Worst Food Crimes Taste Test

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was intriguing. I'd very much like to see more of these "Worst Food Crimes Taste Tests" in the future.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm a big fan of episodes where Rhett and Link look at strange Reddit posts while combining them with some kind of challenge. It's a step up from normal games and taste tests, and it reminds me of the old days where they would discuss strange internet trends.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Rhett and Link like peanut butter so much that they actually liked a Peanut Butter, Cheese, and Onion Sandwich.

I love it more than any other condiment, but not that much.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Deadpoolisms 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Speaking of Reddit food crimes, I present to you the infamous cock in the hole.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dietcepheus 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

That bologna and mayo one looked appetizing as hell.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ZedFraunce 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Where do they post the surveys to vote at? I always seem to miss them all 😭

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jesssssicaaaaa 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Well, our stomachs do the time for these food crimes. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Over the past few months of being holed up at home, a lot more people have started cooking for themselves. I wish I could say I was one of them, but I'm holding out. - Right - But as a result, a lot of people have created a lot of things, which the internet dubs food crimes, right? Have you eaten any foods that you consider to be food crimes? - There's not many things that I don't like, but I've always thought that the lettuce wrapped burger was offensive. - I get that and just to be clear, food crimes are real dishes that are shared online and universally critiqued as crimes against the culinary arts. They are unique and they're hideous food creations that make no sense and should be sent back to the circle of hell from which they came. Let's explore some it's time for crazy food crimes, but not like what's in Dahmer's freezer. Why do people make meals worse than scams targeting geezers? we recently posted a series of actual food crimes as match-ups on our Instagram and you voted on which dishes you thought were the biggest of the two food crimes. - Okay, mythical chef Josh has recreated these lovingly recreated these food crimes. We're gonna bring out the match-up. We're gonna try both of them. And we're trying to predict the one that you said would be the worst is the greater offender. And behind that, we're going to put our yak scarecrow, captain yak scarecrow flag. All right the first match-up we've got bologna Mayo cake versus spaghetti jello. - Now this is very eye catching and that one's very deceiving. So I think we need to cut into-- - Let me cut it. You know, you brought it in facing yourself. So, I mean, don't hurt yourself. Don't hurt me. - Okay let's see what's inside of this thing. Bologna Mayo cake. - Oh, it cuts nice - The white stuff is Mayo? - [Josh] That is correct yes. - Let's see it. - That is pretty ya'll - That looks good. I mean, do you think that's more purdy than this is? This is very good Morgan. - Now this is actually, I didn't know this I'm from the South. I didn't know that bologna cake is an actual Southern recipe and they actually used it or referenced it in "Sweet Home Alabama", the movie. But they use cream cheese with that. This is mayo. - I'm stuck. - You've created a problem. - Can you help extricate? Yeah thank you. That was good yeah okay. - I'll get some of that Mayo on top - Dunk it and sink it. - No, there's nothing wrong with this. It's just a bunch of bologna with mayo on it. There's just no bread. - It's not bad. Let's try this out. So this is jello made out of SpaghettiOs, that's tomato soup and gelatin. And then you got vine or sausages as garnish in the middle. - I'm not gonna eat the Vienna sausage or the Vienna sausage as we said at my house, we were just a little more upscale. We've lived closer to the country club, not in the country club just close we could see it. That's not bad. It just taste like SpaghettiOs frozen. I mean, not frozen. - Just cold, wow I mean the good news is they're not crimes to our pallets. - I don't think that I would bring either one of these things to a family reunion. - But which one do you like better? I like this one a little better. - I like the taste of this one better, but I actually think, are we guessing on a three to one or we just, how are we doing this? - We're gonna three to one flag. - Okay, all right. I think I know which one. - [Woman] You guys know what's on the line, right? Like there is a lot on the line in the end for you. - That's right because whoever gets less points at the end and we've got escalating points each round will have to consume a food crime that mythical chef Josh has created just for us. - [Woman] Okay so you're guessing which the MBS thought was the bigger food crime in three, two, one. - Oh, yep, I think the spaghetti rocks - Bologna is something that turns more people off. That's my theory. - [Woman] 53% Of the mythical beasts, think the bologna Mayo cake is the bigger food crime. - You're right. - And we're tied. Okay, this next food crime match-up is what happens when the devil goes shopping at seven 11. Pringles jam versus Dorito cereal. Let's start over here with the Dorito cereal, right? - Why don't we. - Originally posted on Reddit in 2015 by user Deceptichum. It was basically originated over on the major league gaming community, which is like, E-sports sponsored by Doritos and mountain Dew. So MLG food is anything that uses mountain Dew and Doritos, including - Learn something new every day. - It's Doritos cereal. - So it's just Doritos kinda crunched up a little bit like crushed and then mountain Dew on top. - I mean, you nailed it, right? - What's not to like. - You nailed it. - That's the recipe. I just gave you the recipe for those following along at home. Really good at soaking. - I mean the first bites, the crispiest. - Nothing in my life has ever met my expectations exactly. - Right.(laughs) - It is exactly what you think. Mountain Dew poured over Doritos would tastes like, - And the first bite is gonna be the best cause that stuff's gonna get soggy and nasty. - But they don't come together to make anything different. It's just, Oh, there's Doritos there's mountain Dew. They're both there. Welcome to the party in my mouth. - I have no clue what pringles jam is though. - Okay, so Pringles jam was introduced to Reddit by Sola Angelus. And they were actually inspired by the Pringles tagline which I didn't know, this is were the Pringles tagline was. You don't just eat 'em, you jam 'em. So they were like, okay, I'm gonna take that literally. And then they asked her grandma and the grandma said it was a good idea so they did it. - Well, are we supposed to dip more Pringles in it? - There's only one Pringle. You wanna split the Pringle? - I mean it is a dip, right? - I'll give you the small one. - Okay so it's not typically-- - And it broke - And what's in it? Josh, you know, what's in this. - [Josh] Oh yeah it's just fruit, pectin and sugar. Sorry, fruit the Pringles is the fruit. Pringles, pectin and sugar and a little bit of water. - What? - That's awful. I mean, this is like something you use in a construction project. If you get really desperate, you can eat the caulk. (laughs) - What, eat the what? - The caulk, - The caulk - The caulk. You really hit that L. - Caulk it. - Yeah if you get really desperate, you might have to eat the caulk. - I don't know, I think this is good for babies. - A baby would eat it. - It is fruity. I don't think a baby would complain specifically about it. - But that's not what we're trying to figure out. Which one would the do they-- - Based on the looks alone? Which one is the biggest offension? This is a bigger offension. - [Woman] Ready to guess? - But what did you think? Hmm, this is tough. - [Woman's Voice] Three, two, one. - I'll take a risk. - I think it's the jam. - [Woman] We're back at 53%. - Gosh, really? - It's close. - [Woman] 53% of the MBS think Pringles jam is the bigger food crime. - That just tastes like what you think it is. Cause it is what it is. - But it's good. You want to know something scary and entertaining. We've got a novel that's scary and entertaining and it's in paperback. Go to bleakcreek.com. I thought that was Stevie's voice. When you made that Stevie impression, bleakcreek.com. Get that book, it's flappy. - Okay, now we've got a peanut butter sandwich with cheese and onion versus something called cheesy Marmite toast. - Let's start with this cheesy Marmite toast. Now this is an actual thing in great Britain. - Yes. - You know, but these are like the crappy American versions of the same ingredients that make it just kind of thrown together. It's got mustard with some cheese, with some Marmite on toast. - And usually it'd be like good bread and like a fine cheese and English mustard it would be melted. - We're getting none of that. - You're gonna just pick it up huh? - We just US of aid. I know that Marmite is going to be Salty. Mustard does help. Cheese could have been melted, but, - I wouldn't know it cause you compare it to, I would think that might be kind of fancy. - That's not something I'm gonna be dreaming to go back to. - Well, what about a peanut butter sandwich with cheese and onion? Okay this thing was posted on a blog in 2012 called burnt my fingers. And the chef was introduced to the dish by their roommate, Elliott. - Thank you Elliot. - So we got the peanut butter, the cheese, my onions are coming off. - The onions is the weirdest part to this because I've done peanut butter with mayonnaise, banana, that kind of thing. - I'm still hopeful about this. Peanut butter is such a strong flavor. Onion has a nice crisp crunch to it. - You know what it does? The onion and the peanut butter together make it like a Thai peanut sauce. - You're right. - It tastes like a lettuce wrap sauce. - This is good. Well, you know what? Burn my fingers and call me happy. This is pretty good. But I hope you guys didn't vote for this because that's not even a food crime. That's a food freaking discovery, Elliott - All right how about that. - [Woman] Three, two, one. - They definitely thought this one was worse. (laughs) - I think Marmite tops it all. - I don't know Peanut butter and onions man. - [Woman] You will not believe this 53% of the MBS think the peanut butter, cheese and onion sandwich is the bigger food crime. - So close every time though. - 53% did like, I dunno like five people take this and they voted the same way every time there's no more than that. - Millions of people follow us on Instagram and are chomping at the bit to fill out any survey we post. - Okay these final two food crimes are most painless because they spit in the face of the land known for its food, Italy. We've got bubblegum banana pizza versus canned tuna with vegenaise, hot sauce, olive oil and Italian herbs seasoning. Just to give a little more background over here, Reddit user wadzilla made the post of this dish that her boyfriend makes for breakfast every morning, which someone responded, you're dating a cat? So, you wanna dig in? - No, I don't I don't. - This looks fabulous, doesn't it? - I just don't understand how it happened. I don't know what series of events led to this. - I guess you're having canned tuna for breakfast and you're just throw in some stuff on it Just to make it more interesting. Like adding the Mayo or the vegenaise I guess is normal. - It actually isn't bad. - No, it's not. - The way it comes together is just like something you put on a sandwich, but there's no bread. - It's very heavy for breakfast though. - The breakfast part is confusing. - I'll tell you, what's confusing over here, putting bubble gum on something as if you expected to just eat it. That's not what you do with bubble gum. - So this is just simply a pizza with bananas and bubble gum on it. And the bubblegum, as you can see in the oven just melted. And so I don't even think it's chewable anymore. - So, but where did this come from? - The origin is a mystery. - Facebook in 2018, - In 2018 there was a Facebook post. They don't know where it came from. There was a box that had something in Portuguese written on it that said the best pizza in the neighborhood. So I don't know whatever this is from. Oh, it smells awful. - Oh, there's nothing like tomato sauce and bananas and gum to really create a war in your mouth. - The most off-putting thing about it is the taste of bubble gum in your mouth and you're just eating it. - I wanna chew the whole thing forever, but it's going away. It's sliding down the hatch. Something wrong is happening that we can't fight. - You're so far behind that you cannot win, but here's what I'm gonna do because I'm a magnanimous friend. If you guessed it correctly and you also guessed the percentage, which is probably 53%, let's be honest. Then you can win the whole game. And then I have to take the food punishment, the food crime. So which one of these does the mythical beast think would be gross. - Let me see the pictures. Josh, scroll back a little bit. Cause I need to look at what exactly they were looking at. Their versions look even scarier than ours. Thank you Josh, oh my gosh. - [Woman] Ready? Three, two, one. - Especially when you look at the picture that you guys voted on, that tuna looks nasty and you're thinking, - This seems fun. - That it's fun. - You think this if fun it's not fun it's bad. - This is good that's horrible. I'm gonna say a 54%. - [Woman] Out of the 85,000 people who did take this poll on Instagram, 57% of the mythical beast think bubblegum bananas pizza is the bigger food crime - Well you're right. - I was wrong. - We thought you would think this is fun. - I was so close to still being totally wrong. All right what's my punishment, Josh. - [Josh] Well, I was really inspired by tuna breakfast. So I made hotdog breakfast. I had actually hate this, but this is hot dogs, ketchup and mayonnaise on a short stack of buttermilk pancakes. - [Josh] Think of it like chicken and waffles. - Yeah think of it just like that. Is that butter or what is that around the-- - [Josh] That's mayonnaise - Mayonnaise. It's just more Mayonnaise. How is that? - Unnatural? (laughs) - [Josh] Don't throw away the leftovers. - All right thanks for participating all 85,000 of you, especially that 53%. - Also thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi my name is Izadi and I'm currently in the Canola fields of Jeju and its time to spin the wheel, mythicality. - Canola, it comes from a field who knew. Click the top link to watch us settle the great spoon or fork debate and goodness. And if I know what a Wilma County is gonna land, get the loss causes a bleed Creek paperback edition by visiting bleakcreek.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,560,224
Rating: 4.9464755 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: fltQ8GCFUxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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