Look Again | ATL Change Night Worship Experience | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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uh i want to know does anybody want a word tonight that's my question does anybody want a word so i want us to look at a few verses of scripture found in the book of exodus chapter number 14. exodus chapter number 14 and i'm going to read a few verses beginning at verse number 21 exodus 14 and i'm going to read a few verses beginning with verse number 21. it it says this um family then moses stretched out his hand over the sea and all that night the lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land the waters were divided and the israelites went through the sea on dry ground with a wall of water on their right and on their left the egyptians pursued them and all the pharaohs horses and chariots and horsemen began to follow them into the sea and during the last night of the watch the last watch of the night the lord looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the egyptian army and threw it into confusion he jammed the wheels of their chariots so that they had difficulty driving and the egyptians said let us get away from the israelites their lord or the lord is fighting for them against egypt i want to tag a title to this text and i want you even through your mass to say it as an affirmation and a declaration to yourself you are not talking to your neighbor tonight you are talking to yourself here's the title of the nice teaching somebody shout look again [Music] okay about 33 of y'all actually did it with a little enthusiasm let's try it one more time somebody shout look again now give god praise if you're ready for the word tonight [Applause] ladies and gentlemen the book of exodus is probably one of the most profound books in the old testament i say that not just because of the content contained in this book i say that because of the context of this book you see the word exodus means exit because this book exodus details how god orchestrated an exit for his people out of egyptian bondage that they suffered in for 400 years the name of the book itself should invoke and create some optimism and enthusiasm because if god is the god of exits this means i'm never trapped i want to say that again if god is the god of exits it means that i'm never trapped that it may look trapped i may feel trapped people may call me trapped but because he's the god that is the god of the exits watch this if there isn't one he'll create one did you hear what i said it if if a jericho walls in the way he'll knock it down if the red season the way he'll part it there doesn't have to be an exit for there to be an exit somebody's going to catch that that doesn't have to be an exit for there to be an exit and i'm pausing for the cause to talk to somebody tonight who feels like you're without options just because you hadn't been exposed to your options doesn't mean you don't have any options and the devil wants to blind you to the options that god's getting ready to expose you to because he knows a person who does not realize they have options is a person that ends up making desperate decisions you way too blessed to be desperate you way too anointed to be desperate your god is way too big to be desperate if he don't get you in through the window he'll get you through the door and if he don't get you in through the door he'll get you through the roof and if somebody's in the way trying to block you from what god wants to do for you he'll move them out the way he's the god that raises up one and pulls down another i'm getting ready to make an exit i don't know who this is for tonight but i want to tell you it does not matter how long you've been trapped god is the god of the exit [Applause] are you here am i making sense for over 400 years god's people were under egyptian oppression and subjugation 400 years 400 years and the bible says in exodus chapter 3 that they cried out to god say lord you got to get me out of this 400 years and god let them stay there until they decided they were ready to come out no come on no no come on now creating exits was always in his ability he could have created one on the first year he could have created one on the second year it was 400 years because god will let you live on whatever level you settle for he says now if you are right with that did you hear what i just said and see this is why i want to tell you now i talked about disruption early and shifts and changes and radical pivots and things of that nature you know god hears one of the signs that helps you know god's getting ready to shift and make a radical pivot in your life he gives you what one writer calls a holy discontent all of a sudden you start being dissatisfied with something you never had any problem with and you end up being confused and you're like i used to like this i used to like them let me go on this side over here [Applause] i used to like this i used to like them i used to be okay with this but now all of a sunk sudden there's a stirring on the inside of me that does not allow me to be satisfied with it with this with the same level because god uses agitation as an instrument to orchestrate elevation i want to know is there anybody agitated tonight because if you agitate it get ready because elevation is on the way i want somebody that believes god's getting ready to elevate you out of your agitation to just pause for the cause give them a praise break right there i'm giving you holy permission tonight to rid yourself of guilt of being dissatisfied with something that god's trying to disrupt [Applause] dissatisfied doesn't mean ungrateful [Applause] some people assume dissatisfied means ungrateful therefore they create an obligation to stay stuck in states and seasons god's trying to shift them out of i'm grateful for what you did in the past but i'm anticipating what you're getting ready to do in my future 400 years he let them stay there until they said that's not it now i want you to see this now i want you to see what happened when they enter into egypt they enter into egypt when egypt was led in some sense managed rather by a gentleman named joseph remember rest of the rest of the land was in famine egypt had plenty so when joseph got a position of promise a prominence in pharaoh's administration he called for his family to come to egypt and to be with him tex says that pharaoh died and exodus opens by saying there arose a pharaoh in egypt that did not know joseph see come on now this is why we need to expand our expectation of favor you don't just want favor with man come here luke 252 jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and then favor with god and with man i don't just need favor with man i want favor with god because when that pharaoh died i might be in trouble [Applause] there arose a pharaoh in egypt look at me that did not know joseph and he was fine with the israelites until they kept growing [Laughter] one translation uses the word multiply okay everybody that's 38 and older is about to catch this 38 and under you're about to miss it i'll come back and get you next they were like bebe's kids [Applause] come on old folks don't come on you we we out here now baby's kids we don't die we [Applause] he was okay with them occupying their space his space until they kept multiplying and it looked like the hebrew population was trending toward exceeding the egyptian population so he expected them to procreate he didn't just expect them to multiply he expected them to grow he didn't just expect them to grow like that they expected you to be blessed but they didn't expect you to be that blessed they expected a door to open for you but they didn't expect that many doors to open for you see some people watch this some people some people that love you watch this that love you well in the previous season are gonna have trouble with you in the future season because your success is about to be their trigger see some some of you are saying things like they changed on me they hadn't changed you just hadn't got to a level of growth that triggered an insecurity that was present but dormant [Applause] say we expect you to grow like this i wanted you to win but you're winning too much [Applause] are y'all ready for this and if many of us are going to continue to i'm telling you what i know if you're going to continue to advance if we're going to continue to grow if we're going to continue to evolve we're going to continue to increase in defectiveness we have to learn what dr henry cloud says what we are not and are responsible for because some of us are holding up our growth feeling responsible for somebody else's insecurity why is it that i got to play small for us to be friends [Applause] did you hear what i just said yeah why do i have to operate with a limited version of myself for you to be okay with me if you really love me you need to be able to handle all of the iterations of me because god's getting ready to do something in my life and i'm getting ready to pray this over your life i pray god send you some friends that can handle what's coming you cost some of us are just holding on to people that can handle where you were i pray that god send you some people that are healthy enough to handle what he's getting ready to do in your life [Applause] don't miss this pharaoh mismanaged his exposure to their growth [Applause] what god was doing in the hebrew should have inspired pharaoh to transition from being a polytheistic worshiper a person who worshipped a number of different gods to actually becoming a monotheistic worshiper worshiping the one and true and living god but he got jealous of what he should have been inspired by did you hear what i just said see some people could really learn from you if they stop hating on you this section with me tonight so let me pause right here i said some people could really learn from you if they stop being jealous of you some people could really learn from you if they stop competing with you because they compete and you ain't even playing the game i'm not even on that [Applause] [Music] right and people with myopic mindsets and fundamentalist uh and traditionalist viewpoints really do that in religious spaces right they get to arguing and competing over church spots and church titles and church responsibility and you sitting there like boo you fighting over church i'm trying to change the world [Applause] [Music] come on sir so he begins to deal harshly with them he begins to persecute them he engages in male genocide god uses a a creative this is a whole another sermon he's a creative and an innovative and a resourceful woman moses had a father he was in his life but the bible just doesn't tell us about him but it tells us about when that decree of genocide went out moses his mama said well i don't know what's gonna happen with everybody else baby did you not get mine so she gets resourceful and creative and and you know the story and it's really really interesting because you know he grows up and he lives with he lives with what some of us are struggling with it's what w e b du bois calls a double consciousness this is double consciousness it's what moses had because he's like i can relate to anybody but i don't feel like i fit in anywhere who who is this part for i just let me he says he's like you put me in any room i'm there i know how to work whatever room you put me in but i don't feel at home in in any one room [Applause] he said watch this so he wrestles with i got an affinity for egyptian culture but in my heart i'm a hebrew so i i feel this pulling this tension because i'm too hebrew to be egyptian but i'm too egyptian to be hebrew and the bible says that one day he walks out and he sees a hebrew being beaten and bruised and destroyed and instinctively he comes to the defense of the hebrew takes the life of the egyptian buries the egyptian in the sand comes back out don't don't miss this are y'all ready for this in the back are y'all ready for this all right here it is he comes back out later and he sees two hebrews going at it with each other so he tries to help them because he just risks everything to help them and he get rejected by people he trying to help that he don't even need see that was too real let me go this side but i'm not backing up they needed what moses had way more than moses needed what they had [Applause] and then as you evolve in advance you got to be willing to be rejected by people you able to help you will be treated by people who really need you like you need them are you all all right i got a few more minutes i know the food trucks outside but just give me a few minutes let me let me let me feed you spiritually first all right so moses now says okay i'm tired of this i'm not helping anybody else i risked everything to help y'all y'all funny y'all having fun with me all right i'm gone see you just messed it up for everybody else it's the last time i put my name out there for somebody this the last time i invest in somebody this is the last time i i put my heart out there like that so he calls himself running away not realizing and recognizing that god exists what dr kenneth alma calls an eternal is-ness so he never was was he already is what he will be [Applause] so he exists in three dimensions simultaneously past present and future so when you run backwards he there when you stay still he there too and when you try to get ahead of him you run into him getting ahead of him say moses you can't run from this i save your life so i determine how you use it you don't [Music] so don't miss this so he's minding his business god starts setting stuff on bushes on fire telling him to take off your shoes this is holy ground and he says to moses now i want you to go back to the same place that you said you would never go back to i want you to go to the same people that you said you were done with i want you to go back to the place that you don't need to go back to [Applause] because i've given you an assignment to lead my people on an exodus out of egypt don't miss this god's talking to moses trying to convince him to come israel has no idea that this conversation is taking place so they're crying out to god saying god get us out god make a way god open the door and god's saying nothing to them but the whole time he's engaged in a full-blown conversation with moses they have no idea that the reason god is not talking to them about the problem is because god is talking to moses about the answer let me just release this prophetic word over somebody's life god is not talking to you about it because he's talking to moses about it [Applause] see i'm talking to your answer and moses shows up in egypt unannounced no warning no word no preview he just shows up and that's what some things are getting ready to do in your life moses is just gonna the answer is just gonna show up no warning no word no sensing i got a few more minutes are you all all right listen to this text says he asks god to say okay now god you want to do what he said okay all right i'm going but these people are in a polytheistic culture they got sun gods moon gods fertility gods all kinds of gods so when i go and say god that's not enough they're gonna ask me which one so when i go who do i need to tell them sent me [Music] he said i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] moses said what i am he said what's the last name that i am [Applause] [Music] he says right now that's all you need to know if you know that you don't need to know another name if you know that you don't need to know hebrew if you know that you don't need to know greek if you know that you don't need to know egyptian because what he told him was is what he told him yahweh we translated in english jehovah right and jehovah is his covenant name right and so it's almost used like a prefix in the old testament so it's jehovah jireh jehovah nisi jehovah shalom so what he's saying is moses i'm a covenant keeping god so right now i'm gonna give you the first part and i'm gonna let you use a blank for the last part because when you get in a certain situation you're gonna need me to be gyro so i'll fill in the blank with that and when you get in another situation you'll need me to be peace and i'll fill in the language shalom and when you get to another place you'll need me to give you victory in battle and you'll fill in the blank with jehovah neesee and so god makes it easy for us in the new testament instead of using all those names he say i'm gonna give you one name that's above every other name that at the name of jesus [Applause] every knee must bow every tongue must confess so when you say jesus you're saying jira when you say jesus you're saying to sick canoe when you're saying jesus you're saying shama somebody make the devil mad and just shout jesus y'all not shouting in atlanta tonight i said shout jesus [Applause] i'm almost done i'm almost done here it is so god tells moses we still in exodus 3. in verse 11 he says now listen he says i'm going to make the egyptians favorably disposed towards you moses is like well wait now i'm in the background guy you got me out here speaking and all this i don't do all that now [Applause] he telling god that's not my anointing because like i tell you what your anointing is you don't tell me [Music] [Applause] he's like i've been in the background my whole life got like so who you are is not who you've been when you tell me that's not you you telling me i'm finished you telling me i'm finished with you then he says i'm slow of speech moses thought his speech was was an exemption from the assignment he's like you asking me to do something i don't feel good at and god's like no i'm asking you to do something you need me for i want a church that that'll get excited afterwards no no he said you more comfortable using your gift you more comfortable leaning on your gift he says i'm getting ready to put you in a season where you might have to lean on god he says i'm going to make you favorably dispose i'm going to make the egyptians favorably disposed toward you so in exodus 3 21 he says listen i'll make the existence favorably disposed toward this people so that when you leave i want you to receive this i want you to receive this he says you will not leave empty-handed [Applause] he said all this suffering all this service he says i'm going to make sure you don't leave empty-handed i want someone to listen to what i'm about to tell you god is not just the god of reconciliation he is also the god of restitution [Applause] i said restitution payback is coming y'all didn't hear what i just said he promised me it was coming he told me not to take vengeance into my own hands he says vengeance is mine but he didn't stop there he said i will repay says the lord now watch how he repays the way he repays is not by always punishing your enemies [Music] the way he repays is by empowering you to succeed in spite of them look listen to me listen to me david said he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies so restitution looks like this god doesn't kill my enemies he keeps them alive and keeps them close enough to watch him prepare a table for me the punishment is watching you win i want somebody that receives that to give god praise all over this house watch me win watch me win watch me win [Music] i got six minutes are you all right [Applause] watch me win that's their torture [Applause] did you hear what i just said i said that's their torture so texas they go through all of the the antics with moses trying to convince pharaoh egypt goes to plagues pharaoh finally decides to release egypt out of egyptian bondage in captivity and the bible says i'm trying to behave [Music] see it's one of the reasons i take sabbaticals every year because i have to preach out of the overflow of my own relationship with god so what i'm preaching to you is preaching to me [Applause] i'm feeding both of us at the same time if i don't feel it i can't preach it and if it doesn't move me i shouldn't preach it to you listen to this the bible says now i'm in exodus 13. it says that when moses led israel out of egypt it says god did not take them by way of the philistines even though that route was shorter less they see war and return back to egypt they were out of egypt egypt was not it not out of them god knows what battles you not ready for because premature battles will make you backslide he said they get this fight they going back to egypt [Applause] it says so he led them around toward the red sea wait a minute if you went to sunday school wait a minute the text says check me out god led them around by the red sea so they could have went another way that avoided the red sea but god said i'd rather you deal with the sea than the philistines see sometimes we complaining about the seat when we should be praising because god said i let you avoid the philistine i want to tell you what i want to tell you right now the trial you win is a lot smaller than the trial he protected you from somebody better help me preach tonight i said the trial you in is a lot smaller than the one he protected you from the one you got may not even be the one the enemy wanted you to have [Applause] y'all all right i got three minutes so god you mean to tell me this whole red sea debacle is your fault [Music] we've been talking our entire religious life about how you delivered israel out of the red sea but the only reason they wrestling with the red sea is because you let them now [Applause] i'm not gonna bother this because i i don't i don't know how fragile your theology is [Music] and i don't want to deconstruct what i what i don't have time to reconstruct [Applause] but what do what do you do when the problem you walked into is a problem you walk into cause you follow god into it [Applause] see you can't bind it when god do it yeah you can bind the devil you can't find god [Music] this your fault and i love see i love egypt i love i love the hebrews because you know they were really infants in christ they didn't learn the ways of yahweh so they were a lot more authentic they hadn't been discipled into pretension and fakeness [Applause] they weren't too religious so they were actually real so they said what most of us think and are scared to say god this your fault i wouldn't be in this if i obey you how is it that doing right feel wrong how is it that my obedience made me vulnerable i wouldn't even be in this position if i didn't obey israel get mad at moses say you brought us out here to die come on bro we could have stayed in the wilderness i'm used to stay the egg it's he says what are we going to say what are we going to do moses says stand still and see the salvation of the lord did moses go to god say what are we going to do i'm not going to bother that but every leader should have caught that revelation right there sometimes you got to display a confidence to the people [Applause] sometimes you got to be sure when you're not sure we're going to be all right now god come on i need every parent to say amen right there sometimes you got to look at the kids and be like we're going to be all right and go to god say now god listen [Applause] i need you to fix this listen to this y'all i'm wrapping up he he he tells moses he says i want you to come here leaders raise your hand excuse me raise your staff stretch your hand he says you can't go any further until you raise the staff and then stretch your hand come here leaders do you raise your team see watch this because most leaders want a team but they're not willing to raise one [Applause] yes sir and the bible says are y'all ready for this i'm done now it says when he does that the wind begins to blow we read it foundational text all that night the wind began to blow see the red sea wasn't didn't part immediately it parted overnight [Applause] see some of us are panicking because the weight hadn't been made we should be praising because the wind is blowing i i need i need somebody that caught that i said the door isn't open but the wind is blowing the way it made but the wind is blowing and i'm getting ready to praise god on the wind because if the wind is blowing away is being made [Music] [Applause] so it looks like israel's about to be destroyed it looks like israel is trapped it looks like israel's in a place of vulnerability it looks like israel's about to drown in the red sea but then god sends the wind and parks the red sea they walk through on dry ground now they get to the other side and they think god pardoned the red sea was to get them over that's not incorrect but it's incomplete when they get to the other side they look again [Applause] and when they look again they begin to see that the red sea that was parted now begins to collapse and it drowns pharaoh and his army in the sea so the trial that they thought was going to kill them was actually a trial god was using to kill the thing that's been torturing them for 400 years i came to tell somebody you've been mislabeling this trial and the word i want to give you is look again [Music] isn't to kill you this is the kill what's been killing you this is getting ready to kill pride this is getting ready to kill eagle this is getting ready to kill impulsiveness go ahead and do what you got to do god get me to the other side don't touch anybody don't touch anybody but just air high five somebody and tell them look again i don't care what it looks like look again i don't care what it feels like look again i don't care what they calling it look again and god will turn your morning into dancing god will give you the karma to pray for the spirit of heaven god will turn your situation [Music] [Applause] i'm done [Applause] look [Applause] this is what i felt like the holy spirit said to me i'm done tell you say darius you will live like what you label it so if you label it rejection [Applause] you will live like it but if you label it direction [Applause] i don't know what you've been calling it but it's not what it looks like [Applause] i know what you saw the first time you looked at it but maybe the word is look again and you'll see that what you thought was gonna drown you is actually what god's using a drowned pharaoh i can't testify but i wish i could testify some of the spaces and places that were so confusing and so frustrating and god why is this like this and why is this not working the way it's supposed to be working oh when i look again is that you anchored me in something that was what wasn't working to hold me long to hold me still long enough until you brought me the thing that was working i want you to i don't know what you called it and what you're calling it but the word is look again because it's not what it looks like [Applause] we're getting ready to go i'ma pray outside of here but i've seen him move move mountains and i believe i'll see him do it again [Applause] did you hear me up there i said i seen him move anybody besides me [Music] come on think it family [Music] [Music] [Music] mountains and [Music] [Music] would you help me thank god for for him visiting us tonight come on atl i said can you help me thank god for visiting us tonight [Music] we're really excited and believing god for the best i want to pray over you i want to pray over you i want to pray over you i think at least it's my goal as a leader to be a chief praying officer our church is about five years old one time chick and i was in new jersey shaking hands after and a lady came up to me and she was like oh pastor thank you so much for praying for me i felt your prayers i got a good report and i i sat there saying to myself i'm praying that's how i didn't pray i made a decision at year five yes yes i said i'ma pray for my people like they think i do [Music] [Applause] y'all miss what i just said i said i'ma pray for them the way they think i do i literally have a list like when people give i have a list yeah it's still paper you know teddy yeah it's still paper and every time god answers one i scratch it off and i leave it there so that when i go to pray before i ask him for something new i see the evidence of everything that is that's all i can i can look at that list and say i seen you move [Music] you move the mountains and i believe i'll see you do it again so i pray for you in private i've been praying for this event most of the day but i want to pray of you as you leave i want to pray that god that when you walk out of this building that you're walking out of a old season into a new [Applause] i pray that as you walk out of this building you walk out of old vision in the new vision that you see differently i pray that as you walk out of this building you walk out of old mindsets to new mindsets because you go to the new level every new level head first once you get your mind out your life follows father i pray now a prayer of divine transition over your people in the words of dr peter wagner father we do smart bomb tactical praying i pray for divine transition metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly i pray that the god who opens blind eyes will give your people new vision that they will see again i pray that the god who renews our mind would shift the minds of your people may they think higher better transcendent thinking we pray for that and i pray that that your people will shed old wine skins to embrace new ones to receive all that you're getting ready to pour may this night be marked on your eternal calendar as a night that something shifted for your people knowing you like we know you you've already heard this prayer because you told us to call upon you and you'll answer us and show us great and mighty things that we know not of we call you now and we believe this to be done we ask it in jesus name it's in that name that we pray somebody shout amen god bless you we love you
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 44,465
Rating: 4.9427252 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: 2YrLJNzDcLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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