Do It Again | Change Revival Tour ATL Worship Experience | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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something on my on my heart i want to share from the gospel of mark the good news about jesus from mark's perspective mark chapter 8 and i want to begin reading at verse number 22. this is what it says it says they came to bethsaidia and some people brought a blind man and begged jesus to touch him he took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village when he had spit on the man's eyes and put his hands on him jesus asked do you see anything he looked up and said i see people they look like trees walking around once more jesus put his hands on the man's eyes then his eyes were open his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly verse 25 contains the clause of concern it says this once more jesus put his hands on the man's eyes i want to talk from this subject atl i'm going to share what's on my heart and get out of your way here's the subject do it again [Music] do it again i want to ease into this introduction tonight by informing psalm and reminding others that your god the one paul tillett calls the uncaused cause that god among all that he is is a finisher i'm going to say that one more time the god that has revealed himself through scripture is a god that is a finisher in other words he does not irresponsibly leave anything undone when he commits and covenants to something he commits to completion he's not a pseudo quasi partial halfway doing something kind of god he's a finisher so when he helps he doesn't have help when he fixes he doesn't have fix when he heals he doesn't have heal when he delivers he doesn't have deliver when he opens a door he doesn't have open the door the god that has revealed himself in scripture is a finisher and if you believe he's not finished with you even in the introduction give him a praise that's reflective of your expectation [Applause] yeah why did i ask you to do that because if god is a finisher that means if it's not finished in your life god isn't done did you hear what i just said i said if it didn't finish then god isn't done i came to tell you that god never works incompletely but he does work incrementally and sometimes god's incremental working can cause some anxiety with us because sometimes you will look at all that he is done and incorrectly conclude that's all he will do i came to atlanta tonight to tell somebody he not finished with you yet that side didn't get it let me try this side over here i said i came to atlanta tonight to tell somebody he's not finished yet [Applause] he's a finisher i want to tell you it may look like god has stopped he hasn't stopped he's just working in steps and sometimes he puts space between the steps and it's the space that makes us uncomfortable it's the space that conjures up anxiety and discomfort but do you know what space is all space is is the room between one door and another one i don't know if you know this but all the hallway is is face and some of you are wondering where am i right now you just in a hallway what does that mean you just in between doors when somebody say what's going on with your life just tell them i'm in a hallway yeah when you coming out of a relationship just say i'm in a hallway see some people can only praise them when they get to the door i believe i got some people in here tonight that'll say i'mma praise him in the hallway somebody give him a hallway praise tonight i don't know what's next but i said something is next i don't know what's about to happen but i said something is about to happen and i'm not going to wait until i get to it to thank him i'mma thank him all the ways god is a finisher and the text we just read here in mark is an example of what i'm trying to articulate don't take my word for it the bible confirms it corroborates that god's a finisher we saw it right here in mark chapter number eight the text opens by letting us know that jesus and his disciples go to a specific place called beth sadia and the text says this some people bring a blind man to jesus and beg jesus to touch him now i want you to be able to identify with what's going on here charles spurgeon says that the physical ailments in the bible are metaphors for spiritual or emotional ailments see if you don't know that then you'll look at a blind man and say i can't relate to that but you in the text i'm in the text all of us are in the text i say to you in the text i'm in the text all of us are in the text you might see a paralyzed man in the bible and say i can't relate to that oh yes you can you in the text i'm in the text all of us are in the text because you if you've ever been in a season where you felt immobile stuck and stagnant that text is for you did you hear what i just said yeah and so blindness blind the blindness blindness here is a metaphor for a loss of vision [Applause] [Music] you may say i've never been blind but if you're honest you've hit some seasons where you lost your vision or something stole your vision but i'm glad you came to change night tonight i'ma say that one more time i'm glad you came to change night tonight cause you are about to find it or god's about to make the devil give it back you better come get me tonight i said he's about to make the devil give it back he used trauma to take your vision but he's got to give it back he used heartbreak to take your vision but he's got to give it back he used a failed business to take your vision but tonight he's got to give it back because this next season of my life requires vision i got to be able to see i don't have time to waste time to play every move needs to be a god move every step needs to be a strategic step too much is depending on it gotta steward this season well and when there is an absence of clarity there's an absence of acceleration you go slow when you don't know where you're going yeah have you ever driven behind somebody and you're like they don't know where they're going and that's what happens in life but god's about to give you clarity and once you get clarity you're about to get speed everybody that believes you behind schedule but god's getting ready to press the gas give him praise tonight [Applause] it's a blind man don't miss this but the text says the only way the blind man gets to jesus come here atlanta is that some people bring him [Music] i said he's blind so he cannot find his way to jesus without people in his life who are assisting him please don't miss this if they brought him to jesus it means he had people in his life that wasn't blind i'm not asking all your friends cool i'm asking are they black i'm not asking are they loyal i'm asking are they blind i'm not asking do they love you i'm asking can they see so that when you can't see they can get you to the right place because some of your friends taking you to the wrong place when you get blind the stuff you dealing with you need more than one night out to get that off your mind you need somebody that can take you to jesus [Applause] they took him to jesus and the text says they begged jesus to touch him i'm not going to bother this [Applause] but the text doesn't say the man was mute it just says he was blind i want to know why couldn't you ask jesus for yourself because sometimes when you get hurt in one area it affects you in another [Applause] so his eye problem might have caused a mouth problem because a mouth problem never a mouth problem [Applause] they begged him they begged jesus to touch this is a type of intercession not just intercessory prayer it's intercessory faith intercessor faith oh yeah that's all in scripture do you not remember the paraplegic that needed to get to jesus found out jesus was at a house in town he had friends that carried him to the house but they were so committed to him being mobile when they couldn't get in the house because of the crowd they climbed on top of it to a hole in the roof and let him down see you need friends that believe enough in you not just to carry you but to climb with you [Applause] intercessory faith that's john 11. lazarus is in a tomb he's dead he cannot believe for himself but his sisters mary and martha go to jesus and say even though it's four days even now you can raise them up intercessory faith they bring and believe for their friend are y'all ready for where i'm getting ready to go it means they didn't want him blind [Applause] cause some people like you better when you black i said some people like you're better when you're blind when you're visionless when you can't see your future and when you can't see them for who they really are they love that you're operating with codependency they love that they got to carry you around because once this issue gets fixed i might not need you the same way [Applause] so do you love me or do you love being needed and the only way we can tell us how you treat me when i start walking and seeing here's a text text says they bring him to jesus and beg jesus to touch him i'm almost done y'all all right the the text says this it says we read it jesus took the man by the hand wait a minute i thought his eyes were not functioning properly why is it that the first thing you touch isn't the thing that's broken this man's eyes aren't functioning properly but his eyes are not the first thing jesus touches jesus said i know that's broke but i'ma touch something else first because i don't want to just fix you i want to teach you before i give you a blessing i want to give you a lesson [Applause] he says what i want first is your hand i'm using your eyes to get your hand [Applause] because when you meet me you just want to give me what's broke you want me to fix i want to lead did you hear what i just said he said you just want me to get to fix it he says before i get to fix it i need you to trust me enough to let me lead you the text says he took his hand and he led him outside the village here it is i know there are some things we want god to fix and god's saying before i fix will you let me lead we're trying to give him my broken relationships he said give me your hand first we're trying to give him my broken heart he said give me your hand first we're trying to give him my broken dreams he said give me your hand first because if you give me your hand i'll take you to green pastures and steal waters if you give me your hand there are some things you praying for now you don't even have to ask me for i'll walk you into blessings you didn't even request if you give me your hand i'll walk you into doors that are exceedingly and abundantly above all you ask or think and i want to know is there anybody in atlanta tonight that's honest enough to say after all the decisions i made jesus take the will respectfully [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't miss this it says he takes the man and he leads him outside the village outside of where he grew up away from what was familiar [Applause] and comfortable he said i can't heal you here he said i gotta orchestrate some separation [Applause] because you don't know how the village may be impacting what i'm attempting to do in your life he leads him outside the village and the text says he then spits on the man's eyes now what what is the reason for putting saliva on his eyes come on don't sanitize the story don't sanitize me let's say here for a minute he spit on his eyes now i don't know a lot about this but i did some research and i discovered that saliva is often used to confirm dna [Applause] so the first thing he did was he put his dna on him [Applause] did you hear what i just said he said the first thing i need to do is i need to put your my dna on you some of my traits and some of my features did you hear what i just said yeah i need to make sure that you that you look like me that that you got my nose come on see sometimes we want to be fixed but we don't want his features [Applause] he says when you fixed i want you to look like me not just look well [Applause] what's god taking so long he's working on features [Music] why hasn't the door open yet it's not that we're not gifted enough or faithful enough or filled with enough faith he says you've got the gifting the talent the ability but when i get you in there i want them to see more than your gift and your grit i want them to see me so i'm taking my time with this thing even though you're more gifted than some of them even though you're more anointed than some of them i will not allow you to get away with what they're getting away with they can get in the room and misrepresent me my assignment on your life is different so when you start comparing you're going to end up confused because god's not are going to allow you to walk in somebody else's oil see the anointing only falls on the authentic self so when you not the real you your oil can't find you that's why the devil's trying to infect some of us with an identity crisis but somebody's getting a revelation tonight i know who i am i'm fearfully and wonderfully made and if you don't like who i am and how i am talk to my supervisor somebody that refuses to be boxed in somebody that refuses to be anybody other than who god's called you to be make some noise tonight he put his dna he said i want features [Music] and i know that's tough in a gift-obsessed era that's all that matters gift matters not features but what hinders the witness of the body and the body's ability to actually be salt and light in culture is the absence of features he said no i got something different for you so stop asking god why you let them you not them watch this you can't be different and not be different i think the middle row got what i just said i said you can't be different and not be different we walk around i'm different god like that's right you're different and i'm gonna deal with you differently so when you do it i'm i'm when you step out i'm gonna snatch you right back in run out there if you want to you're not gonna be able to stay long cause my hand is on your life you can run but you cannot hide when you call god will stalk you like he did jonah you start running he starts sending fish to wait on you to swallow you up and then after you after you get swallowed up he'll spit you out and say now you still got to do what i told you to do you did all that running and you still got to give me a yes you went through all of that rebellion and you still got to give me a yes cause his hand is on your life somebody prophesy and say it's on me [Applause] it's on me it's on me it's on me it's on me it's on me it's on me it's on me that's why i can't quit because it's on me that's why i can't throw in the towel because it's on me that's why when my when i got embarrassed i couldn't walk away because it's on me [Applause] he spits puts his dna on the man and then he lays his hands on him wait a minute tex says this man gave jesus his hand first now jesus gives this man his hand and he asks them this question can you see now if jesus is omniscient he know the answer so why does he ask the question can you see i think one of the reasons he may be asking a question is this he's trying to see how many problems do i have to fix here i already know we got a eye problem i need to see do we have an honest problem i need to see are you going to try to present yourself to me in a way that's inconsistent with where you really are i want to know do you trust me enough if it ain't all the way right [Applause] i want to know do you believe my love is so conditional that you got to be dishonest with me about where you really are and it's the man's honesty that triggered jesus's second touch [Applause] did you hear what i just said yeah god's looking for some people that'll be real that if you're struggling say i'm struggling have you forgiven yet kind of sorta i'm not all the way there are you here i won't know what kind of problem i got [Applause] yes he said can you see and the man says i see men people who look like trees walking around now wait a minute if you blind depending on how long you've been blind especially if you've been blind since birth how do you know what trees or what men look like the fact that he's able to say they look like trees means he had seen before and lost his vision [Applause] so because he had seen a tree in the past he could see the tree in the present he could identify what it is because he's seen it before i'm gonna see if somebody catch this i say he can identify what it is because he's seen it before he can identify what it is because he's seen it before he can identify what it is because he's seen it before eyes haven't seen ears haven't heard see it's some stuff you getting ready to walk into you haven't seen before but when you see it you're gonna say that's it cause you've seen it before is there anybody here that's getting ready to walk into some doors you hadn't seen before but you seen it before everybody else is surprised i'm not surprised i saw this before i see something i see something [Music] i'm almost i got four minutes y'all all right here it is he asked the man i'm getting happy now he asked the man can you see he said i see men as trees walking so text says this it says verse 25 once more jesus put his hands on the man's eyes and his eyes were open notice that the man didn't ask him to touch him again [Music] but jesus said i'm about to do this without your permission because the fact that you can see a little bit is probably okay with you cause it's better than being blind but because i'm a finisher [Applause] i'm not gonna let you get in the way of who i am so i'm about to finish this without your permission i'm telling somebody i came to the atl tonight to let you know this next thing god's about to do in your life he's gonna do it and you ain't even asked for it he says i'm about to put you in rooms you didn't even ask for i'm about to swing doors open you didn't even ask for i'm about to make ways you didn't even ask for you were about to settle for half-seeing but i am a finisher so here's the question when he touched him the first time did he fail i mean come on jesus one touch is not enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe the first touch wasn't designed [Music] [Applause] to heal him completely maybe the first touch was designed to stimulate his faith and maybe this watch this maybe the method jesus used with this miracle is actually a message he's trying to get to us maybe he could have healed the man with one touch if it's all about the man but if he's trying to use this miracle to get a message to us see now be careful when you ask god to use you okay because when we say bishop how you doing when he said when he say when we when we say use me what we really mean is use my gifts if i wanna just use your gifts i'm gonna use your life [Applause] and when i use your life sometimes like lazarus i got to let you lay in places longer than you want to [Music] i gotta let you stay in tombs four days when i can really get you out on one because i want to use your life to let somebody else know that no matter how long it's been dead i can raise it up and maybe he wants to use this man's life and this man's miracle to let us know in this place that if you feel like god's touched something and it is not all the way the way you envision not to be filled with anxiety and despair maybe god's getting ready to do it again somebody that believes god is not finished with you yet shalt do it again you healed me before do it again you open the door before do it again you made a way before do it again i'm done but i need to talk to somebody who feels like you contributed to your own calamity that god did touch and he did open the door but you made missteps and mistakes and you set yourself back you contributed to your own chaos i came to tell you the words of the prophet joel who is actually prophesying uh the the the the coming of jesus as he talks about the priests getting between the porch and the altar the altar god the porch people talking about the two natures existing in jesus simultaneously that some theologians call a hypostatic union where you've got the divine and the human that are not intermingling and commingling together he says when the priests get between the porch and the altar i'll restore the years that the locusts and the cankerworm and the caterpillar have stolen for you what does that mean it doesn't mean that god goes back and gives you more time it means that he takes the time you got left and he does so much in the time you got left it makes up for the time you miss god's about to open one door and it's about to make up for ten that you miss somebody shout do it again i blew it the first time but i'm ready now do it again i want to hear atlanta raise the roof in this place tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i came tonight to tell somebody not to settle for seeing trees [Applause] i know it's better than being thank you blind but it's still not god's best for you [Applause] i know it's better than what it used to be but it's still not my best [Music] that first touch is just the beginning of the end [Music] [Music] but i didn't sustain you for trees and i didn't preserve you to see trees and i didn't gift you and trust you with that investment that i made because that's a grace gift it's a charis mata it is a grace gift you didn't you developed it but you couldn't deposit it so i trusted you with that gift i didn't make that investment in you for you to settle for trees and the scriptures teach us not to just pray for things but to pray against them jesus teaches that in the model prayer deliver us from evil and tonight i want to pray against this tendency this leaning the spirit that is influencing people to settle for trees the world doesn't need people who are settling your family man i've been on this thing lately like with bloodlines that's just been in my head like bloodlines and what shifts general it takes one generation to shift a pattern of multiple generations [Applause] like do you get that like one generation can shift the trajectory of multiple generations we know nothing about abraham's predecessors and ancestors but we know god used one generation to shift multiple ones you can't do that and settle for trees god's not finished there's another touch thank you jesus the second touch he says i'm gonna put my hand on you because you've given me yours you want to be more than fixed you want to be led and i won't let you settle even though settling feels easier i won't let you settle so father tonight as your word teaches us we pray for deliverance from evil and we identify settling as satanic it's not benign it's not amoral it's satanic it's a plot it's a scheme it's a method it's a strategy of the enemy and your word says we are not ignorant of his devices we see it and we pray against that i pray for every weary heart in this room tonight i pray for those who have been trying their best not to settle but they are wrestling with faith fatigue they are tired many of them are suffering from spiritual trauma because they believed before and were disappointed so greatly that it made their faith fractured i pray for healing from that tonight i pray for a resurgence and a renewal of hope i pray for refreshing you said times of refreshing come from the lord so i pray that over your people no settler and we say in the language of antiquity lord i'm running trying to make a hundred 99 and a half won't do now may your favor be upon us and a thousand [Music] generations your families and your children and their children may your presence go before us and behind us all around us and within us you are with us i pray that you would seal this word tonight in the hearts of your people may we never be the same may we never settle again in jesus name amen clap your hands atl i think we can do better than that clap your hands atm [Applause] thank you so much for being with us tonight we hope you were encouraged we hope you were blessed i want you to receive this blessing this benediction as we prepare to go from this place i'm excited about what god's about to do in your life and your family and the generations that are about to be shipped because you refused to settle stay tuned for what god's doing and change church in the atl we love to have you a part of our family and as we pray for your house you pray for this one thank you so much for being with us i want to sing this over you tonight as you go i want you to receive it this blessing through song may his favor [Music] may his presence [Music] is [Music] don't [Music] [Music] receive this benediction may the lord god bless you and keep you may he cause his face of favor to shine upon you may god be gracious to you may he protect you may he provide for you and above all else may he grant you peace this is my prayer for your life in jesus name amen [Music]
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 37,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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