ROCKET vs. DRAG RACER! Can a Car Keep Up With a Rocket?

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welcome back to the channel and in this video I want to do some testing with rockets uh more precisely I want to do speed testing because I want to know how fast these Rockets are actually going because when you look at it that actually doesn't seem very fast that that seems like a reasonable enough speed that you could probably erase a rocket with a vehicle and that's kind of what I want to end up doing is um I want to make a vehicle that goes just about as fast as these rockets and I want to drive next to a rocket as if we're in a uh like a head head-to-head uh race I think it'll be kind of fun the only thing I wish the Rockets didn't have such a huge uh bullet drop or I guess rocket drop because it's a rocket so what my plan is uh first I actually want to do another test I want to see if Rockets can trigger sensors because if the Rockets can actually trigger a sensor then I could theoretically create a rocket train or like a domino effect of rockets where I launched one rocket and then that triggers a sensor to launch another rocket and then it can just keep going down this line I'm just gonna have a really really strange looking build right now but it's for testing purposes all right we'll put this distance so it doesn't really matter the distance as long as it's uh gonna detect the rocket okay so what I can do is uh put another rocket and this is gonna be kind of my proof of concept here this distance sensor will trigger this rocket so will this rocket trigger that distance sensor let's see okay that's not a good sign it might be too soon the rocket like there could be a chance that the rocket actually kind of spawns like a couple of feet in front so let's just move these down here all right there we go oh no that doesn't look like it's happening does it I mean that it is going right in front of it right that looks like it's going right in front of it okay you know here's a here's a much easier way to do this we're just going to make a wall of sensors and they all are gonna trigger that rocket okay ready go all right well we've learned something it may not have been what we've wanted to learn but we have more knowledge than we had a minute ago the sensors cannot detect Rockets it appears so my never-ending trail of rockets uh idea is not gonna happen but I can still at least try to figure out how fast these Rockets are going and see if I can race them with the vehicle because I'm pretty sure that distance sensors can detect Vehicles so I'm planning on driving my vehicle by here and then when my vehicle hits the start line it fires the rocket and then we're in a head-to-head race to see who's going to uh I don't I don't really I don't really know what the end goal of the race is probably an explosion all right so let's see if this works yeah okay so I'm just gonna leave that there and I'm gonna build a vehicle that is uh going to be suited Well Suited hopefully for racing so if I was a car that was gonna race a rocket uh what would I want to be shaped like what if I built the car kind of shaped like a rocket you know I don't like it would be nice to have Thruster power um just to have that rocket aesthetic but I think that's gonna make it less consistent for Speed so I think I am just going to rely on Raw engine power all right I'm gonna go with racing wheels because we're gonna be racing something I haven't used racing wheels in a while actually this is gonna be fun but if you couldn't tell by now I'm kind of going a little bit for somewhat of a dragster look I'm gonna have spoilers gonna have engines and wheels you know like a race car what would it be like if I had the large racing wheels in the back oh that looks kind of stupid yeah that actually looks that that looks a little bit too stupid I'm just gonna use standard erasing Wheels I kind of feel like my ground clearance is too high for this but how fast this thing go this thing goes 100 miles per hour more than 100 miles per hour it actually doesn't control too bad either oh it might come here to the rocket oh look at that that's actually already kind of awesome this is a really fun this is just really fun seeing the Rockets being like such a slow object in in relative speed is actually really fun all right but let me go I want to set this at a little bit of a different angle here there we go that some distance okay you know the only weird thing about that is um I'm a suit actually it might not affect yeah it should affect the uh the speed if I have it on an angle versus perfectly horizontal it's gonna be as fast as horizontal speed because if I angle it up then obviously some of that speeds going into the upwards uh distance as well as far as my speed goes it looks like it's probably like 150 maybe okay so clearly we need some more power out of this thing so let's make it longer and add some more engines into it all right there we go racing a rocket I am at 160. oh that was so cool seeing the rocket just floating in front of me like that was amazing that was really fun how fast was I going here let's repair like 170 all right you know what I need to do I need to create an air brake yes that uh I need to create an air brake that's going to keep me at a designated speed so I can like I wanted to finish I wanted to definitively find out how fast the Rocket's actually going right now it's just like around 170 because that's how fast I was going I don't know if I was catching up to it or if it was uh pulling away from me let me see I won 60 hold on hit it 170. look at that I think it's 170. that looked pretty spot on didn't it I want to do another test see all right so it's ahead of me okay so I don't know if or I almost backspaced I don't know if uh if I'm exceeding the speed of the rocket at all here all right I need to add some more stability into this thing I need um vertical stabilizers because when I turn I kind of like I want to spin out a little bit and I also feel like getting rid of my suspension I just don't think suspension is very necessary for this build this is also going to allow me to get lower to the ground and I think look a little bit more natural of a dragster all right oh I like the aesthetic of this the spoiler system with these wings the wings almost look like just uh frames to hold up the spoiler I'm a fan of that uh okay but I need I need air brakes all right so using a speed sensor um I'm gonna duplicate this speed sensor to the other side just just for symmetry but uh when I am going let's say oh this is in kph all right I'm gonna switch off of mph so I'm gonna be in kph uh so I don't know what the speed is then so I'm gonna have trigger below because by default these uh is going to be out so as long as I'm under I'm just going to say 200 uh kilometers an hour then it is going to be causing these to not air brake so once I break 200 kilometers an hour then it is going to hold me at 200 kilometers an hour at least that is the plan all right let's see if that actually works as intended uh just give me a two am I just too powerful am I too powerful oh you know what I need I need to swap these to powered Tail Fins because power Tail Fins are gonna have way way way more resistance there we go so let's see 200 kph all right now you can see it's keeping me right around 200 I'm flapping my wings here and I have decent controllability all right here is my rocket launcher so let me try to approach this thing at 200 kph and see if we are anywhere near the speed of the rocket okay here we go okay a lot more than 200. let's bump it up to 300. all right so I'm having some uh serious weight distribution issues um my weight is way in the back right now which makes me really likely to spin out if I just turn a little bit and I don't want to spin out and ruin everything so I'm just gonna add a little bit of weight I mean by a little bit I mean a lot of weight up on the front here yeah so we can get our Center of mass up definitely way better okay 300 I'm faster okay so we're dialing in now so I was definitely gaining on it uh it was it was falling behind me at 300 kph let me just do a better test of that because I was a little all over the road because I was testing my steering stability all right ready go all right look at the speed 300 we are there yeah okay it does seem like it's right around 300 but I am getting ahead of it so there is that I wanna I definitely want it to feel like I'm just right there with it the whole time that time I felt like I was pulling ahead so let's go down by uh 20 280. okay here we go we should be able to get the 280 no problem all right now we're hovering around 280. okay you see that 280 kilometers an hour is that the speed of a rocket in trail makers all right I'm gonna try to have the rocket land right on top of me so I gotta come out next to it and then I gotta get underneath it oh no is it was it was it getting ahead of me there my braking system might be causing me to have too much of a fluctuation and speed where I'm not being as consistent as I want to be I actually painted up to look kind of cooler as well all right this is my new design all right so now for the new start I'm actually going to build like a starting line and the rocket is going to launch off the top of the starting line so as I come underneath it we're just gonna be like one on top of the other it's gonna be pretty cool okay uh did I make this too small I wanted enough room that I was going to be able to fit through it but now I'm actually kind of scared I'm gonna hit it as you can see it works and that is way too much of an angle so I've also built it so I can designate uh specific angles for the rocket launcher so I'm just gonna set it to 10 degrees let's see how 10 degrees feels I can just run through here okay that feels pretty that's gonna give me some decent distance all right let's try it okay here we go 280 kilometer per hour race let's see how it goes oh boy where'd it go where where where'd it go there it is that's pretty close I feel like it might be slightly faster I mean but look at my speed look I'm like I'm like plus minus five but I should average out in that case right I should be averaging 280 kilometers an hour I went way too far I don't even I can't even see where I came from all right there's my tire track so I can follow my tire tracks back the benefits of being a trail maker you get to follow your own trail man look at that the tracks went all the way back here I figured they disappear by now that's crazy all right so it got ahead of me so I'm gonna change my speed to um another five two eight five now let's see if I will get ahead of it and like the angle that it launches is also Gonna Change it's um its overall horizontal speed but that's the sacrifice I gotta make to have a good amount of time on the race course here there we go there it look at it look at it go okay I am definitely faster I was uh slowly very very slowly getting ahead of it but this is getting crazy you guys ever wondered what the trail makers um rocket looks like we're getting a really good view at this time all right let's go at 283 I really I just want it to land directly on top of me by the time we get to the end of this race okay and ah dang it first person might be actually kind of cool all right I'm gonna do first person here we go all right there's the rocket there it is uh catch it where did it land I wish I could have like easily swapped out of first person there that was so cool looking straight up and just seeing it hovering above me but um I think I was pulling ahead of it it might be 280. but maybe the launch timing is off I'm doing the same exact settings but this time I am in third person let's see what happens okay there it is okay no that's it that is it I just have to be uh in line with it I think all right I think there's an easy solution right now the start line isn't perfectly aligned with the grid so I'm going at an angle so it's harder for me to tell exactly where I need to be in relation to the ground but if I just line this up perfectly with the grid so it's gonna follow one of these lines I don't even have to see the rocket I can just look at the line that looks pretty good all right so as long as I stay directly to the left of this thicker black line here I should stay underneath the rocket here we go this is looking like a pretty good trajectory all right right around here they should come down on me any second oh I was slightly to the left I want to land right on my seat I don't know why I don't know why I want to do this it just seemed like a cool concept for a video and it kind of is I'm gonna slow myself down by one kilometer per hour because I feel like it's a little bit on my back end I don't know if I'm gonna regret this or not though two eight two I like that number better anyway ah I need to make my steering a lot more subtle look at these adjustments they're terrible wait what are you doing over there what why was it it wasn't straight we had an agreement rocket you follow just the left of that thicker black line and I'll meet you at the end like you I didn't move you all right I've changed my steering so it is way way way way way less extreme so I should be able to actually make adjustments without over adjusting as much nearly as much all right here we go this looks good where are you oh yeah look at that look at this look at this no the one kilometer per hour made a difference it landed in front of me that time but we have it dialed in now or I can I can make my adjustments this next one where we're getting there I want this thing to land right on top of my cockpit why though every single time I say what my goal is it just I laugh at how ridiculous and dumb it is all right two eight three was apparently the uh the golden Zone okay here we go oh it went to the right this time but there it is wait it was in front of me again all right there's some inconsistencies it seems like I mean definitely with the angle you can clearly see the inconsistency on that angle launch I'm gonna try some other adjustments I'm gonna change the speed of uh these steering hinges to be a lot less and I don't know I just want to see what kind of difference that makes I'm not going to go through the thing right now I just want to see what happens so we're trying to hover around like 283 right okay now this is It's just worse I thought it might dial it in a little bit better but it just made it worse all right well then in that case let me up the speed okay here we go just gonna hope this one works well okay how's that looking it's getting ahead of me is totally pulling ahead why is it pulling ahead all right I gotta I'm gonna increase my speed then two 85 got a nice looking trajectory here there it is oh yeah look at that look at that all right that was pretty much what I wanted look at my windshield oh what does first person look like oh you don't see it from first person oh this is a nice view isn't it this is actually a really nice view I kind of want to try this view with the uh with the rocket launcher oh oh I hit it okay all right one more try here I feel like I've set out what I've accomplished to do now I just want a cool race cam there it is there it is above me oh yes look at that that is so cool like I I feel like there's more that can be done with this but I don't know what yet so for your reference uh right now my speed is at 285 kilometers an hour and that is when the rocket gets launched at a 10 degree angle uh I'm able to meet it at its Landing point so I actually I want to see really quick I'm just going to set this at zero degrees and I just want to see if it's going completely horizontal it's going to hit the ground really quick there's going to be super short but um how does it feel speed wise it should I think it should land in front of me from this perspective because it's not going to be putting as much speed into the upwards distance there's orbit camera okay now I just pretty much land right on top of me anyway yeah so it's around 285 kilometers an hour and I feel like 10 degrees is a pretty decent a pretty decent angle to shoot at to give you some nice distance so there you have it that was the uh racing a rocket experiment we've determined the speed and we had some fun matching it with a land vehicle so if you have any other kind of experiments or tests like this you'd like to see uh let me know down in the comments below if you guys enjoyed this probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye foreign [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 175,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers bomber, bomber, bomb bullets, bullet bombs, machine gun bombs
Id: uMPlr_tXBss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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