Making Excuses / LIVE ENGLISH LESSON / Learn British English

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hello good morning from London my name is Anna this is English like a native and this Saturday morning we're talking about making excuses now we've all I'm sure had to excuse ourselves in one way or another or made excuses for something so I thought this would be a very good fun topic to cover in today's British English lesson of course I am British myself I live here in London I was born in England and but whether you're learning American English or British English it's all pretty much the same there's a few different words and a few different phrases and a slightly different culture but generally it's the same so even if you're learning American English then hopefully you'll find this helpful so good morning everyone hello tell me where you're watching from how you're feeling today somebody here has stolen our sunshine we were supposed to have a nice sunny weekend and I woke up this morning it was raining and although it's still warm the clouds are looking menacing so I'm not very happy but then again I am inside working talking to you lovely people so maybe it's not so bad but what's the weather like in your country so today I also have my patrons present because this is another interactive writing lesson so my patrons good morning patrons hello hello hello you guys are going to be getting the chance to interact with me so I will ask you to do some writing and I will correct your writing mistakes and also I have made notes as always and so the notes we're going to be adding to these as we go through so these will extend as we go through the lesson today and anyone who is feeling like they want to support this channel with a super chat will receive the notes that I've made for this lesson so hello Salim from Australian is raining in Australia oh well we're like we're like twins it's raining here in England training there in Australia so I feel you and in a rack it's hot it's hot like hell a hot like hell not hot like a hell good and well maybe good maybe it's too hot if it's hot like hell and it's too hot it's cold in Australia so two of you on Australia hello and Ukraine and hello in Taiwan nice of you to join me hello in India Iran the sun is shining in Iran hi I'm Kay how are you Indonesia it's raining in the summer hi in Norway and in in France hello and some of you are watching from London hi not so far away Morocco got lots of people here lovely fabulous well if you are here and you're not a subscriber then do be sure to press that big red subscribe button so that you don't miss out on any future lessons and if you are here and you know me well then you know I like a thumb so let's see for a Saturday morning I don't go live on Saturdays very often but let's see if we can really share the love this Saturday morning and get those thumbs up too let's set let's set a target let's say 300 can we possibly get 300 funnels this morning I mean we only have 67 people watching right now so probably not but share this with anybody with your Facebook friends with your Twitter friends then maybe we can get this class rocking rocking on a Saturday morning alright without further ado let us look at making excuses alright so what does what does excuse actually mean so we actually have a couple of different meanings so we have excuse the verb and this is either to seek to lessen the blame attached to a fault or an offense so to try and justify something so if something Bad's happened an offense has been committed or there is a fault you try to justify it or to lessen the blame for example I cannot excuse your behavior it's the example sentence so someone has been behaving badly and you're saying please excuse my bad behavior I was in a bad mood or I was having a bad day so excuse my behavior I might say I cannot excuse your bad behavior no I don't accept that you can't justify it so to excuse to lessen the blame or to try to justify it could also mean to release someone from a duty or requirement for example when I was a young girl I always had to sit and eat saadet dinner with my family with my grandma and my granddad my mother my father and whoever else was visiting my aunties uncles and I would always finish my dinner very quickly because I wanted to play games i wanted to watch cartoons on the television and i would sit there and be like i want to get away from the table but i was required to sit at the table until everybody had finished eating i hope that was my duty my requirement was to stay at the table even though i didn't want to but sometimes if i asked nicely if i said please can I be excused used from the table then sometimes my grandma would say yes you're excused or yes you may be excused and that would mean I didn't have to fulfill my requirements I didn't have to stay at the table okay so to release someone from duty or requirement I'm so excused but excuse written the same way is also a noun and as a noun it is a reason or an explanation given to justify so you make you excuse yourself and that is the Act but as a noun it is an excuse he gave me a poor excuse for his tardiness does anybody know what tardiness means to be tardy anybody anybody know what tardy means patrons anyone here know what tardy means okay I'll tell you tardy is to be late if you are tired you are late so if you are if you um if you show tardiness their new show lateness and you Kristof very well done yes you jumped in there so tardy is to be late so he was trying to excuse his tardiness so he was giving a reason to justify being late and the reason the explanation that he gave that is his excuse so the explanation is the excuse and the sentence that we looked at here is he gave a poor excuse it was a rubbish excuse he gave a poor excuse for his tardiness so an explanation it can also excuse can also be mean a poor inadequate example of now we use this phrase quite a lot he is she is you are a pathetic excuse for a and then either man-woman police officer and father mother so it's to say that you are a poor example of so you are a pathetic excuse for a man or if if a man is not doing his duty as a father so he's not providing for his children perhaps he's not available to his children emotionally maybe he doesn't care about his kids then it would be quite right for me to say to him you are a pathetic excuse for a father okay so that's a phrase we use a lot a pathetic excuse for it might be that there's a dog a guard dog I buy a guard dog to protect me and then when a bad man comes to the door and tries to break in the guard dog starts cowering in the corner crying and shaking go her and then maybe when the bad man breaks in he's all friendly to the bad man and like licks in the wags his tail that would be a pathetic excuse for a guard dog he is a very poor example of a guard dog I hope that makes sense and hello more of my patrons are joining in here hello David hello gal hello Eric nice of you guys to be present cool so does that make sense what we've covered so far [Music] French people say tarde means late okay so it's a it comes from a French word tardy comes from a French word I didn't know tah tah dah dah dah in Spanish means to be late okay so it works up across a few languages great and fabulous so let's carry on what I wanted to ask you was did you know the difference in pronunciation between the verb excuse and the noun excuse it can sometimes confuse my students and I regularly have to correct it and here is a way to remember it an X excuse as a verb so to do to excuse has a Zed sound excuse me excuse me it's a stronger sound excuse as a noun is an S sound excuse do you have an excuse I cannot give you an excuse so let me just show you those two do excuse so just think about being someone has bumped into you they banged into you and very very abruptly and you say excuse me it's what we say in the UK often if we are shocked and disgruntled if someone has been rude we go excuse me and so think about being more firm you're shocked you're you're frustrated excuse me so we have the stronger sound excuse me that's one way to remember and then the soft to give an excuse if you give an excuse you are probably nervous hoping that no one finds out your lies so you're soft you do an S sound excuse it's an excuse excuse me I'm giving you an excuse okay these are just little tricks that I use to remember the different pronunciations or anything really I always think if you can attach an idea to something you're learning it's much easier to remember so I hope that helped I hope you don't think that I'm just this mad British woman who does strange things on YouTube okay yes it makes sense as saiad great fabulous thank you very much great okay so let's move right along shall we why do we make excuses and this is where we start to do our interaction here why do we make excuses and I just want to point out here this word we make an excuse we don't do an excuse I regularly hear the misuse of make and do yes so normally I would hear people saying things like I do an excuse but you make an excuse and we do usually have to use that I'm not making excuses I can't make any excuses for him and I can't think of any other sentence off the top of my head I need to make up an excuse so to make up phrasal verb to make up is to create - imagine - yes to create is probably the best thing to make up I can't make up any excuses right now I can't think of anything to say he made his excuses and left so we always use this verb make or often we will use the verb make so why why do we make excuses why do we feel a need to lie why do we do that well here are some thoughts we do it because we don't want to do something or because we can't be bothered have you heard this phrase before can't be bothered this means that you don't have the motivation to do it I can't be bothered you'll normally hear teenagers saying oh I can't be bothered they can't be bothered to get up they can't be bothered to do their work they can't be bothered to do the house household chores and they can't bother to come and sit down at the table for dinner I can't be bothered everybody does use it though not just teenagers I just I know as a teenager I said it all the time or but mom I can't be bothered I don't want to hang out with a family I can't be bothered I don't want to wash up that's my northern accent by the way and so can't be bothered a phrase we use a lot so you make an excuse because you don't want to do something and this is where I need you to give me some examples so what things have you made up excuses for so what thinking about things that you don't want to do something you don't want to do what have you made an excuse for so how have you excuse yourself out of something and what was it here are some examples that I thought of I couldn't be bothered to wash up so I didn't like washing up so I would normally make an excuse to get out of to get out of the wash doing the washing up that's a good phrase actually to think about so - I had to think of an excuse to get out of doing the and then it could be washing up ironing hoovering etc etc let me just make this a different color so that we can or when I'll put it in italics as well there we go just put that in orange oh no that's too bright still owing I have to I have to think of an excuse to get out of - you could also say to get out of going to get out of going to the party it's oh it's to get out of as a way of excusing yourself I wanted to get out of doing it I wanted to get out of going I wanted to get out of the relationship so is to remove yourself from something to remove yourself from something and what my patrons saying here and oh why is that frozen oh no my my skype my skype has frozen's let me just replace that can I do it midstream dudududu let me see why is that frozen all right bear with me just one second so while I'm doing this gal has asked what is hoovering does anybody here know what hoovering is if i said to you and can you get a Hoover out do you know what I mean can you get the Hoover out a Hoover is a vacuum a Hoover is a vacuum a Hoover is actually a very popular a very famous brand of vacuum cleaner what you clean the floors and carpets with an electric floor cleaner it's probably the best way to explain it and and we have taken to calling it a Hoover even if it's not the brand Hoover we just call a vacuum a Hoover and we do the hoovering is become a verb all on its own okay so shall I like had to think of a excuse to get out of mowing the lawn fabulous and patrons do you have any other things that you might have tried to excuse yourself from things that you don't like doing chores jobs I'm gonna have a quick look here now at my YouTube wall you guys are saying I can't be bothered cleaning the house either I feel you on that one sometimes it feels like a never-ending task you start in one room you clean all the way through the next day it's messy again you have to keep cleaning it just it's never-ending I don't like cleaning either I mean I'm very clean but I don't like cleaning I made excuses or an excuse so I made an excuse for my brother because he told me to give him a hand but I didn't want to UM Radwin wants to get out of washing the dishes yep washing the dishes another net another word another way of saying washing up to wash the dishes I had to make an excuse to get out of washing the dishes Kristof I had to think of an excuse to get out of making a speech good so you didn't want to make a speech publicly so you had to make an excuse to get out of making a speech I'd love to know what you did and Christophe coming you're a patron so come and talk to me on the skype group so I can then show your comments on video and for those of you who don't know the Skype group is for patrons and if you would like to get involved with that patrons get a little extra love because they help support the channel so I give them extra awards in return so if you want to get involved with that you can you need to go to the link in the description of this video alright so um gal has said can you hear me now okay great so sorry I'll just say that again gal you are correct to get out of studying perfect and always with excuse as a noun we use an an excuse and excuse Thank You Dennis for letting me know about the audio issue that's because I had to reset this window sorry about that okay so let's go back to our worksheet so washing up is something you might try to get out of because you don't want to do it you might try to get out of going to an event like a party or a meeting or a workshop maybe you don't want to do it maybe it's work-related or you're just too tired or it's not very exciting so you you make an excuse because you can't be bothered to go lots of people have at some point made an excuse to get out of going to work and I'll tell you something we call this let me just highlight this in a different color should we go with green to get out of and lots of people when they're trying to when they're trying to get out of going to work or excuse how do i best explain this to to get out of going to work this is called to pull a sickie to pull a sickie let's put that in green as well I like these colors fabulous so to pull a sickly has anyone heard this before have you said I've even at work I said where is Sheila you said well she's pulled a sickie today and probably your boss wouldn't say that because pulling a sickie is pretending you're sick so you don't have to go to work it's bad so you you wake up in the morning at our it's beautiful sunny day I'd rather be in the garden sunbathing than going to work so you decide to phone work and you go hi um yes it's Anna here I'm not feeling very well no I've got very sore throat and my head is banging and I won't be in work today and they say oh you sound dreadful Anna do go and have a rest relax and and then I'm like yeah got the day off work that is pulling a sickie I just pulled a sickie of course if they then found out if I go in tomorrow beautifully Brown and like completely 100% healthy then they're gonna know that I pulled a sickie and that they might have a word with me and tell me off and Lettie has said you know about pulling a sickie have you pulled a sickie Lettie ever has anyone here ever pulled a sickie I definitely have pulled a sickie never from teaching because that's my company my work my job I'm I'm responsible but when I've worked in jobs that I haven't cared about when I've worked for like when I've worked at boot safe to work at Boots the Chemist or when I work when I've worked in a factory or when I worked handing out leaflets then those awful boring jobs then I pulled a sickie plenty of times oh okay so here you have to go my lovely moderator you have to go alright well thank you for joining us and hopefully see you again some other time yes so Siyad is Ram Sade I'm sorry if I'm not saying that right you've said it correctly and pulling a sickie means to pretend to be sick to get time off work m'kay when I was a schoolboy you pulled a sickie so yes you don't just have to pull a sickie from work you'll pull a sickie from school so if you want to get out of going to school or college or university although at university you just decide to turn up or you don't at school they would want to know and your parents will want to know why you're not at school so you pull the sticky so you black mum-mum I feel sick I don't want to go to school today I feel too sick I've definitely pulled a sickie from school definitely good okay a gal let's see what you're saying here and if I were your boss I would have come to visit you at home too and to to find out that should be to find out if I were your boss I would have come to visit your home emceeing even are at the end there your oh sorry sorry my mistake I would come to visit you at home to find out so to find out or to to check in on you would be another one so our back if I if I pulled a sickie don't use to if I pulled a sticky you have to eat a lot of ice cream make to prove your illness Oh like this rabbit if in fact it I think it would be if you pulled a sickie on me so pretending you're my boss if you pull the sickie on me and I would make you eat lots of ice cream can everyone see this well enough on the on the screen by the way I make you eat lots of ice cream to prove your illness can everyone see that all right on the screen hopefully you can Letty yes I did pull a sticky some years ago when I worked in an office I have to study hard for a universe oh I to study hard for a university exam so I pulled a sickie at work that seems that seems quite reasonable I mean most people pull the sticky because they can't be bothered but you pulled a sticky for a good reason so I back you up on that one Letty good for you so LEM says I pull the sticky when I was a schoolboy Ali and Anna is it correct to ask what number of months of the year is September or huh okay so that's off-topic Ali so I'm just going to skip over that onto the moment it's going to stay on topic okay but I might have time in for just general questions so hold on to that one and stick with me to the end all right so pull a sickie we've got down the general sense of that one and you might want to get out of a date so if you're going on a date with a lovely man or a lovely lady then you might you might decide actually I'm not I'm not really feeling it or maybe you've dated them before and you don't really want to see them again so you might think of an excuse to get out of going on a date or you might think of an excuse to get out of something because you're scared so if I invite you to come and jump out of a plane with me do a skydive with me and you say yeah sure and then after thinking about it you're like I'm really scared I don't want to do it but I said I would do it what can I do I'll make an excuse I'll tell them I'm sick or something I'll tell them my doctor said I can't do anything like skydiving okay so these are some of the reasons why you might think of an excuse because you don't want to do something what other reasons you might think of excuses because you're covering up for something because we are covering something up to cover something up is to hide something so it's literally like throwing a cover over something so people cannot see but we also then use this to cover up this phrasal verb we use this to to hide anything so normally it's to do with crimes or doing something wrong breaking something having an accident and you don't want anyone to know that you're to blame or that you had anything to do with it so you cover it up for example I have a story for you I I went away on the cruise ships for a few years and I left my car with my friend and I was away for two years and my friend had a car accident in my car and damaged the front of the car but she was so scared to tell me she didn't want to she didn't want to be blamed or she didn't want to deal with my reaction she didn't know if I would be angry perhaps I don't know but she didn't want to deal with that so instead of facing up to it she went to the garage she had a mechanic fix the car she paid for it all and then she pretended nothing had happened because it looked the same unfortunately there was more damage inside the car that later caused me a lot of problems and that's how I found out but she covered up an accident so that she wouldn't get into trouble or it wouldn't cause any problems between us okay so have you ever covered up something that you broken or something you've done wrong I know I did a lot of covering up when I was a child you know you break something you blame it on your brother always that was the good excuse it was my brother it wasn't me it was my brother even if they knew I did it I'd say my brother made me do it yeah brother made me do it my brother bless him he was always the scapegoat okay and quietly one of you said maybe sometimes we need to be honest and there's um so I'm not quite sure that doesn't quite make sense but you mean maybe we should just be honest and not make excuses absolutely sometimes it's better to just be open and honest and Christophe has said I have to think of an excuse to get out of preparing a student's teaching for not missing Anna's live lesson Christoph I'm not quite sure that structure works I don't quite understand it and Christoph come and talk to me on skype you're a patron come to Skype I think excuse internally means to execute the truth I think I'm not quite sure I understand that sentence either okay and Salome says I covered up by failure result from my to my parents oh that's a good one so you didn't do very well in an exam your results weren't what you expected or what your parents expected and you didn't want to deal with your parent reaction you didn't want to disappoint them so you covered up you made an excuse you lied about it interesting interesting and as a gal has said are you still friends are you still oh no not that one are you still friends with her you should say are you still friends with her after she had covered this up and yes in fact I never actually I never actually confronted her about it I I never brought it up with her because I also felt embarrassed about the whole thing she had kept it a secret for so long I didn't want to embarrass her by bringing it up and calling her out so I just decided to leave it I fixed the car and I left it and all right so let's have a look back at the notes so we cover something up we also make excuses because we don't want to deal with the truth this is a slightly more serious one we make excuses either for ourselves or for other people so for example someone is abusing you or bullying you we might make excuses for them I was once in a relationship with a man who was a bully he would bully me and everyone would say why are you with him he's such a bully he's horrible to you you shouldn't put up with it and I would make excuses for him and say oh no no he's lovely really he's just having a very bad time at the moment or you don't know him like I do he's really him being like that it means he loves me or it's just his way of communicating with me so I'd make all these excuses for somebody else because I didn't want to deal with the truth that he was a bully and that he was abusive so sometimes we make excuses because we don't want to deal with the truth I've also written here illness so sometimes we're covering up an illness we don't want people to know that we're sick or we don't want to accept that we're sick or accept that we have a problem there's lots of cases like this there's lots of mental health issues things like depression anxiety maybe eating disorders like anorexia bulimia people don't want to acknowledge it they don't want to deal with the truth so even though deep down they probably know they have a problem they don't want to they don't want to talk about it in public they don't want to deal with it so they just make excuses why aren't you eating I I'm not hungry I ate earlier so they make these excuses to excuse their illness I don't know I did this they make excuses to deal with their illness so that's another reason why people might make excuses my mom and I let's be aware that mom spelt M om is very American mum in the UK in British English is M um that's one of the differences obviously you can write it however you like but just be aware my mum and I covered up a scratch I made on my father's car while I still was a was a learner driver so the other way round neti so you're you're a learner driver not when I was driving learner that doesn't work so when I was a learner driver my mom and I covered up a scratch I made on my father's car when I was still a learner driver I felt so bad Oh bless you I was kind of your mom to stick behind you though and so I like when I was young I covered up that I had a red eye because I tried to charge a normal battery and it blows me up goodness me this should be it blew me up in the past it blew me up and I think you mean a black eye so if your eye was bruised we call it a black eye a black eye unless the actual white of your eye is red then that would work but if the if the eye is bruised if there's bruising around the eye that's a black eye so when I was young I covered up that I had a black eye because I tried to charge a normal battery and it blew me up all righty all righty how are y'all doing are we feeling good um Ahmed you're not reading my comments um just to be aware normally I find it very hard to read all the comments anyway because lots of you comments it's wonderful that you do but I can only see a few at a time but also this particular session so some sessions are dedicated to patrons only they used to be private sessions for patrons only and then my patrons and I discussed it and thought it would be best to open up the lessons to everyone to watch but the focus is still on the patrons that is their reward for helping to support this channel for helping me to help you they support the channel so I can provide English lessons to anybody who wants to learn English and so because they help me I give them extra attention so please don't don't take it personally it's just listen this is how these things work I have to give the next retention because you know it's a way of saying thank you and I am trying to read some of your comments on YouTube as well and if I don't it's it's nothing personal it's just that I've not seen it and I'm not had a chance to respond okay so but I hope you still find the lesson useful even if I can't respond to you okay so oh dear so Slavic said actually what happened was I it had it it was red it was red it was red because some of the camp of the chemicals got into my eye it was red because some of the chemicals got into my eye oh dear oh I'm on the wrong page and it was red because some of the chemicals got into my eye but don't worry it's it not I it wasn't a serious issue good I'm glad I was getting a little worried then hmm all right my darlings let's get back to this so um what to avoid so when you're making excuses for those of you who are what should we call you professional excuse makers those of you who made many excuses or maybe you're very bad at making excuses what should we avoid when making excuses of course ideally we wouldn't ever make excuses because it's technically lying and it's not good to lie but we've all done it so what should we avoid when we make excuses well I've said avoid getting caught red-handed have you heard this phrase to get caught red-handed if you get caught red-handed it means you are caught in the act of doing something wrong for example if I am about to drink somebody else's drink nobody's looking and I think you know what no one's looking I'm just going to drink his drink and if then someone sees me doing it oh um I was just testing it I was caught red-handed if um if in this case in this scenario if I had pulled a sickie from work and instead of going to work I went to a theme park which is an adventure park with rollercoasters and rides if I went to a theme park I would and my boss my boss has a day off and my boss is at the theme park and he sees me hi uh yes I'm not feeling well but I thought a roller coaster would make me feel better uh-huh I've been caught red-handed so to be caught red-handed is to be caught in the act you can also use it for criminals if a criminal is caught stealing from them if they're caught in the middle of a robbery in a bank for example then they've been caught red-handed and Dada Dada da what are you guys saying here mmm okay shall we see how many thumbs we've got should we see is it is it going to be bad is it going to upset me Oh 67 oh we've only got 67 thumbs and the aim is 300 guys can you help me out here there's over 100 of you here so can I can I get some more thumbs can we get that into three figures no excuses now come on there's no reason why you cannot just click that thumb unit come on 71 come on let's gather up I'm going to do some live music while I'm waiting lifts music is like up on mud amber number do-do-do-do-do data just kind of music while you're waiting come on 78 come on let's go up but button down but I've done it's a Saturday I'm feeling crazy eighty come on dude it up but it do just one little click on that thumb get a thumbs up for Saturday it's funny I always sing in American accent isn't that weird now she wants to pay attention yeah yeah I'm paying attention now videos give me a thumb doo doo doo doo doo doo doo bah eighty-eight we're nearly there twelve more thumbs eighty nine eleven more thumbs if you've already done it once don't do it again cuz it will go down and I'm gonna drink coffee while waiting come on guys it's just a little click just a little click click how many in here anyway we have 140 I think some people have me on in the background and they're not really paying attention oh now it's just gone down don't click it twice just the once oh I don't think we're gonna make a hundred-mile if music isn't good enough maybe if I sing something else I don't know mmhmm yeah I don't wait to the broadcaster's over thumb it from it Gary a thumb oh I'm so sad we're not even going to break three figures okay nevermind nevermind maybe I don't know maybe get your friends and see if they all 91 it's just jumped a few can we do it okay I'll give it a few minutes I'll give you a few minutes and in the meantime let's get lots of you're saying you're a good actor you're a good actor if those of you who don't know my background I am a trained actress I'm a trained actress and singer I went to do a three year degree at the Birmingham School of Speech and Drama and then I did a one-year master's degree at the Royal Academy of Music for singing so that's my background I am an actress that is what I do so yeah those of you who don't know now you know oh we're so close in 97 97 come on please please please please do three I'm not begging I'm not begging and we're gonna get back we're gonna get 98 98 mm-hmm all right 19900 what we gonna hear 100 boom boom this is what I think about you guys haha I love you guys thank you so much you guys are amazing so today I won't feel like poo I love bees today all day I'm going to feel like this ah alright thank you guys you are awesome so let's get back to the lesson enough dilly-dallying letti you know what I mean who else heard of the phrase dilly-dally the verb dilly dally to dilly dally to dilly dally I'll write it out for you so you know how it's spelt it's going to write it here quickly for you dilly dally to dilly dally it's a great word and I want all of you to try and use this word today or this weekend to dilly-dally is to kind of be idle to be going somewhere but doing it in a kind of idle way without focus yes to waste time says Lettie that's right to waste time to dilly-dally so if I have to walk to the shop and it would normally take me three minutes to walk to the shop but instead I mess around I don't go directly there maybe I pick up stones or pluck flowers from next door's garden i dilly dally so I am dilly dallying I think it's a wonderful word to dilly-dally don't dilly-dally so I want you all to try and use that word okay that verb fabulous alright so what to avoid so we've talked about getting caught red-handed you don't want to get caught red-handed you could similarly say to get caught out you don't want to be caught out if you're caught out is the same as being caught red-handed so you could say my husband was cheating on me but he was caught out by my sister he was caught red-handed by my sister he was caught out by my sister so that's just another way of saying it so to be caught out now you don't want to be seeming suspicious or you don't want to be coming across as suspicious so in this in this context to be seeming or to be coming across as is the same as to appear oh I've lost it down the page and it's the same as to appear let's give this a bit of space so seeming suspicious coming across as suspicious to appear or you could just say you don't want to appear suspicious so in a in a sentence maybe just said that this isn't too confusing for you and you you could say he is mmm okay let's say like this he seems suspicious that's a great word suspicious all s is suspicious he seems suspicious she is coming across as suspicious I don't trust her why not because she she's coming across as suspicious and I will appear suspicious if I walk in with a watermelon I don't know something bizarre and let's make these a different color what color should we make it blue he seemed suspicious she is coming across as suspicious I will appear suspicious if no we don't have to use that you could just use do it like that already so these are all all the same sort of phrases but maybe ones you haven't heard before maybe you haven't heard before to come across as to come across as an another thing you want to avoid is weaving a tangled web of deception to weave a tangled web of deception I feel that this comes from a Shakespeare thing Shakespeare coined a lot of our common phrases a lot of our common words many of them come from Shakespeare and Shakespeare has a quote which is oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive isn't that wonderful oh what a tangled web a web like a spider web a web to catch a web that the tech that takes you that catches you up so oh what a tangled web so tangled is to be all intertwined and yeah linked up a tangled if your hair is tangled it's naughty it's not good and so oh what a tangled web we weave to weave is to you weave clothes you weave wood not anymore I think it's all done by machine but to weave is to create cloth to weave oh what a tangled web we weave so what a tangled mess to get caught up in we create oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice when we start practicing to deceive so when we try to lie and deceive other people we create a tangled mess that gets us all caught up is basically what that means does that make sense I'm sorry I'm quoting Shakespeare now I hope I haven't scared anyone I love Shakespeare I'm an actress I love Shakespeare and I think it's such a beautiful and an educational quote is a good thing to remember what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive if you tell lies then you're going to have to tell more lies to keep that deception going and more lies and then you forget your lies and then you'll have to make up excuses as to why that lie didn't work it's a mess Jana you've written that down for me fabulous I'm going to copy and paste that into this notepad so that everyone can see it and so oh what a tangled web we weave like this when first we practice to deceive and Shakespeare shake shake it a spear Shakespeare well what color should we do this one we'll put it in italics I think it telex and let's do red oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive fabulous so you want to avoid weaving a tangled web of deception if you are going to if you are going to create an excuse a lie then keep it simple keep it close to reality if you do a big exaggerated crazy lie as an excuse then you will probably come unstuck Oh have you heard that one before come on stuck shall we write this one down this is a good one so - oh I've written it - come on stuck - come unstuck is - and how to explain this let me just - come unstuck - come on stuck is like if you're stuck I'm just trying to find a good explanation for it so to start to fail after progress has been achieved so you might do a writer initially you get away with the initial lie but after a while if you if you tell too many lies then you will start to fail so you will come unstuck the common stock can be used for many different things not just for for lying let's do this in green and not italic Oh actually we'll do it and then make this black Baba there to common stock have you ever come on stock because you for example I was playing hockey I was the captain of the hockey team at school and we were doing very well we got to the county finals and we were going to win and it came down to a penalty shootout at the end and because I shuffled my feet I did a very silly little move it was an accident I shuffled my feet when I should only take one two steps hit the ball I did a shuffle then I came on stuck I I got the penalty and we would have won but the referee discounted my goal because I shuffled so I came on stuck as a team we came on stuck because we've done very well and then because of my little mistake we failed so already um let's carry on you guys alright let me I've lost I've lost the board let me say hello to you guys you should you should think a lot about what you're going to tell others to make a tangled web to avoid coming unstuck yes if you are going to weave lies then you need to think very carefully that wasn't Shakespeare it was Walter Scott really really I'm sure I've definitely heard that in a Shakespeare play but also maybe it's also been used by Walter Scott and in fact I think I feel like I feel like I need to check this now let me copy this and try the old Google Google is a wonderful tool by the way and let's see Shakespeare though comment or inter all interesting though commonly attributed to the bard Shakespeare Shakespeare never wrote this the line belongs to Walter Scott but does it appear in a Shakespeare play because Shakespeare has beaten it has been said that Shakespeare stole some of the writings from other people um ah interesting interesting well you learn something new every single day thank you very much who was it that told me that um Marwin amazing this is what I love about this community is that we all learn together you know I don't get embarrassed I make mistakes all the time I'm a native that's what we do but what's great is that you are also supported and that we all learn together that's why I love you guys so much and so fabulous I will never say that again I mean I will say it but I'll say it was Walter Scott not Shakespeare great okay so let us let us keep going and one of my patrons saying here and my daughter said that her dog ate her notebook for an excuse not and for not doing her homework so my daughter said the dog ate her notebook as an excuse for not doing her homework so you see that difference my daughter said the dog ate her notebook as an excuse as an excuse for as an excuse for not make doing not make in this case and you use doing you do your homework you don't make your homework so it's an excuse for not doing her homework and that you guys have said how many notebooks does a dog eat in a year there's a hungry dog once a week oh dear in fact I have an interesting story I hope this doesn't bore you by the way my father used to be paid in cash at the end of the week he worked in security and he used to be work he used to get a pay packet at the end of the week lots of notes paper money and we had a rock viola dog a big rock viola beautiful very gentle dog the dog likes to chew things you know where this is going the dog liked of two things so we would leave a bag of potatoes for the dog to chew so the dog wouldn't chew the furniture one day we went out of the house and we forgot to have a bag of potatoes ready for the dog we got back and the dog had chewed my dad's pay packet so it might have been I don't know maybe 500 pounds my dog had eaten through 500 pounds we lost 500 pounds because we forgot to buy a bag of potatoes for the dog so I would like to know what the dog's excuse was to be honest and some of you commenting again on my necklace this was a gift from a student isn't it pretty yes I love it very much - thank you I'm glad you like it alrighty oh gosh we've been on for an hour it's so easy to talk about this subject let's carry on so one other thing you should avoid when you are when you are telling lies making excuses you should not forget you should avoid forgetting your own lie there's nothing worse than deceiving people and then forgetting what it was you said in the first place so don't forget your own line that's just a quick one all right so then we come on to the subject of choosing an excuse so you want to get out of work or you haven't done your homework what are you going to excuse how or you haven't done the housework you promised your wife haven't done it what you guys haven't you done it well here are a few things you can blame you can blame a family situation you can say oh my my normally people talk about illnesses or a bad situation so there's there's been a death in the family I would avoid doing this one I'd be very very careful when talking about deaths in the family and I just think it's very bad luck to pretend that someone has died I know people who've done it I know someone who pretended that their mother had died and I think all joking aside I think that's an awful thing to lie about I just think it's a bad thing to lie about but people do but you could say that you could just generally say that I'm having family problems having family problems or maybe you're going through a divorce or something like that you could say I'm having issues having personal problems is another thing some people say so they avoid they avoid giving a specific issue later say I'm having personal problems and then the person who you're telling this to you goes oh I don't want to pry we heard this but I don't want to pry I don't want to dig for information because it's obviously sensitive I don't want to upset you so I don't want to pry so they won't ask you anything oh you're having family problems you're having personal problems okay okay I won't ask anymore you can have the day off it's fine I'll excuse you from having to hand in that project you could also some people talk a lot about illness and we've already talked about pulling a sickie so it might be that you're just saying I didn't finish my homework because I was very ill I was up all night being sick so now I'm too tired to come to work you could blame transport so why why why you late to work oh the train was delayed I have definitely done that when I've been late because I'm just dillydallyin in the morning if I'm dilly-dallying and then I end up being late for work then I just say oh sorry the train was terrible the train was so delayed my train was canceled or my car wouldn't start is another one because they can't check they don't have to check your car or I was cycling and I got a flat tire how annoying and dear gal gal one of my patients I said when I was serving in the Army my grandma I shouldn't laugh actually so my grandma died three times because she kept using that excuse gal it's terrible anyway you could also blame technology so you could say I'm here's one I'm so sorry I'm late my alarm didn't go off I don't know what happened I set my alarm and it didn't go off ah okay I'm sure someone else's use that excuse as well it's not just me or sometimes you might say my phone just died and if you were supposed to be on a date and or you didn't call your partner or something and I'm sorry I didn't call you instead you're out drinking or having a party I know I'm sorry I didn't call you my phone died my battery died I'm sorry when in fact you turned your phone off because you were having a good time and you didn't want your partner to know or you didn't want your partner to feel bad or feel jealous or anything so you turn off your phone uh say yeah my phone died that means the battery ran out Harvick says and the train had a tire issue and tire on a vehicle is belt t y r e t yr e and of course trains don't have tires they have metal wheels silly I know you're only kidding anyway um okay so we could blame travel we could blame technology we could also feign ignorance this might be a word you haven't seen before fame to fame is to pretend to fame is to pretend so I feign ignorance I pretend that I didn't know to be ignorant to not know so if I pretend to be ignorant if you say to me where is that project where was your homework I could go what homework I was there homework was there homework I didn't know when did you when did you give us homework or some sometimes you might turn up to work and you're late and you know you're late but you go in and say oh sorry I thought my shift started at 3 o'clock today I didn't I'm sorry I didn't realize I started it - Oh silly me with I hope it wasn't too difficult for you without me so you feign ignorance you pretend that you don't know ok and bah bah bah or you could blame mother nature is the other thing so mother nature the weather you can blame you to say I couldn't get out of my house this morning because the snow was so thick or the ice on the road was so treacherous I couldn't drive to work or the train stopped because of the ice on the tracks or something like that so you blame the weather there was a hurricane last night it blew my house down so you blame mother nature you blame mother nature alright so here's a very quick writing exercise and this is aimed at my patrons so what I want you to do is come up with an excuse for for these situations so you don't have to do all of them just choose one so it could be that you are coming up with an excuse for having forgotten to do your project or your homework so what's your Excuse give me an excuse or you're coming up with an excuse because you don't want to go to work or you've broken your best friend's camera and you don't want to tell them that you've broken it or you don't want to tell her so give me an excuse for that here are some other situations you were babysitting and you accidentally spilt coffee on the cream carpet how about spilt right it's not correct this spilled spilt spilt spill coffee that's fine or you have dated a boy or girl for a few months but you met someone you liked a lot more so you've decided to end it with the boy or girl however you don't want to hurt their feelings so what is your excuse what is your excuse so I want to come up an excuse for one of these tuitions okay so while you are doing that so choose one of these situations guys you've forgotten to do your project or homework you don't want to go to work you're broken your best friend's camera you're babysitting and you accidentally spilled coffee on the cream carpet what are you going to say when the when the owners come home or you're dating someone you don't want to date anymore but you don't hurt their feelings what do you say to them so while my patrons are coming up with an excuse for one of those we're going to move on to how to excuse yourself so earlier I spoke about if you're on the Tate dinner table and you want to excuse yourself or if you're in a meeting and everyone's talking even if it's a social meeting everyone's talking bah bah bah bah bah and you just need to go maybe you need to take a phone call or you need to go to the bathroom then you simply say it's polite in the UK it's polite to say rather than just get up a walk away or for example some people do this and I think it's terribly rude but some in some cultures it's acceptable but here it's rude if we're having a conversation we're all talking even if it's a relaxed hi yeah good yeah having a normal conversation in my foeman's Mexico hey yeah yeah yeah ah ha ha oh yeah for me taking that call without excusing myself first is considered very rude I don't know if it's different in your country please tell me but here it's considered very rude so what you would say is excuse me I'm sorry I have to take this call so you say excuse me excuse me I'm sorry I have to go and you normally give a reason so I have to take this call you don't have to say why say I'm sorry I have to do this oh I'm sorry I need a moment or I'm sorry I must go to the bathroom excuse me I'm sorry I'll just be a minute I need to go okay so you say excuse me first you could just say may I be excused I'm sorry may I be excused I need to make a phone call or you could say could I be excused I'm sorry could I just be excused for a moment you could say I just need to excuse myself for a moment for a few minutes I just need to excuse myself I need to make a phone call or you could simply say I am sorry but I need to make a call I need to go I need to use the bathroom okay alrighty so that's how to excuse yourself so just an important little note when you're in a situation when you're with someone else and you need to break it off for a moment you always should excuse yourself it's considered polite already so early says it's not rude in your countries it's not rude but it's antisocial yeah it's very antisocial isn't it ok my patron is I've got some excuses coming through here and I'm making an excuse to get out of the writing exercise says Dennis very funny very funny gal says Anna we need to break up it's not you it's me I need more time to myself brilliant and the only little correction I would do that is to put an apostrophe here because this is a contraction of it is it's so you need a little apostrophe between the T and the S but that is a common excuse isn't it when people are breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend it's not you it's me it's a terrible excuse absolutely terrible excuse but very funny good girl thank you thank you for making me laugh I'm on the people who established this when you had all of it so Ahmed says I was one of the people who established this channel when I only had 300 followers so that must have been back in like September time and now and now I have what was it like 31,000 lovely lovely followers so yeah thank you for sticking with me all this time and I hope that you've found the channel helpful and that you find everything that I'm doing progressive and I'm always trying to improve what I do and what I offer or we're trying to reward my patrons but also make sure that everyone who watches gets as much content as they as they can as they can consume as they're interested in okay so I am going to wrap up I do have an appointment at 12:30 so in 15 minutes time Slavik has a quick excuse e saying sorry oh sorry I have to go to check something perfect so that's your excusing yourself from the situation um before I go let's have a quick look at numbers of likes all around 129 likes thank you guys that really really means a lot so all I'm going to say now is I hope you have a lovely weekend and if you are here and you're not subscribed then please do press the subscribe button it's absolutely free and press the bell notification button if you'd like to be notified about future lessons I will be releasing a video later today which I think you're going to love so do look out for that one if you click the Bell notification button then you should be notified when I release it I do also have some incredible lessons that I've done previously some live some pre-recorded but do go and check them out there's over a hundred lessons here for you free I am going live tomorrow but not here on YouTube shock horror I'm going to go live on Facebook yes I'm going to go live on Facebook and this will be at 5 o'clock UK time on Facebook tomorrow if you're not following me on Facebook already then the links are in the description box below along with the Instagram links I'm doing daily pronunciation practice on Instagram so come and join me for that one again this is all free I try and do as much for you as I possibly can and and if you are interested in becoming a patron and getting that extra bit of love and helping me to grow this channel so that I can make it even better for everybody to consume then you are more than welcome so go and check out the rewards on offer and the patreon link is also down in the description box below if you're interested in sounding like me if you want pronunciation in British English pronunciation I do offer a course it's very reasonable I made it very very cheap and that's available on British English procom I also do private lessons some of you asked me about that and private conversation practice that's also available I don't have much availability at the moment but you know and if you're quick then you might be able to bag a few slots if you're interested in that all of those things can be found on British English procom in the shop there and otherwise thank you guys Dennis says extra bit of love question mark so you can buy love yes you can buy my love that's not really a very good thing to say is it you can buy my love here on YouTube just by becoming a patron you helped me to help everybody else then I love you in return it's very silly okay David has said thank you very much for the lesson thanks for everything you do for us kiss kiss kiss David you're very welcome thank you for being a patron your support is hugely appreciated I don't think there's anything left to say there are plenty of links down below for you to check out um I hope to see you on Facebook tomorrow I must now go and get ready for my 12:30 appointment and um and yeah guys Europe been amazing so um subscribe like share join me on the other social media platforms and have a lovely weekend lots of love from London I will see you tomorrow mah mah mah bye for now
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 25,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, british english pronunciation, accent, Conversation, Conversation in english, conversation questions, conversation english speaking, learn english speaking, easy english, everyday english, spoken english, daily english conversation, Making excuses, traditions
Id: NFsnCzuVeZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 47sec (4547 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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