firing Arc [Music] oh that was close okay almost door sniped it we have reached the phase where we no longer have a wreck something recognizable as a boat we now only have mess and chunk okay uh let's put two things this is a mistake all of this is a mistake well if that's a name I haven't seen in a while welcome in Bob okay Gunner saved his life his own life you love to see it okay not sure while the team is attempting to fire these have the same option to fire wow we had so many doors there that they've had so many doors there that they uh fully face tank to concentrate later not something you see every day all right all right he's working on the tier threes good great all right let's get to set up some uh better defenses here yeah Shield goes up here okay all right should we go here interesting choice the chain fired those which is a neat trick I don't know why that was background racing and howitzers are digging and it's bad are we still on fire there we go oh unprepared but we are so thick it doesn't matter all right got it excellent two or threes are still firing which is what we want to see to build up higher foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well ladies and gentlemen ah tier threes are too strong uh -huh okay well that got exciting ah so what happened here and oh this was a self-collapse or perhaps an assisted deconstruction oh this was a it's a team kill um yeah someone sold do you want to see who did it uh there's a couple ways to see who didn't do it I'm pretty certain it was enraged uh which means that they get a banner from the lobby pyro is operating this guy wouldn't be far it's not out of character for pyro but I don't think it's pyro this time pickle is occupied uh what's that who grabbed the flag right at the end here that one putting arm on the front core uh the only thing that was happening on the front core was someone was selling it off uh so we found the sus one and uh that's uh that's how that goes okay so we do know the rules about team killing and that's there's there's no other way to put that you don't do it is there sugar option there is but we generally don't play with it because it's quite laggy and is it doesn't work well for other players uh so what we can do is you can watch the replay and we can see The Last Action each player did aside from selling off um so namely we saw the other players on weapons like the other players we're currently we're doing things while someone was selling off there was only three players who only needed to watch for the two others and narrow it down again all right well ladies and gentlemen it has been a great live stream but I'm going to be winding it down for the moment I will uh I will be catching you guys later remember to hit that subscribe button hit that follow button and we've got more content coming out soon I do actually want to hear from you guys about the new video we put on the Channel with the narration because I did a different text style and I want to know if you guys have found it easier to read and your thoughts in the matter because it's a brand new style of content for the channel and well I want to hear from you guys what you guys think about it so uh I am I'm super excited to show more of that but that will not be today that will be a another day as tonight we are winding down so I have to say good night one good night all and I will uh and I will catch you guys later
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 16,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Incursus, Forts, RTS
Id: q9n0QkhIUO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 248min 10sec (14890 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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