In Search of a Soul Mate | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up everybody you're about to watch a message in a series of teachings we did call Baywatch I hope this message adds value to your life there are a few things that I'm going to ask you to do for us number one if this message is one that adds value to your life I'm going to ask you to share it with someone that you believe it may bless second thing I want to encourage you to do is to press that subscribe button if you aren't subscribed to our channel that way you can be notified when we release new content and the third thing I'm gonna ask you to do is if you know anyone who's in the Orlando Florida would you let them know what planting a church there that's right although change Church has two locations in New Jersey and extension site in Los Angeles we're planting a campus in Orlando Florida as a matter of fact I'm there every other Thursday doing some teaching with a group of people that are helping us start it and so if you know someone or if you're in that area here's the email addresses on the screen email us have them email us we would love to have them be a part of what God is doing enjoy the message I'll see you so so boaz took ruth and she became his wife when he made love to her the Lord enabled her to conceive and she gave birth to a son the women said to Naomi praise be to the Lord who this day has not left you without a guardian Redeemer may he be famous throughout Israel he will renew your life and sustain you in your old age for your daughter-in-law who loves you and it's better to you than seven sons has given him birth then Naomi took the child in her arms and she cared for him the women living there Sydney homie has his son and watch this and they named him Obed he was the father of Jesse and Jesse was the father of David I want to talk from this subject everybody final sermon in this series called Baywatch I want to talk about being in search of a soul mate in search of a soul mate you know the term soul mate frequently floats from the lips of persons in religious and non-religious circles alike and there are a plethora of perspectives and opinions about what a soul mate is does a soul mate actually exists and if they do how in the world do I find mine can I hear a yay in the house as mama Gail that's one of our church bubbles this what you say all the time what's up acid airs yeah yeah and I would argue I am arguing even in this introduction that although the term soulmate is not present in the pages of Scripture that the concept of a mate for your soul is so the question for me that I believe should be asked is not whether or not one believes in soulmates the question is a question of soulmates the question is a question of divine provision does God provide and does his provision extend to the relational area of my life and I think we can agree without arguing ladies and gentlemen that God is a provider that providing isn't just what he does providing is who he is it is inherent in his nature as his authentic self he is a provider he can't help but provide as a matter of fact there's an Old Testament character named Abraham who actually gave God a name that speaks to his providing nature he called him Jehovah Jireh the Lord who provides he is God and because he is God he is able to make provision when provision needs to be made even if he has to resort to unconventional means he will provide like he did for his people in the Old Testament where they needed water and they were nowhere near water he made water come out of Iraq what's the principle the principle isn't for you to go looking for water to come out of Iraq the principle is for you to live the kind of life with the kind of expectation that God will make provision come from unexpected places yeah there's another story in the Bible where there was a prophet who was living in a time of famine and God used Ravens to drop food to a prophet in a season of famine now the nature of Ravens is not to give anything it is to take everything the principle is not for us to look for birds to feed us the principle is that we would have an expectation that God would make some things act contrary to their nature in order to meet our needs he'll make people that were blocking you in one season open the door for you and the next he will make people that were hurting you in one season helping you help you in an X he will make Ravens feed you am i making sense because he's he's a provider and Paul corroborates this claim in Philippians chapter number 4 verse number 19 when he says my God will supply Oh of my needs watch what he says not according to my need not according to my possessions but he will supply all my need according to his riches in glory it means my lead never exceeds his riches that there's never a need I have that he can't meet he'll find a way to get it to you did you hear what I just said I said he'll find a way to get it to you because God is a provider so the question the quintessential question for this sermon is does that provision extend to my relationships does that provision include a mate for my soul and I don't think we can adequately answer that question without accurately understanding a couple of things and for me I believe it's important for me to be clear what I mean when I say soul mate because when someone in culture says soul mate they mean may mean one thing when I say soul mate I want you to be clear on what I mean because I am arguing this family that you cannot have an accurate understanding of soul mate without an accurate understanding of a soul because we could argue even etymologically that a soulmate is a mate for my soul so what is my soul the Bible speaks very specifically and frequently about it in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 the Bible says in the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul in the book of James James chapter number 1 verse number 21 the Bible says very clearly that we need to put away all filthiness and lay aside the overflow of wickedness watch this and receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your what well wait a minute now if James is writing to people that are already believers what does he mean when he says save my soul if I'm saved is my soul not saved what about when Jesus says in Matthew chapter Mark chapter number 8 for whoever wants to save their life will lose it whoever loses their life for me and the gospel will save it for what good is it for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul this awesome get in third John chapter number two John is writing to a group of believers in and John says something he says below about pray that you may prosper in all things and being helped just as your soul prospers sees he seems to be saying that as my soul goes so goes my life family the soul is the invisible intangible invisible intangible psychological and emotional part of our existence that includes my mind my will my emotions my imaginations and my affections I'm not just physical and I'm not just spiritual I'm psychological and I'm emotional I have a mind which is the organ of thought I have a wheel which is the organ of decision I have emotions I have affections and your affections are what attach you to people emotionally did you hear what I just said that's my soul so that is my so then peso Darius what is a soulmate I'm glad you asked me that they're gonna put it on the screens for those of you who want to take note of this but a soulmate watch this is a god-ordained pic wait a minute this is important because at some point I have to do a teaching a series on decision-making and the role decision-making plays in our destiny whom the Lord for knew he predestined to be the firstborn of many brothers so God predestined according to his foreknowledge so he chooses and seals for me the choice I made he saw the choices I would make before I made him and he seals those choices so he could have a preference for me a will for me but I need to choose what he's chosen for me in order to experience what he wants for me and so one of the ways that the devil can detour me on the path detour me from destiny is to debilitate me in the area of my decision-making and when you deal with soul mates in relationship selection it's all about decision making because it's hard to have a good relationship with a bad pick right finding a soul mate is about choosing who's been chosen and good decision making good decision making begins with having good self awareness if I'm not self aware I can't make good decisions because if are not aware of undeceived and this are you hearing me and when we're growing emotionally and spiritually we're able to get to a place where we can see areas we need to grow and not feel bad about us I'm gonna tell you when you're really growing is when you look at areas where you need to grow and laugh at yourself you be like oh I need some help I'm whew that was crazy I'm a mess somebody pray for me and here it is at some point if people are going to change the relationship trajectory of their life at some point people have to own I don't pick good [Applause] I said that at some point you have to be aware I don't do a good job a pic cuz I thought that was gonna be amazing that was crazy that wasn't even that wasn't even close to amazing that was terrible that was and then after that one I thought well this is better because I learned my lesson from the last one and then I got with that and I say that's the same thing is that was it was just taller stronger bigger they had more money but it's the same thing and and then I went to this one I said I really got this one cuz God is in this one and I said this ain't nothing but the devil that's I thought it was God it's nothing but the devil you gotta be honest to say you know what Jesus I think you should pick next time where are my authentic and honest and self-aware Jesus next time you just you pick let me tell you why I want your input on my pick because it is a god-ordained pick for my life that's suitable for my soul and necessary for my assignment suitable for my soul and necessary for my son because the Bible teaches me as my soul goes my life follows why would God send me someone that puts my soul in jeopardy why would he not have input in that area you mean to tell me one of the most consequential aspects of my existence is my soul and God has no input when Solomon the wise man in the Old Testament tells me to guard my heart without with all diligence right because affection makes you vulnerable did you hear what I said you can't have intimacy and affection without risk and you need wisdom so that you're making calculated risk and you're making risk with the wisdom and not making risk recklessly see because once you get out of college you too wrong to roll the dice with your heart you see in college when you're constantly going through breakups you can say I don't feel like going to class I'm just sleeping in but once you get grown and get bills you know I don't feel like going to work today because we not right is like wait a minute but PSE and GE and the mortgage and I have insurance and I need gas and my children are hungry I got to get up and go to work I am too grown with too many responsibilities and you have too much work to do to keep being detoured by distractions that come dressed as attractions some attractions are distractions because everything that's good for my eyes it's not good for my life everybody okay I'm not gonna go there cuz the 12 o'clock not even ready for where I was about to go right no this is suitable for my soul no I'm vulnerable here I'm putting the Bible says to guard my heart that means to put a wall up gate up not along a wall keeps everybody out a gate keeps the wrong people out just know I needed I need to put a gate now I'm letting you in and I don't let people in can't be reckless with that and we we don't we underestimate intensely Satan is involved in this area we are unaware that he is distracting people from destiny you should be writing building recording starting learning growing progressing you cannot go here which all time is the seed you must sell and the currency you must exchange to experience the life you want to have here it is the life that you want to have is going to be determined by how you sow the seed of your time when you look at your life this time next year and compare it to this year you're going to be standing in a harvest that's a result of where you sowed the seed of your time and time is an irreplaceable asset once you lose it you cannot get it back and you cannot create more of it you can create more money but you cannot create more time and many people don't see that the one who comes to steal kill and destroy is robbing you blind of your time that company you have is expensive I know you're gonna be lonely so you got some company but it's costing you more do you think it's costing you it's costing you too much I hope the dates are worth it I hope the time you're spending is worth it because there's something that's not being written by you that should have been written and there's something that's not being built by you that that's not being built that's something that could be created by you that's not created see you not in the field remember when Ruth gets in the field and gets to work then Boaz comes to the one who's working root comes to the one that's working because you need some help with your work God sends help not company when he created Eve Adam was busy he created Eve because Adam needs help and some people are asking for help and they not working God say you just want some company I don't say company I'll send help [Applause] suitable for your soul necessary for your assignment pastor dares to just pull that definition out of thin air where did you get that from where it where's evidence of your exegesis that brought you to the conclusion that you can stand on a platform in a church and say that's what a soul mate is it's in roof story because when you look at I can I can shorten when you look at Boaz and when you look at what he compliments about Ruth and what he's attracted to he's attracted to her inner beauty her soul her character right now let's let's let me pause for calls here because that is not to say physical attractiveness isn't important right so I feel like you have these extremes once a church extreme another the cultural extreme so the culture extreme is outer beauty is the only thing that matters right but then sometimes in some religious circles it's like inner beauty is the only thing that matters when that's not true right for some people's some things matter more than others but you can't control to some degree what you're attracted to what you like is what you like that's right you can put two people together and they can look at the same thing and one person is attracted to that and another person is not attracted to that because that's just the way your wire I apologize for the way you are and when some people don't get that they allow this religious guilt and pressure to morph them into accepting something they really aren't gonna be satisfied with long turn and so they like you know what pastor I really like somebody that's like 6 3 and 6 4 but you know God and make away so he 4/5 but he got a good heart and so no you not you're not gonna like that you're gonna be on your knees plan and you know look he's standing straight up look at that shoot that you don't want that [Applause] that's a flawed view of spirituality that's bondage that's nice the system say everything that's material and physical is evil you like something as light skin and they walk in they so dark you can't even see them but you like it I'm telling you see people people don't take that into consideration and then when things start going haywire they use that as an excuse to engage in illegitimate activity to get a legitimate need man you played yourself [Applause] don't my point is what he mentions is her inner beauty watch this watch watch watch what he's what Bella says in Luke chapter 3 he says the Lord bless you my daughter this the kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier listen it is you have not run after the younger men he says you could have wasn't younger but you did he says you're not out here like Stella trying to get her groove back yes he says I see that then he says listen it is whether rich or poor that you're not allowing their economic status to determine whether or not their person that's suitable for you you see in this he's talking about so what he is mentioning is all character its inner beauty he's like okay a person like this is a person that's safe for my soul you have character that meets the criteria for access did you hear what I said if you don't know what criteria must be met for someone to have access to your heart then the only way you find out is by constant experimentation and watch what happens so he says she's suitable for my soul and then he says this he says this is interesting the text says rather that when they get together they give birth to a child named Obed he grows up gets married gives birth to a child named Jesse he grows up gets married give birth to a child named David you know who this David is it's the David that feet of Goliath so here it is the plan of God was advanced in the earth because of their union because when soulmates connect more than the people in the relationship get blessed by it it means I give birth to stuff that I couldn't give birth to if you went with me am I making sense now when you get that revelation you got to get to the point where you don't settle for a life mate a classmate or any other kind of mate but you recognize I need a soul mate someone who is suitable for my soul and necessary for my assignment so you mean to tell me that relationships at that consequential and God has no say in them like yeah I just go pick whoever you want don't matter so some of you may be wondering as to dares i get i get i get this conceptually but practically what are some markers I should look for does this store Ruth and Boaz give us any insight on some very specific it it's very specific markers and indicators that I can look at that will help me see whether or not someone falls in this soulmate criteria does that make sense so does that make sense and I believe there are five indicators now this is not exhaustive these are not the only five and it doesn't mean that just because someone meets these five criteria that they are a soulmate it does mean if they're not meeting any of these they are not all five it is in the text so here it is number one here it is they come by revelation not manipulation time won't permit me to explain it but Boaz could have married Ruth sooner but there was another situation he allowed to play out because there were someone else who actually had rights to be the kinsman redeemer that was ahead of him and Boaz handled the matter with integrity and allowed this man the opportunity to engage in the act of redemption he was not able to and so Ruth then landed to bow ass because Boaz realized if she's mine I don't have to manipulate for her [Applause] does that make sense so if I have to manipulate and connive and scheme they come by revelation I don't pick on my Discoverer so this is God's pick for me number two their values align with your needs so if you told someone you were hungry would they say stop being so physical if you told someone you were praying what'd they say stop being so spiritual but why is it when you articulate an emotional need someone says stop being so emotional it's because we've devalued the soul and we don't see the soulless realm as a round that has needs that needs to be met this is important now see this goes to this to the issue of compatibility and some people say I don't believe in compatibility that's wrong I say well we see that differently I do I think when you look at an Old Testament when Abraham sins his servant to find a way for his son he gave him criteria it wasn't this long exhaustive list but he says hey look in order in order for this to work there gonna be a few things that just kind of have to happen does that make sense alright so here it is this is what I mean for there to be compatibility let that mean that you need that it doesn't mean that they need from you what you need from them but what it does mean is they personally value themselves as something that you need and they they don't have to be someone that they're not in order to meet your need in a relationship okay let me explain what that means okay for example if you have a need for honesty they have to be a person that values integrity outside of your relationship that way they don't have to try to be honest they value honesty and because they value honesty and you they value integrity and you need honesty their value aligns up with your need you don't see that or or let's say someone some people this matters for other people that doesn't matter as much let's say you have a need for let's say physical attractiveness or whatever that whatever that need may be in that category right again for some people that doesn't matter that much and that's fine for others it matters a bit more and that's fine too the point I'm making is if you have a need for physical attractiveness that person should have a value for self care so they you follow me it means that they already value self care so they don't have to be something that they aren't to meet your knee because their value aligns with with your knee are you hearing what I'm saying and when people don't do this they they live with this tension because they're trying to force someone to be something that is not authentically them and then you have people who don't feel like they can be there up in itself and I got to be somebody besides me in order to meet this need this is just this tension that's just there and I don't care how much your cat loves you you can teach them how to bark they not a dog [Applause] and I'm not saying people can't grow we all do need to grow relationships force us to grow and refine ourselves yes we need to grow and be stretched but some things are just things people don't value and what's scary is most people don't know what they need until they in a relationship and not getting it we don't know ourself so you sure you ready for bow ass you sure you ready for roof you just want company are you mad at God and you shouldn't be I don't understand why God has sent me are you mad and you shouldn't be because if you don't know you you don't know what you need and if you don't know what you need you don't know if they can meet it oh let's say if financial security is a need for you they need to value money all right but he's so fine when them lights off you can't see them let me move on they don't want to yes you used to be I know you finally let me go I see y'all me mugging me I'm not scared [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me fill them cheek balls number three they compliment you not complete you they know they complement you they don't think they complete you because it's dangerous to be in a relationship with anybody who thinks they're doing you a favor by being in relationship with you well you know I completed you and you will toe up from the flow up you were jacked up and you were messed up and everything was terrible before I came into your life you know you don't want someone who sees you as a half you know you are half and I came into your life I made you whole no no you want you want someone who sees you accurately who can value you appropriately who says your movement by yourself but will feel force when we're together I come alongside you and I compliment you I'm not treating you like you blessed to have me you know you blessed to have me huh number four they push you closer to God not further away [Applause] now here it is you people don't have to share the same faith to stay together people don't have to share the same faith to be happy but here's my question would God send you somebody that pulls you away from you now you can say I'm happy you can say that that may be true let them in your obedient though and then this way it works the only I've seen this I've seen is too much the only way this works is if you peel back the kind of Christian you're gonna be you can't you can't be all in Christian if you're in relationship with someone who doesn't share those values right because if y'all single and you say you know what I believe we're gonna you know we're gonna wait until marriage they like wait a minute so you gotta see that see see so you could be a Christian but you have to succumb to their worldview or you know you could be a Christian but then but then what happens what happens when you get a revelation of generosity and a golfer's lifestyle that you say I'm gonna take at least as the floor the first 10% of everything God gives me and I'm returning it back to him they like wait a minute all mind you going to church but don't touch the money what what happens when God actually speaks to you and says you know what I think I think there needs to be a career path change and I know when y'all first got together they married you as this but now you're sliding into that y'all follow me yeah so um they're like so God told you what so you you can be together but you can't be a Holiday Inn Christian you got to choose you can go to heaven you come to church you can grow you can receive this these sermons you can write notes but some of it you're not gonna be able to apply because you got to choose between obeying the one you win and the one you serve this is the problem we don't trust God without happiness that's why we linked up with people that the Bible says don't we should link up with it's right there in Scripture you see it and you know it and we ignore it because I don't trust God enough to say obeying what you say about relationships is gonna make me happy so I can't obey you and be happy so let me just do what I think makes me happy even if it means completely ignoring that you say don't be unequally yoked or let me find a church that aligns up with my truth instead of a church that teaches me God's truth [Applause] and I'm making sense I'm overtime y'all all right you know I love you it's truth you trust God to make you happy do you trust them enough to be miserable for us lonely for season so that he'll make you happy for a lifetime we trust God are you trying to force fit something that you know is it him you know this isn't him you know in your soul is not right and you are silencing those voices you're trying to suffocate it with an excuse that this makes me happy happiness has become your Idol and you are settling for happiness when you can have joy when you can have unexplainable joy joy unspeakable and full of glory indisputable joins the kind of joy that the Saints would sing about when they said this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me and the world cannot take it away the kind of joy that will say weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning the kind of joy that'll put a praise on your heart with tears in your eyes the kind of joy that will cause you to get a pink slip and walk out the door and say when God closes one door he's getting ready to open another one I don't want just happiness I won't joy [Applause] you think you know what you need and you don't your heart is deceiving you the heart is deceitful I don't care how strong you feel it if it doesn't align with the word it's not God he's not in it and he will not bless it it ain't blessed it's not blessed he said I'm not in it how much you smile and I'm not in it I don't care how many goosebumps you have I'm not in it I don't care if you're happier than you've ever been I'm not in it and there's a way that seems right unto man but in the end it's gonna be destruction and if you keep going that way you're gonna see why I told you not to get in that in the first place hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the devil's mad the devil's nervous because he almost had some of you but the Holy Ghost is coming to get you that's not you out of that and say you two anointed to be there you too called to be there the purpose on your life is too big let's say that I feel the Holy Ghost in the house today somebody shout come out come out come out come out come out come out his hand is on you come out the anointing is on you come out his calling is on your life come out you can't stay there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you're walking in front of a train that you don't see coming and someone says hey don't go there would you turn around and say stop judging me you're getting ready to walk off a cliff you don't even know us a cliff and you're giving a rock off a cliff and fall down and hurt yourself and someone says hey wait don't do that that's not safe would you say why are you judging me or if you know someone's about to harm themselves would you say I love you so I'm not gonna say anything we've got this love thing all mixed up mixed up in touch here it is I learned this last week we don't have a revelation of a Father's love see God is a father and and so when we think love we just think the the matriarch love we don't think a father we don't think of a Father's love who love who love feel different whose love sometimes come in the form of correction wait a minute is that the Bible whom the Lord loves he corrects he's a father so love says stop I love you come out of that that's going to hurt you this is wrong I love you this is wrong and it's going to hurt you God's not saying stop cuz it's hurting him he's saying stop cause it's gonna hurt you I'm done number five they don't interfere with your assignment they advance it God's not gonna give you a purpose and then send you somebody who gets in the way are you carrying it out [Music] if you're in this row me you're watching me right now question is do you trust God to provide I want to tell you something Boaz was roof second marriage before you turn me off and before you walk out listen let me finish we got a comprehension problem in our culture Bible says be quick this quick to hear slow to speak we got a comprehension problem people are so quick to react they don't they don't get clarity first no but wait a minute wait a minute under at least at least make sure you understand something properly before you disagree with it here it is Ruth's first husband didn't he now for some people they've experienced that literally and they may have made a decision you know what that this has happened to me and I'm gonna be like Coretta Scott King I'm gonna be like others I'm not gonna throw my heart into another relationship I'm content being single for the rest of my life but some people they may they may have thought felt that way initially and they say well you know what I'm not gonna do that I'm I feel like my heart is open to love again that's that's different but then you got let's say metaphorically even if the person didn't die let's say metaphorically the relationship died when you say it to death do us part you meant that but it didn't turn out that way and what do you do when you part of the reason it didn't work here's one thing when it's all them but what you do when you're part of the reason sometimes you can be shackled with guilt I can feel like I don't deserve bow ass I don't deserve roof cuz I so messed this up if some brothers in this room you feeling me you like passed on I was I was young I was immature I didn't I didn't know I mismanaged some stuff got some sisters in this room would feel the same way past I thought I got into stuff I shouldn't have got in and just and you feeling like man it's probably it's over for me I want to tell you something Ruth and Boaz isn't about Ruth and Boaz it's about Jesus and us Boaz is what's called a kinsman redeemer he's a picture and the metaphor of what Christ does for us we are Ruth the church's the in the feminine feminine gender Boaz is the bride is the groom we are the bride and he redeems us and we come to him with some baggage we come to him with a spotty past and if you have repented which means a turn I've learned my lesson and I've turned from those ways God is the god of another chance amen clap your hands Church hey I hope that message bless you and added value to your life if it if it did share it with someone else if you want to bless this ministry you can do so by pressing that gift button and if you want to stay up to date on new content that's released through this channel why don't you press that subscribe button I love you take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 547,114
Rating: 4.9197588 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, Hillsong, levi lusko, criag groeschel, pastor chris hodges, pastor matthew stevenson, rich wilkerson jr, chad veach, vous church, rob hill sr, zoe church la, keion henderson, jamal bryant, bill hybels, dave ramsey, carl lentz, hillsong nyc, Joel Osteen, pastor ron carpenter, pastor mike todd, pastor robert madu
Id: IWm7-pWuhFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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