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engage in strategic prayer listen the seasons of attack in a believer's life or a season of pruning and making their seasons of deep spiritual emphasis there are seasons of prayer and intercession [Music] that's not the time to pray morning and evening that's the time to pray anyhow and any time because you are in a season your anchor will be your prayer [Music] hallelujah day and night you are praying lord i don't know what is happening to my life but i'm praying you have your prayer time in the morning you have your prayer time in the evening but every time is prayer time every time is prayer time an evil report your wife just lost a child jakarta brandeis what are you doing i am praying why i'm in a season is any man afflicted james chapter 5 and verse 13 let him pray let him pray not let him discuss not let him grumble around not let him call god names and say i will backslide let him pray psalm 34 please from verse four to seven and then the last part and we will pray [Music] psalm 34 hashtag i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from what all my fears next verse while reading to four to seven they looked unto him and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed six the poor man cried and the lord heard him and saved him out of how many all his troubles last verse the angel of the lord encompassed around them that fear him and delivered them prayer is a powerful weapon in all seasons but especially this season lord what is happening around my life my wife just got attacked my son just got attacked my job just got attacked i am not understanding what is happening i set myself like daniel onto prayer god grants you grace you can add with fasting ad with fasting this spiritual laziness of eating anyhow any time many believers now fast as a ceremony three days fasting you carry it on your head as if you i see this is 12 years fasting if you love food more than your destiny life will cheat you again and again food is okay but please let me tell you mighty ones you must learn to show food that your spirit man has grown above it [Music] there are many of you here you cannot remember i may be wrong i'm not saying you should do it please i'm not saying you should do it but as far as i'm concerned there are spiritual levels that if you get to a week should never pass that you did not fast you are joking you are joking not with what you are doing to hell you are joking seven days ah no [Music] [Music] my [Music] to the king listen let me tell you this [Music] i will continue to teach you this secret real victory real victory in prayer is gotten while men sleep real victory is not gotten shouting around just making noise real men of power contact power when men sleep may god give you the grace to rise above sleep i'm praying from the may god give you the grace to not allow sleep cheat you [Music] that god can wake you up in the night no light off the light you are praying don't allow distractions you are praying the next thing you see one of your trousers and it's enough to destroy off the light you can use your phone light you are in the night alone and watch what happens [Music] nobody see what you are doing but there is a register every day you are signing it is the day you get to the stage to preach that's when god will not disappoint you you don't come on stage and talk nonsense lion of the tribe of judah rose of sharon lily of the valley rose of this and that and that god is not a scammer he's not a magician no track record in the secret place you will flatter yourself to nothing in it in the open please learn to pray in the night learn to pray in the night learn to pray in the night receive grace to dedicate night times and pray god didn't give you a house just to keep things done everywhere to a prayer altar turn your toilet to a prayer altar turn your living room to a prayer altar when everyone has gone off the television don't pray watching a film even if it's a christian movie you are not praying shut it down lord this is me and you here i don't know what is happening to my life jacques a time will come your tongues begin to change what you are saying it will never be what you started with you are you have entered a level in the spirit [Music] tongues are languages and there are levels of power contact clonings that cannot be uttered you get to a point in the spirit where you begin to pray [Music] there are times that only one word one phrase will come out of your mouth for minutes praise while receiving power prayer is not something you do in a group so that people will see you and think you're a prayer warrior don't joke with your destiny like that don't joke with your destiny like that the bible says to enter and shut the door behind you shut the door behind you and pray to your father who is in secret you don't need to have a prayer point you don't need to have a prayer point just stay there and begin to pray [Music] and while you are praying your flesh is weak but your spirit is willing [Music] listen can i tell you this there is a level of fire you bring on any attack in your life it must give way it must give way fire is an emblem of the spirit is one of the emblems of revival is one of the emblems that show that the spirit is in a place fire does not only refine fire is for judgment there are times you need to stay like a priest upon the watch my brother my sister if you pray from your heart some things will shift you will wake up in the morning i know i shifted this through prayer there are attacks that only prayer can challenge pray for me pray for me is wonderful but you must become the priest of your destiny [Music] can someone just blast in tongues for just one or two minutes [Music] salah makata [Music] shanakandas [Music] unto him that answers prayer shall all flesh come lord i'm in a season of my life i cannot afford to be lazy i'm in a season of my life i cannot allow my prayer life go down is too risky not for this season not for this season this is the wrongest time to be prayerless this is the longest time to be prayerless oh take away slumber from my eyes take away slumber oh god there are stores to settle in the realm of the spirit there are things to shift in the realm of the spirit there are things who are lying in the realm of the spirit i need to legislate spiritual realities [Music] while men slept while men slept the enemy came and saw tears [Music] [Music] pray pray outside prey [Music] is [Music] [Music] the boat [Music] foreign woe to them what is in zion woe to them who are easy [Music] who inside upon the white horse [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we're praying psalm 125 prayer gives you stamina to pass through seasons jesus prayed otherwise he would have given up he said peter satan desire to sift you like wheat but i have prayed for you that your faith failed not and when you are converted use the same strategy to strengthen strengthen prayer i say strengthener there that trust in the lord shall be as mount zion which cannot be moved but abided forever next verse as the mountains are around jerusalem so the lord is round about his people from henceforth even forever next verse for the road of the wicked shall not rest upon the lord of the righteous lest the righteous put his hands in iniquity next verse do good o lord unto those that be good and to them that are upright in their hearts while reading till the last verse as for such as turn aside in their crooked ways the lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity but peace upon joshua salman prayer gives you stability in the next two three minutes you are going to pray and say lord let this prayer stabilize me i shouldn't be shaking over everything i should be able to laugh at certain storms and say jesus is lord lift your voice and pray stability power stamina [Music] the lord is my light and my salvation the lord is the strength of my life [Music] stability of god stability oh god the bible says if you turn aside in the day of battle your strength is small your strength is small give me capacity endurance stamina the grace to pass through for the sake of my family the grace to pass through for the sake of my generation the grace to pass through for the sake of my my loved ones [Music] be strong be strong be strong be strong in the lord don't be weak be strong in the lord and in the power of his might be strong in the lord calling on her be strong in the lord be strong in the lord be strong in the lord don't entertain weakness be strong in the lord you are not the weak ones you are strong hallelujah by the spirit that raised christ from the dead we crush the works of darkness now pay attention i'm praying for you i declare and declare that if this is as a result of territorial covenants activities of ancestry that authorize darkness to launch attacks over lives over churches over ministries over individuals mysterious diseases that you had no party i pray by the god of heaven tonight let there be liberty for you [Applause] let there be liberty for you let there be liberty for you [Applause] i challenge suicidal spirits over this territory of zarya the spirits that cause young people to kill themselves and waste their lives in the name that is above all names we command that spirit is banished from this territory [Applause] the spirit of discouragement the spirit of exhaustion in the name of jesus we declare now and forever [Applause] [Music] many of us believe life is intellectual so we think that the moment you are educated as as far as we know education to be the enlightenment secular enlightenment we believe we are ready for living other people think life is just biological so the older you grow you think your growth is qualifying you for living are we together other people think life is sociological so the more you know people you believe you have what it takes to live but i'm telling you this life is spiritual find out how many people's destinies have gone in shambles because of they are not having this spiritual intelligence that life is spiritual everything brothers and sisters about life is spiritual you go back to the book of the beginnings genesis and everything is spiritual everything spiritual in the beginning the bible says god created now that is that is i tell you we can dwell weeks just talking about genesis one verse one in the beginning what beginning god created the heavens and the earth so where was he because he created the heavens he created the earth meaning he was not in any of those places where was he the bible calls him dwelling in a place of unapproachable light governs the affairs of men from that standpoint god created not invented the earth was not invented the heavens were not invented they were created created with the intelligence of a superior being [Music] so it's foolish to walk upon the earth wondering if there is a synergy to the happenings of things life is spiritual the earth upon which you walk is spiritual you as an entity is spiritual unfortunately only witches and wizards know this are we together now only the people who destroy the destinies of men in villages know this the average believer is generally aware of the spirituality of life but has not come into an understanding that one of the keys to spiritual intelligence is to come to terms with the fact that life and everything about it is spiritual life and what everything about it no matter how trivial no matter how scientific spiritual hallelujah spiritual when you understand the spirituality of life then all of a sudden you will start seeing a line connecting dots as to the happenings of people's lives listen a man does not just get up and become poor like that a family does not just get up and not make progress just like that a man does not just beat his wife just like that a wife does not just beat her husband just like that the the source of that strength requires investigation are we together now a small child does not become so audacious that he looks at his father and says i can kill you no no no no the source of that audacity has to be investigated life is spiritual a church does not just grow members don't just carry their bibles from different points and start saying let's go to the same place without knowing themselves there's no wire connecting them you don't just open a shop and everybody from everywhere decides that they want to come to you no sir no sir life is spiritual you see men moving all around and you do not know what moves them spirituality of life someone decides to help you but you show up and something about your life you are not aware of makes the person to drive you away someone promises to marry you even goes to see your parents and all of a sudden introduction has been done he just comes up and says i had a strange dream i can't understand that's not the first time of having a dream but because of that dream you lose out on an opportunity brothers and sisters if you understand that life is spiritual you already without even understanding the little gritties you are already ahead of many people in life i will never treat my life from a scientific perspective no i will never treat ministry from a scientific perspective in the realm of the spirit one plus one is not two you have to define what one is you have to define what two is you have to define what other factors are in the equation we run our life scientifically we run our lives intellectually sociologically and we become victims the book of job is full of mysteries that open up the reality of the spirituality of life when you look at the book of psalms david opened us to the spirituality of life when you read psalm 91 he starts by saying he that dwells in the secret place question where is that location today because david said a man can dwell here have you found it where is it like an address david is giving us an address where people can find safety and he never said the police station he that dwells somewhere there is a place a man can stand that you become immune he that dwells in the secret place of the most high then the second shocking thing is shall abide not under the light under the shadow what is that abide under a shadow [Music] that means your shadow has a spiritual implication this thing you look at listen listen listen i'm not talking of all these movies around you and let you fall down that's i'm talking of something deeper you know physics just tells yourself when light is casted on an object it creates a shadow that's as far as you know but the bible says men can dwell under a man's shadow [Music] do you love jesus we love the bible right so i mean you are not the way you are looking at me is as if i'm teaching here is he's right in the bible shall abide on that he gives the shadow of god a three-dimensional explanation you can come on then he says i will say of the lord he is this and that and that and that please give it to us psalm 91 let's look at it yes that's the song your influence all over me but too and i will say of the lord he is my what refuge and my fortress my god in him i will not trust so let's see why verse one and two is the verse three he says surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence look at all these descriptions their description of strange things you don't see them with your optical eyes but their effects are as physical as anything [Music] verse four he shall cover thee with what stop hold on describe a man for me with a three-dimensional shadow and has feathers somewhere in his body which part of him has feathers because he was not just speaking a parable he says he shall cover thee with his feathers then and under his wings shall thou trust his truth shall be thy shield that means in the realm of the spirit truth is not an information truth is a physical reality it's a shield you can hold it like i'm holding a tie truth is is an object relatable are you getting something now you will be so blessed if you pay attention to what i'm telling you five this is not even this i just want us to look at it just play around it it says because of all these provisions this is the only condition where thou shalt not be afraid because there is something called terror by night everybody say terror by night no matter how peaceful an environment is the bible says once it is night there is a mystery of darkness and terror listen the bible says we wrestle not against his flesh and blood but against principalities powers listen then he says rulers of darkness they don't they cannot rule in light the moment is not talking of spiritual darkness the moment there is physical darkness is a sign they are authorized to come out like animals that can only come out in the night so the bible calls it terror by night yet night time people like that's why people die in the night day that drink drink in the night when you see a man drinking by seven in the morning he sees a stupid man already something is wrong with his life but that's an acute complication no many things happen to people in the night the destinies of men are exchanged by night there are men that sit down and discuss they've played the destinies of men like a chest terror by night not just um terrorism as we know are you aware that there is such provision spiritual intelligence number one life is spiritual thou shalt not be afraid of the arrows that fly by day have you ever seen them have you ever seen an arrow living somewhere but he said there are arrows that fly by day only god knows how many people he cheats today because he flies every day you get up and leave your house and something happens please pay attention to what i'm telling you life is spiritual job chapter one a meeting was being held in the heavenlies satan now comes and a conversation is engaged have you considered my servant job while they are discussing that job is on earth minding his business and all of a sudden things begin to nosedive in job's life it's amazing how many people try to ignore the spirituality of life and expect to rise in life it's impossible it's impossible and more so this is africa you know we just pretend as i'm not talking of witchcraft the portals of africa are open to spirituality it doesn't matter through which force i'm just saying the portals of africa as a continent is richly open have you not heard of men walking back home and they hand slapped them have you heard of those kind of things a real three-dimensional hand but they didn't see it you don't have to see it to feel it are we together and the person goes back and all of a sudden one of us showed me a picture of his dad yesterday half of the leg had been eaten you can literally see the bones like that half of it do you know what happened he was sleeping a mystery happened he woke up and all of a sudden that leg physically there are many things you call sicknesses you don't even know where it came from [Music] i'm sick you go to the hospital they tell you there is nothing wrong with you they check everything you know the doctor even says stop coming here you are wasting our time but you know you are not feeling fine [Music] are we together mysteries that cannot be explained life is spiritual i learned this very early life the spirituality of life the spirituality of ministry the spirituality of living when you know this your pursuit for god does not become you know every time you see somebody unusually zealous they just say kai this guy i'm sure you are going to be a pastor or this lady i'm sure god is already grooming you he has isolated you and he's grooming you to be a pastor's wife no the key to survival is to become spiritually minded please hear what i'm saying some of our parents right now ignore this and they are paying for it daily there are mysteries in people's families they do not they do not understand life is everything spiritual when jesus came his breath was spiritual everything about it now look at this for god's sake a woman is minding her business probably imagining what dress will i wear for my wedding all of a sudden a stranger just appears hail mary he'd even say what is your name man hail mary in other words we have been watching you your name is mary we know you don't have to tell anyone your name in the realm of the spirit no sir no sir if god ever asks you what is your name is for a reason i mean it doesn't make sense for him to ask you what is your name he wants to change it then that's when he was yeah in scripture saul paul and all of that but that they are asking you because they want you to supply an information no no no are we together do you know let me teach you something you can never see a spirit being and be the same whether a demon whether an angel you may never know what happens to you brothers and sisters listen if this is a shrine and you just run by mistake i say oh the wrong place as you never will live the same no it's impossible impossible impossible you thought you ran too fast to be seen the realm of the spirit is not like that please understand what i'm saying if you know this that you are coming for colonial you may be sitting outside you will never feel bad again because you realize that wow this thing is that it's just because we are because of the physical comfort of maybe being inside and all of that but it makes no difference that's why you can be saying god is touching somebody and someone in the second overflow is flying here you die you are close you are now looking at god you mean you jumped me listen the holy spirit does not move with time and distance these two factors don't exist no no no no no like you say i have to touch you before touching you that's physics in the realm of the spirit you don't do that are we together are you understanding this so you can never see a spirit being anybody that tells you he has been having encounters with spirits i think you should respect that person whether in a negative way or positive way that i've had some appreciable and accept if the person is lying if the person is telling the truth no you are meeting a dangerous person for good or for bad most of the world leaders interact with spirits please look at me let me preach to you forget the fact that you see everybody wearing suit and going for forums they have been advised counsel rebuked directed by strange spirits there are documentaries upon documentaries on my system that proves to you that no man let me teach you something brothers and sisters you want to be famous a day will come a spirit must show up in your life to say all right now that you have gotten to this level we have to negotiate for it to go further i give you a guarantee 100 if jesus does not appear to you an angel sent from god does not appear to you a demon who are up somebody is seen it's like a ram you keep rising nobody disturbs you but you get to a point they say okay everybody that rises from here right now the realm of the spirit cannot be strange to such a person that's why you enter a business meeting somebody looks at you you look at him two of you know yourselves everybody knows what he has touched or otherwise there is a level you cannot be neutral believe what i'm telling you when you see people doing some things they are doing they have seen something when a woman looks at you and says i will kill you mark my words you better take it seriously either pray or stand on the confidence of what you now know but you say i have this word you just you would really die because you see let me tell you there are too many laws that can remove your spirit from your body many many laws many laws not just death there are many spiritual laws that can separate a man's body from his spirit any of them can be manipulated to kill you you see that sickness and accident are physical expressions of the commonest laws that are used to separate people's bodies from their spirits like you skin a cow have you gone to the other tour you see them they have a skill they skin a cow there is a mystery that can remove your spirit from your body and many people move carelessly and then it happens it may happen through a car it may happen to different things but it is still a manifestation of this you cannot sit on certain positions being neutral it's impossible i remember one of our friends years ago he got a job and i remember him saying they were paying them them that were struggling they were paying them fifty thousand and they were paying the profits one point two now if they don't call it salary they call it honorary but it's still a release of something from the giver to the person who needs it they pay you fifty thousand for laborious study of five six years under the most stringent conditions possible and somebody just throws and comes in and they give the person one point two you know why because that person has an advantage he can do something high life is spiritual life is spiritual life is spiritual i don't have to see you to talk to you life is spiritual life is spiritual people's lives are being manipulated without their will life is spiritual many of us were born in pure christian families we never had any touch with idolatry so you don't understand the spirituality of life but for a few people who feared of here and there did one or two things life is spiritual grandparents just come out and sit on the ground and after a few minutes they stand up they say it's all right it will be well with you go and you're saying what did they see life is spiritual in the bible before they fought wars they were going to ask the kings and prophets please will we win and then they will say there's trouble and then they will say how can we change it now this is the part of spirituality that shocks me the ability to change things change things by the spirit like a cleaner i look and i find out that this is supposed to happen then you clean it as if there's nothing there oh you were supposed to die tomorrow then somebody just cleans it what advantage do you have do you understand that your life is spiritual when you sit down in that class do you know that it's not just one person sitting down life is spiritual now it's not to just make us irresponsible and just see demons in everything when i talk of the spirituality of life i'm not just talking about demons i'm talking about the presence of spirits to guarantee anything happening you the concept of being an atheist is another class of deception life is very spiritual you see a lot of people come to dig a well after they dig a well the water comes out they'll tell you go and look for chicken has that happen to you go and look for chicken they slaughter the chicken and make incantations in the well and the water will never stop coming think about that do you know the water on earth is older than everybody on earth now i hope you know that the water on earth is older than everybody on earth you are not drinking a person you are not drinking a substance you are drinking history this was only bottled only god knows who laid hands on this water could it be part of noah's flood could it be you just know you are just swallowing it and then your body just reacts you take something and all of a sudden your body reacts i'm comfortable hi come on you're listening listen listen let me teach you these things if you do not understand it don't be great just get a war room apartment get married have two or three children be a kingdom financier and wait for the day you'll be with the lord but that you want to rise in this world we're living no we're traveling to bernard republic i think i told when we got somewhere a man one lengthy guy very lengthy guy just looking like all these smokers he looked at me and he called my name joshua you've seen them now you see them in markets they look at you and in five minutes they start giving word of knowledge you've not seen those kind of people they look at you and say madam why he said why is joshua stubborn like this now he said don't disturb me but because they mentioned joshua life is spiritual lo i come in the volume of the book as it is written it is written i just appeared but something has been written a script a script about your life written when you understand the spirituality of life then you also know that you have an advantage by the spirit to manipulate things to be consistent with the word of god in your life this is the rebel this is where i'm taking you to when i understand that life is spiritual i don't monet physical results because i know that there is a loop through the spirit where things can be corrected are you seeing that now at that point i stopped worrying shabbat allah because i know there is an advantage the advantage is my access my access to spirituality i can be assisted by a spirit being in this case the holy spirit listen one of my best scriptures in the bible is then the secret was revealed unto daniel a beast of a man just came and said if you don't tell me my dream and the solution i will kill you and he said king don't be hasty don't worry let's just go and sleep while other people were sleeping he knew that something happened to men at night the night is also a time for revelation listen you try praying in the night and try praying in the day if you pray seriously come and tell me the difference come and tell me the difference this is this this one this one is like my office i can tell you everything you want to know about it the night time i have soaked out the mysteries of the night in a very strange way the magi came out and they saw a star and they started smiling they said a king is born not a child a king is born and they started going when they met herod they said um we came from the east based on our study we have books here prophesying and a physical star because in genesis chapter one he said he made the stars to signify times and seasons times seasons hallelujah so they looked at it and then it led them to the place and when they got there they saw a baby but because they knew that it was not a baby they started worshipping him if i if you are worshiping a jimmy's child wouldn't somebody know that they'll say they want to kill your child to me but now two three or where the bible doesn't say three men but we know much i came from the east and they are worshipping someone because they are seen more than that and all of a sudden an angel appears and says run away with this child they want to kill him run quickly do you know why because jesus could die the reality i said the angel would not waste his time and say run away with that child if he could not die he could die if they disobeyed that angel they would have killed him the only thing is the body would not decay but he would die yeah he would die are we together when jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights satan was waiting very strange immediately he finished he just showed up now watch this if the devil is near you wouldn't you drive him but here he is working with jesus satan working with jesus please come you are not the devil in jesus name say amen but watch this i'm minding my business and somebody appears and i look i say satan you again think about that this is what happened in your bible and he said ah jesus you are hungry turn this stone into bread and i said it is written and he didn't disappear he didn't go he continued with another temptation he said jesus follow me let me show you something and jesus followed him your bible they went up the mountain look at all the glories of the earth hold on where is that mountain where a man can stand and see the glories of the world at once is it mount everest it's a mystery these guys just came out of the physical realm into the realm of the spirit and says stan i show you all the kings i have empowered this is it like a window like you just step out into a door and show jesus all the glories he said if you bow to me i will give you if you bow to me that is the mystery of the wealth of sinners if you bow to me i will give you satan does not need money he needs your bowing if you bow to me i will give you so when you say you want to be blessed and not bowed he says no you can't eat your cake and have it your allegiance and then i give you every other thing and you say no i will have it are you saying so you just get up and say why are christians not getting jobs now you understand he took him and showed him the system bow to me so you want a job but you don't want to bow to him you must find out what provision has been made because jesus conquered him then he now took him up a cliff and he said jump down he said he shall put his angel's charge over you look at satan quoting scriptures the guy you call satan by the way let's not it's not that we're talking about satan do you really know who he is look up please are you getting blessed am i boring you tonight who exactly is satan a guy with a horn as nigerian females depicted no that's just to help you understand who exactly is satan because according to scripture we see that satan is a person he can be satan is not omniscient not all knowing the ignorance of satan is clear from genesis to revelation there are many things he did not know are we together number two satan is not only present many times he's at a spot he can be everywhere he's focusing on the issues that are most important question three is satan down up or where where does he live now today because when we say down now satan up up jesus none of them is living up or down that's not the address of any of them it's not the address of any of them you go up i guarantee you're not going to see anything there you see that because i hope you know that this our ram is suspended in space space that even scientists don't know there is no reference to measure where we are at now and it was concealed by the wisdom of god you can't you can't tell whether we're in the mid where exactly are we you call this solid you are standing here now but you are floating and moving around think about it yet the bible says it has foundations the earth your earth jesus himself or well god speaking now told job that the earth has foundations who is satan why does he make you afraid please look at me let somebody be delivered now who is that guy that threatens the whole world where is he now if you call him will he come are we together now do you know there was a time in the civilization of god's kingdom where satan was not there he was not even created i hope you know satan has a creation date he was not born so he was created are we together now let me shock you number two i hope you know satan is not the most dangerous of spirits evil spirits now no of course the bible never teaches that that satan is the most dangerous of the spirit no there are spirits currently now that were bound in everlasting chains now as i speak they could not be released because even the elect if they are released they may not stand them now as i speak there are spirits bound but satan is going toe and through he is not part of them i want you to understand this you see you disarm darkness when you have light you disarm darkness when you have light all through scripture we see that demons can be told what to do and they can be told where to go and under certain conditions they must obey are we together now so how does satan carry out the advancement of all of these things how does he do that you see somebody who minds his business and you begin to pray for him he's manifesting the power of god is upon him and he's vomiting something physical vomiting razor vomiting this and that now that's an ugly thing frankly speaking but i mean it's a shock i've counseled so many people i remember one gentleman who said that their father took all of them for protection after making incisions on them god is my witness they gave all of them to two rays of blade physical sharp rays of blade the man said just close your eyes and eat it guys are you joking this is razor and they said they threw it in their mouth and they were shocked they didn't wound them didn't do anything it disappeared nobody swallowed their own now when a result disappears in your mouth you have to find out where it went to say after me life is spiritual there are people who end their salaries their physical money disappears i'm not saying sickness took it you kept 29 you come and find 15 naira yet you are alone in the room there are individuals that have strange visitations by men women strange beings in the night a spirit comes and then comes to sleep with you or do certain things and you get up with all kinds of things you have a dream that there was an incision you wake up physically with a mark with blood was that was that just a was that a story a spirit having an affair between a dream because spirits are neither male nor female you understand so there is no reason why you should be having that let me explain to you the mysteries behind people's lives that they don't know pay attention to what i'm saying we live in a world that you must have spiritual intelligence there are four things i'm talking about maybe i'll just take this one today because i can dwell here and explain to you the mystery behind the happenings of people just like that life is spiritual all of a sudden in three weeks promise men start coming to your life to favor you where were they what happened before that they didn't come somebody spoke to you he didn't give you money he just spoke to you you didn't see anything leaving him it's not even that his saliva touched you he just said something to you and you left believing you carried something and you come out and people start treating you in a certain way say after me life is spiritual you had the testimony of that dear lady about the favor how many of you have been crying and your helpers are next door but they cannot speak to you but all of a sudden something happens and you begin to see people arise for you life is spiritual every one of you seated here as many as you are look at people standing outside and i say this with all humility human beings are not idiots nobody comes to stand outside in the cold and just watching because he's trying to what is so special about the man of god everyone say life is spiritual it's not just poster it's not just balloons there are mysteries you know sometimes i watch people when i come for conan and i see people sit down i know that the spirit realm brought them even them they are surprised what am i doing here yet you are still coming spiritual [Music] are we together when a lady gets married and all of a sudden her womb closes watch this what is satan looking for why is her womb closing she goes to the hospital the doctor said you are fine we've checked you you are okay oh god we checked you you are okay but then the child does not come at all two years three years five years the child does not come and then all of a sudden they begin to have problems husband and wife and then everything scatters are we together and then watch this that same woman will live in defiance and go and have an affair with another man and get pregnant instantly instantly that means it was never about anything wrong with her there are people who have seen people who are praying for people with hiv it's not that they lived a challenged life no no i remember a testimony i don't know if he was here that was shed someone went to bed in the night all of a sudden a stranger appeared held syringe and told the person this thing inside it is hiv injected the person he woke up physically with hiv is there any amount of entry to viral drug that would heal that person if the sickness came from the realm of the spirit medicine can only manage it the real cure the real cure will come from the realm of the spirit are we together families in this array because they do not understand that life is spiritual there are people who will be driving driving going to their place of work at top speed the cow just locked lock in one position i've spoken with many people who had accidents you ask them what happened they tell you i tried to turn the steering i'm not a challenge driver i did my best i was watching myself dying you know i've seen the spirit of death i know it it knows me i've seen the spirit of death so i know what i'm telling you it comes to hospitals in the night patients in wards and all of a sudden hovers round and all of a sudden people just leave and in the morning you come and find out social person is dead there are times it will come over territories like a city like zaria like this it will just come is invoked by powers they do incantations and invoke it it can loom around the territory for three weeks and there are ghastly motor accident headache killing men a pastor just standing on stage preaching and you collapse and die and then after a while when the invocation has fulfilled its reason for coming it quietly leaves you see it happen break forth thou fountains after deep and with us you you abraham abraham is returning from war and all of a sudden a strange man appears the bible says no father no mother what kind of a man is that melchizedek just shows up and says abraham you don't know me but i am a king a king of war i've never heard about you you are a king listen listen the earth is not the only place that has kings melchizedek said i am a king of where salem an ancient city of peace then he looks at abraham and said i'm on assignment abraham gives him a title of all and he says abraham i want to activate something in your life blessed be abraham possess all you are the most high possessor of the heavens and the head listen you will never see melchizedek in the bible again the next time melchizedek shows up is in jesus hold on the bible now calls him a priest after the order of melchizedek read your bible and see the strangers that met with men that we never saw again never saw again never saw again there are men who started churches when the churches started growing one time all of a sudden spirits just appear to them and the power that controls this territory we can negotiate all this bishop where they go shed and said how that the cardinal church was not growing still anointed still with power the kaduna church was not growing and all of a sudden he said one time they were fasting and praying say life is spiritual and all of a sudden he came out and the holy ghost asked him to come out he said look and he looked and he saw it back there backfield covering the people he said this is the field that misinterprets what i am doing misinterpreted and he commanded it and it leaves he just left like that and all of a sudden members started coming what is the relationship between members and this have you not heard of people who want name kings and they bury their children correct they bury people alive and you just get up and come to fight them you die for nothing i was in mina last week and one of us the media person met me and then you know talking about the security situation around and he said something he said a particular village when there was war about to happen in a particular village that the people there said no problem that the people just carried their champs and came and lined it in front of the village mysterious substances started killing the armies one of them something at his hand you don't know what it is those people they have it when the going gets tough they bring it out are you aware that life is spiritual are you aware that your life is spiritual when you know this it should not make you afraid it should give you the key to changing anything when you know that life is spiritual you will value prayer because you will know that when you pray among many other things you are changing things you are shifting things in the realm of the spirit [Music] my life today is a product of this singular revelation life is spiritual you never see me sit down and i'm just discussing physical things with people i may keep quiet and not but i am reading between the lines and when i get it i say oh that's it we know what the problem is listen kanonya let me tell you the relevance of this understanding you never will try to fight physical people again if your roommate is fighting you all the time know that life is spiritual fighting your roommate is when you finish praying you find out that they are behaving haywire don't you know that there is a spirit that was watching while you are praying and now you are coming all of a sudden they will pour water on your bed because anger is a gateway in the realm of the spirit so the devil will try to rob you from joy joy with joy shall you draw that's why you finish praying and your father insults you that's why as you are living from calia you receive hostilities from people when you know that life is spiritual you will stop being angry and you stop wasting your time let me tell you how many of us have aborted prophecy you don't know that life is spiritual the moment a miracle is about to come that's when you hear stories that five people said about you satan is moving through men moving through men the moment there is a breakthrough did you hear this about past subjects and then you are bitter and then you are anger and the demons say praise god this is exactly what we are looking for and all of a sudden the prophecy is aborted like a woman pregnant but there are those who understand this and the moment they are looking at you say no no i know it's not you you are just a victim of the realm of the spirit so i ignore them and i keep dancing my way to joy listen when jesus was going to enter a city do you know how he said we should enter he sat down on the horse and said people praise and sing if jesus entered that city silently something dangerous would have happened he listened do you know joy and laughter are weapons in the spirit look at me look at me let me share something with you sam if you are talking to all of us now and we start laughing and scoring you what happens to you talk to me do you know if i am angry i promise my joy is to see him angry when he's angry then what i have done to make him angry is walking but when you see somebody that you are praying that something bad happens to him always happy and joyful it will disarm you the bible says why do the hidden rage and the people imagine a painting listen the kings of the earth they set themselves right against god that is anointed then he says he that sits on the throne hold on if they say he will fight first the first thing that happens laughter is an expression of joy hold on hold on that's why when people are under the anointing sometimes you see them laughing hysterically now you are not spiritual so you just think which kind of men of god are this that's serious breakthrough happening to them in the realm of the spirit there are people under the anointing you see them start dancing i'm not talking of they can't even control themselves dancing and you may not understand when they were going to take the act back there was a formula it was always with singing and dancing i was i was sharing with you jimmy i would just share to help you i think it was um yesterday we were talking i got up in the morning about to pray and the lord said no you are not going to pray you are going to dance before me two hours stretch non-stop that's all i did all i did i was so tired and i said wait wait wait style down by which i mean what is all this but i knew i'm smart enough to know life is spiritual listen listen that two hours may be equivalent to 15 years breakthrough two hours you ready you ain't changing goddess oh life is spiritual joshua chapter one two three the salvatorico and all of a sudden it says walk around don't talk just walk around what is the stupidity of walking around life is spiritual you call it madness a man is walking around once and then he says on the seventh day hold on listen the bible says defense of jericho five chariots could stand on it so even if you turn it it will still become another fence are we together there are people who are too big for breakthrough there are two that they are they are they are too carnal and scientific for the stupidity that spirituality requires life is spiritual they moved around the seventh time the moment they got there he said now don't fight shout shout and the bible says when they shouted listen hold on hold on hear me sometimes sometimes you hear people say give god a shout or sometimes you sin about two minutes and i tell you a way to shout the name jesus you may think they are just formulas stupidly you see this is they want your mind if you allow people who are depraved and don't know god they will rubbish your breakthrough they will say what are you doing what are you saying same thing with praying in tongues you are praying in tongues and someone sees you and say you two you are in this thing you are doing this thing too you two you are you are joining them at your age you went to school listen listen i tell you i have mustang how to destroy jericho in my life i know the principles life is spiritual when i found this kid i stopped wasting my time brothers and sisters let me tell you how to come out of any trouble in your life should i tell you listen after you finish praying listen i want you to laugh and dance dance is a strange mystery of deliverance strange mystery believe what i'm telling you dance is a strange mystery of deliverance doctor kenneth copeland asked bishop oyeniko and said you claim we taught you faith but how comes you are able to pack over 50 thousand people four services and where they could say i dance every one of those people to church see listen there is a time to pray but there is a time to engage other things and you get what i'm saying the bible calls it the sacrifice of praise it didn't say the music of praise is a sacrifice it will cost you but it will tear your heavens open listen you have not seen breakthrough till you know how to rejoice before god there's nothing i know that paralyzes satan like an expression of praise and joy is one of the seven mysteries god revealed to me seven mysteries are you hearing what i'm saying let me show you how men have commanded victory in their lives when you don't know the key and you don't know that life is spiritual you will waste your time cheap victories you will never get it i remember a woman who shared a testimony um she was burying and then she started bleeding she took him and then she started bleeding and she went to a man of god who happened to be a doctor true story and the man said madame thought right now honestly this this thing of course you know what that means it's over just trust god for grace and the woman said no i know what my bible says i might say well you know i'm a pastor but i'm also a medical practitioner when he finished everything the woman said she did you know what they said dancing with you not not you put the jill and put songs and what she said she danced her way and that child returned from wherever he was [Applause] listen if you don't believe what i'm telling you honestly you can go home conor has finished for you this night so that you don't waste your time you are too big to engage these mysteries some things will never happen in your life never happen hallelujah there are mysteries when the devil wants to get your life he will use men listen every time you start seeing strange attacks it's a sign that something is about to drop be careful be sensitive bitterness will start coming are we together now betrayal will come all kinds of things they are demon spirits desperate trying to use men to look for access to sabotage and that's why i use joy joy joy joy rejoicing dancing all these things distract you till the miracle comes find a man who has refused to get angry i'll show you a winner i show you a winner a winner some of you all these i'm like that you will never rise beyond certain levels in our family we are like that if i'm hungry should i not say it apostle i'm a human being you will sit there as a human being and die like men mysteries this life is spiritual you are looking for rent and the rent has refused to come do you know there are times in your life there is nothing about you that can bring that miracle you are not expecting money from anybody there is no hope of anything coming those are the times you engage this you don't go around just saying sir the other day i spoke to you i'm seeing here is it that you are not seeing me no let god talk to them you talk to god you engage the mysteries and while you are dancing like a mad person do you know there are people between now and friday you will see the strange testimonies that will come in your life if you understand that life is spiritual [Applause] this is the foolishness some of us have adopted oh who have been stupid enough to do it and god has proven himself in a very dangerous way when we were going for crusade remember when our car stopped let me give you a real testimony the car refused to move they kicked it he did not move remember we prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed they kicked it all of a sudden we were tired everybody was discouraged steve strings just took the guitar and started playing that was how we started singing there are witnesses we kicked that guy it started till we got to the crusade ground when you understand that life is spiritual you will know that it's not about your roommate this is the only way to love people so there's somebody now that you are bitter against but you are turning your attention to the wrong person and you are giving access to spirits the devil expects you to see promise promise come pass this way and you just pass like that pull in your mouth and the devil said is exactly what i mean i like this kind of people they are like robots anything we want they do but the moment you are passing and is pulling space and how are you does it you disarm it's a little act but you disarm principalities and powers because life is spiritual life is spiritual your breakthrough is spiritual your husband is spiritual your wife spiritual your baby everything your exams spiritual listen listen listen [Applause] i'm not saying you should not read listen but um listen let me tell you the truth hear me hear me listen listen listen let me tell you something no matter who you are a day will come you will sit down look at that paper and you will know only god can help me yeah it's a key let me tell you what students do after exams and then that's why many people feel they come out and then they go to somebody there's usually somebody saying what do you write here don't don't do that thing when you come out walk away don't i put five you say you put eleven they say how did you become eleven you didn't even put six you have failed the answer is five now let me tell you what that i'm not saying you should criticize people are you getting my point when that happens to your spirit all of a sudden you go back and say my god this is it it's over for me my whole life has finished you are helping the demons prophesy to yourself you are helping to speak whereas somebody else will know that honestly it's not that i'm saying you should be lazy but brothers and sisters of what uses the spirit if there's no advantage [Applause] there is an advantage we are not idiots believe me you dance an angel to your faculty you dance an angel to your department you dance and enter to open your file come on now dance your way to the admission list [Applause] again what i'm saying please believe what i'm saying this is only one over four i came tonight to open your eyes stop interpreting the happenings in your life they they threw you out of the job don't sit down and say cat but these people even my uncle my uncle you you saw me it's not about your uncle there's something you can do about it stop calling home to listen to bad news after you listen close it and say lord i still see what you are doing i still see what you are doing [Applause] are we together you hear a word and they say by the grace of god your husband is coming all of a sudden things begin to happen around you somebody just comes and says you said why are you putting this marriage in on your head and all of a sudden you feel ashamed you feel embarrassed when a prophecy is coming you can't even lift your hands to receive it because you're saying they see me they think i'm desperate for marriage they rob you of your joy they rob you of your peace you never get your miracle once you sit down then the devil uses anger you now see that you are talking about other people's relationship and marriage tearing people down and sowing a seed that will have a boomerang effect on you because life is spiritual hear what proverbs says it says be careful as you speak for the best who carry your words have you seen those breads before the beds will carry your words my life is spiritual my life is spiritual i cannot stop anybody from carrying charm but i can stop it from touching me i know what to do i know what to do i can't stop the spirit of death from standing on the road to kai but there is something there is something that even if he's the devil that drives he will drive me safely these are not these are not empty talks this is what dominion is all about i'm training you i'm giving you spiritual intelligence from now when you walk out of this place for some of you right now there is a text message a heavy insult waiting for you to read now hold on you now know that you don't just turn and call people devils but you just enter and your roommates who right now as you are here they are talking about you and the lord tells you should i tell you how to win buy five for life go and drop it and say people this is for you and you are saying i am god to be that much of an idiot no somebody that did this is this lady that stopped me from marrying she said something bad to one good military man who would have married me and god says buy malt a cattle of mud and one greater or god would say wash their plates i know they dated your bed she just changes sing praises and wash your plates listen when you disown powers you will see god rise in a fearful way are we together bitterness anger envy are more wicked than than anything you can think about they destroy you they are like a cancer that sabotages you many of our parents you know why they may never prosper they are angry at everybody there are people now if they see me coming i see people frown oh is he the guy that's him how are they getting money look at this these young boys and so the angel the grace for the blessing is authorized to live your life because anything you don't or not cannot be your inheritance are we together now what are they be careful of all these young guys standing how can people be standing outside are you worshiping a man are you foolish don't castigate anybody but just know that those are joy robbers the moment they start speaking know that your blessing has left heaven and it's about to come and land in your life are we together life is spiritual let me just narrow it down so that we can pray the mystery of praise in a dance in a dance you hear me talking about this dancing thing i'm not a dancer you don't have to be a dancer but if you want to move forward you dance anyhow to your breakthrough anyhow you are too big to dance your way to breakthrough i tell you you are too big to have an open heavens it will never never open ask david david the king the custodian of mysteries when he was dancing and rejoicing his arrogant wife came and said what is this i'm not saying you should dance in a nude and an ungodly way i don't know david's dance but i know the dancer is not david's dance let me balance it quickly i i was not there with david but i know the dance that is not david's dance there are many dance around that it's not david's dance are we together david's dance comes from a genuine heart not a heart of seduction and stupidity david's dance is a genuine heart that is focused on god directed to him so let's we're talking about david's dance here david was dancing and the wife who was too big now came and said what is this thing you are doing you are a king and then you say yeah yeah yeah you don't know i was in the wilderness do you know what happened from there the wilderness that brought me here and i'm dancing and you don't know that i got you by dancing of course it's a mystery i've been practicing you are soul's daughter you don't even know how you just came like that you came as an inheritance the bible may not record it but i believe he finished his dance and carried his sling and went to goliad and said have you done your own dance go lads because if you have not done it you are about to go down hallelujah i believe in the mystery of praise please hear me the mystery of praise psalms 149 give it to us one of the mysteries we'll touch this night because this is a year of triumph and i will be wicked if i don't share with you the secrets i operate in my own life psalms 149 please praise ye the lord sing unto the lord a new song listen and praise him in the congregation of saints verse 2. let israel rejoice in him that had made him let the children of zion be what in who their king three let them praise his name what let them praise his name in a dance let them sing praises to him with timbrel and her fault while reading down for the lord taken pleasure in his people he will do what beautify those who are humble enough he will beautify them with salvation next verse let the saints do what be joyful in glory let them sing aloud on there listen hold on just stay there let me explain this to you it says while you are allowing them and all of a sudden do you know it's when people lie down that the devil brings thoughts i hope you know the bill is still there and all of a sudden oh lord you are good shabbat i know you are faithful i know you are faithful let the evil on their bed verse six now here is the warfare dimension of praise he said let the high praises of god be in their mouth and the two exits holding their hands next verse to execute what sentence upon the healing and punishment upon the people not by chasing them that while you are praising and dancing it is vengeance you are speaking in the camp of the enemy to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron there is something called the written judgment to execute upon them what hold on how do you execute it your own is to mind your business knowing that life is spiritual i know they said you are not from so social tribe they walk together and suck you don't go telling people to hate these people go to your secret place and start praising and see what happens in that office are we together it says this honor have how many the honor of expressing breakthrough there are some things that god gave apostles prophets teachers but he said this one this honor of experiencing breakthrough have all the saints praising the lord cheap victories cheap victories by understanding life is spiritual and you carry all let me tell you another mystery carry all your challenges write it on a paper and dance before i put it on the ground and celebrate god before it like a madman don't worry just be that stupid and see what happens a child is not coming i know that me for sure i'm getting zero in this and that and begin to celebrate him celebrate him people look at you and say what are you doing i'm praising him why what did he do no testimony you are start doing all these church things that people do like fools you're married you go unlock you and your wife and tell yourself we're dancing our next level when jesus was entering the city what did he do sat down on a donkey and had people praising and rejoicing it was that atmosphere he said some hundred please some hundred someone's life is about to change it says make a joyful noise hold on are you seeing another mystery joyful what hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah listen praise the lord listen he didn't say make noise making noise is not good even for your health is it a joyful noise hold on do you know what the joyful noise is the revelation behind it i'm not just shouting as an idiot i'm showing you mysteries now praising a joyful noise unto the lord all your lands verse two serving with gladness look at how many times god talks about this what is the protocol for accessing his presence come before his presence with not with money hold on oh god i taught the other time what don't give me any dream again if i keep seeing money my dream and yes nobody sends me any a lot are you not the god of heaven i've been serving in colonia let me tell you what you are doing you are just moving backward believe me believe me you are moving backward because a a broken spirit dry yet the bones verse 3 know that the lord is god it is he that made us and not we ourselves so have this revelation he said we are the ship of his pastures he will not deny you anything there's too much gloominess and mourning that's why i i listen to the news just for the purpose of leadership but ask anybody who knows me i have no time listening to all these analysis and all this junk this and that is happening uh this and that dollar is one million to this i don't know what happened but all i know is that for with joy shall you draw from the wealth of salvation praise the lord if god calls this year a year of triumph you must stop acting like man man they can predict your life they know when money is missing from your life your face will show it anybody in this room that took what doesn't belong to him except i'm not a member of calinonia you think you are being spiritual but that's not how to disempower us strange principles that will lift i'm telling you this principle of praise with a dance and a shout of praise is i permit me to use the word a wicked principle you want to see speed in your life do this and see what happens make up your mind complaining the bible says do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may be called blameless children of god right the world is full of angry people do you know the classic sign that someone needs deliverance is anger anger offense everything offends you right now after calling onion they say turn and hug somebody you just turn and found out that they left you alone that alone is enough to bring anger are you not my partner why are you turning to the other person you are trying to say i'm not good enough you are giving the devil hold on don't laugh you are giving the devil access i choose to be a happy person you come i'm i'm a joyous joyous joyous he said rejoice in the lord and again i say again i repeat it hear me many people will laugh at what you are doing but they will not deny the result the result will be strange i guarantee you i don't share my testimonies again so that it will not be as if i'm coming to colonia and all i'm saying but there are things i will share with you you will not be able to sleep that were gotten on the platform of engaging these mysteries let me tell you another strange thing the spirit of prophecy the spirit of prophecy walks with three things one a joyful noise listen you can never never walk in the prophetic without joy the spirit the spirit the true spirit of prophecy walks with joy but i see angry people who say they are prophets is a joke the spirit of prophecy let me tell you most people who do different religions do you know how they invoke the anointing upon mediums they play instruments they do music you've seen masquerades they are moving play with fire somebody jumping on somebody and then they reach a crescendo when a spirit lands on the head of whoever is the medium and all of a sudden he starts prophesying are we together the prophet said bring me a mystery and i began to play the mystery and say the hand of the lord came upon him and then he began to prophesy you shall not see wind you shall not see but the valley now that strange breakthrough no rain no wind but the valley filled with water are we together i'm telling you i have if i believe with all my heart that i have abstract somebody's life now with this revelation with this revelation call your parents all this complain all this complain my daughter when will you marry now you see that there are no men in colonia is it that you are sitting outside yeah you don't you are not serving in any department you think i don't know what people say all around that's nonsense you can be in the third overflow dancing your destiny and somebody seated here god will force him to go and do something outside and see his destiny there so it's not it's not about all these games that people play no the favor of god can come upon your life you step into the office your director did not intend talking to you but you say um okay she was not in that list it's her name there please add it to me we should come and see me see even me joshua sermon there are people who have helped that i didn't i didn't plan to i just saw the joy and the ecstasy look at the frown and come and see if i cause your problems no come with joy you are bubbling i'm not saying fake it but they are happy the joy of the lord is their strength you are compelled to bless them watch the visitors that come to your house somebody just comes and knocks are you around say please can i get cold water before i talk to you you are in a hurry for them to live because you see let me tell you depression has a presence depression has a presence someone can step into your life kill your joy close your heavens and walk away we're going to sing before the lord for two or three minutes and command some fearful results fearful results fearful results fearful results but before we get there i want you to open your mouth and blast in tongues for the next six to seven minutes from the depth of your heart lift your voice and pray [Music] my life is spiritual my life is spiritual [Music] my life is spiritual [Music] my life [Music] life is spiritual life is spiritual life is spiritual [Music] my breakthrough is spiritual my job is spiritual don't stop don't stop you are aligning [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord we're going to pray listen you're going to say father take away any carnal interpretation i've been interpreting things wrongly that's why the doors have closed i thought it was my mother i thought it was my father i obtain mercy unforgiveness for blaming people wrongly lift your voice and pray i obey mercy for wrong interpretation i am mercy [Music] [Music] hallelujah i want you to pray this next prayer point with all your heart lord the spirit of bitterness anger unforgiveness that has been tying down my next level i cost it for my life lift your voice and pray [Music] i curse it from my life i cross it for my destiny pray [Music] [Music] hallelujah was he praying lord i challenge the spirit of fear and worry listen hold on hold on let me tell you something these spirits walk like twins fear and worry worry about whether or not you will make it worry about whether or not you will get the job fear comes and then you start worrying will i ever marry will i ever have a child will ever do well they are dangerous spirits lift your voice and cause them by the god of heaven i cause worry i cause worry [Music] i cause worry god has not given me the spirit of fear god has not given me the spirit of fear i reject you i reject you i reject you from my life [Music] hallelujah [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody [Applause] everybody [Music] everybody [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord [Music] hallelujah hold on hold on please hold on now listen hold on hold on please hold on hold on hold on so that we can make progress we are going to give god listen hold on please we are going to give god three i tell if you know the things that are happening in the realm of the spirit just with this little dancing [Music] listen believe me when i tell you these mysteries are fearful instruments of deliverance we are going to give god hold on please we are going to keep god listen hold on hold on we are going to give god three shouts three sets hold on i will direct you just three shouts from your heart i know that it may not make sense to you but when i say shout i want you to rejoice and then the second and then the third shout you see what happened in jericho the walls of jericho hallelujah hold on foreign hold on hold on just praise god just follow my directives some of you will not even be able to shout the third one hold on are you ready now listen hold up [Music] listen it is not an ordinary shout there is an anointing upon it it's a shout of warfare are you hearing what i'm saying believe me believe me you will command a level of results that will make you afraid you are disarming powers beyond your imagination are you ready now fathers will obey you i pray that you honor your name put your name upon this shout shout number one are you ready now go ahead and shout [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord the second shout listen that we're about to shout is a shout of strange open doors hold on strange believe what i'm telling you the anointing of the spirit is upon me a shout of strange strange open doors are you ready now [Music] that every closed door must swing open go ahead and shout now money hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god listen listen hold on please now please just follow me so we'll conserve time this is what i want you to do listen please this is what i want you to do after the third shout listen to me after the third shout out worship us you just begin to play i want you to open your mouth and begin to call things called things after the touch out hold on hold on after the third shout praise god i know we're all going to be excited but you try to stop the moment the third shout is just just set the atmosphere for us i want you to begin to call things that be not call things that be not you will be surprised my brothers and my sisters are you ready now hold on father in the name of jesus you have sent me to open up the eyes of your people and lord i pray i have done as you have told me to do and i pray that you honor this touch of the bible says after two days he will revive us he said but in the third day he will raise us up lord let this be a shout of strange triumph let this be a shout of strange triumph strange triumph are we together now please make sure after the shout whether you are under the anointing or open your mouth and speak call for things are we together thank you jesus are you ready now are you ready now take go care so open your mouth and begin to prophesy open your mouth and begin to prophesy open your mouth and begin to prophesy open your mouth and begin to prophesy [Music] open your mouth and begin to prophesy i call it the next level of my testing i call it the gifts of man the gift of man strange help us i call you allies for me strange anointing so for good prayer strength favor strength faithful i call you for it i speak to my destiny speak to my life speak to my destiny break through to my life break through to my destiny don't be silent every silence speak speak your speaking spirit speak speak every jericho standing before me you crumple every charitable standing before me every jericho standing before me every jericho standing before me i cross you by the god of heaven i call for strange breakthroughs strange breakfast straight revelations strange encounters of the spiritual strange encounters [Music] have your words of grace hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah fire is burning in this place listen i want us to spare two minutes and rescue our families let them tap into this mystery begin to prophesy to the gates and say i have placed on behalf of my family i command that devil you must go i waste the warfare through my place i wish the warfare i command it let my family members go i command it personally for spiritual lukewarmness we can spirits powers [Music] by the mystery of praise by the mystery of praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] for the things you have done and the patterns you have won [Music] only you are worthy of myself only you [Applause] i put pressure on your helpers wherever they are anyone who has the word of prophecy to be your helper i put pressure on their spirits this night and i command them to show up for you i command them to show up for you i command them to show for you i command them to show up for you i command them to show for you listen hold on i want you to understand this thing i've been teaching called the gift of men you've heard me say this thing for none i can kneel down and beg you if you ignore what i'm saying you will never rise it's not whether you may rise or not no helper comes by themselves they are invoked through mysteries no helper their people are too busy to come just to help you but after what you have done tonight oh no no come on listen listen let me tell you this let me tell you this listen i say it with every sense of humility over 80 percent of the people that are so into this ministry i don't know them some of them are not even calling on your people i don't know where they are any part of the world are you hearing what i'm saying now you don't need to know nobody you just need to know these mysteries know them the mysteries know the people are we together now my only prayer for you this night and i'm going to keep praying it until i see that result in your life is a stranger shall come and feed your flock strangers listen hold on many of you have not entered that realm you have only entered the realm of those who know you and so for their love they help you you have not entered the realm of the ministry of strangers listen when the prophet met with listen when the prophet met with saul he said saul as you are going you will meet three men it is a three relatives three men they are holding bread they will salute you and they will give it to you in the name of jesus christ i'm praying [Music] men you don't know women you don't know people who don't know you from adam they will arise and favor you strangely they will arise and favor you strangely i command them to arise and pray for you strangely [Music] anyone here or any family that has been in the same position for a long time no matter you are prayed you are fasted nobody moves in your family it's like the devil has kept them in one place [Music] no job no joy no breakthrough in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the same way he said i said before you an open door he said no man can shot i command the door to your next level open now i command the thought to your next level open now next level of ministry next level of business exploit next level of strategic relationships receive it in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah there are people who must show up in your life what you need from them is not money you need their credibility and endorsement listen some of us our helpers want to come but our helpers are afraid of us because they have never tested whether we have integrity or not so they need somebody who has the influence and the charisma who has vetted you to comment for you joseph of armatia had to tell he told herod he said give jesus to me you think if the disciples went they would not lock them up i will keep drumming this is a revelation god gave me for you you need the ministry of men all this i can do it alone you need help oh let me tell you you need help there are families you need a helper everybody that has entered your family caused trouble and destroyed you because something called them your ignorance called them darkness called them disobedience called them who told you strangers cannot enter and help families are we together now whoever needs to speak for you where your voice cannot yet go in the name of jesus this night not tomorrow this night listen i decree and declare may your discussion come to the ears of your helpers i command men to talk about you to your helpers i decreed i decreed i decreed i declare it i decreed i declare it listen hold on modekai was not there when they were talking about him mordecai was seated somewhere are we together but when that anointing landed the king could not sleep he said one bring me the chronicles bring me the books read them for me a king could not sleep and while they were reading it he heard that mordecai did something and he said hold on hold on this guy did something and nobody helped him the voice that will command restoration for you hear me the voice that must say no this was injustice let's go back and correct it i called for that voice now i called for that voice now i called for that voice now we're rounding up tonight's service is a powerful service pay attention just receive these prayers and pray for you and see what happens you will now see the difference between you and ordinary men when you see the results you command then you will know that there are mysteries in this world life is spiritual hallelujah listen paul said i desire to come to you once and again he said but satan when the lord opened my eyes year before last i was i've not shared this with anybody i saw several people white men individuals several people and then in that vision i had them talking about me and all of them were in a place like a circle you know how you use chalk to draw circle and the lord told me all these are people who have been destined to sow into my life to bless me and to announce what god is doing come on now man i prayed man i prayed i prayed i prayed with my spirit let me tell you when that thing happened i stepped into a strange level of favor the ministry of men there are men blocking you all there are men blocking your testimony the moment god wants your helper an enemy comes before them and says don't help a jimmy something happen don't have that girl she used to be a prostitute last year but you have repented now every enemy standing and speaking to your helper and praying this now say get taken anyone speaking to your helper so that they don't arise to help you i curse them by the god of heaven i curse them by the god of heaven i trust them by the gods [Music] hear me i don't care who they are for as long as their job is to stand and change the minds of your helpers someone wants to marry you before he speaks to you a wicked person arises and said don't don't go to that girl i pray shadow i post their oppressions tonight i trust their oppression tonight [Music] hallelujah i pray for you the grace to remain ever joyful the grace to be free from worry [Applause] if there's anyone here and you don't sleep simply because the moment you want to sleep there is a wicked spirit that will bring issues you have not paid this you have not done this your child's cookies has not been paid i command that this night will be the best sleep you have had in a long time [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i want you to wave your hands to jesus and give him all the praise yes lord we give you praise he said let my prayers rise to you and the lifting up of my hands like the evening sacrifice lord i wave my hand we wave our hands to you acknowledging acknowledge acknowledging [Music] hallelujah i want to give you an assignment please listen listen from today till next friday just do this is a simple instruction from today till next friday find any time of the day and dedicate just 10 minutes hear me sing and dance dance before the lord just do it i know it's seven days it's not easy you can do it as a family you don't have to disturb neighbors you can just stroll around to one forest somewhere just stand behind one tree and dance and watch the god of vengeance i've been saying this thing that god let me tell you something hear me believe me i speak to you as a servant of god we declare this week a week of strange vengeance strange strange vengeance you may not believe it where records will be revisited and god will say no no this family since 1998 i destined them to be free who kept them who kept them lord i pray that you honor this world that has your people obey these instructions from this night friday till next week friday let here be strange please do me a favor i know some of you don't like sharing testimonies but i would like to share the testimonies please do that even if it's just because of me on friday once you reach us much to the media we want to hear the strange testimonies i know that you have testimonies for other things but just for this night service you will be surprised you will come back with strange testimonies hear me i pity any man this week that stands in your way as you dance [Applause] [Music] except god is not the god of heaven it has been declared as this week a week of strange results vengeance see that's how to force your destiny to open you play games with your destiny you will die like a chicken that's how to deal that's how to be recession proof when you force the gate on friday you will be surprised to see what will happen to people some of you from this night now as you are going you will read text messages a lot favors different kinds of things hallelujah the body of christ is full of a lot of ignorance when it comes to the issue of prayer when it comes to the issue of warfare when it comes to the issue of the interaction between the realm of the spirit and the eth realm there is cross ignorance in the body of christ as to the mysteries that are responsible for these operations that's what i've been seeking to do to teach us and help us understand how men can contact the realm of the spirit because man by design is the only entity that on legal grounds has the authorization to make contact with the realm of the spirit and make contact with the physical realm at will every other entity needs a system of authorization an altar is a system of authorization i want to share a few things with you about altars an altar is a system of authorization an altar is not just a monument it is a system of authorization [Music] an altar is a platform write it down where the realm of the spirit makes contact with the physical realm on legal grounds an altar is a platform where the realm of the spirit makes contact with the physical realm on legal grounds i'm taking out time for us to write this because i want us to understand it a spirit or an entity cannot enter another entity another territory without the configuration to suit that territory for instance a spirit should not be in the earth without a body that's against the law of territory if you must function in the atrium as a territory you must have a body are we together now so every spirit including god is at the mercy of a body or an altar to find expression in a territory the first death recorded in the bible happened on account of altars [Music] two men brothers went to offer sacrifices and all of them created platforms that was way before the old testament adam had access to mysteries and he taught his children how to invoke the presence of god and it's not the way it is today there and then you will know whether what you did walked or not and the bible says abel did something and cain did something to and all of a sudden the sacrifice of abel accended the heavens are we together now and then for king nothing happened and then cain killed his brother and blood spilled upon the earth and he thought it was over but the bible told us that discussion continued in the realm of the spirit something about that activity called the presence of god and god said okay there is a discussion going on in heaven but this discussion is between me and blood so what is going on he said my my brothers keepers ah don't tell lies there is a witness standing in heaven here that blood a symbol of an altar is granted me authorization to probe you and because of that i'm going to cause you judgment still happened even after abel died listen very carefully to what i'm teaching you supernatural system of authorization an altar let me give you one more definition it's where covenants are activated and maintained an altar is the platform where covenants are both activated and maintained a covenant cannot walk without an altar it is an altar that gives life to a covenant it's impossible for altars to walk covenants to walk without an altar an altar is like the battery that powers this gadget for instance the potentials of this gadget is only seen when you slot in the battery that's what an altar is it gives life to a covenant now write this down please altars can be physical monuments altars can be institutions and altars can be people altars can be physical monuments like we had in the old testament they would erect stones altars can be institutions like the jerusalem temple that was built by solomon he said oh god if anybody faces this temple and prays praise happened to that person's prayer not because of the rightness of the prayer but a covenant that was enacted there and an altar was raised to that effect the reason why salvation the covenant of salvation can walk is because there is an altar that was erected not just in the earth in heaven the book of hebrews tells us that jesus a high priest carried his blood to the most holy place in heaven and put it upon an altar that is still speaking today that is the basis upon which whoever calls upon the name of the lord whether in you are sleeping whether you are awake it kicks that reality you will be saved because there is an altar that eternally secures that there are many platforms that god has created to allow spirit entities to find expression in the earth realm to come and assist men to come and empower men but if we do not understand those platforms then we'll not be able to take advantage of it and one of it is what i'm talking about tonight an altar of prayer as a system of authorization an altar of prayer as a mystery that on legal grounds authorizes the realm of the spirit to influence the activities of men here in the earth realm please write this down the most accurate measure of the health of your spiritual life is your prayer life the most accurate measure of the health of your spiritual life is your prayer life not bible study no sir the most accurate measure of how healthy your spiritual life is is your prayer life no matter what else is working in your life if your prayer life is dead then you are not spiritual are we together anyone can preach anyone can teach but not everyone can pray never forget this it's very easy to preach very easy to teach but it's a sacrifice to pray [Music] any and everyone can preach any and everyone can teach but not everyone can pray because prayer is a sacrifice is a mystery [Music] let me tell you something god is so meticulous about the revelation of altars that he rules the world sitting on an altar the very throne room is like a shrine surrounded with mysteries the epicenter of the throne room is the very throne that he sits upon that throne you see is an altar it's what makes him the ancient of days he sits upon that altar and manipulates things according to his predeterminate doesn't have to walk around heaven to find out who is rebellious there is a system that has been designed to ensure order an altar anyone who will work in true dominion must function from the standpoint of an altar everyone who seeks to walk in true dominion must function from the standpoint of an altar tonight we're particularly looking at the altar of prayer [Music] the ministry of prayer is one that is largely hated by many either because of the spiritual energy that it involves or because of the sacrifice and the discipline that is involved in the ministry of prayer but scattered around scripture all through the bible are scriptures that encourage believers to pray and it makes them understand that their lives and their victories dependent on it in luke chapter 18 verse 1 the bible says he speak this parable to the end that means the goal of this parable was to teach many a lesson and the lesson is that men ought always to pray and not to faint always always not a circumstantial activity men ought always to pray and not to faint in matthew chapter 21 when you read from verse 13 the bible says jesus entered the temple and he saw people buying and selling and doing all kinds of things in the temple and he was angry and in verse 13 chapter 21 he scattered everywhere and said my house shall be called a house of prayer my house shall be called a house of prayer it's impossible to be a man of prayer and ignore the word but it's possible to be a man of the word and ignore prayer when the devil wants to deceive you he makes you look like you have an option to choose between prayer and the word and then he indoctrinates you and carries takes advantage of your passion for knowledge and keeps you to be cold and dry and lukewarm and all of a sudden you begin to search scriptures like a philosopher and there is no power no grace no efficiency every great ministry starts from the altar of prayer any ministry that does not start as a prayer ministry will not last it's impossible the ministry of jesus started as a prayer ministry the moment he was filled with the holy spirit he was driven of the spirit 40 days and 40 nights traveling in prayer and the bible says he returned in the power of the spirit all of a sudden his fame began to spread devils will fly around and say no no no you have come to destroy us before our time the ministry of prayer in james chapter 5 verse 16 please give it to us james chapter 5 verse 16. i want you to understand this tonight is an admonishment and then we're going to pray james 5 16. he says confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that he may be healed then he says the effectual prayer of a righteous man it says a valid much a valid much amplified says it is dynamic in its working it can produce results and we're going to examine these results that the prayer of a believer is not just an empty talk it's not just an exercise in futility it's not just a religious system to feel spiritual that every time men pray there is an effect now theologically speaking the classic scripture that is used to represent the activity of altars is genesis chapter 28 we are not turning there for time's sake but many of us know it i'm just giving you a little theological background um abraham had passed across a region and the bible says that he set up an altar there and many years later jacob his son are we together now i'm sorry in the flesh now a generation now was passing that place and the night time came and he felt look let me just lie down and sleep and the bible says he put stones together and laid down to sleep he didn't pray for an encounter he didn't beg for an encounter the moment he slept the bible says his eyes were open and he saw strange activities happening the angels ascending descending it was like a portal a ladder and at the top of it was god himself and he was surprised when he woke up he said wow this is a portal this is the gate of heaven i saw something that happened a portal an altar the lord was in this place and i knew not now watch this is because jacob slept there and recorded his experience that we know that that place had an effect do you know that whether or not jacob slept there you can be passing peacefully and for whatever reason cross across that place and something happens to you all of a sudden you find out that the sickness just disappeared you didn't pray now you are wondering what happened you don't know it was jacob's experience that helped us to understand that there was such a thing [Music] the same way elijah when he was about to leave he knew that there was an exact portal that can take man physically he went beyond the jordan and he said elisha asks i'm about to leave and right before his eyes he saw chariots when jesus was about to levitate to go to heaven he knew exactly where to stand when he they watched him and he began to rise there are physical portals in the earth that open up to the realm of the spirit not visions physical places a man can stand here today and have encounters whether you are the prophetic or not which is understand this many people understand this i wish i had time to teach on altars because i would teach you that one of the natural ways of establishing an altar is consistency of a practice within a region it opens up an alter consistency of practice within a region that that atmosphere is spiritually acclimatized the moment you practice something consistently you attract the spirit dimension of that thing to come and find out what is going on so if i keep killing people in a particular region i don't need to invite any spirit i create a portal the moment a spirit comes in partnership with me that becomes an altar that's why in many regions many campuses they have different regions some have prayer mountains somehow we used to have years ago in the campus there's somewhere they call long tennis court that was a physical solid portal that's where you see people carry their rechargeable and their socks for mosquitoes and go there and lie down and say oh god if you don't help me i'm dead and by the next morning there is a miracle you find people just mind your business standing and start shaking because activities over many years there were people making use of that ground and it became sanctified angelic activities became so much there it was it was like how you do home sale because there are visitations and many members are within a region you dedicate a place and say look all of you within this region you can freely find expression here consistency can open up a portal scalabrundus [Music] are you learning something tonight [Music] that's how many of our parents made our homes certain portals every time they continue doing certain things and they did not know when they invited the spirit dimensions you see let me tell you consistency attracts the realm of the spirit consistent ask those who practice other religions you know how they invoke spirits enchantments the same word repeated over a long period of time how do they celebrate traditional festivals in many villages the people keep dancing doing the same thing for hours and then it becomes like they are supercharged at a point the spirit component of that activity has come i'd like you to say lord open my eyes say it open my eyes open my eyes there is a law in the dealings of god with men and he says whatever you yield yourself to it says you will become a slave of that thing have you have you are we together if i practice obedience consistently i have yielded my members to obedience i become a slave to obedience are we together now you see watch this if i steal this handkerchief watch this if i steal this handkerchief out of my volition it's not enough to bring the spirit of theft in my life no if i do it again and i do it again that i don't know i'm invoking a mystery by my consistency a time will come the spirit that operates on men will say i'm being invited within a territory it will look for the territory where the physical dimension of what is bringing it is the same way if i begin to pray i may not feel comfortable but as i'm praying i'm invoking a dimension of the operation of the spirit of the spirit of prayer supplication a day will come in that place that dimension will be revealed in me supernaturally are you learning something [Music] because you see not all altars were consciously built but they are still altars [Music] so it is when i say all tasks that are destroying you it doesn't mean you have to go to your village and relay your uncle and say if you don't tell us what you have done who will beat you no he may be innocent this is where the prophetic ministry must be guided because every time we talk of altar they think it must be traceable to a real experience no the mysteries that you do consistently are building altars and they eventually become invitations for spirits whether the spirit of god or any kind of demon spirit [Music] have you had an experience i'm not saying you should do it but you've seen it in ministries where somebody can come no church service just enter the church and come and lie down on the altar and roll maybe for a child and go back and have triplets now question was anybody preaching but because the the power and the presence of god has found expression upon that ground for a long time you have invited you have invoked dimension whether service is at work or not that portal remains open all that it takes is your faith once your faith meanders that atmosphere it happens to you samwell was an altar he didn't have an altar he was an altar you never came here somewhere and went back to say no a young man came around somewhere and stood naked prophesy morning till night that's an altar when saul went and met somewhere they were looking for the donkey as soon as they saw somewhere they knew their lives were going to be altered i told you altars are not just physical monuments you can be an altar and that's one of the things that prayer does you don't build a monument your life becomes an activation of seven listen the beauty of prayer is not just for you to continue talking for the rest of your life but that you get to a state of consistency where even in your silence listen you have become an altar spiritual activities can be happening around you so that as a living altar i activate possibilities just by walking you come around me and something happens to you i didn't directly pray for you you didn't even know you had that problem but an atmosphere that i was carrying implicated you [Music] why is prayer important why do we have to build an altar of prayer three reasons very quickly number one prayer is god's authorized system of communion and fellowship with him write it down prayer is god's authorized system of communion and fellowship with him the bible is very clear that the communion of the spirit the fellowship of the spirit what we call koinonia must be at work in the life of anyone to do business with god and that system of koinonia is through prayer [Music] prayer is one of god's authorized system not the only authorized system but one of the major authorized system for communion and fellowship luke chapter 6 let's take a few scriptures very quickly luke chapter 6 and verse 12. please give it to us luke chapter 6 and verse 12 then we look at matthew 26 verse 36 and down to 39 is actually 24 but we'll stop at 39 quickly luke chapter 6 verse 12. look up everyone please it says and it came to pass those days speaking about jesus now that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to god communion jesus was not just praying prayer requests like we do during miracle service remember he was god he still is god but he went to spend time all night communing communion give us matthew matthew 26 and verse 36 matthew 26 verse 36 [Music] then comment jesus with them listen this was his passion was about to start then commit jesus with them onto a place called gethsemane and said unto the disciples sit here while i go and pray yonder and let's watch what the bible calls prayer and he took from him peter and the two sons of zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy 38. then he said unto them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death carry here and watch with me please continue quickly and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying saying this sounds like a communication a conversation my father if it be possible let this call pass of me when you read down to verse 44 he prayed the same thing three times prayer is god's authorized system of communion not just a platform for petitions prayer is how power is transferred to men is an authorized system of communion is your spiritual system of intimacy and intercourse in the place of prayer that's where the exchange happens between dfinity jesus was filled with the holy spirit but never manifested the power of the holy ghost after prayer the bible says he returned not full of the spirit but in the power of the spirit in luke 17 don't turn there john 17 sorry jesus himself began to [Music] communicate with the father as usual and he says father the hour has come watch communion to prayer the hour has come glorify thy son that thy son will bring glory to you and then he began to converse look at all the platforms till today listen till today how jesus advocates for believers in heaven is still through prayer the bible says he's seated at the right hand of the father and he makes intercession for the saints why will you intercede when you're already seated by the right hand it's a system it's not about proximity it's a system of communion and communication if you are not a man of prayer you are not a woman of prayer you can be sure that the reality of communion and fellowship with the holy ghost that reality you see let me tell you something if you are not open to prayer you will never understand what we are saying you would think he's just um i'm not just talking of corporate prayer corporate prayer is great but you must have the secret place that's where he comes to meet with you that's when he tells you things he cannot tell any other person the reason why you don't hear god is because you are not used to his voice in the secret place he has not trained you to hear him so you hear everything and you call it him [Music] i was counseling a couple some i think i don't know if it was last week and um the mother was outside and the father came in with the daughters maybe they are even here listening to me and they held a little baby as soon as the baby shouted from outside the mother identified the voice and came to check what was happening with the baby and i said koinonia that's intimacy because there is a union that baby is sucking from the same mother their interaction the mother did not train herself to hear the voice she was implicated by that koinonia so anyway there were many people families with their children but when she had her own he said my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice meaning if you cannot ask hear his voice find out whether you are his sheep or not don't assume you are his sheep assumption is costly in the school of intimacy you must verify that there is contact between you and god [Music] there are pastors that don't pray so they get angry they think the manifestation of the power of god is magic there are dimensions impartation will not give you you must dig your well by yourself you must create an alter a system you must gain mastery in the realm of the spirit you must be used to the spiritual communication that has been act is is like a telematics system of god reaching you god must know how to reach you on serious information god must know how to reach you on trivial information he must train your organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit that place of training is the secret place i will never trade anything for my time with him that's where men are built that's where there is an exchange see let me tell you holding a mic and teaching is not difficult holding a mic and preaching is not difficult but communicating life that one is a derivative of your altar that's why we sleep in church that's why our churches are full of dry bones from the preacher to those listening all dry bones people stand and talk they say something that should bless you and you wonder why it doesn't bless you because there's no altar they are standing unassisted by the realm of the [Music] spirit only the people who destroy the destinies of men in villages know this the average believer is generally aware of the spirituality of life but has not come into an understanding that one of the keys to spiritual intelligence is to come to terms with the fact that life and everything about it is spiritual life and what everything about it no matter how trivial no matter how scientific spiritual hallelujah spiritual when you understand the spirituality of life then all of a sudden you will start seeing a line connecting dots as to the happenings of people's lives listen a man does not just get up and become poor like that a family does not just get up and not make progress just like that a man does not just beat his wife just like that a wife does not just beat her husband just like that the the source of that strength requires investigation are we together now a small child does not become so audacious that he looks at his father and says i can kill you no no no no the source of that audacity has to be investigated life is spiritual a church does not just grow members don't just carry their bibles from different points and start saying let's go to the same place without knowing themselves there's no way you're connecting them you don't just open a shop and everybody from everywhere decides that they want to come to you no sir no sir [Music] life is spiritual you see men moving all around and you do not know what moves them spirituality of life someone decides to help you but you show up and something about your life you are not aware of makes the person to drive you away someone promises to marry you even goes to see your parents and all of a sudden introduction has been done he just comes up and says i had a strange dream i can't understand that's not the first time of having a dream but because of that dream you lose out on an opportunity brothers and sisters if you understand that life is spiritual you already without even understanding the nitty gritties you are already ahead of many people in life i will never treat my life from a scientific perspective no i will never treat ministry from a scientific perspective in the realm of the spirit one plus one is not two you have to define what one is you have to define what two is you have to define what other factors are in the equation we run our life scientifically we run our lives intellectually sociologically and we become victims the book of job is full of mysteries that open up the reality of the spirituality of life when you look at the book of psalms david opened us to the spirituality of life when you read psalm 91 he starts by saying he that dwells in the secret place question where is that location today because david said a man can dwell here have you found it where is it like an address david is giving us an address where people can find safety and he never said a police station he that dwells somewhere there is a place a man can stand that you become immune she that dwells in the secret place of the most high then the second shocking thing is shall abide not under the light under the shadow what is that abide under a shadow [Music] that means your shadow has a spiritual implication this thing you look at listen listen listen i'm not talking of all these movies around you and let you fall down that's i'm talking of something deeper you know physics just tells us when light is casted on an object it creates a shadow that's as far as you know but the bible says men can dwell under a man's shadow [Music] do you love jesus we love the bible right so i mean you are not the way you're looking at me as if i'm teaching here is right in the bible shall abide on them he gives the shadow of god a three-dimensional explanation you can come on diet then he says i will say of the lord he is this and that and that and that please give it to us psalm 91 let's look at it yes that's the song your influence is all over me but too and i will say of the lord he is my what refuge and my fortress my god in him i will not trust so let's see why verse one and two is there verse three he says surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence look at all these descriptions their description of strange things you don't see them with your optical eyes but their effects are as physical as anything verse four he shall cover me with what stop hold on describe a man for me with a three-dimensional shadow and has feathers somewhere in his body which part of him has feathers because he was not just speaking a parable he says he shall cover thee with his feathers then and under his wings shall thou trust his truth shall be thy shield that means in the realm of the spirit truth is not an information truth is a physical reality it's a shield you can hold it like i'm holding a tie truth is is an object relatable are you getting something now you will be so blessed if you pay attention to what i'm telling you five this is not even i just want us to look at it just play around it it says because of all these provisions this is the only condition where thou shalt not be afraid because there is something called terror by night everybody say terror by night no matter how peaceful an environment is the bible says once it is night there is a mystery of darkness and terror listen the bible says we wrestle not against his flesh and blood but against principalities powers listen then he says rulers of darkness they don't they cannot rule in light the moment is not talking of spiritual darkness the moment there is physical darkness is a sign they are authorized to come out like animals that can only come out in the night so the bible calls it terror by night yet it's night time people like that's why people die in the night day that drink drink in the night when you see a man drinking by seven in the morning he sees a stupid man already something is wrong with his life but that's an acute complication no many things happen to people in the night the destinies of men are exchanged by night there are men that sit down and discuss they've played the destinies of men like a chess terror by night not just um terrorism as we know are you aware that there is such provision spiritual intelligence number one life is spiritual thou shalt not be afraid of the arrows that fly by day have you ever seen them have you ever seen an arrow leaving somewhere but he said there are arrows that fly by day only god knows how many people it hits today because it flies every day you get up and leave your house and something happens please pay attention to what i'm telling you life is spiritual job chapter one a meeting was being held in the heavenlies satan now comes and a conversation is engaged have you considered my servant joke while they are discussing that job is on it minding his business and all of a sudden things begin to nosedive in job's life it's amazing how many people try to ignore the spirituality of life and expect to rise in like it's impossible it's impossible and more so this is africa you know we just pretend as i'm not talking of witchcraft the portals of africa are open to spirituality it doesn't matter through which force i'm just saying the portals of africa as a continent is richly open have you not heard of men walking back home and hand slapped them have you heard of those kind of things a real three-dimensional hand but they didn't see it you don't have to see to feel it are we together and the person goes back and all of a sudden one of us showed me a picture of his dad yesterday half of the leg had been eaten you can literally see the bones like that half of it do you know what happened he was sleeping a mystery happened he woke up and all of a sudden that leg physically [Music] there are many things you call sicknesses you don't even know where it came from [Music] i'm sick you go to the hospital they tell you there is nothing wrong with you they check everything you know the doctor even says stop coming here you are wasting our time but you know you are not feeling fine [Music] are we together mysteries that cannot be explained life is spiritual learned this very early life the spirituality of life the spirituality of ministry the spirituality of living when you know this your pursuit for god does not become you know every time you see somebody unusually sileous they just say kai this guy i'm sure you are going to be a pastor or this lady i'm sure god is already grooming you he has isolated you and is grooming you to be a pastor's wife no the key to survival is to become spiritually minded please hear what i'm saying some of our parents right now ignore this and they are paying for it daily there are mysteries in people's families they do not they do not understand life is everything spiritual when jesus came his birth was spiritual everything about it look at this for god's sake a woman is minding her business probably imagining what dress will i wear for my wedding all of a sudden a stranger just appears hail mary he didn't say what is your name man hail mary in other words we have been watching you your name is mary we know you don't have to tell anyone your name in the realm of the spirit no sir no sir if god ever asks you what is your name is for a reason i mean it doesn't make sense for him to ask you what is your name he wants to change it then that's when he was yeah in scripture saul paul and all of that but that they are asking you because they want you to supply an information no no no are we together do you know let me teach you something you can never see a spirit being and be the same whether a demon whether an angel you may never know what happens to you brothers and sisters listen if this is a shrine and you just run by mistake i say oh the wrong place as you never will live the same no it's impossible impossible impossible you thought you ran too fast to be seen the realm of the spirit is not like that please understand what i'm saying if you know this that you are coming for colonia you may be sitting outside you will never feel bad again because you realize that wow this thing is that it's just because we are because of the physical comfort of maybe being inside and all of that but it makes no difference that's why you can be saying god is touching somebody and someone in the second overflow is flying there you die you are close you are now looking at god you mean you jumped me listen the holy spirit does not move with time and distance these two factors don't exist no no no no no like you say i have to touch you before touching you that's physics in the realm of the spirit you don't do that are we together are you understanding this so you can never see a spirit being anybody that tells you he has been having encounters with spirits i think you should respect that person whether in a negative way or positive way that i've had some appreciable and accept if the person is lying if the person is telling the truth no you are meeting a dangerous person for good or for bad most of the world leaders interact with spirits please look at me let me preach to you forget the fact that you see everybody wearing suits and going for forums they have been advised counseled rebuked directed by strange spirits there are documentaries upon documentaries on my system that proves to you that no man let me teach you something brothers and sisters you want to be famous a day will come a spirit must show up in your life to say all right now that you have gotten to this level we have to negotiate for it to go further i give you a guarantee one hundred percent if jesus does not appear to you an angel sent from god does not appear to you a demon will somebody is seen it's like a ram you keep rising nobody disturbs you but you get to a point they say okay everybody that rises from here right now the realm of the spirit cannot be strange to such a person that's why you enter a business meeting somebody looks at you you look at him two of you know yourselves everybody knows what he has touched or otherwise there is a level you cannot be neutral believe what i'm telling you when you see people doing some things they are doing they have seen something when a woman looks at you and says i will kill you mark my words you better take it seriously either pray or stand on the confidence of what you now know but you say have this word you just you will really die because you see let me tell you there are too many laws that can remove your spirit from your body many many laws many laws not just death there are many spiritual laws that can separate a man's body from his spirit any of them can be manipulated to kill you you see that sickness and accident are physical expressions of the commonest laws that are used to separate people's bodies from their spirits like you skin a cow have you gone to the other tour you see them they have a skill they skinny cow there is a mystery that can remove your spirit from your body and many people move carelessly and then it happens it may happen through a car it may happen to different things but it is still a manifestation of this you cannot sit on certain positions be neutral it's impossible i remember one of our friends years ago he got a job and i remember him saying they were paying them them that were struggling they were paying them 50 000 and they were paying the profits 1.2 now if they don't call it salary they call it honorary but it's still a release of something from the giver to the person who needs it they pay you fifty thousand for laborious study of five six years under the most stringent conditions possible and somebody just throws and comes in and they give the person one point to you know why because that person has an advantage he can do something life is spiritual life is spiritual life is spiritual i don't have to see you to talk to you life is spiritual life is spiritual people's lives are being manipulated without their will life is spiritual many of us were born in pure christian families we never had any touch with idolatry so you don't understand the spirituality of life but for a few people who feared of fear and death did one or two things life is spiritual grandparents just come out and sit on the ground and after a few minutes they stand up they say it's all right it will be well with you go what did they see life is spiritual in the bible before they fought wars they were going to ask the kings and prophets please will we win and then they will say hell there's trouble and then they will say how can we change it now this is the part of spirituality that shocks me the ability to change things change things by the spirit like a cleaner i look and i find out that this is supposed to happen then you clean it as if there's nothing there oh you were supposed to die tomorrow then somebody just cleans it what advantage do you have do you understand that your life is spiritual when you sit down in that class do you know that it's not just one person sitting down life is spiritual now that is not to just make us irresponsible and just see demons in everything when i talk of the spirituality of life i'm not just talking about demons i'm talking about the presence of spirits to guarantee anything happening you the concept of being an atheist is another class of deception life is very spiritual you see a lot of people come to dig a well after they dig a well the water comes out they'll tell you one look for chicken has that happen to you go and look for chicken they slaughter the chicken and make incantations in the well and the water will never stop coming think about that do you know the water on earth is older than everybody on earth now i hope you know that the water on earth is older than everybody on earth you are not drinking a person you are not drinking a substance you are drinking history this was only bottled only god knows who laid hands on this water could it be part of noah's flood could it be you just know you are just swallowing it and then your body just reacts you take something and all of a sudden your body reacts i'm comfortable calling you listen listen listen let me teach you these things if you do not understand it don't be great just get a war room apartment get married have two or three children be a kingdom of financier and wait for the day you'll be with the lord but that you want to rise in this world we live in now we're traveling to bernard republic i think i told when we got somewhere a man one lengthy guy very lengthy guy just looking like all these smokers he looked at me and he called my name joshua you've seen them now you see them in markets they look at you and in five minutes they start giving word of knowledge you've not seen those kind of people they look at you and say madam why is is joshua stubborn like this now he said don't disturb me but because they mentioned i said who said life is spiritual no i come in the volume of the book as it is written it is written i just appeared but something has been written a script a script about your life written when you understand the spirituality of life then you also know that you have an advantage by the spirit to manipulate things to be consistent with the word of god in your life this is the revel this is where i'm taking you to when i understand that life is spiritual i don't monet physical results because i know that there is a loop through the spirit where things can be corrected are you seeing that now at that point i stopped worrying shabbat allah kosaya because i know there is an advantage the advantage is my access my access to spirituality i can be assisted by a spirit being in this case the holy spirit listen one of my best scriptures in the bible is then the secret was revealed unto daniel a beast of a man just came and said if you don't tell me my dream and the solution i will kill you and he said king don't be hasty don't worry let's just go and sleep while other people were sleeping he knew that something happened to men at night the night is also a time for revelation listen you try praying in the night and try praying in the day if you pray seriously come and tell me the difference come and tell me the difference this is this this one this one is like my office i can tell you everything you want to know about it the night time i have sucked out the mysteries of the night in a very strange way the magi came out and they saw a star and they started smiling they said the king is born not a child a king is born and they started going when they met herod they said um we came from the east based on our study we have books here prophesying and a physical star because in genesis chapter one he said he made the stars to signify times and seasons times seasons hallelujah so they looked at it and then it led them to the place and when they got there they saw a baby but because they knew that it was not a baby they started worshiping him if i if you are worshiping it you miss child won't somebody know that they say they want to kill your child to me but now two three or where the bible doesn't say three men but we know much i came from the east and they are worshipping someone because they are seen more than that and all of a sudden an angel appears and says run away with this child they want to kill him run quickly do you know why because jesus could die [Music] the reason what i said the angel will not waste his time and say run away with that child if he could not die he could die if they disobeyed that angel they would have killed him the only thing is the body would not decay but he would die yeah he would die are we together when jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights satan was waiting very strange immediately he finished he just showed up now watch this if the devil is near you wouldn't you drive him but hear him he's walking with jesus satan working with jesus please come you are not the devil in jesus name say amen but watch this i'm minding my business and somebody appears and i look i say satan you again think about that this is what happened in your bible and he said ah jesus you are hungry turn this stone into bread and i said it is written and he didn't disappear he didn't go he continued with another temptation he said jesus follow me let me show you something and jesus followed him your bible they went up the mountain said look at all the glories of the earth hold on where is that mountain where a man can stand and see the glories of the world at once is it mount everest it's a mystery these guys just came out of the physical realm into the realm of the spirit and says stan i show you all the kings i have empowered this is it like a window like you just step out into a door and showed jesus all the glories he said if you bow to me i will give you if you bow to me that is the mystery of the wealth of sinners if you bow to me i will give you satan does not need money he needs your bowing if you bow to me i will give you so when you say you want to be blessed and not bow he says no you can't eat your cake and have it your allegiance and then i give you every other thing and you say no i will have it are you saying so you just get up and say why are christians not getting jobs now you understand he took him and showed him the system bow to me so you want a job but you don't want to bow to him you must find out what provision has been made because jesus conquered him then he now took him up a cliff and he said jump down he said he shall put his angels charge over you look at satan quoting scriptures the guy you call satan by the way let's not it's not that we're talking about satan do you really know who he is look up please are you getting blessed am i boring you tonight who exactly is satan a guy with a horn as nigerian famous depicted no that's just to help you understand who exactly is satan because according to scripture we see that satan is a person he can be satan is not omniscient not all knowing the ignorance of satan is clear from genesis to revelation there are many things he did not know are we together number two satan is not only present many times he's at a spot he can be everywhere he's focusing on the issues that are most important question three is satan down up or where where does he live now today because when we say down down satan up up jesus none of them is living up or down that's not the address of any of them it's not the address of any of them you go up i guarantee you're not going to see anything there you see that because i hope you know that this our realm is suspended in space space that even scientists don't know there is no reference to measure where we are at now and it was concealed by the wisdom of god you can't you can't tell whether we're in the mid where exactly are we you call this solid you are standing here now but you are floating and moving around think about it yet the bible says it has foundations the earth your earth jesus himself or well god speaking now told job that the earth has foundations who is satan why does he make you afraid please look at me let somebody be delivered now who is that guy that threatens the whole world where is he now if you call him will he come are we together now do you know there was a time in the civilization of god's kingdom where satan was not there he was not even created i hope you know satan has a creation date he was not born so he was created are we together now let me shock you number two i hope you know satan is not the most dangerous of spirits evil spirits now no of course the bible never teaches that that satan is the most dangerous of the spirit no there are spirits currently now that were bound in everlasting chains now as i speak they could not be released because even the elect if they are released they may not stand them now as i speak there are spirits bound but satan is going toe and through he's not part of them i want you to understand this you see you disarm darkness when you have light you disarm darkness when you have light all through scripture we see that demons can be told what to do and they can be told where to go and under certain conditions they must obey are we together now so how does satan carry out the advancement of all of these things how does he do that you see somebody who minds his business and you begin to pray for him he's manifesting the power of god is upon him and he's vomiting something physical vomiting razor vomiting this and that now that's an ugly scene frankly speaking but i mean it's a shock i've counseled so many people i remember one gentleman who said their father took all of them for protection after making incisions on them god is my witness they gave all of them two two rays of blade physical sharp razor blade the man said just close your eyes and eat it guys are you joking this is razor and they said they threw it in their mouth and they were shocked they didn't wound them didn't do anything it disappeared nobody swallowed their own now when a result disappears in your mouth you have to find out where it went to see after me life is spiritual there are people who end their salaries their physical money disappears i'm not saying sickness took it you kept 20 naira you come and find 15 naira yet you are alone in the room there are individuals that have strange visitations by men women strange beings in the night a spirit comes and then comes to sleep with you or do certain things and you get up with all kinds of things you have a dream that there was an incision you wake up physically with a mark with blood was that was that jose was that a story a spirit having an affair between a dream because spirits are neither male nor female you understand so there is no reason why you should be having that let me explain to you the mysteries behind people's lives that they don't know pay attention to what i'm saying we live in a world that you must have spiritual intelligence there are four things i'm talking about maybe i'll just take this one today because i can dwell here and explain to you the mystery behind the happenings of people just like that life is spiritual [Music] all of a sudden in three weeks promise men start coming to your life to favor you where were they what happened before that they didn't come somebody spoke to you he didn't give you money he just spoke to you you didn't see anything leaving him it's not even that his saliva touched you he just said something to you and you left believing you carried something and you come out and people start treating you in a certain way save time your life is spiritual you have the testimony of that dear lady about the favor how many of you have been crying and your helpers are next door but they cannot speak to you but all of a sudden something happens and you begin to see people arise for you life is spiritual every one of you seated here as many as you are look at people standing outside and i say this with all humility human beings are not idiots nobody comes to stand outside in the cold and just watching because he's trying to what is so special about the man of god everyone say life is spiritual it's not just poster it's not just balloons there are mysteries do you know sometimes i watch people when i come for conan and i see people sit down i know that the spirit really brought them even them they are surprised what am i doing here yet you are still coming spiritual [Music] are we together when a lady gets married and all of a sudden her womb closes watch this what is satan looking for why is her womb closing she goes to the hospital the doctor said you are fine we've checked you you are okay oh god we checked you you are okay but then the child does not come at all two years three years five years the child does not come and then all of a sudden they begin to have problems husband and wife and then everything scatters are we together and then watch this that same woman will live in defiance and go and have an affair with another man and get pregnant instantly instantly that means it was never above anything wrong with her there are people who have seen people who have prayed for people with hiv it's not that they lived a child's life no no i remember a testimony i don't know if he was head that was shed someone went to bed in the night all of a sudden a stranger appeared held syringe and told the person this thing inside it is hiv injected the person he woke up physically with hiv is there any amount of entry to viral drug that will kill that person if the sickness came from the realm of the spirit medicine can only manage it the real cure the real cure will come from the realm of the spirit are we together families in disarray because they do not understand that life is spiritual there are people who will be driving driving going to their place of work at top speed the cow will just lock lock in one position i spoke with many people who had accidents you ask them what happened they tell you i tried to turn the steering i'm not a challenge driver i did my best i was watching myself dying you know i've seen the spirit of death i know it it knows me i've seen the spirit of death so i know what i'm telling you it comes to hospitals in the night patients in wards and all of a sudden hovers round and all of a sudden people just leave and in the morning you come and find out social person is dead there are times it will come over territories like a city like zarya like this it will just come is invoked by powers they do incantations and invoke it it can loom around the territory for three weeks and there are ghastly motor accidents headaches killing men a pastor just standing on stage preaching and you collapse and die and then after a while when the invocation has fulfilled its reason for coming it quietly leaves you see it happen break forth thou fountains after deep and with goddess you are mighty on yours abraham abraham is returning from war and all of a sudden a strange man appears the bible says no father no mother what kind of a man is that melchizedek just shows up and says abraham you don't know me but i am a king a king of war i've never heard about you you are a king listen listen the earth is not the only place that has kings melchizedek said i am a king of where salem an ancient city of peace then he looks at abraham and said i'm on assignment abraham gives him a title of all and he says abraham i want to activate something in your life blessed be abraham possess all you of the most high possessor of the heavens and the earth listen you'll never see melchizedek in the bible again the next time melchizedek shows up is in jesus hold on the bible now calls him a priest after the order of melchizedek read your bible and see the strangers that met with men that we never saw again never saw again never so again there are men who started churches when the churches started growing one time all of a sudden spirits just appeared to them i'm the power that controls this territory we can negotiate all this bishop where they go shed and said how that the the carduna church was not growing still anointed still with power the cardinal church was not growing and all of a sudden he said one time they were fasting and praying see life is spiritual and all of a sudden he came out and the holy ghost asked him to come up he said look and he looked and he saw a back veil backfield covering the people he said this is the field that misinterprets what i am doing misinterprets it and he commanded it and it leaves he just left like that and all of a sudden members started coming what is the relationship between members and this have you not heard of people who want name kings and they bury their children correct they bury people alive and you just get up and come to fight them you die for nothing i was in mina last week and one of us the media person met me and then you know talking about the security situation around and he said something he said a particular village when there was war about to happen in a particular village that the people there said no problem that the people just carried their charms and came and lined it in front of the village mysterious substances started killing the armies one of them something at his hand you don't know what it is those people they have it when the going gets tough they bring it out are you aware that life is spiritual are you aware that your life is spiritual when you know this it should not make you afraid it should give you the key to changing anything when you know that life is spiritual you will value prayer because you know that when you pray among many other things you are changing things you are shifting things in the realm of the spirit my life today is a product of this singular revelation life is spiritual you never see me sit down and i'm just discussing physical things with people i may keep quiet and not but i am reading between the lines and when i get it i say oh that's it we know what the problem is listen calendar let me tell you the relevance of this understanding you never listen the kings of the earth they set themselves right against god that is anointed then he says he that sits on the throne hold on if they say he will fight first the first thing that happens laughter is an expression of joy hold on hold on that's why when people are under the anointing sometimes you see them laughing hysterically now you are not spiritual so you just think which kind of men of god are this that's serious breakthrough happening to them in the realm of the spirit there are people under the anointing you see them start dancing i'm not talking of they can't even control themselves dancing and you may not understand when they were going to take the act back there was a formula it was always with singing and dancing i was i was sharing with you jimmy i would just share to help you i think it was um um yesterday we were talking i got up in the morning about to pray and the lord said no you are not going to pray you are going to dance before me two hours stretched non-stop that's all i did all i did i was so tired and i said wait wait wait style down language i mean what is all this but i knew i'm smart enough to know life is spiritual listen listen that two hours may be equivalent to 15 years breakthrough two hours you ready you ain't changing [Music] god [Music] is life is spiritual joshua chapter one two three the salvatorico and all of a sudden it says walk around don't talk just walk around what is the stupidity of walking around life is spiritual you call it madness a man is walking around once and then he says on the seventh day hold on listen the bible says defense of jericho five chariots could stand on it so even if you turn it it will still become another offense are we together there are people who are too big for breakthrough they are too they are they are they are too carnal and scientific for the stupidity that spirituality requires life is spiritual they moved around the seventh time the moment they got there he said now don't fight shout shout and the bible says when they shouted listen listen hold on hold on hear me sometimes sometimes you hear people say give god a shout or sometimes you sin about two minutes and i tell you a way to shout the name jesus you may think they are just formulas stupidly you see this is that once your mind if you allow people who are depraved and don't know god they will rubbish your breakthrough they will say what are you doing what are you saying same thing with praying in tongues you are praying in tongues and someone sees you i say you two you are in this thing you are doing this thing too you two you are you are joining them at your age you went to school listen listen i tell you i have mustang how to destroy jericho in my life i know the principles life is spiritual when i found this kid i stopped wasting my time brothers and sisters let me tell you how to come out of any trouble in your life should i tell you listen after you finish praying listen i want you to laugh and dance dance is a strange mystery of deliverance strange mystery believe what i'm telling you dance is a strange mystery of deliverance doctor kenneth copeland asked bishop oyenko and said you claim we taught you faith but how comes you are able to pack over 50 000 people for services and where they could say i danced every one of those people to church see listen there is a time to pray but there is a time to engage other things and you get what i'm saying the bible calls it the sacrifice of praise it didn't say the music of praise is a sacrifice it will cost you but it will tear your heavens open listen you have not seen breakthrough till you know how to rejoice before god there's nothing i know that paralyzes satan like an expression of praise and joy is one of the seven mysteries god revealed to me seven mysteries are you hearing what i'm saying let me show you how men have commanded victory in their lives when you don't know the key and you don't know that life is spiritual you will waste your time cheap victories you will never get it i remember a woman who shared a testimony um she was burying and then she started bleeding when she took him and then she started bleeding and she went to a man of god who happened to be a doctor true story and the man said ah madam thought right now honestly this this thing of course you know what that means it's over just trust god for grace and the woman said no i know what my bible says i might say well you know i'm a pastor but i'm also a medical practitioner when he finished everything the woman said she did you know what they said dancing with you not not you put vigil and put songs and what she said she danced her way and that child returned from wherever he was [Applause] listen if you don't believe what i'm telling you honestly you can go home conor has finished for you this night so that you don't waste your time you are too big to engage these mysteries some things will never happen in your life never happen hallelujah there are mysteries when the devil wants to get your life he will use men listen every time you start seeing strange attacks it's a sign that something is about to drop be careful be sensitive bitterness will start coming are we together now betrayal will come all kinds of things they are demon spirits desperate trying to use men to look for access to sabotage and that's why i use joy joy joy joy rejoicing dancing all these things distract you till the miracle comes find a man who has refused to get angry i'll show you a winner i show you a winner a winner some of you all these i'm like that you will never rise beyond certain levels in our family we are like that if i'm hungry should i not say it apostle i'm a human being you will sit there as a human being and die like men mysteries this life is spiritual you are looking for rent and the rent has refused to come do you know there are times in your life there is nothing about you that can bring that miracle you are not expecting money from anybody there is no hope of anything coming those are the times you engage this you don't go around just saying sir the other day i spoke to you i'm seeing here is it that you are not seeing me no let god talk to them you talk to god you engage the mysteries and while you are dancing like a mad person do you know there are people between now and friday you will see the strange testimonies that will come in your life if you understand that life is spiritual this is the foolishness some of us have adopted oh we have been stupid enough to do it and god has proven himself in a very dangerous way when we were going for crusade remember when our cast stopped let me give you a real testimony the car refused to move they kicked it it did not move remember we prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed they kicked it all of a sudden we were tired everybody was discouraged steve strings just took the guitar and started playing that was how we started singing they are witnesses we kicked that guy it started till we got to the crusade when you understand that life is spiritual you will know that it's not about your roommate this this is the only way to love people so there's somebody now that you are bitter against but you are turning your attention to the wrong person and you are giving access to spirits the devil expects you to see promise promise come pass this way and you just pass like that pulling your mouth and the devil said this is exactly what i mean i like this kind of people they are like robots anything we want they do but the moment you are passing and is pulling space and how are you does it you disarm it's a little act but you discern principalities and powers because life is spiritual life is spiritual your breakthrough is spiritual your husband is spiritual your wife spiritual your baby everything your exams spiritual listen listen listen [Applause] i'm not saying you should not read listen but i'm listen let me tell you the truth hear me hear me listen listen listen let me tell you something no matter who you are a day will come you will sit down look at that paper and you will know only god can help me there is a key let me tell you what students do after exams and that's why many people feel they come out and then they go to somebody there's usually somebody saying what do you write here don't don't do that thing when you come out walk away don't i put five you say you put eleven they say how did you become eleven you didn't put six you have failed the answer is five now let me tell you what that i'm not saying you should criticize people are you getting my point when that happens to your spirit all of a sudden you go back and say my god this is it it's over for me my whole life has finished you are helping the demons prophesy to yourself you are helping to speak whereas somebody else will know that honestly it's not that i'm saying you should be lazy but brothers and sisters of what uses the spirit if there's no advantage there is an advantage we are not idiots believe me you dance an angel to your faculty you dance an angel to your department you dance and enter to open your file for now dance your way to the admission list again what i'm saying please believe what i'm saying this is only one over four i came tonight to open your eyes stop interpreting the happenings in your life they they threw you out of the job don't sit there and say cat but these people even my uncle my uncle you you saw me it's not about your uncle there's something you can do about it stop calling home to listen to bad news after you listen close it and say lord i still see what you are doing i still see what you are doing [Applause] are we together you hear a word and they say by the grace of god your husband is coming all of a sudden things begin to happen around you somebody just comes and says you said why are you putting this marriage in on your head and all of a sudden you feel ashamed you feel embarrassed when a prophecy is coming you can't even lift your hands to receive it because you're saying they see me they think i'm desperate for marriage they rob you of your joy they rob you of your peace you'll never get your miracle once you sit down then the devil uses anger you now see that you are talking about other people's relationship and marriage tearing people down and sowing a seed that will have a boomerang effect on you because life is spiritual hear what proverbs says it says be careful as you speak for the best will carry your words have you seen those beds before the beds will carry your words my life is spiritual my life is spiritual i cannot stop anybody from carrying charm but i can stop it from touching me i know what to do i know what to do i can't stop the spirit of death from standing on the road okay but there is something there is something that even if he's the devil that drives he will drive me safely these are not these are not empty talks this is what dominion is all about i'm training you i'm giving you spiritual intelligence from now when you walk out of this place for some of you right now there is a text message a heavy insult waiting for you to read now hold on you now know that you don't just turn and call people devils but you just enter and your roommates who right now as you are here they are talking about you and the lord tells you should i tell you how to win buy five for life go and drop it and say people this is for you and you are saying i am god to be that much of an idiot no somebody that did this is this lady that stopped me from marrying she said something bad to one good military man who would have married me and god says buy malt a cattle of mud and one greater or god will say wash their plates i know they debted your just change it sing praises and wash your plates listen when you disarm powers you will see god rise in a fearful way are we together bitterness anger envy are more wicked than than anything you can think about they destroy you they are like a cancer that sabotages you many of our parents you know why they may never prosper they are angry at everybody there are people now if they see me coming i see people frown oh is he the guy that's him how are they getting money look at this these young boys and so the angel the grace for the blessing is authorized to live your life because anything you don't or not cannot be your inheritance are we together now what are they be careful of all these young guys standing how can people be standing outside are you worshiping a man are you foolish don't castigate anybody but just know that those are joy robbers the moment they start speaking know that your blessing has left heaven and it's about to come and land in your life are we together life is spiritual let me just narrow it down so that we can pray the mystery of praise in a dance in a dance you hear me talking about this dancing thing i'm not a dancer you don't have to be a dancer but if you want to move forward you dance anyhow to your breakthrough anyhow you are too big to dance your way to breakthrough i tell you you are too big to have an open heavens it will never never open ask david the king the custodian of mysteries when he was dancing and rejoicing his arrogant wife came and said what is this i'm not saying you should dance in a nude and an ungodly way i don't know david's dance boss i know the dancer is not david's dance let me balance it quickly i i was not there with david but i know the dance that is not david's dance there are many dance around that it's not david's dance are we together david's dance comes from a genuine heart not a heart of seduction and stupidity david's dance is a genuine heart that is focused on god directed to him so let's we're talking about david's dance here david was dancing and the wife who was too big now came and said what is this thing you are doing you are a king and they would say yeah yeah yeah you don't know i was in the wilderness do you know what happened from there the wilderness that brought me here and i'm dancing and you don't know that i got you by dancing of course it's a mystery i've been practicing you are soul's daughter you don't even know how you just came like that you came as an inheritance the bible may not record it but i believe he finished his dance and carried his sling and went to goliath and said have you done your own dance galax because if you have not done it you are about to go down hallelujah i believe in the mystery of praise please hear me the mystery of praise psalms 149 give it to us one of the mysteries we'll touch this night because this is a year of triumph and i will be wicked if i don't share with you the secrets and operate in my own life psalms 149 please praise ye the lord sing unto the lord a new song listen and praise him in the congregation of saints verse 2. let israel rejoice in him that had made him let the children of zion be what in who their king three let them praise his name what let them praise his name in a dance let them sing praises to him with timbrel and have fall while reading down for the lord taken pleasure in his people he will do what beautify those who are humble enough he will beautify them with salvation next verse let the saints do what be joyful in glory let them sing aloud on there listen hold on just stay there let me explain this to you it says while you are allowing them and all of a sudden do you know it's when people lie down that the devil brings thoughts i hope you know the bill is still there and all of a sudden oh lord you are good shahbaz i know you are faithful i know you are faithful let the evil on their bed number six now here is the warfare dimension of priest he said let the high praises of god be in their mouth and the two exits holding their hands next verse to execute what sentence upon the healing and punishment upon the people not by chasing them that while you are praising and dancing it is vengeance you are speaking in the camp of the enemy to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron there is something called the written judgment to execute upon them what hold on how do you execute it your own is to mind your business knowing that life is spiritual i know they said you are not from so social tribe they walk together and suck you don't go telling people to hate these people go to your secret place and start praising and see what happens in that office are we together it says this honor have how many the honor of expressing breakthrough there are some things that god gave apostles prophets teachers but he said this one this honor of experiencing breakthrough have all the saints praising the lord cheap victories cheap victories by understanding life is spiritual and you carry all let me tell you another mystery carry all your challenges write it on a paper and dance before i put it on the ground and celebrate god before it like a madman don't worry just be that stupid and see what happens a child is not coming i know that me for sure i'm getting zero in this and that and begin to celebrate him celebrate him people look at you and say what are you doing i'm praising him why what did he do no testimony you are start doing all these church things that people do like fools you're married you go and lock you and your wife and tell yourself we are dancing our next level when jesus was entering the city what did he do sat down on a donkey and had people praising and rejoicing it was that atmosphere it says psalm 100 please some hundred someone's life is about to change it says make a joyful noise hold on are you seeing another mystery joyful what hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah listen praise the lord listen listen it didn't say make noise making noise is not good even for your health is it a joyful noise hold on do you know what a joyful noise is the revelation behind it i'm not just shouting as an idiot i'm showing you mysteries now praising a joyful noise unto the lord holy lands verse two serving with gladness look at how many times god talks about this what is the protocol for accessing his presence come before his presence with not with mourning hold on oh god i taught you that time what don't give me any dream again if i keep seeing money in my dream and yes nobody sends me any a lot are you not the god of heaven i've been serving in colonia let me tell you what you are doing you are just moving backward believe me believe me you are moving backward because a a broken spirit dry yet the bones verse 3 know that the lord is god it is he that made us and not we ourselves so have this revelation he said we are the ship of his pastors he will not deny you anything there's too much gloominess and mourning that's why i i listen to the news just for the purpose of leadership but ask anybody who knows me i have no time listening to all these analysis and all this junk this and that is happening uh this and that dollar is one million to this i don't know what happened but all i know is that for with joy shall you draw from the wealth of salvation praise the lord if god calls this year a year of triumph you must stop acting like man man they can predict your life they know when money is missing from your life your face will show it anybody in this room that took what doesn't belong to him except i'm not a member of koinonia you think you are being spiritual but that's not how to disempower us strange principles that will lift i'm telling you this principle of praise with a dance and a shout of praise is i permit me to use the word a wicked principle you want to see speed in your life do this and see what happens make up your mind complaining the bible says do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may be called blameless children of god right the world is full of angry people do you know the classic sign that someone needs deliverance is anger anger offense everything offends you right now after calling on you they say turner hugged somebody you just turned and found out that they left you alone that alone is enough to bring anger are you not my partner why are you turning to the other person you are trying to say i'm not good enough you are giving the devil hold on don't laugh you are giving the devil access choose to be a happy person you come i'm i'm a joyous joyous joyous he said rejoice in the lord and again i say again i repeat it going on you hear me many people will laugh at what you are doing but they will not deny the result the result will be strange i guarantee you i don't share my testimonies again so that it will not be as if i'm coming to conony and all i'm saying but there are things i will share with you you will not be able to sleep that were gotten on the platform of engaging these mysteries let me tell you another strange thing the spirit of prophecy the spirit of prophecy walks with three things one a joyful noise listen you can never never walk in the prophetic without joy the spirit the spirit the true spirit of prophecy walks with joy i see angry people who say they are prophets is a joke the spirit of prophecy let me tell you most people who do different religions do you know how they invoke the anointing upon mediums they play instruments they do music you've seen masquerades they are moving play with fire somebody jumping on somebody and then they reach a crescendo when a spirit lands on the head of whoever is the medium and all of a sudden he starts prophesying are we together the prophet said bring me a mystery and i began to play the mystery i said the hand of the lord came upon him and then he began to prophesy you shall not see wind you shall not see rain but the valley now that strange breakthrough no rain no wind but the valley filled with water are we together i'm telling you i have if i believe with all my heart that i have fast tracked somebody's life now with this revolution with this revelation call your parents all this complain all this complain my daughter when will you marry now you see that there are no men in colonia is it that you are sitting outside yeah you don't you are not serving in any department you think i don't know what people say all around that's nonsense you can be in the third overflow dancing your destiny and somebody's seated here huh god will force him to go and do something outside and see his destiny there so it's not it's not about all these games that people play no the favor of god can come upon your life you step into the office your director did not intend talking to you but you say um okay she was not in that list it's her name there please add it to people should come and see me see even me joshua sermon there are people who have helped that i didn't i didn't plan to i just saw the joy and the ecstasy look at your frown and come and see might cause your problems no come with joy you are bubbling i'm not saying fake it but they're happy the joy of the lord is their strength you are compelled to bless them watch the visitors that come to your house somebody just comes and knocks are you around say please can i get cold water before i talk to you you are in a hurry for them to leave because you see let me tell you depression has a presence depression has a presence someone can step into your life kill your joy close your heavens and walk away we're going to sing before the lord for two or three minutes and command some fearful results fearful results fearful results fearful results but before we get there i want you to open your mouth and blast in tongues for the next six to seven minutes from the depth of your heart lift your voice and pray [Music] my life is spiritual my life is spiritual my life is [Music] you're welcome to overcoming daily motivations thank you for being there as we spread the gospel to illuminate lives and save people from the oppression of the devil we would like to bless you with our latest video sermon titled never give up god is with you in the battle motivational video kindly sit tight and watch the trailer now even though jesus loved mary martin and lazarus he remained where he was for two days so god shows love through pain the bible says to whom the lord love it he chastened it he instructed moses to tell the children of israel to collect gold silver and a change of clothes from the egyptians and head victoriously to the promised land after being slaved and incarcerated for 430 years he led them straight to a dead end and god moved or inspired pharaoh whom they had robbed and spoiled he inspired pharaoh to chase them and they could not understand why god or moses would have them wait at the red sea while pharaoh and his 600 chariots were just a hare's breath away from annihilating them you know what i've noticed about god's trials he hardly ever tells you this is a trial and if you hold out for six months you will be true and some of us get to five months and 29 days and we give up we did it even though we only had one more day click the link in the description to watch it on our second motivational channel please click the link in the video description below to watch the video and also click on the second link to subscribe then hit the bell icon to turn on all notifications just so you don't miss out whenever we upload and finally like and share to be a blessing to others also thank you and god bless you we wish you a prosperous 2021 in jesus name
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman 2021, how to grow spiritually, apostle joshua selman sermon, apostle joshua selman new sermon, apostle selman sermon, koinonia miracle service 2020, latest koinonia message 2020, apostle joshua selman videos, koinonia miracle service, joshua selman 2020, play, this, midnight, battle, prayer, every, night, as, you, sleep, apostle, joshua, selman
Id: mLdoJsj1M7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 36sec (14256 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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