Surviving The Aftermath but I am the disaster

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hey the friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing surviving the aftermath this video is sponsored by Paradox Interactive so thank you very much for the sponsor folks the game is available in early access now on the epic game store and Xbox one it's coming out on all platforms later this year it's receiving a lot of regular updates this is a new one it releases February 6th I'm actually getting to play it a little bit earlier than that I'm pretty important ok I registered for a YouTube account so I have a pretty important guy saying that as I look like a mad scientist who escaped from a mental asylum your white outfit and everything Jesus okay well we're gonna jump right in and we're gonna survive this aftermath whether we like it her not new game do I need a tutorial everything my being says no but also these games can be quite complicated to jump into yes give me a tutorial oh my god I feel like I turned over a new leaf okay so our difficulty adjusts depending on what we picked throughout okay interesting so cities are demolished by nature prevailed and catastrophes frequent it's probably a mistake chaotic no restrictions anything is possible it's called suffering your success yeah go with that that's my motto oh no wait that's suffering and success alright let's design my visual flag here take a nice green for Ireland and to keep it in the Irish theme we're going with skull and crossbones I was thinking in my head how I could relate that to Ireland and all I can think of is the famine so we're not gonna go there even though I kind of just didn't call any name oh yes I have to name the colony dead vectors walking colony motto I want a random one cats wantin to go quietly into the night huh that's a bit vague as like something that we scratched into the stole of a toilet alright I want to make my own no gain just pain perfect words to live by are we good to go hey we're good whoever stead of a colony and here the dead vectors walking no gain just pain it was really having a bad day to be fair if my world look like this I'd probably have a few off days too I don't think it'd be my usual happy-go-lucky sort of cheering guy you know I think I'd be more like damn apocalypse happened and it's rare for me to be that negative a wild boar boar okay ten colonists are homeless don't worry guys I'll get you out of this emergency shelter it is oh look at my starting position this is awesome I have a mode I've always wanted a mode and the only time I tried I flooded my bedroom my parents put me up for adoption still think they overreacted all right so we got a work area here what do I get them together honestly why didn't you build your house here you can salvage this put up a few pictures a few fake plants the place is lovely there we go go there you've got concrete you've got metal and you are wood honestly I probably put that a bit too far away for no goddamn reason wait there's nuclear waste I may be do stay there no Kohn you had nuclear waste I don't think thing we need more tents I don't know why I'm putting their houses like right at the entrance that's probably not a good idea you should probably have some defenses or something but oh well my fault they put me in charge of people I couldn't even take care of a goldfish I can't even take care of myself like none of my name thing care all these people aren't the gays yeah let's build a gate back up we don't even have like shelter and whatnot I don't like build that gate this isn't even to keep people out it's to keep my people in because I know we're gonna want to escape when they realize how incompetent I am but I need the manpower especially the children because they don't really understand what's wrong yet I could tell them to do anything insufficient construction materials what do you need that metal is that what you need Salvage metal no not berries stop getting berries berries won't build that gate I don't care if you're hungry should probably look to build something else as well like maybe food storage would be a good idea oh wait I already have a food storage ah that would explain why they're only gathering berries so okay sorry I apologize I'm just extremely incompetent okay so if I build a scrapper he'll gather metal forming priority hi okay fantastic come on we need to build that gate the children are already thinking you're leaving at CPS is application we must hold under siege by CPS you can take our lives but you will never take our children there we go I stopped them gathering food by accident they were actually calling me for orders and I still like stop gathering food like maybe we should have a coup yes they're working on the great gays honestly I think this is important like I put catastrophes hi what if there's like someone coming to my door handing out pamphlets spreading the word of our savior or something like that look just in time I knew it was the right decision group of survivors you need to make a decision they have supplies with them they have potatoes I'm gonna let them in come on in there is no vetting process here we just profile people I think I'm just gonna keep building places that can get resources for me like I'm gonna build this recycler and they're gonna get plastic for me calling us Lukas is homeless so you just come in here into our colony and expect a house immediately well you are correct I am building you the biggest home of all it's gonna hate him the women children have to stay in these little tent slums but he gets his own mansion tent over here on his own I can send her around the place maybe we should go explore oh the big city let's go visit the city slickers oh they used all the concrete cut damn it hopefully the city slickers have some will steal it no city slickers are no match for us everyone kill their colonists Elinor's injured what happened to you Eleanor what are you doing well wood posture like that carrying those bricks no wonder it's your own fault we're not treating you with anything in fact we're gonna build a burial pit we're ready for the inevitable we're gonna put that right at the front of the colony so they know we're not messing around Jesus Christ that must be depressing when I asked them to build a burial pit when Hogan's even dead okay we're gonna need water the water tunnel here okay water right next to burial place I don't see any potential problems with this oh she died due to injury well why did you keep on working can someone bury her please oh wait the burial pit isn't ready yet okay just leave her there for a while we'll get to her eventually I'm still building the hospital to treat her better late than never that's what I always say well except for Eleonora I don't think she cares at this point oh come on in ah look at him he's so cool I don't have a lot to trade but and I don't know what this thing is that looks like science or something yeah I'll take science accumulated knowledge used for a lot of new technologies well that was a worthy deal I would assume nuclear fallout The Horizon starts turning from blue to toxic green and the air seems to burn your lungs these are the first signs of the impending no I thought it was all happy harvest crops before they wither well I'm one step ahead cuz I don't have any crops to begin with yeah there are iodine pills from the world map to cure radiation sickness spilled more medic tensor sign more workers oh Jesus Christ I was already struggling enough low on food Oh sugar oh yeah they ran out Jesus I gotta keep on top of this stuff there's not even that much to keep on top of I've got survivors god damnit what do you want right they have pills come on in sure you have pills you're welcome in I'm gonna name her food you'll be the first one to be eaten when we run out of it Eleanor still lying there that's gotta be demoralizing let's just pretend she's sunbathing or something we'll bury her soon okay we got a lot to build yes lots of science points we should probably keep looking we need those iodine pills pretty bad there's plenty of bores here let's make a trapper place there we go he can live out here with the pollution right on top of nuclear waste probably a Indian burial ground - yeah well it's just one person off in their own the Unabomber of my world will be out there ah sugar okay everyone's sad now they're all looking at Elinor like god I wish that were me let's just fast forward time this whole thing will blow over Jesus Christ irradiated commotion in the colony they're fighting why are you fighting one eyed apparently spent the entire day harassing the other who finally snapped and threw the first punch both are now bruised and bleeding let him fight there's more important things to handle right now the crowd is visibly displeased at your reluctance to lay the blame on someone don't we have more important things to be worried about right now like two people are actually glowing oh my god Isabella what is your skin routine you are positively glowing oh it's just mild radiation poisoning at all maybe maybe it's radiation poisoning let's research hack tactics I need to get food another way cuz all of us living on berries just isn't working I have to learn how to make a larger letter to progress but like having too much food isn't something that's an issue right now like I don't have any food and I'm there like maybe we should increase our food storage maybe we should have locked crowbars that'll help with the old plastics recovery which is honestly slowing me down a lot on food go away stop telling me stop telling me go away I'm in denial stop it he was coming back Riley is an adult now fantastic you get to work god there's just bandits everywhere I don't care about bandits I need pills I don't die yet the burial pit isn't done colonists food died I was so confused when I read that and then I remember that name someone food and there's two people dead like in the camp out there's another one well sugar guys can you please finish that medical tent on the bright side it's less people to feed and having enough food is a big problem and I mean food not the person food well we also don't have enough of the person food because the food person is dead but I'm talking about food that we can eat we're short on that tie due to injury Jesus Christ people are irradiated and infected can you just die I want all these red things gone a van approaches oh what's up Dan the mystery van man well he seems trustworthy Dan the mystery van man is here again with his trademark mystery van if you want to get what's inside a microscopic donation we'll make it yours any further inquiries there Maywood pay up in your CBS dammit how did he know I can't resist the mystery box pay him pay him I got a person and some carrots I didn't expect that to be in the mystery box he slowly edges the sight door open to reveal a young stowaway munching what seems like a bunch of half-eaten carrots well you bought it then continues now she's the child before leaving the colony should we call the police or something all right well welcome kid just find a spot to sit down around the dead bodies somewhere just try not to touch them try that such anyone honestly most of us irradiated yes sir medical tent is almost done how many people do we have left eight well that's almost half that's not bad Oliver died yay all the red things are gone now probably shouldn't be celebrating them dying but oh well Krupa survivors all we need you guys come on in so many people just died it honestly it's loads of room the burial pit is done awesome this is a great day for the colony and we get those bodies out of here police to some like and buildings and some like near the food storage and all this it would be way better if we move these the radiated corpses over by the water supply it could peel the statue of the dear leader yes that is important also we should get some more stuff for food someone's at the gate a single person a weather woman carrying a war net bagpipe matches towards the gate do you have any medicine there she asked as if it's a store I have for children as you probably know the real infection magnets I could trade you something for it I'm interested what you'll give me but I also don't want to help her it's like the second mystery box all over again alright give it to her I got seeds I don't even know how to farm I don't know what to do with these think I'd actually have to learn how to farm I don't know how but I'm more concerned about building that statue to the Dear Leader oh my god her burial pit is a third full already we've 10 out of 30 slots taken I'm still a few bodies to get to just like majestic deer just walking around our camp and we're all starving and we're like nah not worth the effort we'd rather live off berries take a look at him he's walking around a fam he wants to die kill him who is her trapper cuz they're not doing a very good job colonists want to talk a couple of your colonists have spotted some sort of a vehicle stuck down a deep crevasse it might still have some useful stuff left inside of it by climbing down without proper gear will be dangerous let them try go for it and one colonist got injured and we got nothing for it maybe I shouldn't make the decisions okay stop coming to me someone to venture outside the gate yeah sure why not another bright idea they've heard animal noise is not too far away cuz they're right next to you but fair enough go outside the hunt didn't go well but no one is willing to take the blame for it well I'm not either is your bright idea look at all these boars stomping around our farm like they're actually eating your crops and we're still not willing to kill them like they're not animals they're our pets we need to go outside the gate to get food group of survivors thank God I really need you guys to come in and work for me open this gate or I'll tear it down come on in you got moxie I think we've had enough problems now we're getting in like angry violent survivors the water well is going well mmm that's good water tastes like Eleanor poor Eleanor she died it a good time to be fair she missed out on all the hardships all right I say we go on the attack instead attacked in some fools all right attack oh my god Jesus Christ she's just went in and beat him in unarmed combat that's right and now I'm taking your plastics and you go attack this guy Jesus Christ they are strong independent women a group of colonists tell you they'd seen an old bear walking past the camp no more than an hour ago yeah go find it oh my god they actually did something we got tons of meat I will take the credit for making that decision like well it goes right I'll take the credit but when it goes wrong not at all you I found this other town called Greene town and I'm just stealing everything this electronics store I hope I don't piss them off our their colony looks stupid mine looks cool dead [ __ ] walking way better than green town someone's at the gate a hooded figure wants to talk to you oh my Jesus what pills do you have for me a man approaches the gate dressed in a beaten old trenchcoat and burying his face inside a large hood he remains tight-lipped about his exact origins our motives but offers to join the colony and help out working as a scientist he's constantly looking over his shoulder while talking and seems over all nervous sounds a bit like me huh open the gate and let the wanderer in he stole food he tooks him into his trench coat pockets and rather nimbly slides between the closing gates I knew it I should have stuck to profiling people not just letting everyone in you could have just lived with us we would have fed you like forever but instead you steal like three corn and run I built a load of tents I think everyone is safe in there now yeah the emergency shelters there's no one demolish seems a little short-sighted just to be rid of all our shelters for no reason wait there's loads of slots in our burial pit all of a sudden where did the bodies go and it's probably all in the water it's fine right it's time to attack people I think go ahead this is going really well for me honestly I'm starting to think I'm the bad guy like I think the bandits are the good guys heatwave oh god damn it you see how pale I am I'm not ready for a heatwave honestly even the name of it like a heat bad waving involves social interaction bad heatwave pad a group of survivors arrived oh come on in we just got rid of all of our extra shelters attack this is war just committed slap him and take his place okay great we can get science points that's what I was looking for oh yeah the heatwave I forgot it I should build more water towers oh there's the heatwave Jesus Christ that is severe it must be like 12 maybe even 14 degrees for an Irishman that could mean death I've just unlocked the battering centre so if you could go ahead and build that in the blistering heat I would appreciate your trade center okay right there go ahead get building and get farming save those crops all the colourful fan welcome back the thing looks like a [ __ ] ice-cream van the people are probably happy for a split second there and back to reality why do you fires lighting it's a heatwave why are all your chimneys going put out the fires cut damn it I don't really have any sympathy if any of you die now God we're out of water I think oh no no we're good why are you complaining then why are we - 20 oh I guess we're consuming more than we're harvesting but that's fine we've got loads of storage that's for future Kevin to worry about there's a vehicle just steal it wait there are the hell you're surprised to see an old woman with face like a peanut what what does that look like interested in riddles answer this I'm tall when I'm born but I'm short when I'm gone what am i I mean a candle fits that right eye that'd be it she reaches into her hopes and hands you a basket filled with medicine she just gave me pills for solving riddles I like that woman the nicest drug dealer I ever encounter - riddle me this if you want your fix just spins off a riddle heatwaves over we lived through another catastrophe with me at the helm mr. catastrophe himself I'd get that care I need it I just couch act this poor - hoot Brum Brum drive away yeah we're definitely the bad guys I went over and couch actively came back to kill him and he knew loads about science and stuff - we'll steal that as well someone's at the gate looks like a scientist okay no that is a scientist but let his go is just a pervert for fiber she'll teach me things yeah that's fine what a quirky fashion sense like that I can see why you need some fiber thank you for teaching me stuff okay built a garage for my care but I don't have power and I tried to build a wind turbine but I need a nuts and bolts and I'm the only not here I'm afraid look at my little car god she's a beauty a bit of a fixer-upper but a beauty all right you know what I think that's a good time to end look at my colony I'm so impressed I think this is one of the few colonies that I built that didn't go to shaitaan' I'm amazed we made it through that radiation storm to be honest yeah I'd love to keep playing but I'm afraid it would be too long if I did but this game is really good like sponsorship aside I really really enjoy this I could keep playing it I'm getting a little bit addicted to be honest yeah we have to leave it there but thank you very much a paradox interactive for the sponsorship thoroughly enjoy the game if you want to check it out link in the description as I said earlier it's on the epic game store and Xbox one now and early access but it'll be available on all platforms the as the year progresses I'm not sure they have an exact date pin down yet but yeah it's there if you want to check it out in the meantime I'll tell you very much for watching appreciate it and the fact that the sponsored video is well it just really helps out the channel so I appreciate you sir for me that way and yeah I hope you enjoyed I appreciate you as always and I hope to see you next time bye for now Shantanu patreon soldier fortune aerelon is awesome almighty peanut Amanda gold fair anaconda Kiwi Andrew white Annamarie NS Ariel Kelman Ashley Oh Morgan Ashley Murphy Aussie demon Avery Morin Azalea bacon boy BB AIDS mom birch Valley Bjorn blossom possum cosplay bread and grainier Bree Brooks cooler Brooke Samuel Kate Evans and Katie and Kyle [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 763,062
Rating: 4.9696651 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, Surviving The Aftermath, Surviving The Aftermath but, Surviving The Aftermath funny, Surviving The Aftermath lets play, Surviving The Aftermath gameplay, Surviving The Aftermath ep.1, Surviving The Aftermath funny moments, Surviving The Aftermath callmekevin, Surviving The Aftermath game, Surviving The Aftermath steam, Surviving The Aftermath paradox
Id: XtfZN6vr_sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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