Talk Yourself Into It

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all right well listen we're in a series here called on sundays called i said so we're in a series on sunday called uh i said so and uh i want to go on into lesson two today the gospel of john chapter 15 remember every sunday this year when i teach i'm only teaching from the gospels matthew mark luke and john that's my assignment this year and so um i want to stay there john 15 verse 11. listen to this are y'all ready y'all got big energy huh okay all right here it is jesus said i have told you this that my joy may be in you and that your joy might be complete listen to me my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete that as long as you only have your joy you don't have enough joy your joy will never be enough so i need to give you my joy which comes to you from a different source now i just said it that way let me tell you the way they said it in the mount olive missionary baptist church in kill michael mississippi this joy that i have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away so i i want to talk from this subject last week was talk that talk this week is simply this talk yourself into it sometimes you've got to talk yourself into it i was recently uh sitting in a training session for a mastermind group that i'm a part of um and we began this year releasing a word that we thought was an area of focus for us and you know we've been talking about this this word all all year it's reimagined and i gave us the charge and the challenge to find a word that would be consistent with what you're reimagining and for me i wanted to reimagine leadership i knew this new season required new levels of skill so um i started kind of making investments in that area look at me the investment you the one of the most important investments you can ever make is the investment you make in you and your willingness to invest in you in the present is an indication of what you really believe about your future if you really believe it's going to rain you build the ark if you really believe god's getting ready to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you ask but think you actually get ready for it come on are you hearing what i'm saying business owners if you really believe business is coming from the north south east and west that you're not going to have room enough to receive the clients and the contracts and the opportunities then you get ready for it am i making sense so so i'm in one of these mastermind groups that i'm a part of and the trainer was facilitating a session and he was doing some talking about basic human psychology and he said something that was incredibly insightful yet uniquely unsettling for me at the same time i want you to catch this it was unsettling for me not because i believed what he said was wrong it was unsettling for me because i thought what he said might be right y'all want to know what he said if you want to know put tell me in the chat say tell me in the room this this is this is what he said he said he said guys there's one reason and one reason alone people do something or don't do something now when he said that i said to myself that ain't right he said no no there's i said that to myself not to him he said there's one reason and one reason alone people do something or don't do something i submitted he is my senior he was he is a genius he's 60 years old he's got decades on me and now and he said this it was so powerful more experience with people than me it was so powerful he said there's one reason and one reason alone people do or don't do something he said because they feel like it you say when they do it because they feel like it if they don't do it it's because they feel like and as i begin to explore this concept i'm like man i think this has some consistency with my convictions that come from scripture when i look at the activity of individuals that are examples for us that we are to emulate in some ways learning what to do and in other ways learning what not to do i see that there are a lot of there's a lot of activity those individuals engaged in because they felt like it moses hit the rock instead of speaking to the rock because he felt like it peter denied jesus three times because he didn't feel like dealing with the persecution that would come with being associated with jesus judas betrayed jesus because he felt are y'all following me so far he felt like it listen this trainer was not suggesting that we can't have dominion over our feelings or that we don't do things that we uh feel like or don't feel like doing watch this he's simply suggesting or articulating inferring that although it is god's intention that feelings be indicators they are often dictators that are driving people's decisions what he's saying is this feelings aren't always the only factor but more often than not they're the dominant factor that's contributing to the decisions that people make the words that people speak am i making sense to you so far and so i believe this is one of the reasons the enemy is obsessed with the emotional realm because he understands the impact that the emotional realm has on our evolution that's who we become and our advancement that's how far i go am i making sense he understands this and what most people miss about the activity of the enemy is that the enemy operates in the dark which means he likes to destroy you in ways that don't feel destructive are you hearing what i'm saying he's called the prince of darkness because his names reveal his nature the adjectives that the bible uses to describe him reveal his activity okay and so he's called the prince of darkness because he loves the dark dark is not just a metaphor for ignorant evil it's a metaphor for ignorance if i say you in the dark i'm saying you don't know something and so the devil likes to work in the dark he said i like to work in areas you don't even see me working i want to destroy you in ways and you don't even know this is destroying you so he wants us to major in the minor while he's majoring in the major and he says you have no idea that this thing over here is actually something that i'm using to disrupt detour and destroy your life this is why he don't mind you having church but he hates you getting the word because the bible says that the word is a light and darkness and light can't exist at the same time david put it this way he said thy word is a lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path when that word comes it shows me stuff i ain't seen before it sheds light on things that i didn't pay attention to before it gives me epiphanies and insight that i ain't have before is there anybody that's honest enough to wreck it to to acknowledge that god knows how to turn the light on in some dark places in my mind this is why some people can't handle you in this season because they used to you when you're walking around in the dark and they can't handle you now that the lights have come on and you see things in ways you could not see them before he likes to work in the dark and i believe he does a lot of dark work in the emotional realm he says i want to i want to get in these emotions because if i get in these emotions i'm going to impact that advancement he knows if i get your feelings i got your future but i believe i'm preaching to some people today that are watching me online i believe that some people don't throw your phone cause you're gonna get ready to right now don't throw that foul that are watching online that are willing to declare that he can't have it he want my future but he can't have it watch this if you let him have your future you make the pain in your past pointless did you hear what i just said it means that all that pain you went through is for nothing if you stop here it means you cried for nothing it means you got betrayed for nothing it means you suffered loss for nothing it means you went through heartache for nothing no no no no no my agitation has to turn into compensation let me go to this side i said my agitation needs to turn into compensation all this pain got to pay me it's got to pay me and wisdom it's got to pay me and strength it's got to pay me in skill it's got to pay me an opportunity this agitation has to turn into compensation the book says those who sow in tears shall reap in joy he likes to work in the dark work in areas that seem minute minor and minuscule but they have a major impact are y'all ready for this yeah and one of the ways he does this is by engaging with becoming obsessed with an area we often overlook see last week we talked about our mountains but today i want to talk to you about your mood did you hear what i just said change global i said last week we talked about the mountain but today let's talk about the mood because the enemy majors in our moods he said i'm working in the dark over there and you don't even know i'm working i'm all up in this and you don't even know i'm all in this am i making sense so far here it is the the the the foundational text that we just read in john 15 offers some insight to what i'm trying to articulate in john 15 here jesus is having a conversation with his mentees his disciples his apprentices about a conversation about fruitfulness this is a completely different there's a whole different conversation there he's talking to him about fruitfulness and he's using this agrarian analogy saying i'm the vine you are the branches my father's the husband men except you abide in me you cannot bear fruit for without me you can do nothing he's using these metaphors to try to get across to his disciples are y'all ready for this the imperative nature of intimacy and not just activity are you following me he's saying i know you're used to doing stuff and you're ready to perform exorcisms and you're ready to teach the things that i've taught you but i want you to know that your effectiveness in your activity the qualitative difference you're going to make in people's lives is going to be tied to your intimacy am i making sense he's saying your relationship with me is going to determine how useful you are for me now watch this last week we talked about a tree analogy right and we said just because the tree is big doesn't mean it's not barren so when i talk about effectiveness i'm not talking about how many people we reach because we can be wide in our reach and shallow in our impact but when i'm talking about fruitfulness i'm talking about the qualitative difference that is made in somebody's life as a result of our activity and so jesus says to them this is so so powerful and profound to me jesus says to them he says now listen now he says now except he said he said except you do this he said now except you abide in me he didn't just say attach he said abide when the enemy can't stop attachment he comes after the abiding are you hearing what i'm saying when he can't stop us from starting he tries to stop us from continuing and where would we be in some areas if we just hadn't stopped well am i making sense here it is here it is he this is interesting now he he says he says i want you to be understand his intimate intimacy and he says this intimacy is going to be important i want you to see the flow of conversation because he moves from talking to them about intimacy with him and intimacy with the father he moves from that to talking about his absence saying now i'm getting ready to leave and you're not going to be able to handle my absence without intimacy did you hear what i said he said because you've been dependent on me being here in bodily form for three years now i'm about to have a presence in your life that is different from what you're accustomed to i'm still gonna be here but my presence is not going to be present the way you used to did you hear what i just i just said something did you hear what i just said and there are times where we experience that shift and we feel like we've lost the presence when he's just not present the way he was i've gone from the sun but i'm sending the spirit he says i'm still here i'm just not here in the form that you used to so don't confuse my presence with the way i'm present i'm still present even if my presence isn't what you're accustomed to i'm present he said i'm present when you i'm present when you have uh tears of joy but i'm also present when you have tears of sorrow and because i'm not present the way uh you the way i am when you have tears of joy as i am when you have tears of sorrow you can incorrectly assume i'm not present i'm still here i'm just present in a different kind of way listen y'all following me yeah and all and all john 14 excuse me i got the in john 14 he's telling them don't let your hearts be troubled believe in god believe also in me in my father's house there are many manchester if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place to you that where i am you may be also that i may receive you unto myself he's he's having this conversation with him and then he gets to verse 15 it's like okay the only way you're gonna be able to handle verse 15 14 chapter 14 if what you if you do what i told you in chapter 15 what you do when god show up not looking like the god you're accustomed to seeing what do you do when you're accustomed to the sun being there in bodily form and he leaves and now you got to deal with the spirit of the sun in spirit form am i making sense so they are disturbed and jesus goes through this talk about the vine and the branches and then he gets down to chapter 15 and he says now all this stuff i just said in chapter 14 and in chapter 15. he said i spoke these words that my joy might be in you he says because i know what i just told you about my absence change your mood that affected you emotionally am i making sense is that that affected you that made you a little nervous it made you a little cautious it gave you some apprehension it because you wonder what are things going to be like now that jesus is not here in bodily form he said so the way watch this are y'all here he says he says the way i'ma serve you now is i need to give you some words that will give you some perspective so that you can process what you heard with truth and not just your feelings did you hear what i said see sometimes the problem isn't the phrase sometimes the problem is their processing see i'm saying i'm leaving i'm leaving to go and prepare a place for you now how that affects you is just determined by what i said how that affects you is determined by how you process it and if you're if you're processing it in a way that says jesus is gone i'm by myself i got to figure this out we're going to be abandoned then that's going to produce one kind of mood but if you process it in a way where you actually hear all that he's got to say well he said i'm leaving but i'm not leaving you orphanless i'm sending you another helper i'm sending you a comforter i'm sending you someone that empowered me to do what i'm doing and when you use him right you're going to do greater greater works will you do but how it affects my mood is based on how i process it so them leaving eating the pain is your process somebody come get me somebody in the chat help me preach because they tired in the studio i i said it is not them leaving that's causing the pain it is the way i'm processing an event happens i tell myself a story and the story i tell myself which is based on my interpretation of the event is what actually affects my mood this is why paul says to believers in corinth when the devil starts interpreting the fact for you that's called vain imagination you are imagining something that is not based in truth and it's provoking emotions in you that are unhealthy and unhelpful he said so let me let me tell y'all he says i'm telling you this so that you can have joy and if i don't tell you this you're going to process these phrases in a way that send you emotionally in the wrong direction gonna make your emotions non-compliant with my instruction he said so i've spoken these things to you are y'all ready here that my joy my joy y'all know i get excited about the bible because it's the most reliable source of information that exists for human optimization it is the most reliable book that exists for human optimization if you want to be your best self the only one that can tell you tell you how to do it is the one that made you apple tells you how to get the best out of the iphone cause they made it samsung tells you how to get the best out of the android because they made it the manufacturer of these clothes say don't put it in the oven because they made it and god says i made you and why you listening to people that ain't make you why are you letting people that didn't make you make you so this is what jesus said he said i spoke these words that my joy is that the book might be in you and your joy might be complete so jesus makes a distinction between his joy and mind he says it is possible for humans to have joy that is different than the joy i have to offer are y'all here he's trying to help them see even with the br the analogy between the vine and the branches that hey i want you to understand the difference between my acceptance of you and your experience with me you don't have to pray for me to accept you you don't have to serve for me to accept you because my love for you doesn't come with conditions but please don't confuse my acceptance of you with your experience with me if you don't follow the instruction i give you you will have a spiritual experience it'll just be an inferior one it'll just be stuff that you see me talk about that you never get to walk into i still love you but you're living less than your best and you're living underneath your potential he says no he said you got joy but i want to give you mine and i see a consistency here because i could take you somewhere else what jesus told the disciples he said my peace i leave with you is that the book not peace like the world gifts is that what he says he says in other words he says there's something i want to give you that's different than what y'all call peace down there whoa he said what y'all call peace only exists as long as things are cool calm and copacetic he said that's what y'all call peace he says but i'm gonna give you a peace that passes you'll understand it no no no he didn't say it passes their understanding he didn't say they would be confused about why you got peace he said it passes your understanding that you'll be confused about how you got beast people be like how you so calm you're like i don't even know that's because he gave you something that is qualitatively different than what people are settling for and so when he says my joy i give to you he says i want to give you an internal state of jubilation that's based on the revelation that your welfare and well-being rest securely in my hands so the only way you lose that jubilation is if you lose the revelation that your welfare and well-being rest securely in my hands so as long as you're in my hands you can have a sense of jubilation because you got a revelation watch this your jubilation is not based on you being in my hands it's based on your revelation of it did you hear what i said yeah it's based on you getting a revelation god's got this so they can take that but as long as you got this you can still have joy they can take them but as long as you've got him you can still have joy he said i want to i want to give you something i want to give you a dominant attitude or disposition that's joyous not that you perfect and that every day feels like your best day but he says generally speaking the mental space i want you to be in is one of joy now watch this the bible says he gives me joy unspeakable full of glory so god is glorified by my joy see we just think god's glorified or many people think god's just glorified by our acquisitions i'm telling you god's glorified by my emotions hey when they say look at their you see that smile on their face that's me whoa you see them dancing in the rain that's because of me you see everything falling apart but they aren't that's me a car a car can't do that a creep can't do that possessions and positions can't do that you see that right there that's me so god is glorified through your holiness but he's also glorified through your happiness did you hear what i just said jesus said i want to give you this internal sense of jubilation that based on the revelation that your wealth and we are building rest rest securely in my hands and the way i'm gonna do that the way i might help your mood is by what i do with my mouth he didn't breathe on them come on in john 20 21 he breathed on them to empower them with the holy spirit didn't he he didn't breathe on them for joy this is not going to be an impartation he said this is going to come through the words he said i'm going to fix your mood with my mouth cause my word will move your mood did you hear what i said i said he said my word to move your mood have you ever came into the house of god or turned on a worship service and you were down and damper and downcast but there's something about when the word of god watch this i ain't got time when the presence of god first of all because in his presence it's fullness of joy see that's why people who miss the worship are probably missing joy so that's another that's i will deal with that later yeah the devil wants you to miss worship because you was in his presence it's fullness of joy but so so the presence but then also the principles and all of a sudden that word come and you walked in one way and you walking out another because god said i'm sending this word to move your mood hallelujah he said because i see i see what you don't see you see you you see you having a bad day god's like i see the devil having his way i'm getting ready to move him i'm preaching to somebody that's watching this today and i'm telling you god's getting ready to move your touch because you you see in the text the connection between the mouth and the mood god i'm at it so it means like part of what's contributing to my moods is my mouth my mouth not only impacts my mountains my mouth impacts my moods so you mean to tell me you just spent all this time talking to me about my feelings feelings no no no the devil's actions are never anything unto themselves they're always a means to an end he didn't cut samson's hair because he was bald headed need a hair transplant he cut samson's hair because he wanted his strength and he just wanted strength because he wanted his strength he wanted his strength because he wanted to fill his things to defeat him he playing chess and we're playing checkers oh that's the book see look i'm gonna have to do a series on spiritual warfare see spiritual part part of a weapon you use are y'all all right are y'all boy right so like when you go to any kind of warfare you need you need you need uh artillery right and you got to know how to use all of the weapons dread properly so one of the weapons you have to use in spiritual warfare is wisdom so somebody's always reaching for i'm reaching for the sword of the spirit i'm reaching for the breastplate you need wisdom because the wisdom wisdom closes some doors see this is what paul paul says stan paul says you need to be able to stand against the wiles is that what he says of the devil that word wiles means methods strategies his moves there are three things that affect your mood that i won't expose to you then i'm gonna sit down see your move he wants to affect your move because your mood affects some things that matter way more than your mood it's not the mood the mood matters because because what the mood affects matters you're having a bad day doesn't really mean you have a bad day but when you have a bad day with your mood it can cause a bad day for some other reasons because your mood is affecting something else am i i'm am i all right so okay so here it is here's the first thing i see the bible shows us that our mood effects our mood affects our movement like i heard a professor say one time the gospel inherit in the gospel inherent in the gospel is urgency there's an urgency in the gospel because when i'm proclaiming it to a person i don't know if this is the last time they'll be able to hear it so it's like yes i want you to take your time i want you to take as long as necessary but you need to make a decision as soon as possible because we don't know how much time you got so procrastination is based on the assumption that you have another opportunity and the assumption i'm gonna have another opportunity is based on erroneous exegesis of scripture because you think you obligated to another chance when you don't deserve the first one you're not entitled to a second did you understand what i'm saying here it is he says your mood affects your movement so there's situations where we're experiencing stagnation because of our mood somebody write this down put it in the chat your mood can become mud you move mud and people are trying to move and they're moving slow and they're slopeful because your mood is like mud and god's like get up and go i'm trying to send you here cause somebody's already there that's gonna meet you and you're gonna have a conversation that's gonna change your whole situation the stuff you're trying to chase down i'm just getting ready to send it to you but your moods got you oh no if i don't see you don't see the devil in that did you hear what i just said that's the devil trying to get you to miss a divine appointment but am i talking to anybody in here that say that word just turn the light on and i'm just letting the devil know i'm not missing another divine appointment if you say go i'm going if you say sitting there i'm sitting in there are y'all hearing me lord i let my time's up i'm trying to include more stories in my in my my teaching now uh earlier this summer there was this business event that was taking place in atlanta and i said something told me are y'all here some told me you need to go to that now remember this is the year i'm reimagining leadership so i'm making obsessive and insane investments in myself i call it i call it this is what i told my dancing group it's a season of radical immersion that's the way you have quantum leaps radical immersion i mean it took me three years to get here it means cause that's because you took three years to learn it because you're learning and then watching this and you learning then playing that then you learning and you stop learning but if you lean into it you could have got that in three months yeah it took that long but it don't take that long so i promise you i'm getting like 10 years worth of learning in in one it's been radical immersion this year i'm going to sleep this year i've been going to sleep i've been on my sabbatical sleep learning falling asleep on webinars anyway so some tell me go to this conference i'm like all right i'm gonna seize in my life brother ain't got nothing to prove to nobody so i say all right let me just let me go holy ghost tell me go so man doug go doug drop me off i go now i'm gonna tell you lord this yeah i'm just trying to paint a picture okay i don't want this to sound like a flex it's not uh so i'm standing there so i paid and i paid for like vip which means i want a good seat i don't want no crazy lines i walk there i walk in that thing this thing is disorganized i'm talking about these people everywhere and in my in my mind i'm like uh okay praise god i don't really have to be here all right i stood in line an hour and a half i'm having to take pictures with people you know i'm saying no i'm serious i'm you i'm trying to get in and out i'm standing in line and i'm not complaining about that it's just like you there's no i'm so like the whole time an hour and a half and i'm and there are people walking up to me saying why are you standing in line are y'all following me they're like why are you standing in line watch this but when agitation wanted to make me leave assignment i stood in that line over an hour and a half sat at that conference and there was one session with one person that opened the door that opened another door that opened another door that's literally changing everything in my life because i didn't allow my mood to affect my movement what life have you got out of where did your pride make you get out of line when i tell you so much came out of that one weekend like i can't it's some of that stuff i can't even testify because your mood can become mud it affects your movement did i feel agitated yes but i didn't let the agitation become a dictator of my decision because i know some told me to go here's the second one though this is the most important one wake up don't miss this the mood affects your magic the mood affects your magic when i say magic i don't mean magic in some cultural or demonic sense when i say magic i'm using magic as a metaphor to describe your god-given ability to work your gift in a way that produces uncommon outcomes i say uncommon outcome not not a regular outcome uncommon outcome yeah when i come i don't want coming yeah zacchaeus didn't climb a tree for comedy peter didn't leave a fishing business for coming matthew didn't leave an accounting business for common you're not hearing what i'm saying god says if you work your gift away you can work your gift you can have uncommon outcomes that's when you work in your magic it's when you in your bag it's when you doing your thing y'all not hearing what i'm saying i i'm trying i want you to get in a season where you can say i'm in your i'm in my bag i remember a few years ago i went to this event that my pastor was having and he looked at me he said son i'm lebron and right now i say you what he said i'm lebroning right now he says i'm young enough to still have my legs but i'm old enough to know how to play the games yeah he wasn't bragging on himself because humility isn't ignorance of what you have arrogance comes when you forget who gave it to you he said i'm lebroning right now is his way of saying i'm in my bag and y'all i just feel like i'm in one of those seasons too i'm in my bag i just i feel it i feel i'm working my magic but your mood affects your magic because it affects the way you work your gift your mood can minimize the impact of your gift david didn't just have a method with the slingshot he had a mood y'all are y'all all right i said he didn't just he didn't just have a method he had a mood and i know he had a move because i hear his words he said you come at me with a sword and a spear but i commit you in the name of the living god he had a mood moods that you you watch this he says he the same god that delivered me out of the hand of the lion and the bear is the same god that's gonna deliver this uncircumcised philistine into my hands somebody put hashtag mood in the chat yeah you need more than a method you need a mood so some of you not seeing magic because you ain't got the right move i'm not talking about arrogance i'm talking about confidence a confidence that's not rooted in your own ability but a confidence that's secure that what that in the fact that what he gave me is enough to do what he told me but the mood is affecting the magic ever seen somebody sing and you're like they can really sing but they moved got them stuck they can really sing and they could really sing that they believed it the devil can't take the mantle gifts and callings are without repentance right but he can mess up the mood tario play it's over let's go movement it affects your magic i'm done it affects your ministry it affects your ministry now when i say ministry i don't want you to make assumptions about what i mean the word ministry at its core means service it is your contribution that you make in carrying out your calling everyone is a ministry but your mood affects it and i will give you something that god showed me are y'all ready for this god show me this see darius y'all following me judas is a ministry assassin judas ain't about judas judas is about who come after judas and whether or not that pain is going to affect your mood that you won't deposit to people in the future because of the pain judas gave you in the past i i talked to my pastor one time he said your job is to bleed you can't be a shepherd without getting bit don't bleed on them you say bleed to me but you can't do this job without bleeding but bleed right let the good shepherd anoint you with oil to accelerate the healing so that you don't allow the pain of the past to cause you to shortchange your contribution to people in the future now are you not carrying out a purpose that god gave you because of pain people cause you this this the holy spirit right here listen to me when you quit whatever you quit that the god who told you to start tell you to stop because it should but work both ways if he told you to start you should start but you shouldn't stop until he tells you to stop the pain was about your purpose he wants that mood to affect your ministry he wants you to make vows in the middle of pain i will never trust again i will never put my heart into it again and the enemy likes to reinforce that reality by causing you to experience pain perpetually so it'll cause you to question is there any place or anybody that's safe and then when god finally brings you the one person or the one space that actually is your heart has been so hurt that you can't open it up in a place and with a person or people that actually can be trusted with it look at me if you're asking god to trust you with promotion you're asking him to trust you with pain he's not just looking to see can you handle people properly can you handle possessions properly he's also looking to see can you handle pain properly can you be jolted and not become jaded i feel the holy spirit ministering to somebody get wiser but don't get harder don't get harder he says because what i want to do in your life i need more to your gifts i need your heart i need you to bring your heart to this the cross is purposeful but but the cross also makes you vulnerable and i know it's risky i want you to bring your heart to this and so whenever i step on the stage i'll just bring my gifts i bring my heart and god i want you to go back and get your heart he said i want you to go back and get it cause you're gonna need it while i'm taking you the people that i've called you to help and heal are gonna need to feel your heart i hear the holy spirit he said i'm not even telling you to trust them i'm telling you to trust me trust me trust me trust me won't you go back and get your heart i know it hurt but if you leave your heart there he wins and we can't let him win so father right now in the name of jesus the one who heals the brokenhearted the one who binds our wounds the one who gives us beauty for ashes the one who turns our morning into dancing the one who gives us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness god i pray that that jesus in the presence and person of the holy spirit would right now engage in heart retrieval right now right now jesus heart retrieval father that you would retrieve the pieces of our heart that we left in places of pain father we we we pray right now that your holy spirit would be a collector of all of those broken pieces and that your holy spirit will begin to mend and put the pieces of our heart back together again we say father we bring more than our gifts to our service with you we bring our hearts in the name of jesus i pray for accelerated healing i pray that your holy spirit would be an antibiotic to those emotions that have been infected by judas experiences i pray god that you'd get the infection out that you get the bitterness out that you'd get the angst out that you get the fear out in the name of jesus and i pray that you do for your people what you did with the woman with the issue of blood you did it straightway you did it immediately what she couldn't do in 12 years you did in 12 seconds you gave her a quantum leap exponential growth i pray right now for that over the lives of all who are receiving this prayer and we lift this and lift them up to you in jesus name amen and amen
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
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Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: _4MUH-Tm8AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 8sec (3188 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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