What's The Best Nut Butter? Taste Test

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drinking game: take a shot every time rhett or link says nut

warning: you may die of alcohol poisoning

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Sissinou šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

I ended up buying those blue diamond Sriracha almonds they rec'd in the more and they are 100% right, these things slap.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/nicthetrex šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 13 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m not a blindfolded nut butter kind of boy.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Deadpoolisms šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 13 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
- Which nut butter is the better butter? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat instrumental music) Good Mythical Morning. - Now you know we love peanut butter and we know that you know because we read your fan fiction. - Yeah and you also know that we have an unfair peanut butter biased. You pointed that out many times, especially during our ice cream tournament. It's true. But today, we're not gonna reopen #peanutbuttergate. Instead, we're gonna open our minds. - And our mouths. Yeah, 'cause today we're trying other butters made from other nut mothers to find the best. It's time for I Can't Believe It's Nut Butter, Nut Butter Edition. - We're gonna be tasting six different nut butters that are not peanut butter. They are pine nut butter. - Pistachio. - Brazil nut. - Pili nut. - Pecan. - And walnut. Or pecan if you're not us. - Yeah, whatever. - But we are us, pecan. We're gonna be scoring each one to determine the best and we're also gonna be trying to guess which is which. The loser in the end will get a nut stache. (laughs) Whatever that is. (upbeat instrumental music) As you can see, we can't. - Okay, every single nut butter is going to be brought to us by the patent pending Nut Butler. - Okay. - Which, I believe, is just a person with a glove on. - No, it's just the glove and the spoon itself. - Yeah, not the person. We can't patent a person. - I love some butters, let's get it in. Oh yeah. That's got some oil to it. - This is gonna get really nasty on my side. - It's very almond-- - A little bitter. - It's very almond butter like. You're right, but there's a bitter aftertaste. - What's a pili nut? Is that a trick? - Yeah, y'all gotta tell us what is pili? - [Stevie] It's a nut. - It's a nut. - It's a nut. - This one kind of has a sunflower aftertaste. Like a sunflower seed. - Man, okay, it's got a bitterness, which I know at least one of the nuts in the, that we're talking about, has a taste like this, but I don't know if it goes far enough to get to the nut that I'm thinking of. Is there a bridge to the nut that I'm thinking of that is this nut? - Yeah this is a weird, weird tasting nut. First of all, let's just say how much we like it on a scale of one to 10. - Oh. It's like a five to me. It's like right down in the middle. It's not as sweet as I want it to be. - Yeah, once you factor in that aftertaste, it's got a little bitterness to it. I'm actually giving this a three. I don't see myself purchasing this off a shelf any time soon. - [Stevie] Ready to guess? - Oh yeah. - Okay. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Brazil nut. - Pecan. I think it's a pecan, which I say pecan. (upbeat instrumental music) Time for another one. - Nut us up, butlers. - Something's on my hand. Okay, there's plenty there. - Okay, all right. - Oh. - Does a Nut Butler hand out paper towels? Oh, he does. - That is an interesting taste. - Okay. - That-- - Now that is a specific nut. - Yeah. - Ha ha, I guess they all are technically. - I think we're thinking the same thing, if you're thinking what I'm thinking, then we are thinking-- - But sometimes I'm thinking the thing that I'm thinking and I'm thinking exactly the wrong thing that I'm thinking. That's the weird thing about having a blindfold on. Is you think things that you wouldn't otherwise think. - Yeah, 'cause you can't see. - You can't see. - You can only taste and feel with your mouth. Are you liking this one? - No, because I don't like this nut. Three. - Oh dang. I like this pretty good. This one's bringing back memories for me. - What kind of memories? - Fond memories. - You got memories of nuts? Uh huh. I'm giving this, I mean it's not great. I mean, shoot man, it's at least a five. - Okay, well that's not that great. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Walnut. - This is pecan, man. - You're right. - This is definitely pecan. (laughs) Why didn't you guess pecan? - I don't know, man. Are you sure? - There was, behind my nanny's house, there's a pecan tree and every year at that time, and if I'm not mistaken, some every other year it would be like a full drop of pecans. I think that's what we learned on this show. - There's a bitterness to a pecan that made me think it was a, I don't know man. - I'm answering that for every single one apparently. - Okay, all right. (upbeat instrumental music) - Butter me, butler. - Whoa. Man. - This one's-- This one's a different kind of creamy. - That's got some bite to it. It grabs your mouth like a glue. - Oh yeah, I can't get my mouth apart. And it tastes horrible. - No, it doesn't taste horrible. - Yeah, it tastes horrible. - No, no, no. I'm very fond of this. - Ew, really? - We got different nut tastes, man. - There's something rotten in it. No, no, seven. - What? - That's good, I like it. Two. - Oh Link, your situation is-- - What's happening? - [Stevie] There's nut butter everywhere. - [Rhett] You need to get a paper towel-- - Tell me what to do Stevie. - [Stevie] Okay, yeah, you got it, you got it. Just, okay. - Just swallow. - Just swallow. - It's really hard to swallow. - If I'm wrong about this, my nut tasting ability is, my nut compass is just way off. - Oh, you think you know what this is? - Yeah. - Okay. - But my nut compass was off last time, so-- - I don't know what a pili is, that's the big wild card, right? - Yeah, yeah. Well it's a big nut. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Pistachio. - Oh crap, you're right. It's pistachio. - But you said pili. - I forgot. I said pili. - You said pili. That's pistachio, that's got to be. - I can taste that green-- - I love it, it's green. - Once I know what it is, I like it, but man, when you, there's-- - It caught you off guard, I know. - There's something nasty in a pistachio. - It's a sneaky nut. - Pisnastnio. (upbeat instrumental music) - Every quarter we release what we call a collectible item as part of the 3rd Degree Mythical Society Membership and this quarter that is the I'm on Vacation LP. It's got an exclusive brand new song. - It's over there. - There. - Is that, over there. - That was my face. And also, a remix of the I'm on Vacation song and the I'm on Vacation song itself. - And Why I Travel, brand new song, only performed live, never released anywhere. Get it, mythicalsociety.com. Bring it in. Okay. This one got a little crunchiness. - What? That's got some vanilla in it. - No, no, no. - Or else that's what the nut tastes like. - That's a weird nut. - That's a nut that I'm not familiar with, I believe. - Very oily. - That's a nut I never met. - See I didn't know they made pine nuts in the nut butter. I like a good pine nut on a salad. - Yeah, yeah. - You know? - Sometimes I'll just get into a bowl of pine nuts and just go at it, just me and the nuts. - Oh yeah, just pour them into your hand. They're like little critters. - You know how easily you can burn a pine nut? If you turn around, take a phone call, answer the door, meet the mailman, meet the milk man, you can burn a pine nut. - I've never met a milk man. - You never met a milk man? - Never met a milk man I didn't like. Ha ha, you didn't let me finish. (laughs) Ha ha ha, I got ya. - You ever met a nut man you couldn't milk? (laughs) - I'm not answering that. You know what, I am answering that. Yes, all of them. I couldn't milk any nut man that I've met. - I don't like this, four, four. - I like this okay. I like it a lot. - Our nut-- - Six. - Our nut compass is, totally different directions man. - I'm leaving room for something I actually like and that's why six is the best I can give to something that I don't really like but wanna like. - Okay. - Three-- - I don't know what it is. - Two, one. - Pili. - Pine nuts. - It might be pine nut, but I'm not familiar with it, so I'm saying pili. (upbeat instrumental music) All right, hit us. - Here it is. Oh that's smooth. And odd. That doesn't taste good to me, which means you'll probably like it. - That did not sit well at first, (coughs) but as it settles in, I begin to understand it. I begin to connect with it. - It does get better the more you eat. - It's working it's way from a three to a four to a five to a six to settles at six. - It's very buttery. - Yeah, yeah, so buttery. - It's like there's more fat in this. I haven't guessed walnut. I thought that walnut would be obvious. I should've guessed pistachio. I'm pretty sure you got that one right. That was the most obvious one in retrospect. Dang. - Man, nut thoughts with Link. - I know what this is. - I feel confident in this answer. - I know without a shadow of a doubt. - All right, well let's guess. - [Stevie] Did you give it a score, Link? - He did not, I was hoping. - Now that I know what it is, I'm going higher. I'm gonna give it a seven. - [Stevie] Oh my, okay. Three, two, one. - [Both] Pine nut. - Definitely a pine nut. - Definitely a pine nut. - Yeah. - Yeah, from the pine state, North Carolina. - You dip out your salad with pine nuts in it and then at the end, you still got a lot of pine nuts that Plinkoed to the bottom and you just get to eat a handful. - You know how easy it is to burn a pine nut? - I know it's pretty easy, that's what I hear. - Right. - You ever milked a nut man? (laughs) (upbeats instrumental music) - Okay, last nut butter. - I feel like I'm not doing well. (groans) (laughing) - My Nut Butler go so aggressive with me. - All of these are oily. - This is awful. - Again, man, I like this one, maybe the most. - This tastes, I can't even swallow it. - That's so weird 'cause I like the taste. What do you not like about it? - The texture, the taste, the feel, the emotions that it's causing me to have. - The texture is just normal nut butter, there's nothing weird about the texture. - No, it felt like a ball of rubber from the beginning. It's awful. - Yeah, but your problem is you don't eat nut butter blindfolded and you're being thrown off. It's not bad at all. - I'm not a nut butter blindfolded eating boy. - Oh, the aftertaste on this one gets odd. - Man, it's not good. It tastes like something, like a byproduct of nut butter. - Man, I haven't ranked anything above what I believe to pine nuts. - This is a one. - I really-- - This is as bad as nut butter can be. - I thought I would have some nines, some tens and some eights. And I also thought I'd be better at this. I'm just disappointed all around. All right, I'm gonna give it a-- - Good gracious. - The longer I taste it, the worse it gets. But still, seven. - It's so unfamiliar too. - I don't know what it is. - I don't know. My instinct is telling me to, I don't know. - Just guess. - I'll try. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Brazil nut. - Walnut. Oh, you could be right. - You think this is the walnut? - You could be right, you could be right. Can we deblindfold? - You may deblindfold. - Yeah, I mean-- - It's awful. - None of those had me excited. - The best next, the nest bex-- (laughing) - How did we do Stevie? - Peanut butter's the best-- - [Stevie] How do you think that you did? - Horrible. - I think I got three right. - Pistachio and pine nut-- - I got two or three right. - He beat me. - [Stevie] Link, you got two correct. - What's the second one I got-- - Rhett-- - Correct besides pine nut? - Don't tell him yet. - Okay. - [Stevie] You got four correct. - Hey, nut butter boy. - [Stevie] And your favorite nut butter was the pine nut butter followed by the pili butter. - Pili butter, wild pine odors. You got an elephant making pine nut butter on there. - Hold on, do they really use elephants for it because-- - All right, we're gonna investigate more. No, they don't. - Good. - We're gonna investigate more of this in Good Mythical More, but for now I do want to remind you, if you want to help write an episode of Good Mythical Morning with the Mythical Beast Takeover, today is the last day for you to apply. Link in the description. - Now hold on-- - Got all the details. - Before you get outta here Link, you lost. So I gotta make a nut stache on you. And I am committed to it. And I broke my glove, don't worry, don't pay attention to that. You might want to put your face out over the desk in case, this is a very, this is a super super duper slick. (laughing) - Hey, do I look like Magnum P.I.? - No, it's like-- - Put his face into a-- - It's just completely blending in with your skin. It looks like you need a snot rag. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey guys, I'm Rachel from Thousand Oaks, California and I'm about to pay off my entire student loan payment balance. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Ha, congratulations Rachel. - Hey, all right. - I'm glad that you shared that moment with us. - Well, she could have been acting. I believe you. Click the top link to watch us taste spicy nuts in Good Mythical Morning. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Join the Mythical Society 3rd Degree quarterly or annual plan at mythicalsociety.com to get the Rhett and Link On Vacation vinyl release.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,469,600
Rating: 4.9565997 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Spicy Nut Taste Test, Blind Nut Butter Taste Test, pistachio, walnut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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