Instant Pot vs. Crockpot Taste Test

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- Can a crock pot do what an instant pot can't? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - A crock pot is not just an old-fashioned insult for ornery neighbors to hurl at each other over fences, it's also a tried and true slow cooker that can handle a variety of your cooking needs over the course of just a few hours. - But, enter the instant pot, the pressure cooker slash slow cooker hybrid of the future that can do everything a crock pot does, but just in a fraction of the time. - But is the taste just a fraction too? Can mere mortal men tell the difference between, what, you laughing at how I say "mortal"? - Mortal men. - Can mere mortal men. Can mere mortal, I can't say it now. Can mere mortal men tell the difference between a meal made by a crock pot and an instant pot? We're gonna find out, it's time for Worth the Wait, Crock Pot Versus Instant Pot Edition. - Okay, we're gonna get two dishes made using the same recipe, but one was cooked in a crock pot and the other was made much faster in an instant pot. We're gonna taste both dishes, then decide which one we like better, and then guess which one was made in the crock pot. - Yeah, and then we're gonna decide if preparing that particular meal in a crock pot was worth the wait. Now, the person who guesses the least amount of dishes correctly will get an instant spot, instant pot, I can't say those words together either. Instant spot drawn on them in Good Mythical More. - You can do it, you're doing great, Link. - [Both] Round one. - [Stevie] In front of you, you have two bowls of Coca Cola barbecue chicken. - [Link] Ooh, Coca Cola chicken? - [Stevie] To make this in the crock pot, it takes two hours on the high setting, and in the instant pot, it only takes 15 minutes on high. But can you tell which dish is which? - Two hours versus 15 minutes, huh? - [Stevie] Correct. - How am I eating chicken with a spoon? - Yeah, is it a soup? - [Stevie] Kind of. - Ooh, that's, mm, oh, that's good. - I can't tell if it's been under pressure or not, but I am, hahaha. - That's a nice taste, and then. I go over here. - How far do I have to go? How far do I have to go? Wow, I had to go so far. - All the way over here, man. - [Rhett] It's so far away! - Well, there's nothing in my spoon. Mm. - Mm, mm. I like it when I don't know how much is in the spoon until I bite it. - Boy, they're both good. - There's a texture difference! - One of 'em is much less spicy than the other one. - That's for sure. - One of 'em the meat is a little bit softer than the other one. - But is it time that makes the meat soft, or pressure? - Or is it love and tenderness? - Time or pressure, I know which one I prefer. - I know which one I prefer, so I know which one I'm voting for. We ready? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Yes, you're gonna put your hand over the crock pot one, in three, two, one. - Wabing! I don't feel your hand anywhere, man. - [Stevie] We're split. - Can I de-blindfold? - This chicken is softer-- - And less spicy. - But this is better. - I think the longer something cooks, the more spice cooks out of it, right, Nicole? - [Nicole] It actually blooms more once it cooks longer. - I was backwards. - [Stevie] Well, the crock pot one is on Link's side. - But it didn't bloom, then, Nicole. - I just like the instant pot better, I think. - And look at that color difference, the exact same recipe? When you cook it down, oh man. - I honestly like it, because the chicken still has some integrity. I like my chicken to have some integrity. - See, I think we're, we have to decide if it's worth the wait, and we're disagreed. I think this is the best one. - But do you think it's that much better than this? - I like the mushier chicken. It's a melt in your mouth thing, that's what crock pots are for, brother. - Okay, so Link says it's worth the wait. - [Both] Round two. - I smell something good, what is it, Stevie? - [Stevie] You have before you a classic pot roast. To make this in a crock pot, it takes six hours on high, and to make it in an instant pot, it only takes one hour on high. - [Link] Did you say six hours? - [Stevie] I said six hours. - Six hours versus one hour. - It's a lot in this, I can't, it feels like I got a heaviness. I'm trying to-- - Is that a piece of meat? - But did I get a big? Oh my goodness. What is that, what is that, is that a potato? - I don't think mine was a potato. - All I ate was the skin, I just skinned a potato, blindfolded. - That was good, that just tasted like pot roast to me. - I have not gotten any roast. - Here you go, there's a giant piece of meat in the middle. - Okay. What, I can feed myself! - Sorry, I'm just trying to help. I'm just trying to help. What did I do? - You dribbled gravy all over my thigh! - Okay, I'm going to your side now, okay? Coming in hot. - Man, what, what, what, you're still trying to feed me? - [Stevie] Reminder, you have separate forks for each dish. - Get a fresh fork for yourself. Fork yourself, man, don't fork me. I'm trying to, I don't know why I'm trying to use my left hand for this. - I think I got something. - Okay, oh, you're still dripping on my thigh? It's real hot. - That's totally different. - They both taste great, but one of them the meat is just falling apart. The other one, the meat is more together. - I think this is pretty clear, there's a clear winner here, and I think we both know what side we're on. I mean, right? - [Stevie] But which do you like better? - You do think weird things sometimes, so I'm gonna leave it up to you. - I wanted to get a tater. I got skin again, yeah. Okay, we're voting for the longie, right, the six hours? - [Stevie] Yes, but you didn't say which you personally liked. - I like this one better. - I like this one better. - [Stevie] Okay, crock pot in three, two, one. - It's gotta be, there's no chance that's not right. - [Stevie] Yeah, you're both right. - Okay, I mean that was night and day. I've still got the pressure cooked chicken, or whatever this is, beef, like that is definitely, the fat didn't even render. - You're talking about this. - I'm talking about that, but I got it over here. Oh, hey, I'm sorry about your shirt. - Oh my gosh. - I was trying to serve you. - I was wearing my preppy best today, man! - You seemed like you were in distress, and so I just grabbed meat and put it towards your mouth. - But here's the thing, it's six hours versus? - [Stevie] One hour. - Five hour difference, is it worth that much of an additional wait? - It is, I can't even eat this. Definitely worth the wait, I think. - We agree. - Worth the wait! - [Both] Round three. - Quick reminder, we dropped another two man vlog over on the Rhett and Link channel on Saturday, we do that every Saturday over there, go over there, watch it and subscribe while you're there. - Thank you for doing that, Stevie, what's here? - [Stevie] You have frito chili in front of you. Crock pot frito chill takes five hours on high, instant pot takes 30 minutes on high. - Oh wow, that's a big difference. - That's such a huge difference. - That's a factor of 10. - That really begs the question, is it worth the wait? Am I right? - Oh, that's good. - Now Nicole, what is the chili recipe here, it's got some smokiness. - [Nicole] There's some smoked paprika in there. I put three different kinds of chili powder in there. - Three different kinds, huh, what kinds? - It's smoky. - [Nicole] There's guajillo chili, there's ancho chili, and just smoked paprika. - This is tough, huh? - [Stevie] That was the biggest bite of chili I've ever seen anyone take. - What I just did? Hey listen, this is for science. I'm gonna go all the way. - That's a good chili. - They're both really good. They're both really good. I think I have an idea which one's from the crock. - The flavors are really good in both, like you said, but one of 'em the flavors kinda meld together into a singular experience, whereas I feel like I'm not tasting the time in the other one. - Tasting the time. - [Stevie] Okay, hand over the crock pot in three, two, one. - Oh, okay, so we agree. Yeah, this one was, it was more cohesive, right? - My opinion on that one is that it was actually blander, if I go to the chicken from the first round, the bland one was the crock pot one. I prefer, again, preferred this one, but based on my instincts from the first round, this was the crock pot. - [Stevie] You are both incorrect. The crock pot version is on Rhett's side. - Okay, well this side's better. - Well hold on, lemme make an argument that it's not worth the wait, because you're talking four and a half hours? It's so close. It is not worth the wait. - It's too subtle of a difference. - [Both] Round four! - All right, what soupy thing do we have before us? - [Stevie] This is chicken tortilla soup. It takes five hours to cook in the crock pot on low, and it takes seven minutes to cook on low in the instant pot. - Well that's quite drastic, producer. - Producer Stevie. - Okay, lemme taste the other one, because... - I didn't like that. - Also didn't like this. Sorry, Nicole, I just don't like what you've done here. - [Nicole] That's okay. - Do you like it? - [Nicole] I like chicken tortilla soup, yeah. - I think what we're responding to is that the previous rounds have been so flavorful and gravy-like, this is thinner, and it's a lot more subtle, so, don't take it personally. - [Nicole] No, of course not. - Now I don't know what's happening over here, I'm just putting my spoon in and going for it. - Yeah, there was one that was even worse than the other one, so that's the one that I think was quicker, I mean seven minutes. I mean, I'm trying to think of the things that I could do in seven minutes, and I can only come up with three things. And two of them are the same. - Okay, I think I know which one's from the crock pot. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Oh, did we cross? - [Stevie] Split again. - This one didn't taste as good. - [Stevie] The crock pot soup is on Link's side. - But my hand's on Rhett's side. - Which means you're wrong. I didn't like either one of 'em, so it's not worth waiting for something you don't like. - Four hours and 53 minutes is not worth the wait, for something, agreed, that you just don't like. - [Both] Round five! - Good golly. - This smells different. - [Stevie] So you know how usually on the last round, it's not that great for you guys? This is a reverse situation, because there are cinnamon rolls in front of you, which I didn't even know was a thing in either of these pots, and they look so good. So to make 'em in the crock pot, it takes two hours and 15 minutes on high, in the instant pot it takes 45 minutes on high. - I'm just picking one up, right? - [Stevie] Well, you currently are, but your fork also has a bite on it. - Oh, I just wanted to pick one up, that's how daddy eats a roll. - I know, daddy can't help but, oh my gosh. - Oh man, that looks so good. Not anymore. - You just put it in the pot and just let it go? You can't put a roll in a pot. - That's good. - Where, where, where, where? - Where, where you at? - [Stevie] Be careful, Link is about to stab you. - Oh, there we go. Oh, okay. - Good lord. - There's a distinct difference. - One of these is like Heaven, and the other one is like Seventh Heaven, y'all seen that show? This right here is Seventh Heaven, now how long does it take to cook it in an oven, Nicole? - [Nicole] About an hour. - Okay, so an hour in an oven, and then what's the times for this? - [Stevie] Two hours and 15 for the crock pot, and 45 minutes for the instant pot. - Well I'm ready to vote, 'cause I'm also ready to keep eating while staring at it. - I know which one's better, I don't know if that means it's from the crock pot, but we'll see. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I got dibs on voting for this. - [Stevie] Are both correct. - Yeah, this was, it was moister. - It was crispy! - Oh my gosh. - [Rhett] It looks like a different species! - [Stevie] Does it taste better than if it was in the oven, you think? - No. - Well, it's kind of a different thing, it's more like monkey bread. And I'd love it, I think it's fabulous. It's really easy to overcook a cinnamon roll in an oven, if you're me, so doing it this way, I think, makes it where it stays in that gooey, heavenly realm of the seventh level. - I would say if you're choosing between these two, it's worth the wait, but if you have an oven, put it in the oven. - And don't leave it in there. - But I think we both agree-- - I love this, man. - That the, especially that big pot roast, a big ol' hunk of meat like that, that's definitely worth the wait, the instant pot just can't break it down in the way that it needs to. - And we ended on a happy note, 'cause we tied, we're eating cinnamon rolls. - Oh, that means we both lose and we both get spots, instant spots, on Good Mythical More. - All right, we're gonna do it with this marker. - Oh, that'll be fun. - Thanks for clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey guys, Gus here, I'm kinda lost, I'm on the set of Good Mythical Morning, but until I find my way, it's time to spin the wheel of Mythical, it's over there, Mythicality! - Click the top link to watch us compare instant versus pour over coffee in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - I'm team Guerrero, he's team Mission. Sounds like an AU basketball team, Team Mission. But, I'm ready to go man, you wanna see what I got? - [Link] If you look, way back there is the hole.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,533,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Instant Pot vs. Crockpot Taste Test, worth the wait
Id: KOja_Mmxnb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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