Rejection Recovery

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[Music] first samuel everybody chapter 30 verse 3 says when David and his men reached Ziklag they found it destroyed by fire and their wives sons and daughters taken captive so David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep David's two wives have been captured let me stop let me explain that there are some things in the Bible that are prescriptive love your enemies pray for those that use you show love be kindly affectioned to one another that's pre-scripted it's prescribing things then there are other things in the Bible that are descriptive they describe what happened even if God did not approve so when the Bible says that Cain killed Abel that doesn't mean we should kill people with jealousy does that make sense yeah so the Bible is describing what happened not prescribing this is something that everybody should do make sense okay so anyway because I know some of the brothers like wait I knew I came to church for a reason today this verse six says that David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him each one was bitter in his spirit because of his sons and daughters but David found strength in the Lord his God I want to talk from this subject in our time together family rejection recovery rejection recovery I want to inform some and remind others that our God is the God of recovery I'm simply suggesting I'm attempting to articulate that God is vested in committed to capable of aiding and assisting us in living with buoyancy if you're not familiar with it let's learn a new word today everybody say buoyancy buoyancy family is the ability to bounce back the buoyancy is a spiritual snapback buoyancy ladies and gentlemen is a refusal to allow our condition to determine our position it is a refusal to allow what knocked me down to keep me down it is an unwillingness to allow where I am to determine where I can go boy yin see it is recovery and our God is the god of recovery I feel like this statement is significant because the God we see is the God we get our perception determines our reception how we see a thing determines how we use that thing and we can't use it right if we see it wrong and I want to suggest that there are times when there is nothing wrong with our eternal God there's something wrong with our eyes and seeing God as the god of recovery is not a luxury it is a necessity because all of us will find ourselves in circumstances and situations that set us back I'm gonna say that again seeing God as the god of recovery is a necessity not a luxury because all of us were our selves in circumstances and situations that set us back we will all experience setbacks because number one we are imperfect people and as imperfect people we make imperfect decisions and some of our decisions are not in our best interest they do not advance our welfare and our well-being but not only what do we need or will we need the art of recovery because we are imperfect people we also live in an imperfect place sometimes we happen there other times life happens and there are times we find ourselves setback because of precipitating factors we did not contribute to and cannot control am I making sense so then if we will all ultimately and inevitably experience setbacks then buoyancy becomes a necessary life skill if setbacks in some way are written within the fabric of the story of all of our lives we must learn the art and the skill in the discipline of the balance it begins with with seeing our God as the God of recovery because when God is not seen as a God of recovery our setbacks become sovereign they have the last say and this is why we don't want cultural recovery because there are people who are not people of faith who recover we don't want cultural recovery we want Kingdom recovery because Kingdom recover it is different and distinct from King from culture recovery when I say Kingdom recovery I'm the king when I said Kingdom it means the King's way so we won't recovery the King's way God's weights not just cultures way you don't want cultures peace you won't we don't want cultures happiness we won't Kingdom happiness because cultures happiness is predicated on what's happening kingdom happiness is predicated on who he is so follow me family we need Kingdom recovery because Kingdom recovery is not relegated to reason it doesn't matter how irrational it is recovery is possible we want Kingdom recovery because Kingdom recovery is not trapped by time it doesn't matter how long I've been set back God is able to use my setback as a set up for a come-up hallelujah the woman with the issue of blood had been set back twelve years but she had to come up Blyden bartimaeus had been blind his whole life but he had to come up the woman with the bent-over back had an issue with her spine for 18 years but she had to come up the man at the Pool of Bethesda had been stuck 38 years but he had to come up because kingdom recovery is not trapped by time when God speaks to the whale Jonah the whale has to spit you out yeah I want Kingdom recovery it's not relegated by reason it's not trapped by time it is not bound by bigness it doesn't matter how big the obstacle is it doesn't matter how great the giant is greater I'm not gonna bother this but the earth makes all the difference greater it doesn't matter how great it is greater is He that is in me then he the enemy that's in the world we have to embrace this because the God you see is the god you get we've got to get the theology right here we've got to see God as the god of recovery if you don't see him as that you won't receive that from him David put it this way in Psalms 103 2 he says bless the Lord O my soul all that is within me bless His Holy Name and forget not all his benefits I'm not gonna bother that say cuz the only way you can have a good praise is if you have a good memory he says forget not some people look at you and say you're extra you are you have too much fervor that's too much enthusiasm that's insensitive and what they don't realize is I just have a good memory I've got a good praise because I've got a good memory I've got a long praise because I've got a long memory when I look back over my life and see where he's brought me from when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah I've got good memory now you just got educated no I got good memory he says who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases who redeems your life from destruction it says it was destroyed but God redeemed because God is the god of recovery whatever we break life breaks or Satan breaks God commits to fix did you hear what I just said what I just articulated to you was the reality sister brought of the gospel what what we break this it's one of the reasons the gospel is good news the word gospel means good news what we break life breaks or Satan breaks God commits the fix what if I told you that the story of the gospel the story of Jesus is a story of how God makes provision to fix what he didn't break Adam messed it up in one garden Jesus fix it in the other God Adam messed it up by eating from a tree Jesus fixed it but hanging on one by one man's disobedience many became sinners but by one man's obedience minute became righteous the story of the gospel is God showing you you human enough to break it but I'm God enough to fix it I don't know who this is for but I want to tell you Jesus is your mr. Fixit I don't care what's broke and who broke it God is the god of recovery so people say things to you like you're supposed to be a Christian and you a mess and you're saying because I'm a mess is why I'm a Christian I know I mess up I need somebody who can help me up in spite of my mess ups I know I'm not good to God but I keep coming back to him cuz God is good to me I'm not praising him because I've been good to him you doing all that praising right I'm not praising him because of how good I've been I'm praising him because of how good he's dead he's the god of recovery I recover it is a life skill it's a meta skill and we all will need recovery in various areas and arenas of life some of us may need it financially some of us may have come out of unhealthy unproductive relationships so we need recovery relationally some people may have experienced emotional trauma you've been betrayed your your trust was broken you were used and unappreciated and devalued you were with someone who had a problem and they could not properly assess the asset you were in their life and then when you exited their life they got a revelation not recognizing it was too late you better call Tyrone but you can't use my phone I do 25 and under don't worry about that I'll come back and get you later I got one for you too no cap I got one for you too we all need recovery in various areas but one area we will need recovery in is an area of rejection and this text here in 1st Samuel 30 is a text that I believe is inundated with insight to assist us in recovering from rejection we have spent the past several weeks helping us understand rejection I want to spend the next to helping us overcome rejection and the text here is a text that is a tool that God wants to use to teach us here in this text we get to see David the one who defeated Goliath at an interesting season in his life David is actually on the run from a man named Saul Saul is the present King David is the future King and David is on the run from a man he's not afraid of you hear me family he's on the run from a man he's not afraid of this is the day that that defeated a lion and a bear with no weapon this is the David that fought a giant named Goliath that Saul was afraid to fight this same David is running from Saul but he's not afraid of Saul because his running is not a sign of weakness his running is a sign of meekness weakness is the absence of strength meekness is strength under control it is restrained and strength because real strength is revealed in restraint when you can hold your tongue that's strength when you couldn't retaliate but you accept the revelation that vengeance is mine I will replace test the Lord that's true David don't miss this yes David was not running from soul brother Broc he was running for song you got it he said I'm not running for you from you I'm running for you you better be glad I'm running you don't want this smoke song you don't want this smoke I'm running to keep me and you from taking it to ten I'm not walking away because I don't have anything to say I'm walking away because if I say what I'm getting ready to say it's gonna be another type of problem this isn't weakness this is meekness this is restraint because you can operate in meekness when you don't have anything to prove so here it is Saul is attacking David because Saul is insecure remember Saul is the present King David is the future king after David defeated Goliath the women I'm not even involved with this cuz there's nothing to get to a male ego like a woman so the women start singing songs Saul has slain thousand but Oh David David a slant is about Saul did have a problem with the song Saul had a problem with the number if the numbers were changed Saul wouldn't have a problem if the song was David has slain thousands and Saul has slain tens of thousands salt wouldn't had a problem because some people don't have a problem with your success as long as it doesn't exceed their expectations some people can root for you in one season send you congratulatory text messages and DMS and leave positive comments under your posts but then when you keep on winning and it seems as if people are speaking more of you than they are of them then all of a sudden is Silence of the Lambs because sometimes you have to get to a certain elevation before it exposes their insecurities so Sol is insecure so he's attacking someone in competing with someone who's not even playing the game Dave is like I'm not competing with you people are competing and you're not playing the game have you felt that you felt like have you wondered like why am I on your mind so much I love everybody but I'm not thinking about you that much I've got too many issues and too many decisions and so much responsibility why are you thinking about me like that so Saul is attacking someone who only wants to be an asset because unaddressed issues affect people's eyes and they'll make an enemy out of the best thing that happened to them Saul is attacking an asset David is an asset in his life and Saul is attacking him and I'm making sense but sometimes you're wondering what am i doing to make them so hostile toward me when it's not your issue is their eyes they can't see right past the where's that in Bible Jesus says in Matthew chapter number 7 verse number 5 he says these words first take the point out of your own eyes and then you will clearly see to remove the speck from your brother's people's eyesight their perception is off because the plank is present and until they fix their plank they can't see you right so we can twist and turn and adjust and minimize ourselves and hide our success and be quiet about God's goodness and blessings we can be silent about our aspirations no matter what adjustments you make your adjustments can't fix what they won't face I gotta go so David is on the run but y'all know what's interesting I want to tell you what he runs from Saul but he runs to the land of the Philistines let me tell you why that's interesting it's interesting because he's running to a land of a people he just won a war over you may be familiar of the the battle with David and Goliath they engaged in representative warfare which means you take your best person I take my best person we both come together and whoever wins that fight represents who wins the whole war so when Dave so I'm not gonna bother anything because when you read the story of David and Goliath we need to see ourselves as David but then we also need to see ourselves as Israel because we're not always David who could build Goliath sometimes we Israel is scared to fight and Jesus is David and he won the victory but we get the spoils he represented us as representative warfare so here it is family so he just won a war against them and he runs to their land so they were trying to hurt him in one season their housing him in another cuz proverbs 16:7 says when a man's ways please the Lord he'll make his enemies be at peace with him this is interesting because all of the Philistines didn't like David but it was one critical and key figure there who had influence and affluence and this key in critical figure was a fitter figure that David found favor with this is powerful because it taught me something about favors as I was prepared for this message it taught me that we don't have to have favor with all the Philistines we just need favor with the right one sometimes we're upset that we don't have favor with people who don't have power can I have just five more minutes okay listen to this good job I promise so the Philistines this key figure says okay David we're gonna give you one city where you and your men can stay in it's a city called Ziggler so they stay there David gets word that the Philistines now are about to fight Israel and solve the man is chasing him he's see I'm not gonna bother this why is it that Saul can't see he fighting everybody who missed that is how you can see if you don't get along with anybody solace so sorry you fight me you find the Amalekites now you fighting the Philistines but I'm the problem so listen to this so so is getting in as well Philistines and David goes to the Philistine said I hear y'all about to fight saw they say yeah you say let me in mummy and help you we can't look over this y'all you said I could have five minutes I got three left we can't look over this y'all please don't look over this now this the same David who previously had an opportunity to take Saul's life and he refused to and he said no the scripture says don't touch the Lord's anointed but now in another season he's like y'all about to fight off let me help because this is a powerful picture of the reality of humanity and how we all wrestle with the right thing so in what season he is under the influence of the Holy Spirit and he's able to say God's got this and I'm gonna leave it to the Lord but then as he's sitting and simmering and reflecting and start thinking about that day he say I got to go get him and I want to know is there anybody here that's honest enough today this a pastor I will keep it real in church the truth of the matter is I can relate to that cuz sometimes I'm like David and I'm like God's got it i'ma let the Lord put his hands on it and then there are other times that bless rise up and I'm like I might have to handle this myself because Jesus take it too long it's the reality of humanity it's a wrestling and it is the same wrestling that Paul talks about in Romans when he says when I want to do good evil is always present with me some deliverance is flesh management let me wrap up so while David is trying to convince the Philistines let him go to war something's happening back at Ziggler and when David gets back he sees what's happening while he was away trying to I'm not gonna bother trying to fight saw he left Zig leg uncovered cuz when you fight the wrong fights you won't be present to fight the right ones did you hear me some fights are distractions the enemy wants to use some activity to distract us so that we're concerned and consumed with a fight he does not want us to fight and we're not present for a fight we need to fight so when David gets back the group of enemies called the Amalekites have burns it leg and taking their wives and children captive and David's got to be like this is too much I can't fight all that it's at the same time have you ever felt like I can't fight all of this at the same time and the issue that makes that I think this issue is exacerbated by the fact that the Amalekites wouldn't even be a problem it's all here did his job so David is fighting enemies because of the irresponsibility of somebody he's in relationship with because in 1st Samuel 15 rumor this is for Samuel 30 in 1st Samuel 15 God told Saul listen I need you to handle the Amalekites because they have been a reoccurring problem for Israel since the days of Moses saw did not completely carry out that responsibility so now David is having to fight a whole enemy in a new season because unaddressed issues in the past become reoccurring problems in the present so he like Saul I'm fighting this because you didn't do your job and the men that were fighting with David spoke a stone in him so he's rejected by Jesse as daddy he's rejected by Saul then he gets rejected by the Philistines not as rejected by people he's trying to fight with rejection on top of rejection on top of rejection on top of rejection he had grounds to go to a low place he had a story that suggested he should be sulking he had pain that warranted a pity party but the weight of his responsibilities did not him Allah did not allow him to sit and sulk he had too many people depending on him he had too many people relying on him he had a whole army of men who had lost their families and I want to tell some of you the weight of your responsibility is too great to sit and sulk there are people that are depending on you people that are reliant on you you must get up and recover and I see five things in the text David did that I think we can do that will help us recover from rejection number one is in the text engage in weeping we read it it says that they wept until they could weep no more this is a sign for grief it is a sign of acknowledging the loss here it is because are you all ready for this God can't fix pain your pride won't let you admit you feeling some people can't really get to the point where it doesn't bother them because they won't admit that it bothers them and did you hear what I just said and so they said I don't care I don't care yes you do care and you need to admit that you care and you need to grieve what your loss because God cannot heal pain that your pride won't allow you to admit you feel see some people can't heal from rejection because Pryor won't let them admit that they value some people's acceptance number to accept the revelation accept the revelation faith is not denial another way of saying it is accept reality how would they even look walking around his Kia's wife's everybody's family gone he walking around time I own claim it brother they gone I don't claim it brother they go they go you can't get them back until you accept that they go now they don't have to stay going well did you hear me they don't have to stay gone but but you got to accept that reality and sometimes it's accepting the reality of a relationship it's accepting the reality that this person is not who I thought they were and they may never be who I want them to be I can't I gotta go yeah yeah I know you think because they're in your family is supposed to be this way and maybe it is supposed to be this way but at some point you have to accept that it is not this way and family doesn't always act like family and friends don't always act like friends and Christians don't always act like Christians I have to accept that reality if not I'm gonna keep being frustrated waiting on somebody to be something that they are not I gotta go but I'm doing a series I'm doing a series on this on Easter I'm gonna show you the video in just a sec I'm doing a series on Easter that that see it's you got it you need to call your cousin him everybody they don't even got to believe in Jesus they need to come get some of this that I'm getting ready to get more Easter listen the series is called moving on and I will talk to you little about about when to have what Henry cloud calls a healthy hopelessness because some people can't ever step into some noodle cuz they will not walk out or zone number three align the expectation align the expectation I'm real interested in how David still fought with these men after they talked about stoning him we got to talk about that we can't ignore that but it means that David aligned his expectations and he moved forward are y'all ready for this because he just saw the importance of not treating fighters like friends see you call this some people friends tonight did you hear what I just said yeah and so he aligned the expectation say okay so I can I can fight with you but I can't he aligned the expectation and last but not least seek the savior for strand the Bible says David found strength in the Lord here it is those that hurt us oh I had to learn this cuz sometimes this is what's weird is sometimes you're operating we are operating from a place we're not we don't know we're operating from what does that mean sometimes we won't stuff and we don't know what we want and I had to learn this sometimes you want those that hurt you to help you heal and we're just waiting and hoping that they gonna come back around and like get it and when I'm when we're waiting on those that hurt us to heal us we're holding our healing hostage to somebody else's growth we don't have that much time sometimes it's like Matt just need closure I just need an apology I just need but I can't we can't hold our healing hostage to someone else's grow so seek the savior for stream Father forgive them they know not what they do I got a heal without an apology I got to think what I need to think of me if they never see me right number five I gave you four number five reclaim your confidence confidence because when Zig leg gets burned it'll take your confidence it's nothing like failure that takes your confidence it's nothing like something not panning out the way you thought it would pan out nothing like that takes your confidence but here's what's interesting David X God shall I pursue and will I recover and notice God's answer God did not say no wait he said if you pursue you'll recover all which meant they not bringing it back you got to go and get it and you got to go and get it back because when he reclaimed his confidence he was able to repossess what he lost and family above above all else beyond the pain beyond the pain rejection is a thief and its goal is to rob us of our sense of self it's not just about hurt is about identity and if we pursue we can reclaim and we can recover Oh father I pray in the name of Jesus that you make our feet like Hinds feet I pray God in Jesus name that you push us into a season of acceleration we declare this as our season of recovery we pray that what the enemy took from us must be restored in the name of Jesus and we pray for healing we pray for yokes broken we pray for live change and we ask this in the amazing incredible matchless name of Jesus if you agree with this prayer let me hear the praises give him praise if the devil's not gonna win give him praise if you're gonna take back everything the enemy stole from you give him praise if you're gonna pursue your calling and your purpose give him praise well listen you just watched a message from a series we did at our church change church called rejection rehab and I want to thank you for your support thank you for your comments and thank you for letting us know how this ministry is blessing you you know change church and he's literally almost everywhere we've got our campuses in New Jersey and extension site in Los Angeles and a campus right in Orlando Florida if you're in any of those areas we love to see you and we'd love for you to be a part of what God is doing through change thank you so much take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 218,870
Rating: 4.9001293 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, dr. matthew stevenson, chad veach, rich wilkerson jr, carl lentz, toure roberts, devon franklin, judah smith, chris durso, levi lusko, elevation church, mosiac, tony gaskins, gary vee, eric thomas, trent shelton, keion henderson, jamal bryant, michan carter, dave ramsey, john maxwell, henry cloud
Id: Tia1yy80L-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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