Silent Killers | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up y'all Darius dan you'll see a first of all I want to say thank you for logging on whether you are a regular and this space has become a space of trusted spiritual nourishment for you or whether this is your first time I'm glad you're here and I hope this video adds value to your life you're about to watch a message that I preached at our church changed Church from a series of sermons I did called bloodlines and you know the heart of this series simply teaches that we all deal with some traits some trends and some tendencies that were inherited from those who raised us and those that impacted and influenced us I hope this message blesses your life listen I'm gonna ask you to do two things though number one I'm gonna ask you to subscribe I don't want you to miss any message that we place in this amazing space here so you press that subscribe button so that you can stay in the loop and in the note in addition to that I'm gonna ask that if this message adds value to your life that you would spread the word I mean you can text it to someone else and forward it to someone else and email the link to someone else we want to add value to the lives many people as possible you know last but not least I say two things but I'm gonna hit you with the three last but not least change Church right now is based in New Jersey two campuses in New Jersey we have an extension site in Los Angeles in the Glendale area but we're launching another campus in the Orlando Florida area and if you or anyone that you know lives in that area we'd be so glad to have the privilege to add value to their life and to have them add value to what we're doing and what we're building I'm gonna be in New Jersey and in Orlando so I'll be speaking live in both places and we would love to have you as a part of what God is doing there's an email address on the screen right now I want you if you know someone for this email address to them or if you're in the Orlando area and you want to be in the loop and in the note send us an email with your information we're gonna keep you in the loop I'm out of the way I've talked way too long enjoy this message from our sermon series her brother Absalom said to her has has that has that Amnon your brother been with you be quiet for now my sister he's your brother don't take this thing to heart and Tamar lived in her brother absalon's house a desolate woman and when King David heard all of this look at the text he was furious and Absalon never said a word to Amnon either good or bad and he hated Amnon because he had disgraced his sister Tamar I want to talk from this subject today silent killers look at somebody and say your silence can kill you [Music] amen thank you man of God I appreciate that it's been said that there was a husband who was observing the activity of his wife while she was cooking and he noticed that while she was cooking a ham she cut 1/4 of the ham off of the back and another fourth of the ham off of the front leaving her wood half a ham to be put in the pan to be placed in the oven he was puzzled by this practice so he axed her why is it that you cut off half of the ham before you put it in the pan to which she replied I don't know I saw my mother do it she then hops on the phone she proceeds to get into contact with her mother she asks her mother the same question mom I noticed that you were cut off 1/4 of the ham on the front a fourth of the ham on the back only leaving us with half a ham and you placed that in the pan prior to putting it in the oven why did you do it that way to which a mother replied I don't know I saw my mother do it so then the granddaughter proceeds to call the grandmother and say grandma I just got finished asking mom this question I wanted to ask you she said that while she was growing up she noticed you would cut off 1/4 of the ham on the front 1/4 of the ham on the back prior to place and get in a pan before you put it in the oven why did you do that she said well first of all baby your mother only saw me do that once and secondly I did it that one time because I didn't have a pan big enough to hold the entire ham and although this is an interesting analogy it paints a powerful picture of how many of us can adopt traits tendencies and trends that we were exposed to without consciously being aware of why we have adopted these practices in our own lives this this analogy is an amazing example of what we're talking about in this series of teachings called bloodlines because in this series we're arguing that there are some practices that we perpetuate that we didn't just adopt arbitrarily we inherited them in and through our bloodline somebody say yes in this particular analogy regarding the ham I think is incredibly important because it leads me down a lane I want to spend some time unpacking today because there are two types of bloodline issues there are issues that are heart issues and these are issues that we inherit these are tendencies these are proclivities these are leanings per se but the issues of the heart are not the only issues that constitute bloodline issues there are also issues of habit everybody say habit issues of heart are issues that are caught issues of habit are issues that are taught they are either taught to us through direct instruction or they are taught to us through our exposure do you not know that you can learn things you had no intention on learning how many and how many can relate to singing songs you didn't try to learn you can't know this song okay let's take it a step further how many of you have ever caught yourself singing a song you don't even like and you keep saying yourself I cannot get this song out of my head because you can acquire knowledge intentionally or unintentionally am I making sense when it's intentional that's through instruction when it is unintentional that ladies and gentlemen is through exposure and sometimes we are exposed to practices that we adopt in our own lives and they become habits and some of those habits need to be affirmed because they are helpful but others of those habits need to be evaluated because they are not helpful see when you have a ham habit all you mess up is a ham when you have a life you can mess up your life did you hear what I just said I say when you have a ham habit you just mess up food when you have a life habit you can mess up your future and the text that we just read here in the book of second Samuel 13 is an incredible example of that there are a few characters in this story I want you to be familiar with and I want you to be clear on who they are number one there's a character named David everybody say David come on say it again say David okay David is the daddy in this protects in this text but David has a son and his son's name is Amnon everybody say m9 Amnon is David's son but David has another son named Epsilon everybody say Absalom okay so he's got daddy's David is the daddy Amnon is the son epsilon is the son follow me but David also has a daughter and her name is Tamar Amnon is the half-brother of Tamar Epsilon is the fool brother of Tamar everybody followed me here Dave is the daddy Tamar's the daughter Amnon is the half-brother of Tamar is before brother of Tamar this is what's interesting the text teaches that Amnon who's the half brother has this inappropriate affection for his half-sister he's attracted to Tamar obviously his attraction to Tamar is not his issue it is the symptom of an internal issue obviously because it is natural for a man to be attracted to a woman it is not natural for him to be attracted to his sister so because these he has these unaddressed probably unexposed unattended to internal issues these unaddressed issues impair his discernment and so now he wants things he should not want because emotionally when I am NOT centered and when we are not centered and when we are not settled it makes things attractive that should not be attractive discernment is impaired right right when your discernment is impaired you won't stuff you shouldn't want and you take steps to get stuff that don't belong to you did you hear what I said discernment gives you boundaries just say no I can't go here that's not appropriate that's not right that's not mine and let me step back and see what's going on with me that that makes me want that in the first place watch this now so so Amnon compiles in his adviser and friend named Joe now man I like my sister instead of his friend redirecting him his friend helps him concoct a plan to take advantage of Tamar here in family he is derelict in his duty and he out this is important he advocates his responsibility to be a friend that has sense when your other friend doesn't see the Bible says two are better than one this are you following me here because real fringe should have sight when you're blind did you hear what I'm saying they should be composed when you're losing it they should be strong when you weak they should be settled when you're angry everybody can't be turned up at the same time somebody's gotta say okay it's time to leave right come on some some want some and so this is this is the picture of biblical friendship see this social construct of friendship minimizes friendship to simply people who give me company people that are engaged in recreational activity with and people that say yes when I want them to say yes and no one I want them to say no that is not the picture the Bible paints of friendship friendship carries with it a weight and a degree of responsibility in Scripture that makes it much more consequential then the way friendship is seen in social spaces and constructs see friendship isn't so important in the Bible that Jesus called himself his disciples friends he says from this point forward I no longer call you servants I call you friends in other words he says but there's this dualistic dynamic to our relationship I'm still the Lord and I don't stop becoming the Lord but now you've matured in your walk with me that you understand the multiplicity of hats that I have to wear and so you're able to see now that I'm able to be friendly with you in a way that I could not previously because now you have the maturity to handle the dualistic dynamics of our relationship are you hearing me and any parent who has grown children or growing children probably experiences this reality you see that although you are their parent you don't parent them at 25 the way you parented them at five you're still mom you're still dad but there's this dualistic dynamic that takes place now that even though we're parents were kind of friendly and I'll talk to you about things that thirty that I wouldn't talk to you about at thirteen because this dynamic has now been added to our friendship Jesus says I'm your friend but because friends are gonna have a degree of access to your life that most people won't your friends are gonna be the ones who are gonna give you the most accountability they're probably gonna be some of the ones who are gonna be able to speak the most into certain situations cuz they're gonna be the ones you trust to see stuff you don't show everybody else right you said this is my accountability partner not if you're not real with them see accountability only works when there's authenticity and most people only are going to be authentic around friends which is true I get it that's you have to be willing to trust somebody with aspects of you you can't trust everybody with you feeling me so this guy should have been a biblical friend but he was more concerned about his friendship than he was the friend i'ma say it again I want to make sure it didn't go I said he was more concerned about the friendship itself than his friend so he loved the friendship more than he loved the friend so instead of being a friend he became an accomplice cuz biblical friends don't help you hurt yourself come on church yeah biblical free to say oh I see that look in your eye you about to turn all the way I'll come with me it's time to go let me go to this side because they aren't feeling me over there I said real friends know you enough to say oh you about to turn all the way up praise the Lord everybody we leave in this time to go he abdicated his responsibility to be a truth teller and if you have to choose between telling the truth and keeping a friend you don't have a friend you have a conditional associate so he helps Amnon concoct a plan to take advantage of Tamar this is what he says though he says all right this is what you should do you should pretend like your sleep excuse me pretend like you're sick he says when you pretend like you're sick your daddy's gonna have pity on you and your dad's gonna actually whatever you want actually what do you want and you tell your dad you want a martyr coming to your room and you won't hurt a baked bread for you he didn't tell him the truth here it is he'd rather this man destroy himself then he loved him enough to woman wound him see sometime see love well sometimes cause you to wound people so they won't ruin themselves y'all aren't talking to me in proverbs chapter 27 verse number 6 it says wounds from a friend can be trusted but an enemy multiplies kisses sometimes friends say things that wound our ego sometimes friends say things that wound our preferences because they'd rather see us wounded than ruined watch this because it's easier to recover from a defeat from a deflated ego than it is to recover from a destroyed life say you mad at me today but you're gonna thank me tomorrow that I took your phone let me go over here [Applause] did you hear what I just said yeah you mad because I'm making you delete making you leave right now because I can see that you're not thinking sensibly and you're not thinking straight and you're not thinking wisely so I am going to wound your wishes for tonight so that when you wake up in the morning and you are back to a place of mental stability you're gonna look at me and thank you you'll be mad at me but you'll get over it because I love you as a friend more than I love our friendship I'm not gonna bother this but people who always complain about not having good friends I want you to ask yourself are you simply reaping what you sow did you hear what I just said right so we can't just look at what kind of friends do we have we got to step back and say what kind of friend am I am I am I an accomplice am I an accomplice do I help people destroyed themselves in the name of loyalty so he up some concoct his plan Amnon follows through on it David hears that Amnon is sick he sends word say what do you want he says I want I want Tamar to come and make some bread for me so David sins Tamar to M nuns quarters she goes in obedience to her father and when she gets there Amnon throws all the servants out so that they can be alone together and he throws himself on her she tries to resist but the Bible is very clear in 2nd Samuel chapter 13 verse number 14 he refused to listen to her and since he was stronger than her he raped her his own half-sister and after he is done the Bible says he becomes outraged he was obsessed his obsession now moves to outrage because his curiosity of his flesh has been satisfied and now the curiosity of his flesh has been satisfied he sees that what he thought was love because there can't be love right right the sick nature of it cannot be love it's not love but he felt so strongly he thought it was love because the the flesh was not satisfied so it was the curiosity of his flesh that deceived him into thinking he was in love with somebody that hidden that he did that he didn't discover he wasn't in love with until his flesh got satisfied I'm not gonna bother that yeah what he thought was love was actually lusts because once he got satisfied he got sober because a lust is intoxicating y'all it is all-consuming it'll make you lose all sense of wisdom and lust will have you walking around in circles okay y'all go okay I'm at Easter who ever wants to receive truth in it I say it's all-consuming it will have you I can't think straight I can't focus and it can it can deceive you into thinking that you feel something for someone you really don't feel I'm not gonna bother this and this is how many sisters get deceived because when he says some of the things he says he actually means it at the moment and then when his flesh gets satisfied he realizes he didn't mean what he thought he meant and you feel like he's hoodwink you and presented himself to be one way when it's really another he didn't just deceive you he deceived himself [Music] he got satisfied he got sober here about okay are y'all alright if this is the 12 o'clock this is that service we've got for services they all different with different person but this right you you come to this one cuz it's not just the brothers [Applause] are y'all okay some sisters are like okay god bless you you can leave [Applause] [Music] this is what I've learned I've learned only the bound have issue with authenticity like so whenever you go places here people are either bound in what you're talking about or they bound in legalism and religion so his field has changed he doesn't even give her time to get herself together because there's one thing for her to be violated it's another thing for her to be devalued in a way where she didn't even have a time to deal with everything she's got to deal with to get herself together so that everybody doesn't know what happened because it's one thing to deal with the issue is another thing to have the issue exacerbated by the embarrassment that comes along with being thrown out of a room without having time to get your clothes together that's what happened to her by her own half-brother and so when her whole brother absalon's sees her he acts her a question that bothers me he says to her has that amnon your brother been with you this is my question even if you thought something had happened to your sister why would your brother's name come to your mind because could it be that somewhere along the journey you saw signs cause sickness always has signs but sometimes when the signs are from someone that's a part of your bloodline you become blind to the science right he didn't go from 0 to 100 with that kind of sickness there had to be some signs along the way and there are times even in our own family when people see signs but we don't say anything about the science cuz that's in the bloodline you sense like why what he always around the boys see this too much and yet he always got the boys over the house they don't make sense to me and he say he mentoring them [Music] why you always got little girls around here was to me to rule to have so many little girls around him like that what's going on science and we just try to give the benefit of the doubt regarding something that don't make sense so I'm gonna say why have you been that's also have you been with Anna and then watch what he says next she says he says be quiet for now my sister do you see that he says he says he says he says be quiet for now he's your brother he said it that's just your Uncle Willie baby don't that's just that's your brother he to eat him mean no harm what does what is the fact that that's her brother have to do with what happened to her because in some sense even though he is bothered by it he is using the relationship as a means to somehow soften the blow and he even tells her after that don't take this thing to heart don't take this to heart it's a song don't worry it's you know don't don't let it get you down too much he meant well good intentions because when you're in a situation like that sometimes you don't know what to say good intentions but bad advice are you catching this family and the Bible says he invited her to live in his house and she lived in his house a desolate woman empty desolate meaning empty ruined emotionless Lord I don't have time to deal with this but could it be that the reason some women are as hard harsh callous could it be it's because there's a story behind their state and before you judge their state you need to explore their story cuz you don't know what they had to survive and what they had to overcome that if she was not strong she would have died desolate that if she was not resilient that she would not have overcome all of the things she had to overcome that if she wasn't a fighter she would have stayed stuck in a season of stagnation that if she wasn't a fighter she wouldn't have survived cuz you don't know de Mars story [Applause] so if Tamar story look at me is breaking your heart what do you think they did - Tamar seems in yeah are y'all hearing me we're just hearing the story and it's breaking our heart think about what it did to her do you know what this meant for her in this day do you know what it meant that this decreased the likelihood that she would ever get married do you know that this man robbed her of something that should have been one of the most important experiences in her entire life do you know what this did to the way she saw men and Epsilon told her be quiet you know he's doing he's training her into passive-aggressiveness y'all aren't hearing us he's training her to be an emotional stuffer you just stuff it why are you bringing em non up Absalom this has nothing to do with him this is his fault we're gonna help him but we're not taking his feelings into consideration right now because he's not the victim he's the perpetrator so yes the perpetrator needs grace but the victim needs healing you know what happened David her daddy found out about it the Bible says he was furious but this is what we know happen we don't know what happened after that but this is what we do know happen for two years Amnon stayed in the Kings Court so here it is David had empathy but there was no record of action see this is what a covering is supposed to do a covering a friend can have empathy a covering is supposed to be an advocate see biblical mercy and biblical love displays itself not just in empathy but in advocacy when Jesus was asked the question in Luke 10 what does it mean to love my neighbor he told the parable of the Good Samaritan and the Good Samaritan didn't just walk past the man that had fell among thieves and say I feel bad for you you know what he did he became an advocate for him he helped him he stood in the gap for him and David became furious but he did nothing this is my question David how is it that when it came to Goliath you would fight a giant with a rock but you won't even put your son at the Kings Court did you hear what I just said why is it that you will fight off lions and bears with your bare hands and you will lead your army in military efforts and you will go to war outside your home but you won't engage with that same type of assertiveness and protectiveness and concern for someone in your home you let your son ruin your daughter and all you did was get mad because there's a pattern in your family David a passive aggressiveness here it is so y'all don't talk about y'all don't talk to people you talk about them the Bible says it's in the text Bible says Epsilon said nothing to em not good or bad for two years how'd it get back to David then somebody's talking about it so it's a pattern in the family what people see the dysfunction but the dysfunction is not address and epsilon gets so fed up with the inactivity of his father as he's watching em nando consequence-free for two years you know what he does he takes matters into his own hands and he kills his own brother so now David has a daughter that's desolate and the son that's dead now in addition to that are y'all tired of this now in addition to that Amnon goes on Absalon goes on this downward spiral cuz once he opened that door and killed what's his name his own brother it sent him on a downward spiral so he now wants to kill his own dad and he gets a group of men and they lead this revolt against David in an attempt to take the throne from David Absalon ends up dying in battle and David is heartbroken so much over the fact that he's died that he's died in battle that he is insensitive to those who have been fighting to protect him and his military captain and one of his closest friends named Joab came to David and second Samuel 19:6 says you love those who hate you and hate those who love you Joab is saying here we are fighting to protect your throne we are cleaning up a mess that you made this is your son who's trying to take your life and here we are trying to protect you and you you are being a jerk to us and we love you but you being an angel to them and they were trying to kill you have you ever been on the other end of that where are you looking at people saying you hate those that love you but love those that hate you you killing me I'm the only one here let me let me go see y'all don't come on it's a mommy you mean to me but you acting like I'm the only child yeah I'm the one that's here helping where's everybody else but I get the brunt of the comments and the shave and the condescending statements and I'm the one that's here yeah you just love Billy though and you borrow money from me and giving it to Billy okay this - I guess it's too much and all of this is happening in the house of a man who the Bible calls a man after God's own heart all of this is happening in the house of a man who danced until he danced out of his clothes all of this is happening in the house of a man who's responsible for writing the majority of the Psalms the hymn book of the New Testament the worship guy of the Old Testament the worship God for Old Testament worshipers all that this is happening in church people house cuz all that dancin didn't fix that and all those writing those songs didn't fix that and all of that church didn't fix that because bloodline issues are not addressed without intentionality then fix it David you a kill a giant but you wouldn't even bring order to your own home he's dealing with he's dealing with something in my opinion that that I'm calling affectionately selective conflict avoidance you'll kill your enemies but you'll let load those that you love kill you did you hear what I just said so he didn't a boy conflict with Goliath but you avoided it with your own sons at the expense of your own daughter could David's selective conflict avoidance be a consequence a Cynthia Matic expression of his rejection because I don't know if I'm about to rattle your theological cage a little bit here but some historians suggest that David was the fruit of his father's illegitimate love affair and some have interpreted what he wrote in Psalms 51 as an expression of that as an admittance of that when David said in sin did my mother conceive me now that alone is not sufficient evidence to support that theory however if you go over to first Samuel when a man named Samuel who's a kingmaker goes to that David's dad's house named Jesse because God told him that Jesse one of Jesse's sons will be the next king he goes to Jesse's house and says Jesse I want you to call all your sons up and Jesse calls seven of his sons but he had eight but he only calls seven and when Samuel goes through the process that he goes to to attempt to identify if one of the seven are the next king none of the seven meet the criteria and Samuel has to say to Jesse are these all your kids and Jesse's like yeah I got one more but I know it's not him [Applause] you can't ignore those dynamics in the text because he saw David differently than everyone else and that's why some historians and commentators at least suggest that this is the reason why when David started working with Saul and Saul got jealous of him and start throwing spirits at him some commentators suggest that this is a reason David stayed because even though Saul was jealous of him he was more of a father to David that David's father was and when you get into one space what you were not getting in another space you'll take the abuse in order to get the love did you hear what I'm saying [Applause] because even though song was a beauty he was more of a father to David than David ever had and because he did not have a good model of a father he didn't even know he was dealing with abuse he says I rather dodge these Spears and feel loved sometimes then go back to where I came from and not dodge Spears but not feel love at all so because he was raised that way with that kind of disconnect you know what he did in his own parenting he over compensated in his own parenting style for what didn't happen to him so he didn't go to a balance place he went all the way to the other extreme and because he went all the way to the other extreme he brought no discipline to his own home [Applause] so he's got a reactionary parenting style there's not grounded in a theological understanding of what a parent is supposed to do he's got a parenting style that is reactionary to what he felt as a child and his whole parenting style is simply based on making sure his children don't feel what he feel these parenting according to feelings [Applause] and meanwhile tomorrow a lot of time is desolate his bloodline is impacted by his dysfunction his silence literally killed the church if he could have got through the Absalon sooner Absalom maybe would have been alive if he would have got the m9 sooner lord I don't I don't have time uh see was he blind to Amnon but was he so uninvolved and disengage he wasn't close enough to see was he so busy being king that he wasn't being daddy and we live in an age where everything is about being king that's probably my greatest concern for young passes and young people in ministry right now it's my greatest concern I've been preaching in almost 20 years it's my greatest concern as we have a culture that wants to make Kings what you build how much you're known what you accomplish and that's driving people's life not realizing the blood trail of bodies you leaving behind of people that you should be covering that you're not covering because you're trying to conquer [Applause] I got good news cuz in a room this size and those that are watching me this is this is there's just statistics right it's not even spirituality statistics there are literal tamar's in this room some people that take Mars because David mother or father left you uncovered [Music] and some of your take Mars not because you had a tame rm9 experience but your take Mars because you had an epsilon experience meaning there's somebody in your family there's silence your voice at our early age so you don't even know what it's like to speak up for yourself because you never got a chance to and so when you were kid you can speak up for yourself and then when you got into relationships you couldn't speak up for yourself and then when you get in the work environment you can't speak up you can't speak up for yourself and so you unintentionally have a doormat destiny where people walk all over you and kill your peace kill your joy and kill your productivity because somewhere along the line and Epsilon in your life silence you [Music] not realizing that in life I wish I could tell you you get what you deserve you don't you get what you tolerate y'all gonna come get me up here people will go as far as you let them and at some point you got to believe in your future and in your destiny enough to say I got a fight for my destiny even if you don't think your life is worth salvaging there's a destiny that God has in mind for you that's gonna impact your children so you fight for your babies and you fight for your grandchildren and you fight for people that you're going to reach that you have no idea will be impacted by your journey I got good news for you I said I have good news for you I said I have good news for you oh test every Old Testament problem has a New Testament answer that answer is one name [Music] I don't care if you take more I don't care if your Absalon I don't care if your David if you've been the neglectful parent if you've been the neglectful sibling if you've been the person that's been the victim if you've been the perpetrator every problem has one answer and it's one name and that name is the name that's above every other name that name is Jesus and in mark chapter seven and in Matthew chapter nine jesus heals a mute man a man who can't talk a man who is rendered to silence he can't advocate for himself he can't stick up for himself but when jesus heals his mutinous he's able to speak again he's able to advocate for himself he's able to take his destiny out of the hands of perpetrators and put it back into his own hands and I want to tell you the same Jesus that healed this mute man from his mutinous is the same Jesus that can heal you from yours and I'm telling those of you who are in this room or watching me online you can ready to get your voice back I feel like shouting in the house I said you're getting ready to get your voice back [Music] amnon will not have the last word over you because God will not allow your destiny to be determined by somebody else's dysfunction I came to tell you it doesn't matter what they said what he said that Amnon will not have the last word over you and I speak to every tamar in this place today and i say you can arise you will arise and what the devil meant for evil god's gonna work it for your good you will live woman of god you will live [Applause] [Music] somebody shout in this house right now let the devil know he will not win [Music] listen I'm gonna let you go I wrestled in a major way about whether or not to even use this passage you have no idea the inadequacy that I feel trying to address a topic like this [Music] some of you're part of the women's ministry here you've heard my wife tell her story [Music] which is kind of a really although I felt and feel incredibly inadequate in talking about stuff like this because I don't have the answers there is a deep place of empathy in my heart and as I've watched a woman over the past three years arise [Applause] even though I can't relate I've had a front-row seat - watching a woman arise from the ashes and I am convinced but the same God that did it for her he's getting ready to do it for you I felt that right there you didn't praise him like you received it I've had a front-row seat I've seen him same one did it for her will do it for you tomorrow I'm sorry the church has been muted on this issue and have allowed you to sit in church for years and never touch that place of your pain I'm sorry family members told you stuff like that's just your brother and that's your shark I'm sorry that there were people who should have advocated for you that did not advocate for you but I'm telling you right now that your destiny is never tied to what people didn't do it's tied to what Jesus has already done and what they broke Jesus will fix he's just did you hear me I said what they broke Jesus will fix so your destiny isn't predicated on what they broke your destiny is determined by what Jesus fix tomorrow as a man I can't relate it's a person who hadn't had those kind of experiences I can't relate [Music] but I am convinced that even though I can only go so far your destiny ain't in my hands it's in the hands of a one who can reach you wherever you are it can put the broken pieces of your life back together again arise be strong be courageous roar like a lioness thanks so much for watching I hope you were blessed press the subscribe button so that you can stay connected and in the loop about all this going on and if you want to so back into this field that you're harvesting from and bless the ministry you can press the gear button see you next time
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 170,535
Rating: 4.8940492 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, levi lusko, carl lentz, keion henderson, dave ramsey, bill hybels, chad veach, judah smith, rich wilkerson jr, chris durso, chris hodges, criag groeschel, elevation church, vous church, hillsong church, transformation church, kingdom church, ron carpenter, matthew stevenson, mike todd
Id: tW4RwuwdTSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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