The Most POWERFUL Sniper Rifle vs. Solid Block of Bronze!!!

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they're here now you need to oh hey hi ladies hey uh will you take a seat per minute we we need to talk to you man yeah what's up look we're all here because we really care about you no one wants to see you go down this destructive path we all want the best for you what do you all mean I'm fine Matt you blew through the entire 2023 gun budget in January and our kids college fund is gone first of all those are investments and secondly let's be honest those kids aren't really College material dude you don't even lift with me anymore what what about the gains I am gaining an Arsenal look Matt this isn't a joke you haven't seen your kids in weeks do you even remember their names yes I do uh Matt Jr and how dare you I thought you said David was coming I know he said he'd be here hey guys sorry I'm late you didn't you didn't David David what the hell man what the hell man what's wrong with you I thought you said we were giving about an intervention you guys oh my God [Applause] [Applause] bye guys is this from Modern Warfare 2 okay I thought y'all were too gonna talk first yeah I think hey welcome to Demolition Ranch I'm joined by operator drewski and baddie and I actually just got this uh M200 intervention yesterday we got it from classic firearms big supporters of the channel thank you guys um I wore my oh and I uh I actually texted both these guys yesterday because I knew that they would be all over this thing and um I texted Drew you were funny I sent him a picture of the round first this is I said cool can I shoot it yeah this one's chambered in 408 shy Tech um and then I texted Baddie just around and he was like such a good round and then I texted him a picture of the gun and he said an expletive yeah I spent a lot of it was like a loving screw you is basically what he said um and then last night I texted both of them again and I said do you want to come shoot it tomorrow and then I went and checked baddie's uh twitch because I figured he's probably on there and it's a little delayed what if by five seconds delay it's about five yeah and so I texted him and I got on his twitch and he goes hold on guys he gets his phone out on live stream he goes hold on guys and he goes and he runs away and he leaves the stream like there's just an empty room and bad he's gone for like five minutes and then he comes back and he's like sorry guys you got a cool text I have to do something tomorrow so I had to go check if I could do it or not I had plans I had to move some stuff around this is important so this is Marky marks this this is Marky Mark in shooter this is what he had an M200 intervention chambered in forward what's his chamber we don't know what was chamberton did they say they they I'm sure they called it a 50 pair so everybody call it at some point they have these in 375 uh shy Tech and 408 shy attack is that all they were chambered actually I'm not I don't know what are they chambered in the video games uh 408 yeah yeah we got the big boy so what's interesting about the four weight caliber actually I'll show you when we have around we're downrange right now I'll show you more about the round in a second but we'll show you what we're shooting at right now ah this we all pick this up yet oh yeah that is a solid block of bronze we actually had this thing specially made because we've been shooting different kinds of metals to see what happens so we decided to get like a really hard metal today to see what some big boy sniper rounds can do to a solid block of bronze probably a lot we're gonna stand behind like cover uh no ballistic glass right like I'm gonna stand behind Matt now we're gonna we're gonna shoot it from right here our legs are going to be behind the bulletproof glass good yeah that's what's important everything here down totally safe good here up I think it you'd probably be fine you've had kids we haven't yet so you can stand outside the glass we can't say yet whoa look at that round that actually is a 338 Lapua Magnum which is a really big round that's big right it's a sniper round made to go fast and hard just like baddie and fast that's a weird looking Airsoft BB yeah this is a 375 shytack Round obviously bigger more powerful that seems a little too bad more energy this is the 408 shy tack so you can just see it's a wider cross section pointy a lot yeah it's so sharp knife just a lot of energy there so that's you can see you'll just get this one out 330 the Magnum is a huge round everybody talks about how powerful they are downrange four weights a lot more this is a 50 BMG for comparison what are y'all doing so what's actually really interesting about a 408 shytac is past 400 yards it has more energy than 50 BMG under 400 this thing obviously is gonna have a lot more energy but it has a lot more drag so it slows down a lot in the air whereas this one keeps its energy going that's that's science ballistics versus World War II give me a big round that can go through things ballistics yeah so this one is made to shoot through engine blocks to go through armor this one is made to go really far and deliver a lot of energy really far away so this one stays supersonic up to 2200 yards it's faster than the speed of sound up to 2200 yards which is pretty crazy which is why if you're shooting something at 600 yards this thing is going to hit harder than this thing will science so we are going to shoot it at 100 yards M200 intervention collapsible stock for the no scoping or for Close Quarters breaching rooms oh you can't even get your you can kind of get your hand around close the door down I'll go in yo that's how snipers do it I was trained in that yeah got him yeah batty army sniper over here that's why he got invited not because I like him just because I'm okay with that I will take that today uh this thing does have a lot of interesting features uh the most notable that when you look at it is the carry handle that's on the bottom that's pretty different from a lot of guns like Barrett's got one right here on the top uh so it doesn't block your field of view it's center of the gun so you carry the gun upside down if you need a one-hand carry it it's got a cool bipod that kind of goes over and around that barrel shroud uh also this is threaded so we need to get a suppressor for it you're not going to show that on the channel though when you put it on right definitely will not show screwing a suppressor not not that we screw it on here however attaches however attaches I I don't want to show anybody the comments on that video were like thank you for keeping us safe so that we didn't know how to put a suppressor on a gun so when a mommy and a daddy Barrel get together sometimes the suppressor appears yep also you should go check out CF um they have lots of Epic giveaways uh I highly suggest going to check it out it's LinkedIn description as well all right you guys all want to see this thing fire as do I we have not fired around because actually it's really hard to find 408 shy attack rounds we only have a few of them right now so we're going to start small you guys know how this channel Works we're start small 760 by 39 out of the POF we're gonna hit that bronze block and see what that does we're gonna try to hit we're gonna try to hit my guns are kind of zeroed excited in schmied it in you know whatever first up 762 by 39 we got some regular rounds just we have two to see if we can hit it and then I've got some steel core Chinese rounds um to see what that does to the solid block of bronze fatty you want to do it oh man I knew I knew this was gonna happen it's not gonna be a pistol if you missed we're gonna be like buddy what the heck man come on smells don't smell it I'm ready bro all right solid hit right at the middle dude oh my gosh there's no way there's no way all right dude this is another regular round miss all right these are steel core hey let's call it right there it's good dude clear the gun let's go check it out that's not gonna happen again we're gonna be shooting all over the place so we have it at a slight angle because of that uh shooting a metal scary oh man and we're at 100 yards uh but this was your first shot this is your second with the steel core there is a little bit more of a hole there but not much it didn't do a whole lot so now we're going to move it up to a 762 by 54 r stands for [ __ ] fast next up the uh Romanian Beauty the Romanian uh dragging off clone we are shooting some 762 by 54R but we got some uh some trick bullets as well some spicy boys these are from Denver bullets we pretty much most of our uh weird bullets today are from Denver bullets this is an API round I have never shot an API out of this thing so we're going to shoot a couple rounds first see how it goes and then we'll fire the API round and drewsky's doing good luck Drew I don't want to end up like Kentucky ugly no there you go it's a PSL you filthy casual the PSO scope in this is yellow and foggy as an airsoft NC Star scope from like 2011 so that's gonna be a good time you hit uh too far left okay you hit about five inches left yep that's a solid hit that's great got it do that again bring it down a couple inches so this is our API round now that was a mess Miss yeah I don't know where that one went I couldn't tell oh there's smoke coming out of the wood really yep well that's scary that's cool oh man yeah that shooting dude that's two feet left and a foot up I think we screwed up a firing pin on this gun yeah we'll go check out what the regular Full Metal Jacket did and uh we're done with this gun should have bought a real Russian dragon off only hit it on the side no you hit it here and I said okay cool I said hold an inch off and you held here so it's still the exact same that's FMJ yeah that's regular FMJ so that is a bigger hole than our 762s so that was his first shot I told him to hold here he did hit right there and then those apis went everywhere we couldn't figure that oh my God my best what that's it oh whoa that's why we are 100 yards back because it's throwing stuff back like that into the 2x4 yeah that's nuts let's shoot something bigger and probably more accurate look at all this splatter here we're actually we kind of noticed this thing's not really moving a whole lot so we're gonna Mark where it is and we're gonna shoot it with three in a Win Mag now and see how much off that Mark it is I think we'll shoot at the same surface right now we'll see what it does three in a Win Mag out of the Petra we also have our last shot is a API a little silver tip we're gonna fire two regular ones to see where it's going first Drew wants to redeem himself but it really wasn't drew it was it was that gun something's going on with it yeah Drew broke the gun that was what was going on what's going on is Drew messed up everything steals your guns breaks your guns that hit the block but it hit on the left slant got it and you're about an inch low and about four inches to the left I'd say aim right side yep perfect hit cool next round is the API yak whoa whoa It's blasted it's black it's cool nice special round gun's empty dude work great drew that has smoke all over the black thing jumped right out in front of you did it dude look at this one you skimmed off the side it ripped the table up that's crazy okay so his first one's here I told him pull it right he did that is his next shot with a three in a Win Mag and then this is his API around this stacked that actually looks like the bullet and you can see where it went but look at our line how much it knocked it off being hit with those three rounds and it is tearing this up all this wood came off that's new because it just went firing all this way three in a Win Mag even API is not actually doing very much damage to this bronze block at all fortunately we're gonna have to shoot with a four-way shy attack we should spin it we should get a fresh side this time before we shoot the bronze block though I think we should shoot the shy attack a little bit see what she does no one here has ever fired uh M200 intervention right nope much less this one it's a learning experience okay so the guys at classic firearms did actually fire it so we know it works they said this magazine is a little loose so they said sometimes like last round it sometimes seemed like knock out like that but we'll see what happens we're gonna shoot on paper first kind of try to figure out where it's going alrighty all ready yep I'm just gonna name Center Mass put one on the bottom left circle bottom left it I thought he wasn't gonna blow up sound it's so good cool thing about this is like 15 bucks a shot so we just spent 30 bucks and we're not sure where those bullets went but look at this see I see that top one the first so just bore sighting this thing and comparing it to where the scope is yeah it's it's like three feet off like three feet high so like when I'm aiming at that white Target we were hitting the boards probably three feet above it so we didn't want to just keep firing because it's getting expensive very quick so we're gonna adjust our scope and see if we can put it on paper they fired this thing but we're not sure how much they fired it or if they really sighted it in but yep it's it's off we're cranking trying to just get a more side action close more sight because right now it is not I was thinking while we're sitting here um let's put a 1x on top just a little red dot and we get SBR this thing I'd be sick the 1X was my idea well actually I was I was saying we should just pop an ACOG on it'll be zeroed automatically automatically but think about this thing but with like an eight inch barrel oh the fireball I'd love it how's she looking getting there I think we're good enough that's what I think good enough that's what I like to hear yeah Ultra precision rifle we just need good enough it's a bore sight that's all bore sight is let's try it again I got another 15 bucks so why not you know I'm just gonna aim Center Mass foreign [Applause] ERS right we're snipers now we did it bring it down seven inches okay or honestly Matt and and left yeah say less bullseye we did it it's a pretty good foresight Two Shots we're in all right Giddy Up partners that is gonna take his first shot Baddie yeah don't fall in love I mean I'm going to were you aiming bottom left no oh that's way off that's great yeah you're uh five inches four inches left and three inches low sweet how'd it feel though that feels great that trigger is phenomenal there's nothing there just barely touch that trigger it's in Center ring you're about an inch and a quarter low that'll hit that block over there oh yeah that is a sharp it's very little kick actually very little but it's very sharp very quick gun's so heavy yeah it's as heavy as a Barrett it really is not bad at all and it feels good it sounds that that is nice we are excited in now I kind of want to see we have a half inch steel ar500 Target down there which will stop 50 BMG all day I want to hit it with a 408 and see what it does you bringing it right in I cannot we're that close you gotta we should be pretty dead on now let's uh who wants you know shoot steel do it Daddy do it let Daddy do it bady's going to slap that half inch air 500 man in the face and we're gonna see what a 408 shy Tech does to Steel that will stop at 50 BMG but this is going way faster you good to go yep I think it I think it took it fine we'll go down there look [Music] not even a dent no hit marker no hit marker popped up it's literally a hit marker that's what they hit a little thing so that solid copper bullets um so it left a little copper on the target but no den foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ER [Music] what huh the Earth's round right yes no there's only one way to know how long is it gonna take Earth is like 200 miles wide oh I do it yes we are firing a 408 shytac out of an M200 intervention at a solid bronze block dude it flipped it around made it so hard and it shot it off to the right you can see it hit the dirt mound to the right that's a hit oh my God it's still barely did anything but it moved it so it was right there you can see where our line was and it was all the way back here spun around but I mean look at that chunk it blew out of there there's a lot and so this would make a little bit deeper if we had it flat but we're trying to be safe because I don't know if y'all could see but it hit that and threw dirt everywhere so there's still a lot of energy coming back which we don't want coming back at us do you shoot it with a 50 BMG now yes it's a tradition here you have to I guess we'll do it I don't want to do it what a shame buried M82 uh we got some regular full metal jacket and then a black tip so we'll see what happens started loading a bear before rocks in oh rocks okay there you go yep got it oh bear it's just like an AK basically it's like a big AK is all it is I'm gonna hit the uh two at the bottom gotcha try to hit in between them so I went way off the night that's uh like a foot high right correct I would try again shooting between the two yep even higher I feel like I was more on that shot let me try one shot yep go ahead safety's on I'm gonna aim at the those two copper ones in the bottom I'm gonna name it the lower one yep gotcha do you hit exactly where uh Drew did his first shot like in the hole so it's way off yeah the guns after it's not you hey I'm a good sniper okay well your second shot was even off for being off I think we're gonna confirm that this thing is way off I'm going to try to hit that lowest copper way too far left you know I just got so used to the shy tack being like accurate this bear is just way off all right we're gonna try to wing it this is a black tip going at the Block it's spotted lift it I can see it see it hit man I was aiming like nine feet above it and like four feet right nailed it hey Matt huh honorary sniper I've been waiting my whole day for this whole day yeah it's been all day it knocked down it pushed it backwards what do you mean oh it flipped it this was on top hey Matt dang that would there's a there's more right there too that's it don't touch that Yep Hot there's more right there dang this is what you that's what you don't want coming back at you look at that oh oh you can't see the bottom that's a deep hole dude that's a good deep hole sharp too dangerous don't put your oh golly I think I can see oh that's weird it's like the perfect shape of the bullet so I bet you that was all jacket that we pulled out of there so I bet you that Center core went it's just and all the jacket flew back it looks like if you put a bullet in it it would perfectly sit like perfect seal that's how the shape is in there it's weird plug that hole with a bullet big thanks to classic firearms don't forget to go to it's it's worth a look I promise you also I also promise you that I'm going to someday shoot this thing at further than 100 yards maybe like one 25 150. I thought you said you were gonna shoot this thing and I was like like shoot well an M200 intervention stop a 50 cal thanks operator drewski thanks to batty for being here I love you and I'll see you next time thanks for inviting me out man that was that was super fun anytime and if you guys don't mind like spot me like 300 bucks for all the Emilio shot that'd be that'd be awesome 300 bucks each
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,642,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: QM4sY-zqgmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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