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what's up YouTube found paso Darius here listen don't fast forward I want you to know what's going on you're about to watch a classic message we're giving you throwbacks these next few weeks live I'm going summer break I'm taking a break to replenish to refuel to reconnect with the God and to reconnect with my family I take a break every summer and so that's why you're not getting new content each week but we've got some classics some throwbacks that we've yet to release and we wanted you to be blessed by some of the content that we've already released and so I hope you're encouraged by it keep me and my family in your prayers we believe in a comeback stronger and better than ever in Jesus name and as always this is this is my ask of you that if you're blessed by what you hear this is my ask spread the word we've got churches in New Jersey and Orlando so if you know people in those areas spread the word and also subscribe and share these messages I want to help as many people as possible that's part of my mission it's part of my purpose and with your help we're gonna make a difference all right so enjoy some of these throw backs from way back okay chapter 6 verse 12 says now Thank You dick now King David was told the Lord has blessed the household of obed-edom and everything he has because of the Ark of God so David went went to bring up the Ark of God from the house of obed-edom to the City of David with rejoicing and when those who were carrying the Ark of God had taken six steps he sacrificed the bull and a fattened calf and wearing a linen ephod David was dancing before the Lord with all this might and while he and all Israel were bringing up the Ark of the Lord with shouts and the sound of Trumpets verse 12 contains the clause of concern it says now King David was told the Lord has blessed a household of obed-edom and everything he has because of the Ark of God so David went to bring up the ark from the house of obed-edom to the City of David I want to talk from this subject in our time together tonight go back and get it go back go back and get it family the scriptures are clear in communicating that we are all facing an evil invisible adversary who is aggressively attempting to inhibit us from experiencing life as God intended this is a undeniable scriptural reality that is unfortunate enough in and of itself but the unfortunate nature of this reality is exacerbated by the fact that most people don't even know it they have explained away rationalized quasi and pseudo-intellectual lives themselves out of a scripturally supported understanding of the reality of the presence of evil in this world that is diametrically opposed to your progress therefore many people are experiencing opposition that we are either in accurately understanding ignoring or mislabeling as coincidence bad luck and an inability to get a break consequently each year many receive revelations about what they desire to do differently make resolutions about what they will do differently and fail to see results and keep miss diagnosing the problem this is one of the reasons we situate strategically our revival in June of the year the halfway point of the year so that we can pause for the cause of reflection and reassessment about what has happened and what hasn't happened but also why it has or has not happened and I'm proposing I'm contending that in some cases and in some areas failure to see desired results cannot always be attributed to the absence of willpower the flawed nature of our strategic plan and the inability to execute our intentions I'm arguing that sometimes we're failing to see results because we have not taken into consideration the reality of an invisible evil force that is opposing your efforts to progress your life in a way that brings glory to God Jesus corroborates this claim in John 10:10 when he says the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy he acknowledges his existence clearly communicates his intention and throughout scripture warns us to be aware of his intentions so that we do not fall victim and prey to them and those who continue the ministry of Jesus also believed in this reality people like the Apostle Paul who clearly communicates that we should be aware of the activity of the enemy so that we don't fall prey to the wiles methods and strategies of the devil we can dismiss his existence label it as unintellectual suggest we have an inferior hermeneutic and infected exegesis and this is not what Jesus was talking about he's not referring to some literal evil entity that exists in the world that's make-believe that is reframing that is spiritual supernatural fairytales that's people's attempt to explain themselves away from taking responsibility for their own actions but I want to argue not to believe in the devil is not to believe in the Bible itself because you cannot read the Bible and not see him when the scriptures are open up in the book of Genesis he shows up in the garden as a snake and when the book is closed in Revelation he shows up as a dragon he is there and just because we cannot see him doesn't mean see something doesn't mean it does not impact us you can't see the flu but you can catch it and I came to tell somebody that you may say you are not fighting him but he's fighting you did you hear me and the aggressiveness of his activity in your life is an indication of how uncomfortable he is with you stepping into the fullness and receiving a revelation of who God has created you to be the aggressiveness of his activity is confirmation of a futuristic greatness that exists for you that he does not want you to step into so he tries to stop you before you grow into it don't miss this this is why he tried to kill Jesus through Herod when he was a baby because I got to stop this before it gets too mature for me to handle I got to stop this because I know who they are but I need to stop them before they know who they are because whenever they know who are they are they see Who I am they know they have power over me I'm arguing that the Internet has had the same impact on culture as the printing press and we are in a different type of cultural experience somewhat similar to the Enlightenment where individuals now are making an idol out of reason and rationale failing to understand that the supernatural does not contradict reason but the supernatural is superior to reason that that God is not just imminent God is transcendent he's not just here he's there he's not just Immanuel God with me but he exists with this sense of other leanness there's something there are things about him that are different and distinct and if we don't embrace this if we don't accept this then we won't be able to receive the revelation I believe that's contained in this text for us I believe his existence must be acknowledged however in tribes where his existence is acknowledged there's great debate and division regarding what we should do about it many camps seem to fall in one of two extremes one camp suggests that the way to deal with his existence is to be infected with satanic obsession those with this vantage point over inflate his influence abdicate responsibility for their own lives and give Satan power he doesn't have they blame everything on the devil a flat tire is the devil losing my keys is the devil choosing a bad girlfriend or boyfriend when I ignored the signs of challenges in that character is now that wasn't the devil that was lust that wasn't the devil they make the enemy omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent this is a dangerous extreme that I don't believe is supported by Scripture but then you've got the other extreme that simply argues you can overcome him by ignoring him acting as if he does not exist but I believe the Bible teaches us to avoid either extreme and settle in the middle we should not be obsessed but we should be aware in these few minutes I got left I want to make you aware of something that the enemy that exists is a thief don't don't don't don't don't don't miss this I said he's a thief when Jesus says he comes to steal kill and destroy maybe Jesus is not using three different words to describe the same thing maybe Jesus says what he means and means what he says maybe what he says matter and maybe the order in which he says it matters maybe we should pay attention to steel being put first because if you're looking for the killer and obsessed with the destroyer you'll miss the thief you missed it some people are shouting because you survived not realizing it wasn't the attempt of the enemy to kill you that time he says I wasn't trying to kill you you're shouting over survival but you don't even know you've been robbed I robbed you and you didn't even know it you're celebrating something that did not come to kill you you're celebrating something that came to steal he's a thief and maybe this is something Jesus wants us to pay attention to and on this first night of revival I came with some doleful woeful bad news for all of us in this room you've been robbed you've been robbed you've been robbed there is something you're absent of that you no longer possess you've been robbed and the interesting thing about good thief's is they can pick your pocket and you don't even know it some of you are walking down the street of your proverbial life progressing not even realized back in 2018 the devil picks something out of your pocket and you don't even know that it's been picked until you get to a season where you need to reach for it and you don't have it some of you didn't even know your strength was gone until you got into a season where you needed it and you reach for it and it wasn't even there anymore you didn't know your zeal was gone until you reached for it and needed it and it wasn't even there anymore you've been robbed still will steal your heart stole it from you steal your zeal steal your trust steal your optimism steal your faith pick your pocket cuz you were looking for the killer and the destroyer and didn't realize he a thief he tried to steal God's glory tried to steal his seat enthroned stole one third of the Angels he's a thief steal kill and destroy and he's a different kind of thief he's a thief without conscience which means whatever he steals he will not return did you hear what I just said so whatever has been stolen will not be returned it must be reclaimed somebody just got it you better go back and get it I don't hear you talking to me some of you are waiting for stuff to just magically reappear you're just waiting for happiness to hit you again the devil's not going to return it you got to go and get it you're waiting for peace just to come back to you the devil's not going to return it you've got to go and get it you're waiting on your zero and your joy to return to you the devil's not going to return it you got to go and get it and these are your marching orders for this revival stop having a pity party waiting on a thief to get a conscience but take your rightful place and go back and get it give me my stuff [Applause] it's not coming back yet to receive that as a prophetic word yeah everybody yeah receive that is it's not coming back it's gonna come back when you make a decision you are sick and tired of living without it and revival is the time where God reveals your spiritual tank gives you spiritual renewal so you have the energy the virtue the fortitude to hunt it down see see my lions got that okay see my Lions got that hunt it down it's not coming back it's not coming back the relationship that you had it's not coming back the one you're in that was in a different state where it's blissful and fulfilling and soothe your soul that's not coming back you're not just gonna wake up one day and boom you back to where you were you got to go get it [Applause] am i making sense here and if you want to go back and get it the text here in second Samuel teaches us how are y'all ready for this second Samuel is really significant here for those of us who re trying to who who are trying to reclaim anything watch this oh my because second Samuel 6 reveals that you can only reclaim secondary things after you have identified the primary thing did you hear what I just said the text teaches that if you can identify the primary thing and reclaim the primary thing the the possession of the primary thing will expose and reveal the secondary things joy is a second everything piece is the secondary thing focus is a secondary thing happiness is a secondary thing and if we spend our lives chasing the secondary things we will live without strategy or focus we will make idols out of secondary things because we're pursuing whatever path we feel like leads us to what we lost pastor what do you mean it's right here it detects this in second Samuel six second Samuel six this this passage exposes us to a man named David attempt to reclaim a precious possession of Israel called the Ark of the Covenant now the Ark of the Covenant was what was an interesting instrument yeah the Ark of the Covenant was an interesting instrument instrument it was an instrument that represented the presence of God I think we have an image of it represented the presence of God it it it wasn't the presence [Music] but it represented the presence y'all misenus there was there was symbolism in it it wasn't the presence but it represented the presence it was something tangible to attach my faith to because that is what those people needed to tangibly connect to an intangible God this this art has poles because it was supposed to be carried a certain way hands were not supposed to touch the box hands were only supposed to touch the poles and the poles were supposed to be carried by Levites on the shoulders of people at sea this is too much old school in its all stood on the shoulders of people who understood the power of separation see I know we don't preset ya on the shoulders of people who understood distinctiveness not superiority not better than others but different from others set apart from others Levite say no I live by different code of conduct and value systems cuz only their shoulders were broad enough to handle the weight of his presence but the ark represents something you can see not not just his presence in general right because God is all in all I'm the president he's everywhere but it represents manifest presence y'all got me so I can come to your house or wherever you live a dorm or wherever you live I come to your house and you be present and not manifest right so if I come in your living room and you're in your bedroom and you have something I need even though we're in the same house I don't benefit till you come out [Applause] you miss it if you have something I need I can be in your house and you can be in your house but I don't get what I need from you until you come out of where you are and walk into where I am so I need more than your presence I need you to manifest hey I need you to show up I need you to come out from where you are and step into where I am that is what the Ark represents glory the manifest presence of God and God gave Israel of art not because he needed one but because they needed one they need a visible reminder don't fight without this don't build without this don't work without this don't pick a school without this don't say I do without this don't turn in your resignation without this don't accept a job without this don't bring anybody into your life without this and don't send anybody out your life without this you he he gave them a visible reminder you need this you got weapons but you need this and you got degrees but you need this I'm almost done we are right Israel developed familiarity with the art and they began to mismanage it so they lost it the Philistines the people that Goliath was from took it so they have in church with no ark skinny jeans chelsea boots no Ark led walls lights cameras screens no arc [Applause] [Applause] yes somebody following me here right you said you see this hermeneutical loop right here do you see it the enemies are thief he's the thief that picks pockets he'll steal and you don't even know it the Ark is gone Church don't even know it darris what'd he say with the exposure of information through streaming and YouTube and all these wonderful vehicles we have slid into an idolatry of consumption of information and so even believers approach to church is consumeristic and it reveals itself in the strategic timing of my arrival so that I miss all of the parts of the service that are about God and not only and I only show up to the part that's about me so I missed the worship I missed the praise I missed the giving but imma show up in time for my word and then imma get the word exploiting the eternal not worshiping him but using him as an inspiration station to get me through another week cuz I don't want you I just want what you have this is why converge is important because bad theology is concretizing and cementing this mentality and so we're even being encouraged to praise by injecting consumerism into our exhortations so praise them for your breakthrough manipulation [Applause] [Music] present for your breakthrough manipulation and people repeat it I'm not oh my god Lord I'm out here now I might as well I'm out here now and sometimes the enemy will platform people with major gifts but bad theology and whenever somebody gets platform those who are inspired by them start imitating and emulating their activity not realizing that we're not just picking up their methods we're also picking up their message and so the bad theology is being multiplied and it's working and we're more concerned about what works than what's right you know there is no truth in if you hop five times on your leg and shout loud enough everybody in your house is going to get a breakthrough that is a lie and we need to okay it is manipulation God did not tell you that so we're having spirited services and calling it the spirit because God is not in all that error he must be worship in spirit and in truth not in spirit and in error the ark is missing no passion for presence no passion for prayer and then we wonder why we don't have the spiritual stamina to withstand the assault from the Philistines the ark is gone we've got more than we've ever had I'm preaching to you not to you I'm preaching what God I believe spoke to me about our church go back and get it go back and get it when you have it it's an avenue and you had no air in the summer time but people were so hungry for God they were coming sitting sweaty that's glory go back and get that go go go back go back and get go back and get on penance in having a win when there was no heat in the wintertime but we were so committed to the presence of God we put your must own and gloves on and coats on and sit cold go back and get it go back and get it cuz it's the only thing that helps you withstand the assault on the Philistines I'm almost done we all right yeah y'all can be seated here I see go go back go back and get it they lost the ark so this is what they did they got the Ark and David had this idea he said let's take the art we don't need the poles that's too much work I missed it already say it's too much work I want all that work that's sacrifice that's sweat that's pressure I want to let I want it easy so and so instead of having people carry it I don't know if that was David's idea or I don't know if the Levites got too tired of care in the way and if David capitulated to the Preferences of people who were tired of carrying something they were called to carry maybe he switched practices when he should have switched people [Applause] you say you don't want to care it let me find somebody who won't this see y'all y'all not talking to me some of your switching practices when you need to be switching people don't lower your standards to come down to somebody else's level you gotta make a decision I is where is I refuse to come down it took me too much to get up to where I am I prayed too hard and sacrificed too much I'm not coming down I'm almost done so he puts the art on a cart and so they're rolling the art on the cart they don't even know they out of order they have a major church like they know it was a festive procession I mean they're rolling the ark and the Bible says they danced it and they praising God and they just have an amazing time all out of order and they don't even know they are the order to the Bible says the Ox there's an ox pulling the cart okay y'all mr. Hawks was pulling the cart the cart was machinery so they were trying to use machinery technology to carry the weight of the glory if we just make it dark enough if the lighting show is dope enough and so now everybody is searching for lights and see we got a LED wall to help me teach y'all miss it not because it would do the kitchen if you don't have a word this won't help you I'm sorry let me go I'm just in bad pass the bat if you don't have a wire it won't help you if you're a singer and you don't have an anointing I don't care how dark we make it ain't no glory coming in here the only smoke we're gonna have is smoke from the machines if you don't have a life set apart with God [Applause] we don't want revival [Applause] just make it dope enough and creative enough no lights no lights album a de at it say I'm done you miss what I just said no lights have ever made an addict come into God's house and say I'm putting this down and I'm never picking it back up again but when the glory of God comes down your role and sits on your heart there's something on the inside that changes things on the outside I want the glory so they put the art on a new car the Ox hit a bump in the road the cart wobble and a man reached out his hand to steady it and he died cuz no hands are supposed to touch the box they have in good Church and people dying y'all missed it there joy dead peace dead like I mean they're shouting because just because it's lively doesn't mean it's life [Applause] you don't know you are to order until you hit a bump in the road [Applause] you'll know what you made out of until you hit a bump you don't know what's in you until you hit a bump and we are serving people a brand of Christianity that inspires them and makes them feel good it gives them the holy heebie-jeebies but it does not anchor them enough to handle a bump and that's why when they hit bumps they're walking away from God and that's why they hit bumps they're walking away from marriages they could fix and that's why they hit a bump they're walking away from churches they should stay in so when this happens David said wait a minute y'all gonna be seated I promise I'm almost done he puts her uh he puts the art in the house of a man named obey eat him we're gonna be walking up the door in ten minutes I'm almost there he he puts he puts he puts the art in the house of a man named Oh bear either David's like woo I need a minute but the Bible says something I'm trying not to run see listen to this but the text says he it says King David was told the Lord has blessed the house of obed-edom and everything he has not see this this gonna make people who don't get Grace upset , everything he has , because of how perfect he was because of how much he prayed because he made all the right decisions because his house was the holiest house on the street nope because the ark was in the house y'all missed it everything he had got blessed because the ark was in the house everything he had god bless because the ark was in the house the second everything came because of the primary thing y'all missed it because if you get the primary thing you don't have to worry about the secondary thing okay let me show you because this top part of the ark could be removed the art was also a depository and inside the ark were three things the Ten Commandments Aaron's rod that budded and a jar mana mana a miracle and the message was Allah knock the Ten Commandments that's the message Avery's rod that budded that's the miracle and the manor was the manor the manor representing supernatural supply when God just makes stuff rain on you and you like I don't even know where this came from let me see if I can find the side to preach to is there anybody here that can say you've woken up sometimes I don't even know why I knew it I'm no I don't deserve him the manor the message and the miracle were in the ark the manor the message and the miracle were in the ark the manor the message and the miracle were in the ark so if you got the Ark you get miracles if you got the Ark you get a word if you get the Ark you get provision some people are chasing provision some people are like I need a word some people are like I need a miracle and God's like if you get the ark everything you need is inside the Ark [Applause] this time ago everything you need is inside the Ark when David heard that he looked at his palace he looked at his service he looked at his bank account he looked at his army he said I got all this but something missing because what I need the service can't give me what I'm looking for can't be deposited in a bank account and David made a decision he wasn't waiting nobody didn't bring it back he said I got to go back and get it and there's some people in this room your art gone you got to palace the servants the army but your art go you've been rock [Music] and if you honest with God you know it's not to say I got a number of different reasons points that I have but I'm gonna give you one because I think for me it's the most significant one of the reasons our art is probably gone is because we we haven't overcome faith fatigue see this is what I saw I didn't see this until earlier today actually I taught a series couple years ago called breakthrough now I taught second Samuel 5 bail pair is him Lord or breakthrough well second time you're five is before second 76 so David had just fought the Philistines twice in second Samuel five now second Simon's guitar because you lose the art when you get tired of fighting because Israel lost the art in a fight and the fights that the enemy has been throwing at you and me fights and battles not to kill but to steal so I want to take the ark I want to take presents [Music] because if I get the primary thing I got the secondary thing and maybe on this first night of revival God wants to push us to go back and get it the arc is gone and I need it bad past I have his presence right we all do but the art was heavy it was waiting and some of us don't feel that way we won't when you carry the art you felt it and some of us let's be honest you don't feel it like that no more we need it better but we have to go back and get it and that's what revival is about it's about pursuit it's about saying I want you this bad your fervor passion zeal is not the same you've been oh gosh I gotta go you've got domesticated zeal [Music] and as I look forward as as a pastor you know if God let me do it you've got to let me go this long I got 20 25 more years and and as I'm forecasting as I'm vision earring for the future I'm like man how are you gonna do Church in this culture at some point we're gonna run out of tricks I had I am at some point you know we keep if we keep flowing in this consumeristic vein at some point we don't have to have trapeze artists in church and I felt like I felt like the Holy Spirit as I was thinking through this as a pastor trying to Visioneer our church for the future félicité get the theology right be an apologist you have to gonna be an apologist be a defender of the faith you're gonna have to answer better questions you're gonna have to have a faith with a reason and explanation but I felt like the Holy Spirit said to me you can't win with reason because people cannot argue with an encounter [Applause] [Music] you can tell me who you ready you can tell me what you believe but with the glory of God hits your life and burdens are lifted and habits are broken and you feel something you've never felt before [Music] that's when you win that's the only way we're gonna anchor this next generation and all of the fall away that we're seeing in church is God's Way of bringing us back to him his correction is Reformation and the only way you're gonna handle the bumps in your road is with a faith that has the ark I know you got a notepad full of notes and I'm honored that you value God's Word and we need to but you need more than that you need the art that's the only thing that's gonna get you through the presence of God you gotta pass it with the ark [Music] [Music] go go back and get it [Music] Lord let me just give you this I'm done if you're gonna go back and get it you got a number one overcome apathy I'm tired you tired too you fighting I'm fighting we all fight I'm tired of fighting I know some of us and our families leave why we try to fight you we tired of people being sick we tired of stuff not going the right way we tired of doctors visits we tired of we tired but we can't let the adversity push us in the apathy when we just sitting waiting on the devil to bring it back we got a we got a we got to shake ourselves out of it I know you're tired of fighting anybody tired of fighting I am but right now is fight or die I know you don't want to be in a battle but you're in one and I know you don't feel like you should be punching in one and I know you don't feel like you deserve it but you're in one so fight or die gotta overcome unbelief [Music] that domesticated faith disappointment I told you I told y'all this before I went through such a season of massive disappointment with my faith that I tamed of my faith I had domesticated faith I didn't even know it till one time I my pastor was praying for me on the phone and he prayed something and then after I got off the phone I said to him I think I have a problem he said what you mean I was real quiet he said what's the problem I said I just realized something he said what I said I would have never prayed that for myself I said that was a day I would have prayed that for myself I wouldn't even prayed that for me I wouldn't even believe in that be I didn't even know that my massive disappointment had tamed my faith cuz you you you would take it even stuff like healing you can pray for healing so much and nobody get healed it tame you so then your experience minutes driving your theology your theology is not driving your experience as God as a healer even if you don't so I believe for healing faith is my business healing is his I'm Way over whoo this old-school church tonight and last but not least you got to be willing to overcome the opinions of observers when David brought that Ark back he started dancing before the Lord his own life he's looking out the window and it's got an opinion and people don't have opinions about your passion you at that church when you there last night you going back you going back again tonight yes because when I hit a bump in the road I gotta have something that holds me steady I won't I want the art back have to go back and get it I'm gonna pray a prayer dismissal over I want to honor your time I want you out by 8:30 every night but that didn't happen tonight it's my fault too we're gonna have a great week God's gonna beat us every night tomorrow night west 7 p.m. get there early if you see sensitive i'm seat sensitive so it's nothing wrong with being seat sensitive um i'm c since but get that early we're gonna be in there like sardines tomorrow it's gonna be powerful how about ever brought a speaker to you that wasted your time to the best of my ability I never wheel every speaker this week got a word from God for us I'm a pray with some of you at 7:00 a.m. on our prayer call tomorrow the rest of you I'm gonna see you tomorrow at ya prayer we had a great prayer call this morning we'll have a great one tomorrow why because we want the ark so we get up early and pray how about that so we're gonna go we're gonna dismiss this way tonight there are some people right now that are just having a moment with God and we want to honor that so I want us to be as respectful of that as we can as quiet as we can but some people right now they're just having a moment and we want to honor that so as we leave let's do that let's keep that in mind we look forward to seeing you on tomorrow night anything else I'm supposed to be saying listen we got some great mercy on talked about that it's right in our fellowship hall Hankins in Hilliard Hall you can go in there and pick some up tonight Oh somebody got the Ark back already I feel it let me pray over you I want you to have an incredible day tomorrow God's gonna give you strength you're gonna be refreshed may he cause his face of favor to shine upon you may God be gracious to you may God protect you provide for you and may God grant you peace this is my prayer for your life in Jesus name Amen see you tomorrow night have a wonderful night
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 122,361
Rating: 4.9019551 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, eric the hip hop preacher thomas, devon franklin, mike todd, ron carpenter, carl lentz, judah smith, rich wilkerson jr, chris durso, chad veach, keion henderson, jamal bryant, dr. matthew stevenson, trent shelton, tony gaskins, bishop tony evans, robert madu, toure roberts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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