Building The Biggest Carpet Bomber The Game Will Let Me

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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are gonna try to build the biggest carpet bombers that can possibly exist in trail makers and uh just whatever way that we decide to do it he's gonna go off and build his style of carpet Palmer I'm gonna build my style of copper Farmer and the uh the goal is to just basically build the biggest carpet of bombs that we can and however way the bombays are gonna let us do that uh how you feeling about Uzi pretty confident I'm very interested in seeing the difference in our designs yep do you already have something in mind on what you're doing I do all right I have an idea as well I'm curious how it's going to differ from yours but uh you're ready to start building these things yeah let's get to it all right looking forward to it uh we are going to be testing them on targets of course I don't exactly know what the targets are gonna be but uh we'll figure it out at some point okay using and I have actually disconnected from voice chat so uh we won't spoil our builds for each other because I have no idea what he's building and he has no idea what I'm building but if I had to guess I think he's actually going to build a plane that is a carpet bomber um I am going to go pure functionality to try to allocate the most of my build to the bombays as possible so I'm just going to build a cop carpet bombing device not a carpet bombing vehicle so that way the device is pretty much just going to be bombays and then the rest of the device is just getting them up into the air before it launches the bombs so I I don't know how hard or easy that's going to be to accomplish but I think it's going to be really interesting either way so these are 5.4 kilograms each how many of these can weigh down a gimbal jet is my question all right I forgot that I can't actually control the gimbal jet without a seat so I am going to have to attach a seat to this thing somehow so the lightest seat is the go-kart seat so I'm just going to attach the gold card seat right here all right so now let's see okay this is promising thing this is definitely promising how do I oh there we go oh cool did you see the uh the bombs actually flip over look at that yeah so they they did program in that the bombs are just going to uh face the direction of travel so that's pretty cool all right so it looks like one gimbal Jet's actually pretty strong it can carry the seat and four bombays because I'm wondering uh how many gimbal Jets I'm gonna need to get this thing up in the air with how many bomb Bays I'm actually going to have so if I do that then I do a little bit of this so I think I'm gonna have to create like I want this thing to spin eventually as well because I wanna I want those bombs to really spread out so if that happens I think this is gonna have to be a cone shape so that way the bombs in the middle aren't going to hit the outside and as it goes out so can the gimbal jet handle this oh just barely just barely oh that is that is strong okay so this is really interesting I wonder how much complexity the bombays actually add I'm thinking that they're probably just one each so I could probably have a lot here there's not enough space to add like that I want this to be clean oh here we go here we go if I add two like that yeah yeah oh okay so now I'm getting to the point where I think I can fit four of these next to each other yeah I'm making a carpet bombing Cube basically we can have three on the inside here if I oh yeah yeah we can just we're literally just pyramiding this out I don't know why I missed that in the uh earlier layer but I'm glad I caught it you know every single time me and usually do a video together there's always comments pointing out that uh there's form versus function and usually is always form and I'm always function and I don't think this I feel like this video is going to be very very similar there we go man look at this this is so crazy I wonder if this is gonna lag out the game at all all right so right now I have 63 bombays because I'm pretty sure each one of these is just one block yep and I I've deleted everything that's not a Bombay so this is 63 bombays right now which is definitely more than I've ever done before but I've realized a shortcut I can do I can just do one side like this just expanding it by one every single time and then I can just copy and paste that four times so rather than doing each side once I just do one side a bunch of times and then just copy and paste all right I'm getting here now now that I have the complexity uh counter here I can see how much complexity does one Bombay add so 380 so there is five okay so it's not one they are a little bit more complex than your average part so that is going to be a very limiting factor now so I'm going to stick with what I just did and see if I can even uh copy and paste this enough times oh boy I'm probably I'm probably gonna do too much at first and then I'm gonna have to dial back as I add the ability to make this thing fly oh it's structure too complex okay I'm gonna have to delete a layer already I cannot copy and paste that okay let's see here then I just copy and paste this to the other side now 545 out of 700 complexity oh wait something's different something's not symmetrical okay I think I solved my issue this is all looking symmetrical now okay so I have 570 out of 700 complexity I don't think I could add another layer to this without it uh exceeding the complexity limit so now I have to focus on getting this thing to actually fly up in the air Spin and drop the bombs so it kind of actually attach my seat all right cool I can't I can't put my seat right in the middle here that's great so if I do that is that going to be enough to get me in the air it is not we are going to have to find out exactly how many of these I need now all right is this enough oh yeah here we go here we go oh my goodness it's actually laggy it is actually laggy when it uh when it blows up I'm wondering if uh how the spinning is going to affect things because we definitely want we want the carpet bombing effect we want to spread everything out now so I'm just gonna put some of these in the corner all right let's see how this feels now oh yeah oh yeah oh look at that look at that cone oh this looks great all right oh my goodness this looks amazing I think I built exactly what I've always wanted to build here like this thing looks so cool in so many ways you know what I have more complexity I was expecting it just to be the raw basic functionality where it just goes up and uh carpet bombs but now I still have a lot of complexity left that I can't symmetrically add the bombs to maybe I can actually make this thing controllable but if it's spinning how am I supposed to control it you know I actually might be able to do this all right so I'm thinking if I put a Servo here like this on zero strength and if I put this Thruster on top of that and then I'm gonna need mini thrusters for actual control like it's steering so this is going to be steering left this is going to be steering right this is going to be going forward all right so now check it out that should stay staying in One Direction why am I wobbling so much now I'm going sideways and I'm wobbling the gimbal jet should keep me upright but I'm sideways why is that the case okay there we go maybe I just I didn't take off the right way or something okay here we go so now I should be able to move right in any direction that I want why am I going sideways this should this should stabilize out all right the reason is this actually needs to be at the center of mass so can I move this whole thing into the center uh there's not enough space all right so now I've got all this room to fit this inside and I'm realizing that the seat control is probably a a factor as well so I just turned that off all right now let's see okay so I should be able to go this way now okay I could probably use a little bit more power when it comes to the directionality but let's see what happens if I try to Copper bomb now holy cow that is awesome all right I made some modifications to it so uh the center of thrust is more towards the center of mass so I I think I'm staying a little bit more level now but you can see I can actually move you can see by my smoke Trails the direction that I'm moving I can change and uh switch back oh this is actually really satisfying just watching the smoke Trail evolve look at that that looks really cool so the way this works is um I just have a free floating Servo and I use mini thrusters you can see to turn the direction that the servo is facing and it's independent of the spinning of the body of it so if I want to go in this direction I just use the mini thrusters to face myself in this direction and the two dragon thrusters pushed me in that direction if I want to turn around I just go ahead and turn around and go in this direction and then anytime I want a bomb I just press e and to release the whole barrage so I think obviously the higher I go The Wider spread the bomb is going to be but I also still have a little bit more complexity left so I'm wondering if I can add more bombs to this all right yeah so I'm just gonna keep adding bombs now until I reach the complexity because these are five a piece so it's really not going to take that long I'm already almost there okay yeah I definitely need more gimbals because just that corner those uh eight eight bombays I added to the corners look how I can't even lift up anymore it's ridiculous oh here we go so much better now yeah look at that all right I think I'm happy with this I think I've possibly created the best the biggest possible carpet bomber that is actually a controllable vehicle but can I come in for a landing like any of my flying vehicles go all right and there we are actually wasn't too bad stop stop stop okay good enough I'm gonna drop the bombs all right I am very excited to see what direction you decided to go into I think you're gonna like it so let me show you mine I faced mine off the B-52 bomber all right yes it's a big boy and that looks like a lot of boys essentially using 50 bombays and I'll give it a test flight really quick so uh if you could uh Move Yourself here we go there it goes nice wow look at that has so much lift so I don't really need that much engine power okay scrap man be ready I'm ready I'm ready for it here it is and bombs away oh wow those look like it looks like you fired a stream of bullets it's very satisfying I can tell you that wow that is actually really interesting on how that goes I didn't get to see it hit much because it kind of went off the Clifford into the water but I'll do uh there you go what that looks so crazy that's a lot of damage that is a lot of damage wow okay I'm I'm glad I predicted that you were going to uh build a plane like that and uh go for something that looks some like something real uh I went in a very different direction and uh just just like how things normally go I went for Pure function over form and this is my carpet bomber oh what is this oh so this thing has I think 122 bombays uh which I think adds up to 488 bombs that are gonna launch and it goes up and Spins like this to ensure maximum spread so now when I press the bomb button oh no what what that's incredible it's raining and uh the interesting thing about it is it actually is a controllable vehicle so if I wanted to move over to the general area you can see I can actually move myself over here uh-huh uh just like this yeah and if I want to head back I can actually turn around and head back in this direction if I want to that's incredible you got like a gyro-centered seat there yeah yeah the seat does not spin with the uh with the creation and I can point it in whatever Direction I want to change my direction of thrust so it's basically like a carpet bombing drone I guess you throw so many bombs in every direction yeah so I won't have uh I definitely won't have the speed and uh maybe not the Precision that you're capable of but I definitely have the uh the uttered spread of Destruction whether or not uh whether or not I mean to destroy things is gonna is besides the point these things are just gonna get destroyed they're really interesting almost like a Beyblade I know it's basically a carpet bombing Beyblade that's a good way of putting it all we need now is some kind of Target to uh blow up you know um I have tart I think I actually have Targets in my inventory okay Target is in position so the question is who is going to attempt this first uh why don't you go first all right it would be my pleasure let me uh spawn upon the cliff all right here we go looks good there he comes bombs away oh okay I thought you went too far at first but two you did I guess you did a little bit because it was your very first one that hit it and the rest of them went past it so you did fire a little bit later than you could have but you took out pretty much a third of the entire Target your first barrage went right here and just swooped right through the entire Target kind of laser cutting it with bombs it was pretty awesome all right I am taking off from the start Zone and uh I think I might take a little bit longer to travel over there all that smoke it looks like you're breaking the sound battery I know I can create my own Sonic Boom effect you're pretty much guaranteed to hit this thing anyway yeah I'm just wondering how much of it's gonna be left you know like how big of a how big of a gap is it gonna be between destruction points I'm getting close all right I think this might be good I'm just gonna drop the bombs here we go oh there we go it's raining oh not a lot of damage actually yeah huh you know what I think I might have been too high yep too much spread all right what if I do it again now how's it going to look there we go that was a little bit better yeah I could just keep going I could I could stay in place and just because you can just keep carpet bombing I guess it's raining bombs but I think as far as like one pass goes yours is definitely yours definitely does way better in one go yeah at least focused on one traded yeah you can concentrate more on one target my my strength is definitely if there was targets all over the place I'd hit many targets with one go I do a little bit of damage to a lot of places you do a lot of damage to one place wow a surprise is not lagging too much as well I know it's just a little bit of frames but uh oh boy all right so now I'm kind of curious I kind of want to spread a few targets across the field over there and uh let's let's see the differences now between a single Target versus multiple targets I got three targets lined up for you um I put them all in a straight line so that way it's not going to be completely impossible for you to hit all of them I hope right here he comes see any of them oh you're really high yeah oh okay dropping now oh I kind of I kind of missed oh man that is so satisfying you completely destroyed that last Target yeah a little bit late on the drop I was also a little bit off yeah I'll repair this last Target here go for another pass see if you can line up a little bit better we come from the other direction on this side here we go all right here comes the bombs a little bit off I think oh hit them oh you actually kind of went like right in between there you go you're gonna go again oh where are they coming from oh my goodness wait how did you just go from the same direction twice like that I did a loop oh okay I'm really surprised at how concentrated all those bombs are like they they really focus in on one spot I don't have the spread but I do have the concentrated power yeah that's like that that is so much damage in one spot oh slightly too late but yeah a little bit of damage not quite effective this time around yeah I think that was more I mean I I don't know if you can hit a more than one very effectively right I kind of just have to focus on one of these targets yeah all right I am taking off and heading in your direction there it goes in his fidget spinner of death yeah so I'm pretty sure I'm expecting to be able to damage all of them I don't know how much damage to all of them I'm gonna be able to do though he's going nicely all right is this gonna be enough for all of them you know what maybe here we go I mean well I'm gonna let myself slow down a little bit here all right get a lot of Spin and drop the bombs there we go there we go oh all right damage on every single Target yeah I'm not I'm not even gonna do another one I just want to kind of look at how the damage is let's see here all right yeah this one I did a pretty decent I probably did the equivalent of one quadrant like a ninth of that one yeah this one may maybe not quite that much this one I think yeah this one yeah the third target over down by you was the least amount of damage but this one in the middle one not too bad over here let's see if I uh if I get back up in the sky here and do a little bit a little bit of extra work there we go it's raining I love it wow so epic oh it's still going yeah I'm a little bit rocket I I think I broke some pieces so I'm not uh completely symmetrical anymore but oh there we go a little bit more of a concentrated fire now yeah the closer you are it's definitely yeah wow yeah there we go absolutely decimating the middle Target that doesn't even exist and that end one oh there we go there's some more this is crazy this is so crazy to watch too all right I'm gonna do a concentrated this target over here being two is too intact for me all right ready yeah there we go completely destroyed so effective almost there's still a little bit left but all right now it's gone and then I could probably just destroy myself here there we go I can destroy everything all right wow we did we definitely build two completely different bombers and they had very very different strengths and weaknesses yeah at least some suggestions on uh future challenges if you guys want to see some more on the channel we're always looking for ideas in the comments for some fun challenges whether the co-op or competitive or anything like that all right if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapman and I'll see you next time bye foreign
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 180,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers bomber, trailmakers carpet bomber, carpet bomber, bomber, biggest bomber, biggest carpet bomber
Id: O04itZKO1Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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