How Powerful are Harpoon Guns???

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whoa oh hey what what where are those what are those you'll never believe that i found like hundreds of guns down there man those are mine no no this uh this guy donut operator he told me they're all his he paid me like 400 bucks to get them all out no i drop i lost them all those are all mine i don't know man what's your name demolition ranch i never heard of it hey no before we get into this video i want to say thank you to our channel sponsor simplisafe simply save is incredibly reliable and effective home security you order it online it is delivered to your door and then you install it in your own home in under an hour there are no hidden fees there are no contracts it comes out to about 50 cents a day and then your house is professionally monitored 24 7 around the clock and if there is a break-in or anything happens at your house the police are called this is the home base station they have hd cameras they have sensors for every window and door this is your keypad which controls 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stuff yeah so his channel he does all not all but a lot of diving and searching for stuff and so he said he's gonna be in texas and i was like what could we do with jigging so we have a gun made for divers yeah so we've got a spear gun spearing is more my element and guns are and more of your element so this is kind of like the perfect little operation perfect i have never actually never seen one of these in person period much less seen it fire but what you've never seen is one of these fire above water right you're not supposed to do that right correct i i've only ever heard don't load it out of the water and do you load this thing under water underwater everything's underwater this gun is made to operate under water so above water there's pretty much no rules is this arrow-proof or no i we i guess we'll find out today i'm just worried like because how do you [ __ ] it yeah put it against you typically you would put this on your chest and you would pull back so this is just a big rubber band oh yeah but it's super thick and you have to hook it in that notch right there and then it launches it oh i'm scared oh my gosh it's hardcore what if this thing hits me in the face that's the problem that's probably what will happen okay okay she's loaded oh god okay it's a safety i don't know this is this is safety's on okay wait you're shooting it right now no i'm just holding it away because i'm scared it's going to explode the worry that we have is this thing maybe needs the water to kind of slow it down so it doesn't explode so we're not actually going to hold this thing while we fire it i don't think we're going to like hook it down to a table and shoot some things with it and then if this one works he also got some bigger ones we've got we've got some bigger he bought all of the spear guns in san antonio there was only four it's very hard to source spear guns last minute in the middle of texas just so that you know did you guys know how old this rubber is because it looks like you can see a little bit of damage there's a little little dry rot in that rubber you know they probably have had those spear guns for like four years probably not many people buying spare guns in central texas okay we're gonna tie it down see we can do glad we're doing this while it's loaded yeah what were we thinking this just already feels like [Music] wrap around here oh gosh secure does that seem totally you have to go under the what do you call this a spear i guess or a bolt yeah we call it a shaft but i think spear is way cooler i like to call this the shaft too you sure the safety's on over here no not at all i'll be honest i don't even have a spear gun like this mine's completely different so this is new to me too what this thing cost that's more like 150 bucks or something not too bad yeah not too bad yeah could not be any better we can't get to the trigger though but whatever oh yeah couldn't be any better than that you know we didn't think about when that shaft goes in there that uh you know a little lever we're not gonna be able to pull it out you know what i'm talking about yeah we just yeah it's gonna lock yeah so it's got a little lock on there so your little fishies doesn't get off yeah i think though it's gonna go straight through it i know this thing's made to stop arrows but this is this is hardcore i don't know i don't know what to expect but if it doesn't we just push it like if it we just make it go all the way through perfect sounds good okay um here we go oh the safety was the safety was not on the safety wasn't on no i mean i put it on but it some it's somewhere in there it got turned off safety is officially off we're going to back up and fire this thing we were just talking off camera and he said last time we were blowing up scuba tanks and we were nervous and he said i don't know how i'm more nervous about this little gun yeah i don't know why but i am a little spooky it could be it could be a total i mean it actually most likely will be a letdown right i'm a little worried that it's just gonna go like a freaking wimpy crossbow very possible i don't know i don't know way to find out who's ready yeah slow steady pull a nice slow pull uh-huh okay here we go it's starting to point upwards is it really yeah oh dang it should i just give it a quick jerk yeah i don't know if this is still there for sure is pointing at us now no it didn't fire oh yeah it just fell you ripped the tape uh we'll be back for round two in just a second listen this safety's confusing it says fire in now it's ready to fire so it was unsafe the whole time when uh yeah when i thought it was and i turned it i i don't know it's we got it figured out now now we're ready to rock i'm gonna actually put the safety back on and then we're gonna tape it up again it's for sure ready to fire this time oh hold on that didn't go nowhere nice easy pull it's probably gonna fire this time probably oh didn't even go in yeah i think it hit it sideways we we didn't catch the tuna dang it no no heavy yeah i didn't realize it was solid metal it's made to drive through the water crazy yeah so regular arrows are like carbon fiber so they're super light and they have a heavy tip this thing is all solid metal that is heavy okay uh obviously that didn't work at all so i looked at the gopro it looks like this thing just bounced off our freaking arrow target uh so now we're gonna see if uh this life jacket can stop this thing will a life vest make you spear proof beer proof all right so we'll have her taped up all right you want to load this one yeah i'll go for it see if you can handle it and then we will uh we'll fire so far very unimpressed with the spear gun out of water we are in there and we are at gut shot level safety's off she's live stream i mean i'm pretty sure we can just stand right here at this point but we'll go back yeah maybe another couple of tests back there before we know i'm actually going to turn her around i'm just worried we're going to hit right in the sternum you're just hauling butt away from this evil spear fisherman and he fires a spear at you will you survive see what we got oh aiming up did it go over her shoulder she missed yeah i'm pretty sure i can also shoot this one from the hand because it flew out here hit the end of the string bounced back and didn't rip that string i'm gonna say this little one does not have a lot of force now this is more of a bluegill situation right here yeah all right let's let's get it out of this tape you're going hands-on with this one huh yeah i think so i feel like it's fine like the thing i'm worried about is it hitting the life jacket and just bouncing back so i watched the gopro that one flew over her shoulder i saw you okay so you i'm gonna stand back there but have fun little spear fisherman sweet i've got a vest on just in case ah here we go oh what the did that miss come on she's invincible all right round two round seven there's no sights on this so i'm just gonna aim way lower than i think oh that was a hit and nothing you would definitely survive that yeah you wouldn't even feel it no that was it no didn't go in enough to stick in our freaking styrofoam walmart life jacket so you would survive a little gun let's try a big gun so we're moving to the bigger spear gun however this one does have a warning label it says never [ __ ] slings with the safety on fire we've done that on accident never [ __ ] slings out of water we've done that all day never bring a [ __ ] gun out of the water we did it now we didn't bring it out well that is true we did that one we did not do right it's just never in the water so we're good and then never point the gun towards another person that one we've never done we're good on that the mannequin is not technically so we're good we're good all right so this one has two bands now twice the power plus it's a lot longer right so our spear is twice as long as the other sphere so a lot heavier we're gonna try a watermelon we gotta get some penetration i know like it's one of those times where like you're trying to try and trying for penetration and you're just not getting it you just got to try more just got to grab a bigger shaft yeah yep big gun now big arrow oh this is a big one okay okay yeah i can i just don't want this tape to rip and it's going to hit me in the head yeah dude that's sketch all right so that was the close one that one to go here that's gonna be really hard oh god get my vest back on okay we're good she is hot you use that yeah i'm gonna step over here those bands are definitely old look at that oh yeah look at that that's not that's not good that is not good yep so this has double the bands and they're stretching further so this one should be more powerful the first one very underwhelming uh scared as we were about it but let's see okay so safety's on i'm just gonna move this a little bit put it right there we start pulling back it should kind of pull it up a little bit okay um oh we gotta tie string on it and then we are good to go right okay so you've seen what the other one did not much i don't have much debate what are your predictions all right so will we penetrate the watermelon will we even hit the water right will it go through will it bounce off well the first spear gun we had for like fish this big tiny little fish this spear gun i would feel confident shooting like a 25 inch grouper with it so i do think this one has a lot more power i know this one has a lot more power yeah i i hope we at least nick the water hope we just scratch it yeah how far away would you shoot a fish with something like this accurately underwater eight to ten feet you know but uh above water we're eight to ten millimeters right we've got a couple millimeters in between this thing all right that's perfect all right safety is off okay i'm stepping let's do it i think it's gonna go through oh no he's pulling up oh no i turned safety off are you sure give her a yank oh did that fire oh it did fire it went through it no way oh we did it dude that thing is gone oh it's oh it's right there it's stuck smell like watermelon smells like watermelon man did it hook in the it didn't really open that up that did a little bit look at that look blood coming out and everything that's a mission accomplished right there that's a clean spear dude that is crazy so i'm used to seeing bullets that go through right and it like blows them out this is weird just seeing a little hole clean yeah crazy okay in and out yeah it smells good smells delicious right okay let's step it up and see if we can do the life jacket again let's take out our mannequin okay i want to see one thing about it is our tape job is not holding up at all should we fire it by the hand we as in you absolutely it doesn't say that against the rules so i'm sure it doesn't say don't fire it out of your hands i'm in you're so strong i will say these bands are now seeing new stretch marks above it is on safety i don't like that at all you have fun here with your bullet fire right now here we go all right over here we're gonna get down like this here we go fire oh i got her i got her oh my gosh oh my dude there's some power that thing actually it kicks hard that's not good man there's some power there okay let's see if we can oh it's not gonna pull out either because it's got those hooks in there you gotta go straight yep sorry wow we gotta get it out forward oh you're just gonna have this one in you for a while wow that's pretty crazy it's crazy how dramatic the difference is the little gun wouldn't even poke yeah that's true this one's the one the other one bounced off of this foam life jacket this one went straight through arm off see the big ones will cut your arm right off so we were like what would happen if we put the life jacket around something that was closer to a human body so we just got this meat it's just a solid torso is worth of meat here we're gonna shoot it in the back and see if it goes through if it stops if it sticks she was just plastic i don't know she wasn't real i don't know if y'all knew that but there's a lot more this is really got to go through what do you think's gonna happen now now we know i'm convinced it's ripping through i think it's gonna go halfway in and stick halfway i'm i'm thinking the spear tip is coming out of okay coming out of the mirror there's only one way to know we have another spear gun because we couldn't get that spear out of that mannequin you shooting this one really uh from the hand can i wear the vest yes you can wear the vest and get behind this chair yeah this chair it looks like an old chair that we found on the side of the highway it's totally bulletproof though bro well i believe anything you say at this point yeah you should it's not like it will go through my torso or anything clearly so dude i'm just haven't you been like bulking and stuff yeah i can do it i'm just afraid it's going to explode you only got to do it once i'm so scared i didn't even watch you do this like you weren't even making a big deal out of it like you weren't afraid this is going to kill you no where'd you grab it yep right there is good give her a good read dude no you want me to do it i just want to see yeah i'm just scared it's gonna explode it's crazy it gets scarier and scarier and heavier and heavier and then like right here you're just like i'm about to die okay okay shoot dog oh boy oh man that one's stretching yeah we gotta fire that thing quick this is definitely not good we should have done this first we gotta put that vest on you know there's a lot of things i've done but it seems like i always do the weird things because of youtube yeah yeah i never thought i'd be i knew i'd be holding a spear gun you know but i never thought i'd be doing it with like a bulletproof vest in the woods shooting at a mannequin the thing about me is i was doing this stuff before youtube so yeah it's kind of how i roll but i've never done this so okay good luck in between the white stripes here huh yeah i'd get behind that chair as much as possible too one of these guys yep do we feel good here oh not really are we ready yep i'm firing oh my god you got her oh no terrible shot oh no terrible shot i'm not gonna lie i close my eyes i was a little scared i closed mine but it recoiled a lot kicks it's because it's that that's so much weight right like it has to throw all that weight i did blow the arm off i think that's all you hit yeah oh maybe we went straight through the jacket again okay so we're gonna have to shoot that again i'm sorry dude yeah it is you mess up you gotta do it again we good here yep oh that's a hit oh he didn't come out of the gun it didn't go very far though oh yep it's through oh caught in this all right so safe to say uh if someone's shooting that thing at you while you're running away run faster yeah you're gonna get hurt that's crazy though that the little one bounces off of this right and the big one goes straight through the body and this no problem here's our tip coming through and it gets stuck in this thing but there we go got it good yeah look at that give her a good tug there you go you're all right girl i'm just gonna fire this one far see what happens hopefully now that doesn't go far at all that's so heavy though not bad though that's about what we guessed right right like an arrow would just freaking fly down there but this thing weighs like 20 times when an arrow weighs even went and went sideways yeah we have a uh bulletproof vest here this thing has kevlar in it it's level 3a uh we're going to see if it'll stop a spear and we put a basketball in the middle if we can pop the basketball then it goes through the vest if we can't then we won't be surprised they're bulletproof are they stab proof they should be stat proof yeah most kevlar is all stab proof as well which theoretically should be spear proof probably is spear proof but i doubt they test it they probably did not test it i'm staying far away notice the difference of vest here i'm staying over there yeah all right all right good luck thanks i appreciate it i'm gonna fire this right like this safety is off oh [Music] so this thing is not coming out of the gun because it's hitting a target before it gets all the way up but the power though it knocked it back big time the power wow big thud basketball we'll play another game completely fine there she is right there yeah so let's actually pull this out went through that layer went through that layer little bitty hole there surprisingly that super powerful spear did not go through so weird it did shove it off the table though it hit hard i mean that's wearing that it was like a punch it's like we would have punched it knocked it that hard right it hits hard it's just not going as fast as a bullet which i'm not surprised there the only thing that's a little disappointing is this is not even close to what spear guns could be this is probably the cheap one this is probably like a nine millimeter of a spear gun if that makes you know what i mean yeah we obviously had the 22 in the very beginning the little bluegill shooter but this is not much bigger they have giant tuna guns how do you how do you rack those they're longer bands but they go under the gun they come over and you do the same thing but normally it's to your chest so you're pulling from your chest here jeez you want to come back with those next time we can come back with the biggest spear guns they make we're going to shoot through trees man all right i'm in i'm in all right so this video kind of a letdown we were actually both very scared right uh because we had no idea what it was gonna do now we know so jigging with jordan we'll come back later and we'll bring some bigger guns and see if we can make it a little crazier i think there's some room for improvement here go check out jake with i'll link him in the i can't even talk i'll link him in the description below thanks for watching nipple stretch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,107,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: JGetuXOdV-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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