Who Can Design The BEST TORPEDO!

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welcome back to the channel and today using and I are going to be competing to build the best torpedo so we're going to uh build boats that are capable of launching a torpedo across the water and hopefully be able to destroy the other person's boat and um after we build we're gonna compete to see who can actually get the first hit on the enemy and uh that will determine I guess who ended up building the best torpedo or probably just who's the best boat driver to fire Torpedoes but either way it should be a fun process what do you think yeah I think this is going to be really fun scrap man all right so uh we're gonna break off into uh our own areas to build and I'm gonna mute myself so we can't hear my super top secret torpedo building plans and uh we'll come back and see what we built in a couple minutes or probably more than a couple minutes but you know later alrighty let's do this okay so building the torpedo is gonna be interesting because not only does the torpedo have to be able to drive across the water uh being a separate object as my boat but my boat has to be able to to fit enough Torpedoes to get a couple of chances to actually fire at uh yuzi here I don't even know where I guess I should probably start with the torpedo concept because I need to know what the torpedo has to be shaped like to get the functionality I want in order to determine what size of a boat I'm gonna need so I'm gonna start off just by having a very very buoyant uh raft that I'm going to attach the torpedo to and this way with my seat on the raft I can control to launch the torpedo and make sure that it functions without being attached to me okay so one thing I know about the torpedo is it is probably going to be propelled by the underwater propeller it is the most streamlined of the two underwater engines the only thing is the attachment point is not in a very convenient location but the other thing about the torpedo is I pretty much have to use uh Dynamite as the explosive so by the looks of it yeah this looks good I should be able to put this dynamite for Dynamite within the hitbox of the underwater propeller but I actually have to get them to attach oh wait they have attachment planes on the underside don't they yes they do that's good all right I gotta admit designing this torpedo is a much harder process than I was anticipating like you want something to be streamlined but at the same time the parts you need are just very very bulky to add to this thing okay so using these paddles this should keep my nose going straight As far as left and right goes but for up and down I'm thinking I'm gonna want to actually control that uh with sensors like I'm gonna have that be automatically controlled so I can maintain a certain uh depth all right so I'm going to start with a proof of concept here I've added a logic gate in here that when I press the number one it is going to trigger the Detachment and the underwater propeller I just want to see if this torpedo will actually go with the push of a button like I plan on doing it's not often that I separate things from my build that also have to maintain uh or functionality all right let's see if we have a functional launch mechanism here okay that it just went straight down but that looks like it's doing what it's intended to do let me test it again okay good the engine the underwater propeller stays on that was the main obstacle that I was uh unsure if it was that simple but it is that simple all right so now we need this thing to maintain a trajectory and I gotta be honest this thing goes a lot faster than I was thinking it was going to all right so here's my thinking I'm gonna use an altitude sensor and this thing is going to detect sea level so altitude we want this thing to uh aim for just surface level and we can have trigger below so when it is below zero meters it is going to trigger these steering hinges to aim this paddle upwards which should cause the nose to tilt up and I just have it on 10 degrees so that should essentially keep it at the surface so then yeah you can see it's aimed up right now so let's see if this actually works okay too much wait wait wait wait wait wait wait too much oh my goodness oh that's not good uh oh it's a dolphin all right that's fine uh that is totally fine here's all right you know what you know what I need to do I need to adjust the power of this thing oh the underwater propeller doesn't have a power setting like if I have a dragon Thruster in here I can set the speed but the underwater propeller has no speed all right ready and go oh it's way too much I think I just need to make this thing just a little bit bulkier okay so right here now I can add a weight onto the bottom of this and I will try to add something buoyant on the top of this I think I could just stick a couple of these in here all right let's see if this feels better oh now it goes down curves way up [Music] oh man this is rough all right I think I just need more buoyancy in this thing it's really and not having a good time just trying to stay on the surface I might need to make it longer and make room for some buoyancy stuff all right as you can see I've made this torpedo much longer now it has a lot more buoyancy at the top so let's see if it actually stays where I want it to stay now okay not looking good okay I'm swapping controls to these side fins here all right hopefully that'll keep the nose up but not too much let's see how this feels well why is it doing that why is it nosing down so much they're tilted upwards is it just that front heavy it might just be that front heavy all right I'm going to deactivate the propulsion now because I think this thing needs to be able to float on its own without repulsion in order to stabilize itself and then right there there's just not enough in the front Okay but it does at least float in that context so this explains why it's so unstable going forward because the nose is just it's got no stability on the surface all right I'm replacing some of my Dynamite up front with buoyancy I don't know if it's going to be enough to compensate though there we go let's see oh that looks good look at that okay all right let's return their propulsion back and see how this functions now oh that made all of the difference look at that that looks beautiful that's all I've wanted this whole time now let's actually fire it at the aircraft carrier see what happens if it hits I don't know if I need to have sensors that trigger the explosion or if it's just the impact is going to be enough here we go I did not hear an explosion okay I mean it looks like there's kind of an explosion but I don't hear it I should hear a boom I think that means we should use sensors I'm gonna follow it this time okay maybe I was just too far away for some reason hey you know what let's see how it does against itself all right well it's gone so the explosion sound may not be happening the way it's supposed to but it seems to be just as destructive as it should be all right well I think I actually have the torpedo portion done so I'm gonna go ahead and save the torpedo there we go that's nice looking torpedo okay now I gotta build a boat I want to be able to launch at least like four of them I don't know I think a catamaran would be kind of interesting and then half the Torpedoes kind of a drop in the middle of the catamaran and go straight out in between the uh pontoons so that might be kind of a fun thing to try out here okay look at how big these uh Torpedoes are I might have to build this a little bit bigger they're the size of a boat oh my goodness I just I had to make it that big to fit all the parts I needed for the functionality though all right I'm gonna do an interesting thing with propulsion here though I'm gonna use tank steering equivalent of boats where I'm gonna have a whole bunch of uh propellers on the left Pontoon and a whole bunch on the right Pontoon and I'm just going to reverse their directions in order to steer all right so I got the shape of my boat here which I think is a pretty cool shape uh now I need to program the controls so it should already go forward and backwards oh boy it's actually really fast I didn't intend it to be this fast but I'll probably slow down when I have the Torpedoes added so this logic gate is gonna control all of these ones a will be backwards D will be forwards then this logic gate will control all of these ones and then a will be forwards and D will be backwards so now I should be able to turn left and right and also go forward and backwards this looks pretty good so hopefully it's going to be strong enough to control uh with all of the Torpedoes attached all right I've hooked all of the Torpedoes up which was actually a lot more of a nightmare than I expected trying to not cross wire everything but uh now when I press number one you can see we launch one torpedo I press number two we launched another torpedo number three and then number four and they all seem to function perfectly well and actually you know what let's see what happens how devastating are the Torpedoes to me I'm just gonna go ahead and get out in front here and uh let's intercept okay didn't manage to intercept that one very well what about this one there we go all right uh let's hope for the best when it comes to this all right scrap man have you finished your torpedo I think I have a torpedo boat and all and um hopefully hopefully they'll actually work in the moment they work in practice how about you I cannot wait to see them uh yes um I finished mine it's pretty snazzy and I think you're gonna really enjoy mine all right uh well I'll go first because I actually had a lot of a lot of difficulties trying to get these things to work as intended but I think I got something that I'm relatively happy with building in here there we go wow so wait I got four Torpedoes all right well I'll show you mine now all right let's see it all right so here's my little boat yeah I know I only did the one for you oh you're only like a one okay yeah that is such a tiny little boat it looks so cool though it's funny we both ended up doing the same catamaran Style with the Torpedoes in the middle yeah that's crazy um launching them from the middle yeah kind of like a torpedo base wait did you do the same controls as me where you have tank steering essentially yeah we literally just built like the same concept of a of a boat that's crazy all right let me showcase my torpedo all right let's see this thing so just like you were saying I had similar issues where keeping it level on the ocean it was actually diving down into the ground a lot so here we go let's launch it simple that's pretty cool looks actually looks like a shark too that's it oh wait does it turn it does this is a tracking torpedo what so wait how does that work here if you drive away from me I'll show you a quick demonstration what is going on uh ignore that okay so I'll launch the torpedo and it should theoretically track you and follow you okay so then if I turn this way oh interesting I see it trying trying yeah that's really interesting yeah it just turned into it that's awesome okay well it's definitely devastating a hit is definitely pretty devastating I feel like it's going to be really hard to get actual hits in the moment of the battle but we'll see what happens so we definitely have more ammunition than me that's that's for sure yeah so the way this is going to work is when we do the actual battle uh we're gonna get unlimited repairs until you get hit so you can repair to reload and obviously a hit actually I haven't tested out a hit on you do you mind if I do a quick test real quick see how devastating it may or may not be all right there we go oh of course it does mind it wait what what wow what is happening now uh is that supposed to happen none of this like hold on I'm gonna repair real quick oh and did it not explode I mean oh oh oh well uh this testing is not going very well for me right now all right take two on the test here oh you're such a small Target too that's not gonna be good all right there we go nice and straight oh I have a problem uh I need to do some uh some logic rewiring I realize that the sensor that explodes it is hooked into all of my other Torpedoes as well so when it blew you up it blew up the rest of my Torpedoes all right I think now let me do another test here uh I think I should be good to go now you dropped that air guns there we go and yeah as you can see these are pretty much one hits uh for both of us so repairing isn't gonna do anything uh in the mean one in the meantime how many Dynamite do you have in each torpedo uh just four just four yeah same I have four yeah oh they've stopped each other yeah oh no no no no no wait yours is upside down now is this even gonna work I think it works upside down unfortunately that's that it's still bothering do you want to try actually oh hold on let me I didn't even mean to do that but I haven't actually seen uh can you just take a regular shot at me I wanted to do some stationary testing just to see how it actually looks it's fire from a distance so I haven't seen that on yours yet good luck theme should be good and Fire comes uh yep yeah that'll do it yeah so that'll be a win uh if that happens all right are we ready to try an actual sea Battle here I don't know how this is gonna go I'm so excited let's gain some distance and then I guess I'll give us a countdown all right let's do this one two one go all right all right gonna be very strategic about releasing here it's the first torpedo to send them out in repair yeah I think I need to get closer oh oh yeah they're coming torpedo you're going the wrong way this is gonna be hard just because like the agility and the boats are so oh I almost hit myself there oh oh it's trying I saw it trying to steer towards me oh it's so close gone oh no my uh torpedo did not [Laughter] okay fire the torp oh he went rapid fire I did oh they hit each other saved my life oh oh get it again oh oh you have a Thruster too I didn't even realize that until just now oh oh no it's oh it's steering it's steering it is steering after me okay this is cool save me Torpedoes all right that's actually pretty fun all right we're gonna just keep sending out more and more Torpedoes this game's gonna get laggy different change of pace it really is it's like I gotta get close but then if I get close I'm also putting myself at risk here oh oh my torpedo almost hit me see my back's Torpedoes I got to be really careful not to turn when I'm releasing them I don't know how to do this come on oh that last one just snuck through We snuck through the uh the fog of War no repair tokens left lock onto you oh there we go oh I opened up the map accidentally come on come on lock onto whip no no no no no no I'm trying to get like a decent spread so that if you try to avoid one there's another one that's gonna intercept oh oh yes yes you actually got I got distracted with my buttons I looked down at my keyboard and didn't even notice your uh your thing was coming after me all right that is uh at least one point for you then that's one point yep it actually attracts you I know it did it turned it turned right into me yeah I accidentally released one of my back ones before the front ones and I was panicking and looking at what numbers I was my fingers were on you ready yeah let's go for Rounds all right three two one go all right instantly gonna launch one out oh oh oh oh come on track it oh come on little shark it's actually kind of scary speed it away ah oh this one looks good no no no no no no come on dang it all right everybody go oh no oh this is hard I don't know like I don't even know what the strategy is here other than just getting lucky I have to stay still to launch my torpedo otherwise it's just gonna fail yeah I kind of do as well for the most part like they just do not go in the direction I want them to go I'm actually honestly surprised I have it oh there we go the close radius got me yeah I'm actually surprised I haven't blown myself up yet because they have been facing me a couple times which was scary all right let's do a backspace this time before we do the Final Round Here tie break around the ocean is now being cleared off Torpedoes yes this is not the most environmentally friendly uh challenge through three two one go let's go all right let's get the aim going and fire oh nope that's a bit wonky see if I can just rapid fire a bunch of uh a bunch of torpedoes out here oh mine keep turning to the left for some reason oh get off of me get off of my torpedo here we go that's that's quite a few Torpedoes heading your way all right you just you're just too fast yep wow man that auto that auto turn is actually a pretty pretty strong feature of yours oh man oh man I don't even know it's confusing me I'm like I don't know what direction is gonna go on Blitz my torpedo was chasing me or torpedo yeah my Torpedoes keep like taking a couple blocks off the front of me here we go here we go this is it no oh no not quite oh God that's a lot of torpedoes blew myself up oh no oh no no you're a tomato it went over me all right all right it doesn't count you have to keep going yeah Ashby you worked up Peter that blows me up ah why am I keep going to the left oh look at that I noticed that yeah to turn a little bit oh well that time they're going nice and straight I think it depends on what my boat's doing when I release if I'm moving too much all right I gotta change up strategy here I know it worked for me last time all right I wanna get some distance I think I don't want to be trapped oh no it's Kevin oh you're so fast oh see I can't go when I'm releasing because like catch up with my own torpedo [Music] oh all right I got it to number two oh get him get him get him get him yes the reverse strut is real here we go oh that was so close it's kind of menacing oh my own torpedo's gonna get me ah it's coming after me why are you coming after me that's the wrong way okay I see that you have one torpedo oh no I actually got it I don't know why that worked but it worked oh job I think uh I think you did build a better torpedo overall I just my boat was able to accommodate more ammo which definitely helped with the strategy of being able to uh try to trap you in a location that was uh it was really fun good torpedo there good torpedo we both built very amazing vehicles and uh boats and everything yeah I'm pretty happy with these things all right well if people will have uh more multiplayer challenges whether they're Co-op or uh competitive like this one they should definitely let us know down in the comments below oh and uh don't forget to check out yuzu's channel for some more awesome Trail makers builds oh that was wow devastating that was satisfying too I like went up in like a line of Destruction that was great so if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find uh right here on the end screen oh this video is earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye foreign
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 414,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers torpedo, trailmakers boat, torpedo, catamaran
Id: 4JtISriDaQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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