Airguns more POWERFUL Than 9mm???

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okay so we're going to check out the long-range capabilities of this ak matt can can we um it's really hot man can can we take a break real quick man let's take a break a minute let me just get this shot first all right so i'm going to pop this can can we get some water or something man like we can get water we just need to get this shot first just chill out i'm really not feeling good man hey zip it and just finish the shot we're almost done yes sir all right are you you good ah not again are you good to go okay you can have his rations for the day let's do this boy [Music] demo maybe he went to the range there he is i knew it this episode sponsored by simply safe simply safe is a security system that experts trust they offer a comprehensive set of sensors and cameras including the all-new wireless outdoor security camera so i can keep an eye on all my kids and this dang dog from my phone whenever i want it's less than one dollar per day and it protects over a million homes in the u.s alone simply safe is backed by the best 24 7 professional monitoring in the business that are ready to dispatch police firefighters or emts to your home there's never a long-term contract you can even try it for 60 days risk-free to see if you like it if you don't send it back free of charge thank you to simply safe for sponsoring this video right now you can get 20 off your simply safe security system when you sign up for the interactive monitoring plan and you get your first month's free visit simply save dot com slash demo ranch to learn more welcome to demolition ranch you've seen on here we've had some air guns in the past we have something new and possibly even cooler than the ones we've done in the past this is put together by the pellet shop and utah air guns they reached out and asked us if they could send us some air guns they are big into air guns they wanted to see what we could do with these these are big bore air guns which we have shot before we have shot the air force texan and i have two of those and we also have shot uh the thing is called samyang dragon claw that one was a 50. the air force texans i think were 45 calibers this one is a 72 caliber it's huge it's about the size of a shotgun slug a 12 gauge shotgun slug and you can see that's got a big old hollow point in it these guns that they have sent us which we appreciate are called the aea zeus 72 caliber big bore air guns so just like the other ones they have to have a tank somewhere so these have their air tank right here this is their long version the sniper has a 32 inch barrel we also have a 24 inch barrel version as well as a cqb 16 inch barreled version each one has a smaller tube as you can see as well for the air chamber there not air chamber but air tank there so they get progressively smaller barrels and air tanks and we got from donny fl a suppressor this suppressor will go on any of these things they call it a moderator you put on cqb and you get a about as long as your sniper version or you can put on the sniper version and get a really long not gun because air guns if you don't know are technically not firearms so the rules for firearms do not apply to air guns so this silencer suppressor is not a real silencer suppressor it is not an nfa item at all and it ships right to your door and you can put it on your air gun and go to town these things are made to have fun with which is what we're gonna do here on the range we're gonna plank some targets and that kind of stuff but they also technically can be used in hunting you can take them hunting you can take down bigger animals with an air gun so we're gonna test that as well today we have an elk that i just bought we're gonna bring him out here and see if we can kill him with one of these air guns stay tuned we're gonna shoot the middle barrel length one first you see we have a gauge here telling us how much air we are in the green so the way you uh do this is when you're running low you just hook it up to a big air tank fill it back up again these things usually you get i don't know three to five shots before the air starts dropping enough that the bullet actually will change you can still shoot they're still fast there's not as fast so we're gonna open her up like that we're gonna throw our big bullet in here this is a 630 grain 72 caliber projectile i have an air gun so throw it right there and then we dropped this thing down and i believe we're ready to fire let's figure it out holy cow i'm gonna put my ears on that was very loud and uh kicked just like a shotgun my ears are ringing right now i knew it was gonna be loud i wanted to hear the first shot without ears uh because even though there's no gunpowder blowing up there's still a very big explosion you can see we still have you know in the green so should be good that is a solid hit though holy cow all right i'm gonna get my ears on we're gonna hit the same target again uh with a camera focused on it so you can see how hard that thing hits because it it freaking i mean this is an air gun and it splats that giant target hard next up i'm gonna do three shot burst and by burst i mean i'm going to fire and then try to do three consecutive shots really fast i'm gonna try to hit a target every time but we'll see what happens see how fast i can reload this thing here we go i need to get speed reloader in here it still trusts me out that there's not a shell that pops out like it's just it's just gone not wasteful that's what i like about air guns [Music] so we have shot five shots you can see we're down into the light green right now we can just keep shooting to see how long until it gets down to like real low and see if the noise changes but you can see got you know three shots off pretty quick so if you were hunting with this and you you know needed a follow-up shot it is possible a little bit slower than a bolt action still ringing very loud let's see if i can hit a little small target over here let me go for this black ring we'll go for green next to it ah jeez that hits so hard ah hurry all right we're under fire here gotta hurry i gotta put the right button there we go little blue one it's tiny wrapped it over uh no gun i've ever shot at that has wrapped one of those over that bar like that that is crazy so we've shot i don't know how many was that like eight or nine shots still got power i'm sure at 100 yards it would be dropping now but still has enough energy to hit that metal plate harder than any ar i've ever hit it with so these are 630 grains these are 440 grains you can see they're way different we're gonna switch and shoot the 440s out of this one the big long barrel so it should pick up lots of speed because it has a longer barrel and it has a lighter shot but still a big fat boy we're gonna set him down range it's the big boy time 32 inches of fury and we have a new long range setup we got a bunch of railroad ties and put a big berm behind them so it's looking all clean down there we actually smooth this all out with the bobcat too so that we can drive down there and check out our targets we're getting all set up out here we are shooting the small bullets at a long barrel so they should go very fast and we're at 10 000 yards here let's see what we can do with it all right that was a hit on green let's do another shot and maybe we'll take out the smaller yellow guy down there whoa that ding is so good so that actually did drop a little bit i'm gonna keep holding in the same spot and see if these keep dropping like that that first shot hit a little left so i did pull it over i'm gonna stay on the same right side but same spot otherwise yeah they're working the way down [Music] so i think this next shot will probably hit at the very bottom or right under but they are walking down so you would have to know that if you're going to hunt with this you have to know when you're on a certain level how much drop you're going to have at 100 yards all right that one's actually still about the same spot let's try one more i want to see if they really start walking off the target i mean they're still hitting hard you can hear them dinging that steel down there that one actually went way low and left my calculations are correct this one's going to go off the target what are we at here we are in the light green now shooting at like 25 yards this probably wouldn't matter at all but shooting this distance i saw a splatter but i couldn't tell where it came from what is that hitting is that hitting the stand i think both those last ones just fell off like went drop down and hit the stand uh let's go look actually yeah i couldn't figure out what's going on i was hitting this it was dropping down and then i hit here and then i hit here so those with lower power oh shoot this is them dude flatten them out big time so even with lower power it was still bending this steel that much that big old round i was kind of wondering how deformed these things would get at a hundred yards they are that smashed up just totally flat pieces of lead here's some more there's our bullets right there so i'll just melt them down crunch them back in the right spot i'll shoot them again let's see if we can take out the little yellow guy now i heard a hit i think it must have hit super low i think i hit the base of him that's a knock down target so if you hit it anywhere it should knock it right over [Applause] so let me try aiming higher we're mid-range light green right now so we're getting low on air for a shot like this i'm gonna aim real high oh it hit but didn't fall over let me aim even higher so we can hit him on the head and knock him over we are shooting our light rounds too and we might not have that knock down target adjusted properly but it's still 440 grain so they're not technically that light dang it i saw it wiggle [Applause] time has come for the cqb model a little shorty we're shooting our small rounds out of it we're going to go on the short range over here let's see what she can do see if she sighted in oh nope that was me i think went a little hike ah this thing is loud and kicks a lot two for one special i'm holding too high i need to aim lower this thing is crazy it does just feel like i'm shooting a shotgun yep i got the hold now one more shot in my pocket one more slug can i hit that moving thing we are going to fill it up so we're maxed out on our air pressure and we're gonna put a suppressor on it and see how it works gosh look at that beauty we got our 630s big boys i don't actually know if even the small ones are super sonic i'm sure they're subsonic but i'm not sure let's shoot into the dirt see what it sounds like still loud but definitely not hurting my ears like before let's see how loud it can ring some steel i tried to be really cool and do it fast and instead i just pulled it off target because i'm a wimp and flinched all right this one though that's pretty loud what's crazy is when you don't have ears on and you have a suppressor you can hear a lot more stuff going on in the gun so after i fire i can hear like a like some of the metal is vibrating let's shoot this big guy over here [Music] one more shot let's do a little plate up there because i think it rings pretty good jeez now we have determined these things are fun um pretty reliable we've had no issues with them you can hit long range with them but what would they do if they actually hit a live target hey yeah bring out the elk it's the first time we've ever done this so it's a big deal this is this is elton the elk uh just kidding uh this is from ballistic dummy labs we have a torso it's made to simulate a real human torso and blue blood and this one is what i've been told so we'll see we are going to yeah we're gonna slap it real good with one of those rounds like we're shooting a big bullet out of the big gun with a big suppressor um i'm going to aim just center mass chest this is going to be freaking messy oh [Applause] dude we got an exit wound right there broke his spine that probably would have been a paralyzing shot right there oh probably also hit his heart that is a direct center of chest hit uh we don't mean blood actually though so we did not hit the blood pouches in here let's go ahead and give it another shot maybe we'll go for a little lower maybe in the liver see what that does but that went through front of the sternum busted through a rib and a vertebrae right there and came out the back he did we're gut-shotting him with a fast little baby one see what happens you ready it's coming in hot [Music] i see blue blood [Applause] right in there i think we nicked the bottom of the liver and got the guts dude that's the bullet holy cow so it did not come out but it is in a very bad place also got his spine uh so he's also paralyzed again um plus he has a bullet stuck in his spine right there uh cracked that vertebrae oh yeah i can feel it yeah that's also gonna be a fatal shot that's a knockdown went through his liver definitely busted some big vessels in there you don't want to get hit in your liver there's a lot of big arteries in there and then stuck in his spine so he is he's instantly down um let's just shoot like three more shots in a row and see what happens we're doing cqb we suppressed it and we're gonna fire three shots into him in rapid succession why do i have i have those on did y'all hear that sorry i just got confused because i heard something in my ears oh yeah it's this i can just hear this ringing it was just amplifying it in my electronic ear muffs and i thought it was a ricochet okay let's see if he survived [Music] i had another one going here we had one go in here and then i shot one down low ew got his blue blood on me i don't think one went in there i think that just hit there and flap that open i am good at getting him stuck in his spine there's one that went through his spine there i think another one came through the same hole there no there's no way that came through the same hole so that one's probably still in him so shorter barrel in a normal firearm means less oh wait this is something else because that or did y'all cut that how is this one coming through now that's two bullets stuck on each other no i don't really know what's happening but jeez that's a big old bullet safe to say we've paralyzed him and murdered him multiple times not good for him so we have deduced that the air guns are fun are accurate and can definitely kill an elk youtube next up dual wielding i'm gonna fire as fast as i can and we are going to rip that torso up oh man i shot so fast and reloaded so fast it's really a workout but took care of that guy we have a head from ballistic dummy lab now a skull analog and i'm gonna be shooting big rifle big slug big man let's see what happens to a big skull i'm gonna aim yeah right about here i think i saw chunks of skull flying oh man it went straight through uh that's the back of his head holy cow went in through the eyeball which is always where i aim on the zombies oh yep so that ladies and gentlemen is what you call getting domed thanks again to pellet shop utah airguns and donnie fl appreciate you guys hooking us up with this this is pretty sweet and we're gonna do a giveaway to you guys um out of all the shirts that are sold today linked in description below we're gonna pick two of you guys we're gonna send the mid-range and the long range guns to a random two of you guys so they're pretty sweet uh very fun we'll send you some ammo as well but we're gonna keep the shorty with the suppressor because i think that's the best one thank you guys so much for watching this episode of demolish ranch i love you and i will um yeah i'll possibly see you next time [Music] you're really gonna enjoy what we have here [Music] [Applause] okay it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,189,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: l9FcSGtxYA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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