Weird Mac And Cheese Combos Taste Test

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The wings looked really good

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/GravityTortoise 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

At the risk of sounding entitled or ungrateful, I'm looking forward to more Quarantine episodes. I understand those probably take longer to edit, but I think the one we saw last monday was more exciting and fresher than the studio episodes.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

That mac & cheese sushi actually looked really good!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

It will be interesting to see how much is shot ahead

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mmcmah3 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jeez, they must really shoot well in advance.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/studmuffffffin 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

What jacket was link wearing?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
- In a world with only mac and cheese. - How far can one show go? - Let's talk about that. (Good Mythical Morning Intro Song plays) Good Mythical Morning. - The human body, a sack of flesh and viscera that as Dr. Ian Malcolm might say, finds a way. - Yeah, the human body can be a magnificent and limitless thing, like when someone is able to swim across the entire English Channel, or successfully climb Mt. Everest without losing a foot. - But how far can the stomach of the average Joe, or Josephine, be pushed, when it comes to everyone's favorite comfort food, mac and cheese. We gon' find out, it's time for tasting the limits of macaroni and cheese. - And when we say tasting the limits, we really do mean it. We're serious about finding out exactly how far is too far when it comes to twisting and perverting a classic beloved dish. But! Here's the thing. We're used to eating really weird dishes right here and we may actually be developing a dependency on it. So this exercise we're switching things up. - We wanna know what pushes the limits of the average palette. So that means we need some surrogate taste buds that haven't been worn down by constant grind of chasing internet fame. So. Meet our surrogate taste buds Mythical crew members Lane, Chris, Emily and David. - [Link] Hello you all. Look at they're friendly waves. - [Rhett] Oh you're so excited--Now. (everyone laughs) - Mythical chef Josh will present our panel with a series if mac and cheese creations that push the limit a little further each round. - If and when a panel member decides that the food in front of them pushed the limits too far meaning they believe it should never be served in any home or restaurant they can tap out of the game by hitting their buzzer. - Mmhmm mmhmm. Our job is to guess which crew member we think will tap out in each round and the winner overall will receive sexy set of six mac abs. - Oo all right let's get cheesy. - Okay Josh what do we have here. - All right so the first dish we have Mac and cheese buffalo wings. So we have a cheddar macaroni, - oh oh oh what! battered chicken wing with the cheddar buffalo sauce. - Ooh! - [Josh] Please enjoy. (chicken crunching) - Oh man. This is incredible, I didn't even know what to expect. - It does look amazing but you need curve you're enthusiasm. Because you're gonna give too many cues to the panel. And that what really matters here. - [Rhett] It's okay. It's all right. - I haven't tasted it. We need to make our predictions about which one of them if any of them are gonna X out in this round. Some people don't like wings. - Cause it has bones in it. I think the bones might get somebody. - I haven't seen Lane eat much but she's seen us eat quite a bit. Because she edits this show. You've got the advantage Lane! - I've made my guesses or guess- - I think I decided who is going to tap out. - Dig in y'all. No one has abstained. So you're wrong on that. - That's really good. Chris is saying it's really good. - Thank you Josh for this experience. - [Josh] Thank you Emily for the opportunity. (everyone laughing) - David Hill is being very ginger with his wing over there. Okay. Don't look like anyone's gonna X out. - Okay Lane what do you think? - I like it less than a buffalo wing. (everyone laughing) I'm sorry Josh but it's not bad. - [Link] What about you Chris, what's your? - I think this is really great. I like how crispy it is. I knew when I saw this sauce on top I hoped it was a little spicy and it is. It's not too spicy. It's just sort of perfect and it's really moist on the inside. I like regular chicken wings, hot chicken wings as well. - I'll go ahead and say I've blown it because, I'm sorry Chris, I just thought you were like I like wings that don't have bones in them kind of a guy. - I don't mind bones. - Okay there you go. - Chris likes bones. I was wrong. - This is awesome. This is so good. This is so good. I also kind of think that there should be casserole made out of this. - (laughing) Yeah I agree. - Still with the bones? - I am full agreement. - My birthday's in April Josh. - [Rhett] Yeah just so you can get at it easier. - April babies! - Make me a birthday casserole. - [Link] David you look happy. - At first I was like, is it going to get really spicy? But then with the toppings and all t's in here when you really get into the meat it turned out really good. Good job guys. - But you're a little afraid of spicy things. It just seems like. - A bit, a bit. I'm not going to dip all the way. - Okay well I was wrong right off the bat 'cause I thought Lane I just want to, sorry Lane. But none of you tapped out so that means we both get a negative one point. Way to start Rhett and Link. Okay what do we have now. - Okay so you're second dish (metal banging) we have mac and cheese jello. This is made with instant mac and cheese set and filled with gelatin and little bit of liquid cheese on top. Enjoy. - Now, hold on. We both started digging in last time. - I wasn't suppose to eat it. - This time we're not as motivated - Yeah yeah yeah - And this is the right way to do it. - We're suppose to eat along with them. - We gotta make our guesses. Now somebody's going to drop out. Some people don't like the texture of jello in general. Especially when you mix it with something savory. We might have to double drop out of this point. I don't know. - I mean I'm looking at Emily's face. There's something written all over it and I think it looks like disgust. - I don't have my marker anymore. There it is I found it. - I know Emily's daring though. She's not going chump out and not taste it. - I feel pretty good about one of my guesses. All right I'm just going with one of them. - [Link] I've made my guess. - Okay let's all enjoy. - [Link] How do we even? - It's just like cold mac and cheese man. - It's a lot shakier though. - Hah! - It's very cheesy. It doesn't taste bad. It's all about that (gagging) oh well I'll let them. - It's a liquid cheese on top, really? - All right Lane, you seem to be going into you're own zone. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? - It's a bad thing. - Okay. - It tastes kind of like wax. I don't know why? I-- (buzzer beeps) - [Link] Oh! She's tapping out! - (laughing) I thought you were just gonna smush the mac and cheese in front of you. - Okay so she's out. Very jiggly wax Chris. - It's different. It's a little bizarre but it's still... I could definitely see this even almost like some kind of dessert. Just because it's cold and it still has that cheesy flavor and when you get that yellow involved it gives this like a little extra richness to it. - Get the yellow involved. - Doesn't sound like you're X'ing out. - I'm not X'ing out. - Oh wow okay. Emily - The yellow tastes like you put the macoroni and cheese packet sauce straight up on there and I really appreciate that. - [Josh] Yes, that is correct. I take risks as a chef. - As a trash person I like it a lot. (everyone laughing) - So even though you made that face? You liked it? - I like it because it feels like if this, I don't know, a nursing home food a little bit. And I'm gonna be there eventually. (everyone laughing) might as well get used to it. It's fine. - David Hill. - Yeah this is. I like how it's playful. (everyone laughing) - He likes how it's playful. - To go off what Chris said this is like between dinner and dessert. A dinsert. Like dinsert. - Which is a positive thing for you. - [David] Yes. - So only Lane X'ed out. Well I was wrong. Chris I'm sorry. I thought that this was gonna, I thought that this was gonna get the best of you. - And Chris I'm also sorry. I just thought you'd. I didn't think you'd like bones and I didn't think you'd like jiggly stuff today. - (laughing) Sorry, okay, negative two. - I took mac and cheese all the way to Japan because we have mac and cheese sushi. So this is mac and cheese seasoned with a little mirin and rice vinegar rolled up in seaweed with spicy tuna mixed with white cheddar. A little bit of avocado. And then a spicy cheese mayo dipping sauce. - You don't follow the rules Josh! - [Josh] No I'm a loose cannon! You want my good or my bad, you can't have it! - Look at that cross section. That is just. I mean it's a pleasing little angle there. - It doesn't immediately strike me as nasty. I'll tell you that much. - That seaweed going around around it is not something that I dig on. All right we're down to three. - David Hill looks a little nervous. - [Link] Yeah. (everyone laughing) The eyebrows are high. - [Rhett] He does not look happy. That looks nasty we'll see. - All right I've made my selection. Mac and cheese can be strutched, 'cause there's some promise in this. - Let's enjoy this together. - [Link] Dig in y'all! - [Rhett] You know I want to do it right. I'm gonna do it with the chopsticks. Gonna dip it in the cheese-- oh gosh. - Oh dear, I got it. (everyone laughing) (buzzer sounds) - [Rhett] Chris! Chris is already out! - Did you eat it? - Yeah I mean, yeah I, yes I ate it. I swallowed it. - (laughing) - Okay - I'm not a huge sushi eater. Like, I can eat a California's roll but I'm not-- - This ain't a California roll. - But you're really reacting to the sushi part not the mac and cheese. But the mac and cheese didn't help I mean - No. - It wasn't a gateway fish to sushi for you. - Definitely not. It's the texture. It's strange. - [Rhett] But Emily went in for another bite. - It's really good. - I like it too! Okay I like it too. - I don't like seaweed - [Emily] It's spicy - But I really, or whatever, that seaweed paper thingy. I hate that but there's so little of it. I loved everything else. Okay David? - This is the right amount of spicy. Especially when you dip the whole thing in like I did. So yeah I enjoy it. - Where do we go on this. - I thought that David was actually gonna drop on this - Cause he was making that face. - Cause he was making a nervous face. So I missed this one again. - But then he changed his mind I guess. I continued to go with Chris, finally! (bell rings) I stumbled upon something. Chris doesn't like sushi. Woo! I'm digging out of the hole. See ya! - I'm digging a deeper one - All right, Josh, what have you come up with in you're twisted mind. - I don't think it's very twisted but here we have mac and cheese haggis. - [Rhett] Oh gosh. - [Josh] So to continue our international tour we're going all the way to Scotland. Rhett loves it. So we have heart, kidney spleen and liver mixed with my mac and cheese instead of oats and boiled inside the sheep stomach. So what you guys gonna do. - Sheep's stomach? - Yeah yeah. So you guys are gonna take the steak knife. And give it a nice slice through the top and then it'll kind of reveal the lovely insides. - Oh you want us to do that now? - Yeah yeah. - Okay one slice through. - [Josh] Yeah one clean cut. - [Link] Ugh, it's not cutting. - [Josh] You gotta saw. - [Link] Oh look at that! - (gags) (coughs) - Oh okay. Wow. Is someone gonna go here? Oh look they're ready. They got their forks perched. - [Link] I saw Emily's face before she like contorted it into a fake excitement - Josh, why'd you have to put a little balloon nut. (everyone laughs) - [Josh] So that it doesn't rip apart. - Something really weird's gonna happen for me to get these two points. - David didn't drop out last time. Can he do the same again today? - [Rhett] Okay I'm gonna hail Mary here. Let's uh, let's partake why don't we. - Oh gosh I'm a little afraid. - I did have some of this while in Scotland and I gotta say it was not nearly as bad as that time we had it on a cookie or whatever. - (gags) - [Rhett] Is it supposed to smell like that? (buzzer beeps) (laughs) - [Link] Did you taste it? - No. - [Link] You didn't even, did you smell it? - Yeah I've been smelling it awhile now. (room laughs) - We gotta taste it 'cause you know. (gags) go David! - [Rhett] It's not horrible. - Maybe a little. - It's better to eat it than to smell it Emily. - I can't unclick the button. (room laughs) the button done been clicked! - The button done been clicked. I can not click it. - All right Emily what was your rational there. - (laughs) the fact it looks like deceased rubber duckie. (room laughs) that's just been left out in the rain. Maybe that is it and the smell. The smell is like I can't. It's like dog food. That's exactly what it smells like to me. - But David Hill, he hasn't X'ed out. So what's happening over there. - This is not my first pick. But its okay, sorry Josh, it's okay. - What! It's okay, it's okay to keep eating? - It's kinda like eh, but I can get through this. - [Link] Josh, tell us what the meat is again. ( room laughs) - [Rhett] He's trying so hard. Look at him. - Do you love it. Have you reached you're limit? - My limit can continue. This is a solid. - I thought David was out. Emily I thought you were gonna make it. - I'm so sorry. - You know what. I actually thought that what happened was going to happen but my only way to do it was to guess the opposite so knew you were gonna guess it so I guessed the same thing that you guessed. - Dang it! - Which means Link you actually win. And it means that, hey, we weren't able to find the limit of mac and cheese today. - Yeah so David Hill moves into the limitless region of mac and cheese and according to Lindsey Lohan that's because limits aren't a thing. - [Stevie] The limit does not exist! - The limit does not exist! All right congratulations Link you win a set of six mac abs that we're going to get to put on you on Good Mythical Morning. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Nayhah I'm eating mac and cheese with hot sauce out of the pot while watching GMM and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Click the top link to watch us play melted cheese Pictionary in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's going to land David Hill is a beast man. - He was pushing so hard. He was not enjoying himself. - The meat started to get stuck in my throat. - Get that camera out of my face!
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,561,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Is Macaroni And Cheese Good In Everything? Taste Test, mac and cheese sushi, macaroni and cheese sushi
Id: 6Xvh38GQYQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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