Surprising Food Combos Taste Test

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Here are all the names for chocolate bars they come up with during GMMore:

1.Milky Way + Mounds

Milky Mounds

2.PayDay + 100 Grand Bar

1000 grand payday

100 grand payday

Big payday

3.Big Hunk Bar + Mr.Goodbar

Mr. Good Hunk

Hunk Hunk Mister

Hunky Mister

Mr. Big Bar

Mr. Hunk Bar

Hunka Hunka Mr. Burnin Good Bar

Hunky Broster The Bar

Mr. Hunk Good

Good Mr. Big

Good Mr. Hunk

Hunk Mr. Good

Mr. Hunk Good

Mr. Good Hunk

Hunk Good Mr.

Good Hunk Mr.

Mr. Big Good Hunk

Mr. Hunk Good Big

Mr. Hunk Big Bar

Hunk of a Bar

Mr. Good Hunk Big

Mr. Big Hunk

4.Butterfinger + Almond Joy

Almond Butter Joy

Almond Butter bar

Joyful Bar of butter Almonds

Almond finger

Finger my butter Almond

Butter Joy Almond Boy

Finger Joy

Almond Butter finger Joy

Finger Joy

Joy finger

Butter Joy

Almond Butter Joy finger

Almond finger Joy butter

Joyful Butter

Butter Joy finger Almond

Finger Almond Joy

Finger Butter Joy

Smell Your finger

Smell your Almond finger Butter Boy

You Butter fingered my Almond

You better Joy my finger

Enjoy my finger Almond Boy

Enjoy my butter Almond Boy

The Joy of Butter

The Joy of Butter by Almond finger

Butter my finger

Almond utter

If you enjoy my finger You should try my utter

Almost haven

I cant believe it's not Joy

Almond Butt

Butt finger

Butt finger Almond Time

The Joy of Butt finger

Butt finger Joy

Butt finger All Joy

Butt finger Jo

Butt finger J

Butt finger Oi

Butt finger All

Butt finger mond

Joy finger Butt

Butt Joy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cheshire_Cats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett downing the two shots of cognac, lmao. It was wonderful how disappointed the two of them were as the episode progressed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CheeseWeenie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Some of those food combos legit...don't even seem like something a pregnant person would eat while having weird ass pregnancy cravings. And I agree with Rhett on the strawberry/garlic combo because there are actual salad recipes that combine the two.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MontanaDukes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not sure if it’s the cabin fever, but this episode was a blast.

They’re killing it this season.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadpoolisms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Another Gus Johnson appearance in the More endlsate

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BasedGodKebab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Banana + pesto is a great snack.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/El_tacocabra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loves these episodes. Rhett being a bit of a brat is always hilarious. The naming of the candy was hysterical. And increasingly ripped Rhett looking goooooooood in that black shirt.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ketosibs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Whose tongue is smarterer according to science? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning. - You ever wonder why PB&J tastes so good, or why orange soda and anchovies definitely do not? Well, according to believers of the flavor pairing theory, it all comes down to delicious, indisputable science. - The flavor pairing theory claims that the reason certain foods pair better together is because they actually share certain chemicals in common, and through this idea, science has introduced some pretty bizarre food combos that theoretically should be matches made in culinary heaven but will our non-theoretical tongues actually agree? It's time for This Tastes Like Science! - So the core concept of flavor pairing theory is that the more aromatic compounds two foods have in common, the better they're gonna taste together, and this is based on the fact that 80% of our food and drink's flavor is determined by how our noses pick up what's called volatile aromatic compounds, such as dimethyl sulfide and cadaverine. - Mm. (laughs) - Two of my favorites. - And decorated chefs from around the world have started utilizing this mad science, but not everybody believes in this theory, so we are gonna test it ourselves. - Yeah, we're gonna taste some odd combinations that science says should work alongside one another, and also some weird unscientific ones that Josh and Nicole have made up and see if we can tell the difference. - Whoever's got the most scientific tongue will win the coveted First Place Tongue ribbon. - Ooh. - Let's eat. (upbeat music) - [Both] Round one. - Okay, we're starting off with coffee. According to the flavor pairing theory, one of these three ingredients is a scientific match while the others are not. Now, our options are bok choy, mustard, and carrots. - Bok choy, what's that? (laughing) Is this that, is this stuff that floats in soup? - Bok choy is like one of the most pound-for-pound nutritious things that you can eat on the planet. - You ever had it with coffee? - No, I'm not coming to any conclusions other than I think there's a reason why I haven't enjoyed those together before. - Well I'll tell you right now, bok choy ain't creamer. (crew laughs) - Coffee and carrots, they start with the same letter. (crunching) I love how you provided toothpicks for the carrots as if we couldn't grab them. - You know, we're divas now, we don't like to actually touch the carrot. - Ew. (crew laughs) - Hmm. All right, to me, there is a distinct pairing that brings both flavors more to life. (claps) I got my chemistry, I'm seeing chemistry right now. - [Stevie] You're gonna put your coffee mug behind the bowl you think is correct in three, two, one. - I think it's the mustard. - Mustard. - Okay, you agree? - And I actually kind of like it. - Yeah, it's weird. I'm tempted, you know what, let's just do it. - [Rhett] Let's just stir it in. (crew laughs) - [Stevie] Guys, it's not even the right answer. You're both incorrect. (buzzer buzzes) - It's not right? - Oh, it's not? - We like it. - [Stevie] Don't you feel like fools now? - [Rhett] Then it's the carrots, isn't it? - [Stevie] Yeah, it's the carrots. - Carrots was my second choice, I will say that. - All right, so we both got it wrong. - [Stevie] You can share that, but now I'm curious, you need to take a sip of your coffees and does it ring true? - I already did, it's horrible. (crew laughs) - I love it. - The scientific explanation printed here on this card says that coffee and carrots match because they share 4-vinylguaiacol and 5-methylfurfural. - Oh, I love methylfurfural. (upbeat music) - [Both] Round two. - All right, so we got some white chocolate, yum, plus (groans) caviar, seaweed salad, and what is this? - [Nicole] That's unagi, also known as barbecued eel. - Eel, yeah. - Unagi? Man, I love some white chocolate. - You really to ruin it? (crew laughs) Forever? - And these white chocolates they gave us, they have a nice little crevice to put caviar apparently. - [Rhett] That doesn't, you know what? That's not a bad idea. - I'm gonna put it in there because you know, it's a pairing. - Um, that wasn't good. (Link gags) - Especially it's so fishy, and salty. - Well because it's- - It's so sea-y. - It's the potential of fish, is what it is. (Link groans) - Now okay, so you've made yourself a seaweed sandwich here. Ugh. - Similar thing going on. I mean, y'all are being a little tricky here, giving us three things from the sea. - [Stevie] Well you did so well with the first round. - Right, we gotta make it hard for them. - I mean, the seaweed wasn't as pungent as the caviar, but it's the same experience. - The part that's good is the white chocolate. Is that what we're deciding? I prefer the white chocolate. - All right, but you gotta find the volatile. - [Both] Aromatic compounds. (crew laughs) - Um, I have an answer based on that and I do not want to taste any of them again. (Link groans) So, I am ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I'm going for the caviar. - I went with the eel. - Even though it's a horrible experience, we've discovered that chocolate covers a world of hurt. - But white chocolate isn't even chocolate. - But maybe, oh maybe it's plays together. - [Stevie] The correct answer is caviar. - Okay, but why? Rhett, you lost, you gotta say why. - White chocolate and caviar match because they share multiple compounds, including trimethylamine, which coincidentally also causes the odor of some human infections and bad breath. (upbeat music) - [Both] Round three. - Okay, now we're trying to find the scientific pair to strawberries. - Mm-hmm. - We're choosing between mushrooms, eggs, and just straight up garlic. - But first, quick announcement, do you know what scientifically pairs with this episode? Josh and Nicole's new podcast, which is called A Hot Dog is a Sandwich. I invite you to check it out. Enrich your mind much with the soothing sounds of the pairs they engage in great food debates, and see their equally-soothing faces. A video version of the podcast-- - We have such soothing faces. - That went live yesterday. Which way would I point for yesterday? Yesterday. - This way. - All right, so, you're already eating a strawberry. - I can't help myself. - Strawberry and a mushroom. Oh look, it looks like a character. Hey, I'm a guy with sunglasses on. - You're seeing something that I'm not, let me just be honest with you. Um, wow. (crew laughs) - I'm seeing it. - That um, that told me nothing. - Mushrooms are, they don't have a lot of flavor. Now that's a weird world that I'm living in. - [Rhett] That's a bedeviled egg right there. - What if that, what if that thing came out of a chicken? You know, ooh you're already on the garlic. - I'd take it to the state fair and win something. I got a strawberry-yolk-laying-egg chicken. (they both grunt) I gotta say that out of one of those, on that first taste, I got a strong association between two of the ingredients. - You're obviously talking about the garlic because that's the only one that have a strong flavor. Everything else is kinda-- - I didn't say a strong flavor, I said a strong association. - Get out of my face, man. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I think it's the eggs. So see-- - The strawberry garlic thing was working for me. - Did you like it? - Yes. - What about this, this, and this? (Stevie giggles) - [Stevie] The correct answer is mushroom. - No it's not. - Oh, we both got it wrong? (crew laughs) It's mushroom, why is it mushroom? Strawberries and mushrooms match because they share oh, of course, I knew this, they share 1-nonanol (crew laughs) and methyl butanoate. - But listen, I think garlic shares two nonanols. (upbeat music) - [Both] Round four. - So we got some salmon here, some lychee, oh licorice, and then we've got hops. - Why couldn't this be fun? I just, I thought it was gonna be fun. - I know, two rounds ago after we were done, I turned to Morgan and I was like "does this get better?" and he says "it gets different." (laughing) - I was, I've been looking forward to this episode. - I know, guys. - I want to discover things. Y'all are like "how about salmon and hops?" (laughing) - Science, man, science goes places that humans aren't willing to go. - You're right. - And then humans finally show up and they're like oh, you were right. - Us doing this is like getting to the moon. - I'm gonna make my mouth into a moon shape. - How are you gonna do that? I'm kinda doing it. - You can't, what about that, you're talking about a crescent moon. - It's a crescent moon. - I was doing a full moon. - Thank you for the toothpick for the licorice. - Now if I don't like salmon or licorice? - Maybe you'll like both of them together. Can you just eat hops? (crew laughs) - Yeah Nicole. - Did y'all look into this? - How's this normally work? - [Nicole] Uh, I don't know, just do it. (laughing) - Don't ask questions, just do it. - I love the honesty. - What in the world? I don't think you're supposed to do that. - It's very bitter, talk about aromatic. - I got a guess based on that. - [Stevie] Okay here we go. - I had a good experience at one point. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - With the lychee, it really, this really worked together. - I like lychee, but thought that the hops and the salmon actually complemented one another. - The hops? - And also salmon when they're trying to get upstream, they hop. - [Stevie] The correct answer was licorice. (giggles) (buzzer buzzes) - Really? Man, I mean, science is on its own today. - Okay, I will say, when I tasted those two, I was like "I kinda like this," but I thought it's just because I like licorice, and just was like "they just threw that in there "to throw me off." I gotta just get out of y'all's heads and get into my head. - Get into science's head. - Okay. - [Science] Well get into science's card and read it please. - Oh. - Oh. (crew laughs) - Salmon. - Salmon and licorice match because they both share the x, hal, hexanal. - The property hexanal, which is a six-sided anus. (laughing) (upbeat music) - [Both] Round five. - I kinda just want to forfeit. - Liver, man. Your nemesis. Also my nemesis, but is it great when you pair it with matcha powder, what is this? - [Rhett] It's jasmine tea. - [Link] Jasmine tea or cognac? - Um, why? - Science, if you're listening, we hate you. - If this is what it takes to get man back on the moon, I don't want to go there. Listen, we went there, we put a flag, it's just a bunch of dust. There's no people there. - [Link] Let me dust you. - Don't dust my liver. Okay. - Dink it. - Why are we gonna suddenly dink it? (crew laughs) Why you gonna do a last round dink? - It'll make it better. (groans) And sink it, it's the rhythm of it that helps me. - That is bad in all kinds of ways. - I mean, the matcha does help you. - The matcha's strong. - Matcha beats liver, it's stronger, so it does help. - That's not what we're measuring. - Okay, so now I'm gonna take another piece of liver. - You're gonna pour tea over it? I'm not gonna-- (crew groans) No, I'm not doing that. There's that metallic taste. (gagging) (spits) Oh gosh, I regret, listen. (Link yells) I just feel like I've been hoodwinked. - Of all the stuff we've eaten, it doesn't make liver more palatable. Oh this, this should help. Okay so let me get. - Get a little bit of liver, then. (crew laughs) (Link gags) - We still doing this, okay. - What I thought was gonna happen is I thought we were gonna find all these cool combinations. - Wow, this is amazing, you should try this at home. - What I was secretly hoping, I didn't tell anybody, is that I was gonna take these combinations and I was gonna have a party at my house. (crew laughs) And I was gonna invite the coolest people I know and I was gonna be like "mm-hmm, taste these two things together," and then I was gonna be-- - So well-liked. - They would be like "oh, you gotta go "to the McLaughlins' house, they just combine things "and it's crazy." I'm not having that party. You're all not invited to the party that I'm not having. - Let's vote. All right. - [Stevie] Here we go, three, two, one. - I think it's the ma, oh why do you think it's the tea? Because that's the one thing that didn't help. - Because there was a metallic-y taste in there that I thought I was getting from the tea. - Did one of us at least get one of these right in this whole exercise? - You already got one right. - I don't even remember. (crew laughs) - [Stevie] The correct answer is jasmine. (bell dings) - Yeah! - All right so you got this right. - Finally. - Liver and jasmine match because they share multiple compounds including indole, which is defined as, quote, "a crystalline organic compound with an unpleasant odor "present in coal tar and in feces." - Yeah, makes all kinds of sense. Hey, come over to my house, we're having feces tea. - Did I win? - No, we tied, you got your own. (laughs) You want me to tongue you? - No, I'll do my own. (crew laughs) - Okay, all right. (muttering) - All right, thanks for subscribing and clicking the bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Emily. - And I'm Riley. - And we're about to try Pennsylvania white-tail deer testicle for the very first time. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Well that was quite an awkward bonding moment. - Uh, that was a full ball that they held up at first, I thought they were gonna bite into it like an apple. - Yeah, I know. - Click the top link to watch us guess which candy bars were melted and then paired together in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - That said, if I went to a restaurant and they said the soup of the day is chili, I would feel just as misled if the soup of the day was a bowl of Frosted Flakes. - No you wouldn't, you're just lying to lie. No, that's, okay, no, I don't agree with that.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,350,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Surprising Food Combos That Are Scientifically Proven (Taste Test), egg, strawberry, food combos, complementary taste
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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