Who Can Build the BEST HOVERTANK?

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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi and I are doing hover tank battles now the way that hover tank battles are gonna work is we're gonna have 300 blocks to build our hover tanks no power core limits uh so you can use many hover pads as you need however there is a uh weapon restriction so for the first round we're gonna be using a single minigun only which I know is weird for hover tanks but that's because we're going to be working our way up to our second round which is going to be the Rockets which do have auto aim and then we're gonna end with the actual standard tank Cannon which does not have auto aim so we're gonna have to be responsible for aiming our cannons ourselves in that last round all right you ready to get building I'm super excited let's go all right let's do it all right so I forgot to mention it in the intro but we are using this Oasis here this uh the dry always it's called as our Arena so there are some rocks it's like it's not the most flat well it actually might be one of the most flat areas on this map to be honest but when it comes to hovering things uh the angle of the terrain is gonna push you around a lot but this one does have some cover around the outsides but we are going to be trying to um we're going to be naturally gravitating towards the middle grassy area so it's going to be interesting to try to control and navigate this area with whatever our hover tanks are going to look like so 300 blocks is a decent amount I'm definitely going with an armored seat this time and uh since we are going to be eventually having zero auto aim even with auto aim it's still important to face in the general direction of your enemy but with zero auto aim I'm definitely going to be wanting having full control of a tank Cannon so I am gonna do a turret style hover tank but first let me Focus on building the actual base of the hover tank so that I have the uh something controllable and hoverable okay so here's what I'm thinking uh this is gonna be the back of my tank I'm gonna put my seat hiding at the back of the tank and the front of the tank is going to be very very chunky because that is where I'm probably going to be taking most of my shots I don't actually know I don't know where I'm going to be taking most of the shots from it depends on which way I'm facing when I'm uh engaged in combat but if I have a fully rotating turret I could be facing you know I could be aiming backwards and he could be shooting at the back of me so rather than have my seat at the very very back I'm just gonna have it in the back half and uh it's gonna be still buried I think that's gonna be a smart option oh I actually I might not want this to be completely filled in because I need thrust to be able to move this thing around so I'm probably going to want to actually fill this with thrusters oh yeah so hover pads hover pads are a thing I need to figure out how to attach as well so all of a sudden this isn't looking very wide I feel like this is kind of the width I want to be as far as my hover base goes at least that much and definitely going to go with redundancy on these I'm only at 46 blocks this is a 300 is a lot I might not be building this big enough here's a great way to make this thing somewhat more stable I'm Gonna Leave a space in between all these hover blocks because right now uh the hover blocks are only attached to each other so wherever I start attaching them uh to the build if one of the these hover blocks or the sides get taken out then the middle one will drop out with it but if I leave a gap in between then what I can do is uh put these beams in between them so now they are going to be attached not only to each other but also each hover block is going to be attached to the uh the bottom of the build as well so they're all going to be individually happen to be have to be taken out rather than being taken out as a group or a column and I'm actually going to delete the middle one because I need a spot for my turning Servo because I'm going to be using uh rotating servos to steer there we go and I don't know if this is going to help much at all but I'm going to put a shield block on that all right let's see how this thing feels so far all right steer is great um and oh wow this is already really really fast okay this is nothing like what it's going to look like in the final product though I got a lot of work to do but wanted to make sure that the basics were there so I have all the basics right now except for I definitely want reverse maybe even I don't know strafing might actually be complicating things too much because I need to be able to turn the turret so that's what I would normally use those controls that I would also put on strafing I would use q and E to turn the turret and if I had strafing I would also use q and E so I don't know if I'll put strafing on this thing or not but reverse is one of those things that I do need how does this feel so w to go forward s to slow down and hopefully go backwards hmm I don't know this is going to be really hard to navigate this area all right so I developed the design a little bit more I'm actually really happy with how this thing is uh looking so far aesthetically so you can see I got the Rockets uh I got like the rockets on the back there and then also I have reverse rockets in the front and I put like little like uh air intake ports which kind of make it look like it has creepy eyes as well um obviously would be better to have them covered than uncovered but I really don't think it's gonna make that much of a difference because it was just aerodynamic pieces that were covering them anyway and they have very little um very little armor rating as far as I I'm aware but uh as far as my control ability goes now I I'm actually a lot faster than I intended to be but I can go forwards backwards and I can turn so I should be all good for my Basic Ground controls now I need a turret on this thing that is capable of aiming then I can armor this thing up somehow but I don't know I don't I'm turrets are always weird to me because to make this thing turn all the way around I gotta slap this thing down here but there's always this Gap but if I try to remove that Gap then it ends up grinding a little bit so I'm just gonna go with uh what I what what is easy to do and hope that it's also going to be durable so I'm at 175 blocks right now so I'm definitely going to be shielding this thing up but like there's almost not even that much as far as shielding goes uh like just places so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to use all 300 maybe I just started with too small of a template I'm kind of concerned about what use is going to have compared to me he's starting to learn how to beef up his builds based on of our glider battle okay so for our first round we are using mini guns and then we are going to be using Rockets So I really got to be aware of um the attachment points so the minigun attaches down here see I'm I'm really afraid that um the weapon's gonna get shot off super quick so we're going for mini guns and then we're going to Rockets which is also a bottom attachment or top depending on the angle but then we're going to tank cannons which is a rear attachment but there is a large Cannon variant which essentially could have the same type of attachment as the other ones but tank Cannon just looks so much better so I just got to make sure that all of this stuff is capable of um being attached so the minigun you can see has a two block uh buffer between the attachment point and it's uh end of its hitbox so as long as the minigun can get attached everything else should be able to get attached but I think what I'm gonna have to do oh should I have it upside down actually no that looks kind of stupid it's just it's just gonna look better this way but if I use this flat connector 1x4 flat connector then I can attach the minigun like this but that's all that's going to be attached again which you know it makes sense all right but then I'm wondering if Shields are going to be able to protect this thing we need to protect this thing at all costs see that as much as the shields are going to uh allow me to go around this I don't know I might not want to do it that way all right I'm gonna I'm changing this up to do something a little bit weird uh it's gonna increase my block counts a lot quicker but I think it is going to give me some Freedom here I'm Gonna Fill This with pipe pieces I think pipe pieces are relatively durable but also I don't want this to have connections because I want to be able to build around this without it uh connecting to the thing that's around it so it can still pivot up and down there we go now I should be able to build out from here and um it'll not interfere with the aiming mechanism at all all right 200 blocks now I'm only two-thirds of the way there with this thing all right let me do a quick test though so see I can aim up and down and then I can also aim left and right it's not too hard to control all this at once I think I'm definitely gonna want my gun to move faster than that left or right at least up and down feels a little bit too fast left and right feels too slow there we go now up and down is much more precise left and right feels nice and smooth okay uh now I just need to keep on designing this all right I think I built a decent turret here I'm pretty happy with this and um now I'm just gonna armor this thing up with the last uh what for 34 34 blocks did I do math right so this is kind of cool because I can put the shields to actually cover the uh the hover pads up here so I do I do like this I'll add some Shields to the turret like that I think it actually kind of adds some interesting aesthetic to it also put some shielding on the back here oh no I'm at 301 already okay 299 well I guess I guess those are my Shields then my sides are very shielded and besides my turret it's just mostly my sides which I think is going to make sense because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be going sideways to him most of the time so I'm happy with this all right I'm all painted up kind of messy but I don't know I just putting stuff on here and I think I think I'm ready to go and this thing is fast all right let's see what usually built all right scrap man I'm on my way have you finished your hover tank I have is that your tank that's actually pretty cool that's a pretty cool little ATV this is 300 blocks yeah this is 300 blocks this is this looks so compact for 300 blocks yeah most of the the blocks was just in this Frame I guess it was very hard to get to that Max goal of 300 blocks but with the shields I managed to get there in the end all right well so what's uh what What's the deal with it I don't actually get a camera block on there I do I do so I am able to hold shift and go into camera view and move my turret with my mouse just a little bit of logic going on you got Mouse controls interesting you want to check that out really quick so if you hold oh you have to hold shift to do the mouse controls interesting yeah wow huh and uh I also have another ability where I have a strafing yes I I considered putting strafing but my strafing controls are also would have also been my turret control so I didn't know how to do both my turret and my strafing so I just I did not go in strafing all right well yeah this is my hover tank I'm very excited to see yours all right well here here's mine oh nope that's yours all right here is mine oh wow yeah so this one uh also got an articulating turret in here as well um and forward and back and that's pretty much about it I got the little uh air intakes which also is where my exhaust comes out for my reverse yes um and yeah it's a lot of shielding on the sides and that's that's pretty much it and this is 300 blocks this is exactly 300 blocks I have a lot of chunky blocks in here some of the bigger ones um so it took up a lot of space with not very many blocks all right well I'm super excited to get these rounds going I am as well uh and what are we considering a a victory uh if your weapon gets knocked off are you still can you can you try ramming or are you done uh I feel like these tanks will take quite a while to destroy especially with with a minigun so I feel like once your weapon's gone I think you're disabled you're out all right so you have to have a weapon in order to still be in so if the weapon is gone you are out that is right all right if you want to give us a countdown scrap man all right three two one go all right we're off we are off gonna take it nice and easy right now oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm trying not to hit the Rocks I'm like a little bit too uh too fast sometimes nearly hitting rocks as well yeah this is actually this is a lot harder to control than I was expecting oh this is a lot harder to control than I was expecting all right let's get out of here for a second oh I got some good shots on you oh oh this is cool there's the the man the hovering is so difficult to to control while you're shooting and aiming come on oh I have a lot of ammo oh oh I'm going too fast I'm going too fast here all right [Laughter] man let me get back into the fight here yeah man the terrain is really difficult to like stabilize on oh no I think I'm going out of here where are you going I'm going into a ditch no are you not able to get back no gravity one that was a good practice rounding okay all right that was practice rounds wait oh wait oh I see what happens there's like actual the end the end of the map is back here yeah I fell off the cliff don't go down there I wouldn't recommend it uh-oh [Laughter] okay I see what happened so the official round will start in three two one go all right are they going to have a different strategy this time based off of what I learned yeah go for the middle oh man oh good luck that was a good lock I'm freaking out here like my attack is here we go here we go there we go oh come on get that Cannon oh that was a good lock oh oh all right evasive maneuvers I need to get out of here oh oh I heard some pieces pieces are falling off trying to face the other way it's it's true oh no oh oh oh oh no oh what'd you do did you hit some trees I I broke something yeah I hit some trees yeah the cannon at least I I still I still have my Cannon yeah all right oh oh I'm going off jumps here oh I lost some hover pads this is so much more unpredictable than I you know yeah here we go oh come on AIM oh boy aim I'm rocking now because of my hover pad loss all right all right trying to tank your hits so I can hit you oh no that was a mistake I'm panicking come on AIM I came on strong and now I'm panicking did I get your gun you got my gun oh thank goodness whoa look at the side of oh is that what happened when you fell off or when you uh hit the trees that is crazy yeah that was uh my gun is glowing like he's dead you were starting to eat through the front there man that was really intense yeah that was a really intense battle okay well the winner of the minigun round clearly is scrap man all right time to go to the rocket round all right whenever you're ready count us in okay three two one go I feel like this strategy has to be a lot different yeah I do not want to get close to you at all yeah you know what are you trying to I am I I am trying to actually with no aim just uh just push the rocket over there see what happens I mean they go you know oh I got a lock oh no no no no no no no no no oh accidentally got out no oh oh no oh oh all right there goes ahead okay oh no oh what just happened I crashed into a tree your vehicle your vehicle's going insane oh all right I think we should do another rocket round yeah I don't think I got the full experience that was the practice rock around all right three two one go look at that rock and go get him whoa all right I think I'm just gonna keep my turret in forward and actually just use my steering to get you oh I lost my luck there got me out of the way oh the tree oh I hit a tree yeah you need to really be careful in this area all right let's aim over there is that gonna hit all right hold on hold on I need to I need to oh I gotta myself here no no no no no no oh I heard the explosion yeah these rocket rounds are a lot scarier too much damage too quickly oh you're coming over to me oh no oh the bullet drop get him oh come on come on oh that was close all right this is risky get out get out okay oh yeah I'm tired turret falls off yeah wow oh I can't believe that you want to do one more rocket round yeah sure this is a lot of fun all right let's do one more because that was a fun one I feel like this is these are gonna be the quicker rounds out of the three different styles and uh the last one is going to be interesting with no auto aim all right scrap man I'm just about ready you wanna go ahead and give us a countdown yep three two one go gonna try a different strategy this time oh well you're coming in quick oh oh dude what are you doing uh next game doing X Games here I feel like I got a pretty good shot on you oh that's a big chunk of me oh come on come on come on get him oh no did I get you or did you hit something I hit the tree broke the top of top of my turret there's too many trees around here oh no is your turret just upside down on you around you oh oh no I just flipped you over all right I'll give you that one that was great all right uh okay so let's move on to uh the cannon round no auto aim anymore so I think I'm actually just gonna put the the large cannon in because it has a better attachment point all right this is gonna be the uh the skill round here so far these rounds have been the most unpredictable out of everything yeah three two one go I don't know what the range is on the oh man these arranging these is not good it's really not I don't even think I can reach you over there wow that's crazy I had no idea come on oh oh oh oh oh I'm just I'm focusing on not dying right now up to the environment I'm just trying to stay on the outskirts of this whole Arena yeah good luck gravity is not on your side oh that was close you haven't got a shot on me come on oh no oh I thought that was gonna hit me for a second oh get him oh oh boy all right I'm just going back in the middle all right that was intense yeah okay oh there's so much damage on me what all right all right all right all right no mercy no mercy come on come on AIM up come on oh wait no my gun's still here I thought I was done oh I never think another something oh this is awesome I've been in the camera mode this whole time no oh I still have my gun I still have my gun I keep thinking my gun's gone all right all right all right I gotta reorient I have so much damage right now man I am not I am not able to read my trajectory dude I've lost even more hover pads it is so hard to predict this cannon trajectory oh whoa what is happening you hit the Rocks you hit the Rocks I'm still up I'm so good really oh no it was so much I've lost so much come on get him get him how is how are we still in I cannot believe how much damage we're taking right now oh no there it is right on your seat I saw that one what wow that was the most intense round that was awesome from my point dude look at this damage like I am I am a shell of my former being right now you think you're broken look at mine my turret is all flopped down sadly like ah wow that was crazy I kind of want to do one more of that that was really fun okay just for like uh just a celebratory uh tank battle I'm gonna I'm gonna go a lot less strategic and just have fun with it though so we're doing one more round as a bonus round just for fun yeah this is way too cool so as we get into this round uh make sure you guys comment on what you want to see in other Trail makers multiplayer videos you ready to start using I'm ready all right three two one go okay stay on the outskirts again unless you're coming to me you are coming to me of course oh there we go oh there we go I'm surprised I didn't get your cannon that looked like it hit right on your Cannon did you break oh you broke some logic oh is your cannon on a bullet fire oh okay there you go for fire it's just I'm having a hard time I just see you like disappear behind a rock and then Parts fly into the air dude these are my mortal enemy right now yeah I think that's uh that's the only thing with first person is you have a lot less situational awareness that's right all right but man these tanks are uh I mean for lack of better word tanky all right yeah so we're always looking at the commons to see what you guys want to see for multiplayer content and uh definitely make sure that you leave those comments down below uh check out yuzi's channel for some more Trail makers content as well if you guys enjoyed this video you'll enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 221,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, hover tanks, trailmakers tank, trailmakers hover tank, hovertank, tank battle, hover tank battle, tank war, 1v1 battle
Id: wOzP8QwYCsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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