How to Write a FORMAL EMAIL / BUSINESS EMAIL - Learn English Like a Native

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to my broadcast my name is Anna and in English to be precise yes my middle name is English and that's funny because I am English and this is English like a native so if you would like to know more about how to speak English right English like a native then you're in the right place and today we're looking specifically at how to write a formal email so there's lots of circumstances in which you may have to write a formal email whether it's for business or whether it's you as an individual writing to a company or applying for a job so it's important that we get it right so today we're going to explore writing a formal email together so if you are here do say hello and I've been saying hello to everyone in the chatroom so far who is here with me live and a quick hello to my patrons hi patrons how are you I've got a few of you in so I've got Eric Camille Christina in hello and your question there Camille do use hello love hello love is love is obviously slang and that's written in a slang way so you could use that with a friend but you would not use that with with in a formal situation and you wouldn't use it with a teacher for example oh goodness Philippe Philippe you've sent me a super chat thank you so much so that's amazing or anything well you've been here for 30 seconds and you're already tipping me thank you so much and I will of course send anybody who sends a super chat to this channel I will send you the notes and today I have written quite a lot of notes for you these are the notes we're going to be working with let me make them a little bit bigger for you let's see if I can make this whole thing bigger so we can see it there we go so we're going to be going working through these notes here written down some rules give us some examples and we'll be adding to this as we go through the lesson and of course anyone who does send over a super checks will be mailed these notes at the end of the session so that you can keep them and use them as you need to if you don't know what a super chat is a super chat is a donation to this channel all donations go towards the growth of this channel whether it's helping me to afford better equipment helping me to pay for the Wi-Fi this is my full-time job of course and so all donations and support from people like my patrons and subtracts are really helpful for improving this channel so thank you very much believe that's very much appreciated so shall we get started should we just drop jump straight in there I think we should we have a hundred people here so let's get on it so writing a formal email like I just said there are many occasions when we may need to write a formal email there are some basic rules to follow in order to keep your email appropriate and to appear more professional so the very first thing we should consider when writing an email is the email that you're writing from so what is your actual email address now I have a number of email addresses in fact I can't even remember how many different email addresses I have and some of them are quite silly and some of them are for business so when you're sending an email you want to be sure that you're sending it from the right email address it has to be appropriate for who you're writing to one of the best things that you can do if you're just writing an email personally to a company or applying for a job is to use an email address that has your actual name in it if you're writing as a company or a business then you should have an email address that includes your business or company name so here are some examples so I said here try to use an email address that include your name or business name and avoid nicknames avoid nickname so here is a good example let's say that we're called Julia Roberts here's a good example of an email julia roberts at so a good email address for me would be an ax dot English at or an ax dot tyree which is my surname at I could even do an a' English tyree at but if I'm writing from my business I might have an email which is Ana at English like a native com that could be a good email because that it's my name and it's the business name a bad example of an email to send a formal email from is to do something like this crazy Jules 9 at I'm sure we've all done it when we were younger set up an email address which is like a super girl or crazy chick or just something a little bit silly that we felt was fun and cool to do and but they're not the right appropriate email addresses to be sending formal emails from now I'm sure most of what I'm going to say to you today is common sense so forgive me if this is all simple simple stuff for you but it's good to go over it just to make sure that we're all on the same page great and so let's carry on so a write writing a good email from a good email address what my patrons saying here and at what is it called in Russian it's dog really so this sign this @ sign we just call it an @ sign I'm sure it's got an actual proper name but most natives know it as an @ sign we just say act okay it'd be interesting to know if it has a technical name if anyone wants to look that up for me so number 2 the second thing is don't underestimate the look and feel of your intern your email so the look and feel what I'm talking about is the font the importance of the font so try to choose a professional font I'm typical fonts that you would use which your emails are usually automatically set up with our arial times new roman' and Helvetica Helvetica which is I think this font is Helvetica that we're writing in now keep it to a reasonable size ideally size 12 I have had emails from people from students or from companies where the writing is really small where it's like size six and it just is instantly a problem is instantly unprofessional sometimes I've had emails where the font size changes so the first couple of sentences are in size twelve and then the next couple of sentences might be in size eight and so you see a noticeable difference in the size now what that tells me is that you haven't written this whole email it tells me that you have copied and pasted a line from somewhere else which makes me feel unimportant and I had this in an email just yesterday when there was different sizes throughout the email and it just makes it seem it's it just doesn't seem genuine it doesn't seem trustworthy it doesn't seem like I'm an important person it seems like you've just copied and pasted and stuck together different bits from different emails perhaps and so I'm like I'm not I'm not interested in this email anymore because it's not personal it's not not personalized to me of course these are business emails but you have to make sure you're directing it to that one person make them feel important okay and so yes so size is important and choosing the right font you don't want to be writing in a silly font like for example let's see if I change this to two this for example I mean that it looks pretty but if I've received an email with the font like that I can't it seriously so keep it to a sensible font that's easy to read and that just says that you're a professional a serious person keep it to a reasonable size avoid colorful text I've also had a number of emails have been written in green or the bin written in red or pink and as much as it it's it's warm and friendly it's not right not for a formal email so keep it to the automatic color that it's on usually it's a gray a dark grey or a black color so keep it to that alright some of you are saying the at is called at the rate sign at the rate sign interesting okay so also don't write in italics or capital letters unless it's necessary so avoid italics and capital letters where they are not needed so if you're writing an italics you're highlighting something so only use it on the odd word that's important and that you're trying to stress and also capital letters I have had emails also and text messages where people write in capital letters you must use capital letters in the right way of course you must capitalize the first letter of a sentence you must capitalize and names of places and people a product you would capitalize but don't write completely in capital letters because that suggests shouting so if you write a sentence in capital letters you're insinuating that this is being shouted so if I write you an email saying I am very disappointed in your service and I write it in capital letters that sounds very aggressive to the reader it's like you're shouting I'm very disappointed with your service and you're like whoa that's a little bit too much for a Monday morning or a Friday morning whatever morning it is so no capital letters but I'm saying that I must stress that I see a lot of people writing in English and they're not capitalizing the letter I so let me just write here for example if I'm writing and how am I suppose to register how am I supposed to register how am I supposed to register a lot of people I see writing this as a lowercase I this must always be always be capitalized so remember you are important so when you write I always capitalized it make it important ok right let's just have a look at some of your comments here and sky I said italics for the subject no no I wouldn't if you're right of talking about the subject line that's in the email header before you even open the email you see the subject line you don't need to write that in italics um when would I use italics do you know in it in a formal email I wouldn't use italics at all really unless perhaps I was quoting somebody I like to use italics Fuzzy's in a quote but I would generally to avoid using italics ok and in Russia when sahn writes in capital letters saying take your foot off the pedal caps so you have a saying that is take your foot off the pedal pedal caps okay all right let's see what my patrons are saying here do you use a cursive in your real life what do you mean by cursive do you mean swear words just let me okay know what you mean by that okay so a lot of you didn't know about the capital letter thing that if you write fully in capital letters it insinuates shouting so that's a good tip then I've told you that I'm glad some of you have learnt from that but if something is really important is atom is it is admitting writing the word about and so can you write the words in bold if it's important yes of course and I would use bold I would make bold certain letters and certain words for example if I'm breaking down my email into little subsections I might do so for example if I give you a list of things I need you to do in an email I say there are three things I need you to do first and I might put the title of thing first make a database second and double check double check advert before releasing third respond to all customer emails I might put those headers to those little sections in bold just to make them stand out so yes using bold is fine just you know where it's appropriate when you're trying to highlight something just don't overdo it um okay so let's carry on so we've got number three get to the point in the subject get to the point so when you write your email obviously you put in your address and your your recipients address so the person you're writing to you write their email address in and then you can write your subject the header of your email so you write the header of your email and it's really important that you get this right because we are all so busy these days and we all get so many and we get so many emails we get so many text messages we're just inundated with stuff and so if you don't get to the point in your subject the person who's reading might not even open your email or they might and I do this they might delete the email without even opening it so I sometimes will do if I've got say this morning for example I had about 40 emails in my email box overnight so I opened it up and the first thing I do is go through and look at the subjects and if the subject seemed like spam or junk I instantly delete if I think it's not important I instantly delete I won't even open the emails because I have no time and I have too much to do and so it's always important that you're very direct in your subject so make your subject line clear and accurate so tell them what's going to be in the email never try to be vague to be vague is to not be to the point and where you kind of dance around a subject and you're very loose on details so that you don't have to be definite about anything so for example if I say what time is the meeting you say some time today that's a vague answer if I say and how how did your meeting go yesterday well you know it was all right that's a vague answer so a lot of email subjects I see have a vague subject I don't know what the email is about from the subject and they do not inspire me to open up the email so don't be vague but also don't be misleading don't try to do what we call clickbait which is to create a subject line which makes people click some people do it here on YouTube so some people will write titles to videos which which make you go oh what's that about and then the subject is completely different so it's called clickbait something to make you click so we're really and what's the word enticing kind of subject you don't want to do that because what you're doing is misleading the person is going to read your email if you mislead them they're not going to trust you so just be clear be clear and direct and then there can be no misunderstanding and Noah's going to feel upset with you all right so that's a lot what you guys are saying can a person be vague yes a person can be vague as in what they're talking about they're very vague but a person you can't describe a person as she's five foot six dark hair vague you would put what they say you could say they spoke quite vaguely and she was quite vague about the details so going back to this but besides being clear and not being vague or misleading you must try to keep it short try to keep it short so for example if I'm writing an email in response to an advert I've seen for a job so open up the paper I see a job being advertised that I think I'd like to go for then I could write an email to the person who is taking applications and in the subject I could write important email please respond ASAP for those of you who don't know a s ap means as soon as possible this we would use we can use in business writing ASAP so I use this off and I say this often ASAP as soon as possible okay so here I've set a port an email please respond ASAP the problem with this this is bad and I'm going to actually highlight this in red to show you that this is a wrong response to that advert I shouldn't write this this is vague it doesn't tell you what is in the email it just tells you it's an important email but it doesn't say what's in it and it also indicates urgency unnecessarily so it indicates urgency unnecessarily says please respond ASAP it's an important email it's unnecessary for them to make you feel like you have to open it urgently and therefore it will annoy the reader when they open it so when they open it they're going to go what why did they write ASAP important email this isn't important so that's going to annoy them so don't do that now the second one which is also a bad subject line here I'm going to put this in red as well bad oh that's quite bright oh it hurts my eyes that's better oh let's make it even darker than that my eyes are tired today there we go that's better subject inquiry regarding advert seen in the Metro newspaper searching for head chef the Hoxton master on CV and cover letter for Julia Roberts included please consider and I should put that in capitals because it's the name of a paper so what's wrong with this it's way too long it's far too long and it indicates - it includes too much information so that's too much information for a subject line also what's probably going to happen is you won't see the whole subject in your eminent in your inbox so you won't see it all because it's too long and it's just it's just too much to read so don't do that however this would be the perfect kind of subject line so put that in green application for head chef position so I know exactly what is in this email I know it's an application for the position that I've advertised head chef position therefore it's going to be easy for me to know when to go and respond to it I'll be easy for me to find later on when I need to come back to it it's short and it's to the point perfect okay so so I think that I hope that's all quite straightforward so far and any questions from anyone are you all just having a chat okay that's fine that's fine and sky is asking for the advert versus adverb an advert is short for an advertisement or an advertisement and so an advert that you see on TV and I thought that you'd see in newspaper you see adverts online you probably see adverts on a lot of YouTube videos adverts an adverb is the name of a type of word so something completely different okay all right we've got 135 people in hello everyone and nice to see you I hope you're all well if you're not already subscribed but then I'm going to take this time to say please do subscribe if you're interested in proving your English I'm here as often as I can I'm trying to improve my videos every day I'm trying to get better and better and to bring you a service to help you with your English as much as I can do for you I'm trying so do subscribe press the notification button so you don't miss any future live lessons and if you are enjoying this and finding this helpful then please do give this video a thumb give it a like I'm going to see how many we've got so far how many do we have so far Oh 72 there we go oh one thumb down oh dear I've upset someone never mind um okay I wrote on the top of my resume resume seeking night shifts in okay and so you could be seeking night shifts in on what what did you in the particular company is that what you put seek night shifts in bar 29 is that is that what you mean by that mask um just to note English British English is CV and American English is resume resume so we have a CV here in Britain a CV is kind of like your your the lists of your work experience a list of your skills what you have to offer you give your CV to a potential employer when you're looking for a job in America it's called a resume resume okay in Britain CV which is short for curriculum vitae mean yeah retail we don't ever say that though we never say that we just say CV always CV and we write CV as well okay and if we write about different parts of England should we use capital letters yes places always capitalized always capitalized oh then you put for example the west south coast or the west south coast with capitals and yes and so let me just double-check this I do I would capitalize if so if it's except for example the West country I would put capital for a W in West country and its allies but if you're talking about if you're talking about West as in the place I think we capitalize it if you're talking about the West is in the direction you don't and or if you're talking about I live in the northwest I think we do I'd have to look that up to be absolutely certain on that rule but um I think if it's a place they recapitalize it okay um good morning this is my first live lesson I'm happy to be here with you well welcome I'm happy to have him here okay patrons um Camille you said you meant cursive writing I to be honest to be absolutely honest with you I don't know what cursive writing is so if you can give me an example of what cursive writing is then I will tell you whether we use it in real life remember that natives don't learn language in the way that you learn language so native speakers learn just through immersing themselves in the language and so we don't learn all the grammar rules and the names for certain types of writing like you do so some of these things are very new to me I'm cursed of equals italics so yes we use italics when we're writing in real life all right let's carry on so we have number four always start your email with a greeting so always greet your person even if it's a complaint email or an email where you're having to deliver bad news or an angry email to a colleague you must always include a greeting it's just the professional thing to do so always open your formal with the correct greeting ideally you would write deer and then you use a title mr. mrs. miss MS doctor it might be another title like Reverend or I can't think of any others off the top of my head but there are others but the typical ones are these ones here and then you would put their full name if you know it now just in case you're unaware mister is for a man and in fact actually we also have master which is for a boy we all need it with very young boys really master mister shall we put these to the side yeah and then we have miss is used for an unmarried woman or girl we have mrs. which is used for a married woman we have MS which you use when you don't know a woman with unknown marital status so if you don't know whether they're married or not don't risk it just write ms/ms and that's pronounced with a Z sound ms so this is Miss with an S MS with a Zed and missus okay and and then obviously you would use doctor if they've got the title of being a doctor so hopefully that's helpful for somebody because you may not have known so I'm always finish with a comma after the name and if you don't know who you are writing to then you would write to whom it may concerned so if you can find the name of the person you're writing to that's going to make a huge difference have I written marital wrong is that what you're saying yes thank you very much for that as you know as some of you know I am dyslexic so I do make spelling mistakes sometimes so thank you for pointing that out and to whom it may concern is what you would use if you don't know the name of the person you're writing to but do try your very best even if it means phoning up the company and saying hello I'm sending a letter to your customer service department or making a complaint or I would like to apply for a job that I've seen advertised with your company who should I address it to who should I address it to and they may give you a name they said oh yes send that to mr. Branson but they made to say don't worry just send it to the marketing department and in that case if they don't give you a name then you would write to whom it may concern or dear sir stroke madam dear sir stroke madam okay so um avoid using hello hey hi I've seen a lot of people writing these to greet me so lots of people email me on a daily basis people I've never met before and they start with hello or hey you're high and it's just not appropriate it's better to do and the ideal the ideal greetings would be if you were writing to me for example dear Anna Tyree or dear Anna English yep English tyree of course you can just call me Anna English because that's how I address myself to you so you can call me just Anna English and see how I put the comma next to it lots of people miss this off it's important to put it on and then from there you wouldn't Carrie I'm writing here you would go down and start the rest of your email down below okay and even though we put a comma you then start the rest of it with a capital letter thank you for whatever it is so that's how you start your email with a comma and then a capital letter on the next line it kind of goes against it goes against traditional punctuation rules but that's what we do and that's what's expected okay any questions so far on anything we've covered here and miss can be used for a man as well no miss is only for a woman for a man mister every time mister unless it's a very young boy and then you might put master you can put mister for a young boy as well but it is we tend to put master for a young boy how to address young girls like master in the case of young boys you address young girls as miss miss I think I think that's just generally expected that if you're a young girl you'll be unmarried and then once you get older you'll be married and then your turn to mrs. so there's no different name for young girls it's just miss what about unmarried men all men married or not married a mister doesn't change if I'm writing a cover letter should it contain some details of my working history and companies I've worked for previously as like in CV of course if you're writing a letter a cover letter and you're you're sending your CV to a company to apply for a job in your cover letter then yes it would probably be helpful to highlight something that you think is particularly relevant from your CV because they might not read your whole CV so it might be helpful to say hello this is Who I am I'm writing to you because I'm applying for this position I previously worked as head chef in the Ritz Hotel in London for many years and I feel I would be suitable for this job please find attached my CV and and whatever it is so I wouldn't be against highlighting and I would advise highlighting a particular point in your CV if it is specifically relevant for that job but always try and keep it short keep it short keep it relevant all the time what my patrons saying here the best little middle name is wait for it English is not your middle name is it so the bet you're saying the best middle name is wait for it so you'd be Ana wait for it Tyree English is not your middle name is it yes it is it is I'm Ana English Tyree that's my name that's my name believe it and okay any more questions can you tell me how I can make my CV so I'll probably cover Seavey's in a different lesson because that's a very long subject what do you mean by highlighting in a different color says Janet no to highlight something is just to bring something up so if I'm talking about highlighting something in a letter or highlighting something in a speech it's just to say look at this so it's making a point so if I'm talking about highlighting something in a letter I just mean talking about it in a letter so to highlight previous work experiences just to mention previous work experience in your letter so obviously because there's lots of comments coming through if I've missed your comment which I've missed many comments and I'm sorry about that it's nothing personal but if you really really want me to answer your call or your comment and you're asking me again to kind of see your question above then please just rewrite it because I when I scroll back I just see lots of comments and I can't find it okay so help me to help you help me tell pew okay can we use short forms of the verbs in formal emails for example your instead of you are yes in that case you can say you're you can say it's you can say we've so you can do that but never write slang so don't write things like gonna shoulda coulda don't write things like that making um hello if you're just joining me ah cool okay let's carry on let's carry on and so we have so we've covered the greetings so now into the opening of the actual email so there's a number of different ways that you can open an email but here I'm just going with some standard ones so if you're responding if you're responding to an email so someone has written you an email and you're responding for the first time I would all responding to any email whether it's the first email the second the third the fourth if you're in the middle of a conversation and I would generally if I can I would generally start with a thank you so it's always nice to start it in a pleasant way even if it's about a complaint I would always start in a pleasant way so I'd always say something like thank you for contacting me or thank you for getting in touch or thank you for your email this is something I use quite a lot as I receive many emails even if I'm declining an offer I will say dear whoever whoever thank you for your email or it was wonderful to hear from you thank you for your email thank you for your inquiry etc now if you're starting the email chain so if you're sending the first email then one of the best things to do in the opening is to introduce yourself and state your intention this is really important if you send a really long email and yesterday I got an email which was about four paragraphs long I don't have time to read four paragraphs because I'm seriously very very very busy I don't have time to just read lots of emails at four paragraphs long so for me it's important that whoever's writing to me puts a really sharp and direct subject line so know what the emails about and in the first paragraph ideally in the first two or three sentences I want to know who they are and why they're writing to me if they don't make it clear in the first paragraph I get irritated because I have to then read more to find out what they want and if in the first paragraph I they've told me what they want and it's not applicable to me or it's not something I'm interested in then I can just quickly respond to say thank you enough but I'm not interested or and this is I don't do that kind of work or whatever it is and if it's of interest to me because they told me in the first couple of sentences what I'll do is probably either read the whole thing there and then I'll highlight it to go back and read it later so I can give it my full attention so it's very important that you introduce yourself and state your intention within that first paragraph so let me give an example I might say so I might say um my name my name is Ana I am I am the marketing manager for for a large educational YouTube channel and and I would like to and I would like to discuss a collaboration opportunity with your company mmm so there I've said who I am where I'm from as in which company I'm representing and what I want with them so that would be a reasonable opening a email okay I'm going to leave that there so any questions on that anyone oh and lots of you joining in hello hello hello hello I start always by saying many thanks for your email yeah that's perfect man mazón Mazen that's a good way to start many thanks for your email and that's polite it sets it up properly um Christina you're said um could you please tell me what do you mean by slang I couldn't find an appropriate definition in my language so for example and slang slang for the voice hello might be yo its word that's not that's used by natives and but that's not an official word perhaps and for example Yolo or um cash coulda I don't have to spell it coulda no I just thought could or anyone could have like that coulda is slang for could have I could have done it yeah um so sighing ass like this just words that have kind of been made up by natives and yeah slang does that make sense Christy there let me know and maybe someone can look up the definition in a Cambridge or Oxford Dictionary so it gives a very clear explanation for Christine and that would be great okey dokey and Mohammed says we love you thank you very much Mohammed um um amel amel says that was me for paragraphs of email texts and well no actually it was from a company I was referring to a company wrote to me yesterday a language company and they wrote full paragraphs and I still don't really know what it was they wanted because I haven't read the email in full and they didn't state in the first paragraph what they wanted so it wasn't you and ma'am why do you take what an hours class because I get bored during lectures well I'm sorry about that it's just the way it is and there are other videos here that are pre-recorded that are much shorter so they might be more suitable for you so just have a look through my video backlog and find videos that aren't live videos thank you all right so I've sent my application to a university then they replied that they have received it what should I respond if you've sent your application or an application to a job and they just respond saying thank you very much we've received your email or thank you very much we've got your application you don't need to respond you don't need to say anything I would leave it then and wait to hear from them if you're applying for a job then I might follow it up in a week or so and to say and something like I just wondered if I could get an update on the status of my application or would it be possible to could you tell me when you are and when you are deciding who to bring in for an interview it's something along those lines I'm sure you can find a way to word it nicely but I would follow it up just say I'm I don't mean to I don't want to bother you but I just wondered if I could get an update it's probably a good way to put it um slang doesn't it can include abusive words but slang slang isn't abusive words as a definition like kids use a lot of slang some people use exclamation marks a lot in work emails and do you also use them I do sometimes use them but I use an exclamation mark to kind of at the end of a short statement so I don't using that often and I would be careful with my punctuation in formal emails all right let's carry on through so the main body of the text keep it short and keep it to the point everybody is time poor so don't waste their time with on necessary sentences make it relevant to them so what I mean by that I get a lot of emails and as much as it's nice to get emails I am very time poor now a lot of my emails will come through maybe asking for asking how they can be a gold member enjoying my whatsapp group or asking about pronunciation classes or asking about my pronunciation course and that's fine I'm more than happy to help to guide you to buying products I'm happy to help you to decide if you are right to have private lessons with me or and whatever it is but what I find is the emails would be quite big and most of the content is things like I've been studying English for eight years I I really love English English is very important to me I really really want to learn English with you it's important I am learn English like a native and it just talks a lot about themselves even also a lot about themselves and so for me that's unnecessary information or it might be that I really love your videos I follow all of your video classes and that's wonderful to hear but it's too much information so you could do it all in one sentence hello and Deanna I'm I'm I'm an English student I really love your videos I'd like to learn more with you what classes or courses do you offer that would be a perfect email it tells me that you like what I do it tells me that you're learning and it tells me what you want in three very short sentences so keep your emails to the point and relevant to the person who is reading the email remember to pay careful attention to grammar spelling that one's really important I obviously make a lot of spelling mistakes so I have to make sure I use a spell checker and punctuation a lot of my students overlook the importance of punctuation punctuation is very important and in fact I'll do a class specifically on punctuation to help you with that and this is important so that you present yourself you present a professional image of yourself and your company so if you're writing as a from a company or a brand you definitely want to make sure you get someone to check it over for you before you send it out and you may want to separate your points with firstly secondly and finally so for example I might say dear Julia Roberts thank you for your application I have been discussing it with my colleagues and we would like to clarify a few points so they see I said thank you let's put this as a side alignment Digital Roberts thank you for your application this is what's been happening I have been discussing it with my colleagues and this is what we want I would like to clarify a few points and now I'm going to make those points so I'm going to say firstly how long ruling how long were you working new at wherever and then secondly you mentioned that you would have to work a notice period how long would that be finally and some other questions something something or other so they see I quite simply put my email into three blocks so well I've had my opening this is what I want firstly secondly and finally and from there then I would write my closing statement okay so I'm actually just going to delete that so number seven closing how do you close you might say I like to thank my readers for taking the time to read the email I'm sorry I'm saying to you I I do I like to thank my readers so when my readers got to the end of the email like to thank them for taking the time to read the email or close with a kind statement so this is important even if like I said you're making a complaint or you're disgruntled we were angry so it's important that you finish on a pleasant note because if you want something from them you don't want to leave it on a nasty tone you want to leave it in a pleasant way so that they feel more inclined to help you and respond to you in a pleasant way so you start it nice thank you for taking the time or thank you for responding to me or whatever it is and then at the end say something nice again thank you for reading this email I thank you for your consideration here are some other examples what we could use so thank you for your patience and cooperation so you might say that if a customer is upset and you're responding to their complaint you might end the email with this thank you for your patience and cooperation so you're saying I understand that this is frustrating and I appreciate your patience I appreciate your cooperation in this matter or you could say thank you for your consideration you might use this if you are applying for a job or if you're applying for a place at university or con thank you for your consideration thank you for considering my application and then after that you might follow up with if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to get in touch so you're saying to them I'm open to continuing to talk to you so if you want if you want to ask questions feel free to ask questions if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to get in touch or and I use this more quite a lot I look forward to hearing from you so if I'm applying for a job I might end with this I might do thank you for your consideration I look forward to hearing from you and then finally you sign off with your sincerely best regards kind regards or many thanks these are these are great ways to sign off a formal email don't write things like so avoid Cheers just putting Thanks avoid best wishes because that's a little bit odd you'd use best wishes if someone's going to get married or if so sort of birthday or something so to write best wishes on the end of an emails a bit a bit strange especially this formal email and talk don't finish with tar tar is a slang word for thanks if you don't know what ties mm and if some of you write written yours faithfully you can write laws faithfully I just think it's a little it's a little bit old-fashioned I don't see it very often and and I do well actually no I have seen it a couple of times but it's not as common your sincerely is just it's just a way of saying thanks like don't worry about what it means to be cynthia is to be honest and truthful and so it's saying yours honestly so don't worry about the meaning these are just ways to sign off a formal email okay I can't think of any other ways that you shouldn't sign off bunch or there are many many other ways yes once actually I saw someone just right best which was odd it best what it doesn't it doesn't complete so don't write that any more questions what have I got coming through so Christina has said thank you very much yeah you couldn't finish off with thank you very much but again I wouldn't have certainly use that for a formal email for a formal email I would use many thanks many thanks yours truly again this is quite old-fashioned a quite old-fashioned sign up I think I'll yours truly and respectfully yours yeah that's that could be that could be used respectfully yes it's not what I see often but respect respect respect miss I can't spell respectfully there we go respectfully yours I don't see it that often let's put these ones down at the bottom because these are less common um okay um could I ask a question which one is correct and okay I'm not going to answer questions that are off subject right now I'll do that at the end okay because I don't want too many people to get bored hmm as we know some people do alright so things to avoid things too let's get us down well page things to avoid avoid putting emojis in business emails and subject headers don't put it just don't use emojis and don't even do the kind of you know : close bracket to represent a smiley face don't do it in business emails it's not right and don't use slang so we've already discuss that not using slang and don't use familiar or inappropriate language and so a lot of the a lot of emails I get through and will be will use things like I think you're really cute or hey sexy teacher which as much as it's nice that people think I'm attractive okay and of course it's a nice thing that rather people think I'm attractive than unattractive is not appropriate so even if you think that it's not appropriate to use in a formal email that you're sending to someone you don't know or to a teacher so make sure you keep your language appropriate and some some people might write I think you're beautiful or I love how you present yourself in your videos you come across in a beautiful way that's fine but if someone uses a word like sexy or cute or I copy or anything else off the top of my head but those words are not appropriate and there's plenty of other examples of language that would be inappropriate in a formal email so just make sure you're keeping it appropriate remember when you're sending a formal email you're not talking to your friends you're talking to someone that you don't know or someone that you want to gain the respect from so speak in a respectful way that will gain the respect of your reader who will take you seriously okay I'm sure all this is pretty and pretty obvious anyway finally and this is important always spell check always attach any promised attachments now I've made this mistake so many times when in one of worked in offices you say please find attached my CV or please find attached the important document for the project and then you send the email and go ah I didn't attach the document and then you have to send another email saying sorry here's the attachment so always double check to make sure you've added the attachment before you send okay what else always proofread proofread your emails before sending and it's always helps especially in a formal situation you don't want to make any silly mistakes like silly grammar mistakes and just make it through to make sure it reads properly and some of you having problems with the audio saying I'm a bit too quiet I'll just move the microphone closer to my mouth that might help for you all right what's Christine saying um I see thank you very much I said to you thank you very much because you explained to me what did you mean by slang you were quite clear thanks again you're very welcome I'm glad that makes sense to you now Christina ah is thanking you in anticipation generally used in the closing so to say thanking you in anticipation um it's a little bit presumptuous so you're assuming that they will respond to you by saying thank you in anticipation and I wouldn't use it I wouldn't say that I haven't seen it very often I've seen at one or two emails but I wouldn't use it because it just is a bit presumptuous and what is proofread to proofread is to go back and read everything that you've written to look for mistakes so you proofread it you go back and you look over it and yet to make sure you've made no mistakes when can we use dear sir or madam use dear sir or madam um without the e on the end as well just be careful of that spelling use deal sir Oh madam if you don't know the name of the person you're writing to and Missouri said I had a really Barris embarrassing email or please share please share you can't just say I had an embarrassing email and not share the story what else do we have dad can you use thanking you thanking you know thanking you as a little one necess thanking you just say thank you what else my friend told me that British people always say thank you for nothing is he right also can best wishes be used to reject applications politely if you're ejecting someone if you're in a position of accepting or rejecting applications then you could put best wishes I would I would maybe put in my closing statement I wish you all the best for the future that would be a good one I wish you all the best for the future and then at the end I would put like you're sincerely and who you are but that would be a good one to use and I'll do British people always say thank you for no reason yes we do say thank you a lot we do say sorry a lot as well so a good example and something that really annoys me is that if someone bangs into me in the street is their fault they knock me I go sorry I instantly say sorry even though they hit me is just obviously not all English people are polite and you can't generalize any any type of people but in general apparently English people are do use a lot of thank yous and pleases and sorry's can I ask you how to write a second email for someone who's missed who's missed to respond to my previous email please feel free not to answer so you've written an email you didn't get a response now you want to write another email because you didn't get to response to the first email it's difficult because it depends on the exact situation but if you're trying to get a response and you haven't received one so you're going to write a second email I would still do it very gently and I'd say something very polite like something like I'm writing I'm writing to you again as I fear I'm writing to you again I fear my first email may have been overlooked or I realize that you are very busy I realize that you are very busy but as I stated in my previous email so you make a point that you've written an email before so I realize that you're very busy but as I stated in my previous email I'm very keen to be considered for this job or whatever it is that you're asking for so I realize you're busy but as I stated in my previous email I'm very keen and I'm still keen is is it possible to let me know whether you're still taking applications or something like that so keep it polite be be humble and not humble that's not the right word be ask for forgiveness as it were like don't be too aggressive like why didn't you answer my email don't be rude keep it very very genuine and nice and saying I'm so sorry to bother you but I'd really appreciate if you would if you could take some time to consider my email and luqman says you're not drinking anything today are you fasting no I'm not fasting but I know that some people are and so I'm trying to avoid having my drink all the time in front of everyone because I don't want to make it difficult for any ones watching who is fasting that's all okay so let's carry on I've put some examples here in the notes so some examples um oh hang on oh I shouldn't be there you should go down there oh now this is all messed up okay hang on let me just format this a bit more there we go okay so here's an example email this is a billing refund so this is a refund for something so it's obviously some form of complaint and here we go very simple and to the point is a billing refund for the account and this is the account number account ID here they don't know who they're writing to so they've written to whom it may concern' which is a fine way to email now they put a colon here so you can either put a colon or a comma I always put a comma I regularly see a comma so I would advise a comma but a colon is also acceptable he starts by writing I'm writing to request that make-believe website Co and that's the name of the company therefore it's capitalized make-believe website Co refund the $200 fee that was wrongfully applied to my account and there is put the account number so in that very first date statement they've told the person exactly what they're doing what they're writing for upon notification that there was a billing issue with my account I called to request this refund at 2:30 p.m. on May the 1st 2011 the representative told me that he would refund the total amount within three to five business days so here very very to-the-point very clear giving a history I called back at 8:20 a.m. on May 10th 2011 to confirm that the refund was processed the representative John Dido told me that I must submit the refund via a request via email after placing me on hold for nearly 30 minutes so here they're starting to complain he informed me that once I submit this letter that 200 dollars will be refunded within 48 hours this experience has been extremely frustrating as a new customer an unprofessional on the part of make-believe website Co I would greatly appreciate notice this notice this language so they're obviously very upset they're very angry they've said I'm extremely frustrated I think you're being unprofessional but then they've used appreciative language I would greatly appreciate it would be very kind of you I would greatly appreciate it if make-believe website Co would honor the agreement reached in the phone conversation today refunding the full two hundred dollars within the next 48 hours please and here they're being polite please feel free to contact me and then they put there this is an American number if you have any questions or concerns thank you in advance for your time and cooperation so you see it's a complaint email that obviously very upset but they've used a very very direct and quite a forceful but very pleasant sign-off they've been very polite and then they've written sincerely and then the full name at the end so it's always good it's always good to be polite in your emails even if you're complaining so thank you Anna it was a nice lesson oh thank you very much I'm glad you're finding it helpful some of you can't see it has anyone else have does anyone else have problems hi we cannot see the textual reading okay let me see if I can make this any bigger I'm gonna have to make this huge on my screen and let me see if I take it up to four hundred but does that help is this any better or is that still too small anyway hopefully hopefully that's okay I don't think I can make it much bigger than that hmm I'm just trying to make it a little bigger for you I don't know if it can go bigger oh no that doesn't help at all did it mm-hmm okay you're gonna stick with that sighs I'm afraid does that help anyone oh great now you see it okay okay good could I ask so Paolo asked at the end if you have a question that's not related to what we're talking about and asked at the end okay and can we say sir without the deer you can of course you can but it would sound a bit blunt it would sound a bit rude I would put deer would always put deer all right so hopefully now you've all had a chance to read through that so I'm going to go down to the next one and to help you see this Leslie Beckham it's any bigger kind of make it bigger oh that's massive now um okay so this is a very short one and I want you to tell me what's wrong with this what's wrong with this so imagining that well they don't know each other it's a professional email what is wrong with this email so have a read through tell me what's wrong with this email hi Dan I hope you're enjoying the warm weather I just want to request the contact information for Deborah Smith we met briefly at a networking event yesterday she said that you could send me her phone number and email address today thanks Jay so imagining these two don't know each other what's wrong with this email Oh pollito thank you so much Hipolito is just sent over a 1 euro super chat so thank you the Prophet oh you will be receiving these notes as soon as this lesson has finished thank you that's very kind of you so yes a number of you are pointing out the problem is the greeting so you can't in the formal email you shouldn't use such an informal greeting you should say hi Dan you should say dear Daniel whatever surname is or dear Dan even would be better than hi Dan hi donnies fart and fall I hope you're enjoying the warm weather this you know this isn't a bad way to start an email even a formal email but it's a little bit too friendly so I guess it depends it depends on the circumstance of your email if I was writing to the bank I wouldn't write this if I was writing a job application I wouldn't write this in some cases I have used friendly openings to an email a business email but it really depends on the circumstance there the email is then okay it's quite short into the point but then the sign-off Thanks it's a bit short I would use something a little longer like many thanks or kind regards and yeah then the rest of it is fine but the opening and the closing is not quite right I would also finish with some form of thank you as in like I would really really appreciate if you could send that to me today or thank you very much for your help I look forward to hearing from you or something like that to close so there's two sample emails for you and then I can just make my screen a little bit smaller now so I can actually see what's going on ah and then I've just written down some additional phrases that I was thinking of this morning that you might want to use in an email and so when you're starting your email off here are some phrases you could use you could say in reference to or with reference to so if you're referring to something that's already happened maybe you received a phone call or maybe you sent an email previously or maybe you received an email from them and you're wanting to refer to it you could say in reference to your email then dated the 20th of April I just wanted to know or however you want to carry on you could say I'm writing with reference to and then the subject I'm writing regarding so you might say I'm writing regarding the the networking event network gin networking event and then you carry on from there or you can say I'm writing to ask for further information about and the current the current um the current vacancy I'm writing to ask for further information about the current about the current vacancy so those are ways that you can start your email if anyone else has any other ideas of ways to start emails then I'm more than happy to add them to the list and so what's happening here in the chat room we've got um when can it when can I use my regards and regards never say my regards to say kind regards not my regards do British people much talk about the weather yes we do all the time do you really think that may is the month within this context and I'm not sure what you're referring to ah what else okay so if I've missed you if I've missed your comments guys and it's just hard to read through them while I'm live here like this but I was carry on so we have you could say it has come to my attention that so this is a good phrase it's come to my attention that and some of our employees are um upset about something you could start it like that or it's come to my attention that and many files are missing from the archives or it's come to my attention that and you have been searching for another job so it has come to my attention it means I have found out I am aware I be made aware you might say in light of the current situation so this is a good way to start in light of the current situation given what's happened so if something recently has happened for example if you work in the banking industry and maybe maybe the because of the election because of the general election the pound has dropped in value I might say in light of the current and in light of the current situation in light of the current issues situation or in light of I be careful with that in light of current issues in light of the current issues now that's fine in light of the current situation and I think it would be prudent to consider redundancies or something like that does that make sense you could also ask for clarification if you're not sure about something and you send an email just to ask for clarification or to question something you say could you clarify could you clarify that could you clarify could you clarify how much I owe as my bill and as I was expecting my bill to be 100 pounds but my bill has come through at 250 pounds could you clarify this for me or if you want a meeting or you want to arrange something you can say could we arrange could we arrange a meeting next week could we arrange a meeting next week you might say please let me know if this will be possible or if this is convenient for you so you may be emailing to say I'm available for a meeting next week I think we should meet to discuss moving forward with our business please let me know if this will be possible or please let me know if this is convenient for you if it's a negative email an email where you're sending bad news you would use this phrase I regret to inform you people down if it's your job to let people know whether they've been selected for a job role or not you might say I regret to inform you that you have not been chosen on this occasion or that your application has not been successful so I regret to inform you it seems that my mic signal has gone a little bit low so just bear with me hopefully I'll kick back in in a second I mean I've got full bars so I don't know why that's being silly bear with it it will come back it always does so we could also say it is with great disappointment that it is with great disappointment that I inform you that I inform you of or I forum you about it might be a death or a rejection or you can finish with I would appreciate your help in this matter that's always a nice sentence I appreciate your help in this matter okay okay let's have a look what you guys are saying here so how do you end an email we've already covered how to end an email that's a little bit further back in the lesson so if you weren't here for that then do scroll back and have a look we've gone through how to start an email how to do the body of an email how to end an email and so hopefully we've covered most things Salaam Salaam is in regards to not in regard of yeah in regards to in regards to hi again when will the real lesson begin what do you mean by that redundancy if you don't have a redundancy is redundancy is when you lose your job because your job role is remove so if a company for example if I if I own a company that makes cars and I have lots of people on the production line who put all the pieces of the car together but then we decide to bring in lots of robotics and the robotics automatically put the cars together it means that the the jobs of the people who used to do what the robots do those jobs don't exist for people anymore because we have robots to do it so you are then made redundant you're you're not needed anymore so it's not that you're bad at your job you just your job no longer exists so you're made redundant and normally a company will pay like a compensation so it'll be a redundancy pay so it might be like fifteen thousand pounds because you're not going to have a job for a long time perhaps or you might have to retrain so they give you a good hopefully a good redundancy package so you can take some money away go away and rethink what you're going to do with your career Oh Shannon's only ten hi Shannon but you're finding it hard okay well this is this is about writing business emails and formal emails so that's probably you probably don't leave this lesson right now but thank you for joining us Shannon hmm this is to inform you or this is to tell you that's a good way to to start an email yeah that's fine what kind of sentences can I use when I'm writing an email to my professor and you can use any of the sentences that we've discussed oh we have 137 thumbs thank you for letting me know that Helen I'm sorry I'm a little late but can you tell me when is the next lesson and what's it going to be about I'm really interested in these lessons the next lesson is going to probably be now on Monday I did say I might do a lesson over the weekend but I have so much work to do that I don't think I'll be able to fit it in so the next lesson is likely to be on Monday and I haven't got my notepad with me so I can't remember exactly what it's about but it will be a good one hopefully all right so oh okay so now guys it's your time to ask me any questions I will stay on for another five minutes so if you have any questions and now is the time to ask I don't to say again a huge thank you to those two who sent me a super chat so Hippolyta and Filipe thank you for your support of this channel I will send you these notes as soon as I finish all you have to do is send me your email addresses so just drop me an email my email is in the description of this video now that is for Filipe and Hippolyta only please don't send me emails unless it's to do with business unless you're inquiring about something because I get too many emails and it just like I said it just clogs up my email addresses of my email inbox so Filipe and Hippolyta feel free to send me an email and I will send you the notes but thank you again for your super chat it's very much appreciated and a huge thank you to my patrons as well and specifically to you yaar pow pow Lolo Rubin and drea Vinson so and Ebola and ebola yeah i know i don't pronounce those right but you guys so these guys I'm talking about my patrons are people who have donated and who donate on a regular basis to the channel so they help this channel to grow they helped me to keep coming to you live to bring you lessons and so because of them you get these lessons and so a huge thank you to you guys thank you very much if you're interested in coming patron then do feel free to check out the patreon page there are lots of rewards for patrons so um the link for the patreon page is in the description box below along with lots of other links helpful links to books that you might be interested in to free trials for audiobooks which is a great way to learn english free trials for movies and watching english movies always a good thing to music lots of stuff but in the meantime if you are quite advanced with your english there is something that you can do to help me and only requires a little bit of your time nothing else and that is to provide translations so I'm looking to get my videos translated into lots of different languages so maybe it can be translated into your language if you feel you have good English there is a link in the description box below which you can click on to see which videos need translating so I'll need a title tongue translating on the descriptions translating and if you have the time you could just do those but if you have the time then also subtitle translations and in some cases because most of my self subtitles are automatic in some cases they're not always right so if you feel that you're good at English and you'd like to just check the English subtitles to make sure they're correct that will be hugely appreciated and what that will do is it will help other people from your country to be able to access these lessons so if you can do that for me if you can do that for the community then I'm sure everyone will appreciate that just as much as I do and thank you so much for those who have already provided some translations and know some of you are here watching now so thank you so much otherwise if you can't give me that time and you're not confident to translate that's fine too all I ask is that you join my classes and give this video a thumb up and and maybe share with your friends if if you have any friends who are interested in learning English okay so now I'm going to come to your questions and so I've got Christina has said it is is it correct or formal if we are saying for example dear sir/madam don't put a full-stop here so remove those full stops so just dears dear sir / madam comma my name is Amelia and I wouldn't put a I wouldn't use I forgot the name what's the name of that next Filmation mark I wouldn't use an exclamation mark I would just put a full-stop my name is Amelia I'm writing to you for the chemical engineer position I will put I'm writing to you to apply for I'm writing to you to apply for the chemical engineer position please find attached my CV so please find attached my CV not the CV you're sincerely Cristina Amelia if your first name is Cristina then put your first name here don't say my name is Amelia because this makes me think your first name is Amelia okay I hope that helps let's have a look what you guys are saying over here on YouTube and ibrahim says thank you to the donors on the patrons Thank You Avram Abraham yes thank you to all the donors to the patrons and to the people who contributed subtitles and translations it's great to have your gratitude what can I can you do a course for me I never know how to say this I'll eyelets eyelets I don't cover the exams because I've never taken the exams I I don't have the experience of the exams I don't think it's fair for me to try and teach those exams okay so better to go with someone who's an expert in those so that because they're important what time do you normally broadcast it's different times every day it depends on my schedule for the week so the best thing to do is to join me on Facebook and Instagram and over the weekends normally on a Sunday I release a shed jewel for the week ahead so if you join me on Facebook Instagram I always release a new schedule every weekend the links for those are in the description box below do you like any rap music yes I do like some rap music and I can't think of any off the top of my head but I like most music I'll have an eclectic taste and eclectic it means a overall well-rounded taste and how can you keep so gorgeous face skin and what is your secret I it makeup I don't think I have great skin but I drink a lot of water and and I always use moisturizer and I always take my makeup off at the end of the day maybe that's maybe that's what it is but thank you that's very kind of you and how to ask someone about their qualifications I you can just simply ask what are your qualifications thank you for this lesson it was really really helpful good and glad obviously I don't want to spend my time being useless so I'm glad that you found it helpful that makes me feel a lot better Helen has also said thank you to the patron there you go patrons you're getting a lot of love here and sky has asked died versus dead it's very morbid die is the act of dying so to die is the act the verb that doing I am dying he will die we all will die dead refers to the state once you've died so it's no longer an act you are dead it's a noun you're dead okay so to die is the verb the act of dying to be dead is the noun the state that you are in when you can no longer when you no longer live lovely Ana can you make a lesson lesson about wrestling WWE wow I don't know very much about wrestling I mean I can put it on the list but I think it'll be a little while before I do it but please do keep making suggestions and I will always add to the list Theo says what have you voted for well as I said yesterday I don't think it's good to openly talk about our political views because you know we're all different I have to say I'm quite happy with the outcome so I'll just say that leave it to that the outcome at the moment is we have we have a hung parliament so there was no clear majority so it means that we're going to have some form of coalition which i think is a good thing so I'm happy with the outcome June has said can we translate the videos into Korean yes and please do if you can that would be wonderful yes please do that will be amazing and mere shari has said I'm willing to help Thank You radwan uh I'll try and translate your lessons to Arabic as many as I can thank you red well um do you have a spoken English class yes I have a pronunciation course if that's what you mean if you want to improve your speaking your accent I have a pronunciation course and the link to that is in the description box below it's British English procom and thank you thank you thank you lots of thank you you're welcome I always say to my friends come to miss Anna's live lessons on my friends join join that's great thank you sir here thank you okay Paluxy Oh can I ask you a question yes which one is correct is Sam on the basketball team or is Sam in the basketball team or is Sam at the basketball team okay which preposition should you use you should you you can use two of them you can say is Sam on the team is sound on the team or a sound in the team you can use those two but you can't say at the team so on the team in the team yes at the team no okay I hope the answers your question and thank you for being persistent with that ma tape TV says hashtag we love Anna cool well you know what guys I love you too thank you for sticking with me and is it's not easy doing this YouTube job it's not easy and it's actually very very hard I know it probably seems easy but there's a lot of work goes into building a YouTube channel and it's it's very very long hours it's a lot of work and sometimes you feel like you want to stop but and when you guys are so kind and you seem to get something out of it then it makes it all worthwhile so thank you a sport I will translate to French thank you and can now you're very beautiful thank you very much I have to do SATs next year well good luck Shannon and thank you for staying with us and I'm sure you'll do very well in your exams we'll all keep our fingers crossed for you and do you watch cricket I haven't watched cricket recently yours your sincerely if you know the details of a person who you write to yours faithfully if you don't know that okay maybe that's technically the thing and dear Ana you're sincerely dear sir/madam yours faithfully is it right or is the last form just old-fashioned okay so there are actual technical rules between when you should use yours faithfully in your sincerely so you're saying if you know the person dear Ana you should end with your sincerely if you don't with a person dear sir/madam you should end yours faithfully i I would say that most natives don't know this rule but we all know it now I guess so that's that's a good thing but I don't think it you would be completely out of place if you didn't follow that format I would generally just end most emails with many thanks or kind regards for me that's a safe option anyway I hope that kind of answers your question and then please teachers adverbs and adjectives and please teach us how to use words like shall could would okay I'll add it to the list I have taught some of these things before in in amongst other lessons but yes I will keep keep going now have a good time and good recreation at the weekend thank you I am working a lot this weekend so I probably will just be as tired come come Monday I already speak English but you just taught me the word oh I just lost that why was that why was that Irish because but you just talk the word eclectic so thank you are you welcome and have a great weekend everyone you're all wishing me a great weekend so I wish you all great weekend to a lots of nice comments here thank you thank you thank you and sport okay so you voted labor I didn't actually vote labor I didn't vote Labour a red one we appreciate your valuable time and many thanks you're welcome loads of thank-yous any more questions are you good at an American and Australian accent I can kind of do them yes will you still be doing your accent videos yes Shannon I have another accent video coming up probably in a few weeks they just take a little bit longer to do and I'm still do my pronunciation lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays so join me for those ones okay tomorrow's my final examination I've learnt so much in this lesson if I pass the exam it's because of you fingers crossed for tomorrow fingers crossed for tomorrow and okay well well you're being removed mr. corn so just to a word of warning guys that anyone who is impolite will be kicked out because we do not accept we do not accept and trolls here in this lesson so you guys can just go away okay sorry about that sorry about that guys if you had to witness those horrible things um they're gone now and they won't be coming back ever all right guys thank you so much for joining me here I'm going to call it a day pin on for an hour and 40 minutes I'm sorry to keep you so long I do hope you have an incredible weekend and do be sure to check out the links in the description box below come and say hello to me on Instagram that would be nice and I look forward to seeing most of you if not all of you next week at some points remember I'll release the schedule on Facebook and Instagram probably on Sunday thanks again to my patrons for joining me over in Skype thank you and see you soon and yes have amazing weekend be happy be good to one another and be good to yourselves take care lots of love from London
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 65,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, conversation questions, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, diphthong vowels, pronounce, british, anna english, how to, write an email, business english, business email, formal email, how to write a business email, write email in english, email, formal, business
Id: 9oo7f5mA-Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 9sec (5829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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